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Christmas 2005

Christmas 2005

Dearest Friends and Family,

As another year races past us, we stop to marvel and give thanks for the many ways in which the Lord has faithfully blessed our family this year. Our little family of three will soon be a bustling family of five as we are expecting twins next year! Our estimated due date is June 9, 2006, and we are both excited and nervous for the joyful responsibility of caring for twins. Although twins run in May’s family, we were still shocked to see two beautiful heartbeats at our first sonogram, as well as to learn that they are identical twins. We will certainly have our hands full next year, and we would love your prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy, that we would be able to carry full-term and that these babies would be healthy and strong. We know that we are in for some crazy but blessed challenges ahead.

Karston is now two years old and we are thankful that the “terrible twos” have not been so terrible after all. He definitely has his own will and asserts it whenever he can, but any tantrums are relatively mild and short-lived. His easy-going personality continues to shine, and we love his affectionate, fun-loving nature. A lot of his development and growth lately involves speech, and he loves having his weekly speech therapy. We continue to work on articulation with him, and in the last few months there has been a noticeable change in the way he pronounces sounds and puts together sentences. His speech therapist says that he works harder than any of her other kids. He is certainly talkative – it’s amazing to think that he was our little quiet guy just a year ago.

May has been rather exhausted lately, as this twin pregnancy has taken double her energy, but she is thankful that she continues to have an easy pregnancy. This year she has been especially grateful for the support of her friends and family, whether through email, phone calls, or playdates. She enthusiastically enjoys motherhood, and as she gears up for one of her most challenging seasons of life next spring, she is blessed to have the emotional support and prayers of such dear friends and family.

Besides enjoying his time with the family, Ivan is spending most of his hours working full-time as a Business Intelligence Developer, taking online seminary classes, and working for Dr. Wallace’s Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts (CSNTM; Balancing these activities has been challenging but rewarding. His job is going well, as his responsibilities are increasing and he’s been promised a promotion and raise. Nearing the final fourth of the ThM degree, Ivan will be returning to campus at some point to complete the classes that are not offered online. He is looking forward to graduating, after which he hopes to pursue a PhD and work full-time for Dr. Wallace, discovering and photographing important New Testament manuscripts. The possibility of working full-time for CSNTM still depends on CSNTM’s financial situation, but in the meantime Ivan is serving as its corporate secretary, doing administrative work and special research projects. He and Dr. Wallace are developing a fund-raising strategy, planning to co-author an article in the spring, and putting together next summer’s plans (which may include trips to Patmos, Israel, and/or St. Petersburg).

The pace never seems to slow here in the Yong household, and we are thankful for God’s continued grace and strength through it all. The Lord continues to be faithful and gracious as we seek to glorify Him in our joys, our trials and simply our everyday. May your holiday season be one in which you have an opportunity to just be still and reflect upon the wonders of God’s love and the treasure of salvation through Jesus Christ our Savior.

Love in Christ,
Ivan & May

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