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Train Robbery 05/11/2002

We were parked on a siding waiting for the train going the other way to pass us, when we were boarded by cowboys. They turned out to be Frank and Jesse James, and they were there to rob us!

This cowboy came down the aisle passing out greenbacks.

He claimed to be Frank James.

This cowboy, shaking everyone's hand, introduced himself as Jesse James.

There are more cowboys coming.

Is this the rest of the James Gang?

Jesse sat down next to this young lady from Louisiana and asked her to pose as his wife. They planned to throw the sheriff off Jesse's trail by claiming they were newlyweds on their honeymoon trip.

The Sheriff and his deputy were showing a wanted poster of Jesse and Frank James to everyone. They were asking the passengers if they'd seen these men.

The Sheriff believed Jesse's honeymoon story and went on into the back of the train.

After the Sheriff and his deputy left, Jesse pulled up his mask and told us to "raise our hands".

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