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bulletOct. 29, 2002 - Tuesdays Hercules House of Pain is up! Enjoy!
bulletOct. 25, 2002 - The Friday edition of Hercules House of Pain is posted! Dig it!
bulletOct. 22, 2002- The Tuesday edition of Hercules House of Pain is up! Click on battles for all the exciting details!
bulletOct. 20, 2002 - Another new member, as well as a general site update.  Everyone needs to start rping.
bulletOct 14, 2002 - 4 Members so far, and the page is almost entirely complete.  We are now officially open, and accepting applications.
bulletOct. 9, 2002 - Two more members are up, and nearly all of the content up.  We're only missing the item prices, some background info, and the sample move list, and these will be done by Monday.  Damn we're good!
bulletOct. 7, 2002 - More content is up, and we have our first member.  Check it out. 
bulletOct 6, 2002 - Join page is now a Form!  Booyah!  Many thanks to Cloud.  Many other pages now have some content.
bulletOct 4, 2002 - Page uploaded.   Still putting finishing touches on construction, but are seeking applications.

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