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1. First and foremost have fun. My email is and if you have questions about the site or ideas on how to improve it give me an e mail.

2. Make a distinction between out of character messages (OOC) and in character messages (IC). We're all adults and we're all here to have fun so remember not to take in character messages personally. They are the words of the character not the person playing that character.

3. How well you do in this game will depend on several things: how well and frequently you roleplay, how you choose to spend your event days, and what items you buy. Choose wisely and you'll go far.


1. You have three stats Body, Ki ,and Mind. Each is a reflection of your mastery in each area. If you have a high mind your mental abilities will be far more advanced and you'll be able to do more complicated things with your mental powers.

2. You can increase your stats by fighting or training. Since stats are what determine the moves you can learn it would be smart to spend event days doing one or the other as much as possible.

Power Level

1. Your power level or PL is simply a reflection of your strength. This may sound like the same thing as the body stat but it is quite different. Your PL would determine how much you can lift but your body stat would determine if you could roll a coin across you fingers or do a backflip. Your mind stat would determine how clever you are but your PL would determine how much you could lift with your mental powers or how many minds you could control at the same time.

2. Your PL will increase each week on sunday by a percentage that will be modified by several things (items, rps, fights, and trainng).

3. You will have a public PL and a true PL. I will inform you via e mail of your true PL every sunday. Your public PL will apear on your roster page for all to see. However your public PL only goes up when you choose to show that you can do so. So for instance if you have a true PL of 1000 and you fight and beat a person with a PL of 800 your new public PL will be 800.

Moves/Move Points

1. All moves need to be submitted and approved by me before you begin to rp learning them. When you write me the e mail include the description as you'd like it to appear on your roster page along with your proposed move point cost and the stats involved. Once I've given you the go ahead write up your rp or rps learning the move. I will take the rp, move point cost and the number of stats used to determine how poweful the move is.

3. Move points will be awarded per week on sunday based on roleplays during that week. the more and better you rp the more points you get.

4. Certain moves cannot be learned on your own. These moves are simply the moves you've seen in the show and they must be taught to you by a trainer. If you wish you can make a copy of the move but it will cost you half again as many move points as it would if it came from the the trainer who teaches it.

Event Days

1. Event days are on tuesdays and fridays. You can use event days to train, fight, travel long distances, attempt to collect dragonballs, and various other things. If you have something you'd like to do that would effect your character sheet or that of another give me an e mail and I'll let you know if and how many event days it will take you.

2. You may be hurt in combat. If this happens you may have to forfeit event days in order to recover.


1. If you want to have a fight with another person I must receive conformation from both of you one day before the events are to be posted. I decide the winners based on stats, PL, RPs, items, and battle plans.

2. If you have a way to locate your opponent than I would only need your e mail for the fight. Realize however that you will be sneak attacking your enemy.

3. Formal fights can be set up through Hercule's house of pain. Fights fought in the ring will earn you money and if you win several fights in a row or become a crowd favorite the amount of money will increase.

4. Fights also award you stat points. The winner of a fight will typically receive two stat points and the loser one. In some cases such as an extremely long or painful fight the winner might receive three and/or the loser zero. However saiyans always receive at least one stat point per fight.

5. When you send me an e mail telling me you'd like to fight with someone include a battle plan for the fight. Battle plans allow you to control the action and they make the fights more interesting. Also they WILL effect the outcome of a match.


1. If you've met the requirements for the trainer in question you may spend one event day to receive training. You can continue training under that master until you've learned all of his/her moves.

2. Trainers also offer the option of pure stat training. Trainers can give you stat bonuses instead of moves on an event day if you wish but they may only train your stats to the requirements for their moves and no higher.

3. When you spend an event day to learn a move from a master you do NOT have to spend any move points to learn the move.

4. You may spend an event day to train by yourself.  You may do this anywhere as long as you are not still hurt from a fight.  Training by yourself will grant you three stat points.  Just let me know where to put them when you send me the e mail telling me you are going to train.


1. To go to school you must have the money and a new set of books each month.

2. Each month you wish to go to school you must pick one event day (either tuesday or friday) and use that event day to go to school for the whole month. at the end of the month you will have completed your first semester.

3. You can go to school for 12 semesters in all and each time you complete another semester you will acquire more technical skill. Four months would be about Bulma level while 12 is more Washu from Tenchi.


1. If you wish to take a job you must pick a fight day and go to that job on that fight day for a month (just as you must with school).

2. Jobs pay 250zeni times the number of school semesters you've completed plus 1per event day (250x(school semesters + 1)zeni)

3. If you skip out on your job the next time you wish to get one it may or may not take you an extra event day to find one and if you make skipping work a habit getting a job might become very difficult indeed.


1. All the items currently available are listed on the items page under the world link. The prices listed are approximations of value and not set prices.

2. If you wish to buy an item begin a message string in which you go to the store in question, pick out what you want to move to the casher with them. I will respond as the shopkeeper and give the chance to interact and maybe get a discount.

3. Don't worry about moving on in your story if you're in the middle of buying something. Since the actual sale would take a nominal amount of time and our transaction might actually continue over several days in the worst circumstance holding up the characters story would be ridiculous. Just don't rp your char with the item until we've finished our business.

4. DO NOT try to buy things from korin or popo or anybody else unless you've done what you need to to reach them. In short you can't buy stuff from popo until you've completed the kami training.

1.  You may spend an event day to attempt to find a dragonball.  Several things will impact you chance of finding one.  Having things like vehicles or cetain items or even certain moves can effect you likelyhood of finding a ball.
2.  Of course all seven dragonballs must be brought together to make a wish.  There are certain restrictions on wishes.
You cannot wish to effect a person unless that person wishes it so
You cannot wish for more than 1,000,000zeni
You may only wish a person back from the dead once
3.  The dragonballs once used will turn to stone for tow full months(16 fight days)



There are a few things that I haven't mentioned. What is other world like and what are the rules there?

How are transformations to be done?

How long will it take us to travel to other planets?

Well, I'm going to allow this fed to progress just as the show did if i can wrangle it. So you guys won't have any info on other world until somebody goes there. same for planets, new items, and transformations. As for the transformations, don't worry when one of you achieves your first I'll let ya know but don't expect it for a good while. Oh and i will be sending villains down on you guys from time to time. Just as the saiyans landed and just as Majin Buu was awakened my own sick creations will fall on the earth so prepare yourselves.


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