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This game is set in an alternate DBZ reality.  Some of the things we are all familiar with happened, and some did not.  Remember, its a big universe, and almost anything is possible.

Current Saga

Now that we are open, one should be beginning shortly.  We want to allow time for players to establish their presence first, so get crackin'!

Past Saga's 

None yet


Earth - The good old blue ball in the sky.  We were all born there, and as such know its general layout.  Unlike many DBZ games, we will be using the standard Earth, rather than a made up one, only with a few differences, the inclusion of Kami's lookout, and Roshi's island for instance.

Items    Training

Vegeta - Home of the Saiyans.  Its gravity is approximately 10x that of Earth, and as such the average warrior there is more powerful.

Namek - Home of the Nameks.  A peaceful planet that does not like conflict, a place with many unique abilities, such as the creation of the Dragon Balls, and the unlocking of a good hearted person's inner power.

Yardarat - Only briefly visited in the series, is most famous for teaching the Instant Transmission technique.

Frieza  - Home planet of a race that dominates a large part of the galaxy, while not as powerful as they once were, they are still a force to be reckoned with. 

There are many more planets in the galaxy, however, for those, its up to you to find them

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