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"Proud to be differently abled"

When someone said on one of the chat channels that they were proud to be an amputee or disabled, some one queried that statement, but then several disabled people answered the same, yes we are disabled but we still do everything a able person does, and we are proud of our achievement. I know :-) "disabled" is not really the correct word, some people prefer the term "differently abled" and I have to agree with that, apart from being married to an amputee, I have also had a lot contact with differently abled people, and found that all had found a way to do everything that needed to be done, just different. 

The following is a small list of links to online help, as I get more I will add them, if you feel that you have a link that should be added here please let me know and I will add it as soon as possible .Just click on the mailbox to send me mail :-)



 One of the best known Amputee Support Sites, with links to other sites, lot's of support and also a yahoo group with lots of amputees participating and also input by devotees. It is run by a female Amputee, Jama, who understands what it is like to be an amputee. She also has a Personal Ad's and hold Conferences to break the barriers between Amputees and Devotees. 


 First on-line consultation for limb loss (amputation) on the Internet, with links to other sites and Prosthetist.

This is an open forum; all hemipelvectomy, hip-disarticulations, and their family members are welcome



Amputee Swap Center

If you need a part for your prosthesis and or wheelchair or assistive device, this is the place to ask if someone may have it.


A place for people with any disabilities to meet, exchange ideas and chat and have fun :-)

A very well written site with lots of good advise, there should be more of it.


A source for mobility and assistive products.
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Look here if you need any assistive Products its free too, just type in the product you want and click on search, its easy as that :-)


Please let me know if you like to see more links.

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