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Computer Corner

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Is your Computer male or female ? just click on the picture above to find out :-)

Australia really should have their unique version of Windows. Click the Eureka Flag to see one idea :-)

Click on the Computer Guy to see a typical Tech Support Question and answer session

OK, this page is as you can see still under construction. What I really would like to see is a page where people can ask questions and I will answer them. Questions should be of general computer related queries, I am essentially a Hardware Technician, yes I do know quite a few software programs and how to use and troubleshoot some of them, but I am not a programmer. 

Just click on the computer to send me your question :)

If I think the question and subsequent answer is of general interest I will then add it to a answer and question page.

Very often a Computer Problem can be solved by reinstalling the Driver for the hardware in your Computer, most if not all Hardware Manufacturer supply the Software for their Products. When I encounter the Problem I go to the manufacturers URL and download the latest Drivers, the Hand above takes you to a Computer related Links Page :)


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