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You can see my friends (cyber friends) pics. If you want to see your picture here. You can contact with me from ICQ (58292897).Or send E-mail

mab.jpg (46406 bytes)


Amy1.JPG (25995 bytes)

amy4.jpg (22729 bytes)

 tur3.jpg (33465 bytes)

Recep & Nebinur (GERMANY)

yvette.jpg (156398 bytes)


aydin1.jpg (24827 bytes)


I want to say thanks to these friends. Because, They give permission me to use their pics in my page.

This  nice applet is
Anfy Water 1.0 - Copyright©
by Fabio Ciucci (1997)
And I rearranged my pic.
by Photo Editor
Ulead PhotoImpact 5


Pictures    Animated    Friends    WeeklyChat    Istanbul    +18    Biography    UsefulLinks 

Hadith    Fatihah    FunnyJokes     Game    TurkishPages    E-mail


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