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The Company Roster/ The Rolls Eternal

Personas In the SCA

In the SCA everyone is expected to create a persona for themselves, meaning they create a person that could have lived in the time frame 500A.D. to 1650A.D..They must come up with a name and a country of origin for this person and are ancouraged to research their chosen time frame to accurately portray their persona in dress and in conduct. Unlike a LARP game the SCA is concerned with portraying people who could have lived in actual history, meaning there are no wizards or elves anywhere in our organization. The SCA also discourages people from choosing the persona of a person who actually lived in history. These people's stories are already known, and we in the SCA do not so much act out actual historical events as create a historically accurate atmosphere in which our personas can live and interact, much like they might have in actual history (chronoloical anachronisms aside!).

Current Members

Lord Kainin Tepesa - Patriarch and current head of House Scarlet Phoenix

Lord Jasper Codrington - Company Field Captain

Lady Oriana Francesco - Matriarch and House Chronicler

Lord Galen "The Crazed of the Bitten Hand" - Sergeant at Arms

Nathan Deanathee

Prospective Members

Lord Godfrey de Main Gauche


Old Members/Inactive or Out of Kingdom

Lord Storm Hakonson - Currently residing in the Mid Realm

Moebius - MIA

Lear and Amalthia - Currently residing in Kingdom Living in the Barony of Elfsea

Command and Organization

The Company Charter

Photo Gallery

Lord Jasper Codrington/mka Kevin Womack

Web Page Designer and Company Field Captain