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Our Company Charter

Phoenix Company Charter

Our Mission as a Household

We look and play the part of a mercenary household encompassing the full realm of the middle ages and early renaissance. We portray this as accurately as possible in an historic sense both on and off the battlefield. Our skills are sold to the highest bidder, though we are loyal to the Kingdom of Ansteorra when it comes to interkingdom wars in which she is a principle. This idea is not foreign to the medieval period, see the Swiss mercenaries and the German Landsknechts of latter period. Plus we find vested interest in protecting the lands on which we live when not campaigning. Although we will certainly sell our services to any company in Ansteorra that wishes to augment its numbers, after all we do have to make a living.

Rules of Conduct on the Battlefield

We always fight as a company.

We always fight for profit.

We always fight in company colors and maintain at least a 10-foot Rule of historically accurate presence.One who is a prospective member is allowed to wear the Household device only when we are fighting as a company on the battlefield.

We fight honorably and to the best of our ability, regardless of wounds, even unto death.

Strict attention is paid to the chain of command as explained in Commands and Organization. On the battlefield the Field Captain is in charge. His orders will be followed to the letter.

We uphold the value of integrity in our company. Desertion and cowardice are punishable by death.

Rules of Conduct in Everyday Life

We stay in persona as much as possible, always using persona names.

We always maintain at least a 10-foot historically accurate presence in our personal dress. As of March 2002 our campsites will apply to the 10-foot rule.

Expenses within the Household or for Household gain are divided equally.

During any event in which we have been hired we remain armed at all times.

We are always on our guard and travel in pairs after dark.

During any event in which we have been hired we wear the Household device at all times.

As members we are allowed free usage of the Household device with the exception of adding it to personal heraldry.

Off the battlefield the current Head of the Household is in charge. He will be obeyed readily.

Only the Head of the Household can negotiate terms of employment.

We do all for the good of the Household and for as much profit as possible. Yet our actions do not bring shame upon the Household.

We are considered a family, and therefore we are brothers- and sisters-in-arms and are to be treated as such. If any one of us is in need the Household is there to help.

Any disagreements within the Household that cannot be settled are turned over to an arbitrator agreeable to both parties or may be settled by the Head of the Household.

Membership in other households is acceptable as long as there is no conflict of interest and primary loyalty remains with House Scarlet Phoenix.

Disciplinary action is taken for the willful disregard of Household rules or for any SCA or mundane laws that are broken.

The Head of House Scarlet Phoenix reserves the right to amend these rules as needed. When such times do arise the amendments are put to a vote of the entire Household.

Rules for Membership

One must be a paid member of the SCA.

One's primary loyalty must lie with House Scarlet Phoenix.

One must have a combative skill (Chivalric, Rapier, Combat Archery, et cetera).

Any significant other who does not fit the above rule is not considered a Household member nor does that person have a say in Household matters nor can that person receive gain in Household endeavors. Said person is, however, granted protection by the Household and its members.

Couples may not apply jointly. Each individual is considered a separate entity. Nor is any significant other of an existing member granted immediate membership but must apply separately and prove himself or herself worthy.

One who is a prospective member must receive clearance from the Head of the Household.

The length of one's time of trial membership is based upon one's commitment and adherence to the Rules of Conduct.

Golden Rule

The Golden Rule: When in doubt ask the Head of the Household or refer to the Charter.

One must appear historically accurate from 10 feet away, i.e. all non-period items are covered by period costumes or medieval effects. (For example a non-period kidney belt is covered by a period padded gambeson. We would like to have no eyeglasses, tennis shoes, t-shirts and the like visible to the naked eye. There are some inaccuracies, however, we cannot get around due to SCA regulations like open-faced helms are required to have bars, et cetera.)

Command and Organization

The Company Roster

Photo Gallery