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Links Page

Links Page

On this page I will be posting links to pages by or about members of the Merian family. It will be either pages they authored or page about where they work or just fun pages about themselves and their family.

Here are some links about Alsace and France:

Sites en français.

Use the Translator below

Mairie d'OBERENTZEN The homepage of the Oberentzen city government.
Dernières Nouvelles D'Alsace (The Latest News from Alsace) This site has the daily news for and about Alsace.
A webcam, this one in a "Happy Wash" in Strasbourg, Alsace. A site with all the latest news and information on Alsace.
Journal L'Alsace Another site, in French, with all the news and information you could ever want about Alsace.
Balades dans les Vosges et en Alsace A site with some breathtaking photos of Alsace, check it out!

Here are some links about Texas.

Genealogy links

Other Links

Texaswiss Military Surplus This is my ebusiness.

AltaVista Translations Just type in the site and you are ready to go.

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