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    The Hoax Detective/Only In America! online newsletter is a large site and a growing and ever-changing one at that. Although much of the information on this site is the work of many writers and researchers who have been credited for their work either directly or through a link to their site(s), all of the hours upon hours of work to find the information, check out the sources for credibility, lay out and set up this site as a central location to all of these various information sources is the work of only one guy who began this work as a result of the hundreds of phony e-mail warnings, hoaxes and calls for help flooding his e-mail box.

    Because this site continues to grow in scope and popularity, more and more of my time is required to maintain the site in order to keep it as current and accurate as possible. With the increased popularity, I have added additional features including the registration of an easy to remember URL (hoaxdetective.com), purchasing additional server space and subscribing to a service which suppresses pop-up ads associated with the site hosting service (NOTE: Ad-blocking service only works on pages within this site. External pages linked from this site may still display pop-up ads.)

    This site is FREE to everyone and will always be free, however, these additional features which have been implemented in order to make your site viewing experience an enjoyable one do cost money. In order to have my own way with this site, there is no big-name corporate sponsor or special interest group to cater to, therefore, all of the operating expenses associated with this site are furnished from my own pocket.

    If you feel that I am providing an invaluable service and would like to help me cover my costs, you are certainly welcome to donate a few dollars.

    There are three ways you can provide financial assistance:

    For a simple donation, you may simply send a gift of a few dollars which will be applied to the costs associated with this site. Contributors will receive a mention on the site if they wish.

    Donations may be made via PayPal by clicking HERE.

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