The Great Water Ballon Battle at Hawkwood Faire 2001

October 7th, 2001

The children and villagers snuck away to prepare for the battle. A truce ruse was carried out by Dragonfyre Tribe members. The truce involved the exchange of a captured soldier.
The children and villagers hid and waited for their orders to attack. The target was the garrison. Wary and ready defenders patroled the garrison as the truce party approached. Notice the loaded water balloons in the hands of the defender whose back is to the camera.
Ready. Aim. Fire!!!
A flanking maneuver. Battlefield observers look on. Flanking manuever completed the way is opened for the next wave.
In attacked the second wave supported by Dragonfyre tribesman and woman. The call for retreat. One lone attacker was almost captured.
Hawkwood Faire Pre-Season Party Photos August 31st, 2001.
Hawkwood Faire Opening Day Photos Labor Day Weekend September 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2001.
Hawkwood Faire Second Weekend September 8th and 9th, 2001.
Hawkwood Faire Third Weekend Photos September 15th and 16th, 2001.
Fairy Circles at Hawkwood Faire 2001.
Hawkwood Faire Fourth Weekend Photos September 22nd and 23rd, 2001.
Hawkwood Faire Fifth Weekend Photos September 29th and 30th, 2001.
Hawkwood Faire Sixth Weekend Photos October 6th and 7th, 2001.
Schedule of Events for Hawkwood Faire 2001.
Go to the New Forntier's main Hawkwood Faire 2001 page which will provide links to all TNF Hawkwood 2001 photos pages and other Hawkwood related pages as well.