Hawkwood Faire Pre-Season Party August 31st, 2001

The rain stopped in time for the pre-season party and the old gates were opened to the public. Micheal Price of the Blarney Brothers. Management, Participants, and Patrons mingled in the Green Man's Pub area while the Celtic Rock sounds of The Blarney Bros. filled the night.
The Falcon Fire Warriors put on a blazing good demonstation giving the crowd a sample of the entertainment they have planned for the 2001 season.
A sword duel with flaming swords. A sword duel with flaming swords. A sword duel with flaming swords.
Hawkwood Faire Opening Day Photos Labor Day Weekend September 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2001.
Go to the New Forntier's main Hawkwood Faire 2001 page which will provide links to all TNF Hawkwood 2001 photos pages and other Hawkwood related pages as well.