Hawkwood Faire 2001 Fifth Weekend

September 29th, and 30th, 2001

Lord Cedric and Dano the Lush. Dark Lord. Captain. The captain of the Bilge Pumps.
The noble House of Legends. The Pickle Man swinging his pickle. A fairy circle outside the Castaways shoppe. See the button titled Fairy Circles near the bottom of this page for more photos involving this magical artwork.
Mothers agree this is one fine baby sitting device. The Scriptorium and the Heraldry house. It is free to beat on this drum.
Another one of the fine eating establishments within the forest village. A very kind merchant inside the Flying Cloud shoppe. Lost boys play in the sand box in the land of fidgit.
Blazzard during the village carouse Saturday night. The village carouse, fire blazes in the center of the gathered merry makers admidst the clearing of the Green Man Pub area. The circle of spectators are illuminated by the fire show and it's lit mortars lining the perimeter of the action. A fire shaman was in attendance at the village carouse saturday night.
The Greenman's Pub was busy Saturday night.
Hawkwood Faire Pre-Season Party Photos August 31st, 2001. Hawkwood Faire Opening Day Photos Labor Day Weekend September 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, 2001. Hawkwood Faire Second Weekend September 8th and 9th, 2001.
Hawkwood Faire Third Weekend Photos September 15th and 16th, 2001.
Fairy Circles at Hawkwood Faire 2001.
Hawkwood Faire Fourth Weekend Photos September 22nd and 23rd, 2001.
Schedule of Events for Hawkwood Faire 2001.
Go to the New Forntier's main Hawkwood Faire 2001 page which will provide links to all TNF Hawkwood 2001 photos pages and other Hawkwood related pages as well.