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1. What are the various classes of Quarter Scale Cars?

A1. The principal classes of Cars being raced in most parts of the country are the Winston Cup-type, Busch Grand National-type, and Novice Stock-Cars, as well as the Craftsman Truck Series-type Super-Trucks. However, there are pockets of activity around the country where WoO-type Sprint-Cars, Super-Modifieds, Outlaw Late-models and even Indy-Cars are run on a local basis. It does seem, however, that with the increasing National TV exposure of NASCAR Stock-Cars and Race-Trucks, that they have become the predominant classes in QSAC sanctioned racing through-out the country.


Q2. What kind of fuel do they use?

A2. Since the engines used are 23cc two-strokes, a gas/oil mix is required. QSAC's Rules specify that any Gasoline (including that formulated specifically for racing) is allowed, as long as it is commercially available. The relatively low compression-ratio of the engine does not demand high octane, but since the engines are enclosed within the body, hot weather heat build-up can be a problem, and vapor-lock can result. Many racers buy racing fuel, not for its octane rating, but for its RVP (Reid Vapor Pressure) rating--ie: resistance to vapor-lock. In cooler weather conditions (up to about 70 degrees), 87 octane unleaded pump-gas will provide more power than the more costly racing fuels, but can cause vapor-lock if ambient temps rise. Any good two-stroke oil can be mixed with the gas in ratios from 32:1 on up to 100:1 for the more efficient synthetics.


Q3. How do I find a place to race?

A3. There are quite a few purpose-built Quarter Scale tracks through-out the country. There are also many suitable tracks originally built for racing smaller scales of gas/electric cars. Many of these latter facilities are unaware of Quarter Scale and may need only to be approached to start a program at the track. Meanwhile, click the Tracks & Clubs link above to jump to a list (some with pix) of facilities currently sanctioned by QSAC.


Q4. How fast do they go?

A4. Here's a question that everyone asks the first time they're exposed to a Quarter Scale Car, even if it's sitting on a table at a static-display! The answer is more track size-dependent than anything else: on the average track the laps speeds fall in the 40-45mph range, with a top, straightaway speed-range of 50-60mph. On really big tracks, speed is limited primarily by available gearing. Example: On a 1/5th mile go-cart track in North Carolina, a couple of Quarter Scale cars invited to test there were turning 75mph lap-speeds(!), and were limited because they didn't have the proper gearing to go faster. Those lap speeds translated to straight-away speeds in excess of 80mph! So, as you can see, the potential, given unlimited gearing and a long enough track, could easily exceed 100mph, though we seriously doubt anyone would purpose-build a track big enough to allow that kind of speed.


Q5. What does it cost?

A5. How much you spend on Quarter Scale racing depends entirely on your attitude! If you approach the sport as an enjoyable diversion from your day-to-day responsibilities and focus on setting-up your car, driving it, and having fun, your costs will be quite moderate. However, if your immediate goal is to win, at any cost, and insist on having every on and off-track advantage that money can buy, your costs will be much greater. If you are a beginner and want to advance to the point where you are competitive within your class, the most effective way is practice practice, practice! This will have a much bigger payoff than installing trick new tires or Titanium chassis parts, and is a lot more fun and cheaper, too.

For some people, half the fun of racing is designing and installing modifications to the chassis or suspension. You can certainly express your ingenuity and mechanical aptitude in this way, and if the mod doesn't work, you can always remove it. The costs associated with this kind of activity are up to you; but they aren't closely related to the number of races you enjoy or the race results. New car costs range from $1200. to $2500. (not including radio-gear, which can cost from $100.-up.) and the cost doesn't necessarily reflect the fastest or the winning-est. There are always plenty of used cars available for prices ranging from 45 to 70% of the original list. These cars are usually in very-good to excellent condition, and are usually being sold so the owner can purchase what he considers to be the "newest, trickiest, best" available. The interesting thing about Quarter Scale vs. the Smaller scales is that product-development is evolutionary, rather than revolutionary: changes are made incrementally rather than wholesale, and planned obsolescence is not part of the equation, as is the case in other scales. The best idea before buying a car, or even a radio set-up to go with the one you just got, is to go the track, talk to the racers and find out what they're using. They've learned from experience what works best, and won't be shy about sharing their knowledge with you.

Tires-- In the long run, here is where most of the recurring costs of the sport lie. If you're buying a new car, the manufacturer will install the most appropriate tires and set-up for the tracks you will run the most (if you let him know, up-front, where that is). There is a plethora (many) of tire compounds available for Quarter Scales, and the individual Car manufacturer has, for the most part, tried them all. He knows what works best on his brand of car, be it new, or a couple of years old--- listen to what he tells you. Another source is to check with the guys running at the tracks you'll run---ask them, they'll tell you. There's no sense in "reinventing the wheel" (no pun intended) when you can get the straight scoop and avoid buying a whole variety of tires just to prove to yourself what works the best for you!


Q6. How do I get started?

A6. First, find the racing venue nearest to you. You probably won't find one in your town, but don't be discouraged, many Quarter Scale racers travel one to four hours to race at a facility they consider their "home-track". There's just that much fun racing Quarter Scale, so they don't care about the "commute"! After you've located the nearest facility and called the contact person or persons to find out the local schedule---before you do anything else---MAKE A TRIP TO THE TRACK ON RACE-DAY! Talk to the owners or club officers/members, talk with the racers, get answers to the questions you have, but most of all, take time to observe how much fun the folks are having! After making that visit, if you're fired-up, (and we think you will be) get back on this site and click on the   Manufacturers link to get a complete listing of suppliers. check'em out, make your choices and get started on some of the most fun you've ever had in your life!


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