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Cornerstone 2001

Legends Night

Randy Stonehill | Sweet Comfort Band | Daniel Amos | The 77's

Randy Stonehill

For Randy Stonehill's last song, "Good News", Larry Norman ran out to join him on stage.

Randy Stonehill's Set List


Sweet Comfort Band

It may have been only their second concert in 17 years, but these guys really rocked! They claimed that they never intended to get older than thirty, but they didn't have anything better to do.

Quote of the Evening: "You are indestructible until the Lord is done with you."

Sweet Comfort Band's Set List (partial)

I'm pretty sure that "Childish Things" and "Contender" were in there somewhere, but I don't remember where...


Daniel Amos

Does anyone remember the words to "Winter Wonderland"?

Being "Legends Night", many of the attendees wanted to hear legendary songs. One of the bands that night (I believe it was DA) complained about this, saying, "You guys are trying to make fossils out of us!" I know it gets irritating, but face it--people dig fossils and love meandering down Nostalgia Lane. That's all I got to say about that...


The 77's

77's Set List


The Choir | Christafari | Daniel Amos | Danielson Famile | Joy Electric | Lost Dogs | Larry Norman | The 77's | Randy Stonehill | Stryper | Sweet Comfort Band | Third Day

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