Romeo's Tidbits....Your Hate Mail....Useless Information You Never Thought To Ask About....And News That Won't Make You Snooze...
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Romeo's Tidbits....Your Hate Mail....Useless Information You Never Thought To Ask About....And News That Won't Make You Snooze...

What might you ask is in this weird place I call home?

Your comments

Hey there Romeo, had to be the first one to send a comment..and I know I am, so give me my prize, Damnit! Your like cool and stuff. Bye...Ivey
Wasn't that enlightening, some personality huh? Just kidding, thank you and I (for the record) never said a damn thing about a prize! You probably guessed by now we're friends. Okay so I paid her, big deal, mind your own business. I didn't pay her much, just a kiss!
Useless Information
You ever have dreams? Probably so, well did you know that if you dream about, seeing or eating rye bread: It fortells that you will have a cheerful and well appointed home. I know what I'm dreaming about tonight.
Since we are on the subject of dreams I would suggest that you sleep on the floor. Why? Because if you dream about a fall it denotes that you will undergo some great struggle, but will eventually rise to honor and wealth. Although if you are injured in the fall, and I'm not talking about a scraped knee, we're talking severed limbs here, the good stuff. You will encounter hardships and loss of friends. So if you are poor and lonely dream about the fall and you're on the road to recovery.
The black poulation of Houston (316,551), is greater than the total population of the entire state of Alaska (302,173).
There are 170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 ways to play the opening move in chess.
A male spiders penis is located at the end of its legs.
Question: What is unusual about this sentence "Jackdaws love my big sphinx of quartz"? Answer: It is the shortest english sentence to include all the letters of the alphabet.
It is illegal to hunt camels in the state of Arizona.

Ode To George Carlin

All material was taken from George's latest book Braindroppings...I apologize that there is not more but, if you have read the book you know that not a lot of it can be put here, might be a little too offensive for some.
If you mail a letter to the Post Office, who delivers it?
Elevators and escalators do more then elevate and escalate. They also lower. The name only tells half the story.
I almost don't feel the way I do
Someone said to me, "Make yourself a sandwich." Well, if I could make myself a sandwich, I wouldn't make myself a sandwich. I'd make myself a horny 18 year old billionaire.
If I only had one tooth, I think I would brush it a real long time.
The reason they call it the american dream is because you have to be asleep to believe it.
"No comment" is a comment.
One of George's favorite books.

Eat, run, stay fit, and die anyway.

Some favorite Oxymorons
assistant supervisor
new tradition
original copy
plastic glass
uninvited guest
highly depressed
live recording
authentic reproduction
partial cease-fire
limited lifetime guarantee
elevated subway
dry lake
true replica
forward lateral
standad options
Well that about does it for now but it is a big book and I am always finding things to stick in here so register on the updates page and check back often.

News that won't make ya snooze

Bdeep beep This just in....Due to the snowy conditions and the formation of ice on the ground, the unthinkable has happened, I repeat the unthinkable has happened.....Okay so I fell on my ass on a patch of ice.....stop laughing!

Hate mail

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