Not That You Want To Know About Me
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Not That You Want To Know About Me


About Me?

Well I am an unconventional 23 year old, yes I have been married, and I have a wonderful 2 year old boy. I grew up in a large city and got the pleasure of seeing a lot of crime and angst. I think that is where I got a lot of my beliefs from. I grew up in a rich family and now I am far from rich. It is kind of culture shock actually, living paycheck to paycheck, but it makes one value life that much more. I would describe myself as mature, with a kid that is inside fighting like hell to get out. You can't live life fighting what you know is right, after all we are here to be happy. How I could be happy and not acknowledge the fact that there is a little one that prys his way out every once in a while, is beyond me. It does help having a son though, great way to play off acting immature. I value very much my wonderful wife and my loving son, without them life would be unbearable. I am not mot a happy or a sad person, I am simply put, me. For better or worse I am the person that was created and molded through childhood experiences, as we all are. My life is far from simple; a job, an ex-wife and a son that all have to be taken care of, along with this page, which, incidentally, no one cares about but me. I have always prided myself on being a counselor and always somehow been able to help those in need, even if they don't agree with what I have to say, most of the time they admit that I do have a point, no matter how off the wall it might be. I constructed this page so that maybe someone like you would realize that life is about not only you and I, but about making the ones we love truly happy. Life is too short to learn what you already know.