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Scripture Reflections :

As I was browsing through scripture one morning the words,

"Today I am freeing you from the chains on your wrists," leaped off the page from Jeremiah 40:4.

I knew instantly that the Lord was saying He was releasing me to complete a difficult writing project about which I had been earnestly praying. I obviously took the phrase totally out of the original Biblical context, yet it was also obvious that the Lord was using that verse to speak to me. As the days passed I began to experience a new freedom in writing.

Scripture is one of our most important avenues of interaction with the Lord, along with the direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As we feast on the Bible we come to know the character of God. We are infused with faith, hope and love as we spend time in the Word of God. Spending time in scripture under the guidance of the Holy Spirit opens the spiritual communication lines. Prayer time can be an adventure, especially if we get into the habit of easy, spontaneous dialogue with the Lord. I believe if you practice talking to Him conversationally during the day, this portion of your " Miracle Hour" will be even more fruitful.

As you begin this section just say simple, "Lord, please speak to me through Your word today." Open your Bible,browse through it, allow a word or phrase to catch your attention. Once something catches your eyes, stop there. If, for example, the word, "hope," catches your eyes, ponder the meaning of it. Ask the Lord why that word captured your attention. Perhaps the phrase "integrity of heart" will suddenly speak to you. Ask, "Holy Spirit, what do You want to teach me through this word?" Write these reflections in your notebook and continue to meditate on them later. This is a very important record of your spiritual walk. ( 5 minutes )

Ps 119:15 , Ro 15:4 , 2 Tim 3:16, Ro 10:8, Col 3:16, Ps 19:8, Ps 119:130, Ps 119:140, Job 23:12, Ps 119:103, Heb 4:12, Ps 119:9, Jer 23:29, Ro 1:16, Jn 20:31, Eph 6:17, Eph 5:26

Praise | Litany Of Praise | Sing to the lord | Spiritual warfare | Surrender | Release of the Holy Spirit | Repentance | Forgiveness | Scripture reflections | Wait for the lord to speak | Intercessions | Petitions | Thanksgiving | Miracle hour |