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Wait for the Lord to speak :

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him ..." (Psalm 37:7).

Use this time simply to listen to the Lord. How is He encouraging you? Exhorting you? Directing you? Be still and listen. Pray, "Lord, teach me how to be a good listener." This is one of the most special times in the "Miracle Hour."

The Lord tells us "My sheep listen to my voice ..." (John 10:27).

As Christians who sincerely want to progress in our relationship with the Lord, we must find a quiet place, away from noisy distractions, and simply listen to the voice of our Lord. Often it helps to close your eyes. He wants to speak to us more than we want to listen. He is a God of love, and love longs to communicate. Have a pen and note pad handy, and expect Him to speak. The previous steps have built up to this wonderful moment. You have quieted your mind, your heart is open,your conscience is clear, and you are centered on the Lord. And, if you are like most of us, you need a word of encouragement from the Lord.

Say, with Samuel, " Speak, for Your servant is listening" (1 Samuel 3:10).

As words or thoughts begin to come into your mind, write them in your notebook. Most probably, it will be the Lord giving you a word of loving encouragement, hope and healing. You will grow in ability to hear Him speak throughout your daily affairs, as you spend quality time in prayer and scripture.Finally, it is also true that love does not require words. God may love you in the silence as well. (5 minutes)

Deut 30:20 , Lk 10:39 , Rev 3:20, Ps 95:7, Is 30:21, Hab 2:2, Jn 16:13, Acts 10:19, Pr 8:34, Ps 25:9,
Ps 73:24, Mt 13:23

Praise | Litany Of Praise | Sing to the lord | Spiritual warfare | Surrender | Release of the Holy Spirit | Repentance | Forgiveness | Scripture reflections | Wait for the lord to speak | Intercessions | Petitions | Thanksgiving | Miracle hour |