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Homer Sounds Pg. 7

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Alright guys, pipedown
This place is so strange
You can't let yourself end up in a place like this
The only danger is if they send us to that terrible planet of the apes. Wait a minute, Statue of Liberty, that was our planet. You maniacs, you blew it up, damn you, damn you all to hell
Ahh, they're dogs and their playing poker(laughing and screaming at the same time)
Who wants to help poor people anyway, nobody
Ahh, oh no my pudding is trapped forever
Huh, that dog has a puffy tail. Hehehe. Here puff, here puff. hehehe
Guard: Excuse me sir, where you goin'
Homer: I'm going to punch George Bush in the face
Guard: Ok is he expecting you
I oughta punch you in the nose
I thought about what you said honey. And I decided to quit
Homer: Yes, honey
Lisa: Then what should I do
Homer: Just squeeze your rage into a bitter little ball and release it at an appropiate time. Like that day I hit the referee with a whiskey bottle. Remember that? When daddy hit the referee? Yeah
Homer: To Marge, and all the blistful years I've spent hiding from her in this bar
Others: Here, here
Moe: Big deal you got a wife, I got a rash, who cares
Are you ready to rock, 'cause here we go
Oh now what. If you're still mad at me I'm going to be really mad
Hey, I don't remember saying that
Oh, I'm just gonna rest dor a minute
Well, we'll have to dip into the retirement fund again
Rules. I'm a rocker, I don't care for rules
Keep up the rough-housing son. Without a strong male presence in the house, you can turn sissy overnight. Oh, these stubborn grass stains
Oh, what a rotten day
Run for your lives everyone. This is not a drill
It's sacreligious I tell ya
This closes the saddest chapter in America history
What you think I'm gonna buy a 20,000 dollar truck just 'cause you make that noise. I'll take it
How can you tell who's sane and insane
In case you can't tell, I'm being sarcastic
Wait a minute, this could be some kind of scam or possibly scamola
I've got a scandolous story of my own
Oh yeah, they're always trying to screw ya
Well, I'll have to pull a few strings with the boys in security
I see the light
Hey that's super, see ya later
You're selling what now
I wanna set the record straight
Homer: Hey c'mon sharky
Bart: Hey you want a piece of this Homer: you call yourself the king of the jungle
Oh a graduate student huh. How come you guys can goto the moon but you can't make my shoes smell good
Shut up boy
Shut up or I'll shut you up
Shut up brain or I'll stab you with a q-tip
You're all sick
Singing is the lowest form of communication
What am I supposed to do, just sit on my ass and watch tv
That girl sleeps with everybody
C'mon, we all know this is small potatoes
I am so smart, I am so smart, s-m-r-t. I mean s-m-a-r-t
I'm the smartest businessman in the world
We live in a society of laws
Marge: Well everybody's got a fear of something
Homer: Not everybody
Marge: Sockpuppets
Homer: Where, where, ahh, ahh
Mmm, something

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