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Homer Sounds Pg. 4

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I got a better idea, get the hell out
Getting old is a terrible thing
Marge I swear I didn't touch her, you know how bashful I am. I can't even say the word titmouse without giggling like a schoolgirl. hehehe
The clown is g-i-l-l-t-y
Oh, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme
Goto hell
Hey if you don't like it goto Russia
I know what's going on here
Boy, a good man really is hard to find
C'mon you gotta believe me
And now the grand finale
I'm sorry I lied to you Marge, but this gun had a hold on me. I felt this incredible surge of power, like God must feel when he's holding a gun
(Homer laughing)..We're doomed
Homer: Oh my God, he's stealing all the burgers. Why you little.(beating up the hamburgler)
Promoter: It's all just, just an act
Littler kid: Stop, stop he's already dead
I'm making people happy
Happy anniversary baby
Hasta la vista baby
So you all hate me
I hate this place. Why am I here?
Well don't worry I can help ya
Help me
And we won't be able to pee in the drinking fountain
Homer: Huh, it's raining men
Moe: Not no more it ain't
Huh, big cookie
Judge: I can see you two really want your children back, but you have a lot to learn about being parents. Before I can return your children you'll have to complete a course called family skills. It teaches parents to listen to their
Homer: Communication gotcha
Judge: But it's important you
Homer: Listen, yes I know
Judge: But there's more to it then
Homer: I have listening skills
Judge: Mr. Simpson would you plea
Homer: Shut up judge
Carl: Hey don't yell at Homer just 'cus he's a little slow
Homer thinking: Huh, something was said, not good. What was it? Don't yell at Homer. No, that's ok. What was it? Slow. They called you slow
Homer: How dare you call me that
Lenny: Hey Homer, you still here, boy you are slow
Bart: You're going down Homer. I'm gonna fool you
Homer: You talk better than you fool
Bart: I'll fool you up real nice
Homer: You couldn't fool your mother on the foolingest day of your life if you had an electrified fooling machine
Homer no function, beer well without
Under the sea, under the sea. there'll be no accusations, just friendly frustation, under the sea
War, huh, good God y'all. What is it good for absolutely nothing. Say it again, ok
When I was 17, I drank some very good beer. I drank some very good beer I purchased with a fake i.d. My name was Brian McGee, I stayed up listening to Queen, when I was 17
I like my beer cold, my tv loud, and my homosexuals flaming
I'm not gay, but I'll learn
Homer: Here's an impression of Mr. Burn's that you might find a little cheeky. I'm Mr. Burns. Blah, blah, blah. Do this, do that. Blah, blah, blah. I think I'm so big. Blah, blah, blah
Mr. Burns: Destroy him
Hello Mr. Burns, this is your mother
Homer: Hey Barney am I a pig?
Barney: You're the more of a pig than I am
Mu, Murphy. You sm, you are a elf. Uncontrollably I think
Hey, there's something you don't see in a toilet everyday
Move along there. Return to your homes and places of businesses
My boy's a box. Damn you, a box
hehehe. There it is Homer the cleverest thing you'll say and nobody heard it. D'oh
Maybe it's the bear talking Marge but you got a butt that won't quit. They got these big chewy pretzels (incoherent) 5dollars get out of here
Hotel clerk: Bathroom's there and there's your king size bed for (start's making sounds)
Homer: Stop that. I love my wife and family. All I'm gonna use this bed for is sleeping, eating, and maybe building a little fort. That's it
How could you. I was so close
How many lives must you ruin
Alright, how much do you charge
I'll be back in a minute. I'm going outside to stalk Lenny and Carl. D'oh
Hey let's all hug Apu
Wait a minute, huh, ice cream truck. Me, me I was here first

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