3/28/07- Act One Scene Ten of Phantom From the Creek posted

6/19/04- Act One Scene Nine of Phantom From the Creek posted

5/25/04- Part one of new series Sense and Sensibility has been posted!

4/7/04- Phantom From the Creek Act One Scene Eight has been posted!

11/8/03: Phantom From the Creek Act One Scene Seven has been posted!

9/6/03: Groundhog's Day: Day Five has been posted!

8/17/03: Phantom from the Creek Act One Scene Six has been posted!

8/9/03: Groundhog's Day: Day Four is now available!

7/26/2003: Eye To Eye, Part Five of Analyze This, is now posted!

7/13/2003: Alex's DC Site has now moved to Angelfire!

8/23/99: Welcome to my new site! It has all of my already posted fanfic plus a new one, The Greatest Story Ever Told, a parody co-authored by Katie. There's links, a support me in the CCA awards section, and miscellaneous.

8/26/99: First update. Added Groundhog's Day: Day Three.

8/28/99: Added part one of the sequel to Interrupted Melody, Analyze This.

9/2/99: Added an updates page and Phantom From the Creek Act One Scene Two. Added a couple of banners and links and updated my support page.

9/7/99: Added some new graphics I made for some of the stories to my main fic page.

9/12/99: Posted The Phantom From the Creek Act One Scene Three and added some more graphics.

10/1/99: Got rid of the CCA buttons and the support me page, did a little bit of main page redecorating, added a new way to tell if you are addicted, added a new quiz graphic I won on the miscellaneous section, and updated the links.

10/2/99: Posted Part 12 of Far from Home.

11/24/99: Posted new series Looking in on You.

11/25/99: Made a new Phantom from the Creek graphic and added a couple of new quiz graphics to the miscellaneous section.

12/24/99: Added Part 13 of Far from Home.

1/19/2000: Added Part 2 of Looking In On You.

2/21/2000: Added Part 2 of Analyze This, Big Night.

3/27/2000: Added Part 3 of Looking In On You.

5/29/2000: Posted Part 3 of Analyze This called Can't Not.

8/9/2000: Posted Act One Scene Four of Phantom From the Creek and added some new links. I also recently did some color scheme changes.

11/26/2000: Posted Part 4 of Looking In On You.

2/16/2001: Posted Driven, Part 4 of the Analyze This series. Cleared out some old links, added a new one, and took down the season three CCA Award links.

5/24/2002- Posted Act One Scene Five of Phantom From the Creek.

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