Are you Addicted to DC?
My observant ways to tell if you are in need of help to get off of DC...

You write a fanfic with or just create a new character specifically for you to play if you were on the show.

You search for identical clothes and get an identical hairstyle to one of the characters so that you look like them.

You design a wedding invitation with your name and the name of one of the actors or characters.

You start renaming landmarks in your town to fit the show (i.e., you call the movie theater the Rialto, a private hangout the ruins, a restaurant where you or one of your friends work the S.S. Icehouse, etc.).

You scan yourself in with pictures of the cast and show them to people, telling them that you are one of the new cast members.

You write down every parallel inbetween your life and the show and resolve problems by doing what the characters do.

You watch shows on the WB for hours in hopes that you'll get a glimpse of a commercial for the next show or next season.

You rename your favorite pet after your favorite character.

You visit Wilmington, North Carolina for no other reason than you hope to see the set or a member of the show.

After watching the first few shows, you started saying "Bite me" ten times more often than before.

You purposefully try and get into Saturday detention so that you can recreate scenes from the episode "Detention" (formally known as "The Breakfast Club.").

You use one of the characters' names as a pen name or a signature on your emails.

You tape and watch the episodes over and over until you memorize every word of dialog so that you can preform the whole season for friends and family.

You buy the new soundtrack to hear Katie Holmes sing "On My Own" over and over and try to imitate it exactly.

You stop whatever you're doing or leave wherever you are to get the special limited addition Dawson's Creek poster with a purchase at the WB store on Wedensday October 7th, even if the nearest store is 3 hours away.

You reserve time to call up one of your friends each week after the show to analyze it for at least an hour.

You suddenly find that you have started imitating gestures that some of the characters do a lot on the show (i.e., Dawson's look of obliviousness, Joey's half smile), whether you meant to or not.

You realize that you have written enough fanfiction to have written a novel.

You write a fanfic in the first person (taking the perspective from one of the characters points of view) just to make it easier to pretend that you are the character.

You get so involved in a fanfic or an episode that you start to think that you are a charcter on Dawson's Creek, even if it's just a brief lapse.

Someone compares you to a character on DC and you take it as the highest kind of compliment (someone told me I was like Andie on DC, except for the her being crazy part, because he was trying to say I was smart :).

You start to notice when other people do things like characters on DC would (shrug like Joey, grin like Pacey) and point those things out to them.

You walk insanely far twice a week to pick up and drop off the videos your friend knows he or she has to make you each week of every episode of DC.

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