This page is for random stuff that I haven't made seperate sections for yet on my site. There are awards I have won and support images, dedication, etc. for now.


I dedicate my site to Lisa, Katy, Eden, Matahari, Erica, Becci, and Melody.
Lisa has always been there to talk, to help me, give me HTML advice as well as other advice, and her site was the first to inspire me to make my own DC Site June 1998.

Katy always makes me laugh and is refreshingly... zany. She always has new ideas for DC-related things and I thank her for writing the parody with me. It's been fun. Model Behavior was an inspiration to my fanfic writing.

Eden is also there to talk and it was a blast running the CCA Awards with her. It's great talking to her until 4am, whether that's 4am US time or Australia time.

Matahari has always given me productive (and sweet) feedback for my stories and constantly encourages me to write. Thanks!

Erica was my first regular staff member and took over my previous site for a couple of months. Thanks so much, I couldn't have upkept it without you!

Becci has taken over my previous site, for which I can't thank her enough. THANK YOU!!!!

And last but not least, Melody. I don't actually know her, but her site was one of my first inspirations to write and post my stories, and was the first site I ever sent my fanfic to be posted on. I'm sorry her site is gone.

An award I've won

I was the first ever Dawson Joey Lovers Club Spirit Award winner! Join on the main page.

Character Support Images

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