Early Carly #1, Early Carly #2, Early Carly #3, Early Carly #4, Early Carly #5, Early Carly #6, Early Carly #7, Early Carly #8, Early Carly #9, Early Carly #10, Just Jason #1, Just Jason #2, Just Jason #3, Just Jason #4, Just Jason #5, Just Jason #6, Just Jason #7, Just Jason #8, Just Jason #9, Just Jason #10, Just Jason #11, Just Jason #12, Just Jason #13, Just Jason #14, Just Jason #15, and Just Jason #16

Jason & Carly #11, Jason & Carly #12, and Jason & Carly #13

I do have all of Carly's scenes from her arrival edited and since her storyline was fairly separate from Jason's during 1996-1997, it made sense to do a separate series of all of Carly's scenes following all of her storyline arriving in town, meeting Bobbie, seducing Tony and him leaving Bobbie for her, Luke finding out that Carly is really Caroline and telling Bobbie her daughter is dead, her affair with Jason, the one night stand with AJ, ect is all on one series. I then did a separate Just Jason series and began with his scenes just before the accident, going through the coma, his waking up, problems with the Q's, moving into the boxcar, meeting Robin on the bridge, meeting and having an affair with Carly, meeting and going to work for Sonny, Lily's death, carrying Robin off the stage in the Nurse's Ball, Montauk, Jason breaks it off with Carly and tells Robin about her, Robin leaves for college, continuing with Jason's earliest relationship with Sonny, his budding friendship scenes with Carly, and Robin's returns home from college.

Early Carly #1  April 9 - September 9, 1996: 8 hr original edit
I have created a new Early Carly edit.It begins with her very first scene in April, 1996 and covers the first five months of her arrival in Port Charles. This edit includes every Carly scene, all of her scenes with Bobbie, Tony, Luke and of course her meeting and having an affair with Jason. I did not include the Jason & Robin scenes as I have a separate J&R series of edits and I did not include Jason's separate storyline as that is already contained on the Jason & Robin edits, and since most of his storyline during this time frame involves Robin it made more sense to have his complete storyline on the R&J edits.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #2  September 9, 1996 - April 18, 1997: 8 hr original edit
This edit coverscontains Carly's affair with Tony, Bobbie finding them together at the cabin, Luke finding out Carly Roberts is actually Bobbie's daughter, Caroline Benson. Bobbie tells Luke about Tony's affair with Carly, and Luke tells Bobbie that her daughter Caroline is dead. He later confronts Carly. There are some very nice friendship scenes between Carly and Jason as they are no longer lovers but begin to turn to each other as friends. This is the begining of their friendship. Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #3  April 17 - August 21, 1997: 8 hour original edit
This edit contains a lot of storyline, Carly sleeps with AJ and discovers she is pregnant. She drugs AJ and leads him and his family to believe he fell of the wagon. Her three performances during the Nurse's Ball are included, and Tony winds up taking her back towards the end of the edit. She doesn't have many scenes with Jason during this edit as they have very separate storylines. She does find him with Dr. Dorman's body and offers to lie to protect him. He wants her to tell the truth and call the police. She has her first scene with Sonny, though they don't speak to each other. She merely stands in Sonny's presence as AJ fills Sonny and Brenda in on Jason's arrest. Later, she raves to Jason who she "met" Sonny though no introductions were exchanged and she didn't actually speak to him or he to her. (Note: S&C have another such scene on a later Jason & Carly edit when Jason waves towards Carly and tells Sonny, z'Oh, this is Carly" or something to that effect. The Early Carly series is edited to Carly's scenes as from her arrival through this time frame, Jason & Carly have fairly separate storylines so I've bee doing the Just Jason series with his complete storyline, and the Early Carly series with her complete storyline.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #4 August 21 - November 24, 1997: 8 hour original edit
Carly fans will be in heaven with this edit. Carly is plauged by her plot to make AJ think he fell off the wagon on the previous edit. Little Jimmy blows Carly's plot when he tells AJ about seeing Carly pushing a heavy laundry cart out of his apartment and AJ figures out it was the night he had gotten drunk. He beings putting the pieces together and  Keesha scams the bartender into telling her about the plan and gives her the check Carly had written him to keep him quiet. AJ confronts Carly with the knowledge that she drugged him, dumped him in an alley, and paid the bartender to verify to the Q's he had been drinking. When she denies it, he shows her the check she had written to the bartender.  Carly talks Tony into eloping to Las Vegas. Kevin hypnotizes AJ and he remembers sleeping with Carly.  AJ goes to the airport and stops the elopment by threatening to tell Tony the truth. He has figured out that he might be the father of her baby. Carly lies and tells him she was already pregnant by Tony. Carly talks her former nursing school friend, Lorraine, into arranging a sonogram at Mercy and then faking the results to show an earlier December due date. AJ believes the baby is Tony's. Luke is also covering his tracks when Virgina calls and discusses Caroline (Bobbie's daughter given up for adoption aka Carly) as though she were still alive. Luke chalks it up to Virgina's week grip on reality. When Virginia sends Bobbie current pictures, Luke talks her into not looking at them and hides them in his safe. Keesha tells Monica about Carly setting up Jason, Monica confronts and threathens to kill Carly.  Lorraine is furious when Carly's check to her bounces. AJ sees her with Lorraine and gets a clue that something is fishy, he gets a copy of the real sonogram and figures out that he could be the father. He stops her next wedding attempt, and a stressed out Carly beings having labor pains and is rushed to GH. While there, Tony overhears Lorraine threathening to tell Tony the truth. This edit ends as Tony goes to Mercy to confront Lorraine about what she knows and she agrees to tell him the truth, just as Bobbie is asking Luke why he has pictures of Carly in his safe?  Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #5  November 24, 1997 - February 11, 1998: 8 hour original edit
This edit continues to follow Carly's storyline. Tony keeps catching Carly in lies, finally one too many and he starts proceedings to sue for sole custody of the baby. Carly is so hurt and angry when she finds the custody papers that she tells him it isn't his baby but Jason's!  She shows up at Jason's and spills all of her secrets. Jason allows everyone to believe he is the baby's father. Carly goes into premarture labor and her and the baby both almost die. Carly suffering from post partum depression leaves Michael in Jason's care as she has to leave town. Carly returns in time for Michael's baptism, I did include all of the baptism scenes including all of the scenes before Carly arrives at the door. Carly suddenly needs to hold her son and her and Bobbie rush out into the storm to make their way to the Port Charles Hotel where Jason has taken Michael with him. After holding her son, Carly is moved to tell Bobbie that she is in fact her daughter, Caroline. Bobbie reacts in shock, disbelief, then anger until Virgina Benson strolls in and cries, "Caroline!" As they argue, Virginia suffers a stroke and Carly is told at GH that her adoptive mother has died.  After Michael is born, Carly is off the show most of January and I did not include all of Jason's scenes during that time. I have done a separate Just Jason #7 which covers all of the Jason, Carly, Robin storyline begining in Jan, 1998. So the Early Carly series is more edited to Carly.  if you want something more edited to Carly during the times that she is out of town, then the Carly series is a better option. So Early Carly series gives you all of Carly's scenes but NOT all of Jason.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #6  February 10 - April 27, 1998: 8 hour original edit
This edit begins with the aftermath of Virginia's death, and the complete storyline for Michael's kidnapping, including Tony's machinations, Carly's grief and fear over her missing son, Jason's desperate search for the baby, and all the hostage scenes with Robin and Michael till Jason rescues them both. I included all of Carly's scenes and all of Jason's scenes during this time frame. There isn't much Robin on the #8A as most of her scenes during that time are with Nikolas and those are contained on the Nik & Robin edit. I began including all of  Robin's scenes from the time she realizes Tony has Michael, confronting him and getting kidnapped herself, through her captivity, rescue and recovery in the hospital as she is reunited with her relieved friends and family. Tony's trial begins and the courtroom is shocked when first Felicia and then Robin testifies in support of Tony. When Tony gets off with community service, a shocked Carly grabs Taggert's gun and shoots Tony! Great storyline! Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #7  April 27, 1998 - January 4, 1999: 8 hour original edit
This edit includes Carly's storyline while she is in jail and then at Ferncliff in the aftermath of having shot Tony Jones. She is finally released in October, and goes to live with Jason and Robin at Brenda's old cottage. Carly is released from Ferncliff and returns to PC to live with Robin & Jason in the cottage. (Jason has left the mob and opened a garage). Robin leaves town for awhile, leaving Jason and Carly alone together.  Some good scenes between them, Jason takes Carly out for a night at Jake's and she tries to make him jealous. Carly sprains her ankle and Jason carries her up to bed. Jax enters the cottage and thinks he has interrupted an intimate moment between them. This edit includes all of Carly's scenes during this time frame. Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #8  January 4 - March 22, 1999: 8 hour original edit
Sonny returns to town during this time frame, and there is quite a bit of early Sonny & Carly in their earliest scenes together. Jason is looking for a new place for Carly to live, Robin tells AJ that he is Michael's father and the aftermath of that revelation is included. AJ starts the legal process, and threathens Carly with having her committed to Ferncliff. Jason leaves the country with Michael, Carly is supposed to follow but she is growing closer to Bobbie in the wake of Ruby's death and can't bring herself to leave. She panics and accuses Jason of kidnapping, all part of her latest plan. Carly goes to live with the Q's and tries to work AJ to get him on her side. Sonny is furious when he discovers what Carly has done, Sonny and Carly have it out when they are trapped together at the penthouse during a snowstorm. This is edited primarily to Carly's scenes, though included some of the Quatermaine scenes involving AJ plotting to get Michael. The entire storyline with all of Jason's scenes and all of Carly's scenes during a similar time frame is on the Carly & Jason #11, I recommend the C&J edit for fans who would like all of Jason's scenes as well as Carly's. This does duplicate the Carly & Jason #11, similar time frame, this one is just more edited to Carly's scenes. Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #9  March 23 - June 30, 1999: 8 hour original edit
This edit contains Carly finding out that AJ paid an arsonist to set the fire at the coffee warehouse, Carly is jealous of the newly arrived Hannah, Jason & Carly kiss, Jason has feelings about Carly now that she is about to marry AJ, AJ & Carly get engaged, Carly's bridal shower, their engagement party, AJ & Carly's wedding, and Nurse's Ball. Carly has a great dream (read nightmare) about what her life with the Q's will be like.  This edit was fun. I didn't want Carly to marry AJ, but her scenes with the Q's are pretty funny and I always enjoy a good wedding. This edit includes all of Carly's scenes during this time frame. Click here to read the full edit description.

Early Carly #10  July 1 - September 14, 1999 -  4 hour dvd 
This edit concludes Carly's early storyline series. This edit contains some phenomenal scenes when Jason deciding to terminate his relationship with Michael for the child's own good and when Carly finds Sonny in the middle of a breakdown while Jason is out of town, Carly stays with him till Jason returns, some great scenes. Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #1 November 30, 1995 - May 28, 1996: 8 hour original edit
I decided to create a separate series for Jason Morgan’s early storyline. This new series includes every Jason scene, with Robin, Sonny, Carly, and the Quartermaine's.
  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #2 May 28 - September 12, 1996: 8 hr original edit
This edit covers a lot of Jason's early storyline with Sonny and the development of their relationship, which begins with the explosion that kills Lily and Sonny's baby. Robin asks Jason to stick by Sonny no matter what and he agrees. Jason uses Robin's key to get into the penthouse and then refuses to leave as he sits quietly by. He goes with Sonny to Puerto Rico when he confronts Rivera over murdering his own daughter. Also included is Jason's continuing affair with Carly, Nurse's Ball scenes, Jason carries Robin off the stage. In order to protect Sonny, Jason sells him his ELQ shares so that Sonny will have a legitimate business interest. Jason and Sonny show up at an ELQ board-meeting ready to vote! Edward is trying to get Ned tossed out as CEO, and Tracy arrives in time to use her vote to save her son's job (great series of scenes). Jason and Robin spend the night at the boathouse, and then decide to take off for Montauk Point to spend time along together before she leaves for Yale. Jason gets attacked when he makes an unscheduled drop and they don't recognize him as the guy scheduled (Sonny later explains this is standard procedure). Jason is put in the hospital, and Robin is arrested by the local police and interrogated. Back at GH, Alan gives Robin the good news that with the new drug treatment that she has a chance of living a long life. Robin says goodbye to all of her friends at her goodbye party and her and Jason spend one last night together.
I continued to include all of Jason's scenes during this time frame. I also included Robin's scenes with Sonny, with Carly, and as needed to follow Jason's storyline, and with Carly. I did not include Carly's separate storyline as I did all of her scenes from her arrival on the Early Carly series and her storyline during 1996 is fairly separate from Jason's other than their affair. This edit is mostly about Jason's relationship with Robin, and his developing relationship with Sonny. This edit does include all of Jason's scenes with Carly which aren't included on the Jason & Robin #4. I recommend the Just Jason #1 and #2 instead of the R&J #1-4 for anyone who would like Jason's entire storyline, including his affair with Carly. The R&J edits do not include his affair with Carly.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #3 September 12, 1996 - March 17, 1997: 8 hr original edit
This edit continues with Jason's storyline and covers just as Robin leaves for college. I recommend this edit for R&J fans who would like all of Jason's scenes while Robin is away at college (this falls after the Robin & Jason #4). Contained is more of Jason's early relationship with Sonny as most of Jason's scenes during this time frame are with Sonny. He has a few early friendship scenes with Carly, and scenes with Robin during her brief returns but mostly this is a Sonny & Jason edit <grin>. I included some classic Thanksgiving dream scenes, and Christmas scenes when Sonny takes over sales at the tree lot, New Year's Eve, Jason's short lived friendship with Gina (Stone's sister), and the big stories are Sonny getting shot up with heroin as Jason gets very protective over him and then Harry kidnapping Sonny & Brenda and blowing up the cave and trapping them. Jason leads the rescue. Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #4 March 18 - July 2, 1997: 8 hour original edit
This edit continues to be focused on Jason's storyline and contains every Jason scene during this time frame. It includes all of his scenes with Robin during her returns including her surprise date on the boat, all of his scenes with Carly, Sonny, and is centered around the Dr. Dorman storyline. Jason suspects Dorman of being involved in the influx of drugs into Port Charles, he searches his apartment, follows him to gain evidence against him and to just torment him as he has tormented the Q's. Emily begins smoking heroin and tries to fly off the roof. Ned and Jax rescue her, Jason arrives in time to perform CPR and she is taken to the hospital. The only doctor on duty is Dr. Dorman and Jason stands watch as he treats her. Dorman has released to the news media that AJ was driving drunk the night of Jason's accident (he got Matt to give him a copy of Emily's diary). AJ goes on a bender at Jake's, Carly enters fresh from a fight with Tony and they sleep together. I included the AJ and Carly scenes during this time frame as it becomes so crucial to Jason's storyline later after Michael is born. I also included a concert at Luke's, as Jason, Sonny, and Luke were all involved in passing out flyers and promoting the event. The 4th Nurse's Ball is included, with Jason "meeting" his old girlfriend Karen, Robin returns briefly, and of course several of the performances. Monica kidnaps and drugs Dorman and threatens to kill him. I put in this series of scenes, they were quite well done. Jason arrives just when it seems like Monica might actually kill Dorman. Emily has a breakdown when she learns that Dorman read her diary and used it to hurt her family and she is brought into GH. Jason has had it with Dorman hurting people, and Emily is the last straw. Dorman is found dead in the GH morgue, and this was an interesting episode with everyone running around GH so there were lots of suspects available. Carly finds Jason with the body and offers to do anything to help him. He has her call the police and is once again taken in for questioning. At the PCPD, she is surprised by AJ being there and asking questions. He figures out that she doesn't know that he is Jason's brother and blows her mind with this bit of information.
I did not include all of Carly's separate storyline with Tony, Bobbie, Luke as most of her scenes do not involve Jason or his storyline and their storylines are fairly separate during 1996-1997. Cary sleeping with AJ and the aftermath of that action and all of Carly trying to hide it from AJ, trying to keep him from remembering is on the Early Carly #3 which will follow her storyline during this time frame. Any of the friendship scenes between them will be on both the Just Jason series and the Early Carly series.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #5  July 3 - October 2, 1997: 8 hour original edit
This edit continues to follow Jason's storyline and includes him being shot in Robin's living room, they break up and she goes to Paris. Jason helps Sonny plan to leave town with Brenda. When her life is threathened, Sonny leaves town without Brenda and asks Jason to break it to her and Jason shows up at the church instead of Sonny.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #6  October 3, 1997 - January 13, 1998: 8 hour original edit
This edit continues with the aftermath of Sonny's departure as Jason takes over the business and tries to watch over Brenda (without her knowing it). Robin reappears with a nice fantasy sequence about her and Jason, this is followed by very funny Thanksgiving scenes as the Q's are being robbed until Jason arrives and saves the day. Nik is shot in a drive by at Luke's Club and Jason saves his life, Brenda has a nervous breakdown during a photo shoot. This edit contains all of Robin's scenes from her return and I began including all of Carly's scenes as she discovers Tony plans on suing for sole custody of her baby, she has it out with him and tells him that Jason is the father of her baby, not Tony. She then shows up at Jason's house, seeking refuge and asking for his help. Carly goes into labor and everyone gathers at GH, waiting to see if mother and child will be okay. Tony finds out the baby's blood type eliminates him as the father and AJ mistakenly believes Jason is the father. The Quatermaines all learn that Jason is the father of Carly's baby and begin celebrating the new Q heir. Jax brings Robin home to help Brenda during her recovery. Carly, suffering post partum depression suddenly leaves town. Bobbie bonds with the baby while Luke debates whether to tell her she is the baby's grandmother. Jason takes the baby home to his penthouse as Tony insists social services looks into his fitness as a parent.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #7 (Jason/Carly/Robin)  January 13 - February 23, 1998: 8 hour original edit
This edit includes Michael's baptism, Jason has asked Bobbie & Mike to be the baby's god parents, Carly's return to town, the snowstorm and Carly races to the PC Grill to finally hold her son. She confesses to Bobbie that she is her long lost daughter, Caroline, Bobbie does not believe her until Carly's adoptive mother, Virginia Benson, arrives and cries, "Caroline!". Virgina has a stroke during the confrontation and dies.I continued to of course include all of Jason's scenes, and since Carly is now living with him and he is raising her son, all of her scenes are about/involve Jason's storyline and are now also included. I also included all of Robin's scenes from her 1998 return. So the Just Jason series in 1998 is more of a complete storyline with all of Jason, all of Carly, all of Robin now included as their storylines intertwine.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #8  February 23 - April 17, 1998: 8 hour original edit
This edit  contains the complete storyline for Michael's kidnapping, including Tony's machinations, Carly's grief and fear over her missing son, Jason's desperate search for the baby, and all the hostage scenes with Robin and Michael till Jason rescues them both. I included all of Carly's scenes and all of Jason's scenes during this time frame. There isn't much Robin on the #8A as most of her scenes during that time are with Nikolas and those are contained on the Nik & Robin edit. I began including all of  Robin's scenes from the time she realizes Tony has Michael, confronting him and getting kidnapped herself, through her captivity, rescue and recovery in the hospital as she is reunited with her relieved friends and family. Tony's trial begins and the courtroom is shocked when first Felicia and then Robin testifies in support of Tony. Great storyline!  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #9  April 17 - June 26, 1998: 8 hour original edit
Carly shoots Tony in the courtroom after he is released for kidnapping Michael. Carly is put into a psychiatric facility. Jason & Brenda crash on the ELQ jet and are stranded together in the wilderness until Jax rescues them. Also included is the Nurse's Ball and Sonny's return. I included all of Jason's scenes, all of Carly's scenes, and most of Robin's scenes. I did not include the Robin & NIk separate scenes, nor Robin's attending the Bacchanalia Ball (that is all on the Robin & Nik edit) as none of this pertained to her storyline with Jason.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #10  June 26 - September 21, 1998: 8 hour original edit
Robin & Jason celebrate their anniversary. Its also Stone's birthday, he gives her a ring, they say "I love you". Jason saves Robin from the car explosion and is frightened about almost losing her, Brenda's death, Jason leaves the business and opens a motorcycle shop, they move out of the penthouse into Brenda's cottage, Jax & Sonny trapped in the fire, Sonny says goodbye as he leaves again, and Mac & Felicia’s wedding. Edward and Tony get to Carly and she pretends she is crazy, just as Jason has arranged for her release. She is sent to Ferncliffe without visitors for two months. Moreno sets off a car bomb in Jason's car outside of Luke's club. Jason does the slow motion save of Robin just before the bomb explodes and he is frightened over almost losing her, Reynoldo is killed. This edit covers all of Jason's scenes, all of Robin's scenes, and all of Carly's scenes (though Carly is off the show for most of this time frame) so this edit includes not only their scenes together but with Mac, Felicia, Mike, Nik, and their final scenes with Brenda.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #11  September 21 - December 11, 1998: 8 hour original edit
This edit contains Robin and Jason happily in place in Brenda's cottage which they have made their new home, Jason working at the motorcycle shop, Carly's return to the show as Jason, then Bobbie, then AJ visit her in Ferncliff. There are some cute Halloween scenes as Robin and Michael dress up and go over to the Scorpios for a party, Carly is released and moves into the cottage with Robin, Jason, and Michael after she is released. Carly drives Robin nuts so she takes off for Italy for a bit. Tensions between Moreno and Jason begin. Jax enters the cottage and finds Carly & Jason in a compromising position. Carly & Jason have a night out at Jake's. This edit contains every Robin, every Jason, and every scene during this time frame.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #12  December 14, 1998 - February 2, 1999: 8 hour original edit
This edit contains Christmas at GH,  Jason heads to the island casino when Sonny enters a serious depression. While he is gone, Mac is shot during a shooting at the Outback while standing near Robin. Everyone is concerned Moreno took out a hit on her. They move back to the penthouse for protection. Michael celebrates his first birthday, and the town celebrates New Year's Eve with a bachelor charity auction. Robin tells AJ that he is Michael's father and leaves town. Jason and Carly also plan on leaving town, but Carly stays behind to help Bobbie in the aftermath of Ruby's death and plans on meeting up with Jason later on. This edit contains all of Jason's scenes, all of Robin's scenes through her departure, and all of Carly's scenes.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #13 February 18 - May 31, 1999: 8 hour original edit
I have completed the next edit in the Just Jason series. This edit begins as Jason returns to the show after taking Michael to the island to avoid the Q’s and learns Carly has accused him of kidnapping. Jason admits to AJ that he is Michael’s biological father. Carly plans on getting full custody of Michael by marrying AJ. Lucky is killed when the warehouse is torched. Dr. Smithson evaluates Jason and the Q’s for custody of Michael, this is followed by the hearing and Jason gets partial custody. Moreno plants drugs are planted at the coffee warehouse, Jason asks Carly to take them home and dispose of them. Jason is arrested. Carly tries unsuccessfully to seduce Jason. She becomes  jealous of his friendship with Hannah. This edit contains all of Jason’s scenes. Robin is off the show at this time frame and Carly is living with the Quartermaine’s, so the edit is primarily of Jason’s scenes. Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #14  May 31 - October 8, 1999 - 8 hour original edit
This edit contains Carly?s dream (most of an entire episode, one of my favorite dream episodes), Nurse?s Ball, Jason tells Carly that he is hurting Michael so he is giving him up completely, Carly is devastated. Jason & Liz meet up at Jake?s and begin their friendship. They form a bond over her loss of Lucky and his loss of Michael. Carly is suspicious of Hannah, and Sonny is arrested by the FBI. Jason grows concerned by Sonny discussing business when Hannah is around. Carly tries to tell Jason what she knows about Hannah but he won't listen and tells her not to tell Sonny either. Hannah is revealed to be an FBI agent. Carly contiues to get evidence against Hannah and to convince Jason and Sonny that Hannah is lying to them. Jason and Sonny clash over Carly and her accusations about Hannah.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #15  October 8, 1999 - January 24, 2000 - 8 hour original edit
This edit contains Jason getting shot, Sonny & Carly sleeping together and Jason walking in on them. Liz finds a wounded Jason laying in the snow and cares for him in her studio and the two of them develop a deeper friendship. This leads to Sorel planting a bomb in her studio and he rescues her just in time. He tells her he can’t continue his friendship with her due to the danger it places her in. Jason decides to leave town and says goodbye to Michael, Lila, Monica, Emily, Liz and Sonny. After he leaves most of that episode is dedicated to those closest to him discussing him and I decided to include those conversations. He did not tell Carly he was leaving (knowing she would freak), and Sonny tells her when she goes looking for Jason. Emily shows up at Kelly’s to tell Liz about his departure, she of course already knows. Alan & Monica, then Edward & Lila discuss Jason’s departure. Taggert gloats as Sonny tells him, Sonny & Liz talk about Jason. These conversations wrap up Jason’s departure, finished with a montages, one of Carly & Jason scenes, and Liz & Jason scenes. I had a few minutes remaining and decided to include some Jason & Michael, Carly & AJ bloopers that aired in 1999. I also included Steve’s 1998 Daytime Emmy win, and a Hard Copy clip showing a shirtless Steve working out.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Just Jason #16 August 25, 200 - April 23, 2001: 8 hour original edit
This edit includes all of Jason’s first return in Aug, 2000 on the #16A dvd. He shows up at Sonny’s penthouse and Carly answers the door. She is responsible for Sonny’s latest arrest, Sonny & Carly marry so she can’t testify against him. Liz tells Jason about the Dead Ted situation, Zander kidnaps Emily, Taggert arrests Jason to keep him from going after Em. He is released and tracks Emily and rescues her at the footbridge before they cross over into Canada. At the end of the JJ #16A dvd, Jason volunteers to leave town and go to Puerto Rico to handle some dangerous business so Sonny can stay home with his family. Jason returns again in early 2001 at the start of the JJ #16B dvd. Sonny is battling Sorel and is caught in an explosion, Jason rescues him. Liz is torn between her feelings for Jason and for Lucky. When Sonny is sent a bomb, Jason helps diffuse it and then leaves town again to take care of the threat against Sonny. Click here to read the full edit description.

Jason & Carly #11  January 18 - March 15, 1999: 8 hr original edit
This edit begins with the aftermath of Robin having just telling AJ that Michael is his son. AJ starts the legal process, and threathens Carly with Ferncliff. Jason leaves the country with Michael, Carly is supposed to follow but she is growing closer to Bobbie in the wake of Ruby's death and can't bring herself to leave. She panics and accuses Jason of kidnapping, all part of her latest plan. This also covers the very earliest Carly & Sonny scenes after Sonny has returned to PC. Sonny is furious when he discovers what Carly has done. This tape also has their trapped in the penthouse snowstorm scenes which is where many people first saw the chemistry between them.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Jason & Carly #12 March 15 - May 26, 1999: 8 hr original edit
This edit contains Carly finding out that AJ paid an arsonist to set the fire at the coffee warehouse, AJ & Carly get engaged, Carly's bridal shower, AJ & Carly's wedding, Jason & Carly kiss, Jason seems to have feelings about Carly now that she is marrying AJ, Lucky's death (I did not include his funeral though I do have this complete episode as well as all of Lucky's death storyline on my Liz and Lucky #5). This edit was fun. I didn't want Carly to marry AJ, but her scenes with the Q's are pretty funny and I always enjoy a good wedding. Click here to read the full edit description.

Jason & Carly #13  May 26 - September 1, 1999: 8 hr original edit
This edit begins just after Carly & AJ are married. I continued to add all of Carly's scenes and all of Jason's scenes. I did not add all of Sonny's scenes as I've done a separate Sonny edited #3 with all of his scenes from July-Sept, 1999.  Click here to read the full edit description.


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