Robin & Patrick #2  April 27 – July 26, 2006 – 8 hours

Robin comes to check on Lucky and give him his next round of pain meds. Lucky grills her about whether she has seen Elizabeth or not. She tells him that Elizabeth is working right now. Lucky asks her about Patrick and accuses him of flirting with Elizabeth. Robin tells him that Patrick flirts with every woman at the hospital and that he has nothing to worry about concerning Elizabeth. Lucky asks her if Elizabeth flirts back with him? Robin tells him that Elizabeth is married to him and loves him and wouldn't flirt with Patrick. Robin leaves Lucky after she is paged.

Robin finds Elizabeth at the nurses' station later on and suggests she go and see Lucky soon because he seems to be missing her a lot. Robin's tone suggests that she is jealous of Elizabeth because of Patrick flirting with her and is taking it out on Elizabeth. Nurse Epiphany witnesses the exchange and calls Robin on it. Robin acts all professional but she knows that Epiphany is right.

Carly kicked off the Tony Jones Surgical Wing fund-raiser. Various gents appeared on stage to be auctioned off to the ladies. The women made their selections: Elizabeth got Alcazar, Georgie was with Noah, Lulu selected Dillon, Emily chose Patrick, Sam picked Ric, Maxie got Diego, Robin ended up with Jax and Bobbie paired off with Nikolas. Carly was alone.

The mood changed when Carly pulled Max on stage and announced to the attendees that she loved him. They kissed passionately, the music swelled and the crowd all jumped to their feet and applauded. Psyche! Poor Max was only dreaming. After Carly announced a Ladies' Choice dance and things lightened up. When she asked Max for a dance, it was for real this time.

Patrick finds Robin on the rooftop of General Hospital. She's upset after seeing Sam shot. She admits that she is a coward and opens up to him about what her life was like growing up the child of Anna Devane and Robert Scorpio. She admits that she is afraid to take chances. Patrick is sympathetic. He holds her in his arms as she pours out her heart.

Patrick treats Robin to some relaxing downtime away from the hospital. Patrick and Robin fall into another quarrel when things threaten to turn passionate between them.

Robin and Noah cautioned Patrick about operating on a Mrs. Dixon, whose illness mirrored his mother's. Patrick revealed he didn't blame Noah for Mom's death but he blamed Noah for, "The way you threw away your life."

"So, what? You want to follow in my footsteps?" No, Patrick wanted to try.

Robin and Patrick met Mrs. Dixon's son before her surgery. Robin and Epiphany warned Liz and Emily about Patrick's brutal attitude in the OR and Patrick sauntered in, enjoying the room "full of ladies."  As Patrick searched for the embolism, Mrs. Dixon's EEG flattened. Medical terminology flew fast and furious but it was too late. "Time of death: 4:57." Patrick walked out of the OR, telling Robin he'd inform Mrs. Dixon's son.

In the locker room, it was Miller Time for Emily and Liz while Kelly craved tequila and Robin wanted some shots as well. Patrick remembered being told about his mother's death as he approached Mrs. Dixon's son. He echoed that doctor's words as Noah looked on.

Robin, Elizabeth, Emily and Kelly (Dr. Lee) show up at Jake's Bar to drink shots of tequila after the rough day they had in the O.R. They get on the subject of men and sex as they get toasted doing shots of tequila. Kelly Lee mentions that what made her day so tough was not being able to tell her patient's grieving fiancée that her patient may be able to still have children but her blood isn't clotting and she could die. Emily realizes she is talking about Sam and asks her if she is going to die? Kelly can't say but looks worried.

Patrick has to tell the young son of his patient that his mom died on the operating table. Noah steps in to talk to the boy and lies and tells him that his mother told him to tell her son that she loves him. The boy leaves with his grandmother. Patrick and Noah talk about what happened years ago when Patrick's mother died on the operating table from having the same condition as Patrick's patient. Noah apologizes to Patrick for not telling him about his mother's death. He tells Patrick that he is a better surgeon than him as well as a better man. Patrick can't help but cry a little.

Back at the bar, the ladies discuss the idea of having a no-strings sexual fling with a man instead of getting into a complicated relationship. Robin puts coins in the jukebox and fantasizes about having sex with Patrick right there on the dance floor. The other ladies also fantasize about having sex with Patrick.

Patrick shows up at Jake's and surprises all the ladies. They set up shots of tequila for him to drink. Coleman calls cabs for them all because they are too drunk to drive. Robin waits until they all leave and approaches Patrick. She offers herself to him to have no-strings attached sex with her right now upstairs from the bar. Patrick thanks her for the offer but turns her down. Robin can't believe he would turn down sex with her. He tells her he likes her too much to take advantage of her in her state. He asks Coleman to call a cab for her.

Dillon, Lulu, Patrick and a hung over Robin board a flight for the Markham Islands.  On the Markham Islands, Robin, Patrick, Lulu and Dillon interrupt a tender moment between Luke and Holly just as an irked Robert reappears.  Luke and Robin are both disconcerted when Holly flirts openly with Patrick.  Robin gives her dad an earful about his reckless behavior.

Everyone is sound asleep while stranger spies on the group outside the doors. Dillon and Lulu wake up next to one another while Robin calls out Dr, Drake's name while she sleeps. She awakens to find Holly between herself and the doctor. Patrick offers Holly his good morning, while their legs are intertwined.

Patrick and Holly continue to lie together, while a jealous Robin shows her displeasure. Robin asks Holly to turn herself in so that they can all leave. Patrick comes to Holly defense. A suspicious Robert and Luke enter the room. Robin and Lulu try to find out what the men are up to when a diamond bracelet falls out of Luke's pant leg.

Holly thanks Luke and Robert for finding her jewels that were given to her from her late husband. Robert and Luke not believing her story, ask for a description of the jewels. Rather than playing their petty game, Holly suggests that the jewels be divided in half, in her favor. Patrick decides to intervene only to have his wrist injured in the process. Bounty hunters descend on them and demand that Sutton, Scorpio and Spencer all come out with their hands up.

Elizabeth contacts Patrick's cell phone. She informs Patrick of Sam's diagnosis and asks him to return to the hospital.  Patrick briefs Robin on Sam's situation. Waldo returns and takes Patrick to the airport.

Everyone at the villa stares at Holly sleeping on the couch with the bag of jewels clutched in her hands.

Later, Robin cooks dinner for everyone at the villa. Everyone compliments her on how good the food tastes. Robin surprises everyone by telling them that they are eating cooked snake. She assures Lulu that the snake she killed was not poisonous. Robin tells Luke, Robert, and Holly that she wants them to turn themselves in to the authorities. She thinks that Robert will be able to convince the authorities that he is not a terrorist and they will let them go free.

Luke asks Robert how Robin could be so naive for being a Scorpio. Robert doesn't know how to explain Robin's behavior. Robin tells them that they should be honest with the authorities. Luke again looks over at Robert wondering how his daughter could be so unlike him. Robert tells him that Robin gets this from his brother and not from either her mother or him.

Lulu decides to cut to the chase and tell them what she thinks of their ability to get out of trouble. She tells them that they are too old to be running off on any more adventures and that she and Robin came here to stop them from getting themselves killed. Luke doesn't appreciate Lulu's comments and tells her to butt out of his business and go home. Lulu tells him to go to hell and runs outside. Holly tells Luke that he is clueless sometimes. Robin is about to say something to Robert but he warns her not to say a word.

Robert approaches Robin and asks her if she would be willing to have dinner with him when he gets back to town and talk. Robin tells him she will consider having dinner with him. Lulu is about ready to leave and Luke gives her the cold shoulder at first. However, he stops her from leaving and thanks her for coming all this way to help him. He gives her a big hug before she leaves.

A few moments later Dillon, Robin, and Lulu come back and tell them that they tried to leave but they ran into some fierce looking jaguar. Robert and Luke take the machete and go in search of it. They come back later after getting rid of the creature and find Holly, and the rest of them tied up at gunpoint by the bounty hunters.

Patrick returns to the hospital and looks at Sam's chart. Alexis goes to speak to Patrick. She overhears a heated argument between Patrick and Noah about Sam having the surgery. Noah is against the surgery and tries to convince Patrick that it will end up killing Sam. Alexis asks Noah what the risks are for this type of surgery? Noah explains to her that he believes that this surgery is too risky and that Sam will end up bleeding to death on the operating table if Patrick does the surgery.

Jason shows up and yells at Noah for trying to stop Patrick from doing the surgery. Noah tells him that the surgery is too risky. Jason tells him that he needs to stop interfering and let Patrick examine Sam first.

Patrick comes into Sam’s room and gives orders to the nurses to prep Sam for surgery. Alexis pleads with Jason to give the medicine a chance to work first. Jason signs the consent forms and they get ready to bring Sam into the O.R. Alexis shows up at the operating room and interrupts Patrick just as he is ready to start the surgery. She tells him she got a court injunction and that they can't do the surgery on her daughter.

In the villa at the Markham Islands, Holly, Lulu, Dillon and Robin are tied up and being held at gunpoint by the bounty hunters. Robert and Luke, who have yet to be restrained and begin bickering over making a run for it. The bounty hunters finally tie up Robert and Luke while the arguments continue.

They ask that the kids be released but the Bounty Hunters refuse to let anyone go until they have received the money. Lulu informs them that they can make more money off the jewels that Holly is wearing. The hunters take Holly's jewels. Creating a new plan, the hunters decide to cash in still on the bounty as well as on the jewels.

Dillon informs them that Robert is a "super spy" and the bounty hunters will be killed when the National Intelligence Agency comes to find him. Robert knocks Luke's chair over, blaming him for everything that has happened and that he should have turned him in.

Tired of the constant arguing between the two, Robin screams for them to shut up and calls them worthless. She then proceeds to tell Robert that he is a self absorbed, self promotion, thinking that he's so important when no one cares and Luke who is a rebel without a cause, devil may care, too hip for the room attitude when he was so ten years ago.

With the distraction, Robert and Luke manage to free themselves of their restraints and attack the bounty hunters. Robert and Luke fight the two bounty hunters holding them hostage, managing to knock them out cold. As the men rush to untie the rest, a third hunter cocks his gun. Lulu stuns him by hitting him from behind with an oar, and Dillon punches him in the face completely knocking him out.

Robert comments on Robin's freak out causing a good distraction. Robin informs the two that she meant every word of it. Believing that it's Waldo coming to save them, a helicopter hovers above them. Realizing that Waldo does not have access to a helicopter, the crew suspiciously watches as a stranger crawls down the ladder towards them. Once on the ground, the stranger removes her helmet to reveal that it is none other than Anna Devane. Robin and Anna embrace, and they briefly exchange how much they missed one another. She then hands Robin her bag to hold, and turns and kicks Robert in the head knocking him to the ground.

Patrick is angry with Noah for messing with the patient’s lives. Noah not wanting Patrick to ruin his career and he's trying to give Alexis different options. Noah tells Patrick that the only reason that he is so keen on doing the surgery is because of the patient who died on his operating table as well as because he is trying to play God. Noah says that he is trying to save Sam from Patrick's arrogance. Noah walks off.

Jason approaches Patrick and asks what he will need to pay in order for Patrick to do the surgery. Patrick informs him that if he is willing to continue with the surgery, that there is no need for the money. Patrick asks Elizabeth to assist in the operating room only if she is still thinking that this is the right approach that they should be taking. Elizabeth says that she has taken an oath to save people and she will be there to help, regardless of the consequences.        

 While wheeling Sam to surgery, Patrick turns and asks if Jason is packing a gun so that if there are any questions Patrick can say that Jason held a gun to his head. Jason informs Patrick that if he doesn't do the surgery he will shoot him. Patrick informs his operating staff that they have very little time to get this done. They begin the surgery. Elizabeth takes note of how bad Sam's condition really is.

Robert tells Anna that he guessed that he had that coming. Anna expresses her anger and frustrations for Robert having pretended that he had been dead all of these years. Having heard enough, Robin fires a machine gun into the air. Robin tells her mom that she has every right to be angry with Robert, but fighting is not going to solve anything.

Anna makes her intentions clear, by informing everyone that she will be turning over Holly, Robert and Luke for the half a million dollar bounty. Clearly disagreeing with this idea, Lulu holds Anna at gunpoint. Luke asks Lulu to hand him the gun, however she refuses. Robin comes to her mother's defense in saying that Anna hadn't thought things through clearly and that she will not be turning anyone in. Anna agrees with Robin about her hasty decision. Lulu hands the gun over to Robin.

Robin asks her parents if it would be too much to have a few minutes of their undivided attention. Anna and Robert both express concern about leaving Holly, Luke, Dillon and Lulu by themselves. Robin offers them a choice between leaving the group behind to be with their daughter or staying with the group and not having their daughter. They both choose Robin. When alone, Robin asks her parents if they are sorry for what has happened.

Patrick exits the operating room to inform Jason and Alexis that Sam has made it through the surgery. He continues to tell them that it is too soon to tell if there will be any brain damage, but she has a very good chance to live.

 Patrick tells Elizabeth that he feels that she handled herself well in the operating room. He continues to say that she will make a wonderful operating room nurse. Their conversation is cut short, when an angry Noah approaches Patrick. Noah informs Patrick that he has risked his career and freedom in performing this surgery.

 Mac and Detective Rodriguez arrest Elizabeth, Epiphany, Jason and Patrick for disobeying the injunction. Jason informs the police that he should be the only arrested for this, and that they should let everyone go. Jason continues to say that Patrick only performed the operation because Jason threatened him. Elizabeth says that she was present when Jason threatened Patrick and said he was carrying a gun. Patrick confirms Elizabeth's story.

Stan arrives and attempts to bail his mother out, however Epiphany does not allow him to. Lucky arrives at the PCPD to post Elizabeth's bail. Elizabeth thanks her husband, but tells him that she is staying until everyone is released. Lucky asks Mac to let Elizabeth go; however Mac informs him that there is nothing he can do unless Elizabeth agrees to leave. Mac offers the opportunity for Lucky to speak to his wife again, but Lucky chooses to speak with Patrick instead. Thinking that he is about to speak with his lawyer, Patrick leaves the interrogation room to an awaiting Lucky.

Noah tells Alexis that the surgery was probably the best thing for Sam. Alexis tells Noah that she is confused by Noah's change of heart. She believes that Noah has only changed his mind because of Patrick being arrested. Alexis continues to inform him that all she wants for her daughter is to receive the best care possible, free of any ulterior motives.

Alexis dropped the charges against Patrick, Epiphany, Liz and Jason. While she did not agree with the operation, she was not going to hold a grudge against them.

Back at the island, Anna admitted that she and Robert had made selfish choices and had been horrible parents. Robert proclaimed that despite it all Robin turned out all right, that she had a successful career, an extended family and a neurosurgeon boyfriend in Patrick. Anna was pleasantly surprised and started asking questions regarding Patrick, and who he is?

Robin shared that Patrick was a brilliant surgeon who was a self-centered, arrogant, womanizer with a little bit of compassion. She also claimed that even if she was to like him, she could never trust him. At that point, Anna punched Robert, exclaiming that Robert had made his daughter fall in love with a man just like him. Upon further discussion, Robin agreed that Patrick was in a way a substitute for Robert.

As Robert and Anna continued their bantering, Robin asked if they had ever loved each other. At that point, both Robert and Anna proclaimed that they loved each other, but because of Anna's need to be independent, and Robert's need to be competitive, they could not stay together.

However, both agreed that the best thing that happened to them was Robin, and that they were very grateful for that. Robert then left the room, and Anna and Robin shared some personal time. Anna asked Robin to try and give Robert another chance, that he was a good man, and that she would be fortunate to have him on her side.

Anna, Robert and the others conduct an impromptu investigation to determine who among them is the guilty party. Robin theorizes that her mother took Holly's rubies, while Dillon guesses that the alleged "victim" herself is the real thief. Following a check-up at the hospital, Lucky presses Patrick to renew his painkiller prescription but the doctor refuses. Lucky learns that Elizabeth and Patrick have gone to a hotel together.

Tracy shows up at the villa to stop Luke from running off with Holly and the jewels. Tracy finds everyone tied up inside. She realizes that Anna is there and is surprised to see her. Tracy has her little harem of men untie everyone and expects an explanation as to why Luke would tie up her son? Luke has to backpedal and explain himself. Tracy isn't impressed and expects him to thank her for saving them. She informs everyone that she paid money to the authorities to lift the bounty off of their heads.

Tracy expects Luke to make it up to her and insinuates that she expects sex. Dillon and Lulu try not to cringe when they hear them talking. Luke asks everyone to stay and let him cook dinner for everyone before they leave the island. Robin thanks Luke for the offer but she plans on getting on a plane and heading home. Anna plans to leave as well. Robert offers to drive them to the airport. Robin touches Robert's heart when she tells him that despite everything she had an exciting time with everyone. Robert hugs her and tells her he enjoyed being with her too.

Anna tells Robin, Dillon and Lulu that only two people can take the next flight back to the states and that the other two people will have to catch the next flight. Dillon tells Robin to go first since she may be needed back at the hospital. Robin thanks him. Lulu tells Anna to go ahead with Robin and she will fly back with Dillon. Anna informs Robin that she isn't going back to Port Charles with her and that she needs to take care of something and she will come see her soon. Robin is disappointed that she isn't coming with her but wishes her well. Anna tells her she hopes to meet Patrick someday. Robin doesn't bother correcting her on her relationship with Patrick and leaves.

Maxie meets Robin at Kelly’s and shows her the paternity test and tells her that Nik is really John's father. Maxie informs Robin that she came across the information by accident, and that she tried to use the information to her advantage by blackmailing Jax. She believed that she could cash in on the paternity results. Robin asks Maxie to deal with her grief over the loss of Jessie, and agrees to deal with the paternity results.

Robin receives a call on her cell phone from Patrick. He asks her to meet him at the Metro Court Hotel that night for dinner.

Accusing his wife of meeting with Patrick at the Cosmopolitan Hotel, Elizabeth confirms his suspicions by saying that they have been meeting at the hotel for weeks. Elizabeth and Patrick then proceed to him that Patrick has a patient who resides at the hotel, and that he has asked for Elizabeth's assistance on the case. Elizabeth tells Lucky that she is paid well for her services, and that the only reason she has kept it quiet is because she didn't want Lucky worrying about it. Lucky asks his wife to stop treating him like a child.

Patrick informs all that Sam is on her way to making a full recovery. He then advises Jason to be honest with Sam about everything that happened, as it will help Sam from being disoriented.

Robin meets with Patrick for dinner. While dining, Robin is distracted by the decision that she will need to make on John's paternity. Eyeing Nikolas having dinner with Lulu and then Jax kissing Carly, Robin tells Patrick that she wants to go back to his place. As Robin and Patrick are about to leave, Carly comments on Robin's truth and morality placing a damper on their evening. Robin turns and tells Carly that she knows about her hateful crimes, and will not allow her to get away with it this time.

Robin was visibly upset and commented as to how Carly manipulated people and that she should just let the truth come out, Patrick led Robin out, and both Nikolas and Lulu told Carly that she was wrong to go off on Robin.

In Patrick's room, Robin was still upset about the confrontation she had with Carly. Patrick recognized her frustration, and listened to her dilemma. She told him that she knew of a secret, and that while letting people know of her secret it would hurt Carly, it would also hurt someone else that she cared for. Also, if she kept the secret to herself, it would hurt another.

Patrick suggested that she stay out of it, and let it play out between those involved. Robin and Patrick started kissing on the sofa, and Robin asked if he was comfortable with her being HIV +. As he carried her to the bed, Patrick reassured her that it was not an issue, and they continued kissing. Epiphany pages Patrick, letting him know that Sam's nose was bleeding heavily, which effectively ended Robin and his night.

Nikolas ran into Robin on the pier. He told her that Jax was unwilling to let him spend time with John. As Robin commented that it was unfair, Nikolas told her that Jax had a legal right to do this, and that he was doing it to protect the baby from Helena. Robin said that Nikolas could protect John from his grandmother, to which Nikolas agreed.

However, he also commented that if John had been his child, he is unsure if he would have allowed Jax to visit with him because of the tension between the two of them. Robin commented how Nikolas had just started to get to know John, and that it didn't seem right. He agreed, and said that he missed the baby already.

Robin asks Nik if Helena would threaten or hurt a baby just to get control of him. Nikolas tells her that he can't underestimate what Helena would do. Robin asks Nikolas what he would do if John was his baby. Nikolas tells her that didn't happen and therefore he can't answer her question. Robin starts to wonder if she should tell Nikolas the truth.

Later, Carly watches Robin talking to Nikolas at a nearby table and complains about Robin to Jax. Jax defends Robin and tells her that he is very fond of Robin. Robin talks to Nikolas some more until she finds Patrick at another table watching them. Nikolas notices and realizes he is stopping her from going to see Patrick. He tells her he is leaving them to talk.

Robin approaches Patrick and the two of them go back to his hotel room. Robin and Patrick decide to make love and make sure their beepers are not going to go off. They start kissing on the bed when Robin stops them and sits up. She tells Patrick that she just realized something, her mother was right. Patrick asks her why she is bringing her mother into this?

Robin tells him that her mother told her that Patrick is just like her father. Robin wonders if she is attracted to him because he is like her father and that disturbs her. She explains to him that he and Robert are both conceited jerks and that they think they are God's gift to women.

Patrick doesn't like the idea that she is comparing him to Robert just as they are going to make love. Robin apologizes for saying this to break the mood. She decides to forget about her father and leads him back to the bed to make love.

They are starting to undress each other when there is a pounding on the door. Patrick and Robin try to ignore it but it is insistent. Patrick hollers at the intruder to go away. Robert pounds on the door and asks to talk to Patrick about his intentions toward his daughter. Robin can't believe Robert is going to ruin her evening. Robin answers the door and asks him what he is doing there?

Robert informs Robin that he wishes to be the father that Robin has always wanted, so he is there to see what exactly Patrick has in mind concerning her. Patrick agrees to answer any question that Robert may have. Believing that her father has ulterior motives, Robin tries to explain to Patrick that her father is trying to trap him. She believes that Robert is trying to find out just how many similarities they have.

Robert tells Patrick that Robin is a lot like her mother, and that he had better be prepared for a challenge. Patrick agrees that he is up for whatever she throws at him. Robin asks Patrick for some alone time with her father. Once Patrick has left; Robin turns to Robert and asks him why he is trying to ruin her life.

Robin is thankful for Robert's concern, but she mentions that he doesn't need to overdue the parenting in one afternoon. Robert tells her that he is having issues seeing her as an adult, she still reminds him of the little 7-year-old girl that he had left behind. Robin tries to tell him that despite seeing her like that, she isn't a little girl anymore. Proceeding to speak to Robin about sex, Robert asks his daughter if she is taking all of the protective measures that are required with her having HIV?

Robin informs him that after dealing with the illness for 10 years, she knows what she is doing. Robert offers his concern that being cautious for too many years may have taught Robin to become overprotective of her heart. Robin tells her father that she isn't afraid of love. She has loved both Stone and Jason and that she just isn't sure if she will ever find love again. Robert asks her why she can't find love with Patrick. Robin tells him that this is not the type of relationship that two have, and that it's merely sexual. At that moment, Patrick re-enters the room.

Robin and Epiphany are talking when they run into Patrick. Patrick asks Robin what she is doing. He tells her that they were supposed to meet at her apartment at 10:00, but she wasn't there. Robin tells Patrick that she had a picnic planned, and to come and get her in 15 minutes.

Robin and Patrick begin hiking to their picnic location. However once it begins to rain, they attempt to find refuge. Finding a little cabin, Robin picks the lock. At once Patrick starts a fire while Robin lights some candles. Robin catches Patrick starring at her and wonders what is up. Patrick tells her that she's beautiful and refuses to apologize for being caught starring.

Robin and Patrick are finding comfort in each other's arms when they begin to kiss. Realizing that he has left his protection in the car, he tells Robin that he needs to head back to the car which is five miles away. Having already planned for an incident like this, Robin pulls out some protection from her purse. Robin turns to Patrick and tells him that she has waited a long time to make love to him.

Robin and Patrick are kissing, when he breaks the kiss to find out if she has any second thoughts on making love. Telling him how great it is to be there with him, they begin to kiss again and then make love.

Robin tells Patrick that she knows that he is freaking out about her being HIV +. Patrick agreed that he would have freaked out if he was HIV +.  However with the precautions that they took, he was not worried about it. Knowing that Patrick was worried about something, Robin addressed if he was concerned that she was looking for a commitment?

Patrick agreed, saying that he has gotten to know her, and that he knows that she would not have take this step lightly. Robin convinced Patrick that she understood that a commitment is not in the cards, and that it was just sex between them. As they continued kissing, Jax and Carly interrupt them.

Jax informed them that it was his cabin, and that he would not have had a problem with them using it, if he had gotten some notice. Patrick and Robin told Jax that they had been hiking and got caught in the rain when they came across the cabin. As the three of them were speaking, Carly was looking at the situation incredulously. She made a snide remark about Patrick lowering his standards after she had chosen Jax instead of him.

Robin angrily told Carly to watch what she said or that she would make Carly regret it. Jax told Patrick and Robin that he would give them some privacy to get dressed, however, that he would like to talk to Robin. Outside, Jax asked Carly to show a little compassion to Robin, a suggestion that Carly scoffed at. As they were talking, Robin walked out of the cabin, frustrated with comments made by Patrick. Carly went into the cabin, where Patrick tried to convince her that Robin was a good person.

Outside, Jax asked Robin what she had on Carly. Robin told Jax that she had nothing concrete however, Carly was someone who would lie and she begged Jax to get out while he still had some dignity. Soon afterward, Jax and Carly left the cabin, and Robin and Patrick continued kissing.

Kelly asked Patrick if he'd seen anybody suspicious lurking around her office, because someone had stolen pages from her prescription pad.

At Kelly's, Robin walked in, and Carly started teasing her. Lulu leaped to Robin's defense, so Carly snapped at her and stormed out. Robin appreciated the effort, but told Lulu to mind her own business.

Epiphany told Robin that she knows about her and Patrick, so Robin came clean. Then Epiphany warned her not to break his heart or she'll break Robin's legs. Robin joined Patrick in a supply closet for a quickie.

Elizabeth puts a bouquet of flowers in a vase and confirms to Patrick that they are from Lucky. Dr. Lee watches as Elizabeth gives Patrick a friendly hug. Dr. Lee approaches Patrick and suggests that he hit on her instead of Elizabeth since she is single and available and Elizabeth isn't. She tells him about Lucky cornering her earlier to ask about him.

Patrick finds Lucky later and tells him to stop asking staff about his flirtation with Elizabeth when it isn't true. He warns Lucky that if he doesn't stop this he won't have to worry about him but he will end up driving Elizabeth toward him instead. Lucky watches Elizabeth and Patrick get on the elevator together.

Patrick tells Elizabeth that she is becoming an excellent OR nurse. Overhearing Patrick's discussion with Elizabeth, Robin coldly hands Elizabeth a file and storms off. Patrick tells Robin that she is quite adorable to watch when she is jealous. Robin tries to tell Patrick that she is not jealous but feels that due to Patrick being Lucky's doctor, he may be undermining Lucky's recovery based off the stress of knowing that Patrick is flirting with his wife.

Patrick tries to defend his relationship with Elizabeth by saying that they are nothing more than co-workers and friends. Patrick tries to tell Robin that he believes she is just jealous and is feeling that perhaps she may want more from their relationship than just casual sex. Robin tells Patrick that she chose the ground rules and that she is fine with the way things are. She does offer that if Patrick is interested in sleeping around, perhaps it would be best if the girls didn't know that he was sleeping with a girl who was HIV-positive.

Robin apologizes to Elizabeth for her behavior. She tells Elizabeth that sometimes Patrick drives her completely crazy. Elizabeth tells Robin that she is pleased to see Robin trying to maintain her connection with Patrick and that despite how charming and wonderful he can be Patrick should not be trusted.

Robin invites Patrick out to the Haunted Star after their shift. Patrick agrees to go out with Robin, provided that she doesn't allow her jealousy to get in the way. Once again Robin tells Patrick that she knows where they stand.

Robin and Patrick meet for another tryst inside a supply closet.

Robin and Patrick were busy kissing, and as Patrick was taking off

his shirt, Kelly unexpectedly interrupted them. As Robin looked embarrassed, Kelly suggested that if they wanted to use the supply closet for those types of activities, that they should be careful and lock the door. Patrick agreed, and said that next time, he would be sure to do exactly that.

When Kelly left, Robin was upset with Patrick, stating that she did not want the entire hospital to know that they were sleeping together, and to be considered one more notch on his stethoscope. Patrick accused Robin of wanting something more, and frustrated from the conversation, Robin left the supply closet.

At the pier, Patrick was on his cell phone making plans for the next day with someone. As he was talking on the phone, Lucky came by and grabbed the phone assuming it was Elizabeth. On the other line it was Epiphany, who was angry at Lucky's accusations. Once Patrick got his phone back, he warned Lucky that if he was not careful, that Elizabeth would leave him, and that there would be someone else to catch her-even if it wasn't him. Lucky said that their marriage would be fine as long as Patrick stayed away from Elizabeth.

Later, Lainey asked Robin how her and Patrick were able to maneuver in the closet? Robin was surprised that the girls wanted to know the details as to how Patrick was as a lover. However, she willingly obliged them with information. She shared with them that he was a great lover, and that she could not get enough of him. As she was speaking, Patrick walked in and told her that he would be willing to oblige her whenever she wanted. Elizabeth, Lainey, Emily and Kelly invited him to join them, which he politely declined, stating he was there to pick up his date. As Robin and Patrick were leaving, Robin thanked him for saving her from an embarrassing situation.

Robin gets an invitation to Baby John's christening. She talks to Maxie about it on their way into the locker room at G.H. Maxie wonders why Robin would want to go since Carly will be there. Robin still isn't sure about whether to tell Nikolas the truth since Helena could be a threat. Maxie suggests that as a friend she should keep Jax's secret and brings up something about friends doing things like that for friends to help them out. Robin asks her if she is talking about something else entirely. Maxie tells her she is fine and everything is okay. Robin tells her she can come to her if she needs help.

Carly sneaks into the locker room to steal some scrubs to wear to pose as a nurse. Patrick is dressing up when she goes in. She tries to hide but Patrick sees her. He waits until she is putting on the scrubs to come up behind her and tell her how hot she is as a nurse. Carly asks Patrick to pretend he didn't see her. Patrick tells her he isn't sure he can do that.

Suddenly, Robin shows up at the locker room and asks Patrick who he was just talking to. Patrick covers for Carly and tells Robin that he was talking on his cell-phone. Robin asks him why she just heard someone else's voice.

Patrick distracts Robin to try to keep her from asking him more questions as Carly overhears them. Robin tells him that she was just wondering if she is one day going to catch him with another woman in the locker room. Patrick leans over and tells her she is the only woman he wants to be in the locker room with and kisses her. Carly rolls her eyes in disgust but is thankful that Patrick didn't blow her cover.

Robin runs into Nikolas who tells her about how Jax and Carly asked him to be the baby's godfather then changed their minds right after Helena showed up at the hospital. He isn't sure what to believe. Robin tells Patrick that she can't go to some stockcar race with him because she is going to John's christening. He asks her why she plans to go there when Carly will be there? She tells him that she is going because of Jax and that Nikolas will be there. Patrick doesn't understand why that should make a difference. Robin tells him she can't go with him and that he will have to deal with it

Robin runs into Carly at the nurse's station and begins to question her and why she is there? Carly tells Robin that she is there to pick up a prescription for Morgan and to see Bobbie. As they are talking, Patrick interrupts the two of them. Patrick agrees to attend the christening with Robin, if she agrees to keep her focus off Carly. Patrick suggests that Robin stop meddling into everyone's lives especially with a secret that isn't hers to give.

Arriving early at the christening, Robin runs into Nik. Nik tells Robin how much he wished that he was John's father and confides the fact that he had another paternity test done the night before. Putting the information together, Robin begins on a rant about Carly when Patrick shows up and asks her what's wrong?

Carly approaches Patrick and asks him to come and meet Lady Jane. Robin places her arm through Patrick's and says that she wishes to go with them. Carly tells Robin that she has already had the opportunity to meet Jane, whereas Patrick hasn't. As things begin to get heated, Carly suggests that perhaps Robin should leave rather than make things difficult for John's family. Robin calls Carly on making a mountain of lies around an innocent child and tells her that she has something to say. Robin turns around and looks at Nik.

Patrick operates on a drug dealer that Lucky supposedly shot saving the day. When removing the bullet from the dealer, Patrick realized that it couldn't possibly be from Lucky's gun, and he told Elizabeth. She realized that Lucky didn't really shoot the dealer and she knew it had to be Jason who had arrived to save the day. A drugged up Lucky bumped into Patrick, who warned him that he knows what Lucky is doing.

Nikolas admitted to Carly and Jax that he had another blood test done. Carly was horrified that Nik could do such a thing. Robin was disgusted that Carly could be so hypocritical and told her so. Patrick left to answer a hospital call, telling Robin to loosen up on the "busybody impulses."

As the priest began the ceremony, Robin and Alexis had a hard time watching Carly coo over the baby. Jax had a sudden flashback of talking to a dying Courtney about raising her baby as a Cassadine. Carly and Jax posed for a picture with baby John and the rest of their family and Robin snapped. She grabbed Nik and spilled the truth in front of everyone. Nik was skeptical, though.  Carly called Robin a psychopath and a liar.

"Nikolas is nothing to John," Carly spat at Robin.

Jax interrupted, "Robin's right," he said to a stunned Nikolas. "I'm not John's father, you are."

Robin tried to convince Nikolas that he was the father. At first, he felt that Maxie had changed the paternity results; because of the crush she had developed for him.  Jax let Nikolas know that John was his son, and that he had kept his true paternity a secret to protect the child from Helena. Nikolas was upset about what had been kept from him, and that he had lost the first months with his son. Jax let everyone know that it had been his decision and that Carly had nothing to do with it.

Robin asked Jax why he continued to protect Carly. She said that while Jax had been first to keep a secret, that it was Carly who encouraged him to continue it. Jax and Carly left and Nikolas took the opportunity to thank Robin for letting him know. Robin apologized for keeping the secret for so long, and tried to get Nikolas to see that Jax had followed his heart and did what he had felt was best for John. Nikolas did not agree when Robin told him that she would continue to try and smooth the waters between the two men, he said that she was more than welcome to try.

At the hospital, Patrick confronted Lucky about his assumptions of Liz and their supposed affair. Lucky let him know that he had been wrong and wanted to apologize. There had been a lot of stress with Lucky being on disability and unable to provide for his family, and Liz wanting to take the burden on by herself.

Maxie, Robin, Robert, Mac (with video camera) gather for Lulu’s graduation. Maxie headed outside, but Robin caught up with her and told her that she told Nik the truth about John (the end of this scene feels very abrupt as she tells Maxie, fade to black and in Robin’s next scene she is back in Kelly’s sitting at the counter. Sometimes scenes are cut if the show runs long). Robert danced with Lulu and assured her that Luke loves her.

Robin showed up at Jax's doorstep to explain about telling Nikolas the truth about John. Carly gave Robin an earful about destroying people's lives and Robin shot back that the fallout of this situation was not her fault that it was Cary’s. Jax said there's no point in assigning blame. Carly vowed to make Robin pay for what she did. "Your narcissism is a thing of wonder," pointed out Robin, who had enough and left.

At Kelly's, Nikolas was holding John with Robin, Liz and Mike surrounding him when Carly, Jax, Michael and Morgan walked in. Michael asked to hold John, and Nikolas said no. When Carly and Jax reminded him that the boys were cousins, Nikolas said that he was not comfortable with them forming a relationship because that would allow Carly to have contact with John. Nikolas accused Carly of doing whatever possible to have contact with John, even using her own children as an excuse.

At the nurse's station, Dr. Lee asked Dr. Drake, Jr., whether he and Robin were exclusive or if anyone could join him in the supply closet for some fun. Patrick was suspicious of her motives. Was she betraying her friend Robin or doing undercover digging for her? he wondered. He didn't answer the question. Then, Robin showed up. Kelly fibbed and said that Patrick was just saying that he and Robin were committed to each other. "Do tell," asked Robin. "Let's go to dinner," he huffed.

Robin's obsessive interest in Carly and Jax turned Patrick off. "You are exactly like Carly," he pointed out. "You create your own drama." Robin got up and left. Patrick followed her out to the balcony, where Robin reluctantly admitted that Patrick was right. Patrick assured Robin that he really does like her. "When you let down your walls, I really, really, really liked having sex with you," he grinned. She laughed and they kissed.

Robin and Patrick talk in the elevator. Patrick asks her to meet with him for dinner later and go somewhere more private to be together alone. They steal a few kisses before Robin gets off the elevator.

Patrick shows up at the hotel to find Carly sitting at the bar crying and doing her work. Patrick hugs her after telling her how sorry he is for her loss. Carly tells him that he is too good for Robin. Patrick doesn't comment and only hugs her. Nikolas walks in and starts to chuckle when he sees Carly in Patrick's arms. Nikolas informs Patrick that Carly is just using him. Patrick informs Nikolas that what he does with Carly is neither his nor Robin's business.

Robin notices that Emily and Dr. Kelly Lee are surrounding Lainey in the waiting area. Robin approaches them. Kelly tells her about Justus' murder. Robin is shocked and upset by the news. Kelly asks her if she was friends with Justus? Robin tells her he was kind of a friend of hers and that he was there for someone she loved once who died.

Later, the ladies show up at Jake's to have a drink or two. Lainey proposes a toast to Robin, Emily, and Elizabeth for being brave enough to take risks with the men in their lives and let themselves fall in love. Lainey tells the girls that she really misses Justus and can't believe that he is dead. She then turns to Emily and asks her how she is able to live with Sonny in his line of work. Emily and Liz tell her that they need to live in the moment and not think about what could happen.

Carly and Patrick are on the pier discussing how she is far from being over Jax. She tells him that it would not be fair to use him. She does inform him that there was a time when she would have jumped into bed with him right away, but things are different. Patrick said he's open to being used.

Carly spotted Robin approaching and laid one on Patrick. "Don't let me interrupt," Robin said and stalked off. Patrick decided to stay with Carly to see if she would follow through on the promise of that kiss. "I'm not committed to Robin or anyone," he said. Carly invited him to Jake's where she'd decide whether to sleep with him. Carly confessed to Patrick that she used to be wilder, but now she's trying to learn from her mistakes like that whole Sonny and Jason thing. When she and Patrick sleep together, it has to be about them, not Robin.

Robin went to GH, where she recapped what had happened to Kelly. Robin expects Patrick to follow her to GH. Kelly advised Robin to do something. Carly asked Patrick what attracted him to Robin? He said she's adventurous, tough, smart, and a challenge. But they're wrong for each other. He asked about her men. "Jason is my constant," Carly admitted. Sonny is the father of her children, and Jax, "Who the hell knows?" None of them worked. Robin appeared and blasted Patrick for swallowing Carly's crap. Carly left, and Patrick said he's trying to prove Robin needs to grow up and forget about Carly. Outside Jake's, Robin said she and Patrick are going to have "revenge sex" and laid one on him.

At the hospital, Patrick offered his condolences to Robin over the loss of her friend, Justus. Then, Noah approached his son and said he was glad Patrick finally found someone to care about. Patrick chewed Noah out and said his personal life was none of his father's business. When Robin called Patrick insensitive, he said, "We don't have a relationship."

"Here we go again," Robin sighed. Robin reiterated that she still doesn't want a commitment from Patrick, but he could be a little nicer to people. "You are the only thing that matters to you," she spat in disgust. Their argument got worse when Robin suggested he call Carly for a nooner. "You have truly lived down to my expectations," she huffed. Patrick then walked away.

Carly is at Jake’s and smiles as Patrick walks in. She sashayed over to Dr. Drake, who unloaded his problems with Robin and told Carly he's in no mood for games. Carly then vented about Jax leaving her. Patrick suggested that she needed a night of great sex with no strings attached. "I think I'm going to have to accept your offer," Carly cooed before kissing him. They went back to Patrick's, where Carly emphasized that she didn't want to have sex with him to get back at Robin, she just wanted to have sex with him.

As they got hot and heavy, Robin knocked on the door, saying, "Patrick? We need to talk." Carly couldn't help but smile. Patrick is surprised when Carly doesn't call out to Robin to get back at her for what she did to her or that she didn't answer the door. Robin thinks Patrick isn't home and leaves.

Patrick asks Carly why she didn't reveal she was there? She tells him she wasn't going to get back at Robin that way by using him. She tells him she will sleep with him because she wants to not because of Robin. Patrick seems nervous after Robin leaves the hallway and Carly picks up on it. She tells him she thinks he is more serious about Robin than he is willing to admit. Patrick denies he wants a serious relationship with Robin or any woman and tells her he will prove it by kissing her again. They begin to make love.

However, there is another knock on his door and the person persists with the knocking. It turns out to be Jason. He tells her that he knows she is there and needs to see her right now. Carly answers the door in her bra and pants and asks him what he wants. Jason grabs her and pulls her out into the hallway. He tells her that he needs her to go with him and help with Sonny. He tells her that he needs her to stay with Sonny so he can concentrate on finding Sam and tells her Manny Ruiz has her.

Robin sees Nik at GH with the baby and comes over and asks if everything is okay? Nikolas tells her he needs her to check the baby's charts and make sure his medicine is up to date because he is going to take the baby away for a while. Robin guesses it has something to do with Helena and feels responsible. She tells him that she knows that is why Jax and Carly kept John a secret and worries that they may have been right. Nikolas assures her that she did the right thing and he can take care of his son and is grateful to her for letting him know his son.

Robin agrees to help Nik and heads to the nurses' station after giving Nikolas a hug. Patrick sees them hugging and thinks that Robin and Nikolas staged the hug hoping to make him jealous. Robin tells him that she didn't even know that he was there until he came up to her. Patrick tells her that she did that because she got jealous when he started flirting with Carly. Robin denies doing anything to make him jealous. Patrick tells her that they need to end these adolescent games they have been playing.

Patrick informs Robin that he wants to end things between them. He tells her that things are becoming too much like a relationship. Robin accuses Patrick of having feelings for her and that is why he is trying to run away. She calls Patrick a coward and tells him that he is right about them being over.

Robin runs into Robert on the pier and informs him that she has had a bad day. She tells him that she will speak with him later and is about to leave, when she runs into Anna. Anna comforts Robin over her break up with Patrick. Robert confronts Patrick.

Lainey, Kelly and Robin were having dinner at the Metro court, where Lainey looked over and mentioned the last time she had been there had been with Justus. Robin shared with the other two ladies that she and Patrick were no longer together because it had been decided that there was no future between them. As the ladies talked, they realized that they did not like living alone in their apartments, and agreed to pool together their resources to get an apartment together.

Robin comes upon Robert and Anna arguing about her real reasons for being in PC. Robins says that since she had forgiven them for not being around, that they should forgive each other. It became a bonding moment between the Scorpio family when Robin told both of them that they had been good parents, and that if she was screwed up, it was because of human nature and not because they had been spies.

Kelly informs Lainey and Robin that she found a great apartment for them to share. It was Courtney Mathews' old apartment (just curious but wasn’t Courtney’s place a one bedroom?). Robin tells them she has to think about it some more and that she would get back to them on it later.

Robin shows up at the hotel and finds Robert sitting alone. She is surprised to see him there. He tells her he is meeting someone here. Robin asks him if he is meeting Anna? Robert tells her he is meeting Skye. She asks him why he would meet Skye when he lives in the same house as she does and he could talk to her there?

Robert tells Robin that he needs to inform Skye of what Alcazar is up to and that there are too many Quartermaines that are busybodies that he can't trust them not to run their mouths. Robert also tells Robin that Anna is not in Port Charles just to see her but that she is there on assignment. Robin asks what kind of assignment she is on. Robert tells her that it has something to do with Alcazar.

Robin later meets up with Anna at Kelly's. Anna suggests they check up some spa in the area to go to together. Robin tells her that she is okay with her being on assignment and that she doesn't have to pretend she is there just to see her. Anna tells her that Robert made that up because he got jealous when he saw her having a drink with Alcazar at the hotel. Robin warns Anna that Alcazar is a very dangerous man and she should be careful. Anna insists she is not on assignment.

Patrick congratulates Lucky him on his promotion and medal. After Lucky leaves, Patrick asks Elizabeth about how Lucky’s back is doing?  She tells him he is getting better and that his promotion will only help him. Patrick starts flirting with Elizabeth and reminds her that with Lucky's promotion he will be working longer hours and she will all alone at night. She reminds him she has her son to keep her company. Patrick still flirts with her. Elizabeth tells him that he is only flirting with her to make Robin jealous.

Elizabeth gets a note from Alan asking to talk to her about missing bottles of hydrocodone. She complains to Patrick about why Alan wanted to talk to her about the missing bottles? Patrick tells her that hydrocodone can be very addictive if abused and thinks that someone probably took them as prescribed but got addicted to them and stole them. He tells her that is why he didn't prescribe any more pills for Lucky because he was afraid it could happen to him. Elizabeth realizes what he is insinuating and asks him if he thinks Lucky would steal pills from the hospital. Patrick doesn't deny that it could be true.

Patrick comes by to give Jason his test results. He tells him that his nerve damage isn't bad at all and that he will only need a little bit of physical therapy and he should be as good as new in a few weeks.

Elizabeth tries to inform Patrick that neither Lucky nor her had anything to do with the missing pills. Elizabeth explains that Lucky had gone to another doctor to get more of his medication, as he was still in pain and required them in order to be back at work to make money.

She explains that with a child that is growing out of his clothing daily, along with all of their bills they needed the money. Elizabeth tells Patrick that he is making things personal by going after her husband. Patrick apologizes to Elizabeth for his accusations. He tells her that he trusts her instincts on whether or not Lucky is abusing his medication. Elizabeth and Patrick are laughing with one another as Lucky arrives.

Lucky looked on suspiciously as Elizabeth and Patrick bantered, then leaves. Patrick complained about Jason leaving GH against orders. He's got an artery that could burst at any second. Liz abruptly left to go find Jason.

Patrick comes upon Maxie kissing Lucky on the docks. Later, Maxie arrives at GH and has Robin paged, and when they met up, Maxie told Robin that Lucky had been comforting her at the pier as a friend, when Patrick came up on them. She claimed he immediately came to the assumption that they had been making out. When Robin questioned what would Patrick's motives be, Maxie's reason to her was that he wanted to get with Liz, and that this would be the ideal situation. She asked Robin to intervene, and convince Patrick not to tell Liz about what he claimed to see.

When Patrick came to the hospital, he asked if anyone had seen Liz, at which time Robin confronted him. When Patrick tried to convince Robin of what he saw, she did not believe him, and asked him not to try to ruin Liz and Lucky's marriage by telling a lie. Patrick denied being a home wrecker, and criticized Robin for buying Maxie's cover story. Then he asked Kelly to dinner, but she begged off. When Liz and Patrick met up, he decided not to share what he saw with her.

Later, Kelly told Robin she needs a roommate more than she needs to hook up. Lainey suddenly appeared, and Kelly invited them all to see this new place she got.

Nikolas met with Robin, who complimented his parenting skills. Then she said she needs to go look at a place with her potential roommates, Courtney's loft. He told her it's a nice place and Courtney would want her to live there.

At Kelly's, Kelly and Lainey bubbled after seeing Courtney's loft, but Robin had to be convinced which she quickly was. They all toasted their new beginning. Robin acknowledged that Patrick was probably out with the boys, and the girls surmised that the men would be thinking about one thing: "Sex."

It’s the boy’s turn for a night out as Patrick. Nik, Lucky, Rick, Max were hanging out at Jake’s. Carly was on the minds of many of the men of Port Charles. The talk about Carly. Max keeps defending Carly to all the men. Each of them has a fantasy with Carly in it. In each fantasy, Carly tells them who and what they are thinking about. In Max's fantasy, Carly tries to seduce him on the bar. In Ric's fantasy, Carly appears and tells him his mind is on Sam and how he is attracted to her. For Nikolas it is about baby John and how he won't be able to resist her for long if she wanted to go after him.

In Patrick's fantasy she tells him he can fool himself into thinking he isn't still hung up on Robin but she knows the truth. Lucky's fantasy includes her but he reminds her in the fantasy that they are cousins. Carly holds out a bottle of pills to him and tells him he doesn't know what he wants more the pills, or his wife?’

Speak of the devil, Carly strutted in. "Do the ladies in your lives know what you bad boys are up to?"

At the hospital, Patrick and Robin refuse to speak to each other. They each try to talk through Epiphany and not speak directly to each other. She scolds them both for their ridiculously childish behavior in the wake of their break-up. She warns them to grow up or she will report them.

Certain that Patrick's cocky attitude is only a defense mechanism, Noah asks Robin to give his son a second chance. Doggedly playing matchmaker, Noah coaxes Patrick to lunch with Robin at the Metro Court.

Patrick shows up at the hotel to meet Robin for lunch. She tells him that they don't have to have lunch together and plans on leaving. Patrick grabs her arm and stops her from leaving. He admits that he has missed not being around her. She admits to him that she misses the sex as well. They sit and order lunch together. They also let their guards down and admit to their relationship phobias.

He tells her that he remembers how close and intimate his parents were when his mother was alive and how when she died his father fell apart. He tells her he is afraid to get into a close relationship and then what it would do to him if it fell apart. Robin and Patrick decide to go back to his room instead of eating lunch. They get to his room and he wants to talk more but Robin tells him she needs to get back to the hospital soon and tells him to make love to her instead. They make love and take their lunches back to work with them.

Noah sees them talking and laughing at the nurses' station and smiles. He asks them how lunch was and they said it was fine. Noah notices their lunches are in cartons and realizes what they did instead. Patrick approaches Noah and tells him not to jump to any conclusions about Robin and him. Noah is pleased and tells him he likes Robin and thinks she is good for him because she doesn't let him get away with anything. Noah tells Patrick he wants him to have what he had with Patrick's mother.

Patrick and Robin are talking, when Elizabeth interrupts them to inform Robin that she has received flowers. Believing that they are from Patrick she goes to say something and then realizes they are from Nik.

Nik later arrives and tells Robin that they are able to go for dinner once he is done with his meeting. Robin informs Nik that she did not invite him for dinner, just like he did not send her the flowers. Robin then tries to explain how her mother was trying to meddle in things.

As Nik and Robin agree to still go out for dinner Patrick arrives with flowers for Robin, but when he sees her with Nik he decides to give them to Elizabeth. Lucky happens to arrive at that moment and storms off in jealousy. Patrick tries to apologize to Elizabeth for making matters worse.

Patrick approaches Emily at the Nurse's Station and begins to grill her on Nik and Robin's history together. Emily informs him of their bond, but tells him that she is unsure if they were ever romantically involved. Emily suggests that Patrick discuss things with Robin if this bothers him.

Carly arrives at the hospital and informs Patrick that she has an emergency. She tells Patrick that she needs him to be a distraction from Sonny. Patrick asks Carly to go to the Metro Court for dinner. Nik and Robin are also having dinner at the Metro Court and discussing Anna's meddling when Patrick and Carly show up.

Robin gets steamed watching Patrick and Carly together. She jumps up to go over to their table. Nik realizes what she is up to, grabs her, pulls her around towards him and kisses her. A not too happy Patrick watches.

Robin realizes Nik’s motives and thanks him saying, “I needed that”.

Patrick confides to Carly how much he enjoys the challenge Robin presents. Meanwhile, Nikolas advises Robin to be honest with Patrick about her feelings.

Patrick and Carly agree to use one another as a cure for the partners they desire but don't dare to pursue. She promises him that nothing will stop her tonight. No sooner than she utters those words than a very sad looking Jason wanders into Jake's. Carly takes one look at him and cancels her evening with Patrick.

A young girl with AIDS is brought in after an accident. Patrick and Robin stand up to Ms. Sneed when she refuses to allow them to operate, as the girl doesn't have insurance. Alan intervenes and gives Patrick the go ahead to proceed with the surgery. Robin worries that no one will want to assist in the surgery because of the girl’s AIDS. A cocky Patrick assures her they can handle the surgery without any help. Ephiphany comes in and somberly ask them to look over the list of volunteers for the surgery. Robin is expecting a very short list. Epiphany advises that they have three people for every surgical position and to choose which staff they want on the surgery. She and Patrick are overwhelmed by the abundance of volunteers

**The End**

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