Robin & Patrick #14 March 18 - September 1, 2011: 8 hour original edit

DVD #14A At home, Jake played with his toys while Elizabeth began to read the results of the Aiden's paternity test, until she noticed the front door was open. Elizabeth was terrified to see Jake's lifeless body lying in the street.

On the road, Robin attempted to outrun a tailgating Lisa. Robin got to the hospital, and let Patrick know she'd procured the syringe Johnny had hidden. As they started toward Steve's office, Lisa arrived. Robin showed her the evidence, but Lisa calmly told Robin and Patrick that it would prove nothing. Steve would only think Robin was unstable, should Robin present him with the story that she and Lisa had fought over the syringe. Lisa accused the couple of harassing her. As all three continued to snipe at each other, Steve approached and admonished them to cease hostilities. Robin told Steve that they had the syringe and needed to have it tested at the lab. Before Steve had a chance to respond, a nurse delivered the news that his nephew had been hit by a car.

Dante confronted Jason and accused him of preparing Michael for a life of crime. Jason and Michael tried to tell Dante otherwise, but Dante wouldn't listen. Dante threatened to find something that would send Jason to prison. Dante vowed to Michael that there was no way he'd let Michael destroy his life. Dante continued to berate Michael for having put himself in danger. "I could have shot you," Dante declared angrily. Jason agreed that Michael needed to stop taking such risks. Just then, Jason's phone rang. It was Lucky, who let Jason know that Jake had been hit by a car. Jason and Michael rushed to the hospital.

Lucky, Siobhan, and Luke were the first to arrive at the hospital to meet with Elizabeth, who apologized for having let Jake out of her sight. Jason and Michael showed up moments later and approached Robin. She broke the news that Jake was in critical condition. Steve let Jason know he was aware that Jason was Jake's father. Steve asked Jason, for Elizabeth's sake, that Jason make himself scarce.

3/21 Jason stood in the observation room as he watched Patrick and Robin valiantly try to save his son's life. Tears filled Jason's eyes as Robin warned Patrick that Jake was hemorrhaging. Jake's condition rapidly declined as Patrick desperately worked to stabilize the toddler. Sam silently slipped into the observation room and then took Jason's hand in hers. Jason squeezed her hand as he continued to watch the doctors operate on Jake.

Robin glanced up at the observation room to see Jason praying for his son. A short time later, Robin noticed that Jake's brain activity had ceased. Patrick realized that Jake was beyond saving, so he decided to close him up. Robin looked at Jason and then softly shook her head to let Jason know that Jake hadn't survived his injuries. Afterwards, Robin told Jason how sorry she was for his loss and then assured him that they had done all that they could for Jake. Jason wondered what happened next. Robin explained that Jake had been put on life support, so it would be up to Jake's parents to decide when to turn off the machines. Jason looked back into the waiting room to see Lucky gently rocking Elizabeth as she cried.

Later, Patrick and Robin entered the waiting room to talk to Lucky and Elizabeth about Jake. Patrick revealed that Jake had suffered a "catastrophic head injury". Patrick started to go into detail about Jake's injuries, but Robin silently stopped him by gently putting her hand on his back. Robin assured Lucky and Elizabeth that they couldn't have done anything for Jake because his injuries had been too extensive. Patrick apologized for failing Lucky and Elizabeth, but they were too bereaved to hear it. Lucky wanted to see Jake, so Robin explained that Jake was on life support. Lucky and Elizabeth seemed surprised by the news.

Patrick revealed that it would be up to Lucky and Elizabeth when to take Jake off of the machines. In the hallway, Carly approached the waiting room as Patrick broached the subject of organ donation. Carly covered her mouth as she realized that Jake had died. She quietly walked away as Patrick reminded Lucky and Elizabeth that Jake could save the lives of many children. Patrick returned to the operating room where he had tried in vain to save Jake's life. Patrick began to throw things around as he gave in to his anger. Robin entered the operating room to find Patrick in the grips of despair and frustration. She assured him that it wasn't his fault that Jake had died. Patrick reminded her that Lucky and Elizabeth had been counting on him, but he had failed them. Robin argued that Jake had been too far gone. She wrapped her arms around Patrick as she tried to comfort him.

3/22 In the operating room, Patrick couldn't understand how he could have operated on a child who had been left braindead and on life support, but an hour later the operating room was spotless and ready for another patient. Robin agreed that it didn't make sense. Patrick was curious why Robin was there. Robin admitted that she wanted Patrick to know how sorry she was. Patrick felt frustrated that he hadn't been able to save Jake.

Robin reminded Patrick that Jake had suffered a catastrophic head injury, so Jake had been beyond help. Patrick wondered why, if that were true, she kept apologizing. Robin confessed that she felt terrible for what she had done to him and their family. She acknowledged that he had been apologizing to her for months, so the least that she could have done was meet him halfway. Patrick assured Robin that she'd had a right to be angry. Robin admitted that she would have regretted all the time that she had wasted if it had been Emma who had died.

Lisa approached Terrell at the nurses' station after she received his page. She admitted that she had heard the sad news about Elizabeth's little boy. Terrell quickly filled Lisa in on Josslyn's need for a kidney transplant. Terrell recalled that Lisa had assisted on many transplants during her days as a doctor in Houston, so he needed her expertise. Lisa agreed to help Terrell because she wanted the satisfaction of saving a child's life before she was booted from the hospital.

Robin and Patrick approached the bank of elevators after their shift. Patrick realized that they still hadn't settled things with Lisa when they spotted Lisa at the nurses' station. Robin didn't think that Lisa was a concern at that moment because all Robin wanted to do was go home to Emma. Patrick admitted that they had taken too much for granted, but Jake's death had put it all into perspective. Robin agreed. Patrick smiled weakly as he asked Robin to kiss Emma goodnight for him. Robin surprised Patrick by suggesting that he kiss Emma himself. She admitted that she wanted Patrick to move back home. Patrick wondered if she were sure. Robin confessed that she had been happiest when they had been a family. Robin missed Patrick and wanted that feeling back. "Let's go home," Patrick softly suggested as Lisa watched Robin and Patrick leave together.

3/23 At the Drake residence, Emma was working on her third serving of pancakes as Patrick joined his family for breakfast. Patrick confessed that he was happy to be home; he didn't think that he could have handled going back to the hotel after what had happened to Jake. Robin didn't want Patrick to beat himself up over Jake because Jake couldn't have been saved. Patrick realized that, but he couldn't imagine what Elizabeth and Lucky were going through. Robin was grateful that they had their daughter and that Patrick was home. However, Robin warned him that their relationship wouldn't be fixed overnight. Patrick assured her that he was fully committed to making their relationship stronger. Robin and Patrick then discussed the situation with Lisa. Robin revealed that she had hidden the syringe in her locker, so Patrick suggested that they get it to Steve as soon as possible. Patrick was certain that things would be easier once Lisa was out of their lives.

Lisa approached Steve at the nurses' station to offer him her condolences. He thanked her for assisting with the transplant. Lisa started to talk about her work in Houston on the transplant team, but Steve cut her off. He explained that he was only at the hospital to take care of a few things before he headed to Elizabeth's house. Lisa casually asked about the accident, but Steve would only reveal that the police were investigating it. Lisa then assured Steve that they would pick up the slack for him. Steve made it clear that he would still be a presence at the hospital and that he hadn't forgotten the situation between Lisa and Robin. Steve warned her that he intended to get to the bottom of things, once and for all.

Later, Lisa was all smiles when she went to Johnny's penthouse to drop off a gift. Lisa explained that she had broken an "ugly orange urn-like thing" during her search for the syringe, so she had decided to replace it. Johnny told her that it had been a gift from Olivia, which didn't surprise Lisa. Johnny wondered if Lisa's "rampant high" meant that she had found the syringe.

Lisa revealed that Robin had discovered the syringe on the Haunted Star. Lisa confessed that she had been impressed with the hiding spot that Johnny had chosen and the clues that he had provided. Johnny thanked her and then questioned if her good mood was a prelude to her bludgeoning him to death with a bedpan. He warned her that a bedpan was much more difficult to hide. Lisa smiled as she told him that she had managed to steal the syringe out of Robin's locker and then destroy it. Lisa was relieved to be free of the threat of the syringe. Johnny was curious why Lisa was there, so she smiled seductively and then took off her raincoat. Johnny returned the smile when he saw that she was naked.

Lisa was eager to return to the hospital because everyone seemed to like her more since she had helped to save a child's life. Lisa was also looking forward to being cleared of the false charges, but Johnny reminded her that they hadn't been false. Johnny realized that Lisa didn't have any intention of leaving Patrick alone. Lisa wondered if Johnny expected her to settle for him. She insisted that she had almost lost everything because of Johnny's stunt. Johnny accused Lisa of being a junkie who was addicted to the challenge. He warned her that she would never be satisfied. He was certain that Lisa would still feel empty inside, even if she were to get Patrick. Lisa slapped Johnny across the face and then stormed out.

Later at the hospital, Patrick and Steve discussed Jake's injuries. They both agreed that Jake's injuries had been too extensive. Robin approached Patrick and Steve to offer Steve her condolences. Steve thanked Robin for everything that she had done for Jake. Steve acknowledged that he still had to deal with the Lisa issue, but Robin insisted that it could wait because Steve needed to focus on Elizabeth. Steve agreed and then left. Patrick immediately sensed that Robin was troubled, so she confided that Lisa had managed to steal the syringe out of her locker. Patrick was shocked that Lisa would use the distraction of a dying child to cover her own "ass."

Robin and Patrick weren't surprised by what Lisa had done, but they decided to move forward, so that they could focus on rebuilding their life together. Dante approached Robin moments later to question Robin about the accident. Robin was horrified to realize that she had been on Lexington around the time of Jake's hit-and-run. Patrick informed Dante that Lisa had been driving right behind Robin, so Lisa should also be considered a suspect. Dante promised that the forensics team would check Lisa's car, but he was curious what Robin remembered about the drive.

Robin admitted that she had been in a rush to get to the hospital and that she had been distracted by Lisa's aggressive tailgating, so Robin hadn't been paying attention to the road ahead as she should have. Dante explained that Robin's car would be impounded to be checked. Robin was shaken by the possibility that she could have killed Jake. Patrick reminded her that they didn't know anything for certain, so she shouldn't jump to any conclusions. However, Patrick admitted that he had warned Johnny that someone would be killed, but he had never imagined that it might have been a four year-old child.

Later, Patrick let Robin know that he had found a doctor to cover her rounds. Robin thanked Patrick because she wasn't in any shape to treat patients. Robin couldn't believe that she didn't remember driving past Elizabeth's house. Patrick was certain that Robin hadn't been the one to hit Jake. Moments later, Dante called to let Robin know that she had been cleared as a suspect. Robin shared the news with Patrick, who confessed that he was as certain of Lisa's guilt in the accident as he had been of Robin's innocence.

3/24 Patrick pounded on the front door of Johnny's penthouse. He pushed his way past Johny when Johnny opened the door. Patrick angrily reminded Johnny that Johnny had been warned about Lisa and the potential for someone to be hurt or killed. Johnny tried to make light of Patrick's dire warning until Patrick informed him that a four year-old boy had been killed because Lisa had been desperate to get her hands on the syringe. According to Patrick, Lisa had run Robin off of the road and might have killed Elizabeth Webber's son, Jake. Johnny was shaken as Patrick insisted that Johnny had blood on his hands.

Johnny wondered if Patrick were sure that Lisa had been responsible for the tragedy. Patrick revealed that the police were checking Lisa's car. Johnny insisted that he hadn't intended for anyone to be hurt by the scavenger hunt. Patrick hoped that Johnny was haunted by Jake's face every day for the rest of Johnny's life. Johnny assured Patrick that he would live with the guilt forever if Lisa were responsible, but he pointed out that the police hadn't found proof. Patrick argued that Lisa had been the only suspect capable of such a heinous crime. However, Patrick also blamed Johnny. Patrick slugged Johnny in the face and then stormed out.

Meanwhile, at the hospital, Robin accused Lisa of stealing the syringe out of Robin's locker. Lisa insisted that Robin didn't have any proof to back up her claim. Robin agreed, but she was curious if it had been worth killing a child over. "Excuse me?" Lisa asked. Robin reminded Lisa that Lisa had been on Lexington around the time of Jake's accident. Lisa denied having anything to do with Jake's hit-and-run, but Robin didn't believe her. Robin was confident that the police would find something to confirm Lisa's guilt after the forensics team checked Lisa's car.

Lisa suggested that Robin was jealous, so she was making outlandish accusations. Robin took pleasure in revealing that she and Patrick had reconciled. Lisa was stunned. Robin suggested that all of Lisa's scheming had yielded nothing except the label, "child-killer." Robin was curious if Lisa knew what the tragic part was. "The apology that you're going to owe me, when you realize that you were wrong about me again," Lisa fired back. Robin explained that it had all been for nothing because Patrick had never wanted Lisa. Lisa claimed that Patrick's actions had shown her otherwise. Robin clarified that Patrick's fling with Lisa had been nothing more than a blip in their marriage; it had made Robin and Patrick stronger in the end. Lisa warned Robin that she never went away quietly. Lisa stormed off and then stopped at a medical tray to snatch a scalpel, which she slipped into her pocket without anyone noticing.

Later, Lisa returned to the nurses' station just as Patrick arrived at the hospital. Robin was curious where Patrick had been, so he told her about his confrontation with Johnny. Patrick confessed that he felt responsible for what had happened to Jake because Lisa was in Port Charles because of him. Robin and Patrick were surprised when they saw Mac exit the elevator. Robin wondered if Mac were there to arrest Lisa. Lisa started to slowly edge away from the nurses' station as she double-checked to make certain that she still had the scalpel in her pocket. Mac broke away from Patrick and Robin before Lisa could take more than a few steps.

Lisa was curious if Mac were the head of the committee to frame her. Mac ignored the taunt to inform her that she would be facing charges for reckless driving, which the traffic camera had captured; however, the forensics team hadn't found any evidence that Lisa had hit Jake Webber. Lisa smiled victoriously as Patrick immediately accused Lisa of washing the evidence away.

Mac explained that they had to check a few more cars, but if none could be linked to the accident then he would focus the investigation on Lisa. Lisa threatened to sue the police department for harassment, but Mac wasn't intimidated. After Mac left, Patrick accused Lisa of being "soulless" enough to kill a child and then duck responsibility. Lisa was hurt by the remark; she wondered what it would take for Patrick to believe that all she had ever done was love him. Patrick assured Lisa that nothing would ever change his opinion of her.

Later, at the nurses' station, Lisa noticed a pamphlet with Robin's picture on it for the AIDS wing. She picked it up just as Robin and Patrick passed by talking about their plans to take Emma for a walk. After Robin and Patrick left, Lisa ran to a supply closet. She closed the door and then pulled out the pamphlet and scalpel. Seconds later, Lisa proceeded to shred the picture of Robin with the scalpel.

3/25 With tears in his eyes, Lucky showed his father the forensics report that showed Luke's car was the one that had hit Jake. Luke, at first, was shocked, but he soon fell apart. He couldn't believe he'd hit a child and not known it. Luke downed a glass of whiskey to steady his nerves, which prompted Lucky to ask if Luke had been drinking before the accident.

3/30 At the nurses' station, Robin checked to see how Patrick's patient had fared during surgery. Patrick assured her that the operation had gone well. Robin admitted that she had been concerned because she realized that it had been Patrick's first surgery since Jake Webber had died. She confessed that she wasn't ready to enter an operating room, but she was proud that Patrick hadn't hesitated. Lisa spied the happy couple as she approached the nurses' station.

Lisa was so focused on Patrick and Robin that she walked right into Steve. Steve immediately noticed why Lisa had been distracted. Lisa claimed that she was trying to keep up with a busy workload, but she considered herself lucky to have a job after Robin's attempts to get her fired. Steve informed Lisa that she was still on staff because there hadn't been any evidence to back up the latest round of accusations. However, he quickly clarified that if Lisa's personal life continued to interfere with work then she would be gone.

Steve promised that no amount of grandstanding or shifting of blame would save her. Lisa insisted that she wanted to put her affair with Patrick behind her. She hoped that Patrick and Robin's reconciliation would help Robin "dial down the paranoia." "Sounds reasonable," Steve responded. Lisa sensed that Steve hadn't believed her, so Steve admitted that she was good at telling people what they wanted to hear.

p>After Steve walked away, Emma's babysitter, Stefani, arrived at the hospital with Emma in tow. Lisa watched as Patrick and Robin warmly greeted their daughter. Stefani showed the happy parents the picture that Emma had drawn in art class. Robin thanked Stefani for watching Emma on such short notice. After Stefani left, Patrick and Robin headed to the elevator with Emma as they made dinner plans.

Later, Patrick arrived home with some takeout food. Robin was delighted that he had picked up some pot stickers because she hadn't had any since their split. She confessed that she had started to cry the last time that she had been in the restaurant, so she had been too embarrassed to return. Patrick apologized for putting Robin through so much pain, but Robin assured him that she was determined to move forward. After dinner, Patrick and Robin read Emma a bedtime story. They were unaware that Lisa was lurking outside in the bushes, crying as she watched them.

3/31 At the hospital, Patrick and Steve prepared to go to Jake's memorial service. Steve admitted that everyone had been wonderful, including Nikolas, who had sent his staff to Elizabeth's house to pick the boys up for a pancake breakfast at Wyndemere. Lisa approached the nurses' station to see if Patrick could consult on a case, but Patrick informed her that he had to leave and would be gone the rest of the day. Moments later, Robin arrived with Emma. Robin explained that Stefani had been running late, "as usual," so the nanny had arranged to meet Robin at the hospital.

After Steve left to drop off some paperwork, Kristina exited the elevator. Kristina greeted the Drakes and then explained that she was there for a therapy session. Kristina guessed that Patrick and Robin were on their way to Jake's memorial service. Robin explained that they were waiting for their nanny to arrive, so that Stefani could take Emma to the park. Kristina volunteered to watch Emma if Stefani didn't show and then offered to babysit any time, even on short notice. Patrick and Robin were ready to take Kristina up on the offer just as Stefani arrived. Stefani apologized for being late as she took Emma from Robin's arms.

After Stefani left with Emma, Kristina asked Robin to let Elizabeth know that Elizabeth was in Kristina's thoughts and prayers. Robin assured Kristina that she would pass along the message and then headed to the elevator with Patrick. Lisa lurked nearby, pretending to be busy with paperwork as she watched Patrick and Robin leave.

Later, Kristina passed the nurses' station after her therapy session. Lisa feigned concern when she noticed that Kristina had been crying. Kristina blamed it on her therapy session and then questioned if therapy would ever help. Lisa assured Kristina that it would. Lisa then shifted gears by asking about Kristina's college plans. Kristina confessed that she was on the waiting list for Yale, so Lisa mentioned that she had once been on the waiting list for Johns Hopkins. They chatted about the stress of waiting for an acceptance from their preferred college before Lisa invited Kristina to call her if Kristina needed any help or someone to talk to.

However, Lisa warned Kristina not to pay attention to the rumors about Lisa because they were false. Kristina confessed that she'd had a similar experience the previous year, so she never believed rumors. Lisa suggested that Kristina keep her chin up because everything would work out. Lisa explained that she had accepted an offer from another school and met a wonderful guy by the time Johns Hopkins had decided to let her in. "Good to know," Kristina replied.

4/1 At Greystone Manor, Sonny and Brenda were pleasantly surprised when Robin arrived to wish Brenda happy birthday. Sonny offered to leave, so that Brenda and Robin could have some privacy. He suggested that the ladies could open the wedding gifts, but Brenda insisted that she and Sonny do it together. After Sonny left, Brenda and Robin talked about Jake's tragic death. Brenda confessed that she felt like a "jerk" because she was so happy while Lucky, Elizabeth, and Jason grieved for their son. Robin reminded Brenda that Brenda had waited a long time to be with Sonny, so Brenda deserved to be happy.

Brenda was stunned when Robin shyly confessed that she had reconciled with Patrick. Brenda was curious what had changed between Robin and Patrick. Robin admitted that Jake's death had made Robin realize that she didn't want her past with Patrick to get in the way of her future with him. Robin acknowledged that she and Patrick had to work on their marriage, so they intended to go to marriage counseling. Brenda was curious if Robin and Patrick would have worked things out if it weren't for Emma. Robin admitted that she didn't know because Emma had completed their family in a way that Robin couldn't explain. Brenda imagined that it must be great to be a mom.

4/4 At General Hospital, Lisa offered to help Patrick, who was covering for Steve. She expressed her sadness over Jake's death. Patrick accepted gladly and said that he was happy to glimpse some humanity in her until he remembered what she had done to Robin. Before she could respond, Robin showed up and asked Patrick to go for coffee at Kelly's. Before leaving GH for Kelly's, Robin and Patrick talked about Jake's memorial and how sad it had been. Robin said she had heard the sound of hearts breaking. Both worried about Elizabeth. Patrick said that he regretted the lost time that their family could never get back. He said that every morning when he woke up in their home, he felt like it was a gift that he did not want to lose.

At Kelly's, Robin surprised Patrick when she told him that she wanted to go into marriage counseling and that she had found a therapist. When Patrick appeared stunned, she wondered if she had jumped the gun. Patrick said no. He said that they had a lot of issues to work through and the sooner they did, the sooner they could get back to loving each other. He said his only fear was that she would find out what a jerk he was. Robin said that she was also scared. Patrick said he wanted to know why he had risked his family to sleep with a psycho. Robin said she wanted to know why she had not been enough for him.

Patrick said she was more than enough. Robin said that she had pushed Patrick away and then shut down on him. Patrick said that they should not anticipate the worst, but look at therapy as helpful not hurtful. He said that they should look at it as a positive step that would make things better for them. As they shared a kiss, Lisa watched them through the glass doors at Kelly's. Johnny caught Lisa looking and said, "So much for the hospital calling. Hello liar." Lisa looked chagrinned.

4/5 At Kelly's, Patrick and Robin discussed their plans to go to marriage counseling. Patrick wanted to do everything possible to make their marriage work. Robin confessed that it was exactly what she needed to hear. Patrick told Robin that he wished that he could take back all of his mistakes, while Robin quietly admitted that she wished that he had never met Lisa. Johnny accused Lisa of spying on Patrick. Lisa denied it, but Johnny didn't believe her because Lisa had told him that she had needed to go to the hospital when she had left his place earlier. "Who's the stalker now?" Lisa wondered. Johnny explained that he was at Kelly's for takeout, but Lisa called him a liar. Johnny returned the insult, so Lisa suggested that he watch and learn.

Seconds later, Lisa strolled up to Patrick and Robin's table to let Patrick know that she had finished up the emergency room rotation, and set up the schedule for the rest of the week. "Will you ever leave us alone?" Robin asked. Lisa smiled innocently, while Johnny walked up to defend Lisa. Patrick suggested that Lisa send him an email the next time that she wanted to pass along an update. Lisa played the victim as she apologized and then walked away.

Johnny thought that Patrick and Robin should grow up, and stop blaming all the world's problems on Lisa. Robin was stunned as she watched Johnny follow Lisa. According to Robin, Johnny and Lisa were a match made in hell. Patrick was equally disgusted. Patrick and Robin resumed their discussion about marriage counseling. Robin revealed that they could attend an introduction session with the therapist, so they quickly gathered their things and then left.

Nearby, Lisa and Johnny sat down at a table. Johnny accused Lisa of bailing on him earlier because things had gotten too personal between them. Lisa became distracted when she noticed Patrick and Robin leave. Johnny reminded her that he was there with her, and he cared about her. Lisa argued that Johnny was a professional criminal who was obsessed with his dead sister. Johnny didn't miss a beat as he accused Lisa of being an unprofessional criminal who was obsessed with a doctor. Johnny conceded that he and Lisa might not spend the rest of their lives together; however, he did respect her.

Patrick and Robin returned to Kelly's in good spirits after their first meeting with the therapist. Patrick admitted that he had liked the therapist. Robin apologized for being her usual controlled self. She realized that she tended to let her worst fears get the best of her. Patrick assured Robin that they were doing well, and were ready to take a very important step. He then shifted gears to suggest that they go out to dinner.

Robin explained that Stefani couldn't watch Emma; however, she perked up when she spotted Kristina. Robin quickly asked Kristina to babysit Emma. Kristina readily agreed, so they all left together, talking about their plans. No one was aware that Lisa had been lurking around the corner and that she had overheard their conversation. Lisa smiled with satisfaction when she realized that Kristina would be watching Emma.

Later, Kristina was pleasantly surprised when Lisa showed up at Patrick and Robin's house for a visit.

4/6 At the Drake residence, Lisa handed Kristina a book on how to deal with the stress of college admissions. According to Lisa, the book had helped her when she had been trying to get into college. Lisa started to leave, but Kristina was curious how Lisa had known that Kristina was babysitting for Patrick and Robin. Lisa claimed that a waitress had told her when Lisa had returned to Kelly's to give Kristina the book. Lisa realized that it might not have been the best idea to show up at Patrick and Robin's place, given Robin's feelings towards Lisa.

Lisa pretended to be happy that Patrick and Robin had worked things out, but she was sad that she had lost a good friend in Patrick. Kristina tried to cheer Lisa up by suggesting that things might change in time. Lisa smiled and then asked Kristina not to mention her visit to Patrick or Robin. Kristina assured her that she would keep quiet. After Lisa left, Kristina returned to the living room, unaware that Lisa had dropped an earring near the door.

Patrick and Robin went to Kelly's for dessert after dinner. They had just sat down when Johnny strolled in. Patrick was surprised to see Johnny alone, instead of trying to flaunt his twisted relationship with Lisa. Johnny thought that it was sad that Patrick would be curious about Lisa's whereabouts when Patrick was spending a nice evening out with Robin. Johnny accused Patrick of being obsessed with Lisa, so he advised Patrick to be more careful in front of Robin. "You think this is a joke, Johnny?" Patrick asked.

Patrick and Robin reminded Johnny of Lisa's attempt to kill Robin, and Emma's kidnapping. Patrick was disgusted that Johnny had helped Lisa to hide the syringe, but Johnny didn't seem to care. Johnny blamed Patrick for Lisa becoming "undone" because Patrick wouldn't leave Lisa alone. According to Johnny, Patrick deserved everything that had happened to him. However, Johnny felt sorry for Robin because she was an innocent party in Patrick's game with Lisa.

Later, Patrick and Robin arrived home in a subdued mood. They thanked Kristina for watching Emma and then paid her. After Kristina left, Robin offered to discuss what had happened at Kelly's. Patrick thought that they were over it, but Robin wondered why he seemed upset. Patrick admitted that he was irritated by Johnny's interference. Patrick insisted that he couldn't stand Lisa, and he hated how she continued to try to get between him and Robin.

Robin refused to give Lisa that kind of power. She hoped that Lisa would channel her energies into her new relationship with Johnny, while Robin and Patrick focused on moving forward. Robin decided to check on Emma before turning in for the night, so Patrick went to the front door to lock up. He stopped when he saw the earring on the ground. Patrick was looking at the earring when Kristina knocked on the door. Kristina explained that she had left a book behind.

Patrick fetched the book and then showed her the earring that he had found. He knew that it didn't belong to Robin; however he noticed that Kristina was wearing a set. Kristina quickly realized that it belonged to Lisa, so she claimed that she had lost one of her earrings at school. According to Kristina, she had slipped the other one in her backpack. She suggested that it might have fallen out while she had been babysitting. Kristina took the earring and then left.

Later, Robin returned to the living room to find Patrick on his cell phone. Patrick explained that he had been sending an email to another doctor. Robin assured Patrick that he didn't have to explain anything to her. Patrick appreciated that she trusted him, so he was eager to prove that he hadn't been lying. Robin glanced at the phone to confirm that he had sent an email and then put it away because she insisted that work was over for the evening. Patrick smiled, kissed his wife, and then carried her to bed.

4/11 Patrick went to Kelly's to meet Robin, but found Lisa instead. He accused her of following him, but she said it was a coincidence because she was there to meet Johnny. A couple of blocks away, Robin ran into Johnny and wanted to clear the air. She wanted to know if Lisa and Johnny were dating. She hastened to add that she was not judging; she just wanted to know if Lisa had moved on from Patrick.

Johnny was smiling when he met Lisa at Kelly's. She said that she was glad that someone was happy to see her, and then recounted her meeting with Patrick. Johnny was skeptical and told her that she needed some amusement, like a movie. She said it was difficult when Robin and Patrick were constantly abusing her. Johnny said that the games were over, and she needed to move on. She said that if Patrick had given her that much attention when she was obsessed with him, they would have had a normal affair and she would have moved on. Lisa worried that Patrick would go to Steve and get her fired. Johnny told her to get over it. Lisa wondered if she should get to Steve first. Then she remembered the movie they were supposed to see. Johnny was disgusted with her and told her that she still had Patrick on the brain and he had stuff to do.

Patrick arrived shortly after Robin got home with Chinese take-out. She wanted to know why he had cancelled their date night at Kelly's. He said he wanted to be home with Robin and Emma. They talked about Emma, and then Robin wanted to know the real reason. Patrick told her about his conversation with Lisa. Robin suggested that maybe Lisa was backing off, but Patrick said that Lisa had acted normal before then lashed out. Patrick did not want Lisa to hurt Robin or Emma.

Robin hoped that Lisa had transferred her attention to Johnny, but Patrick said that Lisa had successfully gotten away with her schemes, and he feared that she would try something again. Robin said that they had talked enough about Lisa and should concentrate on themselves and their lives. She said it was date night for them, and they should have fun with it. Patrick agreed. Patrick and Robin discussed landscaping their back yard. Patrick wanted to hire it done, but Robin wanted more hands-on. They joked about going upstairs to complete their date night. They opened fortune cookies. When Robin's said that she would receive a gift, Patrick said that he had just picked up tickets for a rock concert. They agreed to ask Kristina to be Emma's babysitter.

4/12 Patrick and Robin were walking home when they saw Johnny and Lisa on a street corner. Patrick suspected that it wasn't an accidental encounter. Johnny immediately went on the offensive by accusing Patrick of having a god complex. Johnny insisted that Patrick didn't have the right to question them. Patrick and Robin argued that Johnny didn't know the real Lisa, so he couldn't appreciate just how dangerous she was. Lisa played the victim by denying that she and Johnny had been stalking Patrick and Robin. Patrick ignored Lisa's cries of innocence to warn Johnny that Lisa was using Johnny as a smokescreen to hide behind. After Patrick and Robin left, Johnny made it clear that Lisa had better not prove Patrick right.

Patrick remained in a foul mood after he and Robin arrived home. Robin realized that Patrick was still thinking about their encounter with Lisa and Johnny. Patrick admitted that he was frustrated because Lisa was good at pretending to be normal. He feared that Johnny was enabling Lisa. Patrick argued that it was easy to see that Johnny was projecting Claudia onto Lisa, which said something very disturbing about Johnny's psyche. Patrick was certain that Johnny viewed Lisa as a victim, which made Johnny protective of her.

Robin pointed out that Lisa was delusional because she was fixated on the one-night stand with Patrick, but Patrick insisted that Johnny didn't see that. Patrick worried that there wouldn't be any limits to what Lisa could do with Johnny backing her up. Robin was certain that Johnny would not condone Lisa harming them, so perhaps Johnny was what Lisa needed to pull Lisa back from the brink.

At the hospital, Lisa emptied out the bottle of herbal supplements and then replaced them with a narcotic.

4/19 At the nurses' station, Lisa and Patrick were discussing a patient when Robin reminded Patrick that they had seven minutes to get to their appointment. Lisa smiled when she overheard Patrick and Robin talk about their first marriage counseling session as they waited for the elevator to arrive.

At the Drake residence, Robin invited Maxie in. Maxie started to explain that she didn't have time to babysit Emma, but Robin revealed that she had called to talk to Maxie about her first marriage counseling session. Maxie didn't see a problem when Robin confided that Patrick was working hard to fix their marriage. Robin feared that she might not be enough for Patrick if Patrick had to work so hard to save their marriage. Robin wished that she had followed Maxie's advice to let go of the anger sooner.

Robin had no idea why she had held onto the pain of Patrick's betrayal, instead of focusing on repairing her marriage. Maxie pointed out that it couldn't have been easy for Robin when Lisa had been terrorizing Robin for months. Robin suspected that her anger had stemmed from her need to always be right about everything. Robin acknowledged that it was impossible for anyone to get past her walls. Maxie argued that Patrick had succeeded. Robin agreed, which was why she had been punishing Patrick for it.

Robin admitted that Patrick had no idea how upset Robin had been after the therapy session because Robin had refused to be vulnerable in front of her husband. For that reason, Robin thought that the whole concept of counseling was a big waste of time. Maxie argued that Robin had a tendency to make broad sweeping statements that weren't necessarily true. Robin admitted that Patrick never had a problem apologizing, so she hated that it had taken a child's death to make her finally believe him. Robin explained that Patrick was more open than she, which meant that he had room to grow. Robin worried that her inability to grow meant that she and Patrick would eventually drift apart.

At the hospital, Sam approached Patrick near the nurses' station to remind him of their appointment. Patrick immediately apologized because he had left her waiting. Sam confessed that it seemed out of character for Patrick to be so distracted, so she wondered what was going on. Patrick was reluctant to tell Sam, but Sam assured him that he could trust her. Patrick admitted that he felt as if he were drowning after his first marriage counseling session. Patrick had been impressed with how Robin had handled herself during the session, but he realized that they wouldn't have been there if he hadn't cheated on his wife. Sam revealed that she had seen a lot of cheating couples in her line of work, so she knew that some marriages could be repaired if both parties wanted it badly enough.

Later, Patrick gave Sam a clean bill of health and then recommended that they have a follow-up appointment in six months, unless her headaches continued. Sam admitted that the headaches had subsided, but she was curious if they might be a concern if she decided to undergo fertility reconstruction. Patrick assured Sam that it wouldn't be a problem and then confessed that having a child had been the best thing to happen to him. He hoped that everything worked out for Sam and Jason.

Patrick apologized for being late when he arrived home. He explained that he had forgotten about Sam's appointment, so Robin suggested that Patrick use the calendar on his phone. "You're right," Patrick groused. He grumbled that Robin was always right and then suggested that it was probably annoying to be right all of the time. Patrick immediately regretted his remarks when Robin began to cry. He assured her that he had only been joking and then apologized.

Robin insisted that it wasn't necessary for Patrick to apologize because it wasn't his fault. She admitted that she had been pushing him away for a long time. Robin had no idea why she couldn't allow herself to have the family that she wanted. Patrick suggested that they explore that in therapy, but Robin regretted that she had proposed marriage counseling. Patrick thought that the therapy would be good for them, so that Robin would have a safe place to vent. Robin assured Patrick that she wasn't mad at him, but she hated feeling as if she constantly dumped on him.

Patrick confessed that his talk with Sam had made him realize that Sam received more comfort and love from a hit man than Patrick gave to Robin. Robin refused to let Patrick beat himself up. She was certain that he would make a success of counseling, like everything else. Later, Robin and Patrick sipped wine as they snuggled on the sofa. Robin revealed that their babysitter, Stefani, wouldn't be able to watch Emma for a while, so Patrick suggested that they ask Kristina. Robin liked the idea because she trusted Kristina.

At the nurses' station, Lisa was on the phone with a patient who had lost a bottle of powerful narcotics in Lisa's office. Lisa claimed that she hadn't found the bottle of hydrocodone, even though Lisa had pulled the bottle of pills out of her pocket. Lisa agreed to call in a partial refill of the highly addictive narcotic for her patient and then ended the call.

Later, Kristina approached Lisa at the nurses' station to ask if Lisa had picked up the herbal supplement that she had recommended to Kristina to help deal with the stress of college admissions. Lisa happily provided Kristina with the bottle of switched pills.

8/20 At the nurses' station, Robin and Patrick reviewed the test results of a patient. Robin was curious what Patrick's recommendation was, so Patrick gave her a diplomatic answer. Robin was annoyed because she wanted Patrick's medical opinion, not an assessment. Patrick explained that he was trying to have open dialogue. "Couples therapy," Robin grumbled in a frustrated tone before she pushed for a real answer. Patrick admitted that he would opt for surgery, since that was where things were headed anyway.

Robin disagreed, which made Patrick wonder why she had even bothered to ask. Robin confessed that she had hoped that Patrick would have an open mind. Robin then changed the subject to find out if Patrick were okay with their therapy sessions. She explained that she didn't want him to feel as if he were under attack. Patrick admitted that it was outside of his comfort zone, but he wanted to improve their communication, so he was determined to follow through with the therapy. Robin praised Patrick for being ahead of her in therapy.

Patrick reminded his wife that it wasn't a competition. Robin smiled as she assured him that she could still beat him at darts. Patrick thought that they should put it to a test, so he invited her to Jake's for a game of darts and beer. Robin explained that they didn't have a sitter, since Stefani wasn't available. Patrick was curious if Robin had called Kristina, as they had discussed. Robin revealed that she had left Kristina a message, but Kristina hadn't returned the call. Robin and Patrick were unaware that Lisa lurked nearby, eavesdropping.

Later, Kristina approached Robin and Patrick at the nurses' station to let them know that she had received Robin's message. Robin and Patrick explained that they needed a sitter to take care of Emma. Kristina appreciated the offer, but she pointed out that she was busy with school. Robin assured Kristina that Emma was in the hospital's daycare center during the workday, so they only needed someone to watch Emma a few times in the late afternoon and occasionally at night. Kristina admitted that she could use the money, so she decided to talk things over with Alexis before giving Robin and Patrick an answer. Lisa smiled with satisfaction after she heard Kristina's exchange with Robin and Patrick.

4/27 At Greystone Manor, Brenda invited Robin into the parlor. Brenda bragged about how smart and funny Lucian was, but Robin sensed that her friend was troubled. Brenda admitted that she'd had an ugly confrontation with Carly because Brenda had decided to take some time to let Lucian settle in before meeting his new siblings. Brenda feared that Sonny was buying into Carly's claims that Brenda was an "evil stepmother" who was determined to keep Sonny's children away from him. Brenda confessed that Sonny had been distant from Lucian, so she was concerned that Sonny might not be able to love Lucian as much as Brenda did.

Robin admitted that Carly had a way of making them doubt themselves, but advised Brenda not to buy into it. Brenda admitted that a part of her worried that Carly might be trying to force Sonny to choose between the two families. Robin assured Brenda that Sonny would never do that. Brenda had doubts because Sonny had ordered Diane to keep Brenda out of the loop in regards to Michael. Robin was curious if Brenda had talked to Sonny about it. Brenda revealed that Sonny had brushed things off by assuring her that everything had been handled.

Brenda then revealed that Sonny had explained that Carly was volatile, so Brenda should stay out of Michael's problems to keep from upsetting Carly. Robin suggested that it sounded as if Sonny wanted to please everyone, but Brenda didn't buy it. Brenda reminded Robin that Michael wasn't Sonny's biological son any more than Lucian was. Brenda didn't understand why Sonny had a soft spot for Michael, but he was closed off to Lucian. Robin didn't think that it was a matter of Sonny choosing Carly's children over Brenda's son. According to Robin, Sonny was cautious by nature, and Suzanne wasn't a trustworthy person.

Brenda argued that Suzanne could have easily taken off with Lucian instead of returning him to Brenda. Robin was curious what Sonny thought about the situation. Brenda confessed that Sonny wanted Lucian to have a DNA test to confirm Suzanne's story. Robin assured Brenda that it was easy to do, and it might be the perfect way to help Sonny get past his reservations. Brenda was certain, in her heart and soul, that Lucian was her son, so she didn't need a test to tell her what she already knew.

Robin appreciated that, but she pointed out to Brenda that Sonny wasn't in the same place, so Brenda should meet Sonny halfway by having a simple blood test. Brenda feared that nothing would change, even if a DNA test confirmed that Lucian was her son. Robin was confident that Sonny would accept Lucian because Brenda was the love of Sonny's life and his wife. Brenda agreed, so she decided to have the test.

At the hospital, Patrick was furious that Lisa had asked another doctor to operate on one of her patients. Lisa reminded Patrick that he had made it clear that he wanted as little contact as possible with her, so she had consulted with a surgeon. Patrick argued that their work was separate from their personal lives. Lisa pointed out that the patient was recovering, so she hadn't done anything wrong. Patrick was forced to concede that she was right. He apologized for his outburst and then praised her for doing a good job. "Please don't," Lisa replied.

Later, Patrick caught up with Lisa at the nurses' station to continue their discussion by insisting that she had done a good job with her patient. Lisa accused Patrick of not being sincere. She insisted that their affair had cost her dearly, so she was over him. Patrick appeared skeptical, but Lisa was adamant that she had moved on.

Robin entered Kelly's. Robin greeted Kristina and then asked if Kristina had made a decision about babysitting Emma during the month of May. Later, Robin arrived at the hospital with two cups of coffee and good news for Patrick. Robin revealed that Kristina had agreed to watch Emma, starting that evening.

Lisa entered Kelly's to find Kristina studying at one of the tables. Lisa immediately struck up a conversation about Kristina's college admissions. Kristina revealed that she was still waiting to hear from Yale. However, Kristina wasn't concerned because she had decided to go to Port Charles University or Wesleyan if Yale didn't accept her. Lisa was impressed with Kristina's great attitude. Kristina credited the herbal supplements that Lisa had given to her for helping Kristina to be calmer. Kristina was hopeful that it would also help her focus. Lisa smiled and then suggested that perhaps Kristina could return the favor one day.

4/29 Robin and Patrick left Kristina in their home to babysit Emma. As soon as they left, Kristina got a call from a girl in her class who had just received word that she had gotten into Yale. Kristina was happy for her, but sad for herself. She immediately popped one of the "herbal supplements" that Lisa was supplying her.

Patrick and Robin arrived at Jake’s and joined Matt and Maxie. As they all chatted, Maxie said it was great that they were all happy at the same time. Alone with Robin, Maxie confided that Matt was very supportive and had helped her with a big problem with no questions asked. Patrick and Matt joined them with a pitcher. As Robin and Patrick competed at darts, he told her how happy he was that their lives were back on track. As they hugged, Patrick got a call from the hospital and had to leave.

Kristina opened Robin's front door and was surprised that Lisa had responded so quickly to the text message she had just left asking for more pills. Lisa said she was passing by and that since the pills were difficult to get and had to be special ordered, she would let Kristina have her extra bottle. Kristina immediately downed two of the pills. Lisa was very sympathetic to Kristina's story about the friend who had gotten into Yale. As she talked, Kristina grew very drowsy. She wanted to make coffee, but Lisa encouraged her to take a nap while she watched over Emma. When Kristina fell asleep, Lisa was smirking as she crept into the bedroom area.

Patrick finished up at the hospital. He left a message on Robin's phone, telling her that he was heading home to see Emma and pay Kristina. Robin met up with Brenda and Lucian at Kelly's. Brenda was full of stories about her adventures with Lucian, who was playing near the front door. When Brenda looked again, Lucian had disappeared.

5/2 While Kristina slept, Lisa crept around Robin and Patrick's home to plant bugs so she could listen in on them. When she finished, she woke Kristina up and told her that she had to leave. Kristina was surprised that she had needed a nap, but Lisa said that Kristina was sleepy because she was stressed and worried about getting into Yale. As Lisa closed the front door, she had a huge smile on her face.

At Kelly's, Brenda was hysterical as she and Robin searched for Lucian. She called Suzanne in hopes that Lucian had merely wandered away and gone to Suzanne. Patrick found Robin and, after hearing Brenda's story, joined the search. When Sonny and Dante arrived, Brenda's hysteria had reached fever pitch. She was sure that one of Sonny's competitors was responsible for Lucian's disappearance.

Robin and Patrick told Kristina about Lucian's disappearance and asked her to babysit for Emma again. They said they were glad to have someone they could trust. Alone, Patrick and Robin ate nachos and discussed the state of their marriage and their love for each other as Lisa listened in as the bugs she had hidden in their home broadcast their conversation.

5/3 At the Drake residence, Robin debated calling Brenda for an update on Lucian, but Patrick assured her that Brenda would call when there was news. Robin tried to relax, but found it impossible as time ticked by without a word from Brenda. Robin confessed that she was mad at herself for not keeping an eye on Lucian, even though she knew that three-year olds were always on the move. Patrick reminded her that she had been visiting with a friend, so she shouldn't second-guess herself.

Later, Lisa sat in her office, listening intently to Patrick and Robin's conversation via a bug that she had planted in the Drakes' home. Lisa didn't realize that Johnny had entered her office until he asked, "Shouldn't you be saving somebody's life?" The laptop sat silently on Lisa's desk as she finished up some paperwork. Lisa tried to ignore the temptation to eavesdrop on Patrick and Robin, but her eyes kept drifting to the laptop. Lisa decided to leave, but she only made it as far as the door before she glanced back at her desk. Within moments, Lisa had the headphones on and the laptop fired up. Meanwhile, Patrick and Robin cuddled on the sofa. Robin imagined that their life must seem mundane to Patrick in comparison to his college days. Patrick assured his wife that he had never been happier and then kissed her.

5/10 Lisa closed the blinds to her office and then made her way to the laptop to eavesdrop on Patrick and Robin, who were at home. At the Drake residence, Patrick and Robin assembled a surprise present for Emma, while they talked about their latest therapy session. Patrick and Robin agreed that the therapy was helping, but Robin feared that Patrick would eventually resent her for suggesting it. Patrick assured Robin that he was happy that they had moved on from "the disaster that was Lisa."

Lisa was startled when Kristina knocked on the door and then entered the office. Lisa quickly rounded the desk as she asked if she could help Kristina. Kristina explained that she had decided to buy the herbal supplements that Lisa had recommended online. However, the herbal supplements online hadn't looked like the ones that Lisa had given to Kristina. Lisa smoothly explained that the herbal supplements that she had given to Kristina had been of the highest quality and were only available at a wholesale-retailer that worked exclusively with physicians.

Lisa offered to provide Kristina with refills because Lisa received the supplements at a discounted rate. Kristina was reluctant to take advantage of Lisa's generosity, so Lisa suggested jotting down the ingredients for Kristina, so that Kristina could pick up what she needed at a health store. Kristina had a change of heart when she realized that it would be easier to simply continue getting the herbal supplements from Lisa.

After Kristina left, Lisa resumed spying on the Drakes as Patrick and Robin worked on their project in the living room. Robin confessed that she was enjoying herself and then admitted that she had ordered a "cozy cottage" for Emma during the separation. Patrick was curious where the cottage was. Robin admitted that it was still in its box, in the garage. According to Robin, it was just another indication of how much she needed Patrick and how things worked better when he was around. Robin was so impressed with Patrick's handyman skills that she decided to give him a list of things that needed to be done around the house. Robin explained that the batteries in the carbon monoxide and smoke detectors needed replacing, as did the furnace. Patrick confessed that those things had never been a concern down south, where he had grown up.

Robin explained that it was because people in the south weren't stuck in weather-sealed homes for months at a time. In Lisa's office, Lisa decided to do an online search for "home gas leaks." Later, Patrick and Robin were delighted when they finally completed the drawing easel and chalkboard for Emma. Robin was confused when she spotted a screw on the floor. Patrick had no idea where it belonged, so Robin tossed it away. As Patrick and Robin kissed, Lisa was in her office, smiling as she read the statistics of fatalities from gas leaks.

5/11 Lisa sat in her office, eavesdropping on Patrick and Robin's private moment via a listening device planted in the living room of the Drake residence.

At home, Patrick assured Robin that the absence of the extra bolt that she had found wouldn't cause the newly built easel to collapse. Robin decided to trust Patrick's judgment, which made Patrick realize how much he had missed being with his wife. Robin smiled as she admitted that she was glad that Patrick was home. A few minutes later, Patrick decided to go over some bills, so he went to the desk to pull out his last credit card statement.

Patrick was baffled when he discovered that his last four statements were missing. Lisa smiled as she opened a folder on her desk to reveal the missing credit card statements. Meanwhile, Robin suggested that Patrick consider going paperless, like the rest of the world. Patrick explained that he preferred being "old-school" by keeping everything in a safe place. "Obviously," Robin quipped. Patrick and Robin continued to search for the missing statements.

In Lisa's office, Lisa decided to put the credit card information to use by renting a "secret love nest" next to the hospital and then ordering expensive long stemmed red roses. Lisa then created two accounts on a social networking site, "," to make it appear that Patrick had been staying in contact with Lisa online.

At the Drake residence, Patrick hoped that Robin would be able to love him even though he was hopelessly disorganized. Robin hoped that he didn't mind being married to someone who an obsessive-compulsive neat freak. Patrick assured Robin that he had accepted that side of her a long time before. Patrick and Robin fell onto the sofa in a heated kiss seconds later.

In Lisa's office, Lisa composed an online message from Patrick apologizing for having to meet Lisa in secret, while he kept his sham of a marriage going. Lisa's letter explained that Patrick pretended to hate Lisa in public because Patrick was concerned that Robin would use their affair to secure custody of Emma. The message concluded with a promise from Patrick that he and Lisa would be able to be together soon because Patrick had found a way out of his marriage that would guarantee that Robin would never be a problem again.

5/17 At Kelly's, Patrick and Robin shared a piece of pie and sipped on coffee as they discussed their first impressions of each other. Robin confessed that she had initially thought that Patrick was very handsome, totally out of her league, and wouldn't look her way, so she had decided that he was an egocentric jerk. Patrick resented the jerk part, but Robin reminded him that she had walked in on him during an intimate moment with a nurse.

Patrick smiled as he admitted that Robin had been the most aggravating woman that he had ever met, but he had been immediately drawn to her. Robin suspected that it was because she had been a challenge. She acknowledged that she had initially hated Patrick until she had realized that he had been both interesting and funny.

Patrick confessed that old habits died hard, so loving Robin hadn't been part of the plan. Patrick explained that falling in love had been outside of his comfort zone, so he had tried to retreat. Robin smiled as she reminded him that she was usually the one who put up walls. Patrick chuckled as he observed that their self-awareness was growing by leaps and bounds. Robin and Patrick then began to talk about making amends for the things that they had done. Robin thought that they had done the most important thing by showing Emma what a real family was like.

Lisa knocked on the front door of the Drake residence. Seconds later, Kristina opened the door. Kristina wondered what Lisa was doing there, so Lisa explained that she had been passing by when she had spotted Kristina's car in the driveway. Kristina revealed that she was babysitting Emma, but she was reluctant to say more because Kristina didn't think that Patrick and Robin would appreciate Lisa knowing their plans.

Lisa assured Kristina that she wasn't interested in what Patrick and Robin were doing because she had moved on. Lisa then brushed past Kristina as she offered to get Kristina refills of the herbal supplements. Kristina closed the door as she thanked Lisa. Lisa again switched gears to find out if Kristina had heard from Yale. Kristina explained that she would be attending Port Charles University. They chatted for a few minutes until Lisa asked to use the bathroom before she headed out.

Seconds later, Lisa entered the basement, pulled on some latex gloves, checked the breaker box, and then walked over to the water heater to take pictures with her cell phone. A short time later, Kristina called out to see if Lisa had left because it was so quiet. Lisa suddenly appeared from around the corner. Kristina was curious what had taken Lisa so long, so Lisa explained that she had stopped off in the kitchen to get something to drink.

Moments later, they heard Patrick and Robin arrive home, so Lisa quickly ducked out the back door seconds before Patrick and Robin entered the house. Kristina quickly closed the back door as she explained that she had opened it to get some fresh air. Patrick paid Kristina, and then expressed his gratitude that she was someone that they could trust. Robin broached the subject of college with Kristina. Kristina was surprised to learn that Robin had gone to Yale for a year. Robin admitted that she had taken a leave of absence after a year, but never returned. Kristina was curious if Robin had regretted her decision.

Robin explained that the college wasn't as important as the studies, so she advised Kristina to focus on that. Robin admitted that everything had worked out in the end, so she had made the right choice. Kristina thanked Robin, gathered her things, and then left. Patrick wondered if everything were okay with Kristina. Robin smiled as she attributed Kristina's odd behavior to hormones. She warned Patrick that Emma would be the same way when she reached Kristina's age. Patrick was happy that he would have Robin there to help him through it.

Meanwhile, in Lisa's office, Lisa was online studying the schematics of Patrick and Robin's hot water heater and how to test for gas leaks.

5/18 In Lisa's office, Lisa ordered another expensive bouquet of flowers. She smiled with satisfaction as she typed out a romantic message for a card that was to be sent with the roses.

At the nurses' station, Patrick kissed Robin as he confided that he had enjoyed their morning together. Robin smiled and then talked about their breakfast with Emma. Seconds later, Patrick received a text message notifying him that his credit card company had flagged a recent charge. Robin was curious how much the charge was for, but Patrick didn't know because the alert hadn't been that detailed.

Patrick couldn't figure out what would have prompted the alert because he always paid his bills on time, and he had never gone over the limit. Robin sheepishly confessed that the credit card company had offered double frequent-flyer miles on purchases during the month of May, so she had bought a hot tub. Robin explained that the therapist had recommended that she be more spontaneous. Patrick was pleasantly surprised with the purchase.

Moments later, Steve walked up to announce that the staff meeting had been rescheduled to the following day and that the new operating room rotation had been posted. Steve made it clear that he would be gone for the rest of the day, so he didn't want any calls, pages, or text messages unless it was a life-or-death situation. Patrick and Robin were impressed that Steve had finally taken some time off. Steve explained that Jake's death had taught him that every day was a gift; Steve had wasted too many of them.

Later, Robin offered to cancel the order for the hot tub, but Patrick refused to consider it. He explained that the extra frequent-flyer miles meant that they could go on a second honeymoon. Patrick and Robin's smiles disappeared when Lisa approached the nurses' station with a patient's file. Patrick reminded Lisa that Steve wanted them to treat the patient together, but Lisa insisted that she was trying to avoid working with Patrick because it always ended badly for her. Patrick and Robin looked at Lisa with disbelief as she walked away.

A short time later, Patrick and Robin discussed where to put the hot tub when Patrick received another text message alerting him that his credit card company had frozen his account. Robin was surprised. Patrick had no idea what was going on, but he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Ethan went to Johnny's penthouse to accuse Lisa of trying to get Kristina addicted to hydrocodone. Johnny didn't believe it until Ethan showed Johnny the evidence and then relayed what Kristina had told him about Lisa's recent activities. Johnny conceded that he had seen Lisa and Kristina together a few times. Ethan warned Johnny to take care of Lisa, or Ethan would.

At Kelly's, Lisa was all smiles when she joined Kristina. Lisa asked about Yale, but Kristina demanded to know why Lisa had lied about the pills being herbal supplements when they were actually hydrocodone.

5/19 At Johnny's penthouse, Ethan and Johnny discussed Kristina's claim that Lisa had given her hydrocodone under the guise that they had been herbal supplements. Johnny tried to give Lisa the benefit of the doubt by reminding Ethan that Kristina was a troubled young lady who had lied before. Ethan was adamant that Kristina wouldn't lie to him about the pills. Johnny acknowledged that he and Ethan had a soft spot for Kristina, but there wasn't any proof to back up Kristina's claims.

At Kelly's, Lisa was curious where Kristina's anger stemmed from when all Lisa had done was provide Kristina with what Kristina had requested. Kristina stared at Lisa in disbelief as Lisa explained that Kristina had clearly been under tremendous stress and anxiety, so Lisa had thought that the hydrocodone would help. Lisa had no idea that Kristina would abuse the drug. Kristina argued that she had no idea what she had been taking, but Lisa disagreed. Lisa explained that she hadn't been able to write out a prescription for the drug without the consent of Kristina's mother, whom Kristina hadn't wanted to involve, so Lisa had simply told a "little white lie" by referring to the pills as herbal supplements. "And then you just pretended and went along and believed me," Lisa concluded.

Kristina was incredulous; she vehemently denied that she had pretended anything. Kristina insisted that she had trusted Lisa because Lisa was a doctor. Lisa calmly argued that Kristina knew that the herbal supplements were narcotics. Kristina recalled that she had questioned why the herbal supplements from Lisa had looked different from the ones that Kristina had found online, but Lisa had been ready with a plausible explanation. Lisa admitted that it had been a lie, which Lisa insisted Kristina had gone along with it because Kristina had wanted the pills. Kristina argued that she had made it clear that she hadn't been interested in taking drugs. Lisa smiled sweetly as she assured Kristina that she didn't mind leaving Kristina to deal with her stress on her own. Kristina was stunned as Lisa got up and then left.

At Johnny's penthouse, Johnny carefully broached the subject of Patrick. Lisa assured Johnny that she was over Patrick, but Johnny admitted that he was skeptical. Lisa kissed Johnny to prove her point, but Johnny continued to have doubts that Lisa was over her obsession with Patrick. Lisa insisted that Patrick accusing her of killing Jake had been the final straw. Lisa went off on a tangent about how Patrick had treated her like dirt because of his "judgmental prissy bitch of a wife." Lisa explained that it made her physically ill when she looked back on what she had put up with from Patrick, so Johnny had no reason to be concerned about Patrick. According to Lisa, she hated the sight of Patrick.

At the hospital, Patrick was upset that his credit card had been frozen even though he had paid his bills on time, and had recently paid off the balance. Robin suggested that Patrick could straighten everything out with a phone call, but Patrick admitted that he didn't trust random and unexpected things. He confided that he suspected that Lisa was somehow responsible for the credit card problem.

Robin confessed that she had learned not to underestimate Lisa, but she was certain Patrick's credit card issue was the result of a missed payment or stolen card. Patrick didn't want to have to deal with the credit card company, so he was curious if Robin would straighten things out for him, but Robin refused.

Later, Robin wondered if Patrick had gotten to the bottom of his credit card problem. Patrick assured her that he would get to it, but Robin warned him that the hot tub wouldn't be delivered until it was resolved. Patrick started to talk about his plans for the hot tub, which made Robin smile. She was glad that he was so enthusiastic about it, but she was curious why Patrick hadn't purchased a hot tub sooner if he had wanted one. Patrick admitted that Robin taking the initiative, to surprise him with the hot tub, had made him feel like she had made their relationship a priority. Robin smiled, and then offered to call to arrange for the hot tub's installation; however, she realized that she had left her cell phone at home on the charger.

Patrick was surprised when Johnny called out to him a short time later. Johnny explained that he wanted to talk to Patrick about Lisa. Johnny confessed that he had never really liked Patrick because Patrick had seen Lisa as an easy target to have a one-night stand with and then had later ducked out of taking responsibility for the damage. Patrick clarified that things hadn't happened that way, but he wasn't interested in debating it with Johnny, so he invited Johnny to get to the point. Johnny confessed that Patrick had been right about Lisa being mentally and emotional unbalanced. Patrick was curious if anything in particular had happened, but Johnny insisted that he had simply wanted to pass along the warning.

At the Drake residence, Lisa knocked on the front door, but no one answered. Eventually, Lisa pulled out a key and then unlocked the door. Lisa called out for Patrick and Robin, but she was met with silence. Lisa closed the door and then made her way to the basement, where she proceeded to tamper with the water heater. Meanwhile, Robin arrived home. Robin was startled when she heard a noise in the basement, so she decided to investigate.

5/20 As Robin made her way into the basement, Lisa ran upstairs. Robin was unimpressed with Lisa's latest tactic. "So, that's your big plan?" Robin mocked, and continued, "Lock me in the basement for a few hours?" "You'll be dead in an hour," Lisa replied. Lisa locked the door after letting Robin know that there was a gas leak. Through the door, Lisa explained that she'd left behind enough evidence to suggest that Patrick had arranged for Robin's death.

As Lisa wiped away her fingerprints from everywhere she'd touched, Robin lay on the floor of the basement, unconscious. Lisa descended the stairs. She hovered over Robin and whispered that Robin and Patrick should rot in hell. Robin sat up and grabbed Lisa. "We'll see you there," spat Robin.

5/23 In the basement of Robin's house, Lisa gloated that Robin was dead and Patrick would soon go to prison for her murder. Her glee was short-lived when Robin sprang up and grabbed her. Lisa asked how Robin could be alive when Lisa had pumped in enough gas "to kill a horse." Patrick entered the basement with Mac, who promptly arrested Lisa. As Mac read Lisa her rights, Lisa claimed that she was rescuing Robin and that Robin was again making false accusations.

Mac warned Patrick and Robin not to touch anything before forensics had a chance to go over the basement to gather evidence. As Mac hauled Lisa up the stairs, she claimed that it would be her word against Robin's, but Patrick said that was not the case. Robin told Lisa that she had used her cell phone to record every word that Lisa had said to her. Patrick told Lisa that it would be her word against herself, not Robin.

Once upstairs, Patrick and Robin explained how they had trapped Lisa. Patrick said that his credit card company had notified him of suspected identity theft when unusual charges started showing up on his card. When he found out that they were for expensive hotels and flowers, both he and Robin realized that Lisa was up to something. Rather than confront her, they secretly checked her computer and found that she had visited sites on wiring and repairs to their gas heater.

Patrick had wanted to go to Mac, but Robin had feared that Lisa would wriggle out, so they'd decided to trap her. They had realized that Lisa had access to their home after Kristina called and told them about Lisa and the pills. They had also figured out that their house was bugged, so they'd continued to act normally, waiting for Lisa to make her move. When she had, they'd followed her to their house. Patrick had waited outside, turned off the gas to the house, and called Mac. Robin had gone inside and pretended to let Lisa trap her in the basement.

As Mac hauled Lisa back to the police station, she shouted that they were plotting against her and that Patrick still wanted her, not his frigid wife Robin. After Lisa was gone, Robin said that maybe it was a good thing that Lisa had entered into their lives, because even though a crazy person had torn them apart, they had been able to pick up the pieces, and they were stronger than ever. She said maybe they appreciated their marriage and family even more.

Patrick said that he was very happy that he would get to spend the rest of his life with the woman he loved and his beautiful daughter. He said a locksmith would arrive the next day to change the locks and then they could be completely safe. Robin said the ordeal had been even harder on Patrick than on her. Robin said that even though she had been the target, Patrick had been the goal. Both agreed not to let Lisa's plan to kill Robin and frame Patrick mess with their heads. They shared a warm, loving kiss.

Lisa told Mac that she was the victim of a conspiracy and that her lawyer would have a field day proving that Mac was helping out his niece, Robin. Mac was cool and collected when he told her that the recording on Robin's cell phone and forensic evidence found on her computer proved that Lisa had premeditated Robin's death. Lisa called it a police conspiracy, but Mac insisted that she would be locked up for life.

5/27 Patrick and Robin discussed Lisa's departure with Elizabeth at the nurses' station. Liz broke the news that the recently reunited couple would have to take over Lisa's entire caseload. Elizabeth answered the phone and learned that a little boy had just been hit by a car. Patrick would have to scrub in for surgery. The news hit Elizabeth particularly hard, so soon after Jake's death.

The boy's mother went to Elizabeth and begged her to allow the woman to be in the O.R. during the procedure. Elizabeth consoled the woman, who berated herself for not having paid enough attention to her son. Elizabeth and the woman chatted about being mothers and told stories about their boys, but Liz never mentioned Jake. Robin and Patrick returned, bearing good news. The woman asked Elizabeth to show her the way to the boy's room and thanked her for being so kind. As Elizabeth headed back to the nurses' station, she saw Jake standing in front of her.

Later, Robin found Elizabeth crying in a conference room. Robin offered to find someone to cover the desk, but Liz declined, worrying that Steven would make her take another leave of absence. "Why did her little boy get to live," Elizabeth wondered, "and mine didn't?"

5/31 At the nurses' station, Patrick confessed that he was relieved that he had good news for the mother of the little boy who had been injured in a hit-and-run. Robin couldn't imagine how difficult it had been for Elizabeth to keep the mother company while they had waited for word on the boy's condition. Patrick admitted that he regretted that he couldn't have given Elizabeth similar news after Jake's tragedy.

Seconds later, Patrick checked his voicemail. He was stunned to discover that the doctors at Shadybrook wanted Patrick to talk to Lisa before Lisa's psychiatric evaluation was complete. Robin wanted Patrick to do whatever was necessary to assure the doctors that Lisa had been sane at the time that Lisa had locked Robin in the basement to die.

At Shadybrook, Patrick reluctantly entered Lisa's room. Lisa tried to talk about the past, but Patrick insisted that Lisa had never been anything but a one-night stand to him. Lisa confessed that she hadn't thought that Patrick would show up; she joked that if she had known, she would have had herself committed sooner. Patrick demanded to know why Lisa had asked to see him, so she explained that she had wanted him to look her in the eye when he admitted that she had been right. "About what?" Patrick wondered.

Lisa claimed that Patrick would never find true happiness with Robin because he would never be able to remain monogamous. Lisa wanted Patrick to hear her voice every time he cheated on his wife because it would mean that Lisa had won. Lisa insisted that Patrick's marriage to Robin was "delusional," but Patrick argued that he wasn't there to discuss that. Lisa reminded Patrick that he had to hear her out because the doctors thought that it would help her.

Lisa accused Robin of being mousy and unable to keep Patrick's attention, so it would only be a matter of time before Patrick was unfaithful. Patrick suggested that Lisa was the "saddest person the planet." Lisa continued to goad Patrick about inevitably cheating on Robin and then warned him that Robin would eventually tire of his lies and excuses. Lisa acknowledged that she was a stalker, but time would prove that Lisa had been correct about Patrick. Patrick was clearly rattled by Lisa's dire prediction, which made Lisa smile with satisfaction.

Later, Patrick surprised Robin with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Patrick wanted Robin to know how deeply sorry he was for cheating on her. He vowed that she was the only woman that he wanted, so he was determined to spend the rest of his life proving it to her.

6/2 At Metro Court, Jax thanked Robin for stopping by. Jax explained his situation with Carly and then admitted that he intended to sue for full custody of Josslyn to keep his daughter safe from the danger that surrounded Sonny and Jason. Jax hoped that Robin would testify on his behalf. Robin was curious if and when Carly would be able to spend time with Josslyn. Jax assured Robin that Carly would have full access to Josslyn, as long as Carly visited Josslyn at Metro Court.

Robin thought that it was a lot of ask of a child not to live with her mother. Jax jokingly wondered whose side Robin was on. Robin assured Jax that she knew that he was a devoted father, and that he was worried about Josslyn, but Robin insisted that Carly was a good mother. Robin warned Jax that she would have to be honest when she testified. Jax argued that Sonny and Jason had such a strong hold on Carly that Carly refused to stay away from them.

Robin wondered if Jax had truly thought that Carly would cut Sonny and Jason out of her life when he had married her. Jax confessed that he had hoped that he and the children would be more important. Jax assured Robin that he simply wanted Robin to tell the judge about the danger that Sonny and Jason presented. Robin assured Jax that she would be happy to testify that Jax was an excellent father, but she refused to lie about Carly.

At the hospital, Patrick talked to Shawn about the "patch job" that the Veterans Affairs Hospital had done on Shawn's wartime injury. Patrick explained that Shawn needed surgery to remove the fragments, but Shawn refused to "go under the knife." Nearby, Carly approached the nurses' station, as Shawn and Patrick continued their heated discussion. Patrick noticed that Shawn's records indicated that Shawn had suffered from posttraumatic stress syndrome, so Patrick was curious if Shawn still received treatment for it.

Shawn explained that he had been advised to have his injury checked every six months, so Shawn wasn't there for the posttraumatic stress. Patrick warned Shawn that the mortar fragments were moving closer to Shawn's spine, so they needed to be removed before Shawn's spine was permanently damaged. Patrick once again advised Shawn to have surgery and then added that Shawn should also seek treatment for the posttraumatic stress.

Patrick advised Epiphany that one of Lisa's patients was ready to be released. Steve walked up moments later to thank Patrick for taking over most of Lisa's caseload. Epiphany realized that Lisa had caused quite a bit of mayhem, but she admitted that Lisa had been a brilliant surgeon who would be hard to replace. Steve agreed, so he urged them all to pick up the slack until a new doctor was hired.

Robin approached Patrick to ask for a moment of Patrick's time. Robin realized that Patrick had given her flowers the previous day because Lisa had said something that had clearly made Patrick doubt himself. Patrick started to explain, but Robin cut him off to assure him that she loved Patrick and that Lisa had been wrong. Robin was grateful that Patrick hadn't let Robin give up on their marriage. Patrick sensed that something had happened, so Robin told him about her visit with Jax. Robin realized that they could have been in the same boat as Jax and Carly if they hadn't found a way to make their marriage work.

Moments later, Steve walked up to reveal that Lisa had escaped. Steve explained that Lisa had been en route to Ferncliff, a more secure psychiatric facility, when Lisa had managed to get away. Robin suspected that Lisa was on her way to Canada, but Patrick was certain that Lisa was still in town, so he was determined to take some precautions.

6/7 Matt, Robin, and Patrick arrived at Jake’s and joined Maxie and Spinelli. Matt leaned down to give Maxie an affectionate peck on the top of her head, but Maxie appeared to stiffen momentarily. Matt noticed Maxie's reaction, but didn't comment as Robin and Patrick greeted Spinelli and then Spinelli explained that he was there to interview the bartender. Robin was curious if Maxie had received a call from Mac. Maxie assured Robin that she had heard about Lisa's escape and that she was certain that Lisa was well on her way to Canada. Robin agreed, but revealed that Mac was too paranoid to take any risks, so he had insisted on babysitting Emma.

Matt and Patrick went to the bar to order a round of drinks, so Maxie stood up to join them. Spinelli watched forlornly as Patrick bragged to Maxie that Matt had saved a patient's life. The group then settled down at a table next to Spinelli's, so he continued to watch with a sad expression as Maxie enjoyed her evening. Eventually Robin noticed Spinelli, so she invited him to join them. Spinelli quickly accepted as Maxie apologized for not thinking of it sooner. Seconds later, Kate called, so Maxie excused herself.

Patrick offered to fetch another round of drinks, so Robin and Matt joined Patrick at the bar to help carry the drinks. Maxie grumbled about the new assistant that Kate had hired as she returned to the table. She popped an appetizer in her mouth as she spoke, but then started to choke. Spinelli appeared confused by what was happening until Matt sprang into action by performing the Heimlich maneuver on Maxie. The piece of food dislodged moments later. Spinelli apologized for not realizing the seriousness of the situation, but Robin assured Spinelli that all that mattered was that Maxie was okay. Spinelli appeared stricken when Maxie confessed to Matt, "You really are my hero."

6/8 At the hospital, Elizabeth was working at the nurses' station when Patrick and Robin arrived with Emma. Robin smiled while Patrick swung Emma in a circle as the little girl giggled. Nikolas walked up to the nurses' station as Elizabeth watched the Drakes with an expression of sadness. Elizabeth shook off her melancholy to greet the Drakes. Patrick excused himself to take Emma to daycare, while Robin stayed behind to find out how Elizabeth was doing. Elizabeth admitted that she was taking it one day at a time, so Robin offered to listen if Elizabeth needed someone to talk to. Elizabeth thanked Robin and then returned to the nurses' station as Robin walked away.

Robin approached Elizabeth at the nurses' station a short time later to invite her over for a cookout, and to ask for help with a special project that Robin and Patrick were working on. Elizabeth was curious what the project was, so Robin explained that they needed Elizabeth to go through Patrick's records, over the previous five years, to pull out the charts of patients who had suffered from Parkinson's disease, or had experienced a stroke, and then had been put on Robin's drug protocol. "Is this really what you think of me?" Elizabeth wondered.

Elizabeth was offended because she suspected that Robin was creating busy work to keep her occupied. Robin assured her friend that it was legitimate research for a paper. Elizabeth was immediately contrite as Robin explained that they trusted Elizabeth, and respected her because she was conscientious. Robin realized that Elizabeth might not be ready for it, so she assured Elizabeth that they would find someone else.

Later, Robin stood outside of Kelly's when Nikolas approached her. Robin jumped and then revealed that she was skittish because of Lisa. Nikolas apologized and then mentioned his concerns about Elizabeth. Robin reminded Nikolas that it had only been a month since Jake had died. Nikolas was curious if Elizabeth's work was suffering, but Robin insisted that Elizabeth needed it to get her through the days.

Nikolas reminded Robin that Elizabeth made life or death decisions. He admitted that he had offered to fly Elizabeth and the boys to California to visit Sarah, but Elizabeth had declined. Nikolas seemed relieved when Robin promised to look after her friend. He then assured Robin that she should not worry about Lisa because he was certain that Lisa had fled to the border. After Nikolas left, Lisa poked her head from around a corner to watch Robin.

Patrick went to the Zacchara penthouse to talk to Johnny about Lisa. Patrick was certain that Johnny knew where Lisa was, but Johnny denied having any knowledge of Lisa's escape. Patrick reminded Johnny that Johnny had been a staunch supporter of Lisa's, so Patrick was certain that Johnny would continue to help Lisa. Johnny argued that Lisa hadn't started out crazy, so he had compassion for her situation. However, Johnny felt terrible for what the Drakes had endured. According to Johnny, Lisa was past the point of no return, so he had no intention of helping her.

Later, Patrick returned to the hospital. Robin was curious where her husband had been, so he told her about his visit with Johnny. Robin wondered what Johnny had said about Lisa. Patrick admitted that he didn't like Johnny, but he had believed when Johnny had denied seeing or helping Lisa. Robin hoped that it meant that Lisa had left Port Charles.

Lisa was lying in wait when Johnny entered his penthouse. Johnny drew his gun as she pushed her way into his home and then locked the door. Lisa pleaded for Johnny to help her, but Johnny refused to get involved in Lisa's mess because he had a crisis brewing with Sonny, and he had been chasing his father around town. Johnny insisted that "one nut-job" was enough.

Lisa tearfully explained that "they" intended to lock her up in a place for the criminally insane, but Johnny insisted that she needed treatment because she had tried to kill Robin. Lisa argued that Johnny had killed people, but he was free to walk the streets. Johnny remained unmoved, so Lisa grabbed his hand, which still held the gun, and then pointed it at her chest. She implored Johnny to shoot her because she would rather be dead than to be caught by the authorities.

6/9 At the Zacchara penthouse, Lisa begged Johnny to kill her because she couldn't go to an asylum for the criminally insane. Johnny warned Lisa that he was through protecting her, so he threatened to call the police. Lisa called his bluff; she insisted that she was out of options, so she had nowhere to go. Johnny demanded to know what she wanted. Lisa tearfully explained that she needed help getting out of the country, a new identity, and some cash. Johnny thought that Lisa had nerve, asking for help after lying incessantly to him for months, and trying to kill Robin. Lisa apologized profusely and then vowed never to bother him again if he helped her.

Johnny realized that Lisa had never intended to move on from Patrick, so he suggested that she would be better off turning herself in and then getting the psychiatric help that she desperately needed. Lisa assured Johnny that she had learned the lesson that Claudia hadn't. Johnny cautioned Lisa about invoking his sister's name, but Lisa claimed that she knew that there wasn't anyone worth dying for. Johnny insisted that everything that Lisa said was a "crock." Lisa sobbed as she once again apologized and then explained that the temptation had been too great and that she had thought that locking Robin in the basement had been the best way to get justice.

"Justice is trying to kill Robin and frame Patrick for it?" Johnny asked. Lisa claimed that she had simply reacted when the opportunity had presented itself. Lisa continued to paint herself as the hapless victim who had realized too late that her actions had been "crazy." According to Lisa, being caught had opened her eyes. Johnny was curious if she were practicing for her court appearance, but Lisa continued to beg Johnny for help until he eventually agreed. Relieved, Lisa threw her arms around Johnny, but he pushed her away because he didn't trust her.

Later, Anthony arrived home to find Lisa pouring herself a drink. Anthony confessed that he wasn't surprised to see her there since he had figured that Lisa would turn to Johnny for help. Anthony wondered where his son was and then asked if she had killed Johnny. Lisa explained that Johnny had left to take care of a few things, but that he would return shortly. Anthony smiled as he mentioned Lisa's plan to "bump off" her archrival. Lisa sarcastically remarked that it was a shame that she hadn't asked for Anthony's advice.

Anthony was curious what Lisa planned to do, so Lisa revealed that she intended to flee the country and then assume a new identity. Anthony warned her that life on the run wasn't easy. He thought that it was a waste of Lisa's potential. Lisa sensed that Anthony had something on his mind, so Anthony admitted that he would never slink into oblivion while his enemies lived happily ever after. Anthony continued to work Lisa until she became receptive to his offer to help her exact revenge against Patrick.

Later, Anthony took Lisa to his secret safe house. Lisa felt bad for bailing on Johnny when he had tried to help her, so Anthony offered to take her back to the penthouse. Lisa declined because she was going to do what she needed to, in order to be free. Lisa vowed that she wouldn't quit until everyone got exactly what they deserved.

At the nurses' station, Elizabeth wondered how couples therapy was going for Robin and Patrick. Robin confessed that it was better than she had hoped. According to Robin, it had changed the dynamics of her relationship with Patrick, so that they were communicating better. Elizabeth was happy for Robin and Patrick, and realized that it probably helped that Lisa was gone. Patrick walked up and then asked if Elizabeth had gotten started on the research project.

Robin tried to cover for Elizabeth, but Elizabeth told Patrick about her reaction when Robin had approached her about helping with the project. Elizabeth offered to help if the Drakes still needed it, but Patrick assured her that it wasn't necessary. He was certain that Elizabeth had better things to do. Elizabeth admitted that she had, but she confessed that working gave her something to focus on.

Steve returned to the hospital. Robin was surprised to see Steve because she thought that he had the day off. Steve told Robin about what had transpired at Elizabeth's house, and the conversation that he'd had with Elizabeth when she had asked him to pack up Jake's things. Robin was certain that Elizabeth would feel terrible when she remembered talking to Steve about it.

"She's all over the place right now," Robin reminded Steve. Seconds later, Johnny approached the nurses' station, looking for Patrick. "I'm right here," Patrick responded as he walked up behind Johnny. Johnny revealed that Lisa had made contact, asking for money, and claiming to be in Canada.

6/10 Brenda met Robin on the docks. They were talking when a car backfired. Brenda screamed and jumped up. When she realized it was not gunfire, she felt foolish and said so to Robin, who said she could understand why Brenda was jumpy. Brenda said that even before she became Sonny's wife, she had been a target. Brenda said that Jax had said that Alec was in danger. Robin said that Jax was hardly objective. Brenda wondered if she was a bad mom because she was with Sonny.

DVD #14B Patrick went to Jake's for a beer. He told Coleman that he had not been around because of the craziness with Lisa, whom Coleman called "a smokin' hot babe." Patrick said that Lisa really was crazy and had made a serious attempt to kill Robin. Patrick said that she was not the girl he remembered from college who was bold and daring, but not nuts. Coleman tried to get Patrick to admit that he missed being a player, but Patrick said he would never betray Robin that way again.

While Coleman and Patrick conversed, Lisa lurked nearby, disguised in a black wig and black-framed glasses. Robin joined Patrick at the bar, and Coleman told her that Kate had dumped him; he wondered if a promise of fidelity would make a difference. Robin said that fidelity meant a lot, but if a man promised fidelity to a woman, he had to mean it, rather than making the promise because he did not want to lose her. Coleman told Robin that she had given him good counsel and walked away. Patrick told Robin that he was not Coleman. Patrick said that Robin was the only woman he wanted to be with. They kissed. Lisa met with one of Anthony's henchmen at a nearby table. He gave her a gun that she slipped into her purse.

6/16 At the hospital, Robin asked Elizabeth for a file. Elizabeth handed her friend the file and then noticed Robin's colorful bracelet. Robin joked that Emma was going through an "express yourself through pasta" phase. Elizabeth fondly recalled that Jake had taken a lump of clay and then stuck a peg in it for her to hang her keys on. Elizabeth revealed that Jake would watch her every morning as she grabbed her keys from the peg; she confided that what he had lacked in imagination, he had made up for in observation.

Moments later, Steve and Patrick approached the nurses' station. Patrick surprised Elizabeth by asking if she would be interested in being part of a surgical team the following day. Elizabeth happily accepted the offer, but Robin seemed concerned. Privately, Robin wondered if it had been a good idea for Patrick to ask Elizabeth to be a part of the surgical team, but Patrick doubted that Elizabeth would have accepted the offer if she hadn't been ready.

Later, Lisa slipped into the hospital, disguised as a security guard. Lisa spied on Robin as Patrick fixed Emma's bracelet. Robin and Patrick agreed that things had been better since Lisa had left. Steve walked up to talk to Patrick about Elizabeth. Steve insisted that it was Patrick's call, but Steve had concerns about Elizabeth being part of Patrick's surgical team. Robin admitted that she had seen Elizabeth crying in the break room the other day, so it was clear that Elizabeth needed more time to grieve. Patrick argued that Steve and Robin were overreacting. Patrick reminded Steve and Robin that he had worked with Elizabeth countless times, so he wanted to give her a chance. Steve couldn't fight Patrick and Elizabeth, so he agreed to clear Elizabeth for the surgery.

After Steve walked away, Patrick noticed that Robin was quiet. He realized that it indicated that Robin had a lot to say. Robin doubted that Patrick wanted to hear what was on her mind. Later, Robin was admiring her bracelet when she suddenly sensed that she was being watched. Lisa slipped away before Robin spotted her. Robin was startled when Patrick tapped her on the shoulder.

Patrick suspected that Robin was jumpy because of everything that Lisa had put her through over the past year. Robin changed the subject by talking about Emma. She confessed that she couldn't imagine her life without their daughter. Patrick was curious what had prompted her to say something like that, so Robin admitted that she wouldn't be ready to enter the operating room if she were in Elizabeth's shoes. Patrick insisted that Elizabeth needed their support.

Robin was curious if Patrick's determination to have Elizabeth scrub in was prompted by guilt because he hadn't been able to save Jake. Patrick admitted that he would always have regrets about not saving Jake's life; however, Elizabeth needed to regain her confidence. Robin insisted on being part of the surgical team to keep an eye on Elizabeth. Moments later, Spinelli and Sam approached the nurses' station. Spinelli was concerned because Sam had been having cramps. Robin wondered if perhaps Sam might be pregnant. Nearby, Lisa entered a supply closet. She closed the door and then pulled out a gun and several magazine clips.

6/17 Dressed as a security guard, Lisa managed to evade detection and make her way to a supply closet on the tenth floor of General Hospital. She checked her ammunition clips and filled a syringe with a blue-colored cleaning solution.

In the lobby, Spinelli insisted that Sam be admitted. Robin and Patrick concurred when Sam reluctantly admitted that she was experiencing mild cramping. Spinelli was sure that Sam was pregnant. He was ecstatic over the possibility. Robin got Sam settled in a room and ordered tests. While Lisa lurked in the lobby, Robin and Patrick talked about how lucky they were to have Emma and how happy they were to be her parents.

Lisa pulled her gun and walked into the lobby. She aimed for the ceiling, and then pulled the trigger. She took off her security cap and glasses. Lisa was smug when she said, "Bet you thought you had seen the last of me." Then Lisa said that she needed closure. Lucky tried to draw his weapon, but Lisa caught him.

While Lisa was distracted with Lucky, Steve triggered the alarm and a lockdown. Lisa was not pleased. She ordered Steve, Maxie, Robin, and Patrick into a conference room. Lisa told Spinelli and Lucky to get in the elevator and shut the door.

While Sam was on the phone with Jason, Nikolas stopped by her room. All three heard the shots and alarm as the hospital went into lockdown. Jason was the first to arrive at GH. He pounded on the door, but the guard ignored him. Ronnie rushed up, drew his gun and accused Jason of causing the lockdown. Mac and Dante arrived on Ronnie's heels and said Lisa had taken hostages. Jason said that he had heard shots while on the phone with Sam.

In the lobby, Spinelli was desperate to take action, but Lucky said that Spinelli could help most by figuring a way around the lockdown instead of looking at the ventilation system. Lucky told Mac the situation and then noticed that Spinelli was gone.

Lisa gloated as she herded Steve, Maxie, Robin, and Patrick into the conference room. Lisa said that they were all locked in together and that it was going to be a lot of fun. She told them to stay away from the door. Lisa told them to make no sudden movements or threatening gestures. Lisa said that if they disobeyed her rules, she would start shooting until they were all dead. Robin started talking, but Lisa told her to shut up. Lisa told them that they were all on trial, and she would be doing the judging.

Lisa started by making Steve stand on his feet and face charges. Lisa said that Steve was charged with raging hypocrisy and rank stupidity. She said that Steve had started out liking her, but that when Lisa had preferred another man, Steve had jumped on the "Lisa is crazy" bandwagon. Lisa went after Maxie next. Lisa called Maxie an insufferable airhead and an incessant prevaricator. Lisa accused Maxie of badmouthing Lisa to Johnny. When Robin tried to intercede, Lisa said that Robin's voice grated. Lisa said that she could not stand Robin's incessant whining. Lisa accused Robin of being mind-numbingly boring.

Lisa said that Robin was delusional because Robin would not acknowledge that Patrick was a serial cheater and that sex between Lisa and Patrick had been mutual. Lisa turned to Patrick and said that he was the greatest offender of all. Lisa called Patrick the scum of the earth. Lisa said that Patrick seduced women and then threw them away. Lisa said that Patrick had led her to believe that she meant something to him. Maxie interrupted Lisa's rant and told her that any woman who got involved with a married man was asking to get her heart broken. Lisa threatened to shoot Maxie if she did not stop talking. Maxie refused, and as Lisa aimed the gun at Maxie, Spinelli leaped out of an air duct but missed Lisa and he fell to the floor.

Lisa pointed a gun at Spinelli and called him a moron. Gently, Spinelli begged her to put the gun down. He told her that the authorities would take her illness into consideration. Spinelli told her that he understood romantic disappointment. Spinelli said that revenge did not alleviate the pain. Lisa called Spinelli a pathetic loser. Maxie told Lisa that she could not talk to Spinelli like that. Maxie said that Lisa was the one who was pathetic. Maxie said that Lisa was a once-gifted surgeon who had become a certified whack job. Maxie said that Lisa was just a jilted one-night stand with a gun in her hand. Lisa said that she'd had enough of Maxie. As she aimed and fired at Maxie, Spinelli jumped in front of Maxie and took the bullet.

6/20 In the tenth floor conference room at General Hospital, Lisa aimed a gun at Maxie and fired. Spinelli was shot when he jumped in front of Maxie to protect her. As Patrick, Robin, and Steve tried to save Spinelli, Lisa told Maxie that it was her fault. Lisa told the doctors to get away from Spinelli. Lisa said that the next time anyone disobeyed her orders, she would shoot Spinelli in the head.

Patrick begged Lisa to take him and to let Robin and Steve save Spinelli. Lisa refused, but told Patrick that she would give him a chance to defend himself. Lisa asked Patrick if he had ever loved her. Patrick said that back in college he had not had time for relationships. He said that he had considered Lisa a pal who had shared many wild and crazy adventures with him. Lisa wanted to know what Patrick had meant by his attention to her after Lisa arrived at GH.

Patrick said that he had thought that they were friends catching up on old times. He said that things changed after 20 years and that what he had wanted 20 years before was not what he wanted in the present. Patrick said that going home to his daughter Emma was the highlight of his day. Lisa then asked if Patrick stayed with boring Robin because he was afraid that Robin would keep Emma away from him.

At the nurses' station, Lucky was on the phone with Mac, Ronnie, Jason, and Dante, who were gathered outside the front doors of the hospital. Lucky told them that Spinelli had entered the conference room and had been shot. Lucky said he had booted up the program that would override the lockdown, but he did not know the code. Dante spotted a helicopter and said that he and Jason would use it to get to the roof and inside the building from there. Ronnie objected because Jason was a mobster. Dante told Ronnie that saving people's live was more important than Ronnie's grudge.

Lisa continued her cross-examination of Patrick. She asked if Robin was boring. When Patrick said, "No," Lisa said that the smart decision was to pacify the woman with the gun. Lisa finished with Patrick and then turned her attention to Steve. Lisa asked Steve if he thought that she was competent. Steve told Lisa that he thought that she was a brilliant surgeon. He said that he had made every effort to give Lisa the benefit of the doubt. Lisa said that his reason for keeping her at GH was that Steve had slept with Lisa and feared a sexual harassment lawsuit. Steve told Lisa that she was a gifted doctor. Steve said it was a shame that Lisa's career was over because of an obsession. Lisa told Steve that he did not get to judge her.

Jason and Dante made it to the roof. Dante told Jason that he frequently told Jason to set a good example for Michael, but Michael was not there. Dante said that if Jason got a good shot at Lisa, Jason should take it. Dante shot the lock off the roof door, and they were able to gain access to GH.

Down below, Ronnie complained to Mac about Jason partnering with Dante. Ronnie said that he thought that Mac had given orders that they were not to cooperate with the mob. Mac said that he made the rules, so he could ignore the rules. Mac said he would personally pin a medal on Jason if Jason succeeded in keeping whacko Lisa from hurting his family. Lisa called Maxie as the next witness. Lisa asked Maxie at what point Maxie had decided to destroy Lisa's life. Maxie asked what she had to say to get help for Spinelli. Lisa said to tell the truth. Maxie told Lisa that she had known Lisa's agenda from the start. Maxie said that Robin had been trusting and had given Lisa the benefit of the doubt, but Maxie did not because Maxie was a lot like Lisa.

Maxie said that she used to act the same way as Lisa. Maxie said that she had played games to get someone else's unappreciated husband in bed, all the while thinking that the husband deserved better. Maxie said that she invested everything and ended up with nothing. Maxie said that that was where her similarity with Lisa ended. Maxie said that she had moved on with her life, but Lisa had become a stalker. Maxie said that after one drunken night with Patrick, Lisa had lost her career and her self-respect, and that very soon Lisa would lose her freedom. Maxie asked Lisa if it was worth it. Lisa said that she got to ask the questions. Maxie told Lisa that Lisa would never get out of GH. Lisa said she did not want to get out because she was having a blast. Lisa started laughing hysterically and waving her gun around.

Jason and Dante made their way to Lucky, who was still pondering the codes that Steve might have used on the lockout system. Jason suggested Jake's birthday. When Lucky tried it, the lockdown ended. Downstairs with Mac, Ronnie was all for sending in the S.W.A.T. team, but Mac said that they had to think of the hostages. Jason also wanted to charge in, but Dante insisted that they try negotiating first. Mac told Ronnie to evacuate the patients.

Mac wondered how Lisa had gotten a gun and where she had been staying since her escape from custody. Ronnie finished the patient evacuation and wanted to call S.W.A.T. He told Mac to stop thinking like a parent and start thinking like a police officer. Mac did not answer and was distracted by Elizabeth, who asked about Lucky. Mac told her that Lucky had disobeyed a direct order and walked away. Mac said that Lucky might as well turn in his badge.

Lisa called Robin to testify. Lisa tried to make Robin admit that Lisa would not harm Emma. Spinelli started choking on his own blood. Robin said that she would say anything Lisa wanted her to say if Lisa would let Spinelli get help. Lisa said that the trial would continue whether or not the witnesses were breathing. The phone rang. Lisa told Maxie to pick it up. Maxie did as she was told.

As soon as she heard Dante's voice, she told him the situation with Spinelli. Dante asked what Lisa wanted. Lisa said that she would not make a deal. Lisa said that she had what she wanted because she was having her day in court. Lisa made Maxie hang up the phone. Lisa said that if there were any more interruptions, someone would die. Outside, Jason told Dante that they had tried it Dante's way, and they would do it Jason's way.

Inside, Lisa allowed Patrick to make a closing argument. Patrick said that the Lisa holding them hostage was not the person he had known in college. Patrick said that college Lisa had been fun and carefree. Patrick told Lisa that she could be that person again. Patrick said that all she had to do was put the gun down and walk out with him. For a moment Lisa seemed swayed, but them she started clapping and said, "Bravo."

Lisa said that for a second she had almost believed Patrick, which must be why Robin was so gullible and believed Patrick's lies. She told Patrick to sit down. Lisa said that the court had reached a verdict. Lisa said that she had arrived at GH to save a patient. Lisa said that Robin had become jealous and pushed Patrick away, which was why Lisa and Patrick had had an affair. Lisa said that she found all of them guilty of scapegoating her.

At that moment, Jason and Dante burst through the door. Lisa shot Patrick in the arm and grabbed Robin as a shield. When Lisa said she would shoot Robin, Jason said Lisa would be dead before she could fire. Lisa pushed Robin aside and fled to the hall. Dante followed, tackled Lisa, and knocked her out. Steve said that Spinelli had to get to OR immediately. Jason and Dante hovered over Spinelli as Matt and Steve wheeled Spinelli's gurney to the OR. Maxie told Matt that he had to save Spinelli. No one noticed as Lisa's eyes fluttered open.

At GH, while Robin and Patrick argued about the best treatment for Patrick's flesh wound, Lisa leaped out of hiding, grabbed Robin, and threatened to inject her with a syringe filled with cleaning solution. Lisa told Patrick that she was going to give him one more chance to convince her not to kill Robin.

6/21 In the conference room, Lisa held a syringe, filled with drain cleaner, to Robin's neck. Lisa ordered Patrick to convince her not to kill his wife. Patrick doubted that Lisa wanted to kill Robin because he believed that Lisa would have done it already. Patrick suspected that Lisa simply wanted Patrick's attention, good or bad. He insisted that Lisa mattered to him, so he promised to help her if Lisa put down the syringe.

All the while, Patrick moved closer to Lisa until he was within reach of her. Lisa was startled when Patrick suddenly lunged for the syringe to yank it out of her grasp. Robin managed to break free during the struggle, but Lisa refused to relinquish the syringe. Eventually, Patrick managed to gain the upper hand, but not before Lisa injected herself with the deadly chemical. Within seconds, Lisa collapsed as the drain cleaner entered her bloodstream.

A short time later, Mac arrived to check on Robin. Robin credited Patrick with saving her life. Mac was curious if Lisa would make it, but Patrick didn't know. Mac admitted that, as a police officer, he hoped that Lisa made a full recovery, so that she could stand trial for her crimes. However, as an uncle, Mac wanted Lisa to "burn in hell." Patrick couldn't believe that Lisa had gone so far as to put people in danger because of her obsession. Robin insisted that it wasn't Patrick's fault, but Mac didn't agree. Robin was outraged that Mac would suggest that Patrick had been even partly responsible for what Lisa had done. She reminded her uncle that she and Patrick had reconciled, so she expected Mac and Patrick to do the same.

Robin informed Mac that Patrick would have to be checked out by a doctor before Patrick could give a statement. Mac looked at Patrick's injury and then suggested that it was minor. Robin sent Patrick on his way and then reminded Mac that Patrick was a brain surgeon, so any injury to Patrick's arm could compromise his ability to operate. Mac smiled because he loved it when Robin scolded him, but she wasn't amused. Robin made it clear that she expected Mac to work things out with Patrick. Moments later, an orderly handed her the test results that she had been waiting for.

In the hallway, Robin thanked Jason for his help. Sam was surprised when Robin shifted gears to reveal that the pregnancy test results were in. Robin handed the results to Sam, but Sam asked Robin to tell her what they were. Robin revealed that Sam had been correct; Sam was not pregnant. Sam tried to hide her disappointment, but Jason noticed it.

At the nurses' station, Mac apologized for making "digs" about Patrick, but Robin didn't believe that Mac was sincere. Mac admitted that he didn't think that Patrick should get a pass because Patrick had hurt Robin by cheating on her. Robin argued that Patrick had apologized to her about the one-night stand with Lisa and that they had worked things out.

Moments later, Steve approached the nurses' station to update Robin and Mac on Lisa's condition. According to Steve, Lisa was in a coma, and it was unlikely that Lisa would ever regain consciousness. Mac confessed that, as politically incorrect as it might sound, Lisa had gotten exactly what she had deserved.

Later, Robin found Patrick on the hospital rooftop. Patrick assured Robin that his injury would heal. Robin apologized for Mac's behavior. Patrick wasn't concerned about Mac because his thoughts were on what had happened in the conference room. Patrick revealed that Lisa had given up during the struggle, and that he hadn't tried to stop her from injecting herself with the syringe. Robin refused to allow Patrick to blame himself for Lisa's decision to try to kill herself. Robin thought that it was ironic that Lisa's failed attempt had resulted in Lisa becoming a prisoner in her own body. Robin was relieved that she and Patrick were finally free of Lisa. Patrick held his wife, but his expression remained troubled.

6/29 At the nurses' station, Patrick and Steve talked about Lisa. Patrick felt responsible for Lisa being in a coma, but Steve argued that Lisa had been to blame for her own fate. Robin walked up moments later after receiving Steve's message. Steve started to explain why he had asked to see Patrick and Robin, but Elizabeth approached the nurses' station in her street clothes. Steve thought that Elizabeth had been scheduled to work, so Elizabeth explained that she had put in a request for some time off, which had been approved.

Elizabeth explained that she needed to work some things out with Lucky and then revealed that she had ordered a third paternity test on Aiden, which had confirmed her suspicions that Lucky was Aiden's father. Elizabeth admitted that she had known the truth for a while, but she had kept quiet because she had been waiting for the right time to tell Lucky and Nikolas. Steve was stunned that she had been keeping such a life-altering secret on top of everything else. Patrick was curious how Nikolas was doing, so Elizabeth admitted that Nikolas had been having a hard time. However, she confided that Lucky had been amazing.

Steve realized that Aiden's paternity had worked out as Elizabeth had hoped. After Elizabeth left, Patrick admitted that Aiden's paternity had been a lot to take in. Robin expressed concern for Nikolas, so she decided to call him. Steve thanked Patrick and Robin for being supportive friends to Elizabeth. Robin assured Steve that Lucky would step up to make certain that the transition went smoothly. Steve agreed, but he was also worried about Nikolas.

Robin offered to cover for Steve if he wanted to check on Nikolas, but Steve declined. Steve explained that he had something important to discuss with Patrick and Robin. Steve handed them Siobhan's case file and then explained that Siobhan's blood pressure had dropped dangerously low during her recent surgery. Steve asked Patrick and Robin to determine the cause of it because he hadn't been able to explain it.

6/30 At the hospital, Robin and Patrick discussed the possible causes for Siobhan's sudden drop in blood pressure during the surgery. They agreed that human error seemed the most likely cause, so they reviewed the list of people in the operating room at the time of the incident. Robin and Patrick became concerned when they realized that Elizabeth had been the surgical nurse. Robin pointed out that Elizabeth had been through a lot of emotional turmoil, but Patrick argued that Elizabeth wouldn't have agreed to be a part of the surgical team if she hadn't been ready. According to Patrick, Elizabeth was one of the best surgical nurses that he had ever worked with.

Later, Matt approached the nurses' station. Patrick explained that they had wanted to give Matt the good news in person. Matt assumed that Robin was pregnant, so he congratulated his brother and sister-in-law. Robin and Patrick quickly clarified that they had paged him to tell him that they had cleared him of any wrongdoing during Siobhan's surgery. Matt was curious if they had figured out what had happened. Robin and Patrick admitted that they suspected that Siobhan had been administered the wrong medication, so they wondered who had given Siobhan the injections. Matt revealed that the anesthesiologist, Dr. Hayes, had given Siobhan the first dose of medication, and then Elizabeth had administered the rest.

Seconds later, Elizabeth arrived, so Patrick and Matt quickly excused themselves. Elizabeth told Robin about Nikolas' decision to give up Aiden and to leave town. Robin was stunned by the news because she and Nikolas had been close friends. Elizabeth explained that she had been saying goodbye to Nikolas when she had received the page. Robin apologized; she admitted that she wouldn't have called if it hadn't been important. Robin revealed that she and Patrick had been investigating the incident during Siobhan's surgery, so they needed to question the entire surgical team.

7/1 Robin and Patrick talked on the docks. They worried about how both Lucky and Elizabeth would feel about Elizabeth's error in the OR. Patrick felt that he bore some responsibility because he had insisted that Elizabeth was ready to go back in OR, even though Robin had said that Elizabeth was not ready. Robin said that she could have written a memo and taken action to keep Elizabeth out of surgery, but Robin had not because she wanted to be a good friend and support Elizabeth's desire to return to work. Robin said that because of the inquiry and possible loss of license, Elizabeth was worse off than before. Patrick said that the situation illustrated the reason they should stay detached.

At the nurses' station, Patrick warned Matt and Robin that the review board intended to interview everyone who had been involved in Siobhan's surgery. Steve confirmed that he expected Matt, Patrick, and Robin to testify truthfully, but Patrick was uncomfortable with the idea of hanging Elizabeth out to dry. Steve insisted that the board had to make a fair evaluation, so they needed full disclosure.

After Steve walked away, Patrick continued to grumble about Elizabeth's situation. Robin suggested that Patrick didn't know the entire story. Robin confessed that she had been covering for Elizabeth for some time. She told him about several alarming incidents and then reminded Patrick of Elizabeth's angry reaction when they had asked Elizabeth to help them with their project. Patrick argued that Elizabeth had only made one serious mistake, which she had admitted to.

Elizabeth approached the nurses' station. Matt and Steve gathered close as Elizabeth revealed that she had told Siobhan about the mix-up with the medications. Robin was curious if Siobhan realized that it had been an honest mistake. Elizabeth admitted that she didn't know, but Siobhan appeared to have been grateful that Matt had saved her life. Elizabeth apologized to her collogues for her unprofessional behavior, but Robin assured her friend that they all understood that Elizabeth was only human.

Elizabeth warned them that they would have to testify at her hearing. Patrick was confident that everything would be fine because Elizabeth had a spotless record, except for the one incident. Matt reminded Elizabeth of the time that she had forgotten to note that a patient had been severely allergic to penicillin on an admissions form, even though it had been listed on the patient's record. Elizabeth acknowledged that she had messed up, but she pointed out that she had quickly corrected the mistake.

Later, Elizabeth returned from her meeting with the review board. Matt, Patrick, and Robin were eager to know how it had gone, so Elizabeth admitted that she had no idea what they would decide. However, Elizabeth was prepared to accept the consequences for her actions. Matt, Patrick, and Robin assured Elizabeth that they had put in a good word for her when they had testified. Elizabeth appreciated their support; she admitted the hospital was like a second home to her, which was why she had returned to work so soon after Jake's death.

Steve approached the nurses' station. Steve revealed that the board had suspended Elizabeth for three months and then put her on a six-month restriction from assisting during surgery after her return. Elizabeth was surprised because she had expected much worse. Steve added that he had been put on two months probation for granting Elizabeth permission to scrub in for Siobhan's surgery. Elizabeth felt terrible that she had put Steve through that, but Steve assured her that he was fine.

All heads turned when Siobhan suddenly appeared and then angrily wondered if everyone were smiling because Elizabeth had gotten away with attempted murder. Elizabeth reminded Siobhan that the error with the medication had been a terrible mistake, but Siobhan didn't believe her. Siobhan accused Elizabeth of using the operation as a perfect opportunity to get rid of Siobhan because the revelation about Aiden's true paternity hadn't worked out as Elizabeth had anticipated. Siobhan realized that she couldn't get Elizabeth for attempted murder, so she vowed to sue everyone for malpractice.

7/8 Steve approached Patrick, Robin, and Matt to reveal that Siobhan had hired an attorney to represent her in a malpractice suit. According to Steve, Matt had been left off of the lawsuit. Patrick wasn't surprised, since Matt had saved Siobhan's life. Robin understood that Siobhan was upset about what had happened, but Robin insisted that it was ridiculous to suggest that Elizabeth had tried to kill Siobhan. Steve explained that Siobhan only saw an ex-wife who wanted her husband back.

Robin suggested that Siobhan might be worried because she realized that Jake's death had drawn Elizabeth and Lucky closer. Steve conceded that the lawsuit had merit because Elizabeth had made several mistakes since Jake's death, including the one that had almost killed Siobhan. Robin argued that they were all at fault because they had known that Elizabeth wasn't ready to return to work. Steve agreed, so he had decided to submit his resignation as chief of staff because of what had happened with Elizabeth, and because of the debacle with Lisa Niles.

Later, Robin felt bad that Steve had decided to step down. Patrick agreed that Steve had been a great chief of staff. He then changed the subject by suggesting that they needed to reward themselves for all of the recent turmoil that they'd endured. Robin perked up because she knew that he had been referring to their new hot tub. Patrick confessed that he couldn't wait to sit under the stars, sip wine, and listen to Sade. Robin was surprised that Patrick liked Sade.

Patrick seemed startled by her reaction. "Don't you?" he wondered. Robin admitted that it wasn't on her playlist, which disappointed Patrick. He revealed that he had purchased front row, center seat, tickets to Sade's concert two weeks from Saturday. He offered to give them away, but Robin refused to hear of it. She looked forward to going to the concert with her husband.

Steve returned from a meeting with the board. According to Steve, his resignation hadn't been necessary because the board had decided to suspend him as chief of staff indefinitely. However, Steve would continue to work as the head of the trauma unit in the emergency room. Patrick was relieved that they wouldn't be losing Steve. Steve admitted that he would be glad to be back in action. Steve then revealed that he had been asked to recommend a replacement. Patrick and Robin were surprised when Steve announced that Robin had been named the interim chief of staff. Patrick wondered why he hadn't been chosen, since he had been more qualified for the position. Steve and Robin pointed out that Patrick's people skills were lacking, so the position wouldn't be a good fit with his personality.

Matt joined the group a short time later. Matt was delighted that Robin would be in charge instead of Patrick. Matt confessed that he would have hated taking orders from his brother. Patrick continued to grumble, so Steve pointed out that Patrick wouldn't have liked being the chief of staff because it would have limited his time in the operating room. Patrick seemed less put out about not being the first choice when Steve added that being the chief of staff was a thankless job.

A short time later, Robin handed out the new assignments. Matt was thrilled with the case that he had been given, but Patrick was offended when he saw his. Patrick insisted that the case that he had been assigned was a step above a tonsillectomy. Robin insisted that the patient deserved the best care, but Patrick suspected that she was paying him back for complaining.

7/11 At General Hospital, Robin and Patrick sparred about the surgical rotation. Patrick thought that he deserved the more complicated surgeries and chafed because Robin, in her new position as chief of staff, had chosen to assign mostly minor surgeries to Patrick. Robin told Patrick that she had her own ideas about improving patient care and that it began by upgrading the skills of the staff. Robin said that meant that all the surgeons got their fair share of complex operations. Robin said that Patrick's days of hogging the best surgeries were over. When Patrick opined that patient care would suffer, Robin asked Patrick if he was fighting for the patients or if he was afraid that another surgeon might show him up.

Robin took a break from GH and took a box of Emma's old toys to Elizabeth. Robin told Elizabeth about her new job at GH. Robin told Elizabeth that everyone on the staff believed in Elizabeth, and no one thought for a second that Elizabeth had deliberately given Siobhan the wrong meds. Elizabeth was relieved and told Robin that Lucky was at GH trying to convince Siobhan that Elizabeth was not a killer. Elizabeth said that she wanted to move on, but Elizabeth said that she still wished that Lucky could be happy with her.

Robin said that she was glad that Elizabeth still loved Lucky. Robin said that since Lucky and Siobhan had had a green card wedding, there was every chance that Lucky and Elizabeth would eventually get back together. Elizabeth said that Lucky genuinely loved Siobhan. Robin said not to count on it. Robin said that Siobhan would be on the next boat to Ireland if Siobhan did not drop the lawsuit against Elizabeth and GH. Robin said that Siobhan was jealous because she saw what everyone else saw, that Elizabeth loved Lucky and that Lucky would always love Elizabeth.

Lucky found Patrick at GH and told him that Siobhan was dropping the lawsuit. Patrick said that everyone was sorry for what had happened. Patrick said that Elizabeth had not been ready to return to work, and the staff had covered for her. Lucky said he could understand why Elizabeth would want to get back to work. He said that Elizabeth was just trying to get through the day and cover the hole in her heart. Patrick said that Siobhan's marriage to Lucky most likely meant a lot to Siobhan, since she had dropped the suit.

Patrick said that all one could do was the best one could and then move on. Lucky said that there was no moving on after the loss of a child. Lucky said that Jake was gone, and that was that. Lucky said that Jake was gone, Luke was gone, and Nikolas was gone. Patrick said that in his many talks with Nikolas, he had discerned that Nikolas was a good father who was probably devastated at losing Aiden. Lucky said that he would miss Nikolas, but that Nikolas had done what was right for himself. Patrick said that maybe that was also what Siobhan was doing. Patrick said that Siobhan was freeing Lucky to raise Aiden without a lawsuit hanging over Lucky's head.

Lucky was gone by the time Robin returned to GH. Patrick told Robin that Siobhan was dropping the lawsuit, but Robin was not surprised. Patrick was gleeful that Steve might be reinstated as chief of staff, but Robin thought that Steve might prefer his new job as head of the ER. Robin told Patrick that she liked being in charge and getting the opportunity to implement some of her ideas. She told Patrick to look at it as an opportunity for him to learn sharing. Robin chuckled when Patrick asked sarcastically if he should go down to daycare for that.

7/21 In Brenda's suite, Brenda told Robin that she intended to go to Rome with Alec. Robin was curious if Sonny would be joining them, so Brenda revealed that she had left Sonny. Brenda explained that she didn't want Alec to be raised in an environment where violence and crime were okay. Robin conceded that Sonny justified every single thing that he did, so she understood Brenda's concerns. Brenda begged Robin to promise to visit, so Robin promised that she would. Brenda and Robin hugged and then Brenda handed Robin an envelope addressed to Sonny. Brenda explained that she wanted Robin to give it to Sonny when Robin felt that the time was right.

7/22 At the nurses' station, Robin informed Matt that his inventory list of medications was missing from his post-op report. Matt reminded her that the nurses were expected to provide that information, but Robin revealed that she had changed that policy. Robin advised Matt to check his email because she had sent him a memo about it. Matt grumbled, but Patrick didn't have any sympathy for his brother because Matt hadn't been banned from the operating room. According to Patrick, he had been relegated to "neuro-exams and consults."

Patrick quickly assured Robin that he wasn't complaining, but moments later, Patrick and Robin began to argue about the policy changes that Robin had instituted. Patrick thought that they were counterproductive, but Robin argued that the doctors' "diva days" were over. Steve confessed that the emergency room was running smoothly. Steve's smile disappeared when Robin revealed that she intended to institute the same policy changes in the emergency room. After Robin walked away, Matt accused Robin of being a nightmare.

Later, Robin handed Patrick a new schedule. Patrick was pleased to see that he had been added to the surgical rotation, but he wasn't thrilled with the color-coded procedures that Robin had set up. Patrick suspected that Robin wanted to teach him a lesson for thinking that he would have made a better chief of staff. Robin assured Patrick that she was simply trying to do her job to the best of her abilities. She urged him to get busy, and memorize the new guidelines.

At the hospital, Elizabeth bumped into her brother. Steve hugged Elizabeth and then asked her how everything was going. Elizabeth explained that things seemed better since Aiden's paternity had been revealed. Robin approached them and then asked to have a private word with Elizabeth. After Steve walked away, Robin confessed that she had intended to call Elizabeth to ask her to return to work. Robin admitted that they were short-handed, so she needed someone to work at the nurses' station.

Elizabeth eagerly agreed to return to work, so Robin wondered if she could start immediately. Elizabeth called Audrey to ask her to watch the boys and then changed into scrubs. Later, Steve pulled Robin aside to warn her that it had been a bad idea to ask Elizabeth to return to work. Steve feared that it was too soon, but Robin insisted that Elizabeth would only be working at the nurses' station, so no one would be at risk. "No one but Elizabeth," Steve complained.

Elsewhere, Matt complained to Patrick about the changes that Robin had instituted. Matt begged Patrick to do something because Robin was driving everyone crazy. Patrick decided to buy his wife a bouquet of flowers and then invite her out for a romantic picnic. Robin appreciated the flowers, but she warned Patrick that he would still be expected to follow her new operating room regulations. Patrick quoted her the new policy to prove that he had memorized the rules and then tried to cajole her to leave. In the background, Matt gave his brother the thumbs-up.

7/25 At the nursing station, Patrick gave Robin flowers and invited her on a picnic. Robin said that she was chief of staff and could no longer leave the hospital on a whim. Patrick said that he admired the job Robin was doing, but reminded her that everyone needed to recharge their batteries every so often. Robin asked if Patrick thought that she was overzealous. Patrick said, "Only in the best possible way."

Patrick reminded Robin that she believed that life was about balance. Patrick said he wanted to spend time with his wife, not his boss. Robin said that Patrick was good at talking her into things. Robin was about to relent, when she noticed Matt lurking nearby and smirking. Robin quickly accused Patrick of being the designated diversion and trying to distract her so that she did not get her new policies and procedure in place. Patrick said that what she thought was not entirely true. Robin responded that she was taking Patrick off the surgery rotation.

Steve asked Robin to remove Elizabeth from the hospital staff. Robin said the hospital was short-staffed and needed Elizabeth. Steve said that he hoped Robin did not regret her decision. Robin walked away, and Steve joined Patrick and Matt. Steve said that Robin had gotten carried away, and he regretted recommending her for chief of staff. Patrick told Matt and Steve to relax. Patrick said that he had the situation under control.

Patrick asked Robin for a patient consult, but when they got to the room, it was empty except for the lit candles and picnic layout. Patrick said he understood Robin's need to be at the hospital. Patrick said that he wanted a little alone time with his wife. Robin said that Patrick's romantic gesture would not get him back in the surgical rotation. Patrick said a little alone time was not too much to ask. Patrick embraced Robin, and they kissed.

7/26 At the hospital, Epiphany walked in on Patrick and Robin as they were about to make love. "Is this how it's going to be around here now with you in charge?" Epiphany wondered. "God, I hope so," Patrick replied without missing a beat. Robin playfully slapped Patrick as Epiphany backed out of the room. Later, Patrick invited Robin to stay for the romantic picnic that he had planned. He admitted that he had arranged for someone in the cafeteria to pack the picnic basket with all of Robin's favorite hospital fare.

Robin wasn't thrilled at the prospect of eating hospital food, so Patrick suggested playing a game. He'd feed Robin a sample of each dish, while her eyes were closed, and she would guess what it was. Robin didn't seem interested, so Patrick upped the ante by proposing a wager. Robin realized that Patrick was trying to manipulate her into putting him back on the surgical rotation. Patrick accused Robin of taking all of the fun out of the game, but Robin resented Patrick expecting her to show him favoritism because they were married.

Patrick assured Robin that he had wanted to spend time with her; however, he conceded that he also wanted his respect back as the hospital's top surgeon. "One of the top surgeons," Robin quickly clarified. Patrick admitted that he loved children, but he wasn't happy that she had him "swabbing tonsils" in the children's ward. Robin insisted that sometimes he was the quarterback, and other times he was the water boy. Patrick agreed to carry the pail if she won the game, so Robin accepted the challenge, but on the condition that she would receive a boon if she guessed everything correctly. Later, Robin finished getting dressed while Patrick tried to figure out how she had won the challenge.

Robin chuckled as she assured Patrick that they would settle up later. Patrick smelled something fishy, so Robin confessed that the girl in the cafeteria had told her about Patrick's plan, and had given her a cheat-sheet of the items that had been put in the basket. Robin sobered as she explained that she loved that they challenged each other, but she was determined to fix the problems at the hospital while she was in a position to make changes. She wanted Patrick's support, so Patrick agreed to work with her. After Robin left, Epiphany appeared and then handed Patrick fresh sheets for the bed.

7/29 Patrick took Emma to Kelly's. Carly was already there with Josslyn. They sat down together. They discussed the custody case and had breakfast. Patrick made it clear that he was on Jax's side. When the argument got heated, they changed the topic to pancakes. Patrick insisted that Carly try his blueberry pancakes. She took the bite he offered just as Robin walked in. Patrick asked Robin if her new system had caused her to be late. Robin denied that there was anything amiss with her organizational policies.

Patrick took Emma and Josslyn to play on the swings in the park. As soon as Patrick was gone, Robin told Carly to never eat off Patrick's fork again. Robin then accused Carly of masterminding the plot that had set Jax up for a drug bust. Robin also said that Carly was responsible for wrecking Sonny's marriage to Brenda. Carly said that Robin was still jealous because Jason had left Robin for Carly when Michael was a baby. Robin scoffed.

Patrick returned with the girls and asked if everything was okay. Robin said she would not be a hypocrite. Robin said that either she left or Carly did. Carly told Patrick that she was leaving and had only waited to say goodbye to him. As she stared pointedly at Robin, Carly thanked Patrick for the morning and said it was nice to walk into a room and not be judged.

After Carly left, Robin demanded to know why Patrick had let Carly eat off his fork. Patrick asked if Robin was jealous. Robin wanted to know why Patrick had been talking to Carly. Patrick said that he and Carly had been talking about the custody battle. Patrick said that he had told Carly that he would have done the same things that Jax had done if Robin had spent as much time with Sonny and Jason as Carly had. Robin was somewhat mollified. Robin asked if Carly had been trying to seduce Patrick to change his mind. Patrick laughed when he said that he was immune to Carly's charm. Patrick chuckled and said that Robin was jealous.

8/2 At Greystone Manor, Robin found Sonny sitting on the floor, in the midst of the strewn items, brooding. Robin revealed that she had a letter from Brenda for Sonny, but Sonny wasn't interested in reading what it had to say. Robin explained that Brenda's decision to leave Sonny had been difficult, but the main reason that Brenda had walked out had been because Sonny had sided with Carly.

"Carly's kid," Sonny angrily clarified. Sonny suggested that Brenda should have thought about the vows that she had made to him on their wedding day, but instead she had decided to spit in his face. Robin urged Sonny to read Brenda's letter, but Sonny threatened to destroy it. Robin assured Sonny that Brenda had loved Sonny, but she hadn't been able to deal with his life. Sonny didn't buy that because Brenda had known what she was getting into when she had agreed to marry him. Sonny assured Robin that he had protected Brenda and Alec, but Robin argued that Sonny had shut Brenda out of his life.

Sonny explained that Brenda had understood that he couldn't discuss his business with her, but Robin revealed that Brenda had been hurt because Sonny had gone after one of Brenda's best friends. Robin admitted that Jax had also been one of her best friends. Sonny belligerently wondered if that meant that Robin and Sonny were no longer friends. "Sonny, of course we're friends," Robin replied. Sonny argued that it didn't work that way, so he demanded that she choose between him and Jax.

Robin didn't think that Sonny was serious, but he assured her, "Yes, I am." Robin avoided making the choice by insisting that Sonny couldn't continue to isolate himself from the people who cared about him. Moments later, she spotted his prescription bottle. Sonny ordered her to leave it alone just as Robin reached for it. Robin noticed that the prescription had been filled three months before, but the bottle was still full. Sonny snatched the bottle out of Robin's hand as he explained that he occasionally forgot to take the medication to treat his bipolar disorder.

Robin admitted that it might work for some people, but from what she saw around her, it was clear that it wasn't a good idea for Sonny. Robin feared that if he continued down the road that he was on, then it wouldn't end well. Sonny ordered Robin to leave, but she argued that she was concerned about him because he needed to take his medication. Robin admitted that she felt terrible for Sonny's situation because she had been responsible for Sonny and Brenda finding their way back to each other. Sonny didn't respond, so Robin walked to the door, dropped the letter on the nightstand, and then left.

8/3 At the nurses' station, Robin was looking for some post-op reports, so Epiphany pointed to a basket near a box of color-coded scrubs. Epiphany made it clear that she refused to wear the new scrubs. Robin realized that it was an adjustment for everyone, but she assured Epiphany that it would cut down on the confusion. Epiphany was adamant that she would not change her scrubs every time she went to a different floor of the hospital.

Robin implored Epiphany to reconsider; Robin realized that everyone followed Epiphany's lead, so Robin needed Epiphany's support. Epiphany appreciated that Robin's heart was in the right place, but Epiphany believed that Robin was getting a little crazy with all the color code changes. Robin explained that she just wanted to make the hospital a better place, so Epiphany suggested that Robin focus on patient care instead of telling the staff what color their scrubs should be.

After Epiphany left, Maxie approached Robin to see if Robin knew if Matt were on duty. Robin complained that she was short-staffed because Elizabeth had called in sick, so Robin didn't have time to help Maxie. Maxie advised Robin to let the human resource department handle the staffing issues, so that Robin could take some time for a facial.

According to Maxie, Robin looked as if she needed some time to relax and unwind. Robin suspected that Patrick had put Maxie up to making the suggestion. Robin admitted that she had no idea why Patrick seemed to always undermine her. Epiphany returned moments later to go over the surgical rotation schedule with Robin. Robin sensed Epiphany's irritation, so Epiphany admitted that it was wrong to keep their best surgeon on the bench.

Robin realized that Epiphany was referring to Patrick, so she made it clear that the surgical rotation schedule would stand. After Epiphany left, Robin griped because Epiphany had clearly sided with Patrick. Maxie suggested that Epiphany had just been giving an honest opinion. Robin insisted that Patrick wanted Robin to give in, and declare to all that Patrick was a god among surgeons, so that he could cherry-pick his surgeries. Maxie was curious if Robin wanted the patients to have the best surgeon, so Robin assured her cousin that if any patient needed Patrick then they would get him.

Maxie advised Robin to find Patrick to spend some time with him. Robin grumbled that she could do that when she got home, but Maxie reminded Robin that Robin and Patrick had just gotten their marriage back on track. Maxie doubted that Robin wanted to lose it over a job. Robin resented people always trying to make her choose; she wondered why she couldn't be good at her marriage, and her job. Maxie explained that everyone wanted that, but if Robin had to pick one, Maxie wondered which one it would be. Robin didn't have an opportunity to respond because Maxie received a text message from Matt, so she dashed off.

Nearby, Matt spotted Patrick filling out some paperwork in the hallway. Matt half-jokingly wondered if Robin intended to color-code the rectal thermometers next. Patrick admitted that he had no idea, since Robin had gotten home at two in the morning and then had returned to work four hours later. Matt warned Patrick that the job would kill Robin if she kept working at that pace. Patrick confided that he didn't want Robin to step down as chief of staff because he wanted her to succeed. Matt confessed that the rest of the hospital staff didn't feel the same way.

Patrick revealed that he was frustrated because he and Robin had just worked out their marital problems, so he didn't want to jeopardize things by making an issue about her new position. Matt and Patrick sat down on a gurney to continue their talk. Matt was surprised when he glanced at his phone and saw a text message from Maxie stating that she had just returned. Patrick had no idea that Maxie had been away, so Matt admitted that he hadn't either. However, Matt revealed that Maxie was on her way to see him. Patrick wished that Robin would give him the same kind of attention.

Patrick confided that ever since Patrick and Robin had gotten their marriage back on track, Robin had stopped paying attention to him. Patrick realized that it sounded selfish, but he missed his wife focusing on him. Matt advised Patrick to find a way to get Robin's attention back. Matt knew that part of what had drawn Robin to Patrick was that Patrick hadn't been afraid to "piss" Robin off. Matt suggested that Patrick revisit that approach by being the jerk that Robin had fallen in love with.

Later, Robin was in a foul mood because the doctors weren't filling out their paperwork correctly. Patrick suggested that Robin let a desk nurse deal with the paperwork, but Robin was determined to keep tabs on the doctors to make certain that her new system worked. Patrick thought it was a waste of Robin's time because she was a doctor. Robin complained that Patrick hadn't approved of any of her changes, so she resented his lack of support.

Patrick reminded Robin that they had never agreed about any medical issues, but he offered to help her check the paperwork. Robin relaxed when Patrick reminded her that she hadn't collected on the bet that she had won, when she had correctly guessed all of the items in the picnic basket that he had surprised her with. Patrick warned her that there was an expiration date on collecting the bet, but Robin didn't recall that being one of the conditions when they had made their bargain.

Later, Epiphany handed Patrick a small red bag and then informed him that she wouldn't be making any more deliveries for him. Patrick smiled and then grabbed Robin's hand to drag her to the elevators. Robin wanted to know where he was taking her, so Patrick informed his wife that he was kidnapping her.

8/4 At the hospital, Epiphany wondered if Robin truly believed that it was a good time to leave the hospital. Robin argued that she needed to relax and unwind, so Patrick smiled victoriously as he practically shoved his wife into the elevator. Later, at the spa, Patrick led Robin to a private room to await her massage. He regretted that he couldn't stay, but he urged Robin to kick up her feet, and read her magazine until the masseuse arrived. After Patrick left, Robin started to flip through a magazine, but her phone vibrated. She answered the phone and then groaned when she was told that she was needed at the hospital for a last-minute board meeting.

A short time later, Epiphany chuckled when she saw Robin at the nurses' station. Epiphany teased Robin about not being able to stay away from work, so Robin decided to offer the spa gift certificate to Epiphany. Epiphany made it clear that she didn't do massages, so Robin suggested that Epiphany have a facial. Epiphany refused, but Robin insisted that Epiphany take a mandatory break. At the spa, Epiphany reclined in a chair when Patrick quietly crept into the room wearing only a towel. Patrick suggestively asked if she were ready for an "expert set of hands."

Patrick froze when Epiphany warned Patrick not to take another step. Patrick looked accusingly at Epiphany as he complained, "You're not my wife." He demanded to know where Robin was and then started to tell Epiphany about his plans to surprise Robin. Epiphany insisted that it was too much information and then explained that Robin had ordered Epiphany to take time off to relax. Patrick confessed that Epiphany didn't look relaxed.

8/8 At General Hospital, Monica overheard Patrick and Robin spar after Robin assigned Patrick a tonsillectomy. When Patrick left, Monica asked if she could give Robin some advice. Robin said that she would gratefully accept advice from GH's former chief of staff. Monica said that it was not about the hospital but about Robin's marriage. Monica said that work could take over your life and ruin your marriage, that it was important to find a balance. Monica said that family and marriage were a gift that could not be replaced, one that Monica had not appreciated until it was gone. Monica said that her advice to Robin was to treasure her husband and daughter and the riches they brought.

Matt, Steve, and Patrick shared a laugh when Patrick said that he had planned a romantic spa getaway for Robin. Patrick said that when he popped in to surprise Robin, he was the one who had been surprised because he had found Epiphany there instead. Robin surprised all of them when she grabbed Patrick and said that she was giving him the night off, and they were going home.

At home, Robin and Patrick shared a romantic night of massage and lovemaking. They were relaxed and happy in their shared love. When Patrick called her "Chief," Robin said that she just wanted to be "Mrs. Drake." Patrick was pleased. Patrick made nachos, which the Drakes had just finished when the lights went out. Patrick decided to head back to the hospital and make sure his patients were okay. Robin said she would also go, but remembered Emma. Patrick said that he could handle things, and she could stay home and be Mrs. Drake. Robin was very agreeable.

8/9 Patrick updated Sam, Monica, and Carly on Jason's condition (after he was in a car accident). Monica put a comforting arm across Sam's shoulder as Patrick revealed that Jason was unresponsive after suffering a severe head trauma. "My God, it's just like before," Monica cried. Sam hugged Monica as she promised Monica that things would be different because Jason would return to them.

8/10 At the nurses' station, Patrick asked Matt about Siobhan's condition. Matt admitted that Siobhan had stabilized. Patrick wondered if Siobhan's previous head injury had been aggravated by the crash, so Matt confessed that it was complicated because he had learned that Siobhan had suffered an injury prior to the accident. Dante eavesdropped as Matt expressed frustration that Lucky hadn't checked on Siobhan.

Matt shared the few sketchy details that he knew about Siobhan and Elizabeth's altercation, so Dante stepped forward to remind both brothers that Siobhan's fall had been an accident. Matt reminded Dante of Elizabeth's previous mishap in the operating room, so Matt feared that Siobhan's recent injury would look suspicious. Dante suggested that they all focus on their jobs, and then walked away. Patrick changed the subject by asking Matt for a second opinion about something that had been found on Jason's scans.

At the hospital, Patrick explained to Sam, Monica, and Carly that they had to approach Jason's situation with as much care as possible because of Jason's previous head injury. Monica demanded to know exactly what they were dealing with, so Patrick revealed that they were running tests because Jason had suffered severe head trauma. Patrick admitted that they wouldn't know what they were dealing with until the results were back. Sam wanted to see Jason, so Patrick gave permission for a brief visit. Patrick and Matt approached Monica to explain that they needed her to sign a consent form, so that they could operate on Jason. Patrick revealed that they had found a mass on the base of Jason's frontal lobe. Carly wondered if it were a tumor, but Monica told Carly to be quiet, so that Patrick could talk.

Patrick and Matt admitted that they had no idea if the mass was a result of the car accident or not, but they needed to do a biopsy to see what they were dealing with. Matt warned Monica that there was significant swelling as a result of the accident, so the operation was dangerous. Carly had reservations about the operation, but Monica reminded Carly that Patrick was the best. Monica trusted Patrick's judgment, so she decided to sign the papers authorizing the surgery, but Sam objected. Sam wanted to wait until the swelling went down, but Monica reminded Sam that it wasn't Sam's decision to make. Sam argued that as Jason's fiancée, she had rights, which she intended to exercise.

8/11 At the hospital, Monica was stunned to learn that Sam and Jason were engaged, so Sam apologized for blurting it out like that. Patrick reminded both ladies that he needed a decision about Jason's surgery. Matt interjected by suggesting that it might be too soon to operate because of the swelling. Matt advised the family to wait, but Patrick reminded Matt that Jason wasn't Matt's patient. Sam wanted to give Jason time to wake up on his own, but Patrick explained that he was familiar with Jason's history, so Jason's best odds were if Jason had the surgery.

Matt continued to disagree with Patrick's recommendation, so Monica suggested that Patrick and Matt take their sibling rivalry elsewhere; she wanted to know what Jason's best options were. Patrick was adamant that Jason needed the biopsy. Edward reminded everyone that Patrick had saved Jason's life before, so they should trust Patrick. Sam insisted that Jason wasn't afraid to die, but she was certain that Jason didn't want to be incapacitated or confined to a wheelchair, so she wondered if Patrick could guarantee that Jason would be fine. Patrick admitted that there were always risks with surgery, but the odds worsened if Patrick didn't operate. Sam wanted to know percentages, but Monica told Sam to stop it.

Monica reminded Sam that Sam was not Jason's wife. Monica insisted that, as Jason's mother, it was Monica's decision to make. Sam assured Monica that she didn't mean any disrespect, but Monica and Jason had only spoken to each other a few times in the past couple of years, so Sam was confident that Jason would want Sam to choose for him. Sam admitted that she hadn't heard anything to convince her that Jason should have the surgery. Edward conceded that they all wanted Jason to wake up, get better, and marry Sam, but Monica had adopted Jason, so Monica had a legal right to make the decision. Monica was confident that they could reach an agreement together, but Matt suggested that they consult the chief of staff for a third opinion.

A short time later, Patrick and Matt presented their arguments to Robin via a video chat, because she was stranded at home in the storm. Robin initially sided with Matt's suggestion of a noninvasive approach, but Patrick revealed that the patient was Jason, so he asked Robin to trust him. Matt was frustrated when Robin gave Patrick the approval to schedule the surgery. Patrick ended the video chat and then informed Monica and Sam. Sam continued to have reservations about operating on Jason without Jason's consent, but Monica explained that medicine was a lot like gambling. Monica explained that they had to go with the best odds of giving Jason a chance at recovery.

Patrick pulled Matt aside to warn Matt never to second-guess him in front of a patient's family again. Matt argued that the family deserved to have all the facts, so that they could make an informed decision. Matt suspected that Patrick wanted to operate on Jason to redeem himself for not being able to save Jake. Matt accused Patrick of emotionally blackmailing Robin to force her to change her mind about the surgery.

Mac stopped by to check on Robin during the storm. Robin was delighted to see her uncle, but she confessed that she feared that she might be having problems being Patrick's boss. Mac was thrilled when he learned about Robin's promotion, although he was hurt that she hadn't told him sooner. Robin revealed that Patrick hadn't been happy at first, but then they had a full-circle moment when Patrick had consulted her about operating on Jason.

Robin admitted that she and Patrick challenged each other, so things seemed like they had been when they had first met. Robin then switched gears to inquire about Mac's love life. Mac made it clear that he wanted to focus on his work, but Robin insisted that there was more to life than just his job. Robin insisted that Mac deserved to be happy, but he needed to go after it. Mac appreciated the advice, but he refused to make any promises. Mac and Robin chatted a few more minutes and then Mac left.

At the hospital, Sam joined Monica and Edward in the observation room as Patrick began the surgery.

8/12 Jax showed up at Robin's house with Josslyn in tow. Jax told Robin that he had to save Josslyn. Jax blamed Carly for his predicament and demanded to borrow Robin's car. Robin refused. She told Jax that Josslyn was wet and cold and needed dry clothes. Robin reminded Jax that Josslyn had recently had a transplant. Robin told Jax to give Josslyn to her or to leave. Jax handed Josslyn over. As Robin dressed Josslyn in dry clothes, she asked Jax if he had considered how taking Josslyn would hurt Carly, Michael, and Morgan. Robin begged Jax to stop and think before the situation got out of hand. Shawn looked on through a window.

Matt made a call to Robin for a video conference. He told her that Patrick had used emotional blackmail to get her to sign off on Jason's biopsy. Robin did not agree, but was interrupted by Emma, who had awoken and found Josslyn. Josslyn started crying. Sonny was outside Matt's office and heard everything. Robin told Matt that she had to deal with Emma and would talk to him at another time.

Jax got Emma back to bed. Robin asked if Jax really wanted to live life looking over his shoulder. Jax said that he would not leave his daughter in a place where she was in constant danger. Robin urged Jax to let Carly know that Josslyn was safe. Jax said that Carly had left messages asking him to return Josslyn home. Robin said that Carly was still reaching out and that Carly had not called the FBI, so there was still a chance to work things out. Jax said that Sonny was still a danger. Robin said that it was not about Sonny. Shawn burst in and said that he was there to return Josslyn to her mother. Shawn said that he was not working for Sonny. He told Robin that Carly had nearly died in a car accident, trying to find Josslyn.

Robin encouraged Jax to let Shawn take Josslyn back to Carly. Shawn returned Josslyn to Carly, who was tearful and grateful. Robin told Jax that he had done the right thing. Robin said that Jax and Carly could work things out. Robin said not to think for one minute that Sonny was done. Robin said that Sonny was mad because Brenda had left with Jax. Jax said he had dropped Brenda off in Rome and had no intention of being with her. Jax said that he would take some time and think about what Robin had said. As Jax prepared to leave, Robin's front door flew open, and Sonny loomed on the threshold.

8/15 Outside Jason's hospital room, Sam was relieved to learn from Patrick that the mass in Jason brain that had been biopsied was not a tumor, but a non-malignant calcified mass. Later when Jason woke up, Patrick was called. After examining Jason, Patrick pronounced Jason okay with no apparent damage to his memory, but said that Jason had suffered major head trauma and needed to be under observation for a while longer.

Sonny stood in Robin's living room holding a gun on Jax. Robin said that Jax had sent Josslyn home with Shawn and that Sonny should put his gun down and leave. When Sonny did not relent, Jax said that Sonny was not after Josslyn; Sonny wanted revenge for Brenda. Sonny accused Jax of undermining Sonny and turning Brenda against him. Jax said that Brenda had been in denial and he had helped open her eyes. Robin said that the matter rested between Jax and Carly.

Sonny said that it did not because Jax had dragged Brenda into court and would have dragged his sons there and that made it personal. Jax said that Brenda left because after Sonny set Jax up Brenda finally saw the kind of man Sonny really was. Jax said that Sonny could not handle the truth. Sonny said that the truth was that he could not think of a way to let Jax live. As Sonny raised the gun, Robin told Sonny to leave her house; she said that Emma was asleep upstairs. Jax said that he had almost made a mistake and compromised with Carly. Jax said Sonny's behavior made him more convinced than ever not to compromise on Josslyn's safety. Sonny said the only one going down was Jax.

Robin screamed, "No" and grabbed for the gun as Sonny fired. Her arm was grazed but the injury was not serious. Emma watched from the doorway. Jax wanted to call an ambulance, but Robin said not to call. Robin told Jax to go. She said that Sonny would not shoot Jax in front of Emma. Jax left. Sonny asked if Robin was okay. She told him to get a towel so Emma would not see. Patrick arrived home. When he asked what happened, Emma told him that her mother had been shot. After Patrick got Emma back in bed and dressed Robin's wound, he ranted at Sonny and told him to get out.

After Sonny left, Patrick wanted to call the police but Robin protested that all was well. He told her about Jason and then wanted to know how she had managed to get in the middle between Jax and Sonny. She said Jax had shown up unexpectedly and Sonny had followed close behind. Robin acknowledged that Patrick was right; that she should not get involved. Robin said that Sonny had been out of control since Brenda left. Robin said that Sonny was off his meds. Patrick said Sonny needed a keeper, but not Robin.

8/17 At the hospital, Sam questioned Patrick about the tests that Jason would be undergoing, and if the doctors knew what they were looking for. Patrick explained that it would take several hours because they wanted to run a battery of tests, including an MRI. However, Patrick revealed that there hadn't been any signs of intracranial bleeding from the collision. Matt entered the hospital room to suggest that Jason's seizure might have been a result of the "unnecessary" surgery that Patrick had performed on Jason. Sam demanded to know if Matt had any proof of his claims, so Matt was forced to admit that it was merely speculation.

Patrick and Matt exchanged angry words until Sam ordered them to leave, and not return until they had actual facts. Patrick and Matt took their argument into the hallway. Sam listened with concern until Steve walked up and then ordered the brothers to take a "time out."

Steve dragged Patrick and Matt to the morgue for some privacy. Matt thought that it was disrespectful to the dead to continue their argument in the morgue, but Steve pointed out that Matt didn't have any problem eating a sandwich in front of a comatose patient. Moments later, Robin arrived. Steve apologized for pulling her away from her work, and then explained that he had found Patrick and Matt arguing in front of Sam about Jason's treatment.

After Steve left, Robin admitted that she couldn't believe that Patrick and Matt had behaved in such an unprofessional manner in front of a patient's fiancée. Matt accused Robin of bias because she had approved a procedure because of her feelings for Patrick. Patrick defended Robin, which prompted another round of bickering between the brothers. Robin ordered Patrick and Matt to "shut up" and then informed them that they had to figure out what was best for Jason.

Robin insisted that they needed to act fast because Jason hated hospitals, so he might decide to leave before they could properly diagnose and treat him. Matt suggested that the seizure might have been caused by worms. Patrick scoffed at the suggestion, but Matt insisted that certain worms in third world countries were the leading cause of seizures. Matt reminded Patrick and Robin that the Corinthos mob smuggled all kind of things out of third world countries and places like the Caribbean, where the worms were found. Robin agreed that it was a good idea to run the pathology to rule the possibility out, so Matt offered to do it and then left.

Robin conceded that Matt had acted like a five-year-old; she couldn't believe that he had behaved like that in front of Sam. Patrick admitted that Matt was "hell-bent" on proving that he was just as good of a surgeon as Patrick, but Matt didn't realize how callous he sounded sometimes. Robin was surprised that Patrick was sticking up for Matt, but Patrick clarified that Matt had been an ass. However, Patrick conceded that Matt had been right to accuse Patrick of using his relationship to Robin to approve Jason's biopsy. Robin appreciated Patrick's honesty. Patrick explained that he had to own up to his mistakes, or they might bite him "in the ass" later.

At the nurses' station, Robin was frustrated that the doctors hadn't properly filled out the paperwork. Patrick explained that it had been a busy night, but he wanted to talk to her about Jason. Robin explained that Jason wasn't like Sonny. According to Robin, Jason had been "as innocent as anyone" when he had woken up from the first coma, so Jason deserved to be happy. Patrick assured her that Jason would recover, and marry Sam. However, Patrick was curious if Robin had approved the procedure because of Patrick's recommendation, who Jason was to her, or because Patrick was her husband. Robin confessed that it was a little bit of all, which had scared her.

At the nurses' station, Carly asked to speak to Robin because she wanted to thank Robin for persuading Jax to return Josslyn. Robin clarified that she hadn't done it for Carly. Robin blasted Carly for setting the entire events into motion by refusing to work out a satisfactory custody arrangement with Jax. Carly was stunned when Patrick revealed that Sonny had shot Robin during a scuffle with Jax. Carly felt terrible, but she explained that Jason was the only person who was capable of reigning in Sonny.

Later, Robin studied a slide under the microscope. "What the hell are you?" she asked as she looked at the slide.

8/19 Outside Jason's hospital room, Robin told Patrick that the biopsy Patrick had performed had not caused Jason's seizure. The most recent test results had turned up the problem. Robin and Patrick entered with the results. Jason wanted to know what had happened to Robin's arm. Robin told about Sonny pulling a gun on Jax in Robin's living room and how Robin had been cut on a vase that had been broken during the ensuing scuffle. Patrick added that Sonny had acted out in front of Emma. Jason was horrified and wanted to go to Sonny immediately and stop him. Robin said that she had never seen Sonny like that before. Robin told Jason that it was not worth risking his life. Patrick added that Jason could have a seizure at any time.

Robin said that she and Patrick knew what was causing the seizures. She said that there was a very small non-organic mass in Jason's frontal lobe that had started moving as a result of the car accident. Jason said that keeping him in bed would not stop the seizures. Robin said that drugs would not help. Patrick told Jason that he could not live forever with a ticking time bomb in his head. Patrick said that the seizures would get worse and worse until Jason simply would not wake up again. Jason insisted that they try drug therapy.

As Jason tried to get out of bed, he had a seizure. Patrick and Robin got Jason stabilized. Jason said that he was tired and had a bad headache. Robin asked if Jason could handle more tests. Jason told the doctors to do what they had to. Sam comforted Jason and said that everything would be okay. Jason said that it had to be because he was getting married.

8/22 At the nurses' station, Robin was updating Elizabeth about Jax when Sonny approached and asked about Jason. Robin was curt with Sonny and told him that Jason was in surgery. Sonny asked about Robin's arm. Robin told Sonny that her arm was the least of the damage that he had done the night before. Sonny said that everything was okay. Robin said that things were not okay. Sonny said that he just wanted to see Jason. Carly arrived and told Sonny that he would see Jason over her dead body. Carly wanted to know why Sonny had not checked on Jason the previous evening. Sonny said that he had been out of his head. Carly said that Sonny was too busy playing vigilante to check on the only person who took care of him when he became crazed. Robin said that she agreed with everything Carly was saying to Sonny.

Robin found Sonny in Jason's room. Sonny tried to reestablish his relationship to Robin, but she blasted him. Robin said that Sonny had entered her house with a gun and waved it around in front of her child. Robin said that Sonny wanted to kill Jax and did not care who got in the way. Robins said that Sonny wanted to hurt everyone around him. Robin said that enough was enough and she'd had enough of Sonny. Sonny asked Robin not to turn her back on him. Robin said that Sonny had done it to himself. Robin told Sonny to get back on his meds and find a shred of humanity before he lost every person he loved.

8/25 At the hospital, Robin discovered a clue as to what might be causing Jason's seizures when she checked a slide under a microscope. Patrick checked on Sam to see how she was holding up. Sam glanced into Jason's hospital room as she admitted that she was eager for some answers. Patrick promised Sam that he and Robin were working on it. Robin and Patrick entered Jason’s hospital room. They explained that they had news about the cause of Jason's seizures, but they had to wait for Monica because they had questions about Jason's original car accident. Patrick revealed that Monica's input would give them a better picture of what they were dealing with. Monica entered the room. Robin recalled that AJ's car had been completely totaled after AJ had crashed into the tree. Monica confirmed that it was true and then added that even the car's dashboard had been damaged.

Robin remembered that the airbag hadn't deployed because Jason had not been wearing his seatbelt. Monica once again confirmed that it was true, so Robin revealed that the "non-organic matter" that she had found appeared to be a piece of the dashboard of AJ's car. Monica insisted that it was impossible because Jason had suffered a closed head injury. Patrick suggested that a particle of the dashboard could have entered through Jason's nose, traveled into the sinus cavity, and then migrated into the frontal lobe. Robin suspected that the recent accident had caused the particle to shift, which had resulted in Jason's seizures. Jason was relieved that they had identified the problem because it meant that they could remove the particle, but Patrick explained that it wouldn't be that easy.

8/26 At the nurses' station, Robin and Patrick discussed the surgical team for Jason's procedure. Both agreed that Patrick should be the lead surgeon. Patrick felt that Robin was too emotionally involved to assist, and she agreed. Patrick said that he did not want Matt in the OR because Matt was a hot dog whose ego would get in the way. Matt overheard and called Patrick a one-man vanity project who had killed Jason's son. Robin told Matt that he had gone too far. Elizabeth sided with Patrick and said that Matt's combative nature could be hurtful in the OR.

Carly, Michael, Edward, and Monica gathered at the nurses' station with Patrick, Robin, Matt, and Elizabeth to hear Sam and Jason's decision regarding surgery. Sam said that she and Jason wanted to proceed immediately. Patrick said the sooner the better. Matt made a very disparaging remark about Patrick. Sam spoke very sharply to him. Sam told Matt that she resented him for making Jason's surgery a pissing contest with his brother. Her critical comments were met with silence from Matt and tacit approval from the others assembled. Matt humbly apologized and walked away.

Sam cautioned Patrick not to try to prove something in the operating room. Patrick calmly told her that he did not take his emotions into the OR. Sam followed Jason's gurney to the waiting area where Monica, Edward, and Carly waited with Robin and Patrick. When Patrick left to prep for surgery, Robin told those gathered that she would keep them updated. Sam told Jason that she would be waiting when he woke up. Monica put a hand on Sam's shoulder as Jason was wheeled away.

As Robin settled in at the viewing window to watch Patrick operate on Jason, she questioned her decision to let Patrick operate alone. Patrick told his team that they were small in number, but they were skilled and efficient. Patrick said he was asking them for their best work because they were cutting in a dangerous part of the brain and could not afford to make any mistakes.

In the operating room, Patrick found a bleeder and things got rough as Patrick urged his team to get the bleeding in Jason's brain under control.

8/29 General Hospital writers did a brief montage of events leading up to surgery on Jason's brain as well as the fantasies that were playing out for Sam, Elizabeth, Carly, and Monica as they imagined what their lives would be like if Jason played a major part in it. Each was a spirit-like presence watching events unfold.

In the operating room, Patrick remained calm as he struggled to get a bleeder under control. Patrick said that one wrong move would leave Jason blind. Patrick located the object in Jason's brain, removed it, and called for a clamp. Patrick declared that the surgery was over, and they had done it. Robin gathered Sam, Monica, Carly, Edward, and Michael to hear the results of Jason's surgery. Patrick was vey professional when he told those gathered that his team had found and removed the foreign particle from Jason's brain. Sam asked the question on everyone's mind when she quietly inquired if Jason would be okay.

8/31 At the hospital, Milo stood guard in the hallway as Robin exited Jason's room. Patrick walked up, eager to check on his patient, but Robin explained that it wasn't necessary because she had already done it. Patrick insisted on examining Jason anyway, but Robin pulled rank. She assured Patrick that she had everything under control, so she needed Patrick to focus on another patient. Patrick bristled at being denied access to his patient, so Robin warned him that she resented Patrick questioning her decisions.

After Patrick stormed off, Robin confided to Milo that she hadn't lied about needing Patrick to check on another patient. Milo assured Robin that he understood. Seconds later, Maxie arrived to see Jason and Sam. Robin and Milo blocked Maxie from entering the room. Maxie explained that she was there to give Sam the engagement ring that Jason had picked out for Sam, but Robin and Milo stood firm. Maxie marched off in a huff. Patrick approached the nurses' station to blast Matt for acting childish in regards to Jason's case. Patrick blamed Matt for Robin's "shifty behavior." Matt had no idea what Patrick was talking about. The argument was cut short when Patrick received a page to check on a patient. Patrick spitefully advised Matt to check Siobhan's autopsy report to see why she had died, and then left.

Robin arrived at the nurses' station looking for Patrick. Matt confessed that he was curious what was going on because Patrick had blamed him for Robin's decision to bar Patrick from Jason's room. Robin assured Matt that Patrick had overreacted to the situation, but Maxie disagreed. Robin resented Maxie attitude, so Robin lectured Maxie about not respecting Robin's new position. After Robin walked away, Matt invited Maxie to grab a bite to eat, but Maxie decided that Jason should ask Spinelli to be the best man at Jason and Sam's wedding. Matt groaned because he realized that Maxie wouldn't rest until she had made it happen. Maxie offered to meet Matt later that evening, and then dashed off.

9/1 At the hospital, Patrick caught Anthony sneaking into Jason’s room. Anthony claimed that he had wanted to pay his respects to Jason, and to deliver an orchid to cheer Jason up, as Patrick unceremoniously dragged Anthony out of the room. Anthony was curious why he couldn't visit Jason, so Patrick explained that Anthony wasn't a family member. Anthony chuckled as he revealed that Patrick reminded him of a guard that Anthony had known in Pentonville; Anthony was curious how the guard's widow was doing. Patrick assured Anthony that Anthony's veiled threat didn't scare him. Anthony was certain that he knew what would frighten Patrick, but Patrick ignored the remark as Sonny walked up to ask if there was a problem.

Anthony flashed a saccharine smile as he explained that he had stopped by to drop off an orchid for Jason, to honor the peace that Sonny had made with Johnny. Anthony rattled off the instructions on how to properly care for the orchid as he extended it to Sonny. Sonny refused to take it because he tended to kill things that required that much care. Anthony advised Sonny to be more careful about a lot of things, including Jason, because Jason had done more for Sonny than Sonny realized.

Patrick grew weary of the exchange between the mobsters, so he ordered Anthony to leave. Anthony was curious how Jason was doing, but Patrick insisted that the information was restricted. Anthony offered the orchid to Patrick to give to Robin for her new office, but Patrick refused to accept the gift. After Anthony left, Sonny advised Patrick not to get involved in something that didn't concern Patrick. Patrick was stunned; he pointed out that he had kept Anthony from whacking Jason. Moments later, Steve and Robin joined Patrick and Sonny in the hallway. Patrick was shocked when Steve revealed that Jason wasn't in the room. Steve explained that the person in Jason's bed was a decoy, intended to lure Anthony into making a move.

Patrick demanded to know if Robin had known about the sting operation. Robin confessed that she had found out after she had discovered that a decoy had been placed in Jason's hospital room. Patrick was furious that Sonny had dragged the mob war into the hospital. Sonny explained that it had been out of his hands, and then left. Robin decided to take Steve and Patrick to a nearby room to continue their discussion in privacy. She blasted Steve for authorizing the plan without consulting her. Steve assured Robin that he hadn't been trying to undercut her, but the police had asked him to help.

Robin reminded Steve that she was the only person allowed to make decisions on behalf of the hospital, so Steve explained that the police had questioned her objectivity because everyone knew that Robin was close to Jason. Robin resented being left out of the loop, but Patrick didn't understand why Mac would involve Sonny. Steve revealed that the order had been handed down from the district attorney's office because Anthony was the primary suspect in a drug ring involving the hospital.

According to Steve, the police didn't have any proof of that, so they had hoped to catch Anthony trying to harm Jason, so that the police could arrest Anthony. Patrick demanded to know why he was just hearing about the plan, so Steve reminded Patrick that Patrick had been busy diagnosing and treating Jason. Patrick resented that Steve hadn't respected Robin's position by informing her. "What about what you've been doing?" Robin asked her husband. Patrick immediately became defensive as he accused Robin of wasting his skills as a surgeon by assigning surgeries to other doctors. Robin explained that she wanted to give every surgeon an equal opportunity, but Patrick argued that not all surgeons were equal, and that she couldn't change that with new policies.

Robin did not appreciate Patrick's lack of support. She hated that Steve and Patrick continually undermined her by talking about her with others behind her back. Steve insisted that he had thought that he had been helping her by cooperating with the police. Patrick admitted that it might help Robin if she lightened up with the staff, so that it would feel more like a team effort. Robin accused Patrick of working against her because he never defended her, or asked the staff to stop talking about her. Robin insisted that she had been doing the best job that she could, but Steve suggested that Robin tried to do everything by herself, which would eventually lead to her burning herself out.

After Steve left, Robin accused Patrick of thinking that he could do a better job as the chief of staff, so she invited him to take over. Robin stormed out of the room, but Patrick followed his wife until he caught up to her at the elevator. Patrick acknowledged that it was easy to complain, but her job was more difficult than he had given her credit for. Patrick admitted that he had been a jerk, so he promised to do better, and to help her. Robin smiled when Patrick assured her that he had complete faith in her ability. She thanked him for his support, and then confessed that she had needed to hear what he had said.

**The End**

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