Robin & Patrick #11  November 11, 2009 - July 9, 2010 - 8 hour original edit

DVD #11A 11/11 At the hospital, Patrick was engrossed in a text message conversation, so he didn't realize that he had walked into the path of some hospital equipment until it was too late. Matt chuckled as he informed his brother that he wouldn't clean up the mess. Robin was curious what had been so interesting about Patrick's text message. Patrick revealed that Lisa Niles, his ex-girlfriend, had asked him to consult on a case.

Robin admitted that she found the timing curious, since Patrick had bumped into Lisa's best friend a few weeks earlier. Patrick offered to turn down Lisa's request if it was going to be a problem for Robin. Robin insisted that Lisa didn't threaten her. Patrick assured Robin that she didn't have any reason to be concerned. According to Patrick, his relationship with Lisa hadn't been serious. Patrick claimed that Lisa had been as unfaithful to him as he had been to her. Moments later, Robin spotted Kristina approach the nurse's station. When Robin noticed the ugly bruise on Kristina's face, Kiefer quickly explained that Kristina had tripped and then fallen.

11/17 Patrick was surprised when he arrived home to discover a metal washtub, filled with ice and bottles of beer, sitting on the coffee table. Robin thought that Patrick had ordered it for game night. Patrick checked the card and then smiled as he revealed that his ex-girlfriend, Lisa, had sent the gift. Lisa wanted to show her appreciation for his help. Patrick chuckled when he realized that Lisa had sent him "Naked Beer."

A short time later, Matt, Mac, and Coleman arrived to watch the game with Patrick. Patrick told them that an old "drinking buddy" had sent the beer. Patrick revealed that during their college days, Lisa and Patrick had attended a party that had run out of booze. When they had decided to go in search of some beer, Lisa had found some guys brewing their own. Eventually, she had persuaded them to give her a couple of dozen beers. Patrick claimed that it had been the best beer that he had ever had.

According to Patrick, the microbrewers had gone on to win several awards. Coleman was impressed with the beer; he hoped that Patrick could arrange for Naked Beer to be sold at Jake's. As the guys watched the game and drank the beer, the doorbell rang. It was Louise. She had dropped by to see if Patrick had received Lisa's gift. Louise wanted to take a picture for Lisa of everyone enjoying the beer. Patrick invited Louise to be in the picture with them, so Robin took the picture.

As Louise settled down to watch the game with the boys, Robin served everyone pigs in a blanket. Mac was thrilled. As he helped himself to his favorite snack, Robin asked if Mac could baby-sit Emma for them on Friday night. Robin wanted to go out on a date with Patrick. Mac revealed that he had plans to go to a bar that had a karaoke night. As Mac returned to the sofa, the phone rang. Patrick answered it. It was Lisa calling to see if Patrick had received her gift. Robin appeared a bit troubled when she heard Patrick tell Lisa that he wished that Lisa were there with them.

11/18 At the hospital, Patrick was surprised when he spotted Lisa Niles talking to Robin. Lisa revealed that she was at the hospital to consult on a case with Robin. Lisa had a patient with a spinal cord problem that Lisa hoped to treat without resorting to surgery. Robin was impressed that Lisa was open to different options. While Lisa and Robin talked about the patient's case, Matt approached Patrick. Matt warned Patrick that it was never a good idea for ex-girlfriends and wives to talk to each other. Patrick wasn't concerned. Robin was well aware of Patrick's history and therefore knew all of his faults. Patrick didn't think that Lisa could tell Robin anything that would change Robin's view of him. 

However, when Robin walked away, Patrick approached Lisa to find out how much trouble he was in with his wife. Lisa assured Patrick that she hadn't told Robin anything horrible about him. Patrick relaxed. As he and Lisa briefly reminisced about the past, Robin returned with her recommendations for Lisa's patient. After Lisa left, Patrick commented, "There goes a wild woman." Robin was curious if Patrick missed the old days. Patrick responded, "No way."

11/23 Port Charles denizens flocked to Franco’s art show. Jax, Robin and Patrick discussed the grimness of the exhibits that all seemed to focus on crime, specifically murder.  Sonny arrived with Olivia on his arm. They had a brief conversation with Patrick and Robin, who commented on Sonny's sudden interest in art. He said that he and Olivia were supporting Kate. Robin was doubly surprised when Jason showed up with Sam. When she asked Sam said that Jason was consulting with her on security.

11/25 At the Drake residence, Sam arrived just as Patrick was carrying folding chairs into the living room. While Robin set the table, Sam confessed that she didn't think that their plan would work. Robin insisted that it was obvious to everyone that there had been chemistry between Mac and Alexis; they just needed a nudge. Patrick groaned when he overheard Robin and Sam plotting. He warned Robin that men were simple creatures. As if to prove his point, Mac entered the house carrying a six-pack of beer and asking if the game was on.

When Mac saw Sam, he asked Robin if Jason would be joining them. Robin assured her uncle that Jason would not be at their Thanksgiving table. However, Robin cheered Mac up by confiding that she had invited someone that he liked. Mac assumed that Robin meant Coleman. The doorbell rang moments later. Robin was surprised to see Matt enter with Lisa. Matt explained that he had invited Lisa to dinner because she didn't have anyone to spend the holiday with. Robin pasted on a smile and then welcomed her husband's ex-girlfriend.

As everyone sat at the table, watching the game on television, Lisa confessed to Patrick that she was impressed with the kind of father that he had turned out to be. Meanwhile, Sam received a phone call from Molly. Sam whispered to Molly that she thought the plan was a bad idea; she explained that Kristina had not even arrived and Maxie had canceled because she was sick. Sam was forced to end the call when Mac approached her. Mac wanted to question Sam about her statement regarding the night that Claudia had disappeared. Robin immediately scolded Mac, reminding him that it was a holiday.

Mac apologized, but then announced that he had to go to the station. Robin refused to allow her uncle to leave. Luckily for Robin, Alexis and Molly's arrival blocked Mac's exit. When Mac made another attempt to leave, Molly insisted that she had to ask Mac questions for a project. Alexis reminded Molly that she had already completed her report on the legal system, but Molly argued that she had a few loose ends to tie up. Mac pulled Patrick aside to question him. Patrick refused to incriminate himself. Mac and Alexis realized that their families were attempting to fix them up.

As Kristina entered the house, everyone was explaining Alexis' horrible history with men to Lisa. Kristina revealed that her father was a mobster. Molly confessed that her father was a mob lawyer. Sam confided that she didn't even know who her father was. When Jerry's name was mentioned, Lisa was forced to agree that Alexis needed help finding love. Later, as everyone gathered at the table for dinner, Alexis found herself seated next to Mac. Everyone joined hands and then gave thanks.

12/1 Robin arrived at Elizabeth's house to review some things for an oversight committee for the piers. Robin immediately sensed that it wasn't a good time for Elizabeth, but Elizabeth insisted that Robin enter. As the two women sat down in the living room, Robin asked Elizabeth what was wrong. Elizabeth seemed reluctant to open up, prompting Robin to reveal that Nikolas had confided to her about his affair with Elizabeth. Elizabeth was humiliated; she realized that Robin must have a low opinion of her.

Robin insisted that Elizabeth was a good and kind person. Robin realized that Elizabeth wouldn't get involved with Nikolas on a whim. Elizabeth confessed that she hated herself for sleeping with Nikolas; it had made her a cheater and a liar. Robin argued that it wasn't as if Elizabeth had woken up one day and then decided to wreck her own life. However, Robin was curious how the affair had started.

Elizabeth told Robin about the first few times that she and Nikolas had kissed. Elizabeth confessed that she had never been kissed like that; it had affected her deeply. Elizabeth explained that after Lucky had proposed, she had foolishly turned to Nikolas for advice. According to Elizabeth, they hadn't planned on making love. Afterwards, Elizabeth had been determined not to repeat the mistake. She had honestly believed that she could make things work with Lucky, so she had accepted his proposal.

Robin wondered if Elizabeth was in love with Nikolas. Elizabeth hesitated before she claimed to love Lucky, but want Nikolas. Robin suggested that perhaps the attraction between Elizabeth and Nikolas was purely physical. Elizabeth was uncertain; she explained that her long-standing friendship with Nikolas complicated things. Elizabeth confided that her feelings of friendship were interwoven with her intense attraction to Nikolas. Elizabeth didn't know what to do. Robin suggested that perhaps Elizabeth should start by being honest with herself and then she should open up to Lucky about what was going on.

At the hospital, Matt and Lisa approached the nurses' station while Patrick was talking to Epiphany. Patrick was surprised to learn that Matt had urged Lisa to apply for a position with General Hospital. After Matt was called away, Lisa asked Patrick what he thought about the idea of her working at the hospital. Before Patrick could respond, Epiphany informed the doctors that a critically ill patient was in transit to the hospital with head and spinal injuries.

Later, Patrick and Lisa reviewed the X-rays of the patient. They realized that they had to operate immediately. While they were in surgery, Matt returned to the nurses' station to find out how long Lisa would be in surgery. Moments later, Robin arrived to consult with Patrick about a case. When she asked Epiphany about the surgery, Epiphany barked that she didn't know how long the surgery would take and then she marched off.

12/2 Patrick and Lisa went to Jake's to celebrate their success in the operating room. As they sat down at a table, Robin arrived. Robin appeared a bit startled to see Lisa with Patrick, but she recovered quickly. As Robin greeted her husband and then sat down, Coleman approached the table. After Coleman wrangled an introduction to Lisa, he let Robin know that he had a spot for her at the microphone. Patrick relished the idea of Robin singing to him. Patrick and Robin were surprised moments later when they noticed that Alexis and Mac had entered the bar together.

Coleman took to the stage to open the microphone for Karaoke Night. The first person to sing was Diane; she sang, "Signed, Sealed, Delivered." The crowd roared as Diane serenaded Max. Next up were Alexis and Mac who sang, "Dancing in the Street." What Alexis and Mac lacked in harmony, they more than made up for in enthusiasm. As everyone danced and sang along, Alexis climbed on a table to dance and wave her arms in the air. Afterward, Alexis joined Mac on the dance floor. As the song ended, Alexis gave Mac a lusty smooch before she collapsed on the floor in exhaustion. Finally, Ethan and Luke took over the microphone. They entertained the crowd with their rendition of, "Stray Cat Strut," which inspired an inebriated Tracy to join them on the stage as a background dancer.

12/3 At the hospital, Robin advised Elizabeth that it was time for her to make a decision about Lucky and Nikolas. Robin didn't want Elizabeth to make the same mistakes that Robin had made by avoiding her problems. Elizabeth opened up about her past. She explained that her first experience with sex had been so brutal that something inside her had shut down. Elizabeth acknowledged that she'd always had issues with sex because a part of her had always been unavailable to her lovers. Elizabeth admitted that she had rarely initiated sex and wouldn't have been bothered if she never experienced it again.

However, Nikolas had awakened something in Elizabeth. She found that she was consumed by thoughts of him, so much so that Elizabeth prayed that it would go away. Elizabeth wanted to be able to look at Nikolas without wanting him. He was her oldest and dearest friend, Lucky's brother, and her best friend's husband. Elizabeth realized that her feelings for Nikolas were crazy and inappropriate. Robin warned Elizabeth that she couldn't hide her affair from Lucky forever. Elizabeth argued that it would kill Lucky and ruin everything. Elizabeth believed that Lucky could "love" her "back to health" because he had done it before.

12/9 At the hospital, Lisa approached Robin at the nurse's station to talk about the job that Lisa had been offered. Lisa was hesitant to accept the position if Robin had any objections. Lisa realized that an ex-girlfriend might pose a problem for newlyweds. Before Robin could respond, Patrick approached them. Patrick immediately assumed that they had been talking about him.

Robin informed her husband that he was wrong; they had been talking about Robin. Robin filled Patrick in on Lisa's dilemma. She took the opportunity to assure both Lisa and Patrick that she didn't have a problem with Lisa working at the hospital. Epiphany approached the doctors to warn them that an accident victim was in transit to the hospital. Several minutes later, Rebecca was rushed into the emergency room.

Lisa accompanied Rebecca to an examination bay while Robin and Patrick questioned Nikolas about the accident. Nikolas explained that he had been in Lucky's neighborhood when Rebecca had suddenly darted out in front of his car. Nikolas insisted that he hadn't seen Rebecca until it was too late.

Later, Robin, Patrick, and Lisa reviewed Rebecca's preliminary test results. Lisa and Patrick wanted to operate, but Robin advised them against it. Robin believed that they should wait at least twelve hours before considering surgery. They were unaware that they were being observed until a man spoke up to support Robin's recommendation. Patrick didn't recognize the man, but Epiphany did. The man greeted Epiphany and then introduced himself to Robin, Patrick, and Lisa as, "Steven Webber, the new chief of staff.

After Robin and Patrick recovered from the shock, Robin asked what had happened to the previous chief of staff, Monica Quartermaine. Steven explained that he had been working in Memphis when Monica had called to offer him the position. Steven explained that Monica was tired of the constant paperwork. They resumed reviewing Rebecca's case. Patrick warned that it would be on Steven if the delay in surgery resulted in Rebecca never walking again. Steven and Robin went to check Rebecca's X-rays just as Edward and Elizabeth arrived at the hospital. 

12/15 Epiphany notified Lisa, Robin, and Patrick that two trauma patients had been admitted. The patients required immediate surgery. Lisa volunteered to operate on the patient with the spinal cord injury, but Patrick wanted to wait until they heard back from a neurosurgeon at Mercy Hospital. Lisa was offended by Patrick's unspoken suggestion that she wasn't capable of performing the necessary operation. Patrick explained that the patient had too many injuries for one surgeon to handle alone.

When Robin offered to assist Lisa with the surgery, Patrick reluctantly agreed. Robin and Lisa quickly scrubbed in and then entered the operating room. The operation progressed smoothly until Shannon Kwan's spleen ruptured. Later, Patrick asked Epiphany how Shannon had fared during surgery. Epiphany sadly reported that Shannon had died and that Lisa and Robin had signed out for the day. Steve stood nearby. When Steve heard that the patient had died, he asked to see Shannon's records. Patrick assured Steve that Robin and Lisa had done everything to save their patient. According to Patrick, Shannon's injuries had been too extensive.

As Steve and Patrick were arguing about the surgery, a young man approached the nurses' station. It was Shannon's brother. He demanded to know why his sister had died. Patrick tried to assure the young man that his sister had not died as a result of malpractice, but the young man was too angry. Steve stepped in to defuse the situation.

Later, Patrick accused Steve of not supporting the hospital staff. Steve explained that he had reviewed the reports and that he had agreed with Patrick's assessment about Lisa's conduct in the operating room. However, according to Steve, doctors didn't just treat patients; they also had a responsibility to the family members. Patrick wasn't interested in hearing Steve's philosophy. He suggested that Steve allow Patrick to do his job and, in exchange, Patrick would return the courtesy.

Robin and Lisa entered Jake's. Lisa was sad that their patient had died, but she realized that it was part of being a doctor. Lisa explained that her internship had been at a hospital in Atlanta where fatal gunshot wounds had been common. Lisa had learned to step back from the patients that she couldn't save, in order to focus on the patients that she could save. Lisa was certain that Patrick would review Shannon's records and conclude that he could have saved her. Deep down inside, Lisa feared that Patrick might be right.

12/16 At the hospital, Patrick and Steve argued about Lisa's patient who had died. Patrick claimed that he had handled the situation properly. Steve clarified that the "situation" was a grieving relative who had deserved to be treated with sensitivity. Patrick insisted that he was the best neurosurgeon in the hospital; he arrogantly promised to make Steve look good if Steve stayed out of his way. Steve wondered what kind of chief of staff he would be if he allowed one of his surgeons to do as he pleased.

Patrick snidely commented that the only reason that Steve was chief of staff was because of nepotism. Steve ignored the insult; he realized that something was bothering Patrick. He couldn't figure out why Patrick would be upset about another doctor losing a patient. Patrick warned Steve that Mercy Hospital would love to have a doctor like Patrick. Steve didn't doubt it, but he realized that Patrick's anger stemmed from frustration. Steve suspected that a part of Patrick believed that he could have saved Lisa's patient.

At Jake's, Lisa admitted that Patrick might have been able to save Shannon's life. Robin assured Lisa that Shannon's injuries had been too extensive; she had been beyond any hope of recovery. Lisa felt as if she had failed Shannon. Robin refused to allow Lisa to blame herself for what had happened to their patient. Lisa appreciated Robin's pep talk.

Patrick arrived at Jake's a short time later. Patrick told Robin and Lisa about his confrontation with Steve. Patrick was surprised by Robin's lack of support; she suggested that Steve had saved Patrick from himself. Patrick explained that Shannon's brother had accused Lisa of malpractice, so he had felt compelled to explain the facts to him. Robin believed that Shannon's brother had needed compassion, not facts. Lisa was worried that Steve thought that a more skilled surgeon could have saved Shannon.

Patrick, Robin, and Lisa were surprised when Steve entered the bar a few minutes later. As Steve approached the table, he noticed their sudden silence. Robin cut through the tension by thanking Steve for stepping in to help Patrick. Steve accepted Robin's offer to buy him a drink. As Robin and Steve walked to the bar, Lisa confided to Patrick that Robin had helped her deal with the loss of her patient.

At the bar, Steve and Robin talked about Patrick's reaction to Shannon's brother. Robin wondered if Patrick had pulled his "Mercy would be happy to have me" speech. Steve confirmed Robin's suspicions, prompting her to assure Steve that she would make certain that Patrick remained at General Hospital. When Steve and Robin rejoined Patrick and Lisa, the foursome decided to throw darts. Steve was impressed with Robin's skill. Patrick pointed out that Robin was an expert marksman because her parents were super-spies.

12/21 Robin and Lisa were treating a hit and run victim in emergency when Robin cut a finger. Robin backed away immediately and said that she could not continue treating the patient because she was HIV-positive. Lisa was stunned. Steve Webber stepped in and took care of the patient, who happened to be Ronnie, the undercover officer who was Dominic's police contact.

Steve told Robin that he was very pleased with how she had handled the situation. Robin tried to apologize for not alerting him to her condition sooner, but Steve said there was no need. He told Robin that he knew that there was prejudice against HIV positive doctors, but he had worked with several in his previous position and he saw no need for concern. He assured Robin that she had his full support.

Patrick rushed in and instantly defended Robin to Steve, who immediately told Patrick that he had no cause for concern because Robin had his backing. Patrick hugged Robin who insisted that she was fine. Robin also apologized to Lisa, who said that she did not regret working with Robin before, but she was still deciding how she felt about working with her in the future. Robin said that she had meant to tell Lisa about her condition, but it was difficult to work it into conversation.

Lisa told Robin that she understood, but what most amazed her was that Patrick would be so supportive of Robin. Lisa said that when she had known Patrick, he was arrogant and self-involved. Robin said that Patrick had been like that when she had met him, but he had changed. She told Lisa that Patrick was a loving man and she gave thanks every day that she had been given a second chance at love and family with him.

Lisa confronted Patrick about Robin's HIV status. She wanted to know why he had not told her. Patrick told Lisa that it was none of her business. She said that she did not believe that Patrick was unselfish enough to make all the accommodations necessary for Robin to go through natural childbirth and for Patrick and Robin to have a normal sex life. Patrick told Lisa that Robin was the bravest, most intelligent, unselfish, loving woman that he had ever met, and that it had not been a burden to make any adjustment for her. He told Lisa that he was privileged to be in Robin's life and that there was nowhere else and no one else that he would prefer to be with. Lisa was shocked.

Lisa went to the Christmas tree lot and found Patrick was inspecting trees there. She told Patrick that she was amazed at the turnaround in him since he had married Robin. She remembered a very different man. He said the change was real and that he was very happy and could not imagine his life otherwise. Patrick laughed when he told Lisa that he was waiting for Robin and that they usually had a very big fight about which tree to get for their home. Shortly after Robin arrived, they engaged in a not too serious battle for which tree would suit them best. Lisa excused herself. Robin and Patrick continued to bicker playfully, but when Patrick said he wanted a big tree for Emma, Robin caved. Patrick decided that he could compromise also, so they decided to search the lot until they found the perfect tree for both of them.

12/23 Robin checked the Christmas tree to make certain that Patrick had properly secured it to the walls, so that it wouldn't accidentally topple on top of Emma. Robin was satisfied with the work, but she confessed that she had made up the study about the high percentage of kids injured by large trees; she had hoped to persuade Patrick to buy a smaller tree. Patrick wasn't surprised. However, he was curious if Robin had invited anyone as payback for Patrick winning the battle of the Christmas trees. Robin simply smiled.

As Patrick and Robin cuddled on the sofa, Robin talked about the number of Christmases that she spent without her parents. She had been grateful that she had Mac in her life. Patrick felt bad that Mac was home alone. Robin admitted that she had asked Mac to join them. Patrick realized that he had been correct when he had guessed that Robin had extended an invitation to someone. Robin revealed that Mac had declined. She suspected that Mac had a date.

Mac stopped by to drop off a gift for Emma. Robin told Mac that he was welcome to stay, but Mac explained that he had plans; however, he refused to elaborate. After Mac left, Robin smiled triumphantly. She was certain that Mac had a date. Robin was delighted that all of her efforts had paid off. A short time later, Matt and Lisa arrived for a visit. Everyone smiled as they gathered around the Christmas tree and then took pictures.

12/28 At their home, Robin and Patrick, both dressed to the nines, got everything set up for the nanny before heading out to celebrate their one-year anniversary. Robin was surprised and pleased when Patrick took her to a private hotel suite where candles and dinner waited, instead of the public hotel restaurant. Robin and Patrick shared champagne and renewed their commitment as they acknowledged their love for each other. After a champagne toast to their love, Patrick took Robin's hand and led her to the bed where they made slow, passionate love. After making love, they returned home to Emma and continued the celebration of their love and family. Each told the other how lucky they felt to be together and how being with Emma was the perfect way to end their anniversary celebration. They acknowledged that they had never know greater happiness than that moment of family togetherness.

12/30 Robin arrived at the hospital to meet Patrick. Epiphany complimented Robin on her beautiful dress. Robin explained that she and Patrick had plans to go to the Metro Court Restaurant where they intended to drink champagne, eat lobster, and dance on the rooftop. Robin enjoyed having an excuse to dress up. Patrick approached Robin moments later. Patrick admitted that Robin looked stunning. As the couple started to leave, Epiphany called out to them. The emergency room required "all hands on deck."

Later, Patrick and Lisa consulted about a patient that they had treated in the ER. Patrick and Lisa agreed that the patient required surgery. Patrick apologized to Robin because he realized that he might miss ringing in the New Year with his wife. Robin assured Patrick that he didn't have to worry; she'd meet him at home. She gave Patrick a quick kiss, in case she didn't see him before midnight, and then she resumed her shift.

Matt found Robin working at the nurses' station a short time later. He wondered if it bothered Robin that Patrick was in surgery with Lisa. Robin didn't know why Matt would ask such a question. Matt admitted that he had learned firsthand that Lisa was still very much attracted to Patrick. Matt didn't know what was going on, but he believed that Robin had a right to know that Lisa was not over Patrick. When Lisa and Patrick walked up to the nurses' station, and were joking around with each other, Robin seemed to consider Matt's words of caution.

Later, Patrick asked if Epiphany had seen Robin. Epiphany explained that Robin had left. Patrick decided to call it a night. Lisa seemed disappointed; she tried to cajole him to stay on duty, but Patrick was determined to find his wife. Robin was on the hospital's roof. She smiled when Patrick wrapped his arms around her and then kissed her.

1/6 Patrick and Robin were debating different methods of treating a patient when Lisa approached the nurses' station. Lisa agreed that the patient's best hope would be Patrick. Robin explained to Lisa that they had just been "picking each other's brains." Lisa apologized when she realized that she had interrupted a private conversation. Patrick and Robin assured Lisa that they understood that she had meant well.

Jason stood in Ronnie's room with a gun aimed at Ronnie's heart. Jason demanded to know everything that Ronnie knew about Franco. Ronnie claimed that he didn't know anything. However, Ronnie changed his mind when Jason cocked the gun. Ronnie revealed that he had known Franco during their days in New York City. Ronnie claimed that he had robbed a liquor store, but Franco had taken the fall. Ronnie had repaid Franco for the favor by bailing Franco out of jail when Franco had been arrested for tagging near a murder scene.

Jason didn't understand why Franco would want to run down Ronnie in a car. Ronnie clarified that he had never seen the driver, so Ronnie couldn't confirm that Franco had been behind the wheel of the car. Jason was frustrated by Ronnie's lack of information. He shoved the barrel of the gun up against Ronnie's chest and then warned Ronnie to stop wasting time.

Lisa entered Ronnie's hospital room, but stopped short when she took in the scene. Jason ordered Lisa to get out. Lisa responded by demanding that Jason step away from Ronnie. Jason warned Lisa that if she didn't leave, she would witness a shooting. Lisa threatened to call security as she fled. Jason realized that his time was limited, so he informed Ronnie that Franco had kidnapped someone.

Ronnie's entire demeanor changed. He readily volunteered that Franco used to store his art supplies in a shed near the "El in Brooklyn." According to Ronnie, Franco was drawn to trains because he loved the sounds and chaos they created when they sped by. Lisa approached the nurses' station demanding that someone call security because there was a man with a gun in Mr. Dimestico's room. Robin calmly described Jason to Lisa. When Lisa confirmed that it sounded like the gunman, Robin promised to take care of it. As Robin walked away, Patrick explained that the gunman was actually Robin's ex-boyfriend.

Patrick revealed that Robin had been involved with Stone, who had died of AIDS long before there had been proper treatment for people suffering from the disease. Lisa realized that Robin must have contracted HIV from Stone. Patrick revealed that Jason had helped Robin after Stone's passing. Patrick admitted that he didn't know the details about Robin's relationship with Jason; however, Robin and Jason were close and respected each other.

Robin managed to persuade Jason to leave Ronnie's room. As they walked out, Jason explained that Franco was after the people who were close to Jason. Jason wanted Robin to be careful. After Jason left, Robin returned to the nurses' station to let Patrick and Lisa know that the crisis in Ronnie's room had been averted. Lisa was surprised; she turned to Patrick to comment that he must be "seriously impressed" with his wife.

A short time later, Robin went to thank Ronnie for not pressing charges against Jason. Ronnie appreciated Robin's intervention. He claimed that Jason had been out of control. Robin assured Ronnie that Jason was the most levelheaded person that she knew; however, he was in a very difficult situation. Patrick approached Robin as she exited Ronnie's room. Robin worried that Patrick might not appreciate her efforts on Jason's behalf. Patrick assured her that he had learned long ago not to interfere when it came to Jason.

Robin and Lisa went to Jake's after work. As they sipped beer, Lisa asked Robin about Jason. Robin claimed that Jason had saved her life in many ways. Patrick arrived moments later. He immediately noticed Robin's tears. Robin revealed that they had been talking about Jason.

Lisa offered to fetch Patrick a beer, so that Robin and Patrick could speak privately. As Lisa walked away, Robin admitted that she was in a sentimental mood. She insisted that if it weren't for Jason, Robin would not have become a doctor or have met Patrick. Patrick was a bit surprised by how much credit Robin gave Jason. Lisa returned the table with the beer and then suggested that they change the subject.

1/7 At Jake's, Lisa, Robin, and Patrick played a game of pool and drank beer. As they took turns shooting billiards, Lisa talked about Patrick's days racing cars. She wondered if Robin enjoyed watching Patrick drive. Robin admitted that Patrick's fast driving frightened her. Lisa was stunned when Patrick confessed that he had traded in his fast cars for a mini van.

While Patrick went to fetch another round of beer, Robin thanked Lisa for cleverly steering the conversation away from Jason to racing. Lisa confided that she understood that talking about exes could be tricky. As soon as Patrick returned, Robin received a page from the hospital. Robin apologized for cutting their evening short and then left. While Lisa and Patrick resumed sipping their beers, Lisa admitted that Port Charles had held many surprises.

Lisa couldn't believe that Jason, the "hot blond mob enforcer" had turned out to be the wild man in Robin's life instead of Patrick. Lisa confessed that, compared to the mobster, Patrick seemed tame. She laughingly admitted that she was happy that she and Patrick had ended their relationship when they had. Patrick was a bit surprised by the confession. Lisa clarified that "all those wonderful memories of wild man Drake" would never be spoiled for her.

1/8 At the hospital, Robin explained to Steve that she'd had a few beers with Patrick and Lisa at Jake's. Steve explained that he had called her because he had heard a rumor about Lisa fleeing a patient's room and demanding for someone to call security. According to the rumor mill, Patrick and Robin had intervened. Steve had been told that Robin had gone to the patient's room instead of calling security. Shortly afterwards, Robin had been seen exiting a room with a man who fit Jason's description.

Robin confirmed Steve's suspicions. He explained that he couldn't have a gunman running around the hospital, causing problems, even if that man was Edward Quartermaine's grandson. Robin was confident that there wouldn't be a repeat of the incident. Steve smiled; he hoped Robin was correct. Steve decided to take the opportunity to talk to Robin about Patrick.

Steve recognized that Patrick was a brilliant surgeon, but he wanted to understand why Patrick seemed so volatile. Robin promised that Patrick wasn't always "a jerk with authority issues." She was certain that Patrick didn't mean to be rude to a patient's brother a few weeks earlier. Robin realized that Patrick's bedside manner wasn't his strong suit. Steve acknowledged that Patrick could write his own ticket to any hospital, but he was curious why Patrick had chosen General Hospital. Robin revealed that she had asked Patrick to consult on Jason Morgan's case. Steve recalled reading about Patrick's groundbreaking surgery in several medical journals.

Robin explained that after Jason's operation, Patrick had stayed because his father, Dr. Noah Drake, was a surgeon at the hospital. Patrick and Noah had a rocky relationship; as a result, Patrick felt as if he had to prove something to the world. Patrick had also been driven to redeem his family's name. As Robin continued talking about Patrick and her life with him, she realized that she had shared a bit too much personal information with Steve.

Steve assured Robin that he could see how much she loved Patrick. Robin wanted Steve to understand that she and Patrick had a lot of adjustments to make in their lives. According to Robin, "Even when it seems like a fairytale, it's not." Steve appreciated Robin's insight. Robin noted how laid-back Steve seemed; she suspected it was one of the things that threw Patrick for a loop. As Steve walked her out, Robin wondered if Steve had found a place to live. Steve revealed that he was living at a place on Bristol that rented month to month.

1/12 At the hospital, Patrick and Robin reviewed the charts of Robin's patients that Patrick would oversee while Robin and Emma visited Anna in London. Lisa joined them minutes later. Lisa was excited because she had successfully performed a complicated operation. Epiphany announced that she had another patient who was in need of delicate spinal surgery. Epiphany intended to call in another doctor to perform the operation, but Lisa insisted on taking the case.

Robin and Epiphany were concerned about Lisa doing back-to-back surgery, but Lisa claimed that she was up to the task. After Lisa walked away, Robin urged Patrick to check on Lisa to make certain that everything was going well. Patrick didn't think that it was necessary. Robin worried that Lisa might be in over her head because she was trying to prove something to Patrick.

Later, Robin approached Steve at the nurses' station while he reviewed some files. Steve was surprised that Robin wasn't on her way to London. Robin smiled as she confessed that she intended to leave as soon as she finished up some paperwork. As they talked about how much they enjoyed London, Steve glanced at a schedule. When he realized that Lisa was in the middle of a second operation without having taken a break, he stormed off to check on the patient.

As Patrick approached his wife, he passed Steve. He was curious why Steve was in such a hurry. Robin explained that Steve was upset because Lisa had elected to perform back-to-back operations. Patrick immediately jumped to the conclusion that Robin had sold out Lisa. Robin was offended by Patrick's unflattering assumption, but she refused to correct his mistake.

When Steve and Lisa left the operating room, Steve informed Lisa that she was never to operate on patients back-to-back when there was another surgeon available. Patrick was quick to defend Lisa.

1/13 At the hospital, Lisa thanked Patrick for defending her when Steve had taken her to task for performing back-to-back surgeries. Patrick was disappointed that she hadn't offered to buy him a beer as she had done in the past to show her appreciation. Lisa smiled as she promised to buy Patrick a draft beer at Jake's. She joked that she might even ask Coleman to serve it in a sippy cup.

Patrick warned her not to knock the sippy cup, since they were spill proof. Lisa remarked that she could have used the cups "back in the day." She wondered if he had any idea how many tops she had ruined doing body shots. Patrick immediately replied "34." Lisa was stunned that he had kept count. Patrick grew serious as he told her that none of them deserved to have someone looking over their shoulder while they were in surgery.

Patrick insisted that their judgment was their greatest asset; they needed to decide for themselves if they could handle back-to-back operations. Lisa agreed. Robin overheard their exchange as she approached the nurses' station. Robin warned Patrick to "cut it out" because she knew what was really going on. Lisa seemed nervous while Patrick appeared confused.

Robin announced that Patrick had not defended Lisa out of the goodness of his heart. According to Robin, Patrick had argued the right for a doctor to perform back-to-back operations, so that Patrick would be able to schedule three consecutive operations, if the need arose. Lisa stepped away while Robin and Patrick argued.

Robin suddenly began smiling moments later. Patrick wondered what she found so amusing. Robin confessed that he had a habit of tilting his head a certain way when he was mad; Emma had the same quirk. Patrick immediately melted. As Lisa watched, Patrick and Robin made up and then kissed. Lisa's smile disappeared.

Later, Lisa asked Patrick if everything was okay between him and Robin. Patrick confided, "Robin has an amazing ability to always be right when it comes to me." Patrick was delighted to see his family as they stepped off of the elevator. Lisa smirked and rolled her eyes as she watched Patrick say goodbye to his wife and daughter before the left for the airport to fly to London.

1/14 At Kelly's, Patrick invited Lisa to scrub in with him for a challenging operation later that day. Lisa appreciated the invite, but she had to decline because she expected a delivery of new furniture for her apartment. Later, Lisa was surprised to find Patrick knocking on her door. Patrick explained that the surgery had been cancelled, so he had decided to help her move furniture. As the two worked, Patrick confessed that Robin was picky about the placement of their furniture.

Lisa claimed that she didn't care where her sofa was as long as it faced the television and she was able to dump her stuff on it when she walked through the door. A short while later, Lisa admitted that she didn't like where her bookcase was positioned. As she talked, Lisa stepped back from the bookcase and then ended up tumbling into Patrick's lap as he sat on the sofa. Patrick chuckled as he teased her about not being graceful.

1/15 At Lisa's apartment, an exhausted Patrick flopped down on the sofa while Lisa complained about the placement of her bookcase. As Lisa backed up, on the pretense of deciding where to put the bookcase, she stumbled. When Lisa landed on Patrick's lap, he tactfully eased her onto the sofa. The two laughed as he joked about her lack of grace. Moments later, Patrick suggested splitting a pizza. Lisa declined the invitation, which prompted Patrick to wonder if she had a date.

Patrick's interest was piqued when Lisa answered, "Sorta." Patrick wondered if she was expecting his brother. Lisa quickly clarified that she and Matt had decided to be friends. She then walked to the door to show Patrick out, and claimed that she needed some down time. Patrick sensed that she was lying. Lisa admitted that she had recorded a NASCAR race that she was eager to watch. That snagged Patrick's interest, so Lisa invited him to stay.

Lisa closed the door while Patrick took a seat on the sofa. They discussed the Daytona 500, which was just around the corner. As Lisa started the recording, Patrick revealed that he had met racecar driver Jeff Burton at Jake's. Lisa didn't believe Patrick, until Patrick confessed that he had made an "ass" out of himself in front of the famous driver. Lisa suggested that Patrick call Jeff Burton to see if he could score them some tickets to the Daytona 500.

Lisa was disappointed when Patrick declined the invitation to attend the race with her. He insisted that he simply didn't have the time to go to the speedway. After they finished watching the race, Lisa announced that she was officially ready for the Daytona 500. She made another attempt to persuade Patrick to join her on a road trip to see the race, but Patrick claimed that those days were over. Lisa couldn't believe how much Patrick had changed from the impulsive man she had known. Patrick explained that spur-of-the-moment to him meant trying to appease Emma when she wanted something other than her peas. Lisa wondered if Patrick was happy with that kind of a life. Patrick assured her that he was. Lisa didn't believe him; she suspected that he protested a bit too much.

1/18 Patrick helped Lisa move furniture around in her new apartment. Afterwards they had beers and watched a pre-recorded car race. Lisa needled Patrick about his settled-down state and tried to get him to admit that he missed the daredevil pranks that they had engaged in while in college. Patrick told Lisa that being married to Robin was a whole other challenge that made him feel even better and more on the edge than their college adventures had. Before he left her, Patrick told Lisa that Robin had changed his life 180 degrees and that, for the first time in his life, he felt complete. Lisa tried to get Patrick to stay, but he told her that he had a conference call scheduled with Emma and Robin, and he did not want to miss it. As Patrick exited her apartment, Lisa looked both frustrated and thoughtful.

Patrick stopped by the hospital before going home to talk to Robin and Emma. Steve was at the desk and was scheduling a surgery. When he asked Patrick to operate immediately, Patrick said that he had been drinking earlier and could not operate. Steve was ready to call another surgeon, but Patrick told him that Lisa had also been drinking. Patrick looked over the charts and voiced his opinion. When Lisa arrived with lamps for her office, Steve told her about the surgery. He said that he had scheduled surgery for them both the following day. Steve told Lisa and Patrick to meet with him the next morning to go over surgical procedure. After Steve left, Patrick was focused on getting to his conference call with Robin and Emma as he got on the elevator, despite Lisa's attempts to engage him in one-up gamesmanship and bantering wordplay.

1/20 Patrick and Lisa were on hand when two car accident victims arrived in the emergency room. The driver had suffered a concussion, but his passenger's injuries were more serious. X-rays revealed that the young woman in the car had suffered spinal cord damage. Patrick patched up the driver. Dean was stunned by the news about his girlfriend, Chelsea. In a moment of honesty, Dean confessed that he had never signed up for a girlfriend in a wheelchair. A short time later, Dean was by Chelsea's side when Lisa and Patrick explained that Chelsea required surgery. Lisa bragged that she was the best surgeon available to operate on Chelsea. Patrick was surprised by Lisa's bold claim.

1/21 At the hospital, Lisa and Patrick checked on Chelsea, the car accident victim who had suffered a spinal cord injury. Chelsea's boyfriend, Dean, was by her side. Dean and Chelsea were eager to know if Chelsea would be able to walk again. Patrick cautioned the young couple to take it one day at a time. After Patrick and Lisa left the room, Lisa admitted that she had been surprised by Patrick's cautious advice. Patrick attributed it to Robin's influence; he insisted that it was wrong to get Chelsea's hopes up.

Later, Dean pulled Patrick aside to talk to Patrick about Chelsea's prognosis. Dean admitted that the thought of Chelsea being confined to a wheelchair was more than Dean could handle. Dean didn't think that he could remain in a relationship with Chelsea if she remained paralyzed. Patrick reminded Dean that it was too soon to determine if Chelsea would regain mobility in her legs. However, he was hopeful that Chelsea would make a full recovery. Dean was relieved. After Dean walked away, Lisa noticed that Patrick seemed subdued.

Patrick realized that he had been a lot like Dean once. He apologized to Lisa for always having "one foot out of the door" while he had been involved with her. Lisa insisted that it had been mutual; they had both done their part to keep the relationship from becoming serious, including sleeping with other people. Lisa reminded Patrick that they had been different people when they were younger; neither of them had tested their relationship. Lisa suggested that Patrick might have stayed with her if she had been in a situation similar to Chelsea's.

Patrick wasn't as certain as Lisa about how he would have handled such a life-changing crisis. Lisa pointed out that Patrick had stayed with Robin after he discovered that she was HIV positive. Patrick didn't hesitate to remind Lisa that he had fallen in love with Robin, so it really hadn't been an issue for him. Lisa seemed uncomfortable with the direction of their conversation, so she quickly changed the subject.

A short time later, Lisa and Patrick returned to Chelsea's room to check on Chelsea's progress. Chelsea was devastated when she realized that she didn't have any sensation in her feet. Patrick assured Chelsea that it might be due to some swelling from the surgery. Chelsea calmed down, but Patrick noticed that Dean remained concerned by the possibility that Chelsea would remain paralyzed.

1/26 At the hospital, Robin and Patrick made plans to meet in the on-call room for a romantic tryst when Mike Corbin was rushed into the emergency room. Lisa asked Patrick to consult on the case while Robin questioned Ethan about Mike's injuries. Ethan explained that he had found Mike in an alley, beaten and bloody. Sonny arrived at the hospital a short time later. Sonny asked Robin to make certain that Mike had the best medical treatment possible.

Lulu loudly accused Elizabeth of being a "lying faithless slut" for sleeping with Lucky and Nikolas. Ethan wondered if Lulu's accusation was true. Lulu ordered Elizabeth to admit to Ethan what a "two-faced lying tramp" Elizabeth was. Ethan quickly concluded that Rebecca had left town because of the affair. Robin gasped in shock as Lulu proceeded to publicly berate Elizabeth. Everyone grew increasingly uncomfortable as Lulu viciously railed at Elizabeth. Elizabeth silently accepted the verbal assault. Eventually, Ethan put an end to Lulu's tirade by informing Lulu, "Enough." Lulu flung a few more insults at Elizabeth and then marched out of the hospital.

1/27  At the hospital, Robin mentioned to Patrick that Elizabeth had taken the day off. Patrick didn't blame Elizabeth. Lisa also understood Elizabeth's decision to stay home after the "public stoning" that Elizabeth had endured. "Cheating is obviously taken very seriously here in Port Charles," Lisa noted. "Guess you better be faithful," she advised Patrick and Robin in the next breath. Patrick insisted that what people did in their private lives was their own business. Patrick didn't think that they had any right to judge Elizabeth.

"You have to admit, that was some major drama," Lisa observed. Epiphany reminded Lisa that they were in a hospital, not a place of gossip. Epiphany suggested that everyone get back to work. Robin agreed that Lulu didn't have any business broadcasting Elizabeth's personal life all over the hospital. Steve approached Lisa, Patrick, and Robin moments later.

Robin immediately expressed her concern for Elizabeth. Steve explained that Elizabeth had requested that everyone respect her privacy. To honor his sister's wishes, Steve changed the subject to inquire about Mike Corbin's surgery. Steve wondered why Lisa had requested that Patrick assist her. Lisa clarified that she wanted Patrick to perform the surgery.

Later, Epiphany asked Robin talk to Sonny about some of his demands. Epiphany revealed that Sonny had made a veiled threat if Mike's surgery was less than perfect. Robin assured Epiphany that Sonny hadn't meant any harm; he was simply concerned about his father. Robin promised to talk to Sonny, but she advised Epiphany not to pass Sonny's warning on to Lisa. Epiphany agreed.

Steve called out to Robin as she walked away from the nurses' station. He wanted to know how bad Lulu's meltdown had been. He realized that it must have been serious because Elizabeth was not the type to avoid work. Robin confessed that it had been ugly. Lulu had been furious on Lucky's behalf, while Elizabeth hadn't made any effort to defend herself. Steve confided that Elizabeth didn't think there was any defense for what she had done.

Robin wanted Elizabeth to know that Robin and Patrick didn't judge her. Steve thanked Robin for her support and then changed the subject. Steve was curious why Lisa had insisted that Patrick scrub in on Mike's surgery when the procedure was Lisa's specialty. Robin explained that Lisa and Patrick were old friends; Patrick's presence challenged Lisa.

Steve realized that Lisa's competitive streak had led to Lisa's decision to operate on the young woman with a spinal injury. Steve admitted that after reviewing the records it was clear that the damage to the woman's spine had been irreversible. Robin confided that hopeless cases tended to be more appealing to Lisa and Patrick's nature. As if on cue, Patrick and Lisa returned from surgery. Lisa thanked Patrick for his guidance while Patrick sang Lisa's praises.

Lisa approached the nurses' station after Robin and Patrick walked away. Epiphany congratulated Lisa. According to Epiphany, Patrick rarely complimented anyone. Lisa smiled as she explained that she and Patrick had known each other for a long time. As Lisa spoke, she closely watched Patrick and Robin, who were huddled together by the vending machine.

2/1 Robin and Patrick attended Josselyn’s christening. Father Coates announced that everyone was invited to the Jacks residence for a reception. The guests mingled a bit before they headed to Jax and Carly's home. Sonny called Robin, to ask if Robin and Patrick could meet him at the hospital. Sonny requested that Robin not tell anyone about his phone call. Robin and Patrick left Carly's reception immediately. A short time later, Steve let Sonny and Olivia know that Steve had been required to follow hospital policy by reporting Dante's shooting to the police.

Sonny was waiting when Robin and Patrick arrived at the hospital. Sonny confessed that his son, Dante Falconari, had been shot. Patrick assured Sonny that they would do everything in their power to save Dante. Robin waited until Sonny walked away before she admitted that she was shocked to learn that Dante was Sonny's son. Robin realized that the news didn't surprise Patrick in the least. Patrick confessed that he had known the truth for some time. Robin was hurt that Patrick hadn't trusted her with something that important about one of her closest friends.

2/2 Lisa, Robin, and Patrick discussed Dante's operation. Patrick intended to perform the surgery. Robin and Lisa objected. Lisa wanted to be a part of the surgical team because it was her area of expertise. Robin pointed out that Patrick was a neurosurgeon and therefore not the best candidate to operate. Patrick pointed out that Sonny could face the death penalty if Dante died. Patrick wondered if Robin was prepared to put Dante and Sonny's fate in someone else's hands.

Robin remained uneasy about Patrick operating on Dante. Lisa took Patrick's side. The debate was cut short when Steve approached the trio. Steve wanted Robin to talk to Sonny before things escalated. After Robin and Steve walked away, Patrick headed to the locker room to change for surgery. Lisa accompanied Patrick, so that she could update Patrick about Dante's condition. Patrick changed into a pair of scrubs while Lisa read the medical chart. Patrick was oblivious to Lisa's hungry eyes as she covertly watched him strip.

As they made their way to the break area, Lisa questioned if Robin had been correct to accuse Patrick of wanting to operate on Dante because of the challenge. Patrick acknowledged that it was a perk; however, he was eager to save Dante's life. Later, Steve demanded to know why Patrick was scrubbing in on Dante's surgery. Patrick informed Steve that Sonny had requested that Patrick operate on Dante.

Steve overrode Sonny's request. Patrick was furious when Steve insisted on operating on Dante. Steve, a seasoned trauma surgeon, was more qualified than Patrick. Patrick stormed out. Lisa followed Patrick to the locker room. Patrick insisted that Steve had made a mistake. Patrick confessed that, since he couldn't operate, he depended on Lisa to save Dante's life.

Sonny bristled when Olivia demanded, "Get out of my face." Sonny informed Olivia that she didn't have the right bark orders at him after she had spent years lying to him. Robin quickly approached the couple to defuse the situation. Robin and Sonny walked away while Olivia returned to Dante's room. Robin advised Sonny that arguing with Olivia wouldn't solve anything. Sonny was horrified that he had shot his own son. Robin assured Sonny that there would be plenty of time for Sonny and Dante to work things out. Sonny wondered, "What if he dies?" Maxie found Robin at the hospital. Robin confirmed that Dante was in critical condition. 

2/3 At the nurses' station, Robin was upset because Patrick had not told her about Sonny and Dante. Patrick explained that it hadn't been his secret to share. Lisa approached the feuding couple to ask for Dante's medical chart. Steve joined them moments later. Patrick took the opportunity to grudgingly compliment Steve for saving Dante's life after Dante had flat lined during surgery.

Later, Robin checked with Steve to see how Dante was doing. Steve was concerned because Dante should have shown some improvement; instead, Dante was holding his own. Robin assured Steve that Steve and Lisa had done an excellent job during Dante's surgery.

Patrick was annoyed when he discovered that Robin had cancelled an operation for a patient. Robin explained that she wanted to run a few more tests. Patrick suspected that Robin was still angry because he hadn't told her that Sonny was Dante's father. Robin was certain that Dante wouldn't have been shot and Sonny wouldn't be facing criminal charges if Patrick had trusted her with the information. Patrick reminded Robin that she had kept quiet about Elizabeth and Nikolas' affair.

Patrick argued that Elizabeth was his friend; he would have offered to help Elizabeth. Robin didn't think that the situations were remotely similar. Patrick was curious what Robin would have done if Patrick had told her about Dante. Robin suggested that she probably would have told Sonny, just as she had told AJ about Michael. Patrick asked, "Really? And how did that work out for everybody?" Robin glared at Patrick. "You know what, " she asked, "You're a real jackass."

After Robin stormed off, Patrick approached Lisa at the nurses' station. Patrick was unaware that Lisa had overheard his argument with Robin. Patrick wondered if Lisa would like to grab a beer after work. Lisa readily agreed.

2/10 At the nurses' station, Patrick and Robin complained about their nonexistent love life. Lisa stood nearby smiling as she eavesdropped on Patrick and Robin's conversation. Sometime later, Patrick snapped at a lab technician because some test results were not ready. As Patrick disconnected the call, Lisa innocently asked why Patrick was lashing out at the staff. Patrick confided that things were out of sync between him and Robin. Lisa jokingly suggested that Robin should take pity on the hospital personnel by remedying the situation.

Robin approached the nurses' station in time to hear Lisa's remark. "Take pity on who? What situation," she asked Patrick and Lisa. Lisa quickly explained that Patrick had been yelling at the lab techs; she suggested that the task of "soothing the savage surgeon's ego" fell on Robin. All heads turned when Elizabeth exited the elevator.

Elizabeth was eager to return to work. Patrick and Robin were sympathetic, but they agreed that she needed some time to pull herself together. They suggested that Elizabeth take a vacation. Elizabeth pointed out that she couldn't afford to take a vacation since she had been suspended without pay. Patrick and Robin offered to loan Elizabeth some money, but Elizabeth turned them down. Elizabeth had hoped that Patrick and Robin could talk to the board on her behalf.

Elizabeth was hurt when Patrick and Robin refused. Robin started to follow Elizabeth as she walked away, but Patrick stopped Robin. Patrick thought that Elizabeth needed to work things out for herself. Robin disagreed; Robin had needed Patrick's help when Robin had been suffering from postpartum depression. Later, Patrick asked Lisa to cover for him and Robin. Lisa agreed. Patrick thanked Lisa and then dragged Robin off to the supply closet.

2/11 At the hospital, Robin and Patrick slipped in to the supply closet with romance on their minds. Lisa lurked nearby in the hallway. As soon as the door to the supply closet closed, Lisa approached Epiphany at the nurses' station. Lisa instructed Epiphany to set up a saline IV drip for a patient. Epiphany went to the supply closet to fetch what she needed. Epiphany was outraged when she opened the door to find Robin and Patrick half naked and locked in a passionate embrace.

2/17 The tension was high between Robin and Patrick as they prepared to leave for work. Patrick was upset that Robin had left the flowers that he had ordered for her on the front porch. Robin explained that the delivery person had left them there. She hadn't known that they had been delivered until Patrick had tripped over them when he had arrived home late. As Patrick reached for his jacket, Robin noticed that it wasn't the one that she had given him for Valentine's Day. Patrick explained that the jacket hadn't fit him. Robin was certain that Patrick simply hadn't liked the gift.

Patrick suspected that Robin was upset because their Valentine's Day had been a bust. He assured her that he had bought her some jewelry, but the store hadn't been able to deliver it in time for Valentine's Day. Robin suggested that perhaps it was because Patrick had waited until the last minute to order it. Patrick announced that he was late for work, so he headed to the door. Robin informed him that she was also running late, but someone had to make arrangements for Emma. Patrick left without responding.

At the nurses' station, Lisa was in high spirits as she confessed that it was a wonderful day. Patrick grumbled about the ice and unplowed roads. Lisa wondered why Patrick was in a foul mood. Her question was answered when Robin approached Patrick to demand if he intended to follow through on his promise to consult on a patient's case. Patrick explained that he had been waiting for ten minutes; he wondered where Robin had been.

Robin revealed that she had been on the phone with the nanny who was running errands for Robin, which included returning Patrick's jacket and scraping the frozen flowers off of the front porch. Lisa realized that Patrick's sour disposition was a result of "romantic frustration." Patrick observed that it didn't seem to be a problem for Lisa. Lisa didn't deny it. As Lisa flounced off, she informed Patrick that she had her priorities straight. Robin was curious what Lisa meant by the comment. Patrick accused Lisa of gloating because "she got laid last night." "Well, at least one of us did," Robin practically shouted as she walked away.

Steve tracked down Robin to let her know what was going on with Elizabeth. Steve hoped that Robin could help. They were distracted when they heard Lisa and Patrick approach. Lisa and Patrick were talking about Lisa's evening with a pit crew member of a NASCAR racing team. Robin quickly pulled Patrick aside to let him know that Elizabeth needed their help.

Later, Robin entered Elizabeth's room. Elizabeth recalled advising Robin to seek in-patient treatment for postpartum depression. Elizabeth realized that she had no idea what she had been talking about. Robin insisted that treatment had helped her. Elizabeth didn't think that their situations were the same. Robin disagreed. Elizabeth pointed out that Robin didn't have to wonder whose baby Robin had been carrying.

Robin and Patrick arrived home in a somber mood. Robin and Patrick apologized to each other for the things that they had said during their argument. Robin realized that she could have easily been in Elizabeth's situation. She was grateful that Patrick had stuck by her side. Patrick assured Robin that she couldn't get rid of him that easily. A heated kiss led to a race to the bedroom.

2/18 Elizabeth dropped to the floor and then cried. Patrick found her there a short time later. Patrick sat down beside Elizabeth and then admitted that he used to sit just as she was, while hoping that no one could see him. Elizabeth admitted that she could see him. She reached out for his hand and then added that she could feel him. Elizabeth begged him, "Please tell me you are real." Patrick promised her that he was.

Patrick assured Elizabeth that he and Robin cared about her very much. Elizabeth loved the way that Patrick and Robin treated each other. She warned him that lies and secrets were poisonous. Elizabeth went on to confide that Helena had been in her room earlier, or so she had thought. Elizabeth wasn't certain anymore what was real and what wasn't. Patrick knew that Elizabeth was scared, but he promised her that signing herself into Shadybrook had been half the battle. Elizabeth realized that she had to get better before the baby was born.

By the end of the visit, Elizabeth appeared to be in a better place. As Patrick prepared to leave, Elizabeth asked him how he would have felt if Robin had cheated on him with Matt. Patrick admitted that it would have hurt him deeply, but he would have wondered what his part in all of it had been. Elizabeth was curious if it was possible to be imperfect yet still be a good mother. Patrick compared Elizabeth's situation to the emergency instructions on a plane when parents are told to put on the oxygen masks first and then help their children with theirs. Patrick advised Elizabeth to concentrate on herself.

2/24 At the nurses' station, Epiphany complained when Robin and Lisa dropped off some patient files. Epiphany pointed out that the doctors were perfectly capable of filing their own records. Robin wondered why Epiphany was in such a foul mood. Epiphany refused to work overtime because she had plans to pick up tickets for a Beyoncé concert. Lisa casually offered to get the tickets for Epiphany. Epiphany warned Lisa not to play around; Epiphany was serious about Beyoncé.

Steve and Patrick walked up while Epiphany threatened retribution if Lisa didn't keep her word. Epiphany promised that Lisa would find herself scheduled at the "bottom of the rotation in OR three" until hell froze over. Lisa was curious what was wrong with OR three. "It's cursed," Robin explained. Steve realized that was the reason that the surgeons kept canceling when they were scheduled for OR three.

After Lisa walked away, Robin admitted that she hoped that Lisa would succeed. Patrick bet Robin twenty dollars that Lisa would succeed. Robin accepted the bet. Later, as Epiphany's shift ended, Patrick, Robin, Steve, and Lisa returned to the nurses' station. Robin wondered if Lisa had heard anything about the tickets. Lisa suggested that Epiphany check Epiphany's email. Epiphany whooped with joy when she discovered that she had two VIP tickets to a Beyoncé concert. Lisa explained that the tickets had been courtesy of an ex-boyfriend.

Patrick celebrated his victory by grabbing Robin and then kissing her. Meanwhile, Steve and Lisa talked about their love of country music. Steve checked online to see if he could find some tickets to a concert while Lisa watched Patrick and Robin. Steve announced that he had found tickets to a Tim McGraw concert, so he invited Lisa to join him. Lisa happily accepted, prompting Patrick to look up. Patrick appeared troubled by the prospect of Steve and Lisa going out.

2/25 At the nurses' station, Patrick and Robin were discussing a patient when Steve and Lisa approached. Steve and Lisa were laughing as they talked about the Tim McGraw concert. Patrick couldn't believe that Steve and Lisa were actually going to go to the concert. Lisa wondered why Patrick was surprised; she was a huge fan of the singer. Steve suggested that Patrick sounded jealous. Robin explained, "Patrick is mad because you can see Tim McGraw from anywhere. The next concert we're going to see is the philharmonic."

Lisa and Steve joked that Patrick sounded "whipped." Patrick's expression made it clear that he wasn't amused. Seconds later, Mac approached the nurses' station. Robin was surprised to see her uncle. Mac explained that he had stopped by to drop off a subpoena. Robin was saddened when Mac told her that Dante was expected to take the stand against Sonny. Robin thought that it was too much of a burden to expect a son to testify against his father.

Robin went to Dante's room to talk to Dante about Sonny. She showed Dante a picture of her with Stone, during happy times, while she opened up about Sonny and Stone's relationship, Stone's diagnosis of AIDS, and Stone's tragic death. Robin revealed that Sonny had taken care of Stone until the end. Later, Sonny had been there for Robin as she struggled to deal with her own HIV positive diagnosis. Robin insisted that Sonny was the kindest and most generous person that she had ever met. Dante was moved by Robin's story.

Patrick stood outside of the room, eavesdropping. He was furious as he listened to Robin. Eventually, Patrick entered the room to demand to have a private word with Robin. Robin stepped into the hallway with Patrick and then informed him that she hadn't appreciated how Patrick had practically dragged her out of the room by her hair. Patrick accused Robin of trying to influence Dante not to testify against Sonny. Robin insisted that Dante needed to hear what she had to say. Patrick didn't think that it was any of Robin's business. Patrick entered the room to sign off on Dante's paperwork. Dante was curious why Patrick wasn't trying to stop Dante from testifying. Patrick explained that it didn't concern him. "That's a refreshing point of view," Lulu quipped.

At the nurses' station, Robin and Steve reviewed Dante's test results. Robin was disappointed that there wasn't a medical reason to isolate Dante from the prosecution, so that Dante would have more time to consider his testimony. Robin and Steve were shocked when they saw Dante slowly make his way to the elevator. Steve was livid when Dante revealed that Patrick had given Dante the go-ahead to leave. Steve turned to Patrick for confirmation.

Patrick was unrepentant; he insisted that Dante was fit to testify. Robin accused Patrick of releasing Dante, so that Robin wouldn't have another chance to talk to Dante. Patrick didn't deny it. Steve reminded Patrick that Dante wasn't Patrick's patient. Patrick had overstepped his bounds by signing off on the release form. Steve warned Patrick not to let it happen again. After Steve walked away, Robin confronted Patrick. Patrick claimed that Dante was a big boy who was capable of deciding what to do without Robin's input.

2/26 At the hospital, Patrick and Robin argued about Sonny. Patrick didn't think that Robin should get involved in Sonny's trial. Robin pointed out that Sonny was her friend. Steve was forced to step in when things became heated. Lisa joined the group moments later. Lisa couldn't understand Robin's defense of mobsters. Lisa insisted that shooting an unarmed man was criminal behavior that deserved prosecution.

Robin reminded Lisa that Lisa didn't know Robin's history with Sonny. Robin insisted that Sonny was a kind and generous man who had donated an entire wing to the hospital. Lisa agreed that Sonny had been charming when Lisa had met him, but it didn't change what Sonny had done to Dante. Steve didn't think that Sonny's generosity should have any bearing on how they treated patients. Steve claimed that Robin had put Dante under stress by talking to him about Sonny. Robin disagreed with Steve's assessment, but she promised not to do it again. Robin realized that she didn't have any support from Patrick or her friends. Later, Steve overheard Robin snapping at someone in the lab over the phone. Steve took the phone from Robin and then dragged her away from the nurses' station.

Steve and Robin went to Kelly's for a milkshake. They briefly discussed Elizabeth's situation before Steve steered the conversation to why Robin felt compelled to help Sonny and Jason. Robin acknowledged that Sonny and Jason had done some bad things, but they also had done many great things. Robin explained that Sonny had taken care of her when she had needed it most. Robin had seen the compassionate, loving, and protective side of Sonny that many people had not.

Robin revealed that she had a bond with Sonny that no one could break. Steve wondered how Patrick felt about that. Robin claimed that Sonny had been wonderful to her and he had helped her after Stone had died. Robin insisted that if Patrick had a problem with that then there was nothing that she could do about it. Steve suggested that Robin might use the memories of Stone as some kind of boundary line to remind Patrick that she was HIV positive while Patrick wasn't.

Steve speculated that it was a way for Robin to tell Patrick that, no matter how much they loved each other, there were things that Patrick could never touch or understand. Robin confided that after Stone and Jason, she had been resolved to not get involved with anyone again. Robin had never imagined that she would marry; she had been content to live her life alone. Robin didn't want to be defined by her past. Everyone thought that she was brave and amazing, but Robin didn't feel that she was. The mention of Stone reminded her of all the pain and grief that she had endured.

Lisa followed Patrick to Jake's, in an effort to sort things out. Lisa offered to buy Patrick a drink. Patrick accepted Lisa's invitation. As Patrick and Lisa sat down at a table, Lisa asked about Robin's relationship with Jason and Sonny. Patrick talked about Robin's past with Jason and Sonny. He realized that Robin was close to Jason and Sonny, but he confessed that Robin kept that part of her life separate from her life with Patrick.

3/1 At Jake's, Patrick clarified that he wasn't miserable with Robin. Lisa reluctantly conceded that Patrick and Robin were obviously a happy couple. Patrick agreed, but he admitted that there was a barrier between Robin's life with him and Robin's past. Lisa suggested that they all had a past. She then took the opportunity to remind Patrick about a time that Patrick had accidentally locked himself out of their hotel room while he'd been naked. Patrick and Lisa laughed as they reminisced about the incident.

Lisa ordered a pitcher of beer and then invited Patrick and Coleman to play darts with her. As they threw darts, Lisa continued to focus on her past history with Patrick. Later, Coleman declared Patrick the winner of the dart game. Lisa jokingly claimed that she had lost because the light had been in her eyes, she had been overworked, and her bra had been too tight. Patrick laughed as Lisa demanded a rematch. Lisa tempted Patrick by suggesting that the loser had to do an "up and over."

Coleman was curious what an "up and over" was. Lisa promised that Coleman would see once she beat Patrick. As Patrick joined her for another game of darts, Lisa noted that they were well matched because of their competitive streak. Patrick suggested that they had been perfect for each other in college because neither of them had been interested in falling in love. The remark appeared to bother Lisa, but she quickly covered it. Later, Robin entered Jake's in time to see Lisa slowly bend over backwards on the bar while the crowd chanted "up and over." Patrick stood by Lisa's head as he emptied a shot glass filled with alcohol into Lisa's open mouth.

3/2 At Jake's, Robin watched as the crowd chanted "up and over" while Lisa leaned backwards over the bar, so that Patrick could empty a shot glass filled with alcohol into Lisa's mouth. Lisa sat up, gave Coleman a quick kiss, and then turned around to climb down from the bar. Lisa laughed as she drunkenly tumbled into Patrick's arms. Patrick looked up to see Robin standing in the doorway. Patrick quickly set Lisa on her feet and then rushed over to Robin.

Patrick kissed Robin and then invited her to join him. Robin didn't want Patrick to feel as if she had been checking up on him. Patrick assured Robin that it hadn't crossed his mind. Robin relaxed and then followed Patrick to a table. Robin confessed that she didn't mean to make excuses for Sonny; however, there was a connection between them that went beyond Stone or Robin's HIV status. Robin didn't think that she would ever be able to repay Sonny for all of the things that he had done for her.

Patrick loved that Robin was loyal, but he observed that Sonny had become more ruthless in recent years. Robin agreed, which was why she tried to keep her relationship with Sonny separate from her life with Patrick. Robin explained that she wanted their marriage to be about more than her HIV. Patrick believed that all of Robin's experiences, including her friendship with Sonny, had made Robin the person who she was. Patrick wouldn't have Robin any other way. Robin smiled as Patrick kissed her.

Lisa sat at the bar and ordered another beer. Coleman commented that Lisa looked a little "green around the gills," but Lisa was adamant that she was fine. Lisa turned to glance at Patrick and Robin as she explained that her "level of nausea had nothing to do with drinking." "What's up?" Coleman asked when he caught Lisa staring intently at Patrick and Robin. Lisa quickly looked away from the couple. She wondered if Coleman had ever noticed how Patrick seemed to turn into "Mr. Dull and Domesticated" whenever Robin joined the party.

DVD #11B  3/3 Robin went to Greystone Manor to visit Sonny. They talked about the impending trial and Dante's shooting. Sonny confessed that he had to learn to live with what he had done to Dante. Robin wondered if he could. Sonny sensed that Robin wanted to say more, so he invited to her to speak her mind. Robin admitted that she had a difficult time accepting that Sonny had shot an unarmed man, who was also a cop. Sonny assured Robin that he wasn't proud of what he had done.

Robin knew Sonny well enough to understand that the guilt of shooting his own son had been eating Sonny alive. Robin knew what Sonny was like beneath the mobster façade; she hoped that Dante would get to know that man one day. Sonny explained that he had been faced with a situation that had threatened everything important to Sonny. He insisted that Dante had known the consequences.

Robin tried to pretend that the violent side of Sonny didn't exist. According to Robin, Patrick accused her of having selective blindness. Sonny realized that his friendship with Robin could pose some problems for her marriage. Sonny assured her that he would understand if Robin decided to sever ties with him. He didn't want to cause trouble for Robin. However, he confessed that he would miss her.

Sonny arrived home to find Patrick waiting for him. Patrick wanted Sonny to know that Patrick had known the truth about Dante for about a year. Patrick confessed that he had overheard Kate and Olivia talking, but he had kept quiet because it hadn't been Patrick's secret to tell. Sonny was livid; he blamed Patrick, and everyone else who had kept quiet about Dante's paternity, for the shooting. Patrick pointed out that Dante wouldn't have been shot if Sonny hadn't pulled the trigger.

Sonny's temper flared. Sonny suggested that Patrick hadn't told Sonny about Dante because Patrick didn't like Sonny. Patrick insisted that he had always given Sonny the benefit of the doubt until Sonny had shot an unarmed cop. Sonny accused Patrick of being judgmental and standing on a pedestal. Patrick argued that Sonny's decision to shoot Dante had been wrong. Sonny didn't think that Patrick could understand the choices that Sonny had made because Patrick considered himself perfect.

Nikolas entered Elizabeth's room. Elizabeth repeated her request; she didn't want Nikolas to be present when she had the paternity test. Nikolas confessed that he had hoped to talk to Elizabeth before the test. Elizabeth cut him off. She didn't think that she was ready for any big discussions. Elizabeth wanted to figure things out first. Nikolas agreed not to pressure her. After Nikolas left, Robin arrived to offer Elizabeth a ride to the hospital. Elizabeth readily accepted; she hadn't looked forward to arriving at the hospital in one of Shadybrook's vans.

Elizabeth confided that she was nervous about the paternity test. Elizabeth also confessed that it was the first time since she had been a teenager that she didn't have a man in her life; it was one of several unhealthy patterns that Elizabeth hoped to break. Robin advised Elizabeth to take one step at a time. Robin assured Elizabeth that facing the truth about the baby was a great start. Elizabeth remained unsure; she realized that she wasn't as strong as she had thought.

Robin wondered what Elizabeth desired most in the world. Elizabeth confessed that she wanted to give her children a mother and father who lived under one roof and functioned as a loving family. Elizabeth had that with Lucky, but Elizabeth had destroyed it by sleeping with Nikolas. Robin was surprised when Elizabeth revealed that Nikolas wanted to marry Elizabeth. Elizabeth couldn't accept the proposal, which made Elizabeth feel as if it was another way that she had hurt Nikolas.

Robin suggested that one of the reasons that Elizabeth had a breakdown was because Elizabeth was always trying to make everyone happy. Robin insisted that it was time for Elizabeth to focus on making herself happy, not others. Elizabeth accepted that she had to be alone, but she had depended on Lucky for so long that she didn't know how to stop.

3/4 Nikolas arrived at the hospital for a board meeting. He approached the nurses' station to inquire if Elizabeth was at the hospital. Epiphany informed him that Elizabeth had returned to Shadybrook. Nikolas was concerned about Elizabeth's emotional state, so Epiphany suggested that he talk to Robin. Robin stood nearby.

Robin assured Nikolas that Elizabeth was well. Nikolas thanked Robin for taking care of Elizabeth. Robin took the opportunity to apologize to Nikolas. She regretted how she had reacted when Nikolas had confided to Robin about his feelings for Elizabeth. Robin wished that she had encouraged Nikolas to be honest. Nikolas clarified that it had been his responsibility, not hers. Nikolas assured Robin that she had acted as a good friend.

Robin confessed that Elizabeth felt guilty for hurting Lucky and Nikolas. Nikolas insisted that Elizabeth had not lost him. Robin explained that Elizabeth was completely focused on finding out her child's paternity. According to Robin, Elizabeth drew her strength from her children. Elizabeth was looking at the children as an incentive to get well.

Nikolas didn't want to pressure Elizabeth, but he was wanted things to work out for them. Robin smiled in understanding. Nikolas announced that he had to get to a meeting, but he appreciated Robin's insight. As Nikolas approached a door, Lisa called out to him. Lisa pulled him away for a private word, but before she could talk to him, Steve approached them. Steve wondered how Elizabeth was faring. Nikolas quickly updated Steve. Steve decided to go to Shadybrook to check on his sister.

3/9  At the hospital, Epiphany was in a great mood because she had a wonderful time at the Beyoncé concert. Epiphany couldn't thank Lisa enough for the tickets. Lisa was startled when Patrick walked up to the nurses' station. Lisa was certain that Patrick would have taken the day off to recuperate. Patrick insisted that he was fine. Lisa decided to test his claim by inviting him to Jake's after work.

Robin approached the nurses' station shortly afterwards. Robin wondered what was up. Lisa quickly extended an invitation to Robin. Robin bowed out; she confessed that she would rather spend the evening at home with Emma. Patrick agreed with Robin, so he declined to go to Jake's. Lisa was disappointed, but she didn't have time to argue. Epiphany announced that a helicopter had landed on the roof with a patient who needed Lisa's attention.

After Lisa walked away, Robin assured Patrick that she didn't mind him going to Jake's with Lisa. Patrick wasn't interested in going to Jake's without his wife. Later, Patrick questioned Robin about her sudden attitude regarding Jake's. Robin admitted that she didn't appreciate his ex-girlfriend including Robin in the plans at the last minute.

Robin liked Lisa, but some of Lisa's antics at the bar had become tiresome. Robin understood that Patrick enjoyed hanging out at Jake's with Lisa; she didn't want to begrudge him that. Patrick understood because he felt the same way about Sonny. Robin didn't think that the situations were remotely the same. Patrick disagreed, which led to an argument. Robin walked away.

Later, at the nurses' station, Epiphany advised Patrick and Robin to work things out. Robin explained that they weren't arguing, but she did pull Patrick aside. Robin assured Patrick that she loved him. She knew that Patrick didn't intend to go to Jake's to drink a few beers and then decide to leave her and Emma. Robin wanted Patrick to have fun. Patrick resented how Robin treated him as if he had been sulking. Robin confessed that she could sense it.

Patrick explained that what she sensed was him wondering why his wife was always looking for trouble. Before Robin could respond, Lisa and Steve walked up. Lisa's patient had displayed some alarming signs after surgery. Robin suggested that perhaps the patient's tremors were a reaction of the anesthesia or an indication that the patient was hypoglycemic. Lisa quickly dismissed Robin's advice. Lisa was certain that it was a neurological problem, so she wanted Patrick to check the patient. Patrick agreed. Lisa smiled and then told him that she had to shower and change. Lisa wanted Patrick to find her after he had completed the examination.

Patrick called out to Lisa when he entered the locker room. Lisa asked Patrick to join her. She was completely blasé about discussing a patient with Patrick while dressed in a bra and panties. Patrick tried to ignore Lisa's state of undress as he reviewed the patient's file with her. Patrick was unaware that Robin had walked up. Robin left before Patrick or Lisa spotted her. Moments later, Patrick suggested that Lisa find him after she finished dressing.

At the nurses' station, Patrick was curious what time Robin planned to leave the hospital. Robin was surprised that Patrick wasn't headed to Jake's with Lisa. She didn't want Patrick to go home with her out of a sense of obligation. Patrick wished that Robin would trust him to know what he wanted. Robin assured Patrick that she did trust him.

3/10 At the nurses' station, Patrick tuned out Epiphany when he spotted Lisa. Patrick recalled Lisa standing in the locker room wearing only her underwear. Epiphany was surprised when Patrick suddenly walked away. Patrick approached Lisa just as her pager went off. Lisa gave Patrick an apologetic look before she raced off. "Do we have a problem?" Epiphany wondered when Patrick returned to the nurses' station.

Later, Epiphany handed Patrick a copy of the new rules. She suggested that he read them. Patrick glanced at the paper and then quickly crumpled it. Robin noticed Patrick tossing the wad of paper into the wastebasket. "Let me guess, the new procedure codes?" she asked. Patrick mumbled that the old ones had been fine. Robin jokingly warned Patrick not to cheat off of her sheet when Steve decided to give them a pop quiz.

Robin's smile faded at Patrick's lack of reaction. She mentioned draping a blanket over him when she had found him asleep in the chair the previous night. Patrick insisted that everything was okay, but Robin didn't believe him. She was concerned because he had left for work before she woke up. Robin suspected that Patrick was upset because they hadn't gone to Jake's. Patrick didn't think that there was anything wrong with them occasionally enjoying a night out at Jake's since they spent a lot of time at home. Robin accused Patrick of being bored with her. Patrick denied it, but Robin didn't believe him. However, Robin was determined to find a way to work through the rough patch in their marriage.

Later, Patrick pulled Lisa aside to discuss what had happened in the locker room. Patrick insisted that he was a dedicated husband, so he hadn't appreciated seeing her half-naked. Lisa seemed surprised. She claimed that it hadn't been a big deal. Patrick didn't want Lisa to get the wrong idea. "What kind of wrong idea?" Lisa wondered. Patrick reminded her that they had a history, so he wanted Lisa to be very clear that he wasn't interested in her. Lisa assured him that she hadn't given the incident a second thought.

Epiphany was testing Robin on the new procedures when Patrick joined them at the nurses' station. Patrick surprised Robin with a beautiful long-stemmed red rose. After Patrick left to check on a patient, Johnny approached the nurses' station. Johnny was carrying Maxie, who was unconscious. Robin sent Epiphany to Johnny's car with a wheelchair for Spinelli and then led the way to an examination bay, so that she could treat Maxie. Robin warned Maxie that if pneumonia set in, it could be life-threatening because Maxie was a transplant recipient.

Lisa asked Patrick to consult on a spinal injury case. Lisa led the way to the elevator as she briefed Patrick. Lisa handed the patient's file to Patrick once they entered the elevator. As the doors closed, Patrick realized that another doctor on staff had been more qualified to deal with the injury. Lisa insisted that Patrick was the best. Patrick appeared skeptical. Lisa warned Patrick to stop thinking that there was some kind of ulterior motive. Lisa argued that it was counter-productive for them and their patients. Seconds later, the elevator jolted to a stop. They were stuck.

3/11 Maxie was eager to call Kate, but Robin insisted that Maxie needed to rest. Maxie understood that she had a higher risk for an infection because she was a heat transplant recipient; however, Maxie felt much improved. Mac entered the room seconds later. Maxie quickly assured Mac that everything was fine; she claimed that Robin was just running a few tests.

Patrick grew suspicious when he realized that he was stuck in an elevator with Lisa. Lisa accused Patrick of being ridiculous; she insisted that she had nothing to do with the elevator getting breaking down. She claimed to believe that Patrick was happily married and that she was glad for him. She promised that she had just been changing her clothes in the locker room.

Patrick suspected that there was more to it. He made it clear that there would never be anything between them. Lisa responded, "Message received." She declared that she had moved on since their college days. "Are you sure about that?" Patrick wondered. Lisa bristled; she suggested that if Patrick was bored with Robin and his life then it was on him. Lisa preferred to be left out of it.

As time wore on, the elevator became stifling. Lisa decided to shuck the shirt that she wore under her scrubs. Patrick watched as Lisa wiggled out of the shirt without taking off her scrubs. He recalled a similar incident during spring break when Lisa had slipped out of a bikini without taking off her shirt and mini skirt. Patrick confessed that he had been impressed. Lisa believed him since the memory had stayed with him.

Patrick and Lisa sat down on the floor as they continued their conversation. Lisa admitted that she had always admired Patrick during their college years. Patrick revealed that he had been driven to do better than his father, Noah. Lisa realized that Noah was the reason why Patrick was determined to excel as a husband. Patrick didn't deny it.

Eventually, the elevator started to move. Robin and Epiphany were waiting when the door slid open. Robin and Epiphany seemed surprised that Patrick and Lisa had been stuck in the elevator. Patrick was shocked that they hadn't heard the alarm. He didn't understand why no one had noticed that the elevator hadn't moved. The maintenance man explained that the elevator had been scheduled for work, so a sign had been posted to warn everyone. Patrick grumbled that he hadn't seen the sign. Lisa appeared equally annoyed.

3/15  Patrick noticed that Robin seemed worried. When he asked, she told him about her fears for Maxie. He tried to comfort her, but they were interrupted when Ethan rushed in carrying Kristina.

Robin and Monica listened as Mac railed against Spinelli and blamed him for Maxie's condition. Maxie said that she would be fine and demanded to see Spinelli. When she tried to get out of bed, Monica made her lie back down and told her that she had pneumonia and that it was putting a serious strain on her heart. While Patrick called Sonny to tell him what had happened to Kristina, Epiphany made a similar call to Alexis. Meanwhile, Steve told Lucky that it would be some time before Kristina could tell him what happened.

3/17 Spinelli approached the nurses' station, where Robin was working. Robin wondered how Spinelli's foot surgery had gone. He assured Robin that Dr. Niles had done an outstanding job. Robin was surprised that Spinelli wasn't with Maxie. Spinelli confessed that Maxie had company. He admitted that he wasn't in the mood to compete against Johnny. Epiphany and Robin assured Spinelli that Maxie loved Spinelli.

3/22At GH, Monica told Maxie, along with Mac, Robin, Patrick, and Spinelli, that Maxie's pneumonia was getting worse. She told Maxie and the others that it was necessary for her to remain calm. Mac understood that meant he had to be nice to Spinelli, who excused himself to get a present for Maxie.

In the hall, Robin shared her fears with Patrick, who understood the difficulties in coping with a chronic condition such as being HIV positive or having a transplanted heart. In Maxie's room, Mac told her how much she meant to him and how much he loved her. Mac left when Spinelli arrived with his computer.

3/23 Patrick went to the nurses' station to check on Robin. Robin admitted that she was concerned about Maxie. Patrick reminded Robin that it was important to stay positive. Robin appreciated the advice. Epiphany joined Patrick and Robin moments later to let them know that Maxie had finally stopped trying to run Crimson from her hospital bed.

Patrick offered to do Robin's rounds, so that Robin could visit with Maxie. Robin thanked Patrick, but turned him down. Robin explained that Maxie didn't want anyone hovering, so she had ordered Robin to have some fun. Robin confessed that it was hard to enjoy herself while Maxie was fighting for her life. Patrick had an idea about how to honor Maxie's request, but he wanted it to be a surprise.

Later, Robin overheard Patrick finalizing some plans. She was curious what Patrick was up to, but Patrick remained tightlipped except to ask Robin to meet him in at a certain time "in the park by the gazebo." Robin confessed that she was intrigued. Moments later, Lucky approached the nurses' station. Lucky wondered if Epiphany, Robin, and Patrick would answer some questions about the night of Kristina's attack.

Lucky was curious how Ethan had behaved after Kristina had been admitted. Robin had been treating Maxie, so she hadn't seen Ethan. Epiphany claimed that Ethan had been "appropriately concerned" about Kristina's welfare. Patrick disagreed; he claimed that Ethan had appeared "restless" and "agitated." Patrick revealed that Ethan hadn't bothered to stick around to see how Kristina was. Patrick believed that Ethan had beaten Kristina and then taken her to the hospital out of remorse.

A short time later, Robin confided that she was eager to hear news about Sonny's trial. Epiphany suggested that Robin check the television in the break room for any news updates. Robin was leery to follow Epiphany's advice because she didn't want Patrick to catch her checking up on Sonny. Epiphany assured Robin that Patrick wouldn't know because he had signed out for the day. Robin suddenly recalled that she had plans to meet Patrick, so she dashed off.

Lisa was surprised to find Patrick lighting candles in the park's gazebo for a romantic dinner. Patrick explained that it was a surprise for Robin, but Robin was late. He changed the subject to ask how Lisa had fared during jury duty. Lisa grumbled that it had not gone well; she had been selected as a juror for Sonny Corinthos' trial. Patrick invited Lisa to tell him all about it; however, he warned her that he was biased. Lisa sat down as she admitted that the judge had ordered the jury not to discuss the case. Patrick assured her that she could trust him. Lisa confided that the prosecutor was a cross between a "cheerleader and a pit bull." As they chatted, Robin walked up.

3/24 In the park, Lisa vacated her seat when Robin approached the gazebo. Robin was surprised to learn that Lisa had been selected as a juror for Sonny's trial. Robin promptly seized the opportunity to remind Lisa that there was a different side to Sonny, which the public had never seen. Robin praised Lisa for being a "woman of integrity" who wouldn't be swayed by tabloid rumors. Patrick bristled at Robin's attempt to influence Lisa.

Robin refused to apologize; she insisted that she merely wanted Lisa to treat Sonny as a real person. Lisa decided that it would be best to leave. After Lisa walked away, Patrick admitted that he didn't want to waste another minute talking about Sonny. Patrick preferred to focus on their beautiful surroundings and the meal that he had arranged for Robin. Robin couldn't understand Patrick's change of heart; he used to like Sonny.

Patrick confessed that everything changed when Sonny shot Dante. Patrick realized that Sonny's life was filled with violence. He didn't want Robin and Emma exposed to that. Robin insisted that Sonny was important to her, but she was not in Sonny's life. Her life was with Patrick and Emma. It was exactly what Patrick had needed to hear; he leaned forward and then kissed his wife.

3/26 Lulu stopped Robin in the hallway to share her concerns about Maxie. Robin explained that Maxie had septicemia, which lowered the blood pressure and increased the likelihood of organ failure. Robin reminded Lulu that Maxie was family, so Robin would do everything in her power to save Maxie. However, there was a very real possibility that Maxie might not pull through. Robin checked on Maxie. She advised Maxie to keep the oxygen mask on, so that Maxie's organs wouldn't have to labor so hard.

3/31 Patrick went to Shadybrook to pick up Elizabeth. Elizabeth was curious where Steve was. Patrick explained that Steve had been in surgery all night, so Patrick had agreed to fetch Elizabeth while Steve picked up the boys. Elizabeth was eager to get home, so she quickly gathered her things and then followed Patrick out of the door.

Elizabeth hugged her children and then reassured them that she was feeling much better. Patrick and Steve shared a look, but didn't say anything. After Patrick left, Elizabeth urged Steve to go home to get some much-needed rest. Steve was concerned that Elizabeth might be overdoing it. He wanted her to ask for help if she needed it. Elizabeth appreciated his concern, but she insisted that it was time that she did things for herself. 

Later, Olivia arrived at the hotel. She was baffled when she found a message from Robin asking to meet. Carly was certain that Robin wanted to persuade Olivia to cut Sonny some slack when Olivia testified. Olivia was surprised that Robin had that much nerve. Carly claimed that Robin was the "most inappropriate person on the planet." Olivia confirmed that she would meet with Robin, but Olivia didn't think that it would go the way that Robin hoped. "What does that mean?" Carly wondered. Olivia admitted that she didn't want to lie to protect Sonny. Olivia intended to tell the truth to the best of her ability. Carly was curious if that might complicate things between Dante and Olivia. Olivia reminded Carly that Dante was a cop who wanted Sonny off of the streets. "What do you want?" Carly asked. Olivia insisted that it didn't matter because she was all about her son at the moment.

Olivia approached the nurses' station to talk to Robin. Robin pulled Olivia aside to discuss Olivia's testimony. Olivia realized that Carly had been correct. Robin ignored the comment to remind Olivia that Olivia had once loved Sonny. Robin wanted Olivia to remember that when Olivia testified. Patrick stood nearby. He was furious when he overheard his wife.

Patrick couldn't believe that Robin was trying to manipulate a witness to testify in favor of Sonny. Patrick regretted that he had ever encouraged Olivia to tell Sonny the truth about Dante. He believed that Sonny was a criminal who didn't deserve to be around any children, including his own. Robin explained to Olivia that Patrick had issues with Sonny. Patrick didn't deny it; Patrick's entire view of Sonny had changed when Sonny had shot Dante in the chest.

Olivia appreciated what Robin was trying to do, but she insisted that Sonny had to take his "lumps" like everyone else. Olivia intended to tell the truth when she testified. After Olivia walked away, Robin blasted Patrick for undermining her in front of Olivia. Patrick argued that he had a right to protect his family; he wanted Robin to stay out of Sonny's mess.

4/1 Patrick approached Robin at the nurses' station to discuss Sonny's outburst in court. Robin wasn't in the mood to have another argument with Patrick about Sonny. The issue became moot when a process server approached Robin with a summons for Robin to testify at Sonny's trial.

In the courtroom, Robin was called to testify. Patrick took a seat in the back of the courtroom while Robin was sworn in. Initially, Robin's testimony was helpful to the defense. Robin told the jury about Sonny's relationship with Stone and the millions of dollars that Sonny had donated to the hospital for AIDS research. Things changed when Claire pointed out that Robin had been blessed with a near-perfect photographic memory. Claire wanted to know exactly what Sonny had said during his birthday toast to Claudia.

Robin squirmed with obvious discomfort as she tried to give vague answers. Claire made it clear that she wasn't looking for a summary of what Sonny had said; Claire wanted specifics. Robin reluctantly revealed that Sonny had admitted that Claudia had changed his life and left a permanent mark on his family. Claire pushed for more details. Robin was forced to testify that Claudia had begged to speak to Sonny alone when Sonny had accused her of shooting Michael.

Robin explained that Claudia had accused Jason of trying to discredit Claudia to Sonny. Claire wondered if Sonny had called Claudia a name. Robin quietly admitted that Sonny had accused Claudia of being a "faithless bitch." Claire relentlessly pushed for more details until Robin confessed that Sonny had promised the party guests that Claudia had lied for the last time.

Carly went to see Jason at the office. She was shocked when Jason revealed that Robin had been called to testify at Sonny's trial. Carly recalled when Robin had testified at Tony's trial after Tony had kidnapped Michael. Carly insisted that Robin was a "sanctimonious witch." Jason reminded Carly that Robin loved Sonny, but Carly didn't care. She believed that they should have the jet ready in case Sonny needed it.

4/2 In the courtroom, Claire questioned Robin about the statements that Sonny had made at Claudia's birthday party in regards to Claudia's miscarriage. Robin was forced to admit that Sonny had told everyone, "Thank God that baby wasn't born into our lives," and "Thank God [Claudia] will never bear my child." Claire was curious what had happened just before Claudia had pulled out a gun and then taken Carly hostage. Robin admitted that Sonny had ordered his bodyguards to escort Claudia to Greystone Manor. Claire asked Robin for a physical description of Sonny's bodyguards. Robin admitted that they were six feet and over two hundred pounds.

Claire wondered how tall Claudia was. "Smaller," Robin answered. Claire clarified that Claudia's autopsy report had listed Claudia as "five feet, four inches tall and one hundred and ten pounds." Claire wanted to know if Claudia had been trapped in the restaurant. "Yes," Robin quietly confessed. Claire announced that she was through questioning Robin, but Robin felt compelled to add that Claudia had caused Carly to go into labor when Claudia had shoved a gun into the side of Carly's stomach.

Robin relaxed when it was Diane's turn to ask the questions. Diane gave Robin an opportunity to tell the court that Sonny was a wonderful and loving father. Diane wondered if Robin had ever known Sonny to be abusive to women. Before Robin could respond, Diane corrected herself; she was curious if Robin had ever "seen" Sonny be abusive to a woman. Claire immediately accused Diane of steering Robin away from the original question, so the judge ordered Robin to answer the question the way that it had been originally posed.

Robin admitted that Sonny had said some harsh things in the heat of anger, but she made it clear that she had never known Sonny to hit or threaten a woman. After the judge excused Robin from the witness stand, Robin raced out of the courtroom. Patrick was close behind his wife. In the hallway, Robin was devastated that she had hurt Sonny's case. Patrick understood that it had been a painful experience for Robin. He admired Robin for telling the truth. The moment that Sonny entered the hallway of the courthouse, Robin threw herself into his arms and then apologized.

Sonny assured Robin that she didn't have any reason to be sorry because he had never expected her to lie for him. Sonny promised that he would be fine. He confessed that it meant the world to him that Robin believed in him. A short time later, the judge announced his decision about Maxie's testimony. Judge Carroll intended to take the court to Maxie, since she was unable to leave the hospital.

Jason suggested that the best option would be to send Michael with Sonny to South America. Carly strenuously objected. She was frustrated because she had a feeling that Robin's testimony would do more harm than good, since Robin would tell the truth and only the truth. Jason argued that Robin's testimony might help, but Carly rejected the idea. She was certain that Robin would make it appear that "Father of the Year, Sonny" had protected Michael by hiding him out, so that Michael wouldn't have to testify.

A short time later, Sonny entered the office. Carly immediately wanted to know what had happened at court. Sonny admitted that things looked bleak because Johnny had told the jurors that Sonny had intended to kill Claudia. Afterwards, Claire had grilled Robin about the events at Claudia's birthday party. Carly was furious. She insisted that if Robin had been a true friend then Robin would have lied. Sonny made it clear that he had never expected Robin to lie for him.

4/8 At the park, Robin was surprised when she spotted Nikolas sitting in the sandbox with Spencer. Nikolas chuckled; he confessed that it had been more fun to play with Spencer than he had thought it would be. Nikolas regretted that he had missed bonding with Spencer when Spencer had been an infant. Robin reminded Nikolas that it hadn't been his fault because Jax and Carly had taken Spencer from him. Nikolas admitted that he wanted a real relationship with Spencer and the new baby. Nikolas missed not growing up with his siblings, so he wanted Spencer to have the opportunity that Nikolas had been denied.

Robin and Nikolas sat down on a park bench while Spencer continued to play in the sandbox. Nikolas confided that Lulu had accused him of wanting the baby to be his because Nikolas was desperate to retain a connection with Elizabeth. Robin was curious if Lulu had "nailed it." Nikolas insisted that he just wanted to be present in his children's lives.

4/9 Later, Patrick caught an error that Elizabeth had made. Steve overheard Patrick and Elizabeth, so he questioned Patrick about the mistake. Patrick reminded Steve that they were doing things a new way and that it was Elizabeth's first day back at work. Steve didn't care; he couldn't afford for Elizabeth to drop the ball. Steve decided to reassign Elizabeth, effective immediately

4/14 At the nurses' station, Steve was curious if Patrick or Robin knew where Dr. Croft was because Steve had a trauma patient who needed to be seen by an orthopedic surgeon. Patrick complained that Dr. Croft moved too slowly. Robin pointed out that Dr. Croft was a good doctor who had done a fine job before Lisa had arrived. Patrick argued that patients shouldn't have to settle for good when they could have great. Steve agreed that Lisa was the better doctor, but she was on jury duty.

Epiphany approached Steve moments later with a message. Steve was surprised to discover that it was from Lisa. Lisa had arranged, through Coleman, to treat Patrick, Robin, and Steve to a night out at Jake's. Lisa had one request: that they do an "up and over" for her. Steve wondered what that was. Patrick chuckled as he explained to Steve that it was something that had to be seen. Steve thought the night out sounded like fun. Robin, on the other hand, was less than enthusiastic.

4/15 At Jake's, Patrick asked Steve how Elizabeth was handling working in the oncology department. Patrick imagined that it must be difficult. Steve revealed that the patients knew how to live, so he hoped that it would help Elizabeth to do the same. Patrick and Steve raised their bottles of beer in a toast to Elizabeth and then to Lisa for paying for their night at Jake's. Patrick and Steve began talking about different ways of living.

Patrick admitted that he enjoyed being married and fatherhood, but he missed the simplicity of his bachelor days. As a beautiful woman walked by, Steve admitted that he had remained single because there was too much temptation walking around. Both men realized that the atmosphere was lacking the "full moon factor" without Lisa around. Olivia entered the bar moments later. She planned to meet Johnny, so that they could "howl at the moon."

Patrick and Steve chuckled when Olivia challenged them to a game of darts while she waited for Johnny to arrive. Later, after Steve's dart nearly struck a patron, so Steve decided to fetch another round of beer. Patrick took the opportunity to ask how Olivia hoped Sonny's trial would end. Olivia believed that Claudia had gotten exactly what she had deserved. Patrick wondered how Olivia felt about what Sonny had done to Dante. Olivia was happy that her son was alive, but how he chose to deal with Sonny was up to him.

As Steve returned to the table, Robin and Johnny entered the bar. Patrick and Olivia joked that they each wanted a rematch of the dart game. Before Olivia walked away with Johnny, she reminded Patrick to see her if he needed any help with his car engine. Robin hadn't realized that Patrick and Olivia had been so "chummy." Patrick explained that Olivia's brother owned a garage, so Olivia was knowledgeable about cars and NASCAR. Steve offered to fetch Robin a shot of tequila or a beer, but she declined both.

Patrick sensed that Robin had a bad day. Robin bristled when she noticed Patrick looking at a beautiful woman in the bar. She offered to leave, so that Patrick could check out the beautiful ladies. Patrick suggested that Robin stay; he suggested that she might enjoy herself. Steve quickly excused himself when he realized that Robin and Patrick needed some privacy. Patrick wondered what Robin's gig was. He suspected that she was fretting about whether or not Sonny would get what he deserved.

4/21 Elizabeth and Nik found Shirley giving Patrick Rumba lessons in the hallway. Patrick appreciated Shirley's dancing tips; he hoped to use them on Robin later that evening. After Patrick left, Elizabeth introduced Nikolas to Shirley. Moments after Nikolas, Elizabeth, and Shirley returned to Shirley's hospital room, Matt entered. Matt had a bright yellow feathered boa that he handed to Shirley. Shirley wrapped the boa around Matt's neck and then inquired if he was ready for another lesson.

At Jake's, Claire noticed Patrick's frustration after he had checked his messages. She wondered if everything were okay. Patrick grumbled that he had invited his wife out for a drink, but she had decided to go home. Claire began talking about disappointments and lost causes. Patrick was curious if there was something in particular that was troubling Claire. Claire confessed that it was difficult to do the right thing; she had found herself making compromises that she had never thought possible.

Claire turned the discussion to ethics. She was curious if the end justified the means. Patrick revealed that he knew who Claire was. He explained that Robin Scorpio was his wife. Claire assumed that Patrick wasn't a fan of the woman who was prosecuting Sonny. Patrick surprised her by offering to buy Claire a drink. He acknowledged that Robin had a long history with Sonny, which Patrick believed Robin romanticized.

Patrick accused Sonny of hiding behind those that Sonny claimed to love. Claire suggested that it was a smart move on Sonny's part. Patrick believed that Claire could put Sonny away because she didn't have any emotional attachment to those close to Sonny. He assured her that she was doing the right thing.

4/27 Patrick and Emma bumped into Nikolas and Spencer in the park. After the kids settled down to play in the sandbox, Nikolas and Patrick sat down on a park bench to watch the children. Nikolas confessed that he was impressed with Patrick's parenting skills; he wondered what Patrick's secret was. Patrick confessed that if there were a secret then he didn't know it. Patrick had read some books on parenting before Emma's birth, but they hadn't been much help.

Nikolas was curious when things had started to turn around for Patrick. Patrick revealed that the learning process began when he had first held Emma. Nikolas confided that he would like to blame his inability to parent on Jax for stealing Spencer at birth, but it would be a poor excuse for the lack of time that Nikolas had spent with Spencer since reuniting with his son. Nikolas was determined to be there for the new baby, even if Elizabeth didn't want anything to do with him. Nikolas confided that if Elizabeth had her way, she would raise the baby without Nikolas.

Nikolas realized that he was a reminder of everything that Elizabeth had lost. Patrick considered Elizabeth a good friend, whom he respected. However, Elizabeth needed someone to blame for her failed relationship with Lucky, so she had put it on Nikolas. Patrick was curious if Nikolas' desire to be a good father was merely an attempt to impress Elizabeth. Nikolas clarified that he was doing it for his children. Patrick believed that Elizabeth understood the importance of a father's role in a child's life, so he was confident that Elizabeth wouldn't shut Nikolas out of the baby's life.

4/28 Robin and Patrick were enjoying the afternoon in the park with Emma. Robin admitted that she was happy to hear that Nikolas had talked to Patrick about fatherhood. She was impressed that Nikolas was determined to be a good father to his children. Patrick confessed that Emma made fatherhood look easy. Patrick couldn't believe that there had been a time that he didn't want children. He credited Robin for making him realize what was important.

Robin smiled as she suggested that Patrick should listen to her more often. Robin and Patrick were surprised when they suddenly spotted Michael in the park. Patrick decided to call the police, but Robin objected. She didn't see the point of turning in Michael when the jury was already deliberating Sonny's case. Patrick was certain that Robin was trying to protect Sonny, not spare Michael from having to testify.

Robin was tired of having to defend herself about Sonny. Patrick argued that Sonny was a constant source of violence who hid behind his loved ones. Patrick realized that Sonny would always be a menace when Sonny had shot Dante, a cop. Robin was hurt by Patrick's lack of understanding. She didn't think that her life with Stone had meant anything to Patrick, even though it had shaped who Robin was.

5/3, 5/4, 5/5 At the Scorpio-Drake residence, Robin confessed to Emma that Robin and Patrick desperately needed some alone time together. Moments later, someone knocked on the front door. It was Jason. Robin invited Jason into her home. After he filled her in about Michael's arrest, Robin assured Jason that Michael would get through the ordeal because of everything that Jason had done for Michael through the years.

Jason walked out to the back patio and then confessed that he owed Robin an apology. Jason realized that Robin had been right to tell AJ the truth about Michael. Robin had never intended to impose her own values on Jason, but she felt that she AJ had a right to know about his son. However, she conceded that the Quartermaines were crazy, so there hadn't been any guarantees that Michael would have turned out better with them. Jason pointed out that Michael had killed someone, so it couldn't have been worse. Jason hated that Claudia's death would always follow Michael.

After Patrick arrived home, Robin pulled out of a photo album filled with baby pictures of Michael. Patrick confided that Lisa had told him about Michael's arrest. Robin revealed that Jason had dropped by earlier to talk to her about Michael. Patrick appeared troubled as Robin opened up about how much Jason had meant to her. Robin claimed that if it weren't for Jason, she probably wouldn't have had Emma or have been open to falling in love with Patrick. Patrick admitted that he had never been in love before he had met Robin. He imagined that it must have been difficult for her to get past Stone's death, so he would always be grateful to Jason for helping Robin. Patrick suspected that Jason would always be Robin's connection to Stone.

5/12 Patrick arrived home to find Robin curled up on the sofa with a book. Robin was surprised to see him. Patrick had signed out early because he had been worried that Robin might be upset about Michael's sentencing. As Patrick joined her on the sofa, he asked her what she was reading. Robin admitted that it was her diary, which she had started when she was Michael's age.

Robin recalled what it had been like to be eighteen. She revealed that Stone had been eighteen when he had been diagnosed with AIDS. She also noted that it was the same age that she had been when Stone had died a year later. Robin was certain that Michael would always associate turning eighteen with going to jail. Patrick couldn't imagine what it had been like for Robin to live through Stone's illness and then her own diagnosis at such a tender age.

Robin warned Patrick that they would have to respect Emma if she were to approach them at eighteen and claim to be in love. Patrick didn't want to have to think about that, so he suggested that he and Robin head to Jake's for some fun and relaxation. Robin wasn't interested, but she urged Patrick to go. She wanted some time alone with her memories.

At Jake's, Steve was happy to see Lisa. He admitted that he had missed her. Lisa was touched, but she didn't think that he had to lay in wait for her at Jake's, in order to see her. Steve picked up a pitcher of margaritas and then led Lisa to a table. Lisa pointed out that Steve had never answered her question when they had gone to the Tim McGraw concert. She reminded him that she had been curious why such a great guy like Steve was unattached.

Lisa was startled that Steve looked as if she had just kicked his puppy. Steve quietly revealed that he had been involved with a pharmaceutical representative and that they had lived together for a year. Patrick approached the table before Steve could continue his story. Patrick seemed a bit taken aback when Lisa made it clear that he had interrupted her conversation with Steve. After Patrick excused himself, Lisa urged Steve to continue where he had left off.

Steve confessed that he had bought an engagement ring for his girlfriend, but before he could propose, she had confessed that she was in love with his best friend. Steve had been crushed, but he had wished them well. Lisa was impressed. She admitted that she didn't play nice when someone stole her "toys." Steve chuckled.

Patrick watched Steve and Lisa from the bar. Coleman confided that Steve and Lisa had been like that all evening, so Patrick decided that he could be a "third wheel" at home. Robin was surprised when Patrick arrived home earlier than she had expected. Patrick claimed that he hadn't been in the mood for the whole "beer and darts thing."

Robin confessed that she had reached the part of her diary when Stone had died. She admitted that it had been at least five years since she had read it. Patrick was curious why Robin had decided to pull out the journal. Robin shrugged and then suggested that perhaps it was because of what had happened to Michael. After Robin went to the kitchen to fetch something to eat, Patrick glanced down to see that she had left the journal on the sofa.

5/18 Patrick approached Robin at the nurses' station to share the news that he had been asked to do a study on the efficiency of the new health care plan. He was curious if Robin wanted to help him. Robin was happy for Patrick, but she declined. She explained that she had committed to consult with patients in the AIDS wing. Patrick was stunned. "Since when?" he asked.

Robin revealed that she recently had a patient who had been in denial about having AIDS. It had made her realize that people still needed to be educated about the disease, so Robin decided to do her part. As Robin walked away, Matt approached his brother to discuss a change that Patrick had made to Matt's schedule. Matt wondered what he had done to piss Patrick off. Hoping to get an answer, he followed Patrick to the elevator.

Patrick confided that Robin had taken a new position in the AIDS wing. Matt didn't understand why Patrick seemed upset. Patrick explained that he had arrived home the night before to find Robin sitting on the sofa. Patrick revealed that Robin had been upset and reading the diaries that she written when she had been with Stone. "Oh, so you're trying to compete with a dead man," Matt observed. "Of course not," Patrick insisted; he believed that would be meaningless.

Later, Patrick and Lisa were chatting and joking around as they approached the nurses' station. Patrick casually asked if Lisa and Steve intended to go out again. "Again?" Lisa asked and then chuckled as if it were a silly question. Patrick reminded her that she had made it clear that he had interrupted her and Steve when he had approached their table at Jake's. Lisa didn't comment on her relationship with Steve, but she gushed about what a nice and refreshing guy Steve was. She appreciated that Steve didn't always stare at her breasts when he talked to her.

"Is that an insult?" Patrick defensively asked. Lisa suggested that if he were all ego, flash, and as shallow as a mud puddle, then the shoe might fit. Patrick watched Lisa as she walked away. When Lisa returned to the nurses' station, Steve was signing in. Lisa flirtatiously apologized for keeping him out late. Steve returned her smile as he admitted that he had fun with her. After Steve went to locker room to change, Epiphany handed a patient file to Lisa.

Epiphany explained that Patrick had requested that Lisa review the file. Lisa asked Epiphany to send Patrick to the locker room when he was free. Epiphany agreed, but rolled her eyes as Lisa walked away. A short time later, Patrick arrived at the locker room to look for Lisa. He stopped short when he saw Lisa relaxing on a bench while flirting with Steve, who was in the process of getting dressed after a shower.

Maxie ran up to Robin at GH. Maxie explained that Jason had decided to go to prison to protect Michael. Robin wasn't surprised by the news. Maxie was worried about Spinelli. She decided that the best way to lift Spinelli's spirits would be to make him feel powerful and manly. Maxie needed Robin's help to figure out the perfect plan. Robin had no idea how to help her cousin, but she wished Maxie well. Maxie was struck by inspiration moments later; she announced that she needed to find a hot guy who would fawn over her. Maxie planned to make Spinelli jealous, so that he would fight for her. Maxie was certain that Spinelli would feel better after he won her over from some hot guy. Maxie decided that Matt would be the perfect choice, since she wasn't interested in him. Robin tried to talk Maxie out of it, but Maxie ignored her. 

5/19 Patrick spied on Lisa as she chatted with Steve in the locker room. Steve offered to give Lisa some guitar lessons, which Lisa readily accepted. Patrick barged into the locker room when Lisa agreed to go to dinner with Steve before the lesson. Patrick grumbled that he had been waiting for Lisa; he offered to find another doctor to consult on the case if Lisa were too busy flirting with Steve. Steve suggested that Patrick to take it up with the board if he seriously thought that Lisa had neglected her patients.

Later, Steve confronted Patrick at the nurses' station about the incident in the locker room. Steve accused Patrick of behaving like a jealous boyfriend. Patrick argued that he was a married man; he claimed he had been annoyed because their patient had been waiting. Steve questioned why Patrick had been so proprietary about Lisa. Before Patrick could respond, Robin walked up.

Steve covered for Patrick when Robin questioned the tension between them. However, Steve made a point to suggest that Patrick think twice before he rushed to judgment. Later, Robin approached Steve to ask a favor. She wanted to spend more time working in the AIDS wing. Steve reminded her that it was up to the board, not him. Robin pointed out that the board would ask for Steve's recommendation.

Steve was curious why Robin suddenly wanted to work in the AIDS wing. Robin believed that it was time for her to give back to the community. She thought that it would be rewarding to counsel patients who were dealing with the disease. Steve reminded her that her plate was already full. Robin didn't disagree, but she felt that she owed it to Stone to be a part of the wing that had been built in his honor.

Patrick found Lisa in the locker room shortly after she had showered. Lisa had a towel wrapped around her as she brushed her hair. Patrick admitted that he had been jealous when he had seen her with Steve. He believed that it had been a natural response because of their past relationship. Lisa confessed that she had felt the same way when she had discovered that Patrick was married and had a baby. Patrick cut her off before she could continue. He insisted that he was happily married and therefore, he didn't have a right to tell Lisa whom she could date. After Patrick walked away, Lisa smiled.

5/20 At Greystone Manor, Robin could see that Sonny was tense. She hugged him and then inquired about Michael. Sonny explained that he was frustrated because no one seemed willing to help Michael because he was Sonny's son. Sonny was worried about Michael because Michael was only eighteen. Robin commented that it was the same age that Stone had been when Stone had been diagnosed with AIDS.

Robin confessed that she had been thinking about Stone quite a bit in recent days. She wondered if Sonny were interested in donating money to a new project that she was working on for the AIDS wing. Sonny was eager to help. Robin appreciated Sonny's generosity. She was curious if he remembered what Sonny used to tell him. He asked if she were referring to Stone's advice for Sonny to allow himself to be happy. Robin smiled.

Later, Sonny confirmed that arrangements had been made for a sizeable donation. Robin thanked Sonny and then asked how things were between Sonny and Dante. Sonny confessed that there was a bigger wall than ever between him and Dante. Robin reminded Sonny that he was Dante's father and that nothing could change that. She advised Sonny to reach out to Olivia. According to Robin, Olivia knew who Sonny was and that he was a kind person. She suggested that Olivia might surprise Sonny.

5/26 At the hospital, Elizabeth pulled Robin aside to ask for her help with Nikolas. Elizabeth explained that Nikolas had become extremely controlling since he had learned that she was pregnant with his child. Elizabeth explained that Nikolas was trying to pressure her to move in with him, but she refused to expose her children to Helena. Robin promised to talk to Nikolas as soon as possible. A short time later, Robin went to Wyndemere.

Nikolas complained to Robin that Elizabeth saw him differently since their affair had ended. Nikolas didn't appreciate that Elizabeth put all of the blame for the affair on him. He acknowledged that Elizabeth had always been remorseful after they had slept together, but he insisted that she had been a willing participant. Robin recalled that Nikolas and Elizabeth had deeply regretted betraying Lucky. Robin suggested that Elizabeth's new view of things was proof of how destructive guilt could be.

Nikolas was certain that Elizabeth wanted to paint him as the bad guy, so that she could pretend that Lucky was the baby's father. Robin urged Nikolas to back off because it wasn't helping matters. Nikolas stubbornly refused to consider it. He insisted that he had an obligation to his child, so if that meant he had to pressure Elizabeth to meet it, "so be it."

At the nurses' station, Lisa made certain that Patrick was paying attention when she approached Steve. Lisa thanked Steve for the guitar lesson and then flirtatiously invited him out to dinner. Steve happily agreed to go out with Lisa. Nearby, Patrick snatched up some paperwork and then walked up to Steve to inform the chief of staff that some heart monitors had been delivered to the wrong department. Steve dashed off to straighten things out. Lisa smiled knowingly as she informed Patrick that he hadn't been subtle. Patrick let Lisa know that she hadn't been subtle either.

Lisa insisted that Patrick was busted. She recalled seeing the same move numerous times in the past when Patrick wanted to get rid of the competition. Patrick brushed it off as playful practice, but Lisa didn't appear to believe him. Later, Patrick and Lisa returned to the nurses' station after examining a patient. Lisa casually invited Patrick to lunch at a sushi place. Patrick tentatively agreed, but he wanted to make certain that Robin was free to join them.

Patrick was curious if Elizabeth knew where Robin was. Elizabeth glanced up from her chart to let him know that Robin had gone to Wyndemere to talk to Nikolas on her behalf. She promised Patrick that Robin would be back soon. Patrick decided to pass on lunch with Lisa. Lisa suggested that Patrick could leave a message asking Robin to join them, but Patrick didn't think it was a good idea.

Lisa smiled and then turned around to ask Steve out to lunch. Steve readily accepted, so the two headed to the elevator. As Patrick watched them, Elizabeth asked Patrick to tell his friend to be nice to Steve. Elizabeth explained that Steve didn't need a broken heart. Patrick assured Elizabeth that Steve's heart was safe. Patrick steered the conversation away from Steve and Lisa by admitting that he hoped Robin was successful with Nikolas. Elizabeth agreed; she refused to raise her baby like a Cassadine.

5/27 At the nurses' station, Lisa scheduled an operating room for a victim of a motorcycle accident. Patrick walked up as Epiphany stepped away. Lisa told Patrick about her patient, who had numerous injuries. Patrick thought that the man would be a good candidate for them to operate on. Lisa explained that she had asked Steve to scrub in with her. Patrick was stunned. He didn't think that Lisa should allow her personal life to dictate a patient's treatment.

Lisa was offended by the suggestion that she would endanger her patient's life to further a personal agenda. They both fell silent when Steve approached them. Steve wanted to go over a few things before the surgery so Lisa left with Steve to review the patient's file. Robin noticed her husband's surly mood when she joined him at the nurses' station.

Patrick accused Steve of stealing his surgery. Robin raised an eyebrow as she suggested that Patrick felt threatened by the competition. Patrick denied that it was about his ego, but Robin didn't believe him. She argued that Steve was every bit as good of a trauma surgeon as Patrick was a neurosurgeon. Robin insisted that Steve wasn't "snaking" Patrick's surgeries. "Yes he is." Patrick shot back.

Patrick complained that Steve was scrubbing in with Lisa. Robin was curious if Lisa had complained or objected to Steve assisting her. "No," Patrick was forced to admit. Robin couldn't understand why Patrick was so upset. Patrick wondered how Robin would feel if Lisa had started taking things away from her. Robin appeared a bit taken aback by the question. Patrick didn't seem to notice; he thought it was easy for Robin to joke around about his ego because she didn't have any competition.

Robin was insulted by Patrick's dismissive attitude. Robin informed Patrick that she had experience with doctors trying to look good at her expense. However, she didn't think that Steve was competing with Patrick any more than Lisa was competing with Robin. Patrick belligerently responded, "Let's say for the sake of argument that you're wrong." Robin insisted that, until Steve began performing neurosurgery he wasn't threatening Patrick's position.

Lisa and Steve returned to the nurses' station after the surgery. Lisa bragged about what a great team she and Steve had made. Steve announced that he and Lisa were headed to Jake's to celebrate; he invited Patrick and Robin to join them. Patrick scowled as he turned away.

6/2 Robin was busy working on her laptop as Patrick prepared to leave for work. Patrick suggested that they meet for lunch, but Robin declined because she had a meeting with the head of the World AIDS Crisis Center on behalf of the Stone Cates Wing. Patrick was annoyed that Robin was too busy immortalizing her dead boyfriend to spend time with him.

After Patrick stormed out of the house, Maxie stopped by to talk to Robin about Spinelli spending his days sitting around in his pajamas and playing online video games. Maxie reminded Robin of her plan to make Spinelli jealous by flirting with Matt. Maxie confessed that Matt had turned out to be a surprisingly good kisser and that she couldn't stop thinking about him. Robin was confident that Maxie didn't want to sabotage her relationship with Spinelli, but Maxie argued that she felt lonely and abandoned. Robin urged Maxie to stay away from Matt and to focus on loving and supporting Spinelli through a difficult period in his life.

Robin cut the visit short because she had to get ready for her meeting. Maxie was impressed when Robin shared the details about her work for the AIDS wing. Robin confessed that she had recently had a wake-up call that had renewed her commitment to helping AIDS patients. Maxie was proud of her cousin; she imagined that Patrick was too. Robin confided that Patrick was too busy sulking; however, Robin refused to allow that to stop her from doing important work. Maxie seemed a little surprised by Robin's attitude, so she advised Robin to figure out if her work was more important than her marriage.

Patrick remained in a foul mood when he arrived at the hospital. Patrick's attitude didn't improve when he spotted Matt flirting with one of the nurses. Patrick snidely pointed out that it was a hospital, not a dating service. "Spoken like a true old geezer who had a fight with his wife," Matt shot back. Patrick started to tell Matt about his argument with Robin, but Matt's silly grin distracted him. "What's with the stupid face?" Patrick wondered. Matt was initially evasive, but Patrick quickly figured out that it was about a woman.

"Maxie," Matt confirmed. Patrick suggested that Matt was delusional to think that Maxie was interested in anything with Matt. Matt revealed that Maxie had been using him to make Spinelli jealous, but that things hadn't gone according to plan. Matt admitted that he was having a blast spending time with Maxie and that she felt the same about him, but she wasn't ready to admit it.

Steve approached Lisa at the nurses' station to find out if she had bought anything from Shirley. Lisa confessed that she had purchased a bracelet. Steve glanced down, but didn't see the bracelet. Lisa whispered that Shirley's jewelry was "God-awful," but she couldn't resist buying it. Steve chuckled as he accused Lisa of being a softie. Lisa realized that she wasn't the only person with a soft heart when she discovered that Steve had also purchased some jewelry from Shirley. Steve and Lisa were smiling at each other when Patrick walked up.

"It's the team that rocks the universe," Patrick commented as he passed Steve and Lisa. Patrick sarcastically asked Lisa if she and Steve had performed any miracles that day. She quickly guessed that Patrick and Robin had an argument. Patrick resented how smug Lisa seemed about it. Lisa grinned when she realized that she had been right. Before Patrick could respond, his phone rang. It was Robin. Robin wanted Patrick to meet her at home for lunch.

Later, Patrick arrived home with a bag of food from a Thai restaurant. He also revealed that he had taken the rest of the day off. Robin admitted that the food smelled delicious; however, she only had time for lunch because she had a lot to do before she left. Patrick was curious where Robin was going. Robin confessed that she had been given the opportunity to go to Africa to open a new AIDS clinic. She assured him that she would be back in time for Father's Day on June nineteenth. Patrick was furious that Robin had made the decision without discussing it with him.

6/3 Steve and Lisa approached the nurses' station as they discussed a patient. Steve glanced down when his phone beeped. He chuckled when he saw that he had received a message from his college buddy, Henry. A nurse walked up moments later to let Steve know that the union representative had left. Steve complained that he had only been five minutes late. Lisa felt bad because she had asked Steve to consult on a case after Patrick had bailed on her to run home to Robin.

Patrick was furious that Robin had agreed to go to Africa without discussing it with him first. Robin accused Patrick of expecting her to minimize her HIV. He resented how Robin made him out to be some kind of bigot when in reality she refused to talk about it with him because she had decided that he couldn't understand what she was going through. Robin argued that Patrick was never open to what she had to say. Patrick sat down and then invited her to speak her mind. He insisted that he wanted to hear about all of it, including Stone.

Robin insisted that she had already told him everything, but it seemed that Patrick wouldn't, or couldn't, understand any of it. She claimed that she didn't have time to rehash it because she needed to get ready. Robin made it clear that she would go to Africa; she was sorry if that hurt him. Patrick wondered if she thought it was fair to walk out on Emma again.

Robin couldn't believe that Patrick would try to go there with her. Patrick pointed out that it wasn't the first time that Robin had walked away from them, although this time she didn't have an excuse. Robin argued that postpartum depression was not an excuse; she had been sick. If she couldn't have his compassion as a husband, then she expected him to understand as a doctor. "Don't do that," Patrick shot back. He insisted that he had stood by Robin every step of the way.

Patrick wondered why Robin had bothered to get married if she had intended to dedicate her life to her late boyfriend by trotting around the world saving people. Robin confessed that she had thought that her husband would be supportive. Patrick argued that there were plenty of people at home who needed her help, so he didn't understand why she had to go to Africa. He suggested that she, not he, was the restless one.

Patrick suspected that Robin was afraid to be happy. Robin accused Patrick of being jealous of Stone. "I guess that makes me unworthy of perfect little you," Patrick snapped. "I guess it does," Robin responded as she stormed out of the house. She returned some time later.

Robin explained that she had gone to the park, where she and Stone used to stare at the clouds in the sky and imagine the life that they would never have. Robin spotted Patrick's suitcase in the corner. He revealed that he intended to go to Africa with Robin. Patrick revealed that Anna had agreed to fly to Port Charles to take care of Emma. Robin was touched by the offer, but she admitted that she had called the head of the organization to let him know that she couldn't go to Africa because she had failed to include her husband in the plans.

Patrick appreciated that Robin had been willing to cancel the trip, but he wanted her to go. Robin warned him that there was only one spot open, so he couldn't join her. Patrick assured her that he was fine with it; he would go with her the next time.

6/8 At the Scorpio-Drake residence, Robin packed for her trip to Africa while Patrick set the table for dinner. Patrick was happy to hear that Robert planned to meet Robin in London before she headed to Africa. Patrick fetched Emma and then the family sat down to enjoy their dinner. Patrick confessed that he was going to miss Robin. He also regretted that he had been an "ass" about everything. Robin regretted that her work would take her way from her family for a while, but she promised to return on Father's Day with a special surprise for Patrick.

Robin admitted that she was happy that Patrick had objected to her trip to Africa. She confessed that it would have hurt if he had been eager for her to leave. After they finished dinner and then put Emma down for the night, Robin resumed packing a few last items. Patrick was reminded of how drawn he had been to her when he had first met her. Robin smiled as Patrick insisted that she was the most amazing woman in the world and that he felt lucky to have her. Robin and Patrick kissed until they heard Robin's taxi pull up and then honk.

Patrick helped Robin carry her bags to the taxi. He made Robin promise to call when she arrived in London and then kissed his wife goodbye. As the taxi pulled away from the house, the phone rang. Patrick raced inside to answer it. It was Lisa. Lisa explained that she had a big surgery lined up for the following day. She offered to buy Patrick dinner if he scrubbed in on the surgery. Patrick had to decline because he was on "daddy duty" until Robin returned from Africa.

Lisa assured him that she understood. Patrick quickly changed his mind when Lisa suggested that she would ask Steve to assist her. Patrick promised her that he would find a way to rearrange his schedule, so that he could operate on Lisa's patient. After Lisa ended the call, she smiled with satisfaction.

6/9 Steve was at the nurses' station when Lisa and Patrick walked up. Lisa and Patrick were in high spirits after performing a successful surgery. Steve mentioned that he had the reports on the drug trials that Lisa had requested. Patrick revealed that Lisa had told him about the opportunity to invest in the experimental drug, so he was interested. Steve warned Patrick that it could be risky. Lisa joked that Patrick had racing stripes on his minivan, so he was all about taking chances.

Patrick ignored Lisa's crack as he pointed out that Emma would likely end up in an Ivy League college, so he needed to make sure that he had enough money to pay for it. Lisa thought that the three of them should discuss it over dinner. Steve readily agreed and then suggested that they meet at the Metro Court Restaurant. After Steve walked away, Patrick reminded Lisa that she had offered to take him to dinner; he didn't recall Steve being part of the deal. Lisa seemed quite pleased with Patrick's reaction.

6/10 At the nurses' station, Patrick offered to make reservations at the Metro Court Restaurant for him, Lisa, and Steve. Steve suggested that they go to the Tinhorn Grill instead. Lisa recalled that Steve had taken her there after her second guitar lesson. Patrick decided that he wasn't in the mood for Tex-Mex food, so he wasn't interested in going to the Tinhorn Grill. Steve thought that they should take a vote, but Patrick thought that they should just do what they had originally planned.

"Which is?" Lisa innocently asked. Patrick reminded her that she had promised to buy him dinner if he assisted her with the surgery. Steve hadn't realized that he had been intruding on a private dinner. Lisa accused Patrick of being a baby because he wasn't the center of attention. She decided that they go to the Tinhorn Grill, since she was the one paying for dinner. Maxie sat nearby with a stunned expression; it was clear that she had overheard the exchange. After Lisa and Steve walked away, Maxie approached Patrick.

Maxie demanded to know what was going on with Patrick and Lisa. Patrick assured Maxie that he loved his wife. Maxie didn't doubt it, but she pointed out that there was nothing more dangerous than a man who felt abandoned. Matt walked up moments later to whisk Maxie away. Shortly after they left, Lisa and Steve returned to the nurses' station. Lisa didn't think that it had been fair to expect Patrick to go to a restaurant that he didn't like, so she suggested that they discuss the investment at the hospital and then afterwards she and Steve could head to dinner alone. Patrick smiled, but didn't respond.

Later, Patrick commented that things must be pretty serious between Lisa and Steve for her to blow Patrick off like that. Lisa chuckled as she pointed out that Patrick knew her better than that. Patrick observed that Lisa and Steve had been spending a lot of time together. Lisa admitted that Steve was a great guy, so she enjoyed his company. Patrick didn't think that Steve was Lisa's type. Lisa argued that she had changed since she and Patrick had been involved. According to Lisa, her palate had matured.

6/11 At the Metro Court, Lisa and Steven enjoyed each other's company over dinner as they bonded over music. Patrick entered and Lisa invited him to join them. Steven looked disappointed. Lisa and Patrick began talking about NASCAR. Steven finally jumped into the conversation, and revealed how much he knew about racing himself. As Lisa and Steven continued to talk, Carly entered and walked over to their table. Lisa looked affected as Patrick invited Carly to join them.

Patrick told Carly he was willing to give expert testimony for Michael's appeal. Lisa revealed that Sonny's case would have led to a mistrial if the truth hadn't been revealed. Patrick offered Carly a night out playing pool if Carly needed a distraction from her troubles. Carly declared that dessert was on the house and got up from the table. Lisa and Steven decided to skip dessert and get a nightcap. Lisa told Patrick that perhaps he could share dessert with Carly. 

6/14 Carly joined Patrick while he was having a drink at the Metro Court bar. When she wanted to know why he had not joined Lisa and Steve for dinner, Patrick made a snarky remark about Steve and Lisa wanting to be alone. Carly called Patrick on his jealousy and noted that Lisa was throwing herself at Patrick and using Steve to make him jealous. Patrick denied that he would ever cheat on Robin, who Carly called "dense" not to notice Lisa's tricks. Patrick assured Carly that his jealousy was strictly professional and not personal.

6/21 Patrick was in the park with Emma when Steve and Lisa sat down with them. The doctors played with Emma while Patrick told them that Robin had been delayed in Africa. Steve recalled that his parents had started working on a similar project and had never returned home again except for short visits. After Steve and Lisa left, Patrick assured Emma that Robin loved them and would be home as soon as she could.

At General Hospital, Patrick was on the phone about a difficult case. He told Lisa to scrub for immediate surgery, but Steven stopped them and said that he needed to make repairs on the patient before Patrick and Lisa took over. Patrick did not look pleased.

6/22 At the hospital, Patrick and Steve argued about a patient. Lisa tried to intervene, but the men ignored her. The heated exchange escalated to a physical altercation when Patrick took a swing at Steve. Lisa rushed to Steve's side as he stumbled backwards. Steve quickly recovered from the punch and then suspended Patrick. Patrick was outraged; he accused Steve of compromising the health of Patrick's patients, in order to feed Steve's power trip.

Lisa suggested that Patrick calm down because he was embarrassing himself. Patrick turned to Nikolas for support, but Nikolas sided with Steve. Nikolas suggested that Patrick go home to cool off. Patrick entered Jake's, ordered a shot of tequila, and then handed his keys over to Coleman. Patrick was complaining about Steve when Lisa approached the bar. Patrick remained in a surly mood. He asked her why she wasn't at the hospital with her boyfriend. Lisa admitted that she was sleeping with Steve, but she didn't see what that had to do with Patrick's childish temper tantrum.

Patrick knocked back a shot of tequila and then admitted that he found it amusing that she always used babies and minivans to make personal digs at him. He realized that it really pissed her off that he had settled down. Lisa suggested that Patrick was upset because of her relationship with Steve. Patrick assured Lisa that his fight with Steve had nothing to do with her and everything to do with the welfare of his patient. Lisa informed Patrick that Mr. Williams, the patient that Patrick and Steve had argued about, was stable.

Lisa went on to reveal that they had all heard about Patrick's father, the great Noah Drake, whose career had been ruined by his pride, temper, and drinking. Lisa glanced at Patrick's drink as she suggested that Patrick appeared to be following in Noah's footsteps. After Lisa left the bar, Coleman poured Patrick another shot of tequila. Coleman confessed that he had thought that Patrick and Steve had gotten along.

"That was before he stole my patients and ex-girlfriend," Patrick groused. Coleman chuckled; he admitted that he had seen sparks between Patrick and Lisa. Patrick quickly clarified that he was happily married to Robin. "Who's off on some other continent," Coleman observed. They looked up when Luke entered the bar and then ordered a bottle of scotch. Luke revealed that he might be around more often because Tracy might object to his presence on the Haunted Star. Patrick realized that he wasn't the only person trying to drown his sorrows. Luke raised his glass to toast Patrick.

As Patrick, Luke, and Coleman continued to drink, Patrick confessed that he was furious that Lisa hadn't spoken up for him. It annoyed Patrick that Lisa was sleeping with the boss, but she had followed Patrick to the bar. Luke was stunned. "That's just diabolical. A bar is supposed to be a sanctuary," Luke insisted. Patrick was curious why Luke was at Jake's.

Luke confessed that his marriage to Tracy had been a sham and that the preacher who had married Luke and Tracy had been an out-of-work actor whom Luke had hired. Coleman was impressed because he knew that Tracy wasn't fooled easily. Luke insisted that he loved Tracy and would always go crawling back to her. Patrick admitted that he felt the same way about Robin; she was his one and only and the woman that he loved with all of his heart. "Yeah, it's just too bad that there's more to men than their hearts," Coleman added.

Patrick wondered when he had gone from being a confirmed bachelor to someone who was considered a good guy. Coleman equated that to being boring. Coleman confessed that the "sweet deal" that he had with Kate was as close to happily ever after as Coleman would ever get. Luke decided to give Patrick some advice; he suggested that Patrick indulge his wild side. Luke insisted that it was important to let loose otherwise it would build up. Patrick admitted that he had once wondered why he and Emma weren't enough for Robin; however, he realized that he probably should have asked that question about Robin.

6/23 At the hospital, Lisa and Epiphany were talking about the altercation between Patrick and Steve when Patrick approached the nurses' station to start his rounds. Epiphany reminded Patrick that he had been suspended just as Steve, flanked by a security guard, walked up. Patrick appeared annoyed by Epiphany's lack of cooperation; however, he turned to officially apologize to Steve for punching him. Steve graciously accepted the apology, but he insisted that Patrick had to leave until the board decided to lift the suspension.

Patrick's temper flared; he accused Steve of being an idiot and then stormed off. Patrick didn't slow down until Lisa caught up to him on the pier. Patrick wasn't in the mood for a lecture from Lisa, but she surprised him when she revealed that she was on his side. Lisa claimed that Steve had taken things too far. She thought that Patrick should have been allowed to return to work.

Patrick suggested that Lisa was being disloyal to her new boyfriend, but she argued that she could admit when someone she cared about was wrong. She reminded him of the all the times that she had spoken up when she had disagreed with Patrick. Lisa advised Patrick to get a beer and relax. She promised to call him when she had news for him.

After Lisa returned to the hospital, Steve asked if she had caught up to Patrick. Lisa nodded and then revealed that Patrick had refused to discuss it. Lisa assured Steve that she fully supported his decision to enforce Patrick's suspension. She confessed that Patrick might be her friend and a brilliant surgeon, but he had been out of line to punch Steve. Steve was grateful that Lisa had his back.

6/28 Steve and Lisa were discussing a case at the nurses' station, when Patrick arrived for treatment of a minor hand injury. Because his suspension was still in effect, he was petulant about giving information that would help Steve with a patient. Lisa kidded Patrick, and he helped Steve out.

Steve took Patrick away to treat him. When they returned, Lisa noticed that Patrick had a very large bandage on his hand. Steve gave Patrick instructions and sent him off. Steve and Lisa laughed and she correctly guessed that the bandage was much bigger and more restrictive than necessary for the minor injury that Patrick had sustained when the lid of Emma's toy chest had slammed down on his hand.

Patrick was still smarting when he arrived at Jake's and asked Coleman to get him a beer. Lisa showed up a few minutes later. Patrick told Lisa that she wouldn't be happy with Steve because he was not her type. Lisa retorted, "Who is, you?" Patrick followed Lisa to the pool table. He suggested that the loser buy the winner a beer. Lisa said that if Patrick lost, he would owe her a dance and implied that he would lose on purpose. Patrick laughed and said that he did not have to lose to get a dance with her. Lisa got angry and left the bar suddenly. Patrick followed her out.

Patrick caught up with Lisa at her apartment. He accused her of coming on to him. He told her that she had been trying to get his attention for months. She said that she missed the old Patrick and that she just wanted to have some fun. She said that she could not imagine that Patrick would become a tame housebroken husband. When Lisa continued to make Patrick's life with Robin and Emma sound boring and pointless, Patrick told her to shut up. When Lisa continued to talk, Patrick grabbed her and kissed her. He backed her into the apartment and closed the door.

6/29 Lisa and Patrick were passionately kissing on her sofa when Patrick suddenly pulled away and then reminded her that he was a married man. Lisa was furious by Patrick's implication that she had asked for the kiss. Patrick warned Lisa not to act like the kiss had been unexpected. He accused her of flirting with him for months, in front of Robin, arranging for him to find her half-naked in the locker room, and continually reminiscing about their past. Lisa suggested that he was trying to put it on her because he didn't want to admit that he was unhappy in his marriage.

Patrick insisted that he loved Robin, but Lisa didn't believe him. She wondered why Patrick's head had practically exploded when he had discovered that she was seeing Steve. Patrick ignored the question as he suggested that Lisa had intentionally tried to make him jealous. Lisa claimed that she enjoyed spending time with Steve because Steve was fun. She ordered Patrick to leave and sober up.

Coleman moved down the bar to check if Patrick needed a refill. Steve entered the bar moments later. Steve approached Patrick and then wondered if it were safe to order a drink without Patrick taking a swing at him. Patrick admitted that he had acted like "an ass" at the hospital, so he offered to buy Steve a beer. Steve accepted and then sat down next to Patrick. 

Olivia strolled in and then joined Patrick and Steve at the bar. Kate rolled her eyes as Olivia ordered a drink. Kate quickly tired of Coleman and Olivia's flirtatious banter, so she stood up and then approached her cousin. "Why don't you take your boobs and your trashy, too young for you, top out of my man's face," Kate suggested to Olivia. "It's cool, baby," Coleman assured Kate, but Patrick and Steve warned him to stay out of it. Kate and Olivia ignored Coleman. Olivia warned Kate to back off because Kate's mouth was writing checks that her "ass" couldn't cash.

Things quickly turned ugly between the cousins. Olivia accused Kate of sleeping and lying her way to the top while Kate argued that Olivia had allowed Dante to grow up without a father. Kate refused to allow Olivia to throw her "hoo-has" in Coleman's face. She thought that it was pathetic how Olivia always tried to take what belonged to Kate. Kate struck a nerve when she wondered which Olivia preferred to be called: a cougar or cradle-robber. Olivia jumped up ready to fight Kate, but Patrick and Steve managed to pull the cousins apart before either woman could throw a punch. Brook stood nearby sipping on a beer and chuckling.

6/30 Patrick arrived at the hospital a short time later. Elizabeth, Steve, and Lisa filled Patrick in on Shirley's situation. Patrick reviewed the records and then agreed to do the surgery. Patrick invited Lisa to be part of his team and then went to Shirley's room. Shirley was pleased that Patrick would operate on her. Lisa assured Shirley that Patrick was the best, so she was in good hands.

Shirley admitted that she was impressed with Patrick's bedside manner. Patrick chuckled as he confessed that he had never been known for that. Patrick turned serious as he questioned if Shirley truly wanted to go through with the surgery. Shirley promised that she was ready. As Patrick and Lisa scrubbed for surgery, he asked if she had recommended him for the operation. Lisa admitted that she had. Patrick jokingly accused her of trying to do anything to get back into his good graces. They bantered back and forth for a few minutes and then turned serious as they discussed the difficult surgery ahead. Lisa was confident that they would be successful, so she suggested that Patrick buy her a burger once Shirley was resting in recovery. Patrick agreed.

Steve walked in with the latest test results on Shirley. It wasn't good; Shirley's cancer had spread. Patrick was determined to give Shirley a miracle, so he headed to the operating room. Patrick stopped short when he spotted Elizabeth. He explained that he wanted her to leave. Elizabeth realized that he didn't want her in the operating room because Shirley's condition was worse than they had thought. Patrick assured Elizabeth that he was there to help Shirley.

7/1 Patrick and Lisa operated on Shirley. Patrick was forced to use a new technique when he encountered a problem during the delicate brain surgery. Lisa was impressed with his skill. She started to close up, but Patrick stopped her; he wanted to remove more of the cancer. Lisa advised Patrick against it because it was too dangerous, but Patrick forged ahead. Lisa decided to share in the glory, so she continued to assist him. Patrick and Lisa were in high spirits as they washed up after surgery. Patrick made a point of thanking Lisa for her help and then reminded her that she had promised to buy him a beer. Lisa smiled as she promised to do better than that.

7/2 Patrick and Lisa shared drinks at the Metro Court bar. Lisa toasted to Shirley's recovery, thanks to Patrick's amazing surgical talents. She defended Steven after Patrick made a dig at him. Patrick realized he was a bit drunk. The two reminisced about past drunken experiences. Lisa fondly remembered their sexual past and became embarrassed, admitting that she'd had too much to drink as well. Patrick offered to walk her home. They arrived at Lisa's home and both agreed that Patrick should leave. But Patrick kissed her and she responded.

7/6 At Lisa's place, Patrick and Lisa ripped off each other's clothes and then had sex on the living room sofa. Afterwards, Patrick was assailed with regrets. He insisted that he loved Robin and his baby. Lisa suggested that Patrick stop flipping out; she understood that what they had shared had just been about sex. Lisa also assured Patrick that they had used proper protection, so there wouldn't be an accidental pregnancy.

Patrick went to the hospital to check on Shirley after he left Lisa's. Epiphany couldn't believe that Patrick would show his face at the hospital after what he had been doing. Patrick's guilty conscience led him to start making excuses for his one-night-stand with Lisa. However, he quickly realized that Epiphany had been referring to his celebratory drinks earlier in the evening. Kristina arrived by ambulance moments later. Steve was on hand to examine Kristina, while Patrick stood nearby.

Steve ordered Kristina to be taken to an examination bay and then went to thoroughly examine his patient. Patrick remained in the waiting area until Kristina's family arrived. Sonny was the first person to show up. Patrick let him know that Kristina had been alert. After Sonny left, Patrick updated Alexis, and the rest of Kristina's family, on Kristina's condition. 

Patrick was standing at the nurses' station when Steve left Kristina's examination bay. Steve was giving Patrick an update on Kristina and Shirley when Lisa walked up. Steve admitted that he was surprised that Patrick and Lisa weren't celebrating Shirley's successful surgery. Lisa confessed that she and Patrick had a few drinks at the Metro Court Restaurant, but then had gone their separate ways. Patrick looked uncomfortable, but grateful for Lisa's lie. Patrick arrived home to find Robin waiting for him. Robin explained that she had arrived early and then happily embraced her husband.

7/7 At the Scorpio-Drake residence, Robin was thrilled to be home from Africa. Patrick wondered how long she had been back. Robin revealed that she had arrived home ten minutes before he had. She had been tempted to call him at work, but she had decided not to disturb him. Instead, she had used the time to reconnect with Emma. Patrick smiled, but he seemed a bit subdued. Robin and Patrick put Emma to bed and then returned to the living room.

Robin admitted that she had been worried that Emma wouldn't recognize her. Patrick assured her that it wasn't possible because Emma loved Robin and had daily reminders of her. Robin noticed that Patrick had seemed quiet since he had walked through the door. Patrick insisted that everything was fine, but Robin knew that wasn't true. She acknowledged that things had been tense between them before she had left.

Robin apologized for how she had treated him, but Patrick argued that she didn't have anything to be sorry for. Patrick insisted that he should have been the one asking forgiveness. "For what?" Robin wondered. Patrick realized that he had acted like a "selfish ass." Robin refused to let Patrick take the blame because she had been the one to shut him out. The trip had opened Robin's eyes; she was grateful for everything that she had, and she vowed never to take Patrick and Emma for granted again.

Later, Patrick and Robin were snuggled up on the sofa together. Robin credited Patrick for keeping her grounded. She couldn't imagine her life without him. Patrick promised that he loved her and that he wasn't going anywhere.

7/8 Robin and Patrick were holding hands when they approached the nurses' station. Nearby, Lisa was surprised to see that Robin had returned from Africa. Lisa walked up to Robin to welcome her home. After an affection hug from Lisa, Robin asked if she had missed anything exciting. Lisa teasingly wondered if Patrick had told Robin what he had been up to.

Patrick tried to hide his discomfort behind a polite smile. He seemed relieved when Steve walked up to greet Robin. As Robin and Steve chatted, Robin revealed her plans to put together a presentation to raise awareness and funds for the AIDS wing. Lisa quickly volunteered to help Robin. Patrick's annoyance with Lisa grew when Lisa proceeded to make several veiled references to their sexual encounter under the guise of singing Patrick's praises as a doctor.

Later, Steve advised Lisa to keep her personal and professional lives separate. He warned Lisa that she had not been subtle when she had talked to Robin. Steve had also noticed Patrick's guilty expression, so was fairly certain that Lisa and Patrick had slept together. Lisa tried to pass it off as paranoia, but Steve reminded her that he wasn't stupid. He realized that he had merely been a means to an end for Lisa to get Patrick's attention. Steve made it clear that he wasn't in the mood for games. If she wanted to screw up her personal life, it was her business, but Steve did not want it to affect the care of the hospital's patients.

Patrick spotted Lisa at the nurses' station. He let her know that he needed to talk to her in the locker room after their rounds. Lisa joked that it sounded serious, but Patrick wasn't amused. He warned her not to mess with him and then walked away. Later, when Patrick met up with Lisa, he made it clear that Robin must never find out about their one-night-stand. Lisa assured Patrick that he could relax because his secret was safe with her. Patrick looked nervous when Robin suddenly appeared in the doorway.

7/9 In the hospital locker room, Robin talked to Lisa and Patrick about a drug regimen for a patient they both shared. Lisa asked Robin if Patrick had told her what they'd done while Robin was away. Lisa could have been referring to Shirley's surgery or to the night they had sex. She had fun with the double-entendre, which made Patrick nervous. After Lisa left, Robin said that she wished she could have been there, and she kissed him.

Later, Patrick confronted Lisa at the nurses' station and demanded to know if she had been deliberately trying to make him squirm. She told him to lighten up and stated that their night together meant nothing, but he'd give himself away to Robin if he kept acting guilty. Lisa changed the subject to a work matter when Robin approached.

Robin slipped Patrick a note to meet her at the supply closet. When he arrived, he was opposed to making love there, but Robin wouldn't take no for an answer. When Patrick continued to resist, she asked him what was up.

**The End**

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