Now Available on DVD!

Nikolas & Gia #1, Nikolas & Gia #2, Nikolas & Gia #3, Nikolas & Gia #4, Nikolas & Gia #5, and Nikolas & Gia #6

The Nik & Gia #1-5 are original edits, done from original episodes. I have recently added one additional edit from Lynn's GH Plaza. She is no longer able to offer her edits, and she is adding her Nik & Gia edits to my collection to create a new Nik & Gia #6. This is also a good quality original edit done from original episodes.

Nikolas & Gia #1  July 28th - December 21, 2000: 8 Hour Original Edit
This edit covers the first five months of their storyline together and includes every Nik and every Gia scene since her arrival. I did not include all of the Liz/Lucky/Em stuff around the Dead Ted storyline as I had already done the complete storyline on the Liz and Lucky #8 and 9. This edit includes Gia's arrival, her blackmailing Emily, her helping the gang at the raves. It also includes the first two kisses between Nik & Gia as they kiss to avoid Taggert recognizing her (the first time she kisses him), then he returns the favor. Also includes Em's kidnapping, the arrival of Florence (Gia's mom), Nik & Gia moving in together, and Stefan's return from the dead. The very end of the edit begins the Face of Deception storyline which will be continued on the next edit.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Nikolas & Gia #2  December 21, 2000 - April 20, 2001: 8 hour original edit
Click here to read the full edit description.

Nikolas & Gia #3  April 20 - Aug 8, 2001: 8 hr original edit
I continued to include every Nik and every Gia scene. This covers Nik being worried about Lucky who is beginning to act erratically due to Helena's brainwashing. Nik has renounced his trust fund and Cassadine ties. Nik and Gia help Zander and Em get ready for the prom (this is cute). Liz and Lucky's engagement party when Lucky is arrested. The fire in the jail and Lucky escapes, Gia tells Nik that she loves him, Helena brings Stavros back to life. Liz and Lucky move in with Nik & Gia to protect Lucky from Helena. The Nurse's Ball, in order to help Lucky - Nik goes goes back to being a Cassadine and breaks up with Gia, Stavros starts putting the moves on a lonely heart broken Gia. It  ends as they are setting up for the art auction.
During this time frame, a lot of Nik and Gia's scenes involve Liz and Lucky and their storylines intertwine. For the most part, this one is edited primarily Nik and Gia scenes. For instance, it only takes one scene to show how Helena was brainwashing Lucky and a couple of scenes to show Helena defrosting Stavros. I didn't have to include all the weeks of it for the viewer to get a feel what is going on. It was kinda funny when I was editing to notice how many weeks Helena talked to frozen Stavros (so I didn't put all that in). When Gia says “I wish I could have seen Helena's face when Lucky said ....” such and such, I went back and included that scene so the viewers would be able to see what she was talking about. Or when Nik and Gia hear about the fire at the jail where Lucky was being held, I included those fire scenes. For the most part the scenes without Nia that I have included have a direct impact on their storyline.
I did not include the Luke/Laura/Stavros stuff, Lucky poisoning Lucas, Lucas being sick. I did include some scenes of Stefan/Alexis talking about Nik, Helena/Stavros talking about Nik. Anytime Nik/Gia are in a scene even if they are in the background during part of the action I include the scene. 
Click here to read the full edit description.

Nikolas & Gia #4 August 4 - November 12, 2001: 8 Hour Original Edit
On this edit is the Cassidine charity auction, Nik drugs Liz to fake her death, Nik and Gia reunited, the hot tub scenes, Nik meets Stavros, and it goes through the conclusion of End Game with Helena's arrest.  Click here to read the full edit description.

Nikolas & Gia #5 November 12, 2001 - March 26, 2002: 8 hour original edit
The edit picks up with the aftermath of Helena's arrest and the conclusion of End Game, contains Nik & Gia becoming engaged, Liz and Lucky's failed New Year's Eve wedding, the Accident between Gia and Courtney and Nik’s cover up, Helena escapes and blackmails Gia into helping her! Click here to read the full edit description.

Nikolas & Gia #5C March 26-April 9, 2002: 1 1/2 hour bonus dvd
I added an additional 1 1/2 hour bonus dvd to the Nik & Gia #5.

Nikolas & Gia #6 April 9 -September 20, 2002: 8 Hour Original Edit
On this edit, Liz remembers the car accident and is furious about Nik and Gia covering up the accident, Luke has a party for Helena's demise, Nik has nightmares about Stavros, Taggert plants Sharifa as a spy at Wyndemere and Nik figures out she is a spy, Nik arranges for Gia to shoot a big magazine cover, and promotes her career with parties and events, Kristina killed, Luke & Laura fail to show up at their own wedding, Nik follows Lucky to the Scorpio's attic and they find Rick Webber's dead body, Lucky is arrested for Rick's murder, Nik finds a human skull inside Rick's locker, Nik shows Alexis the skull.Click here to read the full edit description.

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