Luke & Laura's Reunion #2A and Luke & Laura's Reunion #2B

Luke & Laura's Reunion #2  March 1 - July 2, 2002 - 8 hour original edit

Episode Descriptions

Luke & Laura's Reunion #2A  While Roy sleeps, Felicia uses her Baby Blues and "I'm just a gullible woman who will believe anything a man promises" story to get the sheriff in close. Suddenly Roy is there and with one punch the Sheriff is out cold. The duo scrambles to get his keys as they hear some else approaching.When the deputy and Jennifer enter Roy and Felicia claim the sheriff must have had a heart attack. Jennifer is suspicious, and rightly so cause when the deputy bends down to check on the sheriff, the duo quickly slide the already unlocked cell door open and relive both the deputy and the  sheriff of their guns. After putting the trio into a cell, Roy and Felicia study a map trying to figure out where Luke and Laura might have gone. They quickly rule out a couple of options, but the starting rain makes Roy realize any tracks they left will quickly be washed away.

Luke tries to convince Laura that they were about to make love before. Laura is too worried about their safety to get snuggly at the moment, plus she wants to wait until after they get married again. Luke takes advantage of their inability to leave to have a  real discussion about their future. He tells her that it won't always be like Beecher's Corners, safe and secure. Occasionally it will be like now, dangerous and needing to be rescued by someone. Laura shows he jealousy over his relationship with Felicia and it leads to an open discussion about their relationships with Stefan and Felicia. Luke tells Laura he hated seeing her dance with Stefan at the engagement party. Laura assures him that she only turned to Stefan in the beginning out of desperation, that she would never have choosen him under normal circumstances. Luke tells Laura that in retrospect he now sees why he was drawn to Felicia because she reminded him of Laura. They both profess their love again then turn their minds to the more immediate problem. Luke assures Laura that Roy will not stop looking for them until he finds them. Laura says she would feel better if they at least had some water and presto in begins to trickle some water. Luke realizes that it must be raining and begins to get a better look at the shaft they are in. He then tells Laura that apparently the rain water drains into that shaft then points out the previous water level marks on the walls that rises feet above their heads.
Luke and Laura scramble to find a way out when the trickle of water into the abandoned mine shaft suddenly turns into a flood. After dislodging a boulder and causing another cave-in, Luke becomes pinned beneath a fallen beam. Unable to free Luke, Laura climbs out of the cave and heads off to find help. Luke starts to "see the light at the end of the tunnel". Unable to find help, Laura returns to the mine and struggles to hold Luke's head above water as he begins to imagine that his dead father is beckoning to him. Roy and Felicia finally arrive and help Laura resuscitate Luke. After regaining his wits, Luke and Laura share a heartfelt moment.

Fresh from their latest brush with death, Luke and Laura arrive home, ready for a quiet night of romance.  Instead they find Bobbie, Lesley, Lulu and a troop of little girls singing "Kumbaya" in the living room. Bobbie makes a half-hearted attempt to find out what happened to them but is given no details. She can't stay to interrogate her brother any further, because she needs to get ready for the opening of Carly's club. Luke is shocked that his niece is opening a club in competition with his. But he gets over his dismay quickly and suggests to Laura that they go upstairs. Lesley comes over and subtly fills them in on the fact that Lulu's troop is there for a sleep-over. Next we see Luke tied to a chair with a bunch of little girls stuffing marshmallows in his mouth while he tries to explain the different kinds of knots. Lesley takes the gang upstairs to get in their pajamas, and Laura rescues Luke. He again suggests they slip upstairs to "their" room for a rest. They kiss, but that is quickly broken up by the giggles coming from the stairs. Foiled again! Later, Luke makes the big announcement to Bobbie, Lesley, Lulu and her friends that he and Laura are getting married again. As everyone celebrates the news, Scotty enters, unseen, and  watches the happy scene in dismay.

Luke goes to his club to find Roy and Felicia playing cards. They all share a toast to Luke's happy news. Christian Slater's brother, Ryan Slater (character named Cory) walks in to Luke's and tries to buy a 6 pack with a fake ID. Turns out this guy is with Maxie (now played by Danica Stewart). Felicia catches Maxie and takes her home. Luke goes through his mail, and finds a Valentine from Helena. Luke goes to the jail to visit Helena. He tells her that he and Laura are getting remarried. Helena fakes stomach pain and keels over. Luke watches her, not lifting a finger to help. Mac finally shows up and wants to know what is going  on. He says Helena is sick and is set for abdominal surgery, she's been checked out. Mac insists it's serious. Luke doesn't buy it.

Lulu asks Laura if her and daddy are getting married again for real? Laura tells her yes. Lulu wants to know if they'll change their minds like Lucky and Liz. She says no, because they've known each other for a very long time, and they've learned that life isn't as much fun when they are apart. Lesley comes to take Lulu back upstairs to her sleepover party.  Elton comes over and is thrilled Laura is allright. He throws in some funny one-liners about how worried he was. She tells him she and Luke are getting married. Elton is excited about planning their wedding. Laura, Lesley, and Elton try to figure out some wedding plans that will fit Luke. Lesley tries to get Laura to have a small wedding but she wants a big wedding.

Luke is collared for impersonating a doctor at GH. Mac releases Luke but warns him to keep his distance from Helena. Luke warns Mac that Helena is faking. After a summons from Luke, Roy arrives and learns that Luke thinks Helena is faking her illness in an attempt to escape. Mac gets called away, as Helena is being wheeled into the elevator to be taken to surgery. Before leaving he gives Luke one final warning to stay away from her and tells the officers to arrest Luke if they even see him on the same floor. As soon as Mac departs, Luke and Roy split up and head for the surgical floor. Luke arrives first and sees the gurney outside of the OR; he gives Helena a typical Luke greeting, but is stunned when the woman looks up and tells him there has been a mistake. It's not Helena. Roy and Luke realize that Helena has escaped. Mac shows up, wondering what is going on and a search ensues.

At the Deception offices, Laura receives a visit from Gia. Laura asks if Gia is really planning on coming back as the Face of Deception. Gia wonders if that is okay; of course, it is. They bond, dissing the other models and talking about Laura's wedding plans. Luke runs into the Deception offices frantically. He  makes sure Laura and Lulu are okay. Laura is crazy with worry, "What happened?" she wants to know. Nikolas calls, looking for Gia. Laura still does not know what is going on. Finally, Luke tells her that Helena got away and he suggests they run down to City Hall and elope. Laura doesn't want to get married out of fear, so they decide to wait.

At the Cassidine stables, Gia is dressed for her horseback riding lesson, looking for Nikolas in the stable. As she gets the equipment, who should sneak up behind her but Helena! Don't even think about ratting me out to your brother warns Helena. If you do, I'll just mention that Darling Nikky aided and abetted my escape. Gia's not sure what to say and hearing her beloved prince charming nearing the stables, she quickly stuffs granny behind some hay. Nik asks her why she didn't respond and Gia tries to cover by saying she didn't want to spook the horse. He tells her that Helena's on the loose and that he's worried that the cops first stop will be Spoon Island. He sticks his other foot in his mouth as he details his arrangements covering up her responsibility in the accident. Helena laps up every word. Later, Gia uses the excuse of grooming Sheba to hang around in the barn (what's with this sudden horse love?) cue Helena who promises to disappear forever if Gia will give her the cheese to do it.

Luke tries to convince Mac to alert the press about Helena's escape, but Mac says he doesn't have the manpower to handle all the false leads that would generate. Nikolas arrives and asks to speak to Luke privately. The go to the hospital roof, where Nikolas relates the riddle Helena told him: "When is the sun like the dark of the moon and never brought to the light?" They figure Nik is the son (sun) and Stavros the dark of the moon. Luke suggests Nik check to see when the next eclipse will occur. Nikolas confesses that he dreamed he was Stavros. Luke says he once dreamed he was a two-headed centaur. He tells Nik that breaking the rules is not always a bad thing; you make the rules for your own life. Later, back in the hospital, after Nik has left, Luke holds a press conference. Mac shows up and Luke tells the group that "Commissioner Scorpio will be happy to answer all your questions about the escape of Helena Cassadine." Aside to Mac he says, "Go ahead, pal. Just because you can't find her, doesn't mean somebody can't."

Gia returns to the stables and looks around for Helena. Suddenly, she hears a loud squeak, and Helena pops up from behind some straw bales. She congratulates Gia on her earlier performance about the rat and says she's as good a liar as Nikolas. She tells Gia it was careless of her to run the red light; luckily, she has Nikolas to save her. Helena is so proud of him; he's so much like his father. She tells Gia she wants $500,000. Bring the money to her tonight and she'll give Gia and Nikolas her blessing for a happy life. Gia goes back into the mansion and straight to the safe behind a painting. Nikolas catches her.

At GH, Luke forces Mac into a press conference to announce the manhunt for Helena. Mac gives minimal details to the press and later gets on Luke's case for making his job more difficult as the PCPD is receiving tons of Helena sighting calls. Mac practically accuses Luke of helping the dragon lady escape, but Bobbie jumps to his defense. After Mac leaves, Luke asks Bobbie for any info she may have gleamed on Helena's escape. Bobbie offers several theories, one in particular gets Luke' interest and he takes off. Laura shows up at the Scorpio-Jones home and asks Felicia for a favor. Felicia tells Laura she is sincerely happy about her reconciliation with Luke and offers congrats on the upcoming wedding. Laura tells Felicia that she is looking for her wedding dress and Leslie believes it is in the attic of her old house (the former Webber house is now the Jones home). Felicia agrees and even helps Laura search through the jumble of old Webber things and more recent Scorpio-Jones stuff. They find the box, but not the dress. Laura thinks Helena may have had something to do with the vanished heirloom, but Felicia thinks it could have been one of the girls (Robin, Maxie or Georgie) playing dress-up, who could have mis-placed it.

After catching Gia trying to open the wall safe, Nik demands an explanation. Gia thinks fast and claims she wants lots of money to give to Lucky and Liz in case they need to make a fast escape. Its unclear weather Nik buys her story or not. As he is warning her that she needs to ask before she takes, Nik receives a call from his security. They have spotted someone down by the stables. Despite Gia's pleas, Nik insists on investigating himself. However, it is not Helena he finds in a stall, but Luke. Luke explains that someone saw Helena on the road headed in the direction of Spoon Island. Nik doesn't think Helena would show up at Wyndemere; no one there would help her. But Luke finds evidence that he believes indicates otherwise. After agreeing that Helena would need lots of money they head up to the house to check the Cassadine accounts (via computer) for any suspicious transactions. Entering the house via the tunnels, Helena (still pressing a hand to her abdomen) corners Gia again and pressures her to find a way to come with up more dough. Gia, hearing Nik and Luke approaching, tries to hurry Helena back into hiding. She is slowed down when, with a gasp of pain, Helena clutches her abdomen and doubles over.

Laura goes to GH looking for Luke. Once there she asks Bobbie to be her maid-of-honor. Bobbie is delighted (they've come a long-long way) and she accepts! After hearing what Bobbie told Luke, Laura says she knows exactly where Luke went and takes off after him. Luke explains to all why he believes Helena is on Spoon Island. After hearing Helen's riddle, Laura agrees with Luke that Helena is just messing with Nik's head. Lucky has arrived and his advice to Nik is to  forget it. Luke decides a search of the tunnels is called for. He opens the bookshelf and finds Gia. Nik and Luke question Gia on why she was in the tunnels. Gia hastily spins a story about how she heard something and thinking it might be Helena, decided to investigate, but got lost. Laura commends her for being brave, Nik doesn't appear to really believe the story, and Luke insists on searching the tunnels. When he moves to open the bookshelf, Gia can't stop herself from calling out "Wait, Don't go in there". Luke jumps on Gia's comment and wants to know what she is sorry for. Gia, stalling for time, explains saying that she just isn't a "team" player, ask anyone. Nik appears concerned by Gia's nervousness. When Luke tells Lucky to follow him into the tunnels, it's Nik who calls out  for them to stop.  Nikolas tries to stop Lucky and Luke from investigating the tunnels, but is unsuccessful. Gia is upset, obviously afraid they'll find Helena, but she tells them it is because she feels unsafe. Laura is convinced Spoon Island is safe. The Spencers leave. Back at shore, Luke wants to go back and search for Helena again because he thinks Nik and Gia are hiding something. Laura wonders why he is questioning her son? He leaves her alone to go back and investigate. the stable and throws the money at her and tells her to get lost. Nikolas shows up, finds his grandmother and tells her it isn't quite over yet.

On the docks, Laura gets very upset when Luke says he thinks Nik and Gia are hiding something-possibly Helena. Laura tells Luke that Nik hates Helena and would never help her. She further reminds him that Nik proved himself when he fought with them against his own father. Laura says if Luke thinks Nik is evil and hates him again, she doesn't want to live with him again. Luke explains that Gia was very nervous and acting weird and eventually so was Nik. Luke reminds Laura that Helena's helpers' aren't always willing or even knowingly helping her.  After arriving at the stables and confirming his suspisions, Nik angrily whips out his phone and is about to call the police when Helena tells him the nurse and orderly who helped her will swear that NIK pressured them to help her. Gia pleads with Nik to give Helena the money and let her go. Helena adds that she knows Gia ran the light and Nik tampered with a witness to cover it up. Helena thanks Nik for covering for her, but Nik tells her he didn't help her, he's helping the people he loves-Gia, Lucky, Liz, Alexis, Kristina, Laura, Leslie-Lu and even Luke. Helena tries to convince him she is no longer a threat, that she has no will for revenge now that her precious Stavros is gone. She says that she doesn't think HE is worthy of taking over since he would rather align himself with the enemy and deny his father every chance he gets. Nikolas is determined to give her the money and to let her go. She tells Nik that she loves him, but he tells her to get lost and that if she ever hurts those whom he loves that he will kill her. Luke goes back to Windemere to search for Helena. Luke knows that Nikolas has let Helena escape and he reprimands him for doing so.

Luke and Laura discussed what to do with Nikolas now that he's helping Helena. Luke told Laura that he's afraid Helena has him in her clutches and that he'll become a ruthless Cassadine. They need to do something. Laura says she'll talk to him. She apologizes to Luke for all the lies she told him and he forgives her.  At Wyndemere, Laura enters and after overhearing a comment Nik of Nik feeling responsible for the missing Liz, Laura asks why Nik would blame himself (Liz has left as she found out about Lucky's feelings for Sarah). Gia makes excuses that Nik feels responsible for everything but Laura doesn't seem convinced with that response. After Gia leaves, Laura asks him if he has called the police? He says they need to first make sure that Liz is actually missing. He gets upset when he thinks Laura is intimating that he helped Helena, that she believes Luke's accusations. Nik is hurt that Laura would think he is capable of that. She says she knows how Helena can manipulate people and the choices that they make. He says again that she has no power over him. The phone rings with the news that Liz is safe. laura asks him again to look her in the eye and tell him that Helena isn't blackmailing him into helping her. He does so and Laura believes him, hugs him, and apologizes and tells him she had to ask.

Roy and Luke arrive in a waterfront  bar. Roy doesn't believe Helena would ever show her face in such a place. Luke points out three things, Helena is on the lam so she can't risk showing her face in her in any of her regular haunts, the pier directly outside is straight across from Wyndemere, the fancy little expensive speedboat docked at said pier most likely does not belong to anyone of the regulars. They split up and begin their search. Roy does find a blond woman pretending to be someone else, but it's only Felicia working undercover as a cocktail waitress. Roy tells her they are searching for Helena, and later Luke fills in some of the details. After bringing some drinks, Felicia sits with the duo and they discuss the likelihood of finding Helena in such a place. They appear unaware that they are being watched by a woman in a dark trench coat and fedora, its Helena! She watches from a corner table while Roy, Luke and Felicia brainstorm about how to track her down. It becomes obvious (to me at least) that Helena wants to be seen when she walks directly into Luke's line of vision. When Luke finally spots Helena and starts to follow her, a man Helena paid to pick a fight with Luke impedes his progress. Next thing you know, a barroom brawl breaks out. By the time things calm down all Luke gets to see is Helena walking out the door, leaving the fearsome threesome to continue wondering what Helena is up to.
Luke sneaks up on Lucky and scares him. Luke tries to point out that Helena can show up anywhere and Lucky needs to be on guard. Luke informs his son that Nikolas helped Helena. Lucky, of course, doesn't buy it. Luke says she is holding something over Gia and Nikolas helped. Lucky says he has a hard time believing Nikolas would do something to hurt someone he loves. Enter Elizabeth to offer more proof. Before she can to into specifics, Luke gets a call from Roy and heads off to the arcade. Luke wanders around and comes across a heap of clothes, it's Helena. Luke informs Helena that the jig is up. They exchange their usual banter. She thinks Luke should let her get away otherwise his life will be dull. Luke insists it's the end of the line for the Dragon Lady. But first he wants to know why Helena let herself be caught, when she could already be on the other side of the world. On the other side of the station, Roy and Felicia realize that as jumpy and on edge as they are, Luke is more so. When he fails to answer his phone, they rush to find him, fearful or what he might do if he finds Helena. When they finally arrive it is to find that Helena is caught and still alive, but Luke's hand are around her throat. Luke suggests that they let him do her in and then tell the police that she was already dead when they found her. Roy talks Luke out of the idea by insisting that it's what Helena wants. She will have won if Luke ends up in jail for murder-that's why she let herself be "caught". Luke insists on following the PCPD escorting Helena back to the station.
Felicia shows up on Laura's doorstep and fills her in on the fact that Helena has been caught. Felicia gives her the on how they found her at the railroad station and how Roy talked Luke out of snapping Helena's neck. After learning that Luke insisted on "going" with the police escort, Laura heads to the PCPD, but does not appear to be thrilled with Helena's capture. Luke arrives with Helena and the police escort. Lucky tells him what he learned about Nik and Gia. Luke tells Lucky that he will have to decide whether or not to turn Nik in-either way Luke promises to support Lucky's decision. Nik and Gia arrive just in time to goad Lucky into telling Mac and Taggart how Nik was blackmailed into helping Helena. Lucky explains that Gia was responsible for the accident, that she was drinking that night, that Nik not only used his influence at the hospital to avoid the BA test, but he also paid off the witness. Lucky then goes on to say that both Nik and Gia fed Liz fake details to get her to remember the accident the way they wanted her to. Laura arrives just in time to hear Lucky encourage Helena to confirm his story. Helena happily rubs in Laura's face how her sons are at each other's throats. Alexis and Kristina arrive just and hear Helena spouting off, but in the end she denies that Nik helped her. Lucky flies at Helena in a rage, but Luke calms him and gets him to take Liz and leave. Alexis wonders why they are all standing around listening to Helena's venom. Luke wants to accompany Helena to until she is on her way to the federal prison. Taggart balks, but Mac agrees to let him observe hoping that once Luke is satisfied he will be off of his and the department's backs. When Nik and Gia try to leave Mac tells them he wants to speak with them. Despite Alexis' advice to keep quiet, Nik tries to discredit Lucky's accusation by going on about how Lucky is ‘ not right in the head' because of Helena's brainwashing. He even tells Mac that Lucky threaten to "get him". Once outside the interrogation room Nik appeals to Laura to reason with Lucky. She tells him she loves him and wants to help but can't because he looked her in the face and lied to her. Luke asks Taggart for a moment alone with Helena. Taggart grudgingly agrees and Luke again wonders what Helena is up to and why she lied about Nik's help. Helena warns Luke that is isn't over; he'll see her again. A foursome of Luke, Roy, Taggart and a female officer escort Helena down the hall.

Luke reports to Laura that for all intents and purposes Helena is on her way to Pentonville. He tells Laura that he wants to get on with the details of planning their future. Laura realizes that it's a ploy to keep her mind of other things, but buys into it anyway. They kiss passionately and Laura announces, "To heck with my rules; lets make love".  Luke falls off the sofa during a bit of friskiness and the duo laughingly races upstairs to the bedroom.  Outside on the porch, an immaculately dressed Helena touches their shadows through the window and say gloats, "Got  you". The next morning, a cheerful Luke skips down the stairs of the Spencer house, only to find himself face to face with Lulu and her Sunshine troop. His precocious daughter wants to know if he and Mommy got married already, because they slept in the same room last night. A quick-thinking Luke replies that no, he and Mommy had a sleepover like the ones she has with her friends. Laura comes down and assures Lulu that the wedding has not occurred yet, and yes, she still gets to be the flower girl. Lesley takes the troop into the kitchen for some milk; Laura goes to help. Lucky comes in, agitated and needing advice about how to deal with his duplicitous brother. Laura comes back into the room, and she and Luke try to help Lucky. Laura points out that Nikolas is struggling right now, and Lucky shouldn't let his relationship with his brother be torn apart. But we made a pact to not let past feuds touch us, Lucky said. Luke says that Helena is to blame, and they've all felt the sting of her plots. But there's no excuse for letting Helena escape, Lucky emphasizes. Laura asks him if he really wants to go after his own brother. She and Luke both stress that Nikolas made a mistake, like all of them do. Laura says he needs his family's help to pull him off the wrong path, and she urges Lucky not to do something he'll regret. Still in turmoil, Lucky leaves.

Luke and Laura wonder what will happen between Lucky and Nikolas. Delirious with love for his ex/future wife, Luke says she should hope for the best. Luke and Laura find themselves wishing things had turned out differently. Luke advises Laura to let her sons work things out on their own.  Laura tells Luke she knew Gia was trouble from the get-go, but couldn't do anything about it cause Nik already cared for her. Luke announces his plan to celebrate the end of Helena's reign with a party at his club. Laura invites him to stop by the party at the hospital in honor of Audrey's 10,000th day of service. Bobbie shows up and wants reassurance that it's really over. Later, Bobbie is there for Laura as she worries about her sons. Laura assures Bobbie that she supports her renewed interest in Scott after Bobbie admits that he invited her on a "real" date.

Luke arrives at Club 101 to overhear the tail end of Roy's comment and tells his niece to stop harassing the employees.  Luke advises Carly to stop blaming others for her choices. He also tells her that he doesn't hate her, but adds that he only accepts her because Bobbie cares for her. Later, Luke tries to chase Carly away with rudeness, but Carly won't go. She tells him that she does take responsibility for her actions. Luke tells her it's not just about apologizing, but she must also learn from her mistakes and change.  Lucky returns to his mother's house in a much better mood, which has Laura hopeful that her son's have worked out their differences. Lucky tells her that he will not fight with Nik, but her hopes of a big happy family are dashed when Lucky informs her that he can't forgive his brother; he in fact no longer considers Nik to be his brother. Laura is hurt and warns Lucky that she doesn't feel she should have to choose between them. Lucky assures that he does not expect her to do so.

At his club, Luke pours a few drinks as he and Roy toast to a "Helena free future". Luke is all nervous about Helena. Roy stops him from calling the jail to check on her. Luke thinks something is off. Roy gets him to calm down and enjoy the party.  Luke is suddenly in full party mood until Scott shows up with Bobbie. Luke asks his sister what she is doing there with him, convinced she is either trying to get Roy jealous or that she has been holding on to her crush on Scott for 20+ years. Luke warns her to stay away from Scott, but she doesn't want to hear it. She's a big girl. Scott asks why Laura isn't at the party but Bobbie takes it the wrong way and leaves annoyed. Lucky and Luke discuss what they can do to get Nikolas back. Luke thinks it is a bad idea. Lucky toys with the idea of pretending to make up with Nikolas and move back into Wyndermere in order to spy on him. Luke really suggests he just drop it. At that, the uninvited Nik and Gia show up at the party.  In the dead silence following Nikolas and Gia's arrival, Luke amiably greets the young prince then tells him it's a private party. Nikolas said he thought it was to celebrate the end of the war with Helena. Luke says he's not sure the war is over; another phase could be beginning, he adds with a meaningful glance at Lucky on the other side of the bar. Lucky gets up and comes over to  Nikolas. You don't belong here, he tells his brother.

Nik disagrees and gives a long speech about how he is just as happy as anyone else that Helena is in jail. Lucky points out that when the going got tough, Nik went with Helena. So, I'm your enemy now? Nikolas wants to know. Surprisingly, Lucky says Nik is not his enemy. He's also no longer his brother or his friend. You're nothing to me, he informs Nikolas. Gia springs to her fiance's defense, reminding Lucky that Nikolas risked his life and their future together to save him when he was under Helena's control. He could have easily chosen Helena and Stavros, she says, but he fought for us. No one's perfect, she states. Then Gia says that Nikolas loves Lucky and Lucky loves him, too. That love is something you'll never be able to get rid of, she says. Lucky looks slightly moved but still orders Nikolas to leave then heads for Luke's office. Liz goes after him. Nikolas thanks Gia for her kind words. Taggert comes over and tells Gia he loves her. She and Nikolas leave. Luke tries to get the party going again. To Roy he says he can't micromanage Lucky's life.

After everyone's left the party, Luke and Roy talk about Helena's defeat. Roy surmises that she never wanted to win. It would have broken her heart to kill you, he tells Luke. He points out that after everything Luke did to her family (killing her husband and killing her beloved son), she still never hired a team of assassins to wipe him off the face of the earth. Bobbie and Scott return and are surprised to find everyone gone. Luke says they're just in time for the entertainment. He takes down Helena's portrait and slashes it from the frame. He hands pieces of the canvas to the other three standing around a barrel of fire. Bobbie makes some incantation about how they have power over Helena now and they will never let the spirit of darkness return. Scott wants to know who writes her dialogue; she said she got it from the Dark Shadows television show. They burn Helena's picture.

GH 10,000 Anniversary Episode - Take a walk down memory lane to a series of music montages.  All of Audrey Hardy's friends come together to celebrate her 10,000th day at GH. Alan presents her with a beautiful gold heart shaped pin. Lots of flashbacks/highlights, including memorable weddings, births, action/adventure sequences, kisses, Luke & Laura, Audrey & Steve.  Laura shared words with Nikolas and Gia and told her son that everything that was going on was hard on Lucky and basically, that he should be patient.  Luke and Scott are late for the celebration and jump into an elevator with a pregnant woman in hopes of making the celebration a little late. Unfortunately, as the elevator
ascends, the woman goes into labor. When the elevator suddenly stops, Alan frantically tries to fix the problem, Luke, Scott, and the pregnant woman all scream for help.  Laura and Bobbie happen to be walking by the elevator shaft and hear the cries. They coach the two men through the delivery of a baby girl.

Danger Zone (from Top Gun) - clips of L&L in the early 80's, Luke hitting Scotty on the deck of the ship during his wedding to Jennifer Smith, Roy Deluca shooting, Left Handed Boy & Ice Princess scenes, Alan brings down the roof on Monica, Frank Smith shooting in Puerto Rico, Big Bear location scene with Jason/Karen/Jagger on the run, Sean & Anna on the tram, Sonny & Carly, Jason shot, L&L in the pink caddy, Frisco & Anna with Asian Quarter scenes, Puerto Rico location shots, Robert & Tiffany on the Cassadine island, various explosions, L&L's wedding, Ned & Lois at Coney Island, Ryan in the fire, L&L at the Canadian diner/parachuting/river scenes from their 1993 return.

Wedding montage - Laura & Scotty, Leslie & Rick, Karen & Jagger, Tony & Bobbie, Robert & Anna, Robin & Stone (the didn't actually marry but the scene where she wore the lace montilla and they dreamed of their future wedding), Brenda waiting for Sonny at the altar, Frisco & Felicia, Liz and Lucky (when they pledged their unofficial vows at the church), Luke & Laura, Ned & lois, Duke & Anna.

Montage of births - Lulu's (L&L), Lucy/Scott/Dom during sonogram, BJ's (tony & Tanya), Maxie's (Felicia & Frisco), Michael's (Carly & Jason).

**The End**

Luke & Laura's Reunion #2B  Scenes from 10,000 Anniversary show continue, Scotty and Luke have just successfully helped the woman on the elevator deliver her baby. Shortly after the baby is born in the elevator delivery, Alan is finally able to fix the system and get the elevator moving. Mom and baby are whisked away to labor and delivery while Luke, Laura, Bobbie, and Scott laugh about the situation. Gail hugs Scotty and tells them how proud they should be.  Both Luke and Scotty say the other did all the work. Alan comments to Audrey about her 10,000th day being a milestone, she wonders where the time went as a montage of different scenes over the years starts: Black and white shots of Audrey and Steve, Luke and Laura at Wyndham's, Robin as a little girl with Anna, Luke and Lucky as the "pips" during a Nurse's Ball, Justus and Mary Mae, Holly and Luke at the lake during her 1982 arrival, Alan and Monica, Alan with AJ and Jason, Sean Kaanan as AJ, Stone's death, Scotty and Laura in front of the Christmas tree, Lois jumping out of the cake, Baccahnalian Ball, Miguel and Lily at the Puerto Rico ruins, Demi Moore, Richard Dean Anderson, Jax and Brenda in Malibu, Emily, Ruby, the montage ends with Audrey and Steve back in the 60's.

Luke and Laura hug, she tells him she loves it when he holds her. As Audrey looks on, Laura tells Luke that when they were younger and falling in love she would look at Luke and wonder what to do to get him to kiss her.  Luke tells his Angel, all she had to do was smile. They move in for a tender kiss as a montage of wonderful kissing scenes over the years begins to play. Luke and Laura's kiss ends the montage and they walk away hand in hand. 

Laura is in her office at Deception speaking with a potential client when Gia barges in and interrupts.  Laura sends the gentleman off with Elton to look at the marketing plans.  Gia demands that Lucky be removed as photographer for the photo shoots, she tells Laura that either Lucky goes or she does.  Gia tells Laura that Lucky's behavior during the shoot was inappropriate and spiteful.  Laura is angry and tells Gia that she doesn't get to choose the photographer.  Laura tells Gia that she does indeed have a problem with Gia because of the things Nikolas has done to cover for her. Lucky comes in with proofs from the shoot and tells Laura they are the best photo's he's ever taken and Laura agrees.  Lucky leaves and Laura wants Gia to stay on as the Face of Deception so that it can be used as a bridge between Lucky and Nik to come back together. Laura tells Gia to get over her giant ego and deal with it. Just as Gia is leaving, Laura tells her that if she has to choose between Gia and her sons, she will choose her son everytime.  Lucky returns after Gia has left and asks who is leaving him or Gia, Laura wants to know why he's so glib about the situation. They discuss the Nikolas situation then Lucky tells her that Elizabeth has broken up with him, as they hug the phone rings.  It's Luke saying that Carly has been in a car accident, Laura and Lucky leave.

Laura and Liz are upstairs with Michael.  He's asking for his Mommy and they try to comfort him because he wants to know why Carly hasn't called.  Luke is talking to Lesley as Roy and Felicia look on. They aren't sure what to do about the situation.  Bobbie comes in with Scotty and gets upset, she tells them that they all look like they are in mourning and if they can't stop it then they should leave her house.  Luke comforts his sister, telling her that no one said Carly was dead.  Bobbie is concerned Michael saw them looking so mournful; they tell her he is upstairs with Laura and Liz.  Luke comforts a crying Bobbie who tells him that she knows Carly is alive.  Laura tells Michael not to worry, that Carly is thinking about him and if she can't be there to kiss him goodnight she is kissing him goodnight in her heart.  She goes to her purse and brings out Michael's bear hoping it will help him sleep.  He says it will help a little, but the bear can't sing.  Laura asks what Carly sings to him, and he starts singing Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Laura joins in singing with him to calm him.  Roy and Luke talk about the situation, Luke thinks Carly is dead but he says if they hadn't pulled the car out he would have thought Carly had created the whole situation just to hurt people and get what she wanted. 

Laura and Liz come downstairs and Laura goes to talk to Bobbie.  Bobbie tells Laura that she knows Carly is alive.  Laura tells Bobbie to trust her instinct.  Bobbie goes upstairs to check on Michael as Laura talks to Nik. He apologizes for being a disappointment; Laura tells him she loves him no matter what.  Bobbie comes down upset because Michael isn't upstairs. As they all begin to search the house, Bobbie becomes increasingly hysterical because he can't be found.  Everyone begins to go off outside the house in search of him.  Laura stays with Bobbie to keep her calm.  Luke is at the park looking and sees Nik, Nik stops Luke to ask him if he put a copy of the riddle Helena told him on his desk at Wyndemere.  Bobbie tells Laura how proud she is of her and asks Laura to tell her all the good things going on at Deception to take her mind off of Michael being missing.  Laura tells Bobbie they are Spencer's and they never give up, Bobbie says that's right, they don't know how.  Luke looks a bit lost on the subject and tells Nik that they have come a long way that they may never be friends but any issues between Nik and Lucky should be kept between them.  As Luke hollers Michael's name again, Michael comes out asking why Luke was calling him.  Luke brings him back to the brownstone where Bobbie tells Michael that if anything happened to him there would be a hole in her heart.  Scotty gives him ice cream and cookies.  Bobbie wonders why Michael went to the park in the middle of the night then sends everyone home so Michael won't be suspicious as to why there are so many people in the house. 

Bobbie is on the phone telling Luke that Michael saw his mother outside the brownstone and that's why he went to the park.  Laura stands by as Luke is obviously unsure and Bobbie tells him if he can't be happy then she doesn't want to hear it and hangs up on him.  Laura questions the conversation of Michael having seen Carly.  Luke confirms the story but Laura says he just dreamed it.  Luke says he has a bad feeling and that he wouldn't put it past Carly to fake her own death.  Laura says she doesn't think Carly would do that to her own child (Makes me recall that unfortunately Luke and Laura DID fake Laura's death and put Nikolas through the grief).  Luke tells Laura that she has a higher opinion of Carly than he does. Laura is convinced that Michael was just missing Carly and dreamed seeing her because Carly couldn't have known that Michael would come downstairs and outside.  She said there were too many people at the brownstone if Carly was trying to make people believe she was dead.  Laura wonders if she and Luke had been able to talk back when they thought Lucky had died, they would have realized sooner that he was really alive. They talk about past mistakes and Luke promises that he has thrown out all the old mistakes along with his "mirrored ball."  Laura promises to always be honest with Luke no matter what and that they will never take the blame road or the easy way out again.  She asks if it's a deal, Luke tells her it is and he would love to seal it with a kiss but he has "the head cold from hell."   Laura says they can always seal it with "something else."  Luke grabs her and they fall back onto the couch in each other's arms laughing as he tells her be careful not to break his "mirrored ball." 

Felicia and Maxie are at the brownstone with Bobbie; Luke shows up to take her out for a walk.  Bobbie doesn't want to leave Michael, but Luke talks her into getting out of the house for some fresh air. As they return, Luke is teasing Bobbie for paying for the licorice instead of shoplifting it.  She thanks him for making her go out and asks if he thinks she's in denial about Carly being gone. She tells him that she can feel that Carly is alive. 

Luke is back at the brownstone; Bobbie tells him the body they found isn't Carly's.  They talk about a carnival from their childhood.  Scotty shows up and says he has news from the ME's office, which ends up being that everything will be delayed.  Luke chews Scotty out for giving that kind of information instead of waiting for real info.  Luke says he is going to the ME's office to get news.  He returns to Liz and Sarah at the brownstone.  As Liz goes to get Bobbie, she and Scotty come in and Luke tells her he's sorry but the body they pulled from the lake is Carly's.  Bobbie falls to the floor sobbing and Luke holds her.  A montage of Jax and Skye reading the paper about Carly's death, Zander going to the morgue, Laura holding Luke at the brownstone, Bobbie laying with Michael and Sonny at Carly's club.  Luke tells Laura he can't break through Bobbie's denial.  Laura tells Luke everyone grieves differently.  He says that Bobbie won't listen to him and he hopes maybe Laura can help her.  Bobbie comes in the room while they are talking and tells them she can't think about a funeral.  Luke leaves to go take care of arrangements and Laura stays to talk to Bobbie.  Bobbie tells Laura that she doesn't feel in her heart that Carly is dead the way she did with BJ.  Laura thinks she's in denial.  She and Bobbie talk, Laura holds Bobbie and tells her that everyone has their arms around her. 

Zander is at the morgue crying over the body. He wonders what he could have done differently.  He tells her that he will never forget who she was.  A guard comes in and tells him he has to leave.  He tells the guard she couldn't stand to be alone.  Luke tells the guard to cut Zander some slack. Laura goes upstairs to help Bobbie pick out a dress for Carly to wear.  Bobby sees a keychain and tells Laura the story of why Carly has it.  Bobbie opens a box on Carly's desk and finds a letter that Carly had written to her on Mother's Day.  She reads the emotional letter out loud while Laura sits with her.  Luke argues with the guard to let Zander stay and says he isn't going anywhere either.  Luke sends him out to get some coffee and take a walk.  When Zander leaves, Luke opens the body bag to look at the body. 

Bobbie puts the letter back in the box; Laura asks if she wants to keep it.  Bobbie tells her no, she will wait for Carly to give it to her herself.  Bobbie goes through some dresses in the closet, telling Laura about certain ones before finally choosing one.  Laura takes the dress downstairs; Bobbie lays across the bed crying for Carly.  Luke shows up at the brownstone dressed in his suit just as Sonny is walking down the steps and a florist is delivering flowers.  The card says the flowers are from AJ and Sonny tells the florist to destroy the flowers.  Luke and Sonny talk about AJ and the fact that he's hurting Bobbie.  Luke is ready to hurt AJ for hurting his sister.  He tells Sonny he is glad that Sonny is the son in law Bobbie is left with because he knows Sonny will do right by Bobbie. Luke goes in and talks to Bobbie.  Luke offers the club for the wake but Bobbie declines the offer because Carly hated Luke's. They recall when Bobbie told Luke she was pregnant and what she went through back then.  She says the finality she had with BJ's death won't come with Carly's.  Luke says that even though Carly was usually a colossal pain in the butt, she was a true Spencer.  Bobbie tells Luke she needs him that she can't get through it by herself.  Luke tells her he is there and will never let go. 

Felicia and Roy are talking with Luke, Felicia offers cookies and Luke wonders why when someone dies everyone assumes a person is starving.  Roy says Lucky can help if there's any trouble with AJ at the funeral so Luke can stay with Bobbie.  Felicia comments that it will be a strange group of people with Bobbie's friends and Sonny's associates, just then Bobbie walks in and says Carly wouldn't want it any other way.  Lucky and Laura are talking about Bobbie when Nikolas comes in.  Lucky wants to know why he is there that is isn't any of Nik's business, it's a family matter. Laura chastises Lucky and tells them she can't deal with a fight.  Nik offers to leave if it upsets Laura, but Laura tells him no.  Roy comes in and asks for Laura's help.  Bobbie is telling everyone that the funeral is wrong and that she knows Carly is alive.  She says she won't go to the funeral because it's a fraud.  Everyone talks downstairs about trying to help Bobbie, as Bobbie is upstairs looking at a picture of Carly.  Nik tells Laura he feels uncomfortable there, but Laura tells him she is glad to see him and wants him to go to the service.  They hug while Lucky looks on angrily.  Everyone leaves to go the funeral with Luke staying behind for Bobbie.  Just as they have all left, Bobbie comes down decides to go. 

"Say goodnight, not goodbye," plays as everyone enters the church for the funeral.  The priest speaks briefly before inviting the family to speak. Jax speaks first, talking about how ruthless Carly could be, but that she had her reasons.  Zander speaks next, saying that Carly was a true friend if she liked you and she loved her family.  Luke steps up and says what a pain in the butt Carly was, that they didn't like each other because they were a lot alike.  Bobbie goes up to speak, thanking everyone for being there.  She talks about how she gave her up for adoption, then years later she was in her life.  Bobbie breaks down and Sonny goes up to comfort her.  As he is holding Bobbie, the door to the church opens, and Carly is standing there looking disheveled shocking the hell out of everyone.  Carly questions what is going on then runs out of the church.  Roy and Luke are suspicious as to what happened, who the dead body is and how the DNA matched.  Laura overhears Roy and Luke talking.  Luke and Roy show up at the morgue posing as FBI agents to ask questions, but the guard says he won't answer questions until he verifies whom they are. When the guard leaves, they go into the morgue and out pops Laura, who has followed her instincts and come to help.  They check the drawer where the body should be and find it empty.  Laura cons the guard and gets into the computer and finds the information on the body that was claimed as Carly's. 

Nikolas is dreaming about seeing himself as a young boy; Laura and Stavros are in the dream.  Little Nik tells Stavros that everyone teases him for being a Prince and Stavros tells Nik that he is different; he's a Cassadine and that is something to be envied for.  He tells little Nik how much he loves him.  He turns and tells big Nik that he did love him, and was the only one who really did love and understand him. 

Luke and Roy show up at the apartment of the lady who was supposed to have claimed the body. They break in and are looking around when the lady and her two very big sons come in.  Luke and Roy pretend to be hosts for a sweepstakes that she supposedly won. The sons and Mom don't buy it and Luke and Roy take off fast.  They go to GH, still trying to figure out why the people claimed the body and who paid them to do it.  As they are discussing it, Scotty shows up saying AJ did it to be able to file custody for Michael.  The three stooges proceed to harass the lab tech, who tells them a story of how he mixed up the DNA, which they don't believe.  Bobbie intervenes and tells them nicely to drop it.  Luke walks off with "better ways to handle it."  He goes to find AJ on the docks and they have words, then Luke punches AJ with plans to beat him up.  Laura steps in and tells Luke not to do it and then proceeds to give AJ a piece of her mind.  She tells AJ she stopped Luke once, but if he hurts Bobbie again, she won't be able to save him twice.  Luke is back at GH talking to Bobbie and Scotty.  He's not impressed that Scotty called his "fiancée" to police his activities.  Laura and Scotty meet at Kelly's where she thanks him for calling her about Luke.  Bobbie asks Luke to just let it go. 

Luke and Laura come running out of a bar in quite a hurry.  He asks if she's all right, she says she is and wonders about him, he tells her he's fine he got the money and the girl.  They jump in the pink Cadillac but it won't start.  Luke looks under the hood and Laura wonders if it's not just another ploy to get them alone like he did with the motorcycle in Beecher's Corners.  He tells her it's not as he proceeds to try and fix the car.  She tells him to jiggle a wire under the hood, which he doesn't.  They have the cutest conversation about nagging.  Laura tries to get Luke to talk about plans for the wedding, but he just wants her to make the plans and he will show up.  He goes to start the car, but not before she jiggles the wire, and the car starts.  Luke thinks he fixed it but realizes it was Laura's wire jiggling.  He asks her to think about where they are, she tells him Niagara Falls, he tells her wouldn't it be a waste to be there and not have a honeymoon.  She reminds him that you have to get married first.  He asks her to elope and she very excitedly agrees.  They go to the courthouse and are surprised to find it rather empty.  Luke wonders if they shouldn't go back to the hotel they passed earlier to find a justice of the peace because they had heart shaped Jacuzzi's there. The judge isn't there but the court clerk gives them paperwork to fill out for when the judge returns.  As they are filling out the papers, Laura is watching a young couple who are also waiting to get married. She thinks they are in trouble and tells Luke he should talk to the guy while she talks to the girl.  Laura and the girl talk about what the girl really wants for a wedding.  In the process of talking to her, Laura realizes she wants a real wedding herself.  When the judge arrives, the young couple decides not to marry now, as do Luke and Laura.  When they leave the courtroom, Luke asks if she wants to go see Niagara Falls, but Laura tells him she would rather see the heart shaped Jacuzzi's and they share a romantic kiss. 

Luke is on the phone with Laura telling her they are getting married and he is happy about it.  Laura says he's been brooding all day and wants him to tell her why.  He swears all if fine, he just got restless.  He won't tell her where he is, tells her he loves her and quickly hangs up.  Bobbie shows up at Laura's wondering what's wrong.  Luke is at Pentonville prison where Helena is.  Bobbie presses Laura about what's wrong and what Luke said to her on the phone.  Laura is busy looking through her desk drawers and trinket boxes and tells her it's what Luke didn't say.  She has a strange feeling and Bobbie chalks it up to being butterflies.  Laura tells Bobbie that her engagement ring is missing.  Luke goes in to see Helena and pays off the guard to keep him quiet.  Luke and Helena pass their usual flirty banter.  Bobbie tries to help Laura find the ring and tells her that she can always replace it if she doesn't find it.  Laura has (what we now know is accurate) a premonition that they are so close to getting everything they want, that something is going to go wrong.  She says the scary part is that she thinks Luke feels it too.  Meanwhile, at Pentonville, Luke and Helena continue with their banter.  She questions Luke on how the wedding plans are going.  Luke brings up a time in their past where he went on the Cassadine yacht and found Helena alone.  Helena recalls the incident vividly.  Luke continues with the story of that night and Helena continues to agree, when Luke tells her that it never happened and wonders who she is and where Helena is.  She tells Luke that she is Helena's cousin (Identical cousin). Back at Laura's, Bobbie and Laura continue to search for Laura's ring.  Laura thinks someone came and took the ring, she is very sure that something is wrong.  Luke is determined to find Helena.

The next day, Laura and Bobbie are still searching for the ring.  Laura refuses to have a new one made.  She is concerned that something is terribly wrong, and wonders if it is Helena.  She recalls the curse Helena put on them at she and Luke's wedding.  Bobbie tells Laura that Helena is not supernatural and can't lay a curse on them.  She tells her that Helena is in jail and can't hurt them anymore, but Laura will not be swayed, she says her instincts are screaming that something is wrong.  Elton shows up in a tizzy and says the wedding is falling apart.  He tells Laura and Bobbie the church has been shut down because of a flooded basement.  Laura is sure it is another sign of bad things to come.  Bobbie tries to comfort her then calls a physic to help find the ring, but Laura wants her to cancel the visit.  Elton comes back in the room and tells them that the fabric ordered for the bridesmaid's gowns was sent to Madagascar, and the wrong fabric was sent to them.  He then tells them that the caterer has come down with food poisoning.  Laura believes someone is trying to sabotage the wedding.  Scotty shows up and tells Laura that she can't get married because the legal documents have disappeared from the hall of records.  Laura thinks they were purposely taken, Bobbie doesn't agree, but Laura is determined that she knows who it is and leaves.  Just as she is walking out, the physic shows up, a very annoyed Laura leaves.  Funny bit with Bobbie, Scotty and the physic.  Laura calls Bobbie and leaves a message that she has a lead on her engagement ring. 

Note: Oddly Laura wasn't  much involved in the search for her ring, that was a side storyline with Scotty & Bobbie. I did Include Laura losing the ring, Bobbie deciding to contact the pyshic, Laura leaving and not wanting to participate. (Not included: Bobbie & Scotty go to look for it at Kelly's, Scotty suddenly has the ring.) I did include the scenes of Scotty returning the ring to Laura, just wanted to confirm there were no Laura scenes missing that she wasn't involved in the search for the ring. Anyone who is interested in those additional Scotty & Bobbie scenes aired on June 13th & June 17th, 2002 episodes. You can email me for that additional information and those episode descriptions.

Luke is undercover as a photographer at a convent talking to a nun, who come to find out is under a vow of silence and can't answer him.  She lets him know that he can't take pictures.  Luke stops a Father and gets him drunk to try to get information on whether Helena is there. The Father passes out before Luke can get the info he needs.  Luke takes the Father's robes and pretends to be Father Timothy, sent in Father Bob's place.  Mother Superior thinks he is there to present the homily (sermon).  Luke gives a hysterical sermon trying to see all the nuns and whether one of them is Helena.  One of the nuns gets up and walks out at the end of the sermon and Luke follows her out.  As she walks by he grabs her thinking it's Helena, low and behold it's Laura.  She's followed him from the prison to the convent.  Luke being Luke wants to find a quiet place and make love, Laura responds with, "I'm wearing a wimple!"  Luke gives a sly smile and tells her he knows, Laura says, "Just when you think you know someone!"  As they walk off together to go search for Helena, Mother Superior comes out and wants to know where "Father Timothy" is going with the nun. Luke smooth talks his way out of suspicion and he and Laura split up to go search.  They find Helena and she tries to convince them that she's given up trying to intervene between Luke and Laura.  Laura looks at Luke crazy when he suggests they hear Helena out.  Luke tells Laura to give Helena the benefit of the doubt and take her at her word.  Laura obviously thinks Luke has lost his mind.  They walk off and leave Helena, with Laura questioning Luke, when Mother Superior comes out with some other nuns and says that Father Timothy has given them the good news that Helena wants to go to Antarctica to minister and they take her away. 

Luke and Laura are back home, he's about to leave when Laura asks him to stay because she has no idea what to do about their wedding.  They decide they can't duplicate their first wedding, and Luke asks what about the first wedding would she like to keep, she happily exclaims, "US!"  She wants his input and they reminisce about their first wedding, Laura remembers Rick walking her down the aisle and being with all of their friends and family.  Leslie comes downstairs and wonders if something is bothering Laura.  Luke tells her that Laura was just remembering Rick walking her down the aisle and Les says that was one of her favorite memories.  Laura thinks she will be walking down the aisle by herself this time around.  Leslie tells them she's been in touch with Rick and wonders if Laura wouldn't like to ask him to give her away again. Laura is touched and Les gives her the number to call Rick.  She calls and they speak briefly, she asks if he wouldn't mind coming back to Port Charles to give her way and he agrees to do it.  Laura is thrilled and things finally seem to be falling into place for the wedding.  Later, Laura and Les go through a photo album and come across an old photo of Amy in front of some stairs.  Laura can't recall where the stairs lead and Les tells her they are to the attic above the garage of their old home.  Laura doesn't remember it, and Les said she should because she spent a lot of time there as a child.  Les leaves and Laura is lost in thought when Luke comes home.  He asks what's wrong and she shows him the photo asking if he knows where it was taken.  Luke recalls that it is the staircase to the attic over the garage. He tries to make Laura feel better by telling her it's not a big deal that she doesn't remember somewhere she hasn't lived for years.  He tells her she remembers the important things.  When he asks if she remembers Amy running down those stairs afraid of rats one time, she says yes, but her facial expression says otherwise.  Later that night, Laura sneaks out of the house to go to the attic.  Luke comes up behind her, scaring her senseless.  He saw she had left the house and figured the attic is where she went.  They both wander through the attic and Laura remembers tidbits of items in there.  She finds her old wedding dress and thinks it's a good omen.  When she takes it out to look at it, the dress is worn, dirty and ripped; Laura is visibly upset.  Luke suggests she look for the veil, which she finds in good condition and they leave the attic. 

Laura is at a restaurant for breakfast and Lucky meets her there. She wants to know why there is a stand-in for Gia in the proofs.  Lucky tells Laura that it's Nik's fault that Nik wants to make Gia a star.  As Lucky and Laura talk, Gia and Nik come in and sit at another table discussing a shopping trip. The waiter comes and Nik orders for Gia, which makes her go off on him for not allowing her to order for herself.  About that time, Nik notices Laura staring daggers over at he and Gia.  Lucky proceeds to tell Laura that Nik bought the Tempo cover for Gia, which Laura says is impossible.  She says that Nik knows Gia is on contract to her and Lucky tells her Nik basically said Gia is too good to be in a perfume magazine ad.  Laura begins to get annoyed; she has already begun launching a new campaign around Gia.  Lucky leaves, but not before giving Gia and Nik a dirty look on his way out.  Nik tells Gia he has 4 interviews set up for her in New York, one of them being at the top Modeling Agencies.  Laura goes over to their table and lets them have it for not letting her know what's going on.  Gia leaves it to Nik and Laura to work things out.  In one of the few times Laura is truly ticked off with Nik, she wants to know what the hell is going on.  Nik wants Laura to let Gia out of her exclusive contract and make things simple.  Laura says she will make it simple, if Gia doesn't fulfill her duties to Deception, she will be in breech of contract and Laura will take legal action, Nik tells her to go ahead and sue, and he will pay her off.  Laura is furious and gets up to leave but Nik apologizes and asks her to stay. Nik tells Laura it's not just about Gia, but about Lucky as well and the distance between them.  He feels he is on the outside looking in, Laura assures him he isn't that he is her son, he always has been and always will be.  Nik tells her he knows and leaves. 

Laura goes to Kelly's and sees Bobbie, who asks to see her engagement ring, which has been found.  Laura says that everything is working out for the wedding, that Rick is coming back to give her away.  She and Bobbie sit and Laura tells her about finding the wedding dress.  She says Bobbie was right and that everything is fine.  She comments that some things change a lot and that's why you can't remember them, and tells Bobbie that she can't recall the attic above the garage.  Sarah Webber is at Kelly's and asks to speak to Laura.  Bobbie leaves the table as Sarah tells Laura that she knows Laura wants Lucky with Liz.  Laura tells Sarah that she wants Lucky to be happy and Sarah says that Lucky needs as much support as he can get.  Sarah leaves while Laura tries to make sense of the whole conversation.

At Laura's house, Lesley answers the door and it's Rick.  He asks has he missed the wedding, Les tells him he is a month early.  She invites him in to talk with no one around.  Les tells Rick that she is glad they talked on the phone and she has more to tell him.  She says how grateful she is to Laura and the kids for helping her get her life back.  She's been unable to show all of her anger and pain to them.  She tells Rick that she understands he did what he thought he had to do and that he is welcome anytime.  They talk about Laura and raising her together.  Rick asks where Laura is and Les tells him about the photo of Amy and that the attic is her new favorite place and Laura has gone there with LuLu.

Laura and LuLu go to the Jones' and Maxie and Felicia are outside.  Laura thanks them for letting her go to the attic and Maxie tells LuLu to be careful of ghosts, which obviously frightens LuLu.  Felicia reprimands Maxie for scaring Lu and Maxie tells Felicia she is overcompensating because Felicia used to date Luke.  Laura opens the door to the attic and LuLu is scared, she tells Laura there's something in there.  Luke is lying on the couch and sits up when they enter. An excited LuLu jumps in her Daddy's arms while Laura thinks Luke is checking up on her.  He tells her Les told him she would be there and he is concerned because she is spending a lot of time there.  LuLu wonders why Laura likes the attic so much, Laura tells her it's a part of her childhood and it's interesting to her.  LuLu asks to leave; she has Sunshine girls so Laura asks Luke to take her.  Luke panics as only Luke can, afraid the girls will tie him up and fill him full of marshmallows again. He tells Lu it's not nice to tie people up and suggests pizza and ice cream instead.  He and Laura kiss with cute little LuLu wagging her finger saying, "No kissing."  Luke leaves with the "kissing police."

Bobbie and Scotty are having lunch together where Bobbie asks Scotty to be her date to Luke and Laura's wedding.  She says that she's the matron of honor and Scotty is the guest who promises not to slug anyone, to which he responds he makes no promises.  Bobbie tells him that Laura wants the wedding to be perfect, that she's even asked Rick to come back and give her away.  Scotty says Laura barely knows Rick anymore.  Bobbie questions why Scotty is concerned about Rick.  He tells her you can't recapture the past, that sometimes it's best to let it go.  Bobbie and Scotty walk into GH and they are talking about Luke and Laura's wedding.  Bobbie asks what Scotty's deal with the past is.  Bobbie leaves and Rick comes off the elevator.  He and Scotty speak and Scotty tells Rick he should leave.  Rick tells him Laura asked him to give her away and he wasn't going to say no.

Laura is wandering through the attic and hears a noise, turns and sees Rick standing at the door.  He asks what she is doing there and as they hug she asks the same since her wedding isn't for a month.  Laura asks how he knew where she was, he tells her that Les told him.  She tells Rick that it was really nice of him to come back after all the time passed, Rick tells her he couldn't have asked for a better daughter.  She tells him she respects him because she's now raised 2 teenaged sons, whom she wants him to meet, along with LuLu.  Rick mentions that Les has said Laura spends a lot of time in the attic.  Laura tells him she wasn't even able to remember the attic until a few days before.  He tells her it's nothing to be concerned with.  Laura tells him he is calming her the way he used to.  Laura wants them to go find her son but Rick says he has something to do at the hospital first. 

At Laura's, Luke comes in saying he survived the Sunshine girls and Laura tells him that Rick is in town. Just as Luke is wondering why Rick came a month early, Elton busts in the door in hysterics, (No one does hysterics better than Elton!). He talks in circles until Laura calms him enough to get that there's a major Provence, France. He says that their Provence supplier sent their entire line to the competition. Laura immediately says she has to go there to take care of it and Elton has already made all of the arrangements for her. She apologizes to Luke, but he says he understands.  Rick shows up just as Laura is getting ready to go, she tells him she will back in time for the wedding and apologizes for the timing.  Luke goes to help Laura get her luggage down and Rick gets on his cell phone.  He tells whomever he is speaking with that two weeks will be enough time.  Laura is on the plane to France looking through a magazine.  She comes across a picture of a house at night with the window lights on and has a flashback to a rainy night looking up at a lighted window. 

Luke and Rick share a beer and talk.  Luke is curious as to why Rick came back so early, and Rick tells him it's for a business deal in the medical field.  Luke is obviously not buying Rick's story.  Rick tells him that he's only back to begin with because Laura called him.  Luke asks why Rick hasn't been in touch before now.  Rick gets a bit touchy and says it was a difficult time for all of them, but that he loves Laura and there's a special connection between them.  Luke agrees and is glad to see Laura smiling because Rick is there.  Rick tells Luke he has business to take care of at the hospital and leaves. 

Maxie is babysitting LuLu and they go to the attic and sort through the old things to play dress up.  They walk out of the room and someone climbs through the window of the attic and drops a lit cigarette into a box and leaves it, climbing back out the window.  Maxie is outside in the back talking to her boyfriend who is trying to get her to meet him.  She says she can't but eventually gives in and says only for 10 minutes.  LuLu is in the attic going from one thing to another as the box begins to smolder further. Suddenly it bursts into flames. LuLu turns around and sees that the attic is on fire and runs to the door trying to get out.  She tries desperately to open the door and cries for Maxie to help her. 

Bobbie and Luke are at Luke's talking about Alan and Luke thinks Alan is uptight because Rick is back in town.  Alexis shows up at the bar and Luke comments about a medical convention.  Luke tells her that Rick set up the place for a private party.  A doctor stops to speak to Alexis and Alexis tells her she has something to speak to her about.  Luke interrupts wondering what kind of Dr. she is. Maxie and LuLu are playing dress up in the attic when Maxie gets a phone call from her boyfriend.  She leaves LuLu to go downstairs to talk to Cody.  The box with the cigarette inside is beginning to smoke. Back at Luke's, Alexis tells Luke and her Dr. that she is moving back to Manhattan.  Luke wants to know why Alexis is leaving; she says she needs a change of scenery.  He tells her she won't have any fun in Manhattan without him and that she will miss him, she tells him he is a pain in her butt.  They comment on their mutual hate for Helena. He wishes her well, kisses her cheek and walks away.  Scotty comes in and asks Luke if he's heard from Laura.  Luke gets grumpy with Scotty and tells him it's personal business.  Scotty quips that maybe Laura is getting cold feet.  He tells Luke that he knows Laura was upset, and Luke wants to know who told Scotty that.

Scotty tells Luke he is the attorney for Deception so he knows what goes on.  Luke tells Scotty to stay out of his family's personal business.  Scotty tells Luke he's been a part of Laura's life since before Luke came along.  Luke tells Scotty to stop living in the past, if Scotty is involved with Bobbie that's fine, but Laura is none of his concern.  Scotty says she will always be his concern and walks off. Luke and Bobbie talk about Scotty, Bobbie figures Luke picked a fight with him.  He tells her he doesn't pick fights that they pick him.  The phone rings and Luke answers.  It's Maxie telling him that there's a fire in the attic and LuLu is trapped inside.  Luke drops the phone in a panic and runs out telling Bobbie there's a fire.  The attic is fully ablaze with no signs of LuLu when Scotty comes banging on the door calling for her before breaking the door in.

**The End**

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