Luke & Laura's Reunion  November 12, 2001 - February 28, 2002 - 8 hours

Bobbie, Luke, Laura, Nikolas, Gia and Scotty go to the police station to give their statements. Helena walks in with handcuffs on and Luke taunts her and tells her that Starvos fell into the bottomless pit at the lab. Helena is shocked. Laura decides surround herself with the people she loves. She invited Luke, Lucky and Scotty over to her house. Luke tells her maybe another time. Laura goes home to her empty house while Luke goes to his empty office. Scotty then arrives at Laura's house. He comments on how happy she looks and she says this is the happiest she has been in a long time. Lucky shows up and says he and Scotty have a surprise for Laura. Just then Leslie, LuLu, Scotty's parents, Serena, Bobbie and Lucas come in with balloons and cake. Laura is happy to be reunited with her mother and daughter. Lucky goes outside and Laura follows. He tells his mother that Nik gave him the number of where Liz is. He then goes on to say he is looking forward to having a real future with Liz. 

After everyone leaves, Laura goes up to the attic. She takes the map that Luke drew for the lab and folds it up. She then puts it in her big brown bag of memories. Just then the attic door opens and Luke walks in. He gloats, tells her he always knew she would be able to handle the whole Cassidine mess on her own. He apologizes for whatever he might have done in his delirious state. They reminisce over old letters and mementos. Scott catches them in a tender moment and leaves abruptly. Luke reminds Laura that their divorce is official. Both seem to want to say something else to the other, but don't. 

Laura starts to clean up when Scott reappears. He acts all jittery and then pops the question to her! Will you marry me, Laura? Scotty produces a beautiful sapphire and diamond engagement ring for Laura. He loves her, wants her to be happy "I love you, I am so IN LOVE with you." Laura tells him she does love him, but omits the part about being "in love" with him. She tells him he's sweet, smart, handsome and sexy, and an incredible combination. He plants a good one on her, but then asks her if she still has feelings for Luke? Laura doesn't lie and tells him she needs time to think. He responds with "Time? Time is good, yes would have been better!" The two decide to call it a night. As she turns off the lights downstairs, Laura gives in to an impulse and sits at her desk looking at the ring Scotty left with her. She puts it on, looks at it and then very deliberately takes it off. 

Over at Luke's, he and Felicia are doing some reconnecting. Luke is excited about moving on and resuming his life post-Cassidine. He details his plans (even mentioning the WSB!) to Felicia, who gently tries to bring him back to earth and the reality that they can't pick up where they left off. Luke apologizes for the rough way he behaved while dealing with Helena's poisoning. He offers her the opportunity to clock him for his rotten behavior, but she takes a pass. In a bittersweet moment, he tells her that it was wonderful, whatever it was they shared and he wouldn't trade if for the world. Later, Luke unlocks a strongbox and reads over his final divorce decree. At Deception, Laura reviews the upcoming ads featuring Gia, when she comes upon the suggested ad for June for a bride and groom shot. She comments that it looks so real and that it reminds her of how she felt the day she married Luke. Bobbie arrives and interrupts Laura destroying the bridal ads. Bobbie reminds Laura that it is her and Luke's 20th anniversary. Laura agrees to join Bobbie for Thanksgiving, but first she established that Luke wouldn't be bringing a date. 

Luke muttered to himself as he packed years of mementos into boxes. Suddenly, from the radio on his desk, came the song 'Fascination' (His and Laura's song from when they danced at Wyndham's all those years ago). He tried to turn it off, but couldn't. He sprayed it with a seltzer bottle, but it didn't stop. Finally he picked it up and threw it against the wall, just as Roy arrived. The friends talked about leaving the past behind and looking to the future while Roy tinkered with the radio. He finally got it working again, only to have it continue playing the same song. Roy told Luke even though it didn't work out for him and Bobbie, he didn't regret trying. He advised Luke not to give up on the love of his life, if there was even a small spark still left. 

Later, Laura appeared in Luke's doorway as he remembered exchanging vows on their wedding day. Both admit to re-emerging feelings, but both attribute them to the date and the recent ordeal with the Cassadine's. Laura leaves with tears on her face as Luke sits and watches sadly. Laura returns to her office to find Luke waiting for her. He asks, "What if these aren't old feelings but new ones?" She asks if he is going to Bobbie's for Thanksgiving? She thought it would be nice for the whole family to be together. They look forward to spending Thanksgiving together at Bobbie's. Just before he left he told her twenty years ago he married a beautiful girl and she was even more beautiful today. 

Luke went to visit the jail diva herself Helena Cassidine. It was truly amazing though because Helena is probably the only woman who could even look good in an orange colored prison overall. Helena told him to enjoy his brief victory because having money works wonders. Well-paid attorneys can make miracles and I will be out of her by tomorrow. Unfortunately her attorney was Virgil Armstead the local lawyer public defender. Helena screams at the guard and tells him this is not her lawyer because her lawyer is Aaron Zellenger. 

Stefan walks in and advises Helena that he has taken over all her holdings and Aaron Zellenger is astronomically expensive and she could not afford to have a lawyer like that so she is stuck with the public defender. Luke and Stefan laugh together and in unison about Helena's defeat. Luke leaves but Stefan has a few more words for his mother. He told her that she can't pretend to enjoy this and you will stay her alone while all the people you hurt embrace themselves. Later on the pier, Stefan caught up to Luke and asked him to join him in a drink. He told Luke that for this battle they fought on the same side and their grudge match was ending now. Luke remained skeptical. Stefan told him that regardless to whether they had the drink or not he was calling it quits for the vendetta between the Cassidines and the Spencers. Luke then yells out it will have to be bar scotch not vintage port. Stefan asked if Luke was trying to broaden his palette? The two shared several shots and cheered to their families and the end of an era.

Luke knocks on Melissa's door and gets an eyeful of the scantily clad R.N. The naughty boy tries to make her squirm a little bit, “I have to say, I was not supposed to like you.” But she gives as good as she gets, “Oh, go on, everyone knows you have a weakness for blondes” - touché'. Luke makes it to Bobbie's home for the holiday, but Bobbie and Scott get detained for speeding. Laura asks Luke to fill in as host opposite her and Luke finally agrees. Later everyone is happy as they sit down to Thanksgiving dinner. Serena approaches Laura and asks her if "its" true. Laura asks her what "it" is and Serena says that Lu Lu told her. After Laura tells her that its okay to say whatever she has to say Lu Lu announces that Laura is going to marry Scott (which Laura has not decided yet) and Luke's happy face goes to a shocked one. 

Lesley Lu has brought Thanksgiving dinner to a standstill with her news of her mom's engagement to Scott. Everyone disperses, leaving only the Spencers and Roy at the table. Luke sarcastically toasts to the happy couple and gets up. Roy stops him and asks him if he is okay. Luke just says he is ready to leave and walks out the front door. Laura runs after him. Laura catches up with Luke. He acts distant and as if all is fine. She asks him not to be like that and tells him she hasn't said 'yes' to Scott yet. He tells her he doesn't know what she is looking for him to say and asks her why she hasn't said 'yes' to Scott's proposal yet. She said it is complicated. Luke claims not to see it that way. He says bluntly, "We're over. Turn the page." She is surprised that he really feels that way. Luke does admit that he can't give her his blessing, especially not to Scotty. He suggests Mac or Roy even. He does admit that Scott clearly loves her, but wonders if he is not too dull for her. He says it makes him crazy to think of her marrying anyone, but she isn't his anymore. He tells her she doesn't need anyone. It's all her decision, he tells her, and then he leaves her sitting on the steps, alone, with tears in her eyes. 

Luke taunts Scotty behind bars while he's there to bail out Bobbie. Luke reminds Laura that she left Scotty the first time because he bored her to tears, urging her not to settle. Bobbie tells Luke to go after Laura since its obvious that he still loves her. Luke and Lucky are there to meet with Mac. Apparently, Helena's lair contains no evidence against her and no evidence that Stavros existed (again). The most they got is kidnapping charges. Lucky asks Luke for some lessons in love. Luke advises "Don't be afraid of what might happen... Let go of the past, reinvent yourself, don't let Helena win!!" Outside of the office, Helena looks on. Luke & Lucky go to Helena. They exchange metaphorical jabs and Helena takes a cheap shot at Luke regarding Laura. 

 Scott takes Laura to a romantic spot in a park from their past to hear her response. Laura admits to having resurfaced feelings for Luke, yet claims to have no plans for reconciliation. She just knows what its like to have no doubts. Scott gets mad at the rejection. He vows to love Laura forever and suggests that they pretend that he never proposed in the first place. Laura thinks that is a great idea. They embrace. Luke who is now mysteriously walking the streets in that very park looks on. He leaves, believing that Laura has accepted the proposal. 

At Deception, Laura tells a sympathetic Elton that she and Scott have broken off their romance. Later at home, Lulu cheerfully suggests that Laura marry Luke now that she's no longer interested in Scott. Laura mentions to a curious Leslie that she could have the perfect man, with a Luke-Scott hybrid! After Lulu goes on a sleepover, Laura starts to unpack Christmas decorations, but each ornament brings memories of the past. She decides to get out for a while. Out on the docks, her loneliness is reinforced by the gaiety of the season and couples around. When someone touches her on the shoulder, she reacts instinctively by swinging around and hitting him with her (rather large) purse. Now laying on the ground, her would be assailant holds his head and looks up at her… it's Luke! He asks if she's taken to carrying bricks in her bag, no but Lulu's tap shoes work just as well. 

After Luke rather reluctantly lets her help him up, he starts busting her chops about walking on the docks alone at night and where's Baldwin, shouldn't he be taking care of you. Laura curbs her temper and just lets him know that she's a grown up and doesn't have to ask someone's permission to take a walk. You can tell she's aware that Luke is upset about Scotty; he's clicked into his obnoxious mode. Perversely, she doesn't put him out of his misery by telling him that she turned down Scott's proposal. Later at home, Laura has a tiff with the Christmas tree and then says everything to Leslie that she should have said to Luke, "I run my own company, I survived the Cassidines, how come he can't appreciate me for who I've become?" Leslie lets her rant, and with a small smile heads upstairs while Laura give the Christmas tree a good kick. 

Bobbie is preparing to paint her living room. She tries to cajole Scott into giving her a hand while she listens to his woes. She does a pretty good job of defending Laura's decision while trying not to make the guy feel any worse. He asks her how she's managed to bounce back from the romantic disappointments in her life and she very honestly tells him that she stays busy - with Lucas, with her job and friends and by trying to keep Carly under control. He tells her she's still the same fireball she was 20 years ago (uh oh) and gives her a hug. All the while Big Brother Luke is busy eyeing them from the doorway. Luke asks him if he can concentrate on more than one woman at a time and why isn't he looking after Laura. Bobbie starts to speak (a couple of times) during Scotty and Luke's little tirade but finally gives up. After Baldwin leaves, Luke continues to tear up the “bland mouthpiece” until finally Bobbie gets a word in edgewise and tells big bro that Laura told Scotty “no”. For once, Luke is struck speechless. 

Laura is looking over her Christmas tree when Luke shows up at the door. She is not particularly welcoming and tells him she is not ready to hear him continue criticizing Scott, but would make time for an apology. He says he isn't there for either reason and instead, stammers about a potential Christmas gift for Lulu. Finally, he says that she seemed upset on the docks the night before and while trying to bait her into telling him that she turned Scott down, Laura realizes he already knows she said no. Luke wants to know why she said no, Laura doesn't understand why he wants to know? They talk but both seem sort of frustrated about the conversation. 

Luke is working on his Cadillac when Roy arrives. After Luke informs him that he will not be attending the party, Roy chastises him. He finally gets Luke to admit that he's not going because Laura didn't just fall into his arms after she turned Scott down. Roy chastises Luke again for not pursuing his dreams and for giving up on Laura so easily. Before leaving, he tries to goad Luke into attending the party, "You're making Stefan look like the bigger man.......You owe it to Nik; the kid worked against his own father to help you" and finally "After all you've been through recently, I guess you don't have what it takes right now". 

Laura shows up alone to Nik and Gia's engagement party. She thanks Stefan for being a "real father". Laura welcomes Gia into the family and thanks her for making her son so happy. She tells Lucky that she wishes she could say the same to Liz. Lucky expressed Liz's regret at not being able to attend the gala, she couldn't come since her mother is ill. Lucky admits to Laura that he is glad she decided not to marry Scott. He tells her he did not see the look of love in her eyes in regards to Scott. Later, Luke surprises Laura (and restores the light in her eyes) when he appears at the party dressed to the nines. 

They stand gazing at each other in the romantic, glittering, snow-covered courtyard complete with flickering candles. “I didn't think you would be here?" Luke reports, "I never miss a party.” Stefan realizes that Laura missed his big announcement and heads outside to tell her of his decision. As he asks Luke to excuse them, Luke reminds Laura that she owes him a dance then heads to the bar. Inside, he tells Roy to give him a call on his cell in ten minutes. Roy, the faithful sidekick that he says sure, no prob. Stefan explains to Laura that Nik is the future of the family and that he's been preparing him for this role his whole life. Laura reminds him that Nikolas just fell in love for the first time, just met his natural father and lost him and needs time to just be. No time for that, continues Stephan, as there are too many things to be done and Nikolas understands his duty. Laura is not pleased. 

Luke heads out back for his promised dance and he and Laura get after it! Very romantic, lots of good lingering looks and finally some semi-serious kissing. The music ends, but the two stay locked together until the cell phone rings. Roy is busting Luke's chops about what an obviously cheesy deal this is. Trying to pull Laura into another exciting adventure. Luke dangles some obscure information while Roy is laughing in the background. Laura has a speculative look on her face. You can tell she's not sure whether to believe this shtick or not. 

Roy and Melissa come in with plans to decorate Luke's club for Christmas, as Luke is packing for his “mission.” Roy realizes Luke's “mission” is to try to win Laura back and he tells Luke it is a really bad idea to be dishonest to Laura. He also says he is not going to help him out and will not lie to Laura. Amy and Laura return from shopping, Elton and Amy launch into a conversation about how great Scotty is and how they can't believe she turned down his proposal. Laura admits that she is kind of bored now that all the action has gone down and doesn't really understand it. Amy psychoanalyzes (or tries to) Laura, comparing her life to a snow globe. Laura thinks she should be content with boring but clearly isn't and when Luke shows up inviting her along on his “mission,” we can see she is interested! She says she can't just pick up and leave, she has Lulu and Deception, but he gives her the when and where and tells her to meet him on board the ship if she can make it. 

Laura asks Lesley to watch Lulu because Luke wants her to go on a mission with him. What happened to enjoying the peace and quiet? her mother wants to know. She tells Laura she's mainly concerned about the risk she's taking with her heart. I will support you if you honestly feel that going off with Luke is what's best for you, Lesley says. Then she poses the question that Laura can never seem to answer, “What do you want?” Luke boards the cruise ship and greets a couple of old friends, two ex-spies who he's recruited for the “mission.” He says they are there to “show a great lady a great time.” 

He tells them he and Laura are divorced, but the one thing they still do well together is live on the edge. He tells his friends that they are the bad guys that he and Laura will be watching. The female ex-spy warns Luke that Laura will not like being deceived. Then she must never know, Luke says. Just stick to the script, he advises his cohorts. He goes to wait for Laura to show up. He sees a blonde woman, goes up behind her, and whispers some silly code phrase in her ear. She turns around, and it's a complete stranger. Later, Luke is still waiting for Laura, getting nervous when the ship prepares to set sail. Then he bumps into a pretty brunette, who turns out to be Laura in disguise! “I made it,” she says. “Where do we begin?” Luke is happy to see her. 

Luke informs Laura on 'the mission', pointing out the suspect and his code name (Cupid). When Luke informs her that they are booked (into the same suite) as Mr. & Mrs. Johnson, Laura isn't sure what to think. Later, on deck, Luke (looking smooth in a snappy dinner jacket) waits for Laura, who finally appears dressed to kill. Seeing the 'spy' Luke whips Laura in close for a 'slow dance over'. Laura frustrates Luke's plans for romance by taking the spy mission seriously. Clueless about Luke's scheme, Laura pays more attention to the "foreign spies" then Luke's romantic whisperings. The final insult is when Laura decides to go after a crewmember, whom she saw 'Cupid' pass something to. Later, she returns and tells Luke that she picked the crewmember's pocket but it was just a note requesting a romantic song. 

Laura fancies she's in the middle of a grand adventure and is loving every minute. She cuts in on “Cupid” and while learning the cha-cha, picks his pocket for the heart shaped locket. Luke congratulates her while she's still high on the rush until he reveals that the microchip is in actuality, a breath mint. He sends Laura to the stateroom but she lingers and notices Luke's rather friendly banter with the “spies”. 

Back in the stateroom, Laura puts two and two together and angrily slams around the room muttering under her breath. When Luke comes in thinking to do a little celebrating, Laura plays along with a rather witchy look on her face ready for payback. Laura is upset that Luke tricked her onto the cruise. She decides that she is going to get him back.Laura plays along as Luke tells her that she did a great job at catching "Cupid" and finding the microchip. Laura asks Luke if they are really safe with Cupid on the ship. Luke tells her that they are and they decide to celebrate with champagne. Laura excuses herself so she can freshen up. 

When Luke goes to tell her that their drinks and snacks are there, he can't find her. Then someone slips a note under his door from Laura saying that they got her. Luke goes searching for her all over the ship and bumps into Cupid and his lady friend. They say that they saw her talking to a man with a scar on his face. Luke spots the man and follows him. He sneaks into a room and catches Laura playing poker and drinking beer with some of the ship's workers. After much searching, Luke finds Laura playing poker in the gallows of the ship. When Luke tells her how worried he has been and that he thought she might have been kidnapped, she responds by shrugging her shoulders and returning to the game. Luke realizes that she knows their "mission" was a ruse. He attempts to convince her to go back to their stateroom so he can explain himself. 

Luke and Laura return to their stateroom. He confirms that the mission he told her about was phony, but that he did have a mission to get her back. Luke tells Laura he didn't take her on the trip to deceive or embarrass her, he did it to see if a connection still exists between them. Laura confirms that a connection is still there, but that she can't live a life on the run anymore. She needs to create a safe life for her children and wants to watch them grow up. She wants "normal" most of the time and needs someone she can depend on. Luke tells her that he is that person. He tells Laura that all he wants is to be with her. Each admits they are crazy about the other. Luke states that if this is the case then they should do something crazy, "Marry me!" he says. Laura is left completely speechless. 

Luke presents Laura with a gourmet breakfast and with a replica of the very first ring he ever gave her, a cigar band (flashback to twenty odd years ago). Laura compares the ring to their relationship, romantic, but impractical and not made for the long haul. Luke disagrees and presents Laura with a diamond ring. Later, Luke throws a surprise birthday party for Laura in her stateroom. Laura asks Luke for more time to consider his proposal. To her surprise, Luke quickly agrees to give her all the time she needs. He lovingly tells her that even if she turns him down, she will always be the love of his life. She disembarks at the next port and boards a plane for home. But Luke isn’t through with his surprises; he is in the seat next to hers. As the plane takes off, they clasp hands and smile lovingly at each other. 

Luke invites an amused Laura to join him for a spin on their new motorcycle. Later, Liz and Lucky's announcement they are getting married on New Year's Eve and this gives Luke visions of a double wedding but Laura quickly squelches the idea. Later, when Luke proposes they elope, Laura appears poised to agree. Luke and Laura flirt, unaware of the drama unfolding all around them. Audrey, Laura, Bobbie and Gia provide her with her old, new, borrowed and blue mementos, but the old superstition isn't going to help this wedding. Audrey, Laura and Bobbie come in and offer some last minute marriage advice. 

Lucky goes outside to get some pre-wedding fresh air and his dad comes out and sort of questions whether Lucky is really ready to get married. He tells Lucky not to go through with it if he has any doubts whatsoever. Lucky doth protest too much, insisting he has no doubts. Ceremony begins. Down the aisle comes Lulu...Gia...Audrey...the bride. Liz gives her vows and they are amazing. Lucky gives his. 

Mid-vow, just as Lucky is saying his love for her is stronger than ever and that no one can ever change that, Liz realizes that Lucky has indeed stopped loving her. She says she can see it in his eyes. She runs upstairs. Everyone is shocked, except for Nikolas. He is mad and gives the evil eye to Gia. Luke & Laura discuss what is up with their son. Luke says it has seemed like Lucky has been trying to talk himself into the wedding. Nikolas tells the guests the bride- and groom-to-be probably need some privacy. 

At the stroke of midnight…. 10...9...8... Zander and Carly look at each other. Melissa & Roy celebrate being alone and kiss. 7...6...5... Kristina & Ned toast the New Year and kiss, Jax comes up to Skye and is nice. She moves in for a kiss. 4...3... Luke & Laura hug. 2... Nikolas & Gia argue. 1... Lucky admits his feelings aren't back and falls into Liz's lap, crying. 

“A Walk Down Memory Lane” - Luke takes Laura to the old movie theater in Beecher's Corners. The place is empty and Laura wants to know what Luke has planned. He gives her a dish of popcorn at the bottom of which is a real engagement ring. Laura barely has time to ooh and ahh over it before Luke takes it back and says it's his until she says yes. They take a seat in the theater and watch “Luke and Laura: The Wedding.” After seeing the exchange of vows all those years ago, Laura is in tears. She and Luke kiss. 

Outside, she wonders how they could have forgotten such happiness? But then she says they are completely different now. Luke says they're better because they know what works and won't make the same mistakes again. I believe in us, he says. He knows she has a lot to think about, so he says he'll take her home. But then the motorcycle won't start. Laura is instantly suspicious, especially when the hotel only has one room left. When they get to their room, she sees a blanket hanging between the two beds. Luke admits to setting everything up. He says the wall must come down and only Laura has the power to bring it down. 

In Beecher's Corners, the Spencer's have checked into a motel room with twin beds and begin to thoroughly rehash their past. Luke and Laura appear headed for romance, but Laura draws away from a kiss and they end up arguing instead. Luke accuses Laura of avoiding making a commitment. Luke puts a blanket up to divide the room, just like during the Left Handed Boy storyline when they were on the run from Luke Smith and stayed at the Whitaker's farm. Later, Laura pours out her feelings and announces (from her side of the room through the blanket) that she has reached a decision about Luke's proposal. Luke who had actually left their room without Laura's knowledge. Laura told him she was sorry to have picked a fight with him. The argument was more about her fear of still loving Luke than anything else. She said that she felt like she would be lost in him again and lose part of herself all over again. She really wanted to fall into his arms and hold him. It had been like a game of emotional chicken the pulling close and then pushing away. She tells him that at first she was scared but now she trusts him. 

Laura confessed that she really loved Luke and she did not want to spend the rest of her life without him. Laura said yes that she would accept the beautiful ring and she wanted to get married all over again. She waited for Luke to come jumping around the hanging blue blanket, but no Luke. She rose from bed to find an empty bed and room with no Luke. She goes down to the front desk to ask the girl there if she saw Luke leave. She tells Laura that he paid the bill and left. She then goes on to tell Laura that her and Luke are known throughout the region and everyone knows about their wonderful romance. Laura decides to go after him on his motorcycle. Laura was furious at him for just leaving without letting her know. Laura prepared to leave alone and return to Port Charles. Elsewhere, Luke hops onto a train car. He finds a friendly bum and confines in him that he wants Laura to have her own space so she can think about what she really wants. 

Laura storms into the brownstone. Bobbie tries to welcome her back to Port Charles, but Laura cuts her off. "Where's Luke?" Laura demands to know. Bobbie calmly replies that she hasn't heard from her brother. She fills Bobbie in on her and Luke's travels that concluded with Luke running off and leaving her alone. "I will never go after that man again," she firmly states. "That's the best news I've heard all day," says a voice from behind her, its Scott. Laura is surprised to see him. Bobbie leaves the two alone to talk. Laura tries to reason with Scott. She tells him that even though she says she is done with Luke that doesn't mean she wants to pursue a relationship with him again. Scott surprises her when he says that he realizes this and knows that he will always be second best when it comes to her and Luke. Laura leaves the brownstone and Bobbie tries to comfort Scott. Laura tries to contact Luke on his cell phone. She leaves a nasty message on his voicemail telling him to come home immediately. 

Lucky is concerned to learn that Luke did not return with Laura. Lucky leaves as he is already running late for his date with Liz. Laura asks Nik what's really going on. Nik explains about Liz and Lucky trying again. Laura is not fooled and wants to know why he and Lucky were arguing. Nik dismisses it as a minor disagreement over fashion. Laura tells Nik she knows about Stefan's move to Milan. Laura tries (not-too-subtlety) to get Nik to see that he does not have to follow in the tradition of taking over the estate. She even goes as far as suggesting Stefan would return if Nik will call him. Nik asks Laura if she thinks he is not capable if running the estate. No, says Laura, she only made the suggestion so that Nik and Gia would have a chance to enjoy each other before he takes on the overwhelming duties. Nik tells his mother that he will not ask Stefan to give up his freedom, after every thing his uncle has already done for him. He assures Laura the pressures of prince-hood will not drag him down, then invites her to dinner to prove it. But, before they can leave Laura overhears Nik on the phone. He is being such a hard-nosed businessman, that she is taken aback by how much he reminds her of Stavros. 

Laura arrives in her office to find an unknown man waiting for her. Introducing himself as Ainsely, he explains that Elton threw his back out during a cha-cha contest, and arranged for him to offer his services to Laura until Elton's return. She accepts and Ainsely retrieves a cryptic message from Luke via e-mail. Laura tells him to delete it, as she will not be sucked into the game again. Lucky arrives at Deception to go over some proofs with his boss, but his mother is more concerned with his private life than his photographic success. Lucky explains why he and Elizabeth are working so hard to get back what they once had. Laura advises Lucky that pretending feelings that aren't real, could lead to real hurt, for both Liz and himself. 

Roy visits Laura at the Deception Office. He started to look up info about Melissa's past with the Bureau but was afraid of ruining her career. He doesn't know what to do. Laura calls on Lucky to hack into the hospital's computer systems. Roy is nervous, anxious. Lucky finds pages and pages of reports on patients that died under Melissa's care. Laura says it might not mean anything since these patients all seemed to be terminal to begin with. 

Laura and Lucky talk about what the findings could mean when Lucky is interrupted with a cell phone call. Elizabeth's been hurt! Laura goes with him to the hospital and waits for news of her injuries. She is in critical condition and Lucky blames himself. When Laura arrives back at her office, Elton greets her with another email from Luke. Laura tells him to delete it. Carly comes in and Laura is surprised to see her. Carly tells Laura about her new club and says that the whole Deception team is invited. Laura asks Carly what she wants and Carly admits that she would like Laura to play host to some French models that will be in town for the opening. Just then Elton comes in with another email and reads it. Carly laughs at it and tells Laura that Luke isn't normal. Laura tells her that her and Sonny weren't normal either. Carly tells Laura that she hopes she comes to the opening and leaves. Laura gets another email from Luke. She reads it a couple of times and starts to think that there may be something to it. Cut to Luke lying on a bed, looking in bad shape, as two men grab him and stand him up. 

Laura tells Elton that she is so frustrated by the e-mail clues she keeps getting from Luke. "Why can't he get it through his head that I am a working mother with responsibilities now?" she laments. Later, as she's sampling some perfumes, she picks her favorite and learns it's called “Desert Flowers.” Which is what Luke used to call her when they lived in Texas. The universe is collaborating with him, she sighs. Elton asks her why Luke would contact her instead of the FBI or WSB if he was really in trouble. He doesn't trust organized law enforcement, Laura replies. He would try to get a message to Roy and then to me if Roy is unavailable. Laura decides she'd better try to find Luke, because she would never forgive herself if he was in danger. She writes all the clues on a white board, consults an atlas, and thinks it's the Triple 6 Ranch in Texas. She gives Elton a note to get to Roy and tells him to mind the store, before dashing out. “Ooh, this is so exciting,” Elton says. 

Luke is being held by three goons who keep dropping hints that his time is almost up. He manages to break free from their clutches, only to be hauled back later and handcuffed to a chair. They all hear a car pull up outside and the men say the “boss” is here. Luke is glad he gets to face whomever wants him dead. In walks a blonde woman (Sally Struthers). “Jennifer,” Luke exclaims. “Hi, doll,” she greets him. 

Next in a Valentine's Day fantasy, Luke (sporting 40's era gumshoe clothing) returns to his office to find partner Roy playing cards. Roy informs Luke that someone waits in his office for him. Luke enters and finds Laura (looking pretty good in 40's era dress) holding a gray velvet heart shaped box. She professes her love for him (as she holds out the box) but Luke appears indifferent towards her and reminds her she has rejected his love many times before. Laura wants him back. She confesses her life is empty with out him and reminds him of their old wedding vows. Luke admits he still loves her, they kiss and the focus shifts to the heart-shaped box, now bright red, lying on the desk. In another fantasy, Laura (in evening wear) waits on a ship's deck for Luke to join her. Instead a crewmember hands her a note and tells her that Luke went ashore. Disbelieving she reads the note and realizes it a farewell note from Luke who couldn't face her to say goodbye. With tears in her eyes she turns around to find Luke is standing there. He claims that he couldn't bear to leave her behind. Laura is reluctant to believe Luke again, fearing she will get her heart broken again. Luke, desperate for another chance, pleads with Laura, who is torn by her feelings. Finally she gives in and they share a long and passionate kiss. 

Back to the Texas storyline, Jennifer gleefully informs Luke that she's dumped her hubby and has realized that she still loves him. She wants to pick right up where they left off 20-odd years ago-with a wedding. Luke tries to wiggle out by telling Jen that he loves Laura (always has, always will). Jen informs him that she knows they are divorced. Plus if he refuses to marry her, then she will have her men shoot him. Later, Luke desperately tries to get a fork from the table to pick his handcuffs open, but is almost caught by one of Jennifer's henchmen. The man takes Luke's measurements. 'For a tux or a noose?' quips Luke. 'Your choice' responds the man. 

Shortly after that man leaves, another enters. Luke is pleasantly shocked to see that it is Laura in disguise. He told her he didn't want her to come; he just wanted her to send help. He is really dismayed to find out that she has come alone. Laura says she sort of recognizes the goons holding Luke and he informs her that they are Frank Smith's men and he is being held by Jennifer Smith, who wants to marry him. Laura finds that hysterical. Luke is annoyed that she is so amused. Laura thinks he should go ahead with the wedding to Jennifer. Luke thinks it is because she doesn't want to marry him and starts regretting everything he had done to try to get Laura back. Laura finally is able to explain that if he agrees to marry Jennifer, she will eventually have to uncuff him and he can get away then. They start in on what happened in Beecher's Corners, but decide it isn't the place. Laura furiously tries to unlock Luke's handcuffs before Jennifer and the goons show up with his dinner. Luke tells her to go, to stop being stubborn and get away while it's safe. She manages to free him. They share a kiss. 

Luke and Laura were discovered kissing by Jennifer and she became very annoyed with the whole situation. Jennifer told Laura that she must be able to track Luke down from anywhere on earth. Jennifer decided to kill Laura and asked her to make a choice between bullet, knife or rope. Luke, with his wittiness, comes up with an idea that Jennifer needs to win his heart. There needs to be drama and excitement here. Luke said that they should have a court scenario. Jennifer liked the idea and became deep into character quickly, of course she was the judge. She wanted to put Laura on trial again for killing her brother. Laura was opposed at the prospect, but liked it better than death. Luke defended Laura and convinced the all male jury to acquit. Angry about the outcome, Jennifer decided to end the game and kill both Luke and Laura tomorrow since Luke told her that he couldn't marry her. One redeeming moment was when Laura admitted that she did want to remarry him. Yet, Laura, at this point, is enraged. 

Luke badgers Laura to tell him what she said to him after he left her at Beecher' Corner. Laura tries to ignore him and to find a way out. Finally she breaks and tells him that she told him, "Yes". Luke is shocked with her attitude about it now. Laura finally confesses that it took her a lot of courage to finally say yes and it hurt her that Luke just left without hearing her out or saying goodbye. Luke then confesses that he was afraid she was going to say no and he wouldn't be able to live life knowing she didn't want to marry him again. Luke then promises her that he may make more mistakes but he will never make the mistake of leaving her again. Laura is happy but then reminds Luke that they are scheduled to die tomorrow. Luke tells her not to worry, he has a plan. 

Laura awakens at Luke's prodding. They realize that time is almost up and will have to go ahead with the plan Luke devised (what ever it might be). Jennifer and her henchmen arrive and Luke puts his plan into motion. He tells Jennifer that he has realized that he made a mistake all those years ago-he loves her and wants to marry her. He is tired of pretending that he loves Laura. Laura plays the outraged ex-wife to the hilt. It appears they managed to convince Jen when she tells the men to take Laura out.....and shoot her. Luke thinks quickly and manages to get Jennifer to agree not to shoot Laura if he can convince her that he really loves her. To do so, Luke must prove it with a kiss. Apparently, Luke still has what it takes, because after a smooch that leaves Jennifer breathless she says a deals a deal. She then tells the men to arrange another kind of 'accident' for Laura. Luke jumps in again and tells Jennifer to think more like her father. They should make Laura suffer-before they kill her. What better way to do that than to make her watch the wedding first? asks Luke. Jennifer is unsure until Laura says she'd rather poke needles in her eyes. Jen orders all to dress for the wedding, while she goes to check on her dress-unfortunately this does not include removing the handcuffs from either Luke or Laura. Later, Jennifer is upset that the preacher has not arrived. Her men inform her that the delay was caused by a flat tire, but he has finally arrived and show him in. Jennifer is delighted, and Laura is hard pressed to hide a smile/grin since the man in the doorway is Roy. 

Luke and Laura are happy to see “Reverend” Roy and his wife (Felicia) arrive, but Jennifer is a bit suspicious. Luke distracts her with more words of love, so she happily heads up to the main house to get in her wedding attire, taking her three “boys” with her. Laura suggests they make a run for it, but Luke reminds her that the thugs have guns and will just hunt them down. He fills Roy and Felicia in on Laura's original plan. Next we see Luke and Laura loudly arguing about the wedding. The guard runs in to break it up and gets knocked out by Roy, who then drags the goon away. Then it's time for the wedding. As Felicia plays the wedding march on her keyboard, Jennifer comes in, decked out in an elegant white suit. Roy tells Jennifer it is against his religion to perform the ceremony while people are restrained. Jennifer reluctantly takes the cuffs off Luke and then Laura, at Roy's insistence. 

Before the ceremony begins, Jennifer lays down one final ultimatum: if she and Luke don't end up in the wedding bed by the end of the day, Abe has orders to kill Laura. They start to say their vows. Luke is halfway through his when Laura grabs a champagne bottle and knocks him over the head with it. As Luke collapses, Jennifer screams at Abe, “why didn't you stop her?” Abe replies, “She moved like grease lightning.” The one remaining henchman comes in to help Roy get Luke to a doctor. Suddenly, Luke jumps up and he and Roy subdue that goon, while Laura uses the bottle to knock out Abe and Jennifer. Luke and Laura run out the door. A couple minutes later, they're back in front of the shack, trying to figure out which way to go. Luke takes off in one direction, with Laura a little slow to follow. Then Jennifer is there, grabbing Laura by the ankle and dragging her to the ground. Luke comes back to help, but Jennifer points a gun at Laura's head. 

Luke tries to talk Jennifer down, convincing her that the marriage is still on, but Jennifer is not the sucker they seem to think she is. Of course, when Laura tries that clever trick, “Look over there,” Jennifer falls for it, Luke grabs her gun and the Spencers take off to safety. Roy & Felicia successfully fight off the goons and Jennifer and call the cops, but when the sheriff shows up, he doesn't quite believe Roy's story (where are the hostages, after all?) and takes Roy & Felicia to the jail. Luke & Laura find safety in some sort of cave. As they argue over whether Laura should stay there alone or not, dirt starts to fall and suddenly, AVALANCHE!!! Luke has been knocked out. Laura checks to see if he's breathing. Laura tells Luke they've been through too much, for him to leave her now. Luke wakes up with "Who ordered the Ham and Cheese?" Luke lights a lantern and says he's pretending to look at Laura in the moonlight on a cruise ship. Laura says only he could try to make the dirty cave romantic. 

Luke goes to the end of the tunnel and tells Laura to stay there and rest. She waits about two seconds and then goes after him. Luke gets to the end of the tunnel, and learns that Laura followed him. There is another cave in and Luke pulls Laura away from it. Laura worries that Roy won't find them, and she doesn't want to talk about Felicia's talents. Laura wants to plan their wedding. Laura wants to be celibate until their wedding night. Luke thinks she's kidding. Luke gives Laura back the engagement ring. As he puts it on her finger, she says, "It's beautiful." He responds that she's beautiful. She thanks him for not giving up on her. Laura worries again about not being found. Luke asks her to tell him about her wedding plans.

**The End**

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