Luke & Robert #15 May - June, 1982: 12 hours now on THREE DVDS - Museum Caper, Conclusion of David Grey storyline

Back at the club, Tiff is charming the Ambassador. Luke comes out on stage to do his mind reading act. The Ambassador pales at the sight of the medallion Luke is wearing. Later, he tells Luke it is made from an ancient coin. One side is Alexander the Great, a founder of Malcouth. They ask him if he knows David Grey. He denies it and tells them the medallion was worn by members of a dangerous, violent cult in Malcouth who opposed the ruling family. Robert and Luke head over to the museum and Robert gets them by security. David and Mel hear them enter and take off (David had hypnotized the guards). David is annoyed by Luke's presence in the museum, as Luke is getting closer to figuring out the plans for the heist. The guys notice the view of the antique store from the museum. Jackie is offended by Luke's insinuations that Laura T. can't be trusted and is brain washed. Luke tells her she is probably with David at that very moment. Jackie calls her sister but there is no answer. Luke is right; Laura receives a call, gets the zombie look and meets Mel in the park. David gives Laura instructions to spy on Robert and Luke and to gain their trust. She says it is impossible, as they don't trust her. He insists and specifically wants info on Robert's security arrangements for the museum.

Luke tells Jackie that he will test Laura by feeding her some information to see if she runs straight to David. They set up David with info that the exhibit has moved to another room due to Robert's security concerns. Tiffany and Laura visit Delphina at her shop, Monica shows up shopping for her date. Robert comforts Jackie, as she is very worried about Laura. He tries to assure her that he and Luke want to find out if Laura is under David's spell so they can help her. Luke tells Tiffany he needs to talk to her about the Malcouth exhibit and does so in front of Laura. Later, Luke loudly tells Tiff that the exhibit will be moved to another room for security reasons. Laura T. of course listens in and she scurries away as Robert watches, sure now the false information has been planted.     

Later, Laura assures Jackie that she is not under David's control and has no contact with him. She is telling the truth, as she has no memory of it. Back at Jackie's, Laura gets a call to meet David and heads out. Jackie gets out of the show and finds Laura gone. Robert arrives at the hotel and asks the desk clerk to tell him if Laura T. leaves the building. He says she just went out with a trance-like look on her face. Jackie comes downstairs and Luke and Robert explain the plan to her. She is still in denial over Laura's involvement. The threesome hide out at the museum. Laura T. meets with David and Mel and gives them the info. They immediately head to the museum. Jackie is dismayed when David and Mel show up and start taking measurements and pictures of the other room, as it is obvious Laura had given them the false info. Jackie is insistent that she take Laura away to NY. Luke is against it as they need Laura and she has to stay in Port Charles so they can help her. Jackie doesn't trust them and thinks they are just using Laura. Laura however is adamantly opposed to leaving town. Dr. Katz tells Robert that if the brainwashing will not allow Laura to leave town and if Jackie tries to force her it could traumatize the girl and do her harm.     

At the airport, Jackie insists that Laura leave town with her. Laura becomes hysterical saying she can't go and she drops to the ground. Luke and Robert arrive just in time and try to calm her down. David is seen talking to the mysterious Magis who is only seen from behind.  David assures him they will adjust to the changes in location and meet their schedule. Back on the yacht, Jackie is very upset. Luke is surprised by the display of emotion and holds her and reassures her that they will figure it out. Jackie worries that she might lose her sister forever. Luke is adamant that no one else will be lost. Robert tells Jackie that Dr. Katz believes there is a mental block so only the person who hypnotized Laura can undo the spell. Robert meets with Forbes and the ambassador to show them the operational security and alarm system. They tell him the new item requiring all the security is the largest of the Malcouthian crown jewels, a perfect 300-carat Emerald!  Robert gets a knowing look as it all makes sense now.     

Mel continues to worry about meeting the deadline while David pressures and threatens him. Luke and Jackie show up at the museum. Robert tells them that David has a sophisticated network behind him to know about the presence of the emerald before they did. As it has never been on public display before. Luke says his instincts tell him it isn't about the money but something bigger. Tiffany is upset that Robert is spending so much time at the museum and not helping running the club. She worries about doing the psychic act on her own. Robert tells her that the museum security is important and he has to be there. Luke and Robert are at the museum waiting for the delivery. The truck arrives; they go over the manifest and realize that David isn't after the jewel but after the sword and helmet. Mel and David are in the basement of the museum plotting. Back at the yacht, Robert and Luke want to use Laura to feed David more false info. She is adamantly opposed to putting her sister in more danger. Later, Laura gets a call and goes to meet David who tries to pump her for more info. He wants to find out when security is the weakest at the museum and instructs her to find out. Jackie has followed Laura and is horrified to see her turn into such a zombie. She agrees to help Luke and Robert in whatever they need to do to stop David and help Laura. They plant more info and head to the park to watch the next meeting between Laura and David take place. They want to force David into making a move before he is ready (on their timetable, not his).     

Laura has gone to the antique shop. The gang realizes that she isn't showing up at the park and head over to stake out the shop. Laura tells David that the museum exhibit is going to be cancelled early. She tells him she overheard this info from Luke and Robert. The reason given is they recognized a medallion in the exhibit that was the same as David's and they are canceling the exhibit for security reasons. David has Laura call and say she is spending the night with Mel. David wants to keep her there till he can confirm her information. Jackie is very concerned over why David isn't letting Laura leave. Robert reassures her that David isn't going to hurt Laura. The next morning at the museum, Robert and Luke make a big production about a security issue and insist in meeting with the ambassador privately. David confirms that Laura's info is correct. He gives her a little dog statue and commands her to keep it with her when she is on the yacht and lets her go. Over at the museum, the gang gets ready for David's move. They make a big show of leaving a gate unlocked (due to a broken lock), and leaving the museum. David's men move into place. David returns and tells Mel that all is set. David wants some assurances before turning over the remote to set the hologram. David tells Mel he has "arranged a little surprise for Spencer and company that should take care of them once and for all!" Mel doesn't want to leave Laura behind when they leave. David assures him she will be "taken care of" as that it is part of the plan. This seems to reassure Mel, but sounds ominous to me! Mel's instincts prove right, as David gets the remote and kills him. As Mel is dying he asks about Laura, David declares there will be no more Laura. Robert and Luke leave for the museum, Tiffany gives Robert a long lingering kiss goodbye. Jackie and Tiffany are staying behind on the yacht with Laura.     

Robert and Luke are in the museum and have a closed circuit television system monitoring the exhibit so they can observe when David makes his move. David enters with his men; they look like Puttys from the Power Rangers (LOL!). The guards are hypnotized and allow them to move freely within the museum. Robert heads out to get coffee from another room and doesn't notice them lurking as they avoid him. Luke and Robert hear something and head out to the hallway missing David and his men entering the exhibit area. They return and the guard is on the video monitor, having turned off the exhibit alarm and looking zombie like. They realize the guard has been hypnotized and head to out to stop them. Luke and Robert burst into the artifact room, David who seems to be expecting them, has his guards overtake them.     

David decides to brag to Luke and Robert about what he is up to before he kills them. They are curious about why all the effort of the holograms? David responds that it is because he wants to avoid detection of the theft. He plans on taking the sword and the helmet out of the country for a bigger plot. Robert points out that when he and Luke disappear that will raise suspicions. David says no that it will just be assumed that they are in the bottom of the ocean with their boat. He informs them that the Haunted Star will be exploding any minute now.     

Jackie confronts Laura about the choices she is making and she is tired of bailing her out of trouble. She questions why she spent the night with Mel and how he is no good for Laura. She assures her sister that they are over. Jackie becomes suspicious of a ceramic dog that Laura is carrying around; she tells Jackie that David gave it to her. Laura refuses to give it to Jackie that she has to keep it with her. Jackie grabs it and realizes it is ticking! She runs outside and tosses it overboard just as it explodes! Tiffany saves the day and announces the explosion was due to an elaborate fireworks display that went of prematurely and drinks are on the house!     

Luke and Robert are worried when they hear the explosion. After David has stolen the artifacts, he sets up the hologram, which gives the illusion that the items are still in place. Luke's Angels: Tiffany, Jackie, and Laura head to the museum and pound on the doors to try to get word to them about the explosion and warn them about David. Jackie realizes she has to set off the alarm, as they can't get into the museum. She looks around for a rock but when unable to find anything she demands Tiffany give her one of her 70's style huge platform shoe. Tiffany protests but hands it over and Jackie uses it to break a window, this sets off the alarm.     

#15B The sound of the alarm snaps the guards out of David's hypnotic trance. A fight breaks out with Luke, Robert, and the guards fighting against David and his goons. David breaks free and runs to his van in an attempt to escape fortunately the van doesn't immediately start. Luke chases after him, jumps over the hood of the van, and grabs David out of the van. They fight and David knocks him out. David jumps back in the van, still unable to start it. The girls scream as fighting breaks out all around them.     

David gets the van started but Robert has closed the cyclone fence gate just before he reaches it. Luke comes to and opens the passenger door in the van and begins struggling with David. Robert fights against one of his goons, who knocks him out and opens the gate. Sirens are heard in the distance; Luke is able to wrestle the Sword of Malcouth away from David and with the police approaching he takes off. Robert and Luke grab the girls and take off, as do David's goons.     

The next morning, Robert meets with the museum curator but doesn't let on that the artifacts are missing and that they are looking at holograms. Burt Ramsey arrives asking questions about what is going on as Joe Kelly called him about the explosion last night that he believed was a bomb. Luke commends Jackie for not calling the police, she says she didn't want them messing up the trap Luke and Robert had set. He explains to her that David will return for the sword and Luke will use it to get answers about Laura S. and about freeing Laura T.'s mind. He plans on using the sword as leverage. Jackie promises not to tell anyone that he has the sword.     

Blackie brags to Luke that he has last night's club receipts. Luke wants to know why Blackie has his money. Blackie points out that when all the girls left last night that he took over and ran the club, he is feeling quite important. Luke appreciates Blackie stepping up and helping out. Blackie then warns Luke that Robert is headed up the gangplank with the head of homicide. Luke comments that Blackie is beginning to come in handy! Luke doesn't give Burt much info but does act like he is cooperating fully. Laura tells Jackie that she overheard a phone conversation that leads her to think that David is working for someone.     

Magis calls David and orders him to meet him at the museum, as he wants to inspect the holograms. David assures Magis that he has the helmet in a safe place and he will retrieve the sword from Luke. They leave before our gang arrives. The ambassador thanks Luke and Robert for protecting the artifacts. He informs them that he believes the thieves are a fanatical political group that are dedicated to the violent overthrow of the royal family of Malcouth. He reports that the sword and the helmet as symbols of sovereignty and the rulers must possess these items to be considered legitimate. He says the helmet is something like a crown and the sword is a symbol of power but the one cannot function without the other. These are symbols of leadership and are needed for the Prince's upcoming coronation. Luke is impressed that Jackie has uncovered this information during her interview and says he will never question her curiosity again and tells her she is all right! Burt contacts the gang and insists that the they all come down and talk to him about the explosion and if they don't do so voluntarily he will subpoena them!     

David shows up at the club. David wants the sword and suggests that Luke doesn't care about it and he recommends that Luke doesn't risk his beautiful friends, his club, and his life on keeping the sword. Luke tells him he doesn't care at all about the sword; he would just like to know why it is so important to David. David says he can't tell him. After David leaves, Jackie suggests that they trade the sword for deprogramming Laura. Luke refuses and they have words again about Laura's future, Jackie wants to protect her sister but Luke doesn't agree with her suggestions. Jackie and Robert spend some quiet intimate time alone together in the cabin, he is kissing her when Luke walks in and breaks up the moment.     

New people start arriving in service positions, Tiffany has a new maid, Rose gets a new busboy, the telephone company arrives on the yacht to tell Luke his phone service will be out of order for awhile as they do some work on it up the street. Luke's head bartender gets deathly ill with food poisoning and Luke has to call an agency to get a replacement. Of course they are sending him one of David's goons. Luke gets suspicious and calls the agency back to check on the bartender's references as Luke has a bad feeling. Luke's busboy also calls in.  Another one of David's plants applies for a job at the Webber's and she reports into David as she has been searching the house for the sword and hasn't yet located it.    

Another goon shows up at Ruby's as the maintenance guy's brother (who is suddenly off on vacation). Ruby doesn't even question this guy being in her apartment (sorry but isn't Luke filling her in on what he is up to, Ruby is smarter than this). Luke arrives and is immediately suspicious when he finds the guy in Ruby's apartment and can't believe she left him alone there. Leslie comes up and tells him about her new housekeeper. Luke is very suspicious about the appearance of all of these new people. He asks them both to be very careful as David is still out there plotting and making some very smart moves. Luke is impatient that David hasn't made an overt move; he doesn't quite realize that David has spies everywhere and he is having Ruby's, the Webber's, Kelly's, and the yacht searched.     

Laura disappears again; she is meeting with David once more. He wants her to report to him but she tells him she hasn't overheard anything recently as they don't talk about important things in front of her. Jackie is freaking out over her sister's safety and is going to the police! David's bartender plant comes up and tells him of Jackie's intention. He realizes she is headed to Burt Ramsey. He plants the suggestion in her mind that her purse has been stolen and she is to go to the police station to report it, of course he deletes any memory she will have of having met with David.     

Luke and Robert meet with Masters at the WSB (he is really Magis, the guy that David responds to). They fill him in (not knowing he is really working with David). He tells them that the real David Grey, the antique dealer, died and David took his place. Luke reports that Laura T. was brainwashed by David and living with Mel and that David was after to shut her up as he discovered that Mel had told her about the plan. When David tried to kill her, he killed Laura Spencer by mistake as they had the same first name and looked very similar. Magis doesn't provide much additional information and insists they hand over the sword. Luke refuses until he gets some answers! Magis calls the Malcouth ambassador and recommends that he immediately closes the exhibit.     

When Robert and Luke return to the boat, Tiffany blathers that Laura disappeared and that Jackie took off after her and when they couldn't find her that Jackie headed to the police. Luke calls Burt Ramsey to report that Laura T. is missing and he informs him that Laura was just in there to report that her purse was stolen. They all realize that someone seem to be one step ahead of them and know their every move. Of course when Laura returns she has no memory of meeting with David. After Laura leaves, Tiffany tells Luke that the bartender is as phony as the new guy over at Kelly's. She observes that the day Laura disappeared, he suddenly left, just in time for Laura to show up at the police with the story of having her purse stolen to explain her absence.     

The ambassador is heading to Port Charles to close the exhibit and David Grey is making his move on Luke. He orders that Blackie be removed first as he will send out the alarm. They are instructed to tie Blackie up and stash him below. Then they are to pick out Luke's crew one by one, starting with the weakest and working their way up to Luke. Slick arrives and notices that Blackie isn't around and starts searching the ship for him and he is also taken captive. Luke and Robert pretend surprise when the holograms are discovered at the museum and they immediately brought in for question with Burt Ramsey. Magis calls the yacht looking for Robert and Luke and is told they are meeting with Burt Ramsey of the PCPD. Jackie is taken captive next, then Laura, then Tiffany.     

Magis calls Burt and pulls federal rank and insists that Luke and Robert be immediately released. Magis demands they come to Washington DC immediately. Luke feels that Robert should go alone, as he believes that David will make a move soon. Robert reports there are no flights that day to Washington and they return to the yacht. Luke and Robert discover the ship empty. Robert reports to Magis that they can't arrive in Washington until the next day and he orders the jet readied so he can head to Port Charles. Luke notices the reservation book has cancelled written throughout it. He calls one of the customers and is told that the reservation was cancelled by the club that they were told the club was closed that night. Luke and Robert know something is up and start searching the staterooms. All of the hostages are brought into the main salon; Luke and Robert burst in and are also taken captive.     

When Luke refuses to hand over the sword, David grabs Jackie and threatens to start slicing. Ruby calls and senses something is wrong and offers to head over and he insists that she wait till tomorrow. He does the same thing when Rick and Leslie show up. Magis shows up at Burt's office and insists that he pull his officers off the David Grey case, as they will only interfere with the WSB operation. As Luke continues to stall, David orders that Jackie be taken outside and disposed of, and then they will dispose of Laura, and then Tiffany. He warns that Luke's friends will be killed one by one until Luke cooperates. Luke and Robert make a break for it and Luke is knocked out. When he comes to, Jackie is grabbed and collapses in pain. Laura tries to oppose David but he just gives her the look and she meekly sits down. Tiffany has had it and tries to stand up, objecting, she is slapped across the face and forced back into her chair.     

Luke finally agrees to turn over the sword but only after David removes their gags and unties their feet. Luke says there is a false wall in the cargo hold. They rip apart the cargo hold but report back there is no sign of the sword. David is losing patience and Magis continues to pressure him to retrieve the sword. David orders a bound Laura to jump off the ship and not try to swim once she hits the water. As she heads out the door, Luke calls her back. David hesitates as the phone rings and its Magis asking for yet another update. Then he orders for them to take Jackie out and kill her. Just in time, one of the goons reports that guests are beginning to arrive for the evenings show. Laura is told to freshen up and get dressed to be the evening hostess and to go up on deck and offer complimentary drinks to stall for time. Emma Lutz barges in and when she notices they are tied up she assumes they are practicing a new act.     

(It looks like some scenes are missing here, as suddenly they are open for business, most likely to avoid suspicion)  Luke, Robert, and Jackie are held below and David tells Luke that Jackie has one minute before she is killed and he starts the countdown as he holds a knife to Jackie's throat. Robert encourages him that it is time to give David the info. Luke admits that the sword is hidden under the boat. Luke retrieves the sword; the ambassador (he is also part of the plot) takes the sword and hands it to David. They are waiting for the third member of the triad. Luke is shocked when Mr. Masters (the WSB agent) arrives and is introduced as Magis. Master's is just as surprised to learn that the Ambassador is the other member.     

The place is packed, though Leslie is getting a creepy vibe about the Haunted Star that night.  Robert and Tiffany put on their psychic show.  Everyone is enjoying the show, when David's goons burst into the room and take the entire room hostage. Over a load speaker, they are told they are surrounded by the WSB; Magis is a double agent and really working on the side of the WSB to discover the other member of the triad. Luke is left tied up downstairs, but gets lose and frees Jackie. Luke tells her he believes there is a bomb onboard and to get everyone off the boat. A gunfight breaks out between the goons and the WSB. Jackie runs into the main salon and tells everyone to get off the boat. Robert breaks free of his captor and a fight breaks out as Robert takes on the goons, and Tiffany helps out breaking champagne bottles over their heads, Claudia pitches in by breaking a chair over another goon, even Steve Hardy gets in the act by punching a goon. The WSB burst in and take over the goons, the hostages are released and they report there is no bomb on board and everyone is safe.     

David goes back to the museum for the helmet. Luke arrives for the big show down and the fight begins. In the big finale, Luke is holding the Sword of Malcouth; he gets a look of strength in his eyes and points the sword at David with great intensity. David is standing on windowsill, and while Luke never actually touches him, the combined power of the sword and Luke's psychic energy (?) sends David backwards, bursting through the window, falling to his death below. Over at the boat, the WSB take the goons into custody. Rick, Leslie, and Steve tend to the wounded. A shaky Jackie quivers in fear when she sees Magis enter. Robert assures her that he is the head of the WSB and obviously acting as a double agent.      The next morning, Laura wakes up and she finally feels free of David's influence. Luke wakes up with flashbacks of the big showdown with David and thinks its all a dream. Robert confirms it all actually happened and the big mystery is over. Luke and Robert check out the extensive damage to the club, it is completely trashed. Luke is disappointed as they were just getting to the point where they would turn a profit. Luke is depressed over the damage and says he has only himself to blame. Masters calls and he would like to come by and give Luke a detailed explanation of what happened and what it was all about. Luke suggests they gather all of the mousketeers. Jackie tells them that Laura is at the doctors getting checked up, not to worry Laura thinks that David's spell over Laura is broken.     

While Luke, Robert, and Jackie start cleaning up, the phone rings off the hook. Luke answers, "Broken Star", then "Sinking Star" and the boys romp through this scene. The next phone call is Jackie's editor who proceeds to fire her for being in the middle of such a hot storyline, not telling her editor about it and not writing a story about it. Masters shows up and tells Luke that the WSB will make full restitution for all repairs. Masters continues that he was assigned to work in Malcouth as an undercover agent many years ago to uncover a plot to overthrow the government. He says they were waiting to discover who the third member of the triad was (the Malcouthian ambassador). They all leave Robert and Jackie alone, she laments not having a choice to stay in Port Charles as there are no reporter jobs there and she has to go back to NY. Robert tells her she does have a choice and leans into kiss her.

**The End**

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