Dvd #9A May 7 - June 9, 1981
Dvd #9B June 10 - 26, 1981

Dvd #9C June 29 - July 8, 1981
Dvd #9D July 9 - 27, 1981

Luke & Laura #9 May 7 - July 27, 1981: 16 hour edit on four dvds

DVD #9A Robert in disguise is having breakfast at the Whitakers, pretending he is a traveling salesman. He is looking for Luke, who is hiding in the other room, and makes an excuse to use the upstairs bathroom. While Robert is in the bathroom, Luke warns Mr. Whitaker to get Robert out that he is an imposter. He continues that he probably has someone watching the house, so Luke can’t sneak out.

Tony Cassidine tells his henchman that he knows Luke has the Ice Princess and they have to strike now, at the art auction. He warns him that they can not underestimate their opponents. He determines that Luke Spencer is no match for House of Cassidines.

Alex and Edward questions the security guard about seeing Laura, who they suspect of stealing. Edward doesn’t believe it as he has known her and her family for years. Alex also trusts Laura. The security guard says they will be keeping an eye on all employees until the thief of the cash. Curt calls Alex and wants to know if she retrieved the Ice Princess yet. She says no but they will soon have Luke on his knees begging to return it.

Robert still hasn’t left the Whitaker as O’Reilly calls to check in on him. He reports that he hasn’t found Luke, and O’Reilly says that he hasn’t left the house so he must be upstairs and tells him to search upstairs. After he gets off the phone, the Whitakers are trying to get him out of the house.

Alex asks Laura if she has heard from Luke? Alex then asks if she came into the office after hours? Laura says yes she did, and apologizes if she didn’t tidy up. After Alex leaves, Lee comes in and begins to question Laura about what Luke’s duties at ELQ are? He also wants to know if Laura and Luke plan to stay in Port Charles after she gets her divorce from Scotty? She calls Scotty out on his attitude about Luke. She reminds him what Luke did last summer which helped a lot of people. He tells her that Luke isn’t good enough for any respectable woman. When Edward comes out, she tells him that this office is too small for her and Lee to work in the same office and she quits!

Alex comes out and Edward tells her that Laura is quitting. Edward takes Lee into his office, while Alex tries to talk to Laura. She tells her that all she wants is her final pay check and info on where exactly Luke is? Alex doesn’t want her to quit and tells her that she is a trusted employee. She offers to talk to Lee and work it out. Laura reminds her that Lee is one of the most respected lawyers in Port Charles and ELQ can’t afford to lose him. Alex pleads that they can’t afford to loose Laura. Alex offers to help find Scotty and asks Laura to give her two weeks.

The Whitakers finally get rid of Robert, and a relieved Luke comes out. He tells them as soon as the coast is clear that he will go back to Port Charles. He apologizes for worrying them and bringing him into this. He doesn’t want them to get hurt as they are like family to him. Mr. Whitaker comes in and tells them that Robert has a flat tire and is changing it, though he shares the tire didn’t look flat to him! Luke gives Mr. Whitaker an idea to get rid of Robert. He changes Robert’s figures for the sales pitch he gave him. Mrs. W yells out the door for Mr. W to bring back in that scoundrel over trying to cheat them and begins yelling at Robert for trying to cheat them. Mr. W chimes in and says they never trusted Robert with his fancy accent as Luke grins from behind the door. He brinks out his rifle and chases Robert off. Luke comes out laughing with their success. Mrs. W tells Luke how much they love him and Robert, as Luke thanks them for all of their help as he grabs his suitcase and makes a break for it.

Laura has lunch with Rick as he fumes while Leslie has lunch with Tony Castle (Cassidine). Meanwhile, the Cassidine henchmen show up at Robert’s penthouse. They want him to go to the yacht with them to deliver his report to the Cassidines. He responds “No”.

Robert goes into his secret room and calls into headquarters as “CK8”. He reports that he made contact with Hutch, who gave him a lead that Spencer might be hiding out in Beecher’s Corners. Robert reports that there was no sign of Luke. He is now headed to the Cassidine yacht and if he finds Luke there, that he will have to kill him!
Note: First :40 mins so-so quality of before missing scenes. improved quality improves on second section.

5/29 - 6/1/81 Really good quality. Luke calls Alex and tells her that he is back in town and he will be in touch, but he can’t talk right now and suddenly hangs up. Luke pays off the clerk at the dive that he is staying at so he doesn’t ID him if someone comes around looking for him, and prepays for the next week. Luke heads to Western Union to send a telegraph to three parties (Alex, Tony Castle, and Robert): “Appointment will be necessary. Luke Spencer”

Alex fills Edward in about Luke’s call and surmises that Laura is their ace in the hole. Laura comes in, and they wonder how long she was listening in? Of course she doesn’t admit to overhearing anything. Laura lets Alex know when a telegram arrives to be hand delivered personally. Laura waits as Alex signs for it, obviously curious. Laura makes an excuse to look for a missing file while Alex reads the telegram. She finds an envelope for Luke full of cash. Alex tells her this is for a job he had done for them. Laura observes that must be the money that Luke refers to as their stake in the future. Laura assumes since they haven’t given it to Luke, that they haven’t seen him. After Laura leaves, Alex reads Edward the telegram. She then sends Laura out of the office to get them lunch, so that Laura won’t be there when Luke calls.

He calls almost the moment Laura leaves and tells Alex that he will meet her that night at the Versaille Room that night at 7:00. Alex raves that Luke is going to want more than $50k. Alex determines that if Luke demands more money that they will just have to follow through on their plan to frame Laura. Alex tells Edward that Laura obviously hasn’t heard from Luke either. Edward wants her to take the money with her to meet Luke.

Luke meets up with Alex, he has sent her a corsage and the waiter pours their champagne as they toast to the Ice Princess. She tells him that she has his money, and he tells her to just hold onto it. He then toasts to the “Highest Bidder”. She gets a cold look on her face and asks how he could do that to her, that they had a deal! He tells her not to treat him like a fool, that she doesn’t know the meaning of the word “trust”. She tries to give him guilt about their special bond. He tells her that anything special he felt was ripped away from almost the very beginning with all the lies. He declares that he is bored with all of this, and will give her one more chance to tell him what that ugly thing is. She realizes that his source of information is Robert Scorpio. She warns Luke that he is a fool if he is trusting Robert.

Luke would like to know why Robert, Tony, and ELQ want the Ice Princess? Alex finally admits there is a reason that she stole it from Tony. Luke realizes that she won’t tell him the truth, will be just another lie and he is done with being lied to. She accuses him to only being interested in money. He says if that was the truth that he would just take the money in her purse, he goes on about honesty, loyalty, and integrity. Alex smugly muses that she knows his achilles heel. He doesn’t bite as he declares that he doesn’t have one. After Luke leaves, Alex calls Edward and tells him that Luke has double crossed them and is going to sell the statue to the highest bidder. She also warns him that Luke said the ELQ phones are bugged.

Meanwhile, Robert meets with Tony Castle who is serving martinis. He reads the telegram from Luke to Robert, who suggests that Luke might double cross him. Tony believes that Luke just realized that he will be able to pay more than Alex.

Robert and Tony arrive just as Alex is leaving, she tells them that they just missed Luke who left five minutes ago. Back at the yacht, Tony tells his goons that Luke is back in PC. He continues that he is unsure of Robert and doesn’t believe that he will stand by their partnership. He reports that Robert is expendable, as he doesn’t believe he is what he appears and it is okay if he disappears permanently. Another couple of goons report they found that Luke is staying at the at the hotel under the name “Lazareth”. He orders them to go get him with no slip ups this time.

Robert is down on the docks as O’Reilly meets up with him. He warns her it is all about to hit the fan. He found two Cassidine goons waiting for him at his place. He is unsure whether or not he convinced Tony or not. He asks her if something happens then for her to get back to the communications room and destroy the equipment. He tells her they have to find Luke before the Cassidines do or Luke will be killed. Robert is excited when she tells him that Luke is holed up at the Croyton.

6/2-6/4/81 Really good quality. Alex gets someone to come in and check their phones and does indeed find a professional bug. Edward is outraged. Meanwhile, Kemo calls Tony to tell him there is no sign of Spencer, who is going by the name “Lazareth” at the hotel. He pays the clerk another $20 to tell him when Lazareth shows up. Robert is over at Kelly’s questioning Rose if she has seen Luke. He asks her who Luke’s best friend is? She says it would be Slick Jones, as Robert says he will go find Luke and get him back and everything will be just fine - as Laura walks in and overhears. She declares that SHE is Luke’s best friend and if he wants to know that he should be asking her. He warns her that helping him find Luke will help Luke.

Slick walks in as Robert is pressuring Laura and blows Robert off as she goes to sit with Slick. Laura questions Slick as to where Luke is? He doesn’t seem to know and says that Luke should contact them to let them know where he is. He suggests that maybe Luke did have the statue and maybe he took the money and split. She tells him that she say the $50k that they were going to pay Luke for stealing the statue so he hasn’t been paid. She worries about what happened to Luke, she knows that he is mixed up in something dangerous, maybe even more dangerous than last summer. At least then, she knew where Luke was.

Alex tells Lee that she wants the culprit of the bugging to be prosecuted to the limit for industrial spying. He lets her know that it is very difficult to prove. She is sure she knows who is responsible and promises to get the proof needed. Alex covers by telling Lee that she thinks it is Alan & Monica doing the bugging, LOL!

O’Reilly walks in as a cleaning woman who is taking “Molly’s” place and asks him for the room keys. She creates a diversion so she can read the registration book and figures out which room is Luke’s and goes up to search it. Cassidine tells his goon that maybe Luke still has the Ice Princess and is carrying it around in a suitcase. The goon pays off the clerk to get into Lazareth’s room just as O’Reilly is searching. The clerk brings up the Cassidine goon to search Luke’s room. O’Reilly realizes that they won’t find anything that Luke has given them both the slip.

When Laura returns, Alex informs her that her phone was bugged. She is shocked to realize her conversations were overheard. Later, Alex tells Edward that Luke doesn’t realize that Tony and Robert are partners. Edward warns her they have to be very careful in how they frame Laura. She tells him that she will have Laura send the money to the furrier to order the mink coat, and then will send her to pick up the coat, which will later be planted in her apartment. She gloats about the brillance of her plan as Luke will then bargain the Ice Princess for Laura’s freedom.

Robert shows up again at Kelly’s looking for Luke. He is going to hang around waiting for him. Luke calls Robert there to set up a meeting for tonight at Dino’s. Robert heads over to Tony’s and to find out that he hasn’t heard from Luke, and Robert denies hearing from him since the telegram. Robert tells him that Luke could have left the county with the Ice Princess disguised as a bottle of Brandy, LOL!

Next Robert shows up to see Alex and he denies tapping her phones and recommends that she start considering who did. Robert questions Alex about what Luke wants from her? He knows she is in a corner and can’t get out. He warns her that whatever she can bid, that he and Cassidine can outbid her. He then surmises that she has something else up her sleeve to get through to Luke. She warns him that if he thinks that she is out of this race, that he should think again. She reminds him of telling her how clever she is. He tells her that it is more like “rat cunning”. She winds up throwing him out.

Luke joins Robert at Dino’s, and Robert immediately asks him to cut out the garbage as his patience has run out. He asks Luke where the Ice Princess is and what has Luke done with it. Robert warns him of dire consequences should the Ice Princess get into the wrong hands. Luke questions Robert as to exactly what the hell the Ice Princess is. Robert warns him it is the worse trouble he could ever imagine, but he can’t tell him anymore, he wishes he could. He tells Luke that he is better off not knowing, though Luke doesn’t believe it given that Alex and Tony obviously already know.

Robert warns him to get out of this mess while he still can. Robert declares that he is different from Alex or Tony, and if Luke doesn’t work with him that he will wind up dead. Robert tells him that he is a friend and trying to help him. Luke doesn’t buy it after this threat and warns him that Robert will not get the Ice Princess without knowing what is going on. Robert warns him that Luke is in more trouble than he can imagine if he gets up and walks away now. When the waiters approach, Luke uses the distraction to run out.

6/5-6/8/81 Great quality. Next am, Robert has left Laura a note under the door. It says that Luke is sending telegrams to Alex. Laura is furious with Luke, and jealous. She goes up to his apartment and spray paints, "I hate you Luke, where ever you are". Meanwhile, he is sleeping in the back of Slick’s cab.

Slick comes into Luke’s place and she demands to know where Luke is? He assures her that Luke is okay and he will turn up when the timing is right. He takes her to breakfast to cheer her up. She tells him how much she hates being left out of this latest adventure, not being Luke's partner.

When Slick gets back to his cab, Luke is waiting in the back seat for him. Cassidine’s goon comes in and almost finds Luke. He sneaks out just in time. Luke goes to a pay phone to call Cassidine, he demands to meet with Luke. All Luke will say is for Tony to sit by his phone until Luke is ready. Tony wants Luke to come to his yacht as that is the safest place to meet, certainly not for Luke who tells him Kelly’s Diner instead. He warns him to come alone if he wants the Ice Princess.

Laura has lunch with Rick and Leslie. Her mom asks if she thinks about Beecher’s Corners? Laura admits that she does, a lot. She realizes that she was just a kid. Rick hopes that she understands how concerned he is about Luke who took her off gallivanting. She promises that once they get to know him that they will realize he is a good guy. Rick has a lot of questions about what happened at the auction and whether Luke took the statue, and where is he know?

Laura shares that all she knows is he is working for the Q’s, and she loves Luke. She tells them how worried she is about Luke as he is missing right now, she just needs to see him and know that he is okay. She is determined to find him and she has a plan and that is why she asked them to lunch. She asks them not to worry about them while she is gone, and says it will just be for a little while. She is headed to Beecher’s Corners to look for Luke as she is sure that is where he would go if he is in trouble.

Luke shows up at Kelly’s and mysteriously wants to talk to Rose and tells her that he needs her help. She teases him that he takes himself way too seriously sometimes. Tony meets with Luke at Kelly’s and he demands to know where the statue is. He warns Luke that he would be in great danger if he was leading him on and didn’t have the Ice Princess. Tony wants to know what his price is? Tony warns him that he has no intention of offering a King’s ransom for something that belonged to him in the first place.

Luke says it is not just about money, he wants something else. Tony offers him $25k. Luke wants to know the story of what the IP is? He offers to give the IP to him for free in return for the story of what it is? Tony responds by telling him the story of a young man who pushed a man of power too far. Luke responds that if Tony kills him that he loses all chance of getting the IP back. Tony points out to his several goons who have appeared while they are talking and says they have many unpleasant ways to make him talk. Tony gives him 48 hours to bring him the Ice Princess.

Robert worries to O’Reilly that maybe he should have told Luke that he was with the WSB. He frets that he will make a deal with Cassidine. He asks O’Reilly to find Luke and report back to him, as he declares they are not out of this game yet. Later, he tells O’Reilly that he can’t locate Laura either as she isn’t where she should be. He then goes into the secret communication room and reports in. Robert meets with Tony and smiles when his goon walks in and tells him that he lost Luke. Robert then asks if Tony has located Laura, but she too is missing.

When Slick finds Luke hiding in the back of his cab, he tells him that he is in big trouble. He says the Cassidines have threatened his life if he doesn't turn over the statue immediately. Slick doesn't understand why Luke doesn't just turn over the statue and take the money from the Cassidines.

6/9/81 Over at ELQ, a flustered Edward can’t figure out how to use the phone as Laura didn’t show up for work. Laura has arrived in Beecher’s Corners and they are thrilled to see her. Mrs. W shares that she wanted both Luke and Laura to stay with them. She tells her about Luke buying the cigar and giving her the band while they were stopped in the drugstore and exchanged vows. She confesses that she did the most awful thing when they were taken to the police station and betrayed Luke.

Mrs. W slips and mentions that “she told Luke”.. and Laura jumps on it and realizes that she has seen Luke. Mrs. W apologizes and says that she promised to never tell anyone that Luke showed up there. She tells her about Robert showing up and looking for Luke. She is so sorry for lying to Laura. She assures her that Luke was fine to Laura’s great relief. Laura tells her that they have gotten close again and that she feels Luke has finally forgiven her. Mrs. W tells her that when Luke was here that all he talked about was Laura and assures her that it is going to work out just fine for them. Laura asks if she can stay there with them for awhile as she needs some time just to think and figure things out.

Meanwhile, Robert keeps popping up everywhere looking for both Laura and Luke now. He and Alex have dinner as he questions her some more. He shares that he is worried that Luke and Laura have run off together with the Ice Princess. She heads back to tell Edward about Robert’s idea. He disagrees that the IP is of no use to them in its current state. She worries that they will find the formula in the base of the statue. He argues even then that Luke doesn’t have the money to do anything with it. He continues that he wants to go ahead with the plan to frame Laura, but they can’t do that until Luke resurfaces and Laura comes back to work.

Dvd #9B 6/10-6/11/81 Luke is hiding out, sleeping in the back of Slick’s cab. Meanwhile, Tony believes that Luke gave the Ice Princess to Laura and she slipped out of town while they weren’t paying attention to her. Tony demands his henchman find Laura, and Luke too and fast!

Edward is lamenting that all of their plans have failed, while Alex tries to cheer him up. He has the nerve to be disappointed that he can’t set Laura up! Duvall calls Alex to tell her that he is leaving town. Edward tells her to stall him (they lied and told him that they got the Ice Princess from Luke). He tells her that time has run out and hangs up. Alex tells Edward that they can’t let Duvall leave with the formula! They plan on conning him.

Tony arrives at the hospital to continue to woo Leslie and invites her to lunch on his yacht (so he can get info on where Laura is). Leslie pleads off that she already has plans with Amy for lunch. Tony charms Amy into allowing him to take Leslie to lunch instead. He continues to try to get information about Laura out of her.

Slick and Luke come up with a plan on how Luke can get to the hideout without being spotted. Luke apologizes for all the trouble he is causing Slick and promises to make it up to him. Luke arrives at the homeless shelter.

Robert is at GH asking Rick if he knows where Laura is? Leslie gets off the elevator and says that everyone sure wants to know where Laura is and mentions that Tony asked about her yesterday.

Edward has a lot of questions for how Alex got involved in the Ice Princess caper? How did she met Tony Cassidine? How was she able to steal the Ice Princess from him? He wants to know about the places she operated from before she came to PC, Africa, and Greece. She laughs that he will just have to wait as she has to call Devall (she has the fake tickets to Jamaica that she is going to entice him with).

Robert arrives at ELQ and comments on Laura still not being at work. He of course has a suggestion for a friend of his in need. She laughs that he would think she would hire one of his little spies. She plans on calling an agency and getting a girl with absolutely no ties to Robert! He laughs that is going to be hard to do given he has been in town for six months! Alex charms Duvall and stops him from leaving town, as they kiss and sip champagne.

Robert arrives at Tony’s yacht for dinner. He reports in that he talked to Leslie that day and Laura is out of town. Robert babbles on as he enjoys the feast that it doesn’t appear Tony has asked him in.

Tony and Alex meet up on the pier. He comes upon her as she is crying. He asks her not to speak, just so he can look at her. He asks her if she believes in fate? He says this chance meeting proves it, it is Kismet. They discuss their past.

6/12 - 6/15/81 Tony asks Alex why she has been staring at his yacht. He admits that he felt something, was drawn to her. He now knows they had to meet again. He felt her before he touched her. He asks her not to fight it, that it is inevitable. He asks her to go with him. She tells him it is not that easy. He asks her to choose to come aboard his yacht and she agrees. Alex tells him how much she loved him. He kisses her and she runs out. He follows her and kisses her again and tells her that she belongs with him. They go back to the yacht and sip champagne. He laments her stealing the Ice Princess from him. She laughs that he has no idea how much enjoyment she had taking it from him. He knows she no longer has it. He tells her that he is pursuing her because he loves her as he will love no other woman.

Luke is hiding out at the mission. Slick arrives to visit Luke. Slick helps try to find whose button was torn off the coat the night of the auction. Slick returns and tells Luke that he couldn’t find Laura, that no one seems to know where she is, she has disappeared. Luke becomes agitated and tells him he has to do something and runs out.

Luke goes to his apartment and sees the hate message Laura left on his wall, “Luke, I hate you wherever you are.” Luke determines he has to find her. He decides to call Robert to see if he knows where she is, but Robert doesn’t answer. He knows he can’t call ELQ or the Q’s to ask about Laura. He knows if they know he is looking for Laura, that they will know that they can get to them through her (think they have already figured that one out). He decides to call them with an alias. He calls Edward pretending to check out her references, Edward abruptly gives him brief info and hangs up. Luke decides he must talk to Bobbie, she knows what is going on in town. Slick warns Luke to be careful as Cassidine has goons all over town looking for Luke.

Bobbie is thrilled to see Luke outside of the Campus Disco and runs into his arms. He asks if she has seen Laura. She hasn’t, and suggests that he ask Rick & Leslie and tells him that they are over at Kelly’s. Luke hides out in the kitchen at Kelly’s and has Rose bring Rick & Leslie back so he can talk to them privately. They tell him that Laura went to Beecher’s Corners looking for Luke. He is relieved that she is safe there.

6/16-6/17/81 Tony & Alex have spent the night together. He tells her that he was foolish to let any other woman come before her and vows to never do that again. They toast to their future together and to the Ice Princess. He tells her they belong together. She promises together for always. They will have a shared purpose to find Luke and “the girl”. Alex heads to ELQ and tells him that they are going to go ahead and report Laura. The police will figure out where Laura is and whether or not she is in PC. Alex shows Edward the fur coat that Laura supposedly stole money from ELQ in order to purchase. She shows him a wad of cash that will also be part of the evidence to be found in Laura’s apartment.

Luke calls Alex and she starts a slew of questions. He tells her that he will bring the statue to her and hangs up. Alex tells Edward that Luke is just stringing them along and is probably planning on taking the statue to Scorpio. Alex calls Tony to tell him that Luke called and that Laura is not with Luke.

Slick snoops around Scorpio’s apartment where he encounters O’Reilly. He pretends to be a Mexican contractor, complete with accent. When Robert returns, O’Reilly tells him about Alex spending the night at Tony’s. When Robert hears the noise in the other room, O’Reilly tells him it is about the plumber Robert arranged for. He tells her that he didn’t arrange for any plumber as he runs up the stairs with her right behind him.

Robert orders Slick to tell him to give over what he has in his hand, it is a button. Robert realizes the button is important, and that Slick is trying to find a jacket with a missing button. He surmises that Luke doesn’t have the statue, and if he doesn’t who does? The guy with the jacket with the missing button? Robert tells him that he needs to find Luke, he wants to help him. Robert asks Slick to tell Luke that he is worried about both Luke and Laura and they are in bigger trouble than they ever imagined. Slick realizes that Robert is on the level.

6/17/81 Alex plants evidence in Laura’s apartment. She hides the box with the mink coat, and slips wads of cash behind a painting, tries to make it look like Laura stashed the cash around her apartment.

O’Reilly lets Robert know Laura is back in town.  Scorpio visits Tony and tells him Laura is back in town. He declares that Luke doesn’t have the Ice Princess and he doesn’t know who has it, that he is probably is in hiding afraid for his life. Robert tries to lead Tony to believe that Duvall is still in town and maybe he has it. Alex comes in as Robert starts trashing Alex to Tony and Tony defends Alex.

6/18-6/19/81 Laura resurfaces and finds Slick at Kelly’s. He asks him to take her to see Luke. He can’t do that. She asks him to just ask Luke one thing? Does he need her? Slick goes to see Luke and tells him that Laura is back and she wants to see Luke NOW. Luke says under no circumstances is he to bring Laura there. Slick asks Luke to call her as she is grilling him like a DA. Luke tells Slick that he has been thinking about Laura all day, and asks Slick to give Laura a message.

Slick arrives at Laura’s apartment and hands her the message from Luke, “Laura, do I need you? If you mean am I in trouble and need your help then the answer is no. If you mean, do I need you to be there with me for my life the the answer is yes. Please be patient, Luke” Laura begs Slick to take her to see Luke. She begs that she wants to share everything with Luke, they are going to be married. He tells her that if it was up to Slick that he would do it, but it is not, it is up to Luke and he is just taking orders. He warns her that she could be recognized. She walks into the bathroom and returns in her black wig and introduces herself to him as Lucy Johnson.

Slick says absolutely not! She starts sobbing and crying and telling him how much she loves Luke and she has to see him! He completely caves as her fake tears immediately dry up. She tells him that she has important information to tell Luke about the statue. As they leave, Alex is hiding upstairs and tails Slick and Laura. Luke is shocked to see her as she rushes into his arms and begins sobbing with relief and joy.

He sweetly kisses her, unable to believe they are together. Slick makes excuses for bringing Laura to him, and swears that no one followed them as Alex stands around outside! Laura doesn’t understand why there are all the secrets now after everything they went through last summer. Luke tells her that everything he is doing is for their future. Laura warns that she won’t leave without answers, she can’t take anymore secrets. She gives him an ultimatum, to tell her or he will never see her again.

He takes her upstairs and admits that he did not take the statue from art auction. Luke says that Tony Castle’s last name is actually Cassidine. He tells her that they can’t tell Leslie as it would be dangerous for her to know. This guy is not dangerous to Leslie but he could be dangerous to Luke and Laura. Laura questions why everyone wants this ugly statue? He tells her it is the largest diamond in the world. He tells her that Robert says it has something to do with world power. Laura shares with him that Alex has been having her take messages to a scientist named Curt Wheeler, only she found out his real name is James Duvall.

Luke tries to shut her out, and then she asks him again if he needs her? He grabs her face and says yes he does. He wants her to find out what Duvall is doing in PC, what his connection is to Alex. She asks him if what they are getting into is like last summer? He says no, nothing like that, but they have to get ahold of the Ice Princess. He tells her that to have the future they had planned, they have to find the Ice Princess and they will do it together. He promises not to leave her out of anything again. Laura and Slick make their getaway as Alex watches from the shadows.

Alan tells Susan they need to be careful as Monica is starting suspect them. Jeremy plays detective with the coat with the missing button.

Alex shows up at the shelter and begs Luke to give her the Ice Princess.  Luke tells her that he doesn’t have it. Of course, she doesn’t believe him so he decides to agree with her that he does have it. Alex warns Luke that his life is in danger and his time is running out. He tells her that he gave up money for Lent. Luke tells her that he can deal with either Tony or Robert before he would trust her. Alex threatens Luke that she will go after Laura.

  Robert dines on Tony’s yacht when he is reluctant to allow Robert to leave.  Robert accuses that Tony is afraid that Robert will get to Luke before he does. Tony makes excuses about not wanting to dine alone. Tony questions Robert about what he knows about James Duvall.  Just as a message for Tony comes in, Robert smugly tells him it is to confirm that Duvall is indeed in Port Charles. Robert warns him that is just further proof that Alex and Duvall are in cahoots. Robert observes there is no chance that Luke will be showing up on the yacht that night. Robert snarks that Luke has been making fools of his henchmen for weeks.

Alex calls to tell Tony where Luke is hiding, as Tony covers the conversation so Robert doesn’t overhear. Alex asks him not to punish the Q’s for their part in all of this and he agrees. He writes down the address and tells his goon to go get him. Robert is concerned when Tony shares that Alexandra has found Luke!

6/22-6/26/81 Just as Luke is leaving, he is arrested by fake cops to bring him to the yacht. Cassadine’s men pose as cops and go “arrest” Luke at the mission.  Tony gloats to Robert that he finally has Luke in hand.  While Robert is in the bathroom, Alex comes aboard and asks Tony not to hurt Luke and takes off.

Luke is brought aboard the yacht. He realizes that Tony, Alex, and Robert are all working together. Luke tells them what he does know but assures them that he does not have the Ice Princess. Tony threatens him with torture. He keeps asking him as Luke denies having it or any knowledge of where it is at. Tony’s goon, Kemo, begins chocking Luke. Robert stops him and asks to have a crack at it. Luke believes the statue is on the yacht. Robert wants to know if he gave it to Laura? Luke continues to resist as tensions escalate.

Tony gives Luke truth serum and continues to question him. Luke babbles about the art auction, and someone taking the statue first before Luke could get it and Luke ripped off the button off his coat. Tony starts losing his temper and goes after Luke as Robert holds him back, pointing out how drugged Luke is. Tony is becoming desperate as he tells Robert that he has nothing to lose. Robert warns Tony that he can’t have the House of Cassidine implicated in kidnapping, assault, ect. He promises that Luke will not go to the police. Tony isn’t concerned as he will have to have Luke killed regardless of whether he talks or not.

Robert leaves the yacht and fills O’Reilly in on Luke’s predicament. Robert warns her they will kill Luke if he doesn’t figure out a plan.

Laura quits her job at ELQ.  As she sits in front of Edward and the phone rings and rings, she says pointedly, “Effective immediately.” Edward is very conciliatory and invites Laura and Leslie out to lunch, just to prove there are no hard feelings. He offers to call Leslie to invite her to lunch and he will tell Alex about her leaving her job so Laura won’t have to have any Alex drama. After Laura leaves, Edward tells Alex who has a fit that Laura is ungrateful. Edward agrees with Laura about how difficult Alex is to communicate with and informs her that Alex is the reason Laura is leaving. Alex laments that the frame up won’t work now. Edward assures her that sure it will, it actually lends credence that Laura is making her getaway.

At lunch, Leslie and Laura argue about her quitting her job and Laura storms out of the restaurant. She heads over to Kelly’s and tells Slick about her plan to set up a date to see Curt Wheeler. Slick agrees but tells Laura that he is going with her, period. Robert calls O’Reilly and tells her he has a plan to rescue Luke. Laura and Slick go to Duvall’s apartment and she tells him she quit her job and not to trust Alex. 

Robert works out a signal with O'Reilly for her to cut the electricity to the yacht, Robert to the rescue! Robert walks in and leads Luke to believe that he is working with Tony who threatens to frame Laura. Tony tells Luke about Alex setting up Laura with things she has stolen from ELQ offices, $50k and Alex can prove it was stolen from Edward’s desk. Tony threatens Luke that if he doesn't talk, he will make Laura talk.

Robert does the signaling with his lighter to O'Reilly. Luke is starting to catch on that Robert is on his side. Unfortunately, Tony also catches on and breaks it up as he is on to Luke & Robert and intends to dispose of them both and stops Robert from sending anymore lighter signals through the window. Tony has his goons grab Robert as well. Now Luke tells them that he has hidden the statue in a public locker. Robert offers to stay on board while Kemo takes Luke to find the key. Robert pretends to be nervous and needing a cigarette. When Tony lights it for him, that is the 5th signal. O'Reilly cuts the lights and the boys make their escape.

Slick and Laura go to the mission and find out Luke has been “arrested”.  Laura barges into the Quartermaine mansion and demands to see Alex.  Stella insists Laura leave and does not let her see Alex. Slick warns Laura that she isn’t going to get anything out of the Quartermaines.

Dvd #9C Robert takes Luke to his penthouse, they go into the secret room. Luke is shocked to learn that Robert is a secret agent "CK8" for the WSB.

As the Cassidine henchmen arrive and search Robert's penthouse, Luke & Robert hide safely away in the secret room. O'Reilly comes in, huffing and puffing about the mess at Robert's place that she has to clean up and scares the henchmen off. She then sneaks them out in the laundry tub.

The boys return to Luke's place. First, Laura is relieved that they are okay then furious with them that they won't tell her what is going on. But Laura has the address for the scientist involved in the secret formula that the Ice Princess is involved with. She told Duvall that she wasn't working for the Q's anymore. Luke and Robert at a bar, Luke tells Robert how he became involved in the search. Luke figures that Charlie Lutz stole the Ice Princess. Luke does not want Laura going home. He keeps her safe at Robert's penthouse, and O'Reilly guards her.

Dvd #9C 6/29-6/30/81 Luke wakes up with a sore head and finds himself in Robert’s secret communications room. Luke starts to realize that Robert rescued him. He begs Robert to tell him what is going on. O’Reilly calls to warn Robert that the entire building is surrounded by Cassidine goons. When they hear rustling at the door as the Cassidine henchmen arrive to search Robert’s penthouse, Robert pulls out his gun and they both take shelter in the secret room. Luke asks Robert again to tell him who he is? The Cassidines toss the place and make a royal mess. Robert calls in to HQ as Luke stairs at him in shock to learn that Robert is a secret agent "CK8" for the WSB and that O’Reilly is his partner. Robert fills him in on being drugged with truth serum.

Just as the goons get close to the hidden door to the secret room, O'Reilly comes in, huffing and puffing about the mess at Robert's place that she has to clean up and scares the henchmen off. Robert & Luke can hear her reaming them as they quietly snicker in the hidden room. Once the goons leave, she then sneaks them out in the laundry tub. O’Reilly then fills in Slick on Robert helping Luke to escape and they have to get to Laura’s place and get in without being scene. They are going to use a cleaning van and go in disguise. They search Laura’s place to find the evidence that Alex planted against Laura. Luke finds the cash stuck behind the picture, and Slick finds the mink coat!

Luke asks Robert not to tell Laura about the truth serum and being threatened on the yacht. He tells Robert that he knows Laura worries about him. Robert agrees that he doesn’t see any need to tell her and they agree to keep that info quiet. Luke asks Robert if he is truly one of the good guys and if it is true that good guys finish last? Robert disagrees and encourages Luke that they will triumph. He asks Luke if he can even guess who has the Ice Princess.

Meanwhile, Emma Lutz is cleaning her apartment and comes upon the Ice Princess! She calls Lila and reminds her that she had donated the statue to the art auction. She apologizes for getting upset and how she behaved at the auction. She then informs Lila that she found the statue! She would like to get it back to her over a glass of Sherry. Alex walks in the room and is shocked to learn that Mrs. Lutz has found the black statue. Lila continues that she thought Luke had stolen it? Of course Alex immediately offers to buy it for a donation to Lila’s charity.

Laura returns to her place still in her Lucy disguise. She is SO relieved to see Luke! He wants to know what she found out from Duvall? Laura admits not much, he got really nervous when she mentioned the Ice Princess. She continued that he was really scared and told her that he would be leaving town soon. Laura has Duvall’s address, (he is the scientist involved in the secret formula that the Ice Princess is involved with). Robert urges that he needs Duvall’s address, he has to get ahold of that formula. She refuses to give up that info until she gets some answers from then.

Luke begs her to be reasonable. She warns them if they have no time, then they have no address. She starts asking him about who Robert is and who O’Reilly is and demands to know why he is there. Robert tells her that he is an agent, a G-man. He tells her there is a secret formula and if it falls into the wrong hands, that is really bad. He tells her that Tony Cassidine is one of the bad guys. She is worried that he would be dangerous to her mother. Luke tells her this would be a good time to tell Leslie to stay away from Tony Castle. Luke warns her that the cops who arrested him weren’t real cops but Cassidine’s goons. She agrees to warn her mom and gives them the address. Quick kisses and off they go to Duvall’s apartment.

They toss Duvall’s apartment, searching everywhere and realize the formula is not there, nor is the statue! Duvall returns and finds his apartment has been trashed and packs a suitcase to get out of town. 

Alex calls Emma and lets her know that she would like to buy the statue herself and donate the money in Emma’s honor. Emma asks for credit in the newspaper that she donated to the art auction. Emma is happy to agree. Alex says she will be right over and hangs up before Emma can say no.

Laura arrives at GH to see Leslie, with O’Reilly as her companion. She warns Laura not to try to put a leash on Luke. She observes that Luke is worth the extra time and trouble. Leslie arrives and tells Laura that Hutch has been poisoned, and assures her that his prognosis is good but he is lucky to be alive. Laura asks to see him, but Leslie says no that he is unconscious. Laura tells Lesley that she can’t see Tony Castle anymore as he is dangerous but she will not tell her why. She only tells her that he is involved with the Quartermaine’s and that is why she left ELQ. She tells her that Luke is the source of this info. Leslie snarks that she is just supposed to take Luke’s word? She doesn’t even know Luke. Leslie reams her for keeping secrets (kinda like Laura reamed Luke for keeping secrets! LOL). Leslie tells her that she can’t deal with any of this and storms off.

Laura tells O’Reilly that she is going over to Duvall’s apartment. O’Reilly tells her that she can’t allow that. She tells Laura that she is a real nice kid and asks her to do what Robert asked her to do. O’Reilly’s job is to look after her and she found her a nice safe spot to stay. She isn’t going to give Laura any choice and reminds her that it is for her own good.

7/1  Alex & Lila visit Emma but Emma will not let them in because Charlie is home. 

Robert and Luke arrive to make Benny an offer. He is not happy to see Luke as every time he comes around, there is trouble. Robert is against it as he doesn’t trust Benny. Luke reassures him and offers Benny $30k to be a silent partner and act as a consultant in exchange for information on all of Port Charles art collectors. 

The goon squad reports in to Tony that they can’t locate Luke. He is upset and asks them what are they doing there and to get back out there to search. He tells Alex that Spencer and Scorpio have escaped and are in this together. He doesn’t care for her smirk as she giggles that she has found the Ice Princess. He asks if she found Luke, she says no but she found the Ice Princess! He asks her where it is as he must have it. She tells him that it will take female delicacy and she will hand it. She puts her arms around him and raves that they have won and Luke & Robert have lost!

Robert and Luke are at the Bucket of Blood and decide to review all the evidence from the top. Robert calls Benny and a cop answers the phone and tells him that Benny has been arrested. He starts talking about cabbies and sees Charlie Lutz and the light bulb goes off. They start to figure out that Charlie is the one who stole the Ice Princess from the auction. 

7/2 Slick, Laura & O’Reilly are at Kelly’s and have Rose call the Lutz’s to come have Charlie come identify a coat.  While they are waiting, Rick comes in and updates her about Hutch’s condition. Rick tells Laura she needs to apologize to Lesley, that she was pretty rough with her. Laura admits that she handled it badly. Rick says he agrees with Laura as he never wants her to see Tony Castle again, but asks what Laura’s reasons are? She tells him that Luke told her that Tony was bad news and isn’t what he appears to be. Laura honestly says she doesn’t really know who Tony Castle is. Rick reminds her that her mother can take care of herself. Laura agrees that she will apologize.

Alex calls and tells Emma that she and Lila are on their way over, she buys the Ice Princess from Emma.  Alex arrives on the yacht bearing the Ice Princess and makes Tony’s day! He hugs her in glee that she has actually done it. She says now all of their dreams can come true. Alex finds James Duvalls apartment has been ransacked.  James is still hiding out. 

Charlie Lutz comes into Kelly’s and says that yes it is HIS favorite coat! After he leaves, the gang celebrate that they have identified the man who stole the princess! Emma then comes into Kelly’s and asks Slick where Luke is? Laura asks why Emma is looking for Luke? Emma blames Luke for stealing the status and upsetting Mrs. Q. She blabs to Slick, Laura & O’Reilly that she sold the Ice Princess to Alex for $3,000!

7/3 Laura, Clay, and O'Reilly are on the docks. O'Reilly says they have to find away to board the Cassidine yacht. O'Reilly realized that this is where Alex would take the statue (to the Cassidine yacht). Laura goes home and tells Leslie that she would like to talk to her and apologizes that she is sorry for what she said to her yesterday. Leslie accepts her apology but asks what is going on? She recognized O’Reilly as the woman that Luke put in the mummy case.

She tells Leslie that her and Luke have gotten involved in something but she can’t give her any details. She promises that it isn’t anything like last summer, she just came over to apologize. Leslie is curious why she came down so hard on Tony and points out that he likes Laura. He is always inviting Laura to join him on his yacht for lunch or dinner. Laura says she would love to go but can’t at the moment. Leslie is confused by her change of tune, Laura is sorry she can’t give her any details. She reassures her that everything is okay.

Slick heads over to the penthouse to inform Robert & Luke that Charlie identified his jacket. They are about to rush over to the Lutz’s place but Slick informs them that Alex bought the statue from Emma. They can’t believe that she beat them to it! The boys head over to Duvall’s place and finds a gal cleaning his place. She tells him that Duvall moved out. She then tells them about Alex being there looking for him and she was real shook up that he was gone. Luke, Robert & Slick are searching the Quartermaine mansion as Stella has a fit (the Q’s are conveniently not there). Later Robert & Luke search ELQ. 

Alex is looking for Duvall after seeing his apartment.  James is in a panic as he is trying to leave Port Charles for Jamaica and there are no tickets available.  Alex goes to the airport but James has already left after being told he cannot get a ticket.

Laura tells O’Reilly that she got a great idea from her mother. She informs her that Cassidine has invited her to tour the yacht and she has a standing invitation. O’Reilly says absolutely not, it is simply too dangerous. Laura is sure that he will not suspect her at all as he doesn’t know she knows his true identity. She pushes past O’Reilly and heads right for the yacht. O’Reilly calls Clay and tells him she needs his help!

Tony is surprised to see Laura arrive, he says he thought she was out of town. He asks what she is doing there? She tells him that her mother told her about his invitation. He gives Laura a tour of the ship and Laura is in the control room when a message comes in about Kurt (Duvall) being missing. She tells him about the 4th of July picnic and tells him that she is going with Luke. She says it will be nice to spend the day with, he is such a hard worker and has been working so hard but tomorrow it will all be over and he will have time then. O’Reilly is pacing with worry up on the docks. She is relieved when Laura returns.

Laura informs them that she got the grand tour, but did not see anything that looked like the Ice Princess. She tells them that she walked right into the radio room when she saw the door open. Message says “Wheeler gone missing”, so they know Duvall still hasn’t been found though O’Reilly says that doesn’t help much. She grabs Laura’s arm and tells her that she won’t be getting away from her again.

Luke is thrilled to see her and gives her a big hug. She raves to him about getting into the radio room on the Cassidine yacht. He showed her around the whole boat, and tells him about the message about Duvall. O’Reilly tells them about Alex coming and going off the yacht with a shoulder bag big enough to fit the Ice Princess. Luke and Robert are headed out again, he asks her to stay put this time. She asks him to be careful, he tells her that is his middle name!

Laura stands by the window worriedly looking out at the city. Laura tells O’Reilly that they had a dangerous adventure last summer. She admits that the danger brought her and Luke closer together. O’Reilly agrees that Luke is almost as good as Robert, and that Laura is like the daughter she never had. She promises that her and Robert will keep Laura safe. Laura asks if she knows where Luke & Scorpio are? She suggests that Laura not worry about it, that the guys will find what they are looking for.

7/6/81  Day of the 4th of July picnic.  Robert & Luke wake up after sleeping in Slicks’ cab. They start putting the pieces together about all roads leading to Jamaica and decide to head to the airport to see if Duvall got on a flight to Jamaica. Luke & Robert find out Duvall is still in town after they go to the airport.  Laura, Amy, Leslie, Alice prep for the picnic.

Duvall calls Alex and tells her that he was out all night looking for her, and she was out all night looking for him. She tells him that she has the Ice Princess and the search is finally over. She promises him that they can now be together and their dreams are waiting. She asks where he is so they can begin their big celebration. She wants to meet at ELQ, he is leary and says no. They agree to meet at Laura’s apartment as she will be at the picnic.

Alex sneaks out so Stella doesn’t see her leave. Robert and Luke arrive at the Q’s with a huge bouquet of flowers for Alex. Stella takes them up to her room and finds she is no longer at home. They give Stella the flowers and tells her that she deserves them more than Alex does! Next they go to the picnic and Alan laughs when they ask him if he has seen Alex.

Alex reaches Laura at the Webbers and asks her to meet her at the picnic. When Laura asks why, Alex tells her it is very important and she can fill Laura in on the ELQ activity that Laura had questions about. Laura tells Leslie that she can’t go to the picnic with them right now, she will be right back and meet up with them later. Leslie makes her promise to be careful and call them if they can help. Laura heads to Kelly’s looking for Luke & Robert, she tells Slick that she has been all over town looking for them. She fills him in on Alex’s call. Slick offers to go with her to meet Alex.

7/7 Everyone is at the 4th of July picnic. Laura is looking for Luke and Alex at the picnic. Rick and Leslie know something is going on with Laura and worry about her. Slick complains to Laura about not being able to eat nor enjoy the picnic. He is stuck waiting at the statue with Laura per Alex’s instructions. He is tired of all the cloak and dagger business and wants to know where Luke & Robert are. Slick will not allow Laura to go back to her apartment and warns her it is off limits. He suggests that they go to Kelly’s for a cup of coffee since Alex never showed. Laura & Slick are at Kelly’s and when Martha spills something and Slick goes to help her, Laura uses the opportunity to sneak out and go to her apartment.

Alex and Duvall are at Laura’s apartment, he is really jumpy at every little noise. She tries to reassure him by showing him the Ice Princess statue. She tells him that they have the statue, and the formula, and each other. He opens the bottom base and finds it empty, no formula. He looks at Alex accusingly and demands to know where the formula is? He grabs her purse and starts searching it. He says he went to hell and back for her because he loved her. He realizes she has been working with Cassidine from the beginning and she has played him for a fool. She tells him that she took out the formula for safe keeping and promises to show it to him. He pushes her away from him onto the couch and runs for the door. Alex hits him on the head with the Ice Princess and he falls to the floor. A shaken Alex leaves him there and returns home.

7/8  Laura finds Duvall, the scientist, dead in her apartment. She flashes back to the death of David Hamilton, who she was accused of murdering (she pushed him, he fell and hit his head on the fireplace). Slick has called Luke and they all arrive at Laura’s as she is freaking out. Luke calls her name and grabs her and holds her as she collapses hysterically crying saying she didn’t do it. Robert ushers them out and Luke takes Laura upstairs to his place while Robert investigates.

He calls O’Reilly and tells her that they found Duvall’s dead body in Laura’s apartment. He tells Slick that Laura is being framed for murder, and the police are going to ask her all kinds of questions. He looks around but can’t find the murder weapon. O’Reilly can’t believe the mess when she arrives.

Laura tells Luke about what happened with David and the horribly cruel things people said to her at that time. They called her a tramp and she believed that she was a tramp. She tells him that Alex called and asked her to meet her at the statue in the park and she waited and waited but Alex never showed. She sobs that she can’t go through this again. He holds her tenderly and promises her that she will not have to go through that again. She begs him to tell her that he still loves her. He does over and over, promises that he will always love her. He tells her that she is safe in his arms and he won’t let anything bad happen to her again.

Meanwhile, Alex is home sobbing as she tries to clean the blood off of her hands. Tony calls looking for her and Edward wants to know who is calling. Tony won’t say and gets Edward’s dander up and he won’t answer his questions and hangs up. Stella tells him that Alex is up in her room having just arrived home. Edward goes up to her door but she does not respond.

O’Reilly heads up to Luke’s apartment to sit with Laura, bright and bubbly trying to take her mind off things. Luke leaves Laura in O’Reilly’s arms and goes back to her apartment. He is furious that Laura has been framed. He demands they get the body out of there now! Robert & Luke carry him out, held upright between them. The landlady stops him and they say their friend is drunk. She proceeds to evict both him and Laura!

Tony is frantic and orders his goons to find Alex and Duvall! Tony gets a message from Victor that he will arrive shortly, and he wants Albert and Kemo on the island. A distraught Tony cries, “Not now!”. Victor soon arrives on the yacht and congratulates Tony on getting the Ice Princess back. Tony wants to set off for the island, and Tony agrees as soon as he finds Alex who has the formula and the Ice Princess! Victor is not happy to hear that Tony doesn’t have them and that he doesn’t know where Alex is?

Victor is appalled that he trusted Alex and he has been double crossed once again. Tony makes excuses for her, that she must still be looking for Duvall. Victor declares that he is taking an extreme risk with his friendship with Alex. He reminds Tony that Alex was the person who stole the statue to begin with and his loyalty to her is misplaced. Victor warns Tony that she could have taken the formula, copied it and replaced it.

Victor continues that nothing is impossible with Alexandria Quartermaine. He demands it is time that Tony face the consequences of his relationship with her. Tony assures Victor that he trusts Alex! Victor coldly demands that he put loyalty to the family first. She has single handledly caused the House of Cassidine to crumble on its foundation. He rants that she has now disappeared along with Duvall! Victor accuses him of being a smitten school boy who has been taken in by a scheming girl. Victor starts ordering the goons around to search every nook and cranny of this miserable town to find Alex.

After they get Duvall’s body out of the building, he goes back up to Laura’s to tell her he will be back soon. He reassures her again, and tells her that O’Reilly will stay with her. He promises as soon as he returns, the whole mess will be over. He kisses her and smooths away her hair from her face and tells her again that he will be right back.

The guys search Duvall and his suitcase for clues. Luke urges them to hurry so he can get back to Laura. He grumbles that Alex framed Laura but good and he is sure that Alex is the person who killed Duvall. Later that night, an exhausted Luke returns to Laura’s place and relieves O’Reilly who leaves. Laura is sound asleep, and Luke sits by her side, tenderly stroking her hair.

Dvd #9D 7/9 (so-so quality and not complete - no L&L this date). Alex is on board the Cassidine yacht as Victor tells her the charade is over and time to cut out the theatrics. She yells at them that she killed a man, James Duvall. Victor compliments her on her performance. She looks like she wants to strike him, and Tony holds her back as Victor wags a warning finger in her face. She tells Tony the story of what happened that evening with Duvall, how he went crazy when he discovered the formula was missing, over all the mistrust after being basically a prisoner all of these months.

She says she tried everything even told him she loves him but nothing worked. She says she had no choice as he moved towards the door. Kemo is sent to remove Duvall’s body from Laura’s apartment. Victor doesn’t seem to impressed until she shows him that she does indeed still have the formula. Tony tells Victor that they can leave for the island by midnight. Victor actually hands the Ice Princess back to her and tells her to take it, she has earned it. She is shocked and thanks him profusely.

Back at the Quartermaines, Alex fills Edward in and leads him to believe that Cassidine killed Duvall (their last scenes together). She tells him that Cassidines replaced their losses. She tells him that she is leaving that night with Tony, she has always wanted to be a Cassidine. Edward gives her a hug as she cries saying goodbye. He tells her this will be a far less colorful household without her. She leaves him the Ice Princess statue! He is shocked to buy it out of her bag after she has left.

Kemo returns and reports that there was no body and the apartment cleaned up. Tony figures that Victor is going to start doubting her again. He observes that Luke and Scorpio cleaned up, and suspects that they will try to stop them from departing. Victor orders if they attempt to interfere then to terminate them. He declares Scorpio and Spencer don’t stand a chance, they are home free!

7/10 Hutch in the hospital. Susan Moore has flashbacks to Alan, Susan calls Alan and asks him to come over.

The next morning, Luke and Laura snuggle as he comforts her. Laura realizes that Alex killed Duvall to silence him and framed Laura. Robert calls and asks Luke & Laura to come over as it is time he filled them in. When they arrive, he tells them he works for the World Security Bureau, an international group to maintain peace and order. He continues that the Ice Princess is a synthetic diamond.

Luke doesn’t understand what this has to do with world peace. He tells them that the formula could mass produce the diamond and it can be used as a weapon that could disrupt world peace. He suspects that Alex was just in it for the money and didn’t know it was a weapon. Robert is interrupted by a communication in his secret room. He informs his contact that L&L is there with him. He is told 20 agents will be arriving that night to assist and that Victor Cassidine has arrived. Robert observes that Victor is a worthy foe and this won’t be easy.

Clay and O’Reilly are on the dock watching the yacht and see supplies getting loaded and they ask approaching dock workers and learn they are preparing to depart. O’Reilly calls to tell him that Alex is on board the yacht and they are getting ready to sail. She reports they will pull out into the harbor to fuel up and it can take 4-10 hours depending on what they need.

Robert goes into his secret room and calls for reinforcements but they can't get there in time. The head spy guys offer Luke a job should he ever want one.  When Luke realizes that help won't arrive in time he offers to be Robert's partner. Robert refuses, it being too dangerous. Finally, Robert agrees to let Luke be his partner. Laura begs Luke not to go. He reassures her that he will be fine, after all he is "Super Luke"!  He tells her that Alex tried to frame her for murder and now it isn't just a job, its personal. O'Reilly calls Robert and tells him that Clay has been shot and killed. While she is talking to Robert in the phone booth, O'Reilly is shot as well. Robert listens in horror as he hears the shots ring out, and gets no answer from O'Reilly.

7/13 O'Reilly lies critically wounded in the phone booth as Luke, Laura and Robert arrive. Laura suggests they take her to Rick's clinic. Upon seeing O Reilly's critical condition Georgia phones for an ambulance but it's too late. O Reilly strokes Robert's face gently, promising her he will get the Cassidines. Luke, and Laura stand nearby as O Reilly dies in Robert’s arms. Luke tries to get through a shocked Robert and tells him that O’Reilly is gone. Robert is a bit unglued and swears they won’t get away with this as he will avenge O’Reilly’s death. Luke holds Laura as Scorpio calls in her death.

Robert tells Luke this is when he says goodbye, and rushes out the door. Luke yells after him that he is out of his mind, that he is going with him. On the dock, Robert asks Luke and Laura what they are doing there? He is told they have a stake in this. Robert says they have no business being there as O’Reilly and Clay were both professionals. Luke points out all he has to help him is rank amatuers. Robert knows that Cassidine figured out O’Reilly as being a spy and had her killed.

Robert tells Luke that he will be on that yacht when it sails. Laura looks at Luke with anguish in her eyes as he insists that he has to go with Robert, as she says no that he say what happened to O’Reilly and Clay. He promises her that nothing will happen to her. She asks him to let Robert handle this as he is the professional. Luke knows that Robert needs his help, he will be killed if Robert goes alone. He tells her that he is sorry but he has to go. He tells her that this whole thing started out as a job and money but has become very personal after Alex tried to frame her and they killed O’Reilly. Laura doesn’t want him off playing Super Spy.

Robert interrupts to tell Luke that he is out of time and has to go and Luke has to make his decision. He kisses Laura soundly and promises that he will be alright. Robert gives Laura a quick kiss goodbye, and Luke gves her one more kiss and off they go. Laura has flashbacks of her helping Luke when he fell off the yacht at Jennifer Smith’s wedding last summer during the fight with Scotty, followed by a series of flashbacks from the Left Handed Boy storyline. She smiles to herself and then runs off.

7/14 Robert and Luke hid behind some shipping crates and see all the activity on deck. Luke points out the only way to get aboard is the gang plank but it is too busy to attempt without being seen. Meanwhile on deck, Tony and Victor congratulate Alex on recovering the Ice Princess. He announces they will set sail when the guests have arrived. Victor teases Alex about the mystery guests that will be arriving soon. Tony shares that they are a couple of old friends of theirs. Robert is not happy to see a third world general arrive.

One by one, the Cassidines guests arrive, Max and Noel, the scientists, and a General Conrad Calluga (he was tossed out of the army) and his girlfriend, bumbling Nigel Pennysmith, and finally Victor's girl Tiffany Hill the famous actress. Trying to devise a way onto the boat, Luke and Robert bribe a fisherman on the docks to row over to the yacht and pretend to be drowning but things don't go as planned. The guards fail to move at the gangway. Luke suggests they climb up the sideline, which the two do quite well.

7/15  Luke and Robert complete the shimmy across the rope. Once aboard the two make their way down to the galley. Dodging various maids and stewards, they make it down to the cargo hold and find Laura hiding in a closet! They all head down to the cargo hold, Luke is shocked to see her and wants to know what kind of dumb stunt is this? She points out that he snuck aboard while Laura quite cleverly made her way on board with her Lucy Johnson wig posing as one of the hired help.

Luke wants Laura to get off the boat right now but she puts her foot down and insists on staying. Luke holds her and kisses her and sweetly tells her she is getting off the boat. She of course refuses citing last summer and determines that she is NOT getting off the boat. Luke starts yelling at her that she IS getting off the boat. Robert yells at both of them to shut up, Luke tells Robert not to tell Laura to shut up. They hear the motors start up and Laura observes no one is getting off the boat!

Alex is quite dismayed when she finds out about all the guests. She complains to Tony that she thought this would be an intimate cruise. She would prefer not to get to know any of these guests.

7/17 Leslie tells Alice about her worries over Laura’s safety. Amy comes in with the letter that Laura wrote her. Amy is noisy as Alice rushes her out to work as Leslie doesn’t want to tell Amy what is in the letter. After Amy leaves, she reports that letter has run off with Luke again. She calls Rick to tell him. They agree to meet at GH.

Leslie shows Rick the letter. He calls Rose to see if she has seen Slick Jones. She says he is sitting at her counter. Rick and Lesley finally track Slick down at Kelly's and he is shocked to hear that O'Reilly and Clay have been killed. He agrees to take them to the last place he saw them. When they get to the docks, they realize that Laura has most likely sailed on the yacht with Luke.

On the high seas, Laura asks for food, and a bathroom. Robert teases that this is not a luxury cruise. Insulted she insists that she pulled her own weight last summer. Robert takes the time to explore the ship and finds some food and blankets.

Alex's old nemesis, Tiffany Hill is introduced to all the guests by Victor. Alex is not happy to realize that her rival Tiffany is on board. Tony offers a toast, to smooth sailing, as the Titan leaves the harbor with Luke, Laura and Robert stowaway in the cargo hold. Alex continues to make snarky comments about Tiffany, as the guests enjoy the fine dining and drinking. One guest laments that she will miss the wedding of Charles & Diana. The cat fight between Tiffany and Alex continues as they make snarky comments about each other’s wardrobe. We get to know Tiffany a bit as Alex stares daggers at her.

Everyone is having a grand time except Luke, as he is sea sick! Robert heads up to the green salon, while Laura puts the blanket around Luke and holds him in his arms as he is feeling miserable. She reassures him that she is totally confident that they are going to make it. He tells her that she has changed so much since he first met her. She says it is all his fault, as he taught her. She observes that he just needs something to eat and he will feel better.

Robert is up on deck looking for food and water. He brings it back to the cargo hold when Nigal wanders down to the galley. Robert makes an excuse that he is the hired help. In the cargo hold, the trio enjoy their picnic though Luke is too sick to eat. Robert teases Luke about all of his tales of life on the waterfront. Laura points out she turned out to be tougher than Luke. Robert tells them the plan that they search the staterooms during the day when everyone is out and about and at night when the guests are in the main salon they can search everywhere else. They hide when they hear Tony and Victor coming.

7/20 Rick and Lesley head to Ramsey hoping to get some answers, but Burt says that the O Reilly case was taken out of his hands. Later they are informed by the commissioner of police that they are to stay out of the case. Leslie and Rick meet with Bobbie and Ruby at the GH cafeteria. Leslie tells them about the letter from Laura and fills them in on Luke and Laura’s latest adventure. They believe Luke & Laura are aboard the Cassidine yacht which has left harbor.

Luke, Laura and Robert hide behind the luggage when Tony and Victor come down into the hold. Tony and Victor discuss treachery among the guests. He fears Max will attempt to overthrow the Cassidines plans. Later, Robert assures Luke and Laura the Cassidines have every right to worry about Max. Together with his wife Noelle, they represent the five of the Third World countries! They will stop at nothing to get what they want.

The stowaway's make their way to the upper deck with beautiful water location shots as the ship is sailing. They hope to find the Cassidine safe and the formula. Everyone is sunning on deck, so this is the perfect time. The first stop is the General's room, where Robert finds a letter mentioning a trip to "the island".

Calluga and Corrine head back to the cabin forcing the trio into hiding. Calluga wants to work, but Corrine talks him into going out for more sun. Corrine heads right into the bathroom where Luke is hiding. After the General leaves, Robert is stunned that the Corinne never noticed him hiding in the shower! 

Luke, Laura and Robert are forced to hide in the washroom when Tony and the General get too close. The maid tries to enter the washroom and Robert holds the lock tight. Even Nigel can't budge it. The trio finally make their way out of the washroom and back to the cargo hold.   

7/22  Evening on the yacht. The guests enjoy a fancy dinner and dancing to disco music. Nobody knows for sure where the boat is headed. Alex and Tiffany trade insults to each other. It ends up with Tiffany spilling a glass of champagne all over Alex's dress! 

Luke, Laura and Robert check out more staterooms and enjoy star gazing. The stowaway’s have some time alone up on the deck. The trio both wish for some decent food, Luke would like a deli! L&L snuggling on the deck and fantasize what it would be like to sail around the world. Luke laments there is too much water. Laura wishes on a star, he asks what he would do if she wasn’t there as he kisses her and holds her tenderly as they enjoy some romance on the high seas.

Tony and Alex are getting romantic on the deck and make plans for their future. He tells her that he loves both of his brothers after she suggests that Victor is taking advantage of him. Luke, Laura and Scorpio take the opportunity to search the main room after everyone has gone to bed. Robert starts to head to the radio room but the return of Alex and Tony to the main salon for a nightcap stops them. Robert spies on them and discovers a hidden safe that Tony checks on behind a picture. Unfortunately Tony and Alex decide to make out on the couch as Robert groans for them to take it back to the stateroom as he watches from outside through the porthole. This leaves the trio to wait patiently for them to leave.

  7/24 On the Titan, the trio sneak more food out of the refrigerator while the coast is clear. Laura asks if there is a way to wash their clothes. Robert says no it is too dangerous and do they suggest they walk around in the buff while their clothes are being washed? Luke says if they don’t that they will be found by smell alone as they are starting to reek. Laura points out she saw towels up on deck they can use.

While exploring the deck, the trio are forced into the laundry room by wandering guests. Taking the time to wash their clothes, they next move to the sauna to dry them out. While they wait for their clothes to dry, Nigel comes in for some steam. Thinking Luke, Laura and Robert are servants, Nigel remarks that it's grand the Cassidines allow the hired help to use the facilities.

Later, the trio head to the main salon and break into the safe. Unfortunately, they find nothing of value and especially no IP formula. Heading to the front of the deck, L&L share some romantic time enjoying the sunshine, while Robert keeps watch. Luke tells her that he can’t hold her close enough as they sweetly kiss and snuggle. They hear an announcement that dinner will be serve and the guests are invited for cocktails in the salon. The trio next head to the engine room where they become locked inside. 

   7/27 Still trapped in the noisy engine room, Robert manages to pry the door open. A group of sailors block their way upstairs. Suddenly the engines stop. Robert finds the radio wires and with his James Bond gear, is able to tap into the radio room.

Alex is dismayed the she and Tony have been summoned by seaplane to the Cassidine island under order by Mikkos. Alex’s enjoyment of the trip is tarnished by the presence of Tiffany on board. He reminds her that she is not his friend and Victor invited him not her. She wants to know why they have to go to the island ahead of the others? Victor comes in and urges them to hurry. Alex starts questioning Victor as to what is going on? He says they are to take one of the formulas ahead with them to the island and Mikkos wants a full report from Tony.

Victor suggests that Tony tells all as Mikkos has a way of knowing all of their secrets. Tony says too much is being made of what happened in Port Charles. Victor invites Tony to say that to Mikkos. After Victor leaves, Tony explains that Mikkos as the eldest brother is the head of the family. Alex is livid over what she sees as the pending interrogation and that Tony is being disrespected as she throws her clothes in the suitcase.

The guests enjoy their party on the deck complete with food and dancing. While Luke and Robert listen in as Victor calls the Cassidine Island, a starving Laura sneaks out on deck and grabs more food. Victor is told that he is already displeased and is warned not to cause anymore delays. They are to depart by seaplane in 14 minutes. Laura returns just as Luke finds her missing. Luke is not happy to learn that she was out on the deck. She says they are completely out to sea with no sigh of land anywhere. Robert, Luke and Laura are puzzled as to why the engine's suddenly stopped. 

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