Luke & Laura #8 March 11 - May 7. 1981: 12 hours on 3 dvds

DVD #8A 3/11 continued. Laura calls Luke, "my man the philosopher". He questions the term, "her man"? She says yes and when he gets over his hurt they will have a future together because if they don't then nothing has any meaning. This moment is interrupted by the arrival of Richard, Claudia, and Brian, as they are all going to Diana's funeral together. Steve Hardy does the eulogy, Diana Tyalor's memorial service included.

Outside the service, Laura realizes that Bobbie needs a moment with her brother and suggests to Ruby that they go into the service together. Bobbie is touched by Laura's thoughtfulness and says if she didn't hate Laura so much she could almost like her! Luke comments that is the nicest thing Bobbie has ever said about Laura. She observes that he still has a touch of "Laura Baldwinitis”.

Luke meets Emma Lutz at Kelly’s, he suspects her hubby has the Ice Princess and he turns on the charm to flirt with her.

Luke shows up at Laura's door with a bag of groceries and invites her up to his apartment for breakfast. He is trying to cheer her up, as he knows she is down about Diana's murder. She tells him how much she enjoys living on the waterfront and says she is now a waterfront rate. He says maybe a mouse and comments on how much she has changed. Luke brings up Robert again; he doesn't trust the "Australian pervert".


Luke tells Alex that he has investigated all of the cabbies that work for a particular company, guys that have been flashing some cash around. He reports that a guy in a junk shop recognized the photo of the Ice Princess, and one of the cabbies wives Emma Lutz tried to sell it.

Luke asks Laura what her lunch plans are and grits his teeth when she informs him she is having lunch with Robert. Luke calls the beauty shop looking for Emma and is told she is having her comb out. Luke asks Laura what that means; she says she would be happy to as soon as he tells her why he is asking?

He tells her its about his investigation for Alex and he doesn't like to keep her in the dark but....she interrupts as she knows he is going to say its too protect her, keep her out of danger, ect. She tells him that comb out means that she is almost done with her hair appointment.

Robert arrives to take Laura to lunch at the Versailles Room just as Luke is taking off. Robert asks Laura about Kurt Wheeler and admits that he listened at the door as Laura and Alex were talking. Robert is shocked to see Leslie walk in with Tony Castle (actually Tony Cassidine).

He questions Laura about Leslie's involvement with Tony; she fills him in that Rick is jealous of Tony, as he has been very romantic with Leslie. Robert cracks up when he sees Luke enter the restaurant with Emma Lutz and he jokes that is sure a classy couple.

While Robert and Laura are at lunch, Robert is shocked to see Leslie walk in with Tony Castle (actually Tony Cassidine). He questions Laura about Leslie's involvement with Tony; she fills him in that Rick is jealous of Tony, as he has been very romantic with Leslie. Robert cracks up when he sees Luke enter the restaurant with Emma Lutz and he jokes that is sure a classy couple.


The next day, Luke shows up at Laura's apartment to give her a ride to work. She tells him she isn't going into work that day as she is going to say goodbye to Jeff Webber (her uncle) who is leaving town this day (interesting a good friend pointed out that since Jeff Webber is Laura's uncle and Liz's father, doesn't that make Liz and Lucky cousins?)

She is very cool towards him, as she is jealous of him lunching with Emma. He starts explaining about Emma but she isn't interested in hearing it and tells him she just isn't curious any longer as she is working on some special projects of her own for Alex.


Laura goes to the Webber’s and says goodbye to Jeff and PJ. Heather shows up and is heartbroken over losing PJ. Laura and Luke stop at a cafe and he asks her about her wanting children. She says of course she does and no one would ever take a child away from her! He winds up annoying her and she tells him that while she had agreed to wait until he feels he can trust her enough not to hurt him but she pointedly warns him that no woman wants to wait forever and she storms off. 

Robert shows up at Kelly's and questions Luke about who Emma is? Robert is puzzled by how Emma is involved with the Ice Princess? Robert has noticed that everyone Luke talks to has to do with the Ice Princess.

At the ELQ offices, Luke tells Laura that he is very close to finding what he has been looking for. He asks her if she would go out with him in the coming week that they need to talk about where they stand.

Laura listens in as Luke makes lunch plans with Emma Lutz. Then she pumps Slick for info and finds out that Luke wants to search Emma's place. Laura questions Luke about what he is after at Emma's. He tells her to stay out of it and to NOT follow him.

Luke has lunch with Emma at her place. He searches the entire place. Her husband comes home, Luke hides in the bedroom. Slick distracts Charlie so Luke can get out of the apartment. Luke is frustrated that the Ice Princess is not at the Lutz's. Robert meets with Tony Cassidine (aka Tony Castle). Tony questions Robert about how much Laura knows about what Alex is up to?

Robert joins Luke as he drowns his sorrows at the local bar. Luke is empty handed having not found what he was looking for. Luke vents to Robert that the Ice Princess was his shot at some financial security. Robert says he almost feels sorry for Luke. Robert gloats that he is taking Laura to dinner that night. Luke immediately calls Laura and asks her to dinner.

Robert meets with Tony Cassidine again and they negotiate a deal. Robert suggests that Alex still has the statue but in order for Robert to find it, he wants Tony to stop tailing Luke as he believes he will lead him the Ice Princess. They shake hands and agree on the partnership.

Luke confides in Laura that he is depressed as he was counting on the Ice Princess for his financial future. He tells her that the Q's financial future also depends on him finding the statue. She assures him he will be successful. L&L see an article about Hutch, he gets 25-life in prison.

4/81 Laura fishes a chair out of the dumpster and Luke tells her she is turning into a bag lady. Emma Lutz sees that the Quartermaines are involved in a big charity auction. She calls and offers to donate the statue.

Dvd #8B Emma Lutz arrives at the Quartermaine’s bearing the Ice Princess statue that she is donating. Luke arrives soon after.

Luke arrives at Laura’s apartment in the am and wants a good morning kiss. Luke is shocked to see a picture of the Ice Princess statue on the front page of the newspaper. It has been donated to Lila's charity auction. They find out the auction items are being stored in the police property room.

The next morning, Laura is frightened when she finds Luke's room ransacked and no sign of him. Luke and Slick make plans to break into the Police department property room. While Luke searches it, Slick distracts the cop on duty.

Robert shows up and helps Luke search the room. They don't find it. Luke returns to Laura's upset that he once again failed in his quest. Laura tells him that she doesn't need this financial stake for their future that he does.

Edward sends Laura to help Lila organize the donor list for the auction. Luke heads over to help them. Ed Begley Jr. has a small guest spot as a painter. Luke pays him $150 to be able to take over for him to paint the room the charity auction to be held at.

Laura enters and is shocked that Luke is paying the guy that much, Luke tells her it is to get his apartment painted. He points out the magenta paint he is using as a cover as the paint he has chosen to use. She offers to do paint his place for him for $50.

Luke goes to the paint job but they want to see his union card. Just as they are going to throw him out, Slick arrives with a phony card. This gives Luke a chance to scout the place. But they figure out he is a phony and he gets out in the nick of time.

4/23-4/24/81 Laura has gotten the landlady to let her into Luke's apartment so she can paint it using the magenta paint he said he wanted (only as a cover as he was posing as a painter to get into the auction site).

Luke and Alex discuss the Ice Princess never getting auctioned off. They check out the company providing security for the auction.

Luke returns home and is more than a little surprised to return home to his magenta walls! Luke pretends he likes it, says it is as close to eggplant as one can get. Luke tells Laura that they having something to celebrate, getting closer and closer to their future together and then he sweetly kisses her.

Burt calls and wants to see them. Joe & Burt show up and say that Feds want to talk to Hutch about organized crime. They want him to talk to Hutch. Luke says no way that he will wind up dead.

Cute scene as Laura arrives as Luke is shaving and helps him shave. They kiss and she winds up with shaving cream all over her face.

Luke goes to the auction site and goes over his plan of stealing the Ice Princess during the auction. He turns off the lights and goes over his moves to have them timed exactly.

Dvd #8C 4/27-4/28 Robert calls Tony Cassidine and tells him that Lila has nothing to do with the Ice Princess. Tony snakily asks if he really believes that the Ice Princess was taken by thieves and then shows up at a charity event and Alex has nothing to do with it? Robert says if this isn’t the Ice Princess then Luke is taking a lot of risks for nothing. Robert shows up at the security company asking questions as Luke continues planning his getaway from the auction site. Tony “Castle” takes Leslie out to lunch. Burt goes to visit Hutch in prison. Luke & Alex.

4/29 The next morning, poor Luke wakes up to magenta walls, not a pleasant site first thing in the am. After breakfast, Luke makes a slip and says something about when they get married. Laura is thrilled as this is the first time he has actually admitted he thinks about marrying her.

Laura is disappointed. She has placed ads in the personal columns looking for Scotty so she can get a divorce from him. The responses she has received are rather lewd and not from Scotty.

*O’Reilly arrives at Robert’s penthouse (first scene)!

Burt shows up to see Luke & Laura, Hutch has asked to see him. Luke visits Hutch in prison.

4/30-4/31 L&L Promo. Luke stops by Laura’s desk and tells her about seeing Hutch. She sense it didn’t go well to see him in prison.

Robert meets with Tony. He talks about the millions of dollars of research that the Cassidines invested to create the “diamond formula”. Robert believes that Tony is using Leslie due to her being Laura’s mother. Tony asks if isn’t Robert using Laura, referring to his pursuit of her.

Laura is hoping to spend the evening with Luke but he has other plans. He listens in as Robert calls and invites her to dinner and she accepts. He grits his teeth as she tells him she doesn’t need a ride home, he says, “I heard”!

Luke goes to see Bobbie at GH and asks her to cover for him again, like she did last summer giving him cover on the 4th of July so he could search Smith’s office. She agrees as long as no fireworks are involved! He just needs a little diversion so he can leave the party at Kelly’s and no that no one is tailing him.

Back at ELQ, Robert arrives to pick up Laura as Luke steams in the background. He says he hopes she doesn’t mind going to the Versille Room, hopes she isn’t getting bored with it. Two goons show up to see Alex.

Luke goes back into Alex’s office, and Laura soon follows to announce their arrival. Luke tells Alex that they are perfect. Laura gives them a payment envelope and says that Alex will be contacting them soon. Robert watches curiously and asks what that is all about. Alex says their plan worked perfectly to set Robert up. Luke isn’t happy as his girl is now going out with “Son of Kuala Bear” and he doesn’t like her being used!

Luke is at Kelly’s helping Rose get ready for the party. Laura shows up and offers to help. Luke asks if she is coming back to attend the party tonight. When she says yes, he is sorry that he can’t take her, he is busy with “business”. She says that is okay as she has a date with Robert that night. He says yes but maybe it will be Luke that will be taking her home!

Laura tells him that she can’t just ditch Robert at the end of the evening, as that is a lousy thing to do. He asks her to put on a fancy dress and they can have a late dinner. She asks if this means they are finally going to have their “date night”?

The party begins at Kelly’s and everyone gathers. Robert drapes his arm around Laura, egging Luke on. Luke tells Laura that tonight is going to be a lucky night! After Luke walks away, Robert observes he seems a bit jealous and also pre-occupied. Bobbie is there with Noah (Rick Springfield)!

Joe arrives and everyone starts singing “Jolly Good Fellow”. Bobbie starts a fire and in the ensuing commotion, Luke sneaks out. Robert immediately notices that he is gone and asks Laura where Luke is? Robert meets O’Reilly out on the docks. They discuss that if someone buys the Ice Princess, he will need a relief cashier (meaning a spy) to take over. Robert is going to purchase an item of a similar size and have it wrapped and waiting. When the Ice Princess is purchased, the cashier will switch the packages and he will be able to walk out with the statue.

Luke has headed over to the auction site, and does a practice run through of his escape once the lights go out. He narrowly avoids detection from the night watchman. A smug Luke returns and asks Laura where the “Melbourne Maniac” is? She isn’t sure. He says that it works for him, as Luke is now her date for the evening. She isn’t ditching Robert since he already left.

5/1-5/4 Luke finally takes Laura out to dinner. He tells her it is "the night of nights!" He is in a celebratory mood. He takes her to the Versaille Room, where he has champagne on ice waiting. He has a violinist serenade her with Wyndham's music. He is planning their future. He is once again counting on the $50K that he plans on receiving from the Q's for finding the Ice Princess. Then he says they will find Scotty and get her divorce.

Next, he takes her to the docks where a candlelit table is waiting. He has a tape recording of the Wyndham's music which they dance to and toast with champagne. Luke tells her he loves her and doesn't want to lose her as her eyes fill with tears. She has waited so long for him to say that. They talk about their future. They continue to dance up to her door.

Lots of kissing once they enter her apartment, things get heated. He formally asks her to marry him, she estatically answers yes! (Great romantic evening, nice long series of scenes for the two of them together).

Robert meets with O'Reilly down on the docks. He tells her that he believes Tony Cassidine will move to steal the Ice Princess the night of the auction. Robert plans with O'Reilly and another agent that they will have to purchase the Ice Princess.

Luke & Laura tell Rick that they are going to marry. He is not overjoyed with the news.

5/5-5/6/81 Laura tells Rick that it would mean everything if he was behind them. When last summer comes up, Laura reminds him that she went with Luke willingly. He doesn’t really approve but says he won’t stand in their way. Laura has to happy with that compromise and thanks him. He warns Luke that she can be a handful.

At the auction site, the ladies are working on getting it set up. Luke notices the large mummy case. Luke argues with Alex back at the office.

Robert meets with O’Reilly back at the penthouse. He later warns Luke that this statue in the wrong hands will cause the world a whole lot of problems.

5/7/81 The day of the auction and the whole town is arriving to join in the fun.

Dvd #8D 5/7-5/8 The auction begins and the whole town is there. Luke is concerned to see Leslie there with Tony Castle (Alex tells him he is really a Cassidine and she suspects Robert may be his partner). Robert warns Luke about the dangerous people involved in the Ice Princess caper. Luke recruits Bobbie to get one of Cassidines guys out of the auction, he is following Luke very closely and stuck to him like glue. Bobbie complains to security that he got fresh and they escort him out. The auction gets under way, and the Ice Princess finally goegoes up for bid. O’Reilly is now sticking right next to Luke. Luke hits the lights, shoves O’Reilly into the mummy case.

5/11-5/12/81 When the lights go back on, Luke is gone and so is the statue! Tony asks Laura is she has any idea on what happened to the statue? He then asks where Luke is? An upset Tony goes out and asks Robert where Luke is? They have all the exits covered and no one saw him leave. Robert figures out how Luke made his escape.

Laura walks into her apartment and Leslie is calling her to make sure she is okay. Robert arrives next and starts questioning her. She tells him to stop playing his games. Robert makes himself at home. Laura tries to get him to leave, and tells him she isn’t expecting Luke to come by. He notices the champagne bottle and tells her to stop lying to him. He warns her that if she is involved in this mess with Luke that she is in big trouble. He tells her that if Luke shows his face in PC that he is a dead man! Robert wants to know what she knows about this whole business? She tells him she thinks it is about the little statue that was stolen from Alex. He tells her it was never Alex’s to begin with and she had no right to it.

Laura falls asleep on the couch waiting for him. In the morning, she goes upstairs and pounds on Luke’s door. The two Cassidine goons come up behind her and she starts nervously stammering and leaves. She goes back to her place and calls Edward. He doesn’t know where Luke is either. Laura tells him what Robert shared about Luke’s life being in danger and wants to know what is going on. Edward blusters and doesn’t give her any info.

Robert and O’Reilly meet at his place and review what Luke’s options are and try to figure out what his next move is. They agree that he won’t put Laura, Bobbie, or Ruby in danger by going to them. Robert believes Luke will go to ground on the docks, and can get lost there.

Alex is down on the docks, waiting for Luke. Tony finds her instead. He puts doubts in her mind about Luke double crossing her. Laura calls Leslie and shares her fear for Luke. Leslie arrives for a comfort visit.

Robert and O’Reilly continue to worry over how to find Luke. Robert decides to go to the prison to talk to Hutch. O’Reilly says Luke isn’t going anywhere near the prison. Robert hopes to get information about where Luke might have gone from Hutch. Robert thinks that Alex has Luke stashed somewhere. Robert calls in to his supervisor in the secret room. He is warned that if Luke falls into the Cassidine’s hands that he would be tortured into revealing the location of the statue. His boss declares that if Luke falls into Cassidine hands that he will be eliminated! Robert begins to argue and is cut off! Robert is very upset over the danger that Luke is now in from the WSB as well as the Cassidines.

Tony shows up at GH and invites Leslie for coffee. He then pumps her for info. His goon calls and informs him that Luke did not leave by bus, train, or plane. He gives the approval for them to move on Laura! Robert shows up and asks again if she has heard from Luke. He insists that she must be absolutely honest with him now! She snarks about the idea of him being honest. She points out all the games Robert has played, following Luke. Robert wishes he could tell her everything. She gives him one final chance to tell her all. He sadly tells her that he can’t. She tells him not to bother her anymore and storms out as he calls after her!

Classic edit: Laura shows up at ELQ to find a workman screwing her phone receiver back together, obviously having bugged her phone. When Alex comes in, Laura demands to know where Luke is! She tells Alex that she will not give up till she finds him. He just proposed to her and there is no way he would leave town without telling her unless he had no choice. Tony wants to insure that Duvall doesn’t keep any copies of the formula as that would get in the way of their plans for world domination. Tony surmises that after Duvall created the diamond formula that he sold out to Alex.

Robert shows up at ELQ and tells Laura that Luke is in a whole lot of danger. She demands to know who Robert is and what does he want from Luke? He assures her that he is on her side. He does tell her that Duvall stole the statue and gave it to Alex. Laura doesn’t understand why the statue is so important. He tells her it is much more than a piece of art. He tells her that Duvall disappeared after he gave Alex the statue and asks her if she wants the same thing to happen to Luke. He asks her when she talks to Luke to have him talk to Robert before he gets in touch with Alex.

Alex comes out at that moment and chases Robert away. She reminds Laura that both her and Luke for Alex! She then wants Laura to take some paperwork to Duvall. She makes an excuse to go to the bathroom, runs the water and then starts searching his room. She then tries to pump him for info about Alex being so upset about her stolen art object.

He expresses curiosity about the statue stolen from the art auction. Laura plays dumb why he would be interested in such an ugly piece. She wonders if he knows anything about it as a scientist. She wonders if he knows anything about why anyone would want that ugly little statue and several people were bidding on it.

Robert calls O’Reilly. She tells him no news on Duvall’s location, that the Cassidines probably had him killed like the other two scientists. She reminds him that if Luke is captured that they will torture him. She asks Robert if he would be able to carry out his orders to kill Luke if that happens?

Alex surprises Tony and visits him on his yacht. He starts charming her and orders lunch with champagne. He wonders if Alex would agree to work with him, that is if Luke ever shows up with the statue. Alex bluffs that Luke has already returned to PC and he does have the statue. Tony doesn’t believe her bluff. He still believes Luke can be found by someone other than Alex. He points out that his weakness is her receptionist, Laura! Luke finally calls Laura to let her know he is safe. He warns to tell absolutely no one that he called or “it” might not work.

Luke shows up at the Whitakers, soaking wet. They are thrilled to see him, help him dry off and take off his wet coat. They quickly realize something is wrong and offer that no matter what, they are there to help him. He tells them that he needs a place to hide. Of course they open their home to him. They tell him that he is like family. He asks him not to tell anyone that he is there. He knows that Laura will figure out that he is there and will call asking about him. Mrs. Whitaker doesn’t like the idea of lying to Laura but agrees to do it to protect her.

Laura goes to GH to question Bobbie. She knows that Bobbie helps Luke out from time to time. Laura wants to know if that guy really pinched her or if she made it up at Luke’s request. Laura is surprised that she isn’t more worried. Bobbie says she has been through this before with Luke and she trusts him to get himself out of it. She really doesn’t know where he is, and Laura believes her. She does let slip that Luke called her and he is okay.

Robert shows up to see Hutch. He convinces him that he is Luke’s friend and tells him some of the names that Luke calls him. Hutch laughs that sounds like Luke. Robert is trying to help Luke as he is in a whole lot of trouble, some international finance deal.

He shares that Laura is very worried about him. Robert says that Luke doesn’t understand the mess he is involved in and Robert wants to fill him in. Hutch doesn’t know why he should trust him. Robert can only tell him that even a clever guy will eventually get caught, Robert wants to do it while Luke is still alive! Hutch tells him about the Whitakers farm. Laura calls the Whitakers and Mrs. W doesn’t share that Luke is there.

Edward & Alex talk. At the yacht, Tony listens to tapes of the phone calls from Laura’s phone, including Luke’s call to her. Duvall shares with Alex that he caught her snooping in his drawers. Alex fills him in that Laura has a rather unsavory past, a murder, and last summer involved with organized crime!

Laura calls Duvall to get more info from him. Robert arrives while she is on the phone. After she hangs up, he checks out her phone and finds it is bugged. Laura continues to tell him she doesn’t know anything. Robert starts shaking and tells her that he will shake some sense into her and she has to tell him what she knows. He then regretfully, tenderly takes her in his arms and softly tells her that he is sorry but she must trust someone.

He asks if Luke has been in contact with Alex. She swears she doesn’t know and Alex wouldn’t tell her if he had. Robert warns her that if Luke called on this phone that the bad guys now know where he is. She promises that Luke has not called her here. He hopes she is telling the truth. She says that no one knows where Luke is because everyone is trying to find him, Robert, Alex, and Laura!

He wants to know what Laura is holding back? She insists nothing. He grabs her arm and demands she tell him what she does know. He says since Luke is gone, that Robert will have to look out for her and he isn’t going to let her out of his sight. She wants to know again who he really is? He wants to know why her beloved boyfriend started working for the Q’s to begin with.

Luke calls Alex and tells her not to worry that he has got it! Then he quickly hangs up. Edward demands to know where the Ice Princess is. Edward says that Luke was desperate for the $50k that they were offering, so this can only mean that Luke has turned against them. The devious Alex has a plan to frame Laura for the $50k she had Laura withdraw from the bank. She is going to set Laura up to have stolen it. Edward doesn’t believe that anyone would believe she actually stole it.

When Laura gets ready to go out for a walk alone, Robert warns her that the people who bugged her phone are out for Luke. He promises her that they will use her to get to Luke. He tells her that he is sticking to her tonight to keep her safe. She is glib as she survived Frank Smith and organized crime. He tells her that everything he has told her has been the truth, and he followed Luke around to also keep Luke safe.

He can’t tell her anymore as it would only put her in more danger. He does promise to tell Luke who he really is once he finds Luke. When she tries to get past him, he grabs her again and tells her that he is not the enemy. This time it is someone much more powerful, much more ugly, and the Cassidines are world wide. She has never met them. He tells her that she has already met a half a dozen of them. He tell shed that her stubbornness is stopping him from doing a very important job tonight, keeping Luke alive!

He puts the bug back in the phone. She can’t believe he is doing that. He tells her that if the bug is removed, they will figure out she is onto them and that will put her in more danger. He tells her to just not answer the phone. She says what if Luke calls. He yells at her to stay out of it and to leave this to a professionals! She gets a gleam of understanding in her eye. Is that what you are she asks? She realizes the international financier is just a cover. He tells her he is just going to pretend he didn’t hear that.

Bobbie & Noah are at Kelly’s. She is worried about her brother, and knows how hard this is on Laura. Robert goes with her to Kelly’s where she joins Brian & Claudia at their table. Bobbie isn’t too happy to see Laura enter with Robert, laughing without a care in the world.

Alex calls the building security guy and tells him that she has had a theft. Edward still doesn’t believe that anyone will believe Laura is a thief. Alex reminds him of Laura’s unstable past. Robert, Laura, Claudia & Brian arrive at the disco. Laura heads to the ladies room and opens the window thinking about making her escape. Susan Moore walks in and asks what they are doing? Laura excuses that it was stuffy in there and she was just opening the window.

Laura goes back out and dances with Robert. He asks her if she has seen Luke. She says she would like to just enjoy a nice romantic evening. He takes his cue and grabs her and kisses her! She asks Susan to announce that the King & Queen of the last dance contest do an exhibition dance. Susan agrees, but when Laura suggests this to Bobbie, Noah says no that she is his date. Laura works her charm and he finally agrees.

O’Reilly calls Robert at the disco and tells him that they are staking out the Whitaker’s farm. They joke around, Robert seems to be in a good mood at this possible lead. Claudia comes in and tells Laura that the entrances and exits are staked out.

Edward still can’t believe that Luke will sell them out, he has been loyal up to this point. Edward says Alex is being too obvious by leaving the cash out in the open. He slides the cash in the door and leaves it just ajar to tempt her curiosity.

Susan announces the King & Queen are in the house and gets them to dance. Robert is surprised and knows exactly what Laura is up to. Laura grins with her success at pulling one over on him. He tries to grab her arm and pull her along with him to keep her in sight, but she laughs it off. Claudia comes up to her saying that her strap broke and can Laura help her in the bathroom, as Robert watches helpless to follow her. Claudia helps her climb out of the window and Laura makes her getaway.

Laura arrives at ELQ after offering to Alex she can work late. Alex sets her up and agrees to leave a letter for her. A security guard comes in awhile she is searching Alex’s office. She makes up an excuse about using a more comfortable chair. He then sits and watches while she types her letter. She talks him into leaving her alone and she goes to search Alex’s desk. The guard walks in again and catches Laura redhanded with her hands riffling through the envelope of cash.

They had deviously invited Gail & Lee over that night, and Monica & Alan were also with them in the salon when Alex gets the call informing her that he thinks they caught the thief. Alex pretends to be shocked and that Laura couldn’t possibly be the thief. Then smirks to herself after hanging up.

Robert arrives at the Whitaker barn. He fills O’Reilly in on Laura giving him the slip through a window. They had guards posted at the front and rear exits, but didn’t cover the windows! Robert tells her that he has a plan to get into the Whitakers and see if Luke is there. He enters in sort of a Clark Kent disguise pretending to be a past salesman. Luke is hiding in the other room, listening in. Tony’s goon plays the tape of Luke calling Alex, telling her he has the Ice Princess. Tony is thrilled and tells his guy to call a meeting, that Tony is taking control of this situation!

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