Luke & Laura #13 - 12 hour edit on 3 dvds -  Miss Star Eyes & Laura Modeling in NY, Haunted Star, Milton Berle, Laura's Birthday, Christmas, David Grey arrives, Rick & Leslie remarry

DVD #13A  Luke is not happy about the lookyloos and laments their loss of privacy and predicts it will only get worse if Laura goes through with the screen test. Scotty is seen paying off all the stalker people; it turns out that he paid them to harass Luke and Laura. Gal and Lee visit Scotty and accuse him of lying; Lee and Scotty fight. Scotty finally tells Lee that he will make sure that Laura’s Juarez divorce is legal. Bobbie falls and tells Noah she can't see again (she was blinded earlier after an explosion went off at GH in an attempt on Hutch's life). Robert stops by to visit Bobbie in the hospital. Ruby tells him that they think it might be psychological. Robert meets Lila at the hospital cafeteria; she hires him to find a woman and asks him to keep this just between the two of them. Laura goes to the studio in NYC. She meets Mel Wilson, the photographer. She is then followed by a strange man with piercing eyes. (Later we discover that this man is David Grey.) Luke comes by to see Bobbie; she cries and tells him that she never gets anything she wants. She isn't lucky like he is. She looks directly at him and then kicks him out. Suspecting she is faking, he picks up the flowers he brought her and heads out the door. She calls out to him, and turns and looks again directly at him. Its obvious she is faking, and he mouths the words, "I love you." Laura does her screen test and has lunch with Milton Berle. 

Robert is working on the yacht and teases Tiffany about her being jealous of Laura's modeling opportunity. The magician guy shows them some of his tricks and claims he can read minds. He shows them his mind reading tricks and the gang all practice. He determines Luke has the most potential as he has some promise as a psychic. The guy reads Luke's mind and sees Sterling roses. Luke gets annoyed, figuring he is a Cassidine plant. Luke opens the door to find a bouquet of flowers. A sterling rosebud suddenly appears on Robert's collar; the guys are jumpy but the magic man says he put it there. Luke accuses Robert of doing it to sabotage the idea of a magic club as Robert has objected to it. Robert gets annoyed and reminds Luke they are partners and lately Luke has been giving all of the orders. Luke continues to get strange vibes and feels cold air. The magic man senses what Luke is feeling and tells him he definitely has the gift. After he leaves, the gang cracks up over the magician's tricks. Luke though is very quiet; he has a bad premonition just as David Grey is following Laura. Laura senses Grey following her. David comes upon Laura on the airplane and as she stares into his eyes she seems hypnotized.

Laura is home, and Luke drags in a Christmas tree and some ornaments for their first Christmas together. Luke gives Laura her birthday present for her 20th birthday. Laura tells him about her feeling of being followed and her contact with the mysterious man, which Luke chalks up to a dream. Luke tells Laura of the strange happenings on the boat, the cold air, finding her scarf in the wall, and the suddenly appearing roses. Rick and Leslie bring over Christmas ornaments. Bobbie tells Luke she is leaving town and he is NOT happy to hear this and reminds her she has family in town and she is running away. She tells him she needs a new start; she wants to fall in love, get married, and have children. He asks her not to leave until after Christmas and she agrees. She tells him that having him for a brother is the next best thing to having a mother. Laura tells Leslie that she desperately wants to win the Miss Star Eyes’ spot. Scotty sends Laura a star for the top of the tree was theirs when they were married. Luke is not happy but Laura tells him it was hers from childhood and has a special significance, not just of Scotty. Joe Kelly hangs a shingle outside of Kelly's and takes up residence at a table. This is his new office!

Laura gets a call and is thrilled to learn she has won the spot!  Robert meets with Lila to inform her of his progress. She pays him for a job well done. He goes to Kelly’s and talks to Joe before going back to the yacht. Luke threatens Laura that if she signs the commercial contract their marriage is over. Laura asks Robert for his opinion: Is she wrong for wanting to do this? He asks her if Luke really wanted to do something does she think he would allow anyone to stand in his way including Laura? She says no he wouldn't. Robert tells Laura to go for it if she wants it.  Luke is not happy with him for supporting Laura. Luke and Robert have it out over Laura. Luke demands to know how can Robert say he is her friend when he is telling his wife to leave him? The Acme liquor association guy (from the mob) comes by and threatens Luke and Robert if they don't buy all their liquor from him; new clubs have been known to burn to the ground or have deaths in the family. They throw him out, literally!  Laura and Leslie are at the Webber house preparing for Rick and Leslie’s marriage; Luke comes by and apologizes for being a chauvinistic pig.  Bobbie tells Luke that she has a job in NY.  Rick and Leslie are married. The next morning, Rick and Leslie read a newspaper article about Laura’s new job. At the Yacht, Robert and Luke read the same article. They also talke about how they are going to get the liquor for their new club. They decide to organize a liquor heist.    

Laura takes her contract to Joe to review. They are offering her a substantial amount of money, however she is at the company's beck and call. She is undecided on what to do, as she doesn't want to commit to being away from Luke so much. Tiffany comes into the yacht dressed in a red Christmas outfit trimmed in white fur; Robert and Luke tease her mercilessly. Luke proposes a mind reading act for the club; Tiffany snarks, ”Won't that be beneath Miss Star Eyes?” Laura comes in and overhears Tiffany and is hurt. Laura tells Luke about how explicit the contract is about her time commitment. Luke tells Laura that he is afraid of losing her, and then once again forces her to choose between him and the life they have planned together and the Miss Star Eyes’ contract. She assures him that won't happen, but he says she doesn't know that if she signs the contract. He tells her she has to choose between their marriage and being a NY model and he is very hurt and doesn't understand why this decision is so hard for her to make. Promo for "Love" on ABC soaps.

Laura talks to Tiffany about the hard feelings. A jealous Tiffany admits that she took Laura to NY and introduced her to her agent and she snapped up the job of Tiffany's dreams. Tiffany tells Laura that she never even said thank you to Tiffany. Tiffany is rather cutting and Laura begins to cry; Tiffany stomps out. At Kelly’s, Joe reports to Laura that the contract is all or nothing and if she doesn't want it there are 100 girls behind her who do. Tiffany comes into Kelly's and apologizes to Laura that she really isn't upset at her. Laura asks Tiffany about choosing between a job and a man? Tiffany encourages Laura to talk to Luke and reminds her that this is their first Christmas together and they can't spend it being mad at each other.

Laura returns to the yacht, Luke tells her how frightened he is about losing her. He tells her that he wants her to grow and have every opportunity. He says that this could be something wonderful, incredible for her, but it could also destroy their marriage. He tells her if she chooses to do this that he will stand beside her. She asks him to not shut her out and talk to her. They make up and Luke surprises Laura with a Christmas present. It's the red dress from their night at Wyndham's. He tells her that she looked so magnificent in it that he wanted her to have it. She has a present for him; she has made him a banner for the boat with the new name, "The Haunted Star". He tells her he loves her more than his life!

Robert and Tiffany return and they all toast to their friendship, to Port Charles, to good health, good cheer, and Laura to her family. Ruby, Bobbie, Rick arrive singing Christmas carols. They all arrive at a very festive Kelly's. Robert and Luke ask Rose about the liquor guy and she says that it must have been one of Smith's men. Then they all arrive, singing again, at the Christmas party at waterfront clinic. Joe tells Rick and Leslie that they can adopt Mike as his mother passed away. The mob guy walks into the party as a warning to Luke and Robert. Promo "Hurray for Love" for ABC soaps.  Small clips of Christmas songs, "Joy to the World", "Silent Night." Luke sweetly tells Laura that he loves her and he will accept whatever decision she makes. Christmas at GH with Dan Rooney as Santa and  "Rudolph" is sung. Tiffany and Laura play good fairies; Luke and Robert are elves. Luke shows off his psychic abilities for the children. Laura seems to go into a hypnotic trance and ventures out into the hallway to stare into David Grey's eyes. The magic man does some tricks for the kids. Luke goes out to the hall to find Laura and he is concerned when she tells him about seeing the man again but then brushes it off as her imagination. Steve Hardy tells the Christmas story. The mistletoe is taken advantage of as Heather kisses Joe, Rick and Leslie kiss, then Robert and Tiff kiss, and Dan grabs the mistletoe and heads over to kiss Ruby. Luke and Laura also share a mistletoe kiss.

Laura tells Luke that she has signed the contract and they have called her to be in NY tomorrow. Luke is very annoyed that she agreed to that. She asks him to give her two months and then she will ask for time off and she will come home and they can still go to Reno to get their divorce. He tells her by then she will be so caught up in the Miss Star Eyes thing and she won't have the control. Luke is very sad and feels he is losing her. He then becomes angry and starts grabbing her clothes and throwing them into her suitcase.

Bobbie is getting ready to leave for a job in NY, and Ruby collapses with extreme abdominal pain. Dr. Bradshaw examines her. The symptoms have passed and he tells Luke and Bobbie that she will be fine. He tells them that Ruby is fine and is going to be released to go home. Bobbie refuses to leave but Dr. Bradshaw insists that Ruby will be fine and Ruby doesn't want her to change her plans. Luke also insists that she should go to NY and he promises that he will take care of Ruby. Luke goes home to spend his last night with Laura and finds Laura waiting for a candlelit dinner. Later, Luke goes to Ruby’s apartment so that they can take Bobbie to the airport. At the airport, they say their goodbyes. Laura and Bobbie agree that they should spend time together while each is in NYC.    

Laura has left for NY, Luke is cranky and depressed and snaps at Robert. Laura arrives and prepares for her first photo shoot. David Grey followed Laura to NY and hides out during her photo shoot. Milton is there as her agent, and he surprises her with Delphina as the designer. He thought she would feel comfortable having someone around that she knows. An oxygen tank is delivered to the yacht; Luke and Robert become very sleepy and pass out. Mike Webber and his friend come by and bang on the door, Luke partially wakes, sees the tank and realizes they are being gassed and turns it off. Luke tries to get out but the door is barred shut. In the next scene, Luke and Robert stumble into Kelly's to drink coffee as Emma Lutz saved them by removing iron brace across door.  Luke and Robert entice Emma with the promise of a big society party and tell her they have to buy the liquor on the black market, as they don't yet have a legal liquor license. Excited about the party, she promises to find out which warehouse it is stashed on. David Grey starts hypnotizing Laura with ring.  Laura calls and tells Luke about Grey and that she thinks he has been following her.  

Robert goes to Benny’s and grills him about the location of the liquor warehouse. He finds out that the mob boss in charge is known as the “Mouse.” He goes to Kelly’s, where he is concerned about Luke. Luke has not been seen all day. He sees Emma, who confirms what Benny told him about the “Mouse.” Robert leaves to go look for Luke. Whne Luke finally calls, he arranges to meet Robert at the boat telling him that he has been hiding all day from the “Mouse.” When Robert arrives at the boat, he finds Luke’s wedding photo crushed and no sign of Luke.    

Delphina returns to PC and tells Tiffany that Luke didn't show up to meet Laura's flight. Tiffany reports that Luke is missing, Robert and Tiff are worried. Laura returns to PC, and asks Robert where Luke is as he was supposed to pick her up at the airport. Robert reports that Luke has been gone all night and he is worried that Luke has been kidnapped. Robert fills her in on the liquor blackmail and tells her about the gas attempt. Luke shows up and tells them that last night he saw the mouse on the yacht and he followed him to the liquor warehouse but got locked in overnight. Laura is really shook as Grey followed her home and she saw him on the plane. Luke doesn't want her to go back to NY. She tells Luke about seeing him on the plane on the way home. She is freaked out and recounts to Luke her recollection of David's ring but still a part of her thinks it might have been a dream. Luke is so exhausted from being up all night that he falls asleep in the middle of her story. Luke wakes up and wants her to continue telling him about the mysterious stranger. She tells him she doesn't want to think about it anymore as this will be the first New Year's Eve she is spending with the man she loves.

At the penthouse, the gang is planning the New Years Eve party. Delphina has designed costumes for everyone for Robert's New Years Eve costume party. Robert is a pirate (very sexy in his open pirate shirt and tight black pants) and  Tiffany is a wench. Even the Mouse appears to have come, dressed as a mouse! Leslie is the hit of the party when she enters dressed as "Delphina" complete with an impersonation.

DVD #13B  At the New Years Eve party, Luke and Laura arrive; Luke is a swami and adds a sword and says he has a touch of Sinbad; Laura is a harem girl complete with black hair.  As "Auld Lang Sang" plays, Laura freaks when she thinks she sees Grey at the party. The gang gathers for a late night after party and Laura tells Robert and Tiffany about it. Robert fills Laura in on the mouse and his goons. Laura still insists the boat is trouble.

Laura continues to have bad vibes about living on the boat. Luke and Robert plan the heist of the mob's liquor. Delphina is going to make hooker costumes for Tiffany and Emma for the caper (though she jokes when Emma arrives that she has already created her own costume). Laura is nervous about a press interview and throws everyone out of the living room. Demi Moore's first scenes as Jackie Templeton; she arrives to interview Laura as both Tiff and Emma walk thru in their hooker outfits. Tiffany tries to crash the interview and is surprised when Jackie has never heard of her. Laura and Jackie leave and go to Kelly's to continue the interview. Jackie would like to interview Luke and Robert to get to know Laura. Laura tells Jackie that her friends aren't thrilled with her being Miss Star Eyes as they are afraid she is going to change.

Back on the yacht, Luke, Slick, Robert, Emma, Tiffany, and Delphina continue planning the heist and celebrate with champagne. Laura returns and is not happy with her "colorful" friends for ruining her interview and they all scatter. Laura is leaving again that night for NY. Laura tells Luke she isn't mad at him; she just wants to be alone with him. He tells her he never meant to hurt her. She asks if they can spend the afternoon alone together, and he is thrilled with that idea. Later, he instructs Laura to make a big show of checking into the hotel in NY with Luke as he can use that as an alibi and also help protect his friends from being the focus of any investigation. Luke kisses her goodbye; Charlie Lutz is there to pick her up to take her to the airport.

The gang is off to the big liquor heist with Luke, Robert, Tiff, Emma and Slick. Emma and Tiffany, dressed as hookers, distract the guards. Tiffany pretends to be ill. The gang steals liquor from the warehouse by means of a “booze brigade.” They then put booze on a small boat as a decoy. The take the rest of the booze back to the boat in Slick’s cab; they hide it in the engine room. ABC promo “Hooray for Love.” Luke leaves for NYC.Later, the mouse shows up demanding to see Luke and for the liquor to be returned. He orders his goons to search the ship and for a minute it appears that they might kill Robert. But no liquor is found and a man named Maxwell shows up with a gun and saves Robert’s life. He orders the mob guys to leave. Maxwell claims to be an old friend of O’Reilly’s. He needs a place to hide. Robert agrees and later reluctantly agrees not to tell Luke that Maxwell is on the boat.Tiffany interrupts them. Maxwell hides and Robert spends most of the day and night trying to keep Tiffany away from Maxwell. They end up in bed together. The next morning, Tiffany finds that someone put the stolen liquor on the boat and calls Robert. He determines it's not the stolen liquor but it has the same labels as the stuff that was stolen from the warehouse. They realize they are being set up. The gang is trying to get the liquor off the boat and the mouse arrives after receiving an anonymous tip but they realize the labels aren't marked so it's not their liquor.

David Grey is back in Port Charles, following Laura around. He is at Kelly’s when Laura and Tiffany come in, but leaves as Laura grills Tiffany about her night with Robert. Meanwhile, at the yacht, Robert tells Luke about the Mouse’s visit. He lies about Maxwell, but Luke finds Maxwell’s glasses.  Luke is ticked when he finds Maxwell as he thinks it is a Cassidine setup.  Laura is called back to NY. Luke grows more paranoid by the minute of the Cassidines, of Scotty, and of Maxwell.  Luke decides to set up the Maxwell; he has a bad feeling about this guy. Laura is jealous of the time Luke spends on the boat when she is only home for one day. Luke is jealous of her time away. Laura still doesn't like the nightclub idea. Luke and Laura have one last day together (but considering she is leaving there isn't that last big romantic scene).

Mob guy "The Mouse" comes back as he got a tip that Luke had his stolen liquor. The mouse threatens him, but Luke and Robert call his bluff and offer to turn the Mouse and his stolen liquor over to the cops. Robert quizzes Maxwell about O'Reilly and he comes up with all the right answers. Just as Robert accepts that Maxwell is really a friend of O'Reilly's, he is seen up on deck saying that this will be the perfect place and promises that Helena's curse will be carried out. Lila hires Robert to find someone else: the son (Eric and later known as Jimmy Lee Holt) of the woman he previously located and determined was dead. The Cassidine henchman (Maxwell) is in the hold with a model of the Titan and says that he is now ready. Scotty snoops around boat and leaves the liquor license on the bed, right next to Laura's nightgown that he has shredded; he continues to be creepy stalker guy as he sprays some of Laura's perfume on his hand.

In a weird twist, Robert has invited Rose to a romantic dinner aboard the yacht. She trips and Robert catches her in his arms. He puts on some slow music and asks her to dance. Scotty sees Maxwell, on the deck, holding the model of the Titan that Helena had given Luke. Scotty offers to help guy make Luke miserable and tells him where he is staying. Luke is ticked that Scotty snuck aboard and left the license and note; he breaks up Robert and Rose's evening. Luke refuses to leave the boat that night as he has a bad feeling.

Laura is in NY for her next photo shoot and, after she leaves, Laura Templeton shows up to see her boyfriend, Mel the photographer. Grey is still following Laura S. Scotty shows up in NY to see Laura; he leaves a message pretending to be Luke and arranges to meet her for dinner. She shows up and is disappointed to find Scotty there. He talks her into joining him and they rehash their history. He promises her once again that he won't contest their divorce. He talks her into a champagne dinner and tells her that he is taking the same flight back to Port Charles later that night. Robert tells Luke that Laura called and will be returning to Port Charles that night. Laura Spencer is able to catch an earlier flight and arrives in Port Charles, Laura T. is right behind her. Scotty kisses Laura goodbye.

Luke finds Maxwell holding the model of the Titan and overhears him stating the Cassidine curse on Luke. Luke takes off after the guy who runs through Kelly's, and heads to Scotty for help. Laura returns to the boat but can't find Luke. Maxwell goes to Scotty for help; Scotty helps hide him.  Luke shows up at Scotty's and Maxwell heads out the window. Luke searches Scotty's room and finds one of the sterling roses that is the Cassidine symbol, a clue that Maxwell has been there. Luke confronts Scotty over the shredded nightgown; Scotty pretends innocence.

Laura is on the boat alone; she unpacks but she is creeped out about being alone on the boat. She picks up the phone but the line is dead.  Luke is at the airport looking for Laura but it is fogged in and he is told the later flight is cancelled. They tell him she arrived on an earlier flight. Tiffany and Delphina arrive on the ship looking for Laura. The lights start to flicker and they get the creeps and leave. Laura was down below and didn't see them. Laura goes to a pay phone on the pier to call her parents, but the line is busy as Luke is asking them if they have heard from or seen Laura. Very eerie scenes with all of the fog and the mournful foghorn noises. Tiffany tells Luke that she was just at the Titan and Laura wasn't there. Luke goes to the Webber's and tells them he can't find Laura that she isn't on the boat or at Kelly's. Tiffany is jealous over Robert's interest in Rose. Tiff annoyed with Robert that he took Rose out.

As Laura exits the phone booth, David Grey comes upon her and hypnotizes her and she tries to run (Laura is not seen again for almost two years in what has become a classic departure storyline). Luke is frantic to find Laura; he sees Laura T. (played by Janine Turner who later does Northern Exposure) and he follows her thinking she is Laura S. The next morning, Robert finds Luke back on the Titan and he tries to reassure Luke. Luke tells Robert that he can't find Laura that she was booked on a flight last night and no one has seen her. 

DVD #13C  Robert insists that he and Luke go back to the airport, as Laura may not have returned to Port Charles;  they get a hold of the passenger list and find out that Laura did return to Port Charles last night. Robert suggests that Luke check out the hospitals in case Laura was in an accident. Meanwhile, Laura T. tells Mel that someone was following her and tried to kill her last night. Jackie listens to the desperate message that her sister, Laura T., leaves her telling her she is in trouble and desperately needs her help. However, the machine cuts off the message, so Jackie can only here the first part of the phone number Laura T gives.

Luke comes into the waterfront clinic and tells Rick and Leslie that he has found Laura's luggage back in their room and it was unpacked and some of the clothes she had taken are hanging in her closet. He is desperate to find her. At Mel;s apartment in PC, Laura T is scared. She keeps staring at the phone, knowing that her sister might call. Meanwhile, Jackie is in NYC desperately trying to find the number that her sister left. She calls the phome company and the police, but can only determine that the number was from Port Charles. She packs her bags and heads for PC. The Coast Guard report that they have sent out boats and divers to look for Laura S in case she fell off the boat. They also report Laura's disappearance to the police and place a missing person's report. After Luke finds Scotty's name as having returned on the same flight as Laura, he is sure that Scotty returned Laura's luggage and is playing another one of his sick games and that he has Laura. Luke runs out to confront him. 

At GH, Robert arrives with no new news about Laura. The divers have been called off. Robert and Leslie go talk to Dan about possible Cassidine involvement. Robert then talks to Scotty about his involvement with Maxwell. Scotty finally admits that Maxwell made arrangements to fly back to Greece. Robert calls some old WSB friends and arranges to have Maxwell brought back to PC. Laura T is still at Me’l’s PC apartment. She is restless and nervous. She wants Mel top go to the store, but he insists that they must stay out of sight. She admits that she called Jackie. He is upset with her, especially since Jackie is a reporter. While Laura is in the bathroom, David Grey comes by. He tells Mel (and an eavesdropping Laura) that the second phase of their project is underway and that it is important that no one know that they are here. Jackie arrives in PC. She goes to the Croyton Hotel looking for her sister. She knows that she is in the waterfront area of PC. She also goes to the phone company and the police, who help her find out the phone number and address of Mel’s apartment. By the time she gets there, Mel and Laura have already moved out and into the loft where Mel will be working. 

Leslie meets Robert and Tiffany’s at Kelly’s. She reports that Dan spoke to Helena who admitted that although Maxwell worked for her, she know’s nothing of Laura’s disappearance. Tiffany invites the Mouse to lunch, where they grill him about his possible involvement with Laura’s disappearance. Back at the yacht, Robert interviews Maxwell, who claims that he was retrieving a family crest for Helena (the same story that Helena told Dan.) After he leaves a man comes by to see Robert (or Luke, who is not there) and tells him that he might have bben the last one to see Laura alive, as he had seen her at the phone booth at the pier. He believes that she was being followed because he heard a man’s footsteps. By the time he went back to help her, she was gone. 

At the loft, Mel has read the newspaper about Laura S disappearance and fears that David might be setting him up (even though he doesn’t know that David had anything to do with Laura’s disappearance). Laura T calls her sister Jackie at the Croyton and tells her that everything is fine; she can go back to NYC. But Jackie insists on seeing Laura. Laura agrees to meet her. At the yacht, Robert and Tiffany discuss Laura’s stalker (David Grey). They need to find him. Delphina and Mickey come by the yacht and tell Robert that Mel has also disappeared. Later Robert and Tiffany come up with a plan for finding out who the “man with the piecing eyes and sapphire ring” is. They determine from airline manifests that his name must be D. Grey. Laura T goes to meet Jackie unaware that David Grey is following her. He stops her and appears to hypnotize her with his ring. She doesn’t show up to meet Jackie.  

Luke and Robert are in Kelly's, Luke is visibly distraught. They overhear one of the patrons saying that a young woman was just hit by a car and taken to the hospital. Luke calls the hospital desperate for information. Jackie and Luke arrive at GH at the same time, both asking about the accident victim. Jackie's sister is also a young blonde named Laura. The young woman is taken up to surgery and Jackie and Luke are left waiting, both desperate to learn if the young woman is their Laura. They ask if she was brought in with any jewelry? A locket was removed from her and the name "Laura" is engraved inside it, they both realize that the locket could belong to their Laura. Rick recognizes Jackie as being the reporter who interviewed Laura Spencer. Luke immediately becomes suspicious of her and asks how long she has been in town. She insists she didn't know that Laura S. was missing and is here only to find her sister. Jackie tells Luke about the message that Laura T. left her saying she was in trouble.

Burt Ramsey is at GH investigating the accident, he reports that the eyewitness report varies but some of them suggest that it she was deliberately run down in a hit and run. The ambulance driver returns and he reports the victim had long blonde hair and was wearing a ring (this description fits both Lauras). It takes over six hours for anyone to come down and tell them that it isn't Laura Spencer. Rose shows up with fresh donuts. Luke stays with Jackie waiting with her to learn whether the Laura is her sister.

Laura T is at the loft. She is worried because David saw her. Mel calsm her down; after all, he left a note for Jackie. At the yacht, Jackie wants to talk to Luke, who will have nothing to do with her. She tries to show him the note, but he thinks her sister is fine and that she should go back to NYC. She doesn’t believe her sister’s note and thinks they should help each other. Robert agrees to help her. She explains the situation to him and he tries to explain Luke’s behavior. When Jackie shows Robert a picture of Laura T, he comments on how much she looks like Laura S. Luke comes in and when he sees the picture of Laura T. he says that he saw her the night Laura S. disappeared. When he tells Jackie that Laura Templeton was calling for help, she hauls off and slugs him for not helping her sister. He tells her that her sister was running away from him. Jackie tells him she is an investigator reporter and she believes that there is a connection between the disappearances of the two girls both named Laura, who look so much alike. Luke discounts this but Robert talks them into comparing notes. Luke tells her if he had thought there was any connection that he would have chased after Laura T, but his Laura wasn't even missing that time. Robert and Jackie brainstorm some more. Robert tells Jackie that someone (David Grey) was following Laura in New York and on the plane home. They decide to call all D. Grey’s in the NYC phone book. At GH,  Luke tells Leslie that every flight that Laura took back and forth to and from New York had a David Gray on the flight (David was obviously following Laura S.). Luke checked out the address David gave the airlines but turns out it was phony. Leslie encourages Luke not to discount Jackie and to work with her as she might get a lead on Laura. Robert discovers that Laura T. was on the same flight as Laura S.  Mel is shown reading a paper with an article about the third Laura's accident. He calls and leaves a message for David. Laura T. is worried that Mel will provoke David and he will kill them both. Mel says they are safe while he is working on this project for David.

Lila, Stella, Emma, Jackie, Slick, Robert and Tiffany go to a local bookie’s hideout and use their phones to call NYC names (D. Grey) in the NYC phone book. Emma actually reaches the correct D Grey, but spills coffee all over the phone number that was his. Luke comes back from a trip to NYC. He believes that he has located Mel in PC. Robert and Luke decide Mel is a good lead. Jackie calls her editor and he chews her out for not giving him any good stories. Meanwhile laura convinces Mel to leave the loft and go get them some coffee and donuts. Robert uses his WSB contacts to get the address of Mel’s apartment in PC, but when the guys arrive, all that they find is a small white carved elephant. At Kelly’s, Tiffany is grilling Rose and Jackie about where Robert is (she is obviously jealous). After mel leaves the loft, David enters and hypnotizes Laura T so that she forgets everything that she knows about the project Mel is working on. Robert and Luke go to Kelly’s; they tell Jackie about going to the apartment. Robert agrees to an interview with Jackie, especially if it means that they have to spend time together (maybe Tiff has a good reason to be jealous) As they talk, Rose remembers seeing a man with piercing eyes and a sapphire ring. Mel returns from the store and doesn’t understand why Laura can’t remember what they are doing. Back at Kelly’s Fisherman come in with a madel boat of the Titan. Luke smashes it and finds Laura’s earring.

Luke the finds Leslie down at the waterfront; he sees one of the kids with Laura's purse. The kid said he found it just lying there. Leslie takes it to Rick, who suggests they talk to Blackie Parrish (He is a local street gang leader played by John Stamos of Full House fame). Blackie swears he found it laying by a phone booth and takes Luke to the dumpster where her wallet was tossed out. The wallet is indeed Laura's and they find a wedding picture in her wallet. Rick admits that he didn't support Laura marrying Luke but he was wrong and he does like Luke. A brokenhearted Luke calls Ruby and tells her he needs to see her; she says he sounds awful. Once back at the yacht, Luke sees a young blonde wearing a red dress (ala Wyndham's). He calls out to her and tries to chase her down but she disappears. He tells Ruby about seeing her and starts to doubt if it was her or if he was seeing things. He pours his heart out to Ruby, how much he needs Laura, how beautiful she is, how much he misses her. He admits that he pretends to everyone that he is fine, and says that it is going to be fine, that Laura is fine. He tells Ruby that he can't do this anymore and he feels like crying. She gives him permission and tells him to go ahead and cry. This last for maybe two seconds and then she tells him to snap out of it that he is a Spencer! 

Luke sits at Kelly's looking lost without his Laura. Robert comes in and tells him that the third Laura is conscious and he leaves to question her. Tiffany tells Robert her vision for the opening night of the Haunted Star. They work out a code for Robert's act for a psychic. Luke is questioning Laura (3) about her accident.  Burt Ramsey walks in and takes over the questioning. Tiffany tells Robert how much she misses Laura. She feels responsible as she hooked Laura up with the New York agents. Robert comforts her and tells her that he is her friend and she isn't alone. Robert draws Tiffany in for a kiss but Luke's call interrupts them. They meet up with Jackie and Luke at Kelly's. Later, Robert is working on the boat and Luke is staring blankly. Jackie arrives, claiming that she saw her sister at Wyndham’s. She believes that she knows how to find Laura and admits that Laura is a shoplifter who loves small carved animals!  The threesome talk to a security guard at Wyndham’s and find out that Laura was almost caught shoplifting. They decide to stake out department stores that advertise small carved animals for sell. When they get back to the yacht, Leslie calls and informs Luke that Ruby had surgery. Luke arrives at the hospital and is devastated to learn from Rick and Leslie that Ruby had a hysterectomy and had complications and almost didn't make it. Ruby didn't want to burden Luke with her surgery when he had so much already on his mind. Luke continues to sit by Ruby's bedside.

**The End**

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