Luke & Laura #11 - Ice Princess Conclusion - Luke Saves the World, Return to PC, Celebrations! Wedding Plans begin

Luke is able to use the microphone to get word to Robert and Laura outside that Mikos is dead but that he has thrown the weather machine into full freeze and Luke doesn't know how to stop it. Luke struggles to enter the right code word to stop the freezing...finally he comes up with & "Ice Princess" and gains control and is able to stop the freezing and turn it off.

Luke tells PC they are saved and everyone rejoices, L&L snuggle. Laura is thrilled to actually lay in a real bed! She finds the formula in a box of diamonds under the pillow. L&L dance together & Robert & Tiff dance together. L&L destroy weather machine and the formula. L&L share a romantic evening at waterfall on island and he proposes. They are just getting intimate when they are interrupted by the sounds of an approaching helicopter. Leslie & Rick have arrived on island with Ballantine. L&L & Robert & Tiffany return home to much celebration.  They have a party at the Webber's and the mayor gives Luke the Cassidine yacht as a thank you.     

Laura plans to go to Mexico to see Scotty to get a divorce. Luke wants to go with her but she talks him into staying behind, she asks him to understand that she has to do this alone. She calls Luke and tells him she is back and at the PC airport. He is thrilled to hear she is free! She returns and tells Luke that she didn't stay and wait for the divorce papers, he is really nervous about this but she wanted to get home to him.     

They start house hunting, he is adamantly opposed to suburbian life and they can't afford much. They have the $50,000 from the Quartermaine's but Luke is now unemployed. They have an engagement party at Kelly's. L&L tell everyone that they want a small intimate wedding, no big bash for them! They get a lot of pressure from everyone about running away to get married. Mrs. Q offers Luke a job, he turns her down (cute scene with LOTS of flirting between them) but he says office work isn't for him. The gang go to dinner at the Versaille Room, they offer to host L&L's wedding reception for free! Luke is nervous as Laura's divorce paper's still haven't arrived.      

Leslie tries to explain to L&L how important being able to attend their wedding is to all their friends, that they want to share in their joy. Leslie & Laura talk about her wedding dress. L&L both have their phones ringing off the hook with all the publicity...the original fab four do a television interview. Luke is frantic that the divorce papers never showed up. Rose tells L&L that the mayor has offered his mansion for the wedding and reception. Laura's wedding shower. Luke shows up and tells Laura that he found Lee Baldwin drunk and he thinks he has something to do with the missing divorce papers .     

Tiffany has arranged for Delphina to design the Laura's wedding dress and the bridesmaid dresses.

**The End**

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