Luke & Laura #6 October 23 - December 24, 1980: 12 hours on 3 dvds

DVD #6A The police escort has taken Luke and Laura back to Port Charles and they stop at a diner for lunch. Luke buys a cigar and removes the little band. Luke gives Laura a cigar band to remind her that they were married last night. He tells her that when she gets divorced from Scott that he will replace the cigar band with his mother's wedding ring and make it legal. He tells her he loves her, and she responds that she loves him almost as much as the cigar band and tells him she will hold him to the promise of his mother's ring.

He tells her that he never thought of giving his mother's ring to Jennifer that it was too important to him, that he has kept it for the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. He grabs her hands and tells her that they will go into the police station like that, hands clasped together. He asks her to say the wedding vows to him, she does. He asks if she feels married to him and she says she does. She tells him that they are only half married. Luke looks concerned until she points out that he hasn't said his vows to her, of course he immediately obliges.

On their way out, they see an article in the newspaper about Frank Smith and Laura looks shaken as the reality of it all sets in. Luke grabs her hands and tells her to hang on, not to worry about the reporters. He holds her face in his hands and kisses her tenderly. He tells her she is brave and holds up under pressure.

They arrive at the PD and are subjected to a huge media frenzy; Luke and Laura are separated during the chaos. Laura looks quiet shaken by the mob scene; Luke looks at her across the room worried about her. She collapses into her relieved mother's arms and is ushered out of the room into a more private setting as Luke cries out for her. Laura tells her mother it is just like the David Hamilton situation and she feels so degraded. Lee and Gail enter the room. Burt then brings in Luke and just a few reporters.

A reporter comes in and asks her to comment on her relationship with Luke and whether she is still married to Scott Baldwin? She says of course she is still Mrs. Scott Baldwin. The pushy reporter asks where is her wedding ring, and what is the cigar band she is wearing? The reporter goes on and asks if she has been faithful to Scott and she says yes. Luke is devastated by her denial of her relationship with Luke. A betrayed Luke leaves the room as a shaken Laura begins to dissolve in tears. Lee grabs her and tells her wants to go over her statement with her beforehand. She says she has to see Luke and starts to go out of the room. Rick enters and she runs into his arms crying that she can't believe what she did.

The pushy reporter next asks Luke that if he wasn't involved with Laura if she was involved with Hutch. Luke punches him for his rudeness. Joe takes Luke into a private room. Luke is disappointed about his reception from the media. He thought that maybe there would be a thank you along the way for bringing down Frank Smith. Joe sincerely tells Luke thank you for giving him the evidence to arrest the man who had his father killed. Frank had taken out a hit on Patty Kelly while Luke was on the run. Luke says he is sorry to hear that. Joe tries to defend Laura, that she is young and frightened. Leslie later also tries to defend Laura. Luke says he didn't realize how much Laura needed to return to her world.

Luke runs into Frank who threatens him that someday Luke will regret betraying him. Laura is questioned and Burt asks her if Luke kidnapped her or if she went with him willingly. She says it was of her own free will and that she went with him because Luke needed her. She says on Luke's wedding day that she knew that Scotty was going to try to kill Luke, that when she went down to the docks that Luke came up out of the water and grabbed her ankle. She tells him what she knew about what happened between Frank and Luke that day and says she couldn't desert Luke.

Burt asks if they had been at Wyndham's department store and she tells him that they hid out there when they had nowhere to go. She assures him that they didn't steal anything that they left money for what they had taken. She says when they found the dead night watchman that they realized the killer had been there in the store with them all night. She tells them that Hutch is the hit man that Frank had sent out after them. Hutch is taken to GH, and Leslie treats him as he cries out for Luke and Laura and in his delirium says that he can't kill his friends.

Laura returns to her apartment with Scotty, he isn't there. She calls the office to tell Scotty that she is home but he isn't at his office either and hasn't been seen since early morning. She says she has to see Scotty and get through this so she can make it up to Luke. She finds a note from Scotty with his wedding ring. He writes that he has left town for good that he can't bear the humiliation any longer.

She worries about Luke's reaction, that she realizes that Luke will feel like she betrayed him. Rick asks if she is sure that she loves Luke. She tells him that she is in love with Luke in a way that she never loved Scotty. She worries that Luke will never be able to trust her. Rick warns her that if Luke feels like she betrayed him that he may never be able to forgive her.

Luke is reunited with Bobbie, when he calls her Barbara Jean she comments that it has been months since anyone has called her that. He tells her about the Whitakers and their farm and the time he spent with Laura, about the blanket that Laura called "the wall of Jericho". Bobbie says she saw the same movie. Bobbie wants to know why Laura is with Scotty and Luke heartbrokenly responds because that is where she wants to be. Bobbie tells Ruby that Luke and Laura slept together and Ruby realizes how hurt Luke must have been when Laura lied about having been with him.

Luke is taken into protective custody and placed behind bars and has flashbacks to the Jericho night. Laura is also remembering that night. She returns home to her mothers. Joe visits Luke who demands to know when he will be released. Joe reminds him that it will take some time to round up everyone from the organization and if Luke is released now he will be killed. Luke doesn't seem to care about what happens to him. Laura arrives at the police station and wants to see Luke.

Bobbie shows up and confronts Laura over her betrayal of Luke. She demands that Laura stay away from Luke. She accuses Laura that the minute that Laura returned to town she ran back home to her husband. Bobbie wants to know what happened, did Scotty kick her out? Laura knows what she did to Luke was inexcusable but claims that Bobbie doesn't understand. Laura asks Bobbie to please tell Luke that she was here to see him. Bobbie interrupts to tell Laura that Luke doesn't want to see her, that they don't want to see her and for her to just leave that they are not going to tell Luke anything!

Laura returns home, irate that Bobbie wouldn't let her see Luke! Leslie defends that Bobbie was only trying to protect Luke from being hurt again. She also warns her that Scotty's family are going to be just as protective of him. Laura tells her that she is going back to her apartment that all she wants right now is to find her way back to Luke.

Meanwhile in jail, Luke is having a meltdown trying to fire Howard as his attorney and demanding to be immediately released. They all refuse as it's for his own safety. Bobbie tells Howard that Luke is upset about something that happened between him and Laura and urges Howard not to let Laura in to see Luke.

Joe goes to see Laura and she tells him that she tried to see Luke but she wasn't allowed. He tells her that Luke is determined to get out of jail and doesn't seem to care if he lives or dies. Laura asks if Luke has asked about her? He says that Luke doesn't want to talk about Laura. She realizes even more how much she hurt him. She tells Joe that Luke has to forgive her that she loves him and can't lose him!

Back at the jail, Luke is demanding to get out of jail. Joe tells Luke that Laura called and she wants to talk to him. Luke says he doesn't want to hear that name!

Claudia and Brian show up at Laura's to tell her about the expose that Amy cooperated with, "My Sister The Run Away". Leslie is furious with Amy.

Burt gives Laura permission to see Luke, but Luke refuses to see her. Luke released, and gets job working at Kelly's.

Laura finds out that Luke is working at Kelly's and shows up to see him. He refuses to talk to her. She tells him that he is going to talk to her. She knows that he is hurt and angry and that it seems like she betrayed him. He says she did. She tries to explain about the reporters. He says that now everyone knows who she really loves (meaning Scotty). She tells him she does love him and she isn't leaving until he tells her that he loves her!

He tries to ignore her and goes back to cooking, he tells her that she blew it. She knows that and says she is sorry. He tells her he has to get back to work that he is broke and Rose was nice enough to give him a job. He says he has to get back to work that there is a lunch crowd coming in. She tells him that she is getting a divorce. He says sure after her husband has left her. She tells him she couldn't handle the pressure, and she is sorry but she went home to ask Scotty for a divorce, as she wants to marry Luke. He asks her to please not do this to him.

She begs him to listen to her, that she loves him and wants to be his wife if he will have her. He starts to cave; she says she can see in his eyes that he still loves her. Rose comes in and breaks the moment just as he is about to respond. She tells him he can't throw them away because of one mistake. He says he didn't throw it away, that she did.

He reminds her that they made love, they made a commitment of their private wedding vows and then she ripped off her wedding band the next minute. He says he is sorry that she was so ashamed of their relationship. He tells her that he doesn't need her, that he needs a woman not a child. She asks him to forgive her, to give her one more chance. He says no way that no one will ever have the chance to do to him what she did.

She starts to beg but he won't let her. She tells him that when she walked in to that police station she kept hearing Scotty's voice in her ear calling her a tramp. She says if they had just waited one more night she could have come home and faced everyone without the guilt and then her and Luke would have been together. He is hurt by the thought that she regrets the night they spent together. Rose interrupts them again, she tells Rose (as tears shimmer in her eyes) that she is sorry that she thought her and Luke had something to discuss but she was obviously wrong!

Laura mopes in the park, still remembering that night she spent with Luke. He comes upon her and she apologizes for interrupting him at work that she didn't have any right to do that. He observes that he was rough on her; she says that she deserved it. He starts to say something; she interrupts him to say she has to get her life in order that Scotty has agreed to give her an uncontested divorce. She informs him that she told her parents that she was in love with Luke and wanted to marry him before she knew that Scotty left town but she continues not more begging as it is not attractive.

He asks her what she is going to do? She says run her own life for a change, and after being bossed around by Hutch and Luke all summer that it will be a welcome change. She tells him she got a new job, and plans on making her own money, and that she will do some growing up that he seems to believe she needs, and she won't be a doormat for anyone. Luke is indignant at this accusation, Lee comes upon them and Laura makes her excuses and leaves.

Laura gets a job and her own apartment. Luke goes job searching as well. Alex arrives in town and leases office space for ELQ's new digs, was Frank Smith’s previous office.

Dvd #6B Luke goes to visit Frank’s old office and meets Alex. He later runs into Alex on the docks one foggy night, they are both in a somber mood and he kisses her!

Luke & Bobbie visit Hutch in the hospital. Laura paints her new apartment. Luke & Alex on the docks. They go back to the Q mansion. They offer him a job. Edward hires Luke to work for ELQ. Emma Lutz first appears.

Luke tries to track the Afghan dogs. He runs into Laura at GH.

Laura has lunch with Leslie and tells her about a job interview she had with a new company. Luke has invited Bobbie to lunch, and they find Laura having lunch with Leslie. Bobbie can't help but notice how miserable Luke is as he stares at Laura across the restaurant. Bobbie urges him to make up with Laura and take her back! Luke can't believe this is coming out of Bobbie's mouth. She says she knows how much he loves Laura and is tired of seeing him so unhappy. He says she betrayed him, Bobbie retorts it was just once (huh? what alternate reality have we entered that Bobbie is defending Laura! ).

Luke meets with Alex down on the foggy docks. He wants more info on the Cassidines in order to search for them.

It's Thanksgiving, and Alexandra frets to Edward that she hasn't heard anything from Luke yet and she is bored. She calls Luke and asks him to come over. She asks him to stay, he says she didn't ask she ordered and that is a sure way for him not to agree. As he shares a drink with the Quartermaine's, Lila asks Luke about his summer adventure. Edward praises Luke for getting rid of Frank Smith. Luke says he used a divide and conquer approach as there was a lot of money involved and he played on their greed. As he talks, he flashes back to being with Laura.

Over at the Webbers, Laura arrives, then Rose and Joe with enter bearing the same champagne that Luke and Laura drank that night at Wyndham's (yep more flashbacks). Laura tells Rick that he was right about Luke not forgiving her easily after being betrayed. Alexandra tells Edward she is being followed by a man with a feather in his hat (could this be dashing secret agent CK8 Robert Scorpio? Or a nefarious Cassidine?).

Luke, Bobbie and Ruby in the park on their way to the football game. Laura, Richard Simmons, Rick, Leslie, Brian and Claudia gather at the park also on their way to the game. Luke and Laura see each other across the park. Back to Spencer's house, Luke tells Bobbie about his morning at the Quartermaine's and that it would be nice to have that kind of life on the hill. She says he isn't missing material things that he is thinking about seeing Laura at the park earlier that day.

The Webbers and their guests arrive back at their house, a somber Laura stares at the phone. Laura decides to call Luke but gets a busy signal as he is also trying to call her at that moment. The Spencers sit down to dinner, Ruby insists that they give thanks for all of their blessings, Frank being in jail and having Luke back safe and sound. Luke says the best part of coming home is being with his family. He says all he needs is the turkey and his family. Bobbie says baloney that he should go over and call Laura so they can enjoy their dinner in peace!

The Webbers get ready to go into dinner, the phone rings and Laura answers it to hear Luke on the line. He says he didn't call to interrupt her day but he wanted to wish her a Happy Thanksgiving. She grins with happiness that he called and wishes him a Happy Thanksgiving as well. They are both pleased with that brief contact.

Laura gets a job at ELQ. Laura gets a job at ELQ. Luke rents Corky from Mike to aid in his search for the Afghan hounds. Luke takes Corky to the airport kennels to see if they have any Afghans being boarded. Luke questions Alex about how dangerous of a situation they are in? She denies there is any danger but he wants to know who has been following her? She denies it is anything to worry about and says she just ducked into the disco to get a drink. He walks her out and as he is trying to hail a cab, he sees someone lurking in wait. He ushers her inside and later offers to drive Alex home.

As Luke looks out his apartment window, he sees a man watching his apartment. Luke confronts Edward and Alex about what exactly he is involved with. They give him some story about an African diamond mine and a vicious boundary dispute.

Luke returns home to his apartment and finds Robert Scorpio waiting for him with a gun trained on him. Robert sternly warns him not to make any sudden moves. Luke thinks he is with Frank Smith's organization and assures him he does not have the black book that the cops have it. Luke thinks that Robert is there to kill him on behalf of the mob.

Robert doesn't know or care anything about the black book, he wants to know where the Ice Princess is. Luke suddenly understands that he has stepped into another mess as Robert threathens him, he tells him he doesn't want to kill him but he will!

Alex calls Luke and is concerned when Robert answers the phone which convinces Robert that Luke is involved in this caper. Alex tells Edward she is worried as she believes this is the same man who has been following her.

Robert questions Luke who is cagey and doesn't give up much information, though he offers to work a deal with Robert. Luke doesn't know anything about the Ice Princess at this point (including what it is or where it is) so he fishes trying to get Robert to clue him in by telling him what he wants to know.

Robert is sure since Luke is working for Alex that he knows all and demands the information. Luke offers information for a price but Robert quickly sees through it and realizes Luke is bluffing. He observes that he believes the Quartermaines have kept Luke totally in the dark. Robert pulls out his gun and Luke tries to jump him, Robert's partner comes in and hits Luke over the head and knocks him out.

Leslie arrives at Laura's new apartment bearing a poinsettia. Hutch is in the hospital at GH; Bobbie is with him as his nurse with her flaming red hair and rather tight nurse's outfit. She tells him she was taken off his case for a while as Luke is her brother but she was recently reassigned to his floor. Bobbie is all business with Hutch. Bobbie tells Ruby that she is worried about Luke that she can't get a hold of him.

Dvd #6C 12/9/80 Luke wakes up the next morning with a throbbing head. Joe Kelly stops by, sees Luke's ransacked apartment and wants to know what happened? Obviously someone is looking for something. He wonders what Luke has gotten himself into this time!

An irate Luke arrives at ELQ and is shocked to see that Laura is the receptionist. She wants to know what he is doing there? She accuses him of following her. He denies it, and she asks him to leave that he could get her fired, as Edward was worried about her notoriety over the summer. He tells he is working for ELQ as well and his notoriety got him his job with ELQ! Laura tries to stop him from going into Edward's office without an appointment. He starts yelling and Alexandra tells Laura that Luke can come in at anytime.

After Laura has left, Luke demands answers from Edward and Alex. Luke tells them that he was followed all day yesterday and he is tired of Alex lying to him as she told him there wasn't any danger and she wasn't being followed. He tells getting hit over the head, and his apartment being ransacked. They ask for a description of his attacker. Luke says he stared down the barrel of the guy's gun; he had steely blue eyes with a British or maybe Australian accent. Alex says she doesn't know who it is, and Luke accuses her of lying, as the attacker knew Alex!

Luke continues that the stranger is looking for the Ice Princess. Alex pretends that she doesn't know who it was, and Luke knows that she is lying again as the guy only wanted to know about the Ice Princess and he knew all abut Alex. Alex and Edward are sorry that he was hurt but declare they don't know anything about an Ice Princess and what happened last night had nothing to do with him working for them.

He is mad as hell, he has had it and he quits! He starts to leave. Alex stops him and Luke tells her to get out of his life (he must be having Jennifer flashbacks, a bossy brunette whose family business puts him in danger). He tells them they can take their job and shove it! Luke is furious as they told him there was no danger involved and they lied to him.

Luke storms out, and Alex observes that it was the deadly Scorpio who paid Luke a visit last night. This insures that Scorpio and the cartel he works for don't have the Ice Princess.

On the way out, Luke tells Laura that he has quit. She asks if it is because of her? He says no she doesn't have that kind of power over him. She asks if he would have taken the job if he had known she was working there? He says no way that there isn't a company in the world that is big enough for both of them, but problem solved and he leaves.

Alex and Edward agree that Luke's mystery man is none other than Scorpio! That means he doesn't have the Ice Princess and that the Cassidines must not have it either. Laura overhears Alexandra saying that retrieving the Ice Princess is going to be extremely difficult and Luke Spencer is the man to get it back but that they have placed him in extreme danger even though they denied that to Luke. Laura rushes home and calls the operator trying to find Luke Spencer!

Meanwhile, he happens to be out in the hall talking to the apartment manager about renting an apartment. The landlady is not thrilled with his past and tells him that no orgies are allowed in her place!

Joe goes to see Hutch, then Rick stops in. Hutch asks how Laura is doing and asks Rick to say hello to her for him. Hutch talks to them about being a hit man and that it all seems like a bad dream. He says that whatever drove him to do that, once he met Luke and Laura that he could never have killed them. Rick wants to know if Hutch is asking him to tell Laura this? He asks if he could see Luke and Laura? Joe calls and tells Laura that Hutch would like to see both her and Luke. She agrees to stop by later to see him.

Luke is moving in and tells Joe about the girl who leaves downstairs from him, he is sure its a chick as she takes half hour showers and most guys aren't that squeaky clean.

12/12 -12/15/80 Laura arrives at his door and says, "Thank god I found you!" He invites her in and she tells him that she overheard Alex saying that they have put his life in danger. He isn't worried, as he has quit that job. He says he has heard Laura was looking for him all over town, Laura asks what is going on that she is worried about him. He refuses to tell her. She says after everything that happened last summer, she would hate to see him running for the rest of his life. She asks if ELQ is legitimate? He says yes but he does agree that that he thinks they are lying to him about the danger.

He asks her if she is going to quit? She says no that she isn't in any danger, and asks him if it would matter? He says yes it would matter. As she goes to leave, he tells her to wait that there is a man watching the apartment. He tells her to wait and he will take her home later. She tells him she isn't scared for herself but for him. She offers to borrow money from her family so that he can get safely out of town and start over somewhere. He comments that she must be desperate to get rid of him. She looks at him with such emotion in her eyes, her love for him, her fear for him shinning through. He tells her he will walk her to her car.

Alex arrives, and Laura takes her leave assuring Luke that she will be fine. Alex wants to know Luke's price to return to ELQ. He is ticked off over being lied to, followed, and says he isn't interested. He tells Alex to look out the window to see the guy following him. Alex says he isn't following Luke, he is following her! Since he won't budge on coming back to work for her, she suggests they go out to the disco and go dancing one last time. He refuses and pretty much kicks her out.

Laura has coffee with Rick at GH, she tells him that she is still in love with Luke but he is so angry with her. She tells him about finding out that Luke is in danger and she went to warn him. She says he is so cold to her. Laura worries that he might be attracted to money and power and might be regretting not marry Jennifer Smith. She says that Alex showed up while Laura was at Luke's, she is gorgeous and has the Quartermaine money and power. Rick advises her that if she wants Luke she should fight for him.     

Over at the disco, (note Susan Moore is now running it), Laura hangs out with her friends but is jealous to see Luke dancing with Alexandria. Luke tells Alex the only reason he is dancing with her is he wants his final paycheck that ELQ owes him. Brian stops by to see Laura about Hutch, and she complains to him about the neighbor upstairs.

Out in the hall, Luke is surprised to see Brian there as Luke just moved in. Luke also complains about the neighbor just below him but Brian doesn't let on that it is Laura.

Over at GH, Bobbie is rather cool to Hutch and he realizes it is because of what he tried to do to her brother. He asks her to let Luke know that he would like to see him, she agrees but later tells him she hasn't been able to find Luke. He flirts with Bobbie but she warns him to keep this a nurse/patient relationship.     

Alex calls Laura into her office and brings up Laura's past with Luke, then yawns very obviously and reports that her and Luke were up very late dancing and talking. Luke arrives and Laura brings up his evening with Alex, he tells her Alex was just trying to convince him to come back to work. He tells her he is only there to pick up his final check but she points out he doesn't owe her any explanation but does ask if he is quitting on her account?

He insists it has nothing to do with her, that she means nothing to him. She asks if he is quitting because of the danger involved? He says there is no danger, it was a simple assignment with a couple of complications and thanks her for the warning appreciates her worrying about him but it was nothing like last summer. She says nothing can compare to last summer.

Luke's voice becomes soft and tender as he asks her if she thinks about it often? She admits she does off and on. Then she changes the tone as she states he made the right decision in quitting, as there isn't a company big enough in the world for them to both work at.

Edward and Alex plot to come up with an explanation to satisfy Luke (about why he was attacked and his apartment was ransacked) but they have no plans on telling him the truth.     

Luke, impatient with waiting, bursts into their office. Edwards says that they hired him to find the Cassidines and the Ice Princess and he hasn't done either. Luke snarls that is because Edward and Alex weren't honest with him, that if they had told him everything he might have been able to help them. Edward explains that the Ice Princess is a diamond mine that the Cassidines own.

He claims that the Quartermaines own a smaller diamond mine next to it and there is a boundary dispute and all the boundary papers have been stolen from the government office and Edward believes that the Cassidines have stolen the papers. Edward suggests that the man who hit Luke must have been hired by the Cassidines and he went after Luke, as they must believe Luke had pertinent papers relating to the diamond mine. Alex suggests that the person who knocked Luke out could be a third party who is looking for the papers to sell them to the highest bidder.

Luke is still unsure that he wants to get mixed up in this and tells them he will check out their story and get back to them. After Luke leaves, Edward asks Laura to help convince Luke to stay on with ELQ as Edward's entire fortune is at stake. Laura says only if Luke is not in any danger.

Meanwhile, a Cassidine henchman sees the article about the Quartermaine Christmas party and he is instructed to get a job there. He shows up at the door with references, supposedly sent by an agency, and applies for the job working the Christmas party. He reports back that he is successful and they talk about him using the opportunity to search the Quartermaine house for the Ice Princess.

12/17 Brian stops by to see Hutch, he tells him he is a social worker and asks if he can help him in any way by contacting family, helping him find an attorney? Hutch says there isn't any family, and he can't afford an attorney. 

Luke shows up to visit Hutch, she asks if he would be friends with Jack the Ripper? He tries to explain that they were the three musketeers last summer and looked out for each other. Luke has heard that Hutch might turn state's evidence and Luke is all for it.

Hutch says that if he does that he will be in great danger from the organization and also in prison as a stool pigeon from the other inmates. Their conversation prompts a flashback to last summer. Luke says he doesn't believe that Hutch could anyone again and asks him if that is true? He wants Hutch to be a good guy and do the right thing even if it means he spends the rest of his life in prison.

Luke stops by to see Hutch again and he tells him he will be turning state's evidence. Luke asks if there is anyone Hutch wants to get in touch with for Christmas, Hutch says no there isn't.

Laura comes in bearing a fully decorated Christmas tree for Hutch's hospital room. Hutch credits Luke with convincing him to turn state's evidence. Hutch loves seeing Luke and Laura together and asks when they are getting married? They allow him to believe that they are together and say they are going to save money before getting married. Hutch assumes they are living together, and they play that off that it's a square town and wouldn't be appropriate with their families being there.

Luke checks with Dan Rooney and he verifies that the Quartermaines have a diamond mine called the Ice Princess and they have had it since the turn of the century.

Laura and Leslie go to the Floating Rib for lunch, they run into Luke and Alex. Alex makes it sound like her and Luke are on a date, and he reams her for it after they go to sit at the bar.

One of the Cassidine henchmen, questions Dan about the background of some of the guests on the pretext that some of them may have to leave the party early as they are on call for the hospital and Dan says that Luke doesn't work for the hospital that he works for Edward.

Laura complains to the landlady about the neighbor upstairs (Luke) playing loud music. The landlady reports that tenant has also complained about her running the water late at night for long periods of time. Luke sits on the stairs and waits for Alex who he knows has followed him home. He tells her he knows what she wants and she isn't going to get it tonight as business and pleasure don't mix and he sends her away.

12/18/80 Need description

12/19-12/23/80 Luke shows up at ELQ for his paycheck. Edward entices Luke with his own private office and a fulltime job offer with ELQ, stock options, ect. He succeeds and Luke accepts the job on a trial basis. Luke tries to tweak Laura by trying to get her to take a letter in dictation, she refuses saying she doesn't know shorthand. He then requests a cup of coffee and points out that Edward said she was available for tasks and to run errands.

Laura comes home to find her neighbor blasting music again, annoyed, she bangs on the ceiling with a broom. Luke comes down to confront the neighbor and he is shocked to find out its Laura! The landlady cracks up as she recognized them from the newspaper and has known who they are to each other all along but now warns them that she won't tolerate any hanky panky.

Laura has called a cab to get to the Quartermaine Christmas party. Luke pays the cabbie $15 to say that he had a flat tire. Luke gallantly offers to give her a ride to the party. They create quite a stir when they walk in together.

The Cassidine henchman searches the basement during the party. Alex has recognized him and follows him down there, he scares her as he charges her, she runs screaming and he escapes. Luke is even more suspicious about what the Q's are involved in.

He insists on seeing Laura home safely and has his first experience with her sticky door. She apologizes that she doesn't have anything to offer him to drink and he whips out the bottle of champagne that he lifted from the Q party. They toast Christmas together and he comments on the coincidences of them living and working in the same buildings together and asks if she thinks fate is trying to tell them something?

12/24/80 The next morning, Luke offers to take Laura to work. She assures him she won't be imposing on him for rides just because they are living in the same building. He points out that he offered, and carpooling is good for the environment and she can help pay for gas. They both laugh about her Charlie Brown Christmas tree.

The Cassidine henchman calls Alex and warns her that he knows she has the Ice Princess and the Cassidines will stop at nothing to get it back! He talks to a cohort and observes that Luke and Laura are working for Alex and given their history of bringing down Frank Smith, wonders if they are secret agents. He wants them watched every second. Alex tells Luke that she recognized the guys as the Cassidine butler.

Monica asks Hutch to lead the Christmas caroling for the GH party. Luke and Laura agree to bury the hatchet for Christmas and go to GH.

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