Luke & Laura #5 August -October 23, 1980: 12 hour original edit

DVD #5A Laura says that Hutch has proven that he is their friend and has acted to protect them. Laura points out that if he is the Left Handed Boy wouldn't that make him too important to come looking for them. He says that since they have the black book they are important.

He is worried about money as he is anxious to get to Fair Oaks but they need to have enough money to drop out of sight. He reminds her that Frank knows that if Luke and Laura are going to succeed in decoding the book that it will happen in Fair Oaks. He suggests again that she can still go back to Port Charles. She tells him not to start that again that he is stuck with her until they solve this thing, hit man and all.     

Luke wants to trust Hutch and he tells Laura that they need to trust someone. He goes to the diner and makes up a lame excuse to call Hutch and realizes that his isn't the voice he heard on the phone while he was working for Frank. In a cute moment, "Fascination" the music from Wyndham's plays and they toast each other with soda cans as Luke holds her and asks her what she is thinking of as they both have flashbacks to the romance of that night. He tells her that someday they are going to be the first two people in the history of the planet to live happily ever after. She tells him she will never forget the romance of that night.     

The local guys talk Hutch and Luke into playing Poker with them. Laura is against it and argues that they can't afford for him to lose any of their money that they have worked so hard to earn. Back at the farm, Luke points out that Hutch wants to go with them to Fair Oaks and he thinks Hutch is probably the best poker player in Beecher's Corners. Luke tells Laura that he needs to watch Hutch tonight and see how he plays poker. He also points out that he might win, and he has been accused of being a hen pecked husband!     

During the game, Laura is surprised when Hutch folds after having three kings. Luke looks at Hutch suspiciously as that was a winning hand. Hutch plays it off that Luke had him bluffed with those steely blue eyes, Luke is not buying that at all. Hutch continues to bluff and plays so that he ups the stakes, increases the pot, and then let Luke win the stakes. After the game, Luke observes that Hutch suckered the Beecher's Corners guys into the game and then let Luke win, as he knew they were moving on and he insists they split the winnings.

Luke asks Hutch to throw in with him but warns him that they will either wind up very rich heroes, or very dead. Laura is thrilled when Luke returns and shows her the pile of cash he won. He tells her they have enough that they can move onto Fair Oaks whenever they want. Luke tells her about Hutch letting him win, he tells her he know trusts Hutch and he will be going with them when they leave. She asks if he is going to tell Hutch about the black book and Frank Smith? He says not yet but soon after they get to Fair Oaks.     

Lt Stoddard goes to see Frank and tells him that Joe is getting too close to the truth about the night watchman's murder and that they have to take out a contract on Joe. Stoddard is obviously working with Frank and the leak in the department. Joe gets a call from an anonymous police officer who says he has information on who the leak within the police department is. This is a setup from Frank to have Joe killed.

Joe is instructed to wear a long shore man's jacket and cap. Joe tells Stoddard about his meeting with the informant. Stoddard very convincingly warns Joe this could be a set up and to be careful. Patty has found out about Joe's meeting and he heads down the docks before Joe. Burt has found Laura's purse and takes it to Leslie, he tells her it was on a bus headed south.     

Burt Ramsey shows up at the diner, sits down to have breakfast and shows Hutch the picture in the newspaper with the pictures of Luke and Laura. Hutch spills coffee all over the newspaper but Burt has another picture of Laura. Just as he is about to talk to Pop Calhoun, the lights go out in the diner. Pop figures it is the storm outside that cut the power. Hutch helps them get out before Burt sees them. Luke and Laura head back to the farm and pack up to leave town, they are planning on leaving Hutch behind.

Meanwhile, Frank has sent a new hit man to Beecher's Corners and he comes to the door and ask Mrs. W for a room, she tells him she will have one opening up soon as the young couple staying there are getting ready to leave. Luke and Laura tell Mrs. Whitaker how much they appreciate everything she has done for them, hugs and kisses all around. Luke goes out to the barn and does his chores one last time as the hit man waits and watches.

Laura joins Luke, he is ready to hit the road but Laura wants to wait out the storm (she makes a good point about how hard it will be to catch a ride at night during a storm and they are bound to get soaked). Luke tells her that they have to be even more careful from here on out. He feels its time to get moving, and points out that if they can't catch a ride they can always sleep in another barn along the way.     

They make out in the haystack again, Laura tells Luke how much she loves him and wants to be with him. Luke hears something in the barn. He makes a pile out of their clothes to look like they are still lying there and they sneak off into a dark corner of the barn. The new hit man throws a knife hitting Laura's sweater in the pile. Hutch comes into the barn, talks to the cows about the storm, seems he senses something is up. He sees Laura crouched down and she tells him someone is in the barn and he is trying to kill them. Hutch draws out the killer, he comes on Hutch from behind and Hutch punches him out. He tells Luke and Laura to head out as no one is looking for Hutch. He will take care of the assassin and then catch up with Luke and Laura.     

Luke and Laura take refuge in a cabin and break out their sleeping bags. Laura's is wet and she is cold and she unzips Luke's bag and crawls in with him. He asks if this means what he hopes it does? She says no that she is cold. He is not happy that she is wriggly up next to him and using him for his body warmth. He tells her there will be none of that until she is ready to make love to him. Laura is worried about Hutch and if he got out of the barn okay, and she is worried about Burt Ramsey following them. Luke says he is most worried about the trail they left in the mud about a mile wide. Luke sets up a trap outside using the walls of Jericho rope and he warns Laura to avoid the area or she will be hanging upside down.     

Bobbie and Joe arrive at Frank Smith's under the pretense of returning wedding gifts. They are trying to find out where Jennifer is as they think the best way to get to Frank is through Jennifer. Joe keeps the butler busy, while Bobbie searches Frank's office for Jennifer's address. Bobbie gets caught searching Frank's desk and she says she is looking for tape to secure the cards so Jennifer will know who the presents came from.

Frank comes in and is furious to find Bobbie there. He tells her she knows she isn't welcome in his house. She plays complete innocent and says that these gifts had been sent to Luke's and she didn't want them left at Luke's, she thought that Jennifer would be back by now and that she would want to return the gifts. Bobbie has found a letter from Jennifer; there is no return address by the letter mentions she is in Albany.     

Next, Leslie drops in on Frank and he walks in on her as she is searching his desk. She makes an excuse that she is admiring his desk. He couldn't be nicer to her (a dramatic difference between how he treated Bobbie) and Leslie tells him how much she misses Laura and he is one of the few people who understand as he is separated from his daughter and they are both the same age. Frank encourages her to confide in him as he is hoping that Laura will contact him and he will learn where she is.     

Luke returns from collecting firewood and rocks and finds Laura gone. He is desperate to find her, she returns from picking berries and he is so relieved to see her but not happy that she scared him. Later that night as they snuggle by the fire, she says she saw the look in his eyes when he thought something had happened to her. She tells him she doesn't want to play games and is considering taking off her wedding rings but that something is holding her back but that day isn't far away. She does remove her engagement ring, and Luke says that is a step in the right direction. He leans in to kiss her and they hear the snare snap as something or someone is caught in their trap. They go outside and find Hutch swinging in the breeze, Luke cracks up.     

Hutch reports that he tied up the hit man and left him in the field (he really killed him) and that he covered the tracks they left in the mud. Laura encourages Luke that its time to tell Hutch everything and he agrees. Laura removes her wig, and they tell them their real names, which he knows from reading the newspaper article. Luke tells him about Frank Smith, the organization, stealing the black book and that Laura helped him escape.

He says that the book is in code but it mentions the Left Handed Boy and 150 miles. Luke tells him about the building in Fair Oaks that Frank was deeding him as a wedding gift and that Fair Oaks is 150 miles. Hutch wishes that they had told him sooner as he might have been more help. Luke tells him they want to rent a van and need Hutch to be the front man and do the renting.     

They arrive at the rental car agency and Laura is nervous when they see police there investigating a stolen van (not related to Luke and Laura). Hutch goes outside and overhears on the police radio that a body has been found in a shallow grave on the Whitaker's farm (not shown Burt Ramsey stays in Beecher's Corners to investigate). Laura tells Luke that every time she sees a cop that she has an urge to go to them for help and tell them the kind of trouble they are in. Luke points out how many people within the police that Frank had on his payroll and that they can't afford to trust anyone but Hutch.

Hutch takes off in the van so that he can hide the gun. Luke isn't happy that Hutch made them walk to the meeting location should there be any trouble, as there wasn't any trouble. Hutch says that the rental car guy was very suspicious and with the cops around he felt it was better to be safe. Hutch cautions Luke to relax and not be in such a hurry. Luke shows him the CB, and Luke hooks it up. Luke says it will come in handy as they can listen in and learn about what is going on with the police.

As soon as he hooks it up, Luke hears about a roadblock out of Beecher's Corners so they are able to avoid it and take the back roads towards Fair Oaks. They stop for the night, and as soon as they get out of the van they see a couple of motorcycle police headed their way. Hutch tells Luke and Laura to hide in the woods and he will talk to the cops. They check his license and he makes small talk and asks about a good place to eat in Fair Oaks.     

After the police leave, Luke makes his plan for tomorrow, they are going to split up and Hutch is going to return the van. Hutch asks if he has kept the black book safe? Luke says he never carries it on him and he mailed it to Fair Oaks. Luke and Laura get in their sleeping bags, and sleep outside. Luke tells her wants to make love to her and it would be so easy to crawl in he sleeping bag.

He acknowledges that it isn't right that he doesn't want them to cling together out of fear that when they finally come together it will only be out of love after all of this is over. Laura says that she is still a bit nervous about that as when she sleeps with him she will be committing to him and to a life with him. The next morning, Luke worries over why there would have been roadblocks around Beecher's Corners? Laura fears that the roadblocks were set up to look for them.     

In Fair Oaks, Luke and Laura stop at the coffee shop for breakfast. Hutch meets them there and as Luke tells them his plan for the day, Hutch encourages him to pick up the black book at the Post Office. Luke isn't worried about that, he wants a shower and a shave and says he needs business clothes so he can go to the county records office and look up the address on the Frank Smith property. Hutch comes back to the black book again and wants Luke to go pick it up as he is worried about it's safety, Luke tells him that Hutch is the only one who can pick it up that Luke couldn't very well have mailed it to himself and show up with a Luke Spencer ID so he mailed it to Hutch! Hutch grins to hear this news!     

DVD #5B NEED DESCRIPTION THIS DVD Luke shows up at the country records office and gets the address of the building that Frank has deeded to him. After he leaves, the clerk calls someone and reports, "It worked!" (obviously on Frank Smith's payroll).

Luke, Laura and Hutch walk into a restaurant to get a cup of coffee and meet Sally. She reports the restaurant isn't open yet and she is holding a Help Wanted sign, Luke tells her they are looking for work. She is willing to hire Lucy, but not Luke as she already has a cook and a bartender and only needs waitresses. The bartender guy gets real obnoxious and demands to take Sally's guitar home to practice, she refuses.

He continues to be insistent and Hutch steps in ready to take the guy and his friend on. Luke steps up ready to back up Hutch against the two guys. One of the guys punches Luke and then trashes the bar, a full on fight breaks out and they save the day and throw the two guys out. Sally thanks them for saving the day. Luke wheedles jobs out of Sally, Hutch as a musician and Luke as a bartender.

Dvd #5C Luke gets slipped a note that instructs him to come to the magic shop alone and to bring the black book, it is signed by "The Left Handed Boy". Luke fills Hutch in, Hutch suggests that Luke get the book and Hutch will arrive at the magic shop an hour earlier and hide out. Hutch says this will give them an advantage and they will create a little magic of their own. Luke tells Laura that she is to stay out of it that it is much too dangerous; she refuses as she has been in it from the beginning.

Luke and Laura say their goodbyes, as Luke is off to pick up Frank's black book at the bus station locker. After they have left, Hutch gets a gun out of his hiding place and readies it. Luke and Hutch make their final plans and Hutch promises Luke that no matter what happens he will look after Laura and make sure she gets home safely (hit man or not we believe him). Hutch has rigged up an alarm clock to look like a bomb; they plan on threatening the magician with it to get him to decode the book.

Luke asks Sally for a $50 loan on his first paycheck, he also asks her to keep an eye on "Lucy" while he goes to the bus station to pick up a package from home. He tells her that Lucy is only 18 and nervous about the losing their jobs and being away from home. Luke calls Laura when he gets to the bus station and lets her know he got there okay. Luke pays a guy to get the black book out of the locker. He enters the magic shop, and finds it ransacked. Hutch lies and says that someone knocked him out.

Luke is weirded out and wants to get out of there, Hutch tells him they should wait till 2:00 when they are supposed to meet the Left Handed Boy. Luke thinks its a set up and wants to leave. Hutch talks him into staying, and questions him about a financial gain from the Left Handed Book. Luke is clueless about the treasure as he is just looking at trying to stay alive and using the book to bring down Frank. He has no idea the Left Handed Boy leads to a treasure.

Sally tells Laura she is tired and going to bed. Laura calls Leslie who is ecstatic to hear from her missing daughter. She only talks to her for a moment, just to reassure her that she is alive. Sally goes to her bedroom and removes her wig and we find out she is really a man! Once he puts on male clothes, glasses, and a cowboy hat he looks completely different. He readies his gun.

Luke and Hutch return to the restaurant and tell Laura that the Left Handed Boy never showed up. Hutch has talked to himself about heading to Argentina. When Laura worries about Luke, Hutch suggests she needs a vacation and mentions South America. She only wants to return home to her friends and family, Hutch discourages that idea (seems like he is setting the stage for them to go with him to South America).

Luke goes back to the magic shop; Sally calls him there (in her male voice) and tells him that they can't meet there as the magic shop cover has been blown. Luke is told that he will be contacted by the Left Handed Boy to make a deal for the black book, and he is advised to think about how much he wants for it. Sally searches the Luke and Laura's room but doesn't find anything. She meets the magician at the magic shop and says she can't figure out why Hutch would betray the organization but she figures it must be a big payoff to make it worth it. Sally then pays off the magician and tells him to leave town.

Laura asks Sally for an aspirin, when she leaves the office to get it, Luke tapes the book to the bottom of Sally's desk. Frank gets a call that his daughter has disappeared. He calls Sally and asks her what the organization has done with Jennifer? Sally doesn't know anything about it but asks him more importantly what has he done to the organization. Joe and Bobbie show up at Frank's and tell him that they have Jennifer Smith held captive down on the waterfront and they will kill her if he doesn't call of the hit on Luke.

When Frank doesn't believe them and calls their bluff, Joe opens his coat to show the bloodstained clothes that he was wearing the night his father was stabbed. Bobbie then opens her coat and shows she is wearing the blood stained dress that she was wearing the night Roy died. Frank realizes they are serious and orders that they are not to leave the room.

Frank calls Sally and calls of the hit on Luke, she tells him it is too late that the organization wants the hit. Leslie has taken Jennifer to New York for the weekend as part of Joe's plot. Joe calls Leslie and tells her their plan is blown that one of Frank's men found out that Jennifer is with her in NY. He is worried that he has put her in danger and is very sorry.

Later that night, Luke tells Laura that he has always been able to sense danger and he has a really bad feeling about the bar. He begins questioning how easily they got the jobs there. Laura tries to reassure him, he says he needs an excuse to get into Sally's office so that he can retrieve the black book. He feels nervous about it being there.

Luke goes to Sally's office to retrieve the book and overhears a man's voice from her room. Luke becomes suspicious of Sally when Sally tells him it was just the TV and he feels it and discovers it was cold and she was lying. He tells Laura about his suspicions. They have a note slipped under their door to meet the Left Handed Boy at midnight. Luke opens the door to find Sally in the hallway. Luke's instincts tell him to be suspicious of Sally and that something fishy is going on at the restaurant. Luke sends Laura off shopping.

Luke sneaks into Sally's to retrieve the black book, which he had hidden under Sally's desk. He searches her place and finds men's clothes in her closet. He hides in the closet when he hears her returning to the apartment. He watches as she takes off her wig, Luke is shocked to discover that Sally is a man! He overhears a phone call and she says she will retrieve the black book that night and the she will eliminate Luke, Hutch and Laura! Before she leaves, she locks the closet door with Luke inside.

Laura tells Hutch about Luke meeting with the Left Handed Boy. She invites Sally to go shopping with her. They leave and get on a bus. Luke comes racing back to the restaurant to find that Laura has left with Sally. Luke is desperate to find her; he runs outside and races down the street trying to stop the bus. Hutch comes along and tries to reassure Luke that Laura is fine. Luke says it's a set up.

Hutch assures him that they just went shopping and will be back for the restaurant opening. Hutch makes a mistake and says something about Luke turning on the French charm and calls him Obere (the French name he used at Wyndham's). Luke realizes that Hutch has been following him since Wyndham's and that Hutch is one of the hit man sent out after him. Luke watches him and finds his hiding place and watches as Hutch retrieves his gun.

Luke goes outside to wait for the bus, and as soon as Laura and Sally get off the bus he puts his arm around Laura and starts hustling her off. He makes sure they are just a bit ahead of Sally but in obvious earshot and he tells Laura that he didn't retrieve the black book and that they are safe as long as they don't have the book (making sure Sally has overheard this). Luke pretends the ice machine is broken; he rushes Laura outside and tells her to take all of their money and head home. He wants her to leave and go to safety.

He takes her out to the courtyard and while he is urging her to leave he sees the golden statue of a boy with his left hand raised and realizes this is the Left Handed Boy they have been searching for. Laura refuses to go home, Luke slaps her and tells her she is getting on a bus out of town now! He takes her to the bus and tells her to call Joe Kelly as soon as she gets home. He tells her if he gets into trouble he will mail Joe the black book. Luke kisses Laura goodbye and then puts her on the bus. Laura hangs out of the bus window and Luke grabs her hand and kisses it as the bus drives off. Hutch has been watching this whole thing.

Laura gets off the bus once out of sight of Luke and returns to the courtyard. She finds Hutch and tells him about how strangely Luke is acting and that she is afraid that Luke will be killed. She asks Hutch for his help. She tells him that Luke said he knows how to find the Left Handed Boy and to decode the book. He tells her he suspects that Luke will have the meeting at the magic shop and takes Laura there. She is puzzled that Luke isn't there and Hutch pulls a gun on her.

Laura tries to pull at Hutch's heartstrings. She points out that Luke was suspicious of Hutch in the beginning and Laura convinced him that Hutch was their friend. Laura knows that the friendship was genuine that Hutch really does care about them. Hutch tells her he doesn't want to do this that it was just business. Hutch calls Luke to cut a deal Laura for the black book; Hutch wants the gold that the black book will lead to. Laura begs Hutch not to kill Luke, he tells her he really doesn't want to kill her but will if he has to that he has waited a long time for this opportunity.

Luke goes to the statue and finds the gold. Luke confronts Sally and she pulls a gun on him when he confronts her about being a hit man. When Sally lifts the phone to call Frank, he tells her about Frank skimming off the top from the organization and that he was hiding it away in gold bars. She doesn't believe him until he drops a gold bar on her desk. He tells her that Frank had detailed information about the organization including Max (alias "Sally").

He continues that he mailed the black book to the Port Charles police department. Luke tells him/her that Hutch has sold out the organization and that Hutch is going after the gold. Luke tells Sally that he will set up a meeting with Hutch to trade for Laura. He tells Sally that she can have every ounce of the gold; he just wants Laura back safe. He wants Sally to take out Hutch so he can get Laura away safely.

Laura tells Hutch that they don't want the money; they just want to go home. She tells him that when Luke breaks the code that it will bring down the organization and they can all be free. Hutch tells her that selling out her and Luke isn't easy for him but he doesn't have a choice that he is in too deep with the organization to ever get out. Hutch tells Laura that she reminds him of his wife.

Hutch calls and Luke arranges a trade of the gold in return for Laura. He begs Sally to help him get Laura back. Sally is hesitant to help him, not sure she can trust Luke. He gives her names and details that could only have been found in the book and Sally realizes she will have to leave the country so decides to take him up on the offer for the gold.

Luke and Hutch meet. Luke demands he free Laura, Hutch refuses until he gets the gold. Luke tells him he doesn't want the gold he just wants Laura free, and Hutch can go ahead and kill him as he won't get the gold unless he lets Laura go. Hutch tries to call what he thinks is a bluff but Luke won't budge. He absolutely will not risk Laura's life and will not give Hutch the gold. He tells Hutch he can kill him and the cops will come and he won't get the gold but Laura will be safe and that is all Luke cares about.

Hutch, knowing how much Luke loves Laura, agrees and lets Laura go. Luke tells Hutch the gold is in the statue and shows Hutch the opening. While Hutch has Luke start to take the gold out of the hidden spot in the statue, Sally shoots at them, Laura screams as she sees Sally taking aim, Sally hits Hutch, Hutch shoots Sally, Luke is also shot by Sally (classic scenes). Luke falls in a heap and lies there (I'm sure this was a Friday cliffhanger). Laura runs down to him, screaming for help. Luke gets up, he's okay as he was wearing a bulletproof vest. Luke and Laura steal motorcycle and make their getaway.

Walls of Jericho 10/20/80 - Scenes from the Soapnet marathon - They arrive at the Whitaker's farm in Beecher's Corners. They explain the truth about their identities, but the Whitakers already know. Mr. Whitaker tells Luke and Laura how disappointing it was to find out that Hutch was really a hired killer.

Luke calls Joe Kelly who doesn't believe it is him; he is thrilled when he recognizes his voice! Luke informs him that he decoded some of the black book and mailed it by special delivery to him. Joe tells him to lay low for 24 hours, as he believes he has found the leak in the police department. Joe agrees to call him when it's safe for them to return home. Luke and Laura dance around the Whitaker kitchen as they realize how close they are to returning to a normal life.

Meanwhile, the thought-to-be dead Hutch appears in a phone booth, and calls Frank Smith. He assures his boss that he will get the black book and finish off the job of killing Luke and Laura. Luke carries Laura up to bedroom at Whitakers and they kiss over and over again, just enjoying being safe and alone together. Luke teases Laura about being torn between Lucy Johnson and Laura. Luke asks Laura if she is ready to take off her wedding band, He explains that he cannot wait any longer. He tells her that they have come too far for him to beg her and she assures him that she loves him more than any man she has ever loved.

Luke tells her that she is the only one that will ever hear him cry out in his sleep because he is afraid. He says it has to be right, she has to want him just as much as he wants her. She assures him that she does want him. He warns her that if they make love it won't be just for tonight but for their whole lives but she is afraid, as she wants them to be free to be together. She asks if they have to go home? She is afraid to face Scott and wants to go somewhere else. Laura tells him she is trying to forget the past.

Luke leaves Laura in the bedroom and tells her to take her time there alone to decide what she wants, and to let him know but asks her not to take too long. Luke talks with the Whitakers in their kitchen while Mrs. Whitaker prepares dinner. As Luke tells Mrs. Whitaker about how much he loves Laura, Laura enters the kitchen. Laura takes some silverware from Mrs. Whitaker's hand and holds it out for Luke, showing him that there is no longer a wedding band on her finger. Luke is so ecstatic that he grabs Mrs. Whitaker and dances with her around the kitchen.

Later, when Luke comes out of the bathroom in his robe, the wall of Jericho is back up. Laura flirtatiously tells him that someone must have put it up so that someone else could take it down. After taking down the blanket and joining Laura on the bed, Luke kisses her slowly. He asks her if she is sure? She assures him that she is.

He savors each kiss, telling her that they have all night and they are going to need it. Later, as they lay in each other's arms, Hutch enters the Whitaker barn and hides. Hutch overhears Mr. Whitaker when he comes in to check the barn and tells the animals that Lloyd Johnson is back, and will visit them first thing in the morning (end of Soapnet marathon scenes).

Luke and Mr. Whitaker enter the barn in the morning, Hutch watches them but is unable to take out the hit on Luke with Mr. Whitaker as a witness. Luke takes Laura breakfast in bed and suggests that since the chores are all done that they should spend the day in bed. Laura jokes that it would be nice if Luke let her get in a word occasionally! (LOL, is this Genie commenting on all the Tony adlibs?)

Laura tells him that she just can't go back to Port Charles. He insists that they are through running and they are going back to PC. He asks if she is afraid to go back and tell Scotty that she is in love with Luke? She says no but now she doesn't have a clear conscience when facing Scotty now that she has slept with Luke.

Joe calls and tells Luke that he received the black book in the mail and he and Captain Ramsey have been going over it and it has helped them figure out who the leak is in the department, it is Detective Stoddard and his secretary! He tells Luke that they are sending a police escort to bring them home (Luke jokingly asks it they are getting a ticker tape parade that will have to wait for next year when they do return as heroes from the Ice Princess caper). Joe asks Luke's permission in telling the Spencers, the Webbers and Baldwins about the impending safe return of Luke and Laura.

Later that night, when Luke returns to the barn, Hutch confronts Luke. Luke tells him to go ahead and shoot; he doesn't believe Hutch will kill him. Luke urges Hutch to drop the gun as he has lost a lot of blood and Luke wants to help him. Laura comes into the barn and Hutch comments that now he can get both of them. Luke asks Hutch once again to let Laura go. Laura tells Hutch that they are his friends and he won't shoot them.

Hutch collapses from his gunshot wound. Hutch tells Luke to go ahead and shoot. Luke tells him he isn't going to shoot him; he is going to help him. Hutch asks if they knew about the gold. Luke says no, not till the night that Hutch took Laura. Luke apologizes to Mrs. Whitaker for getting her involved in all of this. Hutch tells them he couldn't have killed them that his other contracts were just a picture of the targets and he didn't know them. He says his big mistake was becoming friends with Luke and Laura. He is taken away by ambulance.

Luke tells Laura that it is over and they are going back together. They will face the police, the media, the friends and family together. He warns her that they aren't returning as heroes. Laura admits to having that same feeling of panic and fear in her stomach that always results in her wanting to run away. He reassures her that they are going to go home and face everyone and tell them that they are going to spend the rest of their lives together and that they will have to handle it and they will help their friends and family handle it.

She tells him that she can't face things, that during the David Hamilton trial that she let her mother take the blame for what she did. He tells her that she was a kid then, and she has faced everything that has been thrown at them. He tells her that she has matured, that he also wants to run and let the police handle it but that isn't the answer. She tells him she is afraid that she will be running for the rest of her life. He tells her he loves her and that they will be together, that they are going back together. He doesn't want her to feel guilty for having made love to him, he says that they have started a new life together and that there is nothing that anyone can do but accept it.

Joe calls Bobbie and tells her that Luke & Laura are safe and headed back to Port Charles!

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