Luke & Laura #4 July 10 - August ?, 1980: 12 hours on 3 dvds!

DVD #4A Laura tells Leslie about her ruined anniversary. Leslie encourages her, but Laura tries to tell her how important this trip was for her marriage. Leslie observes that she was disappointed but there will be plenty of opportunities for them to go away together in the future and encourages her that she can mend this trouble in her marriage.     

Luke shows up and has coffee with Bobbie and Ruby. He tells them that he is going to meet with Frank before the wedding and go over their business arrangement. They are worried about him going through with his black book blackmail plan. Ruby cautions him to be careful with Frank. Leslie and Amy leave, and Scotty insists that Laura get ready for the wedding. She refuses and he gives her the ultimatum that if she doesn't go he will never talk to her again! She doesn't seem too worried about that threat (I think at this point it would almost be a relief). Scotty finds the letter and realizes that Luke is the one who raped Laura.

7/11/80 Luke's Wedding Day to Jennifer Smith  (great quality scenes from Soapnet episode) - Susan is at the Smith residence, helping Jennifer get ready. Susan glances nervously at Mitch as Frank Smith tells Susan that he hopes to make Susan his fiancé soon. Outside at the marina, Brian, Claudia, Amy, and Richard Simmons decorate Luke's car with a "just married" sign and paraphernalia. Brian complains when he finds his shoes tied to the car.     

Scotty is furious as he reads her letter to Luke, becoming more and more enraged. Laura comes out of the bathroom and finds him reading her letter, he tells her off as he thinks she has been having an affair with Luke. When Laura enters the room, Scotty turns on her, accusing her of having an affair with Luke. Laura denies it, asking for a chance to tell him the truth. He tells her it is all lies that she has known about this for months. He says he has made excuses for her, for all of the times she pulled her away; he is convinced that she pulled away from him because of her affair with Luke. He doesn't believe her; she says she wouldn't lie to him that she loves him.     

He raises his hand and almost hits her and she cowers away from him. He tells her he hates her. He then figures that she was never raped, that it wasn't rape at all! He grabs his jacket to leave and she calls out to him to stop and listen to her. She insists that it was rape, and that it happened in the disco. He accuses her of sleeping with Luke at the disco and then going to the park and crying rape. He realizes that she lied about that too.

Laura tries to explain about that night, how desperate Luke was, how he just wanted to hold her for comfort, then dance with her but things got out of hand and she couldn't stop it. Scotty tells her it is just like her affair with David Hamilton, and calls her a tramp. He throws her down and tells her that she won't have Luke, because he is going to kill him and she is lucky that he doesn't kill them both. He runs out of the apartment, leaving Laura on the floor crying.     

The rest of PC is arriving at the yacht for Luke's wedding to Jennifer, Luke gives them all a tour and they all toast the day with champagne. Luke has a great time playing the grand host. Bobbie, Ruby, Jennifer and Frank arrive on the yacht. They love the champagne fountain! This is very festive as they all enjoy the beauty of the yacht and the wedding preparations.

Frank informs Jennifer that he and Luke are going to sign a contract to be business partners prior to the wedding. Jennifer is ecstatic and asks Susan to help her get dressed. Scotty first goes to Luke's apartment beating on the door, as Laura calls trying to reach Luke before Scotty does. Laura calls Lee and asks him to get to the yacht as soon as possible and stop Scotty from getting on the boat and hold him until she gets there. She hangs up before giving any additional explanation and Lee is quite puzzled by the drama and mystery of her demand.     

Luke and Frank meet out on the deck. Frank wants to know if Luke has read the contract? He expects Luke to be pleased about what he is deeding Luke to in Fair Oaks. Luke tells Frank he isn't pleased and wants to know why Frank continues to lie to him. Luke wants Frank to assure him that Luke will be able to stay clean and not become involved in the shady side of the business. Frank has tried to assure him that after this next shipment that Frank will be all the way legitimate.

Luke accuses him of lying. He wants Frank to write a new contract, as he doesn't want him and Jennifer to be touched by the seedy side of Frank's business. He doesn't want everything Frank is offering him, he wants less. He only wants his involvement in the Port Charles disco and in the Las Vegas disco and nothing else! Frank tells him that he can't do that as Luke is too far in. Frank tells him that he is sorry that Luke is so involved in his business. Luke tells Frank that he wants away from all mob ties. He adds that he looks at Frank and sees what he could become in a few years, and he hates it.     

Luke then tells Frank he knows all about the Left Handed Boy. Frank glowers and tells him he is going to forget Luke said anything about the Left Handed Boy. Luke blackmails Frank, Luke tells him he has pictures of all the pages in the little black book, with all of the details of the organization and all he has to do is break the code! Luke looks at this information as insurance to protect him from Frank. Frank tells Luke that if Luke tries to blackmail him that Frank will crush him.  Luke is very confident that he has the power and tells him there will be no wedding unless Frank gives him what he wants!

Steve, Audrey, Jesse, Joe, Jeff, and Anne all arrive, and Luke asks if Frank is going to send all the guests home with no wedding? As a police escort arrives with the governor, Luke warns Frank that the police could be coming for him. Frank excuses himself after warning Luke that he has a threat against him that outweighs anything Luke has on Frank and he sternly tells him he will see him at the wedding. Luke stands alone looking pensive, troubled by Frank's failure to meet his demands.     

Luke meets with Frank again, he demands that Frank keep his word to Luke, that he draw up a new contract and no one will ever see the pictures of his black book. Frank says he doesn't care how many pictures Luke took of his black book, that if Luke walks out on this wedding or causes Frank anymore trouble that he is a dead man! Scotty shows up pushing past Lee, Frank making his way to the deck where he jumps on Luke. Brian and Joe pull Scotty off though Luke comes away swinging.

Luke actually walks away to the other end of the boat, Scotty follows and they wind up confronting each other on the other end of the boat. The punches are flying; they both get in some good punches (everyone is yelling at them to stop but no one is stepping in). Scotty punches him knocking him down, and seems like Luke has stopped fighting. Scotty picks him up to punch him again, and then again, each time getting closer to the edge of the boat. One more punch sends Luke flying overboard. He seems to sink into the water; no trace is seen of him. (This ends the scenes from the Soapnet episode).     

As everyone gathers at the railing, they all anxiously watch for any sign of Luke. The begin commenting that Luke may be unconscious. Lee asks Scotty what he was thinking that he could have killed Luke! Bobbie and Jennifer clutch each other in fear, Bobbie rapidly becoming hysterical (as everyone stands around just looking at the water). The reality begins to dawn on Scotty and he dives into the water to search for Luke.

At GH, Leslie over hears the call for the ambulance and Diana Taylor tells her about the fight on the boat. Jeff tells Rick that Scotty and Luke had a fight about Laura. The town fears Luke has drowned.  Luke has made it to the side of the dock undetected. He overhears Frank telling one of his goons that if Luke is found alive to kill him as he knows too much. Sirens are blaring, search rescue boats are swirling, and Laura arrives down on the docks. She overhears one of the cops say that the guy overboard must be dead.     

Lee and Gail arrive at Scotty's and Lee pressures Scotty to tell him what is going on. Gail asks Lee to take it easy, but Lee won't let up and demands that Scotty tell him what is going on that if Luke is dead that Scotty will be brought up on murder charges! Scotty informs them about Laura's letter, and that Luke raped Laura, their reactions are classic - pure horror! He then goes onto say that it wasn't rape that Laura has had an affair with Luke! Lee still can't believe that Scotty went down to try to kill Luke. He begins interrogating him, already trying to figure out the defense case. Gail repeatedly asks him to give Scotty a break, but Lee will not relent till he gets all of the information.     

As a confused Laura wanders down by the dock, confused by all of the commotion, Luke comes up out of the water, grabs her ankle and begs her to help him. He tells her they won't let him live and he needs to escape. He tells her they may kill her as well. Luke accuses her of telling Scotty, and can't believe she waited till that day to tell him. She tells him she didn't that Scotty found the letter. Luke tells her that Smith is going to have him killed; he says he has to get away. When she starts asking questions, he tells her this isn't the time to play little girl. He pleads with her that this is their chance! She grabs his hand and they take off running.     

Rick and Leslie show up at Scotty's, still oblivious. Gail tells them about the letter, that Laura had been having an affair with Luke. Next, Jeff and Anne show up also asking about what caused the fight. Leslie says they should wait for Scotty and he should be the one to give more info.     

Luke and Laura are running down a country road, an exhausted Laura tells Luke to go on without her. He tells her she has to come with him that she has nowhere else to go. Laura also tells Luke she can't go back to Scotty that he called her a tramp. She moans as she realizes Scotty has told everyone about them. She doesn't want to face anyone as they know the truth and that she has lied to them about not knowing who raped her. Luke tells her about the black book and he pulls out his copies but they are all stuck together, ruined and the negatives are also ruined. Luke is distraught that it was all for nothing. Laura asks if he got a hold of the book once, couldn't he get a hold of it again.     

Joe Kelly and a police detective show up and tell Scotty that its good he is going down to the station to make a voluntary statement, as they may have to book him on suspicion of murder. Ruby and Bobbie grieve for Luke. Joe shows up at the Spencer's next, he tells them he thinks that Luke was into all sorts of things with Frank Smith that he shouldn't have been. He continues that if Bobbie and Ruby know anything that it could put their lives in danger and he offers them police protection. He tells them that Luke was acting very strange this morning on the yacht and he thinks that he was sweating something with Frank. They deny having any knowledge. He asks them to think about what he has said, and then gives them the ring that Luke bought for Jennifer.     

Luke and Laura head to ELQ to get the original black book. Luke tells her the book is in code but it details the organization and the information in that book will protect both of their families. They can't get into Frank's office and has to wait for some people to leave. He warns her that if Frank figures out he isn't dead, that he will realize the copies of the book were ruined in the water and Frank will anticipate Luke returning for the original. Luke tells Laura how much he loves her. He suggests that they get a motel room. She insists that they will have separate beds that she respects her marriage vows. Luke begins laughing that he almost died this morning and if Frank Smith finds him he will be dead and Laura is worried about her marriage vows?     

They hide as Frank returns to his office. His assistant recommends Frank hide the book somewhere else. Frank says his office is the safest place and that Luke Spencer is dead and the book is with Luke. He knows that Luke is dead or otherwise he would have returned for the book. After Frank leaves, Luke grabs the book and they decide to get cleaned up and get something to eat. He tells her first he has to go to the disco and get all of the money out of the safe. Later, they arrive at a cheap motel; Laura is less than thrilled with their accommodations.

When Laura complains about Luke buying wine with their limited resources he points out that he isn't with her for her money, after all she has no house, and no sailboat! Laura makes it clear that she will not sleep in the same bed with him. He argues this to no avail; she gives him a pillow and a blanket and shows him the bathtub. She tells him that she paid for the room so she gets the bed and he will NOT be sleeping with her. Luke fails to find comfort trying to sleep in the bathtub and later climbs in bed with Laura after she has fallen asleep.  He softly kisses her hand and tells her she is an angel, and then continues, "but damn, I wish you had more money!"     

He lays in the bed next to her and gently strokes her face, she wakes up not happy that he is in bed with her. She asks why his hair is wet and he reports a dripping shower. He says her perfume woke him up. She says she doesn't wear perfume, he tells her she has some sweet smelling skin. She asks him not to make love to her; he says they didn't plan this that he aches for her. She says she can't sleep with him, as she is married. She gets out of the bed and she goes to the tub with the blanket and leaves him the wet bedspread. She points out that now he has the bed. Laura comes back out and reports he is right that the tub is too small. However, the exhausted Luke is sound asleep. She covers him with the blanket and gets into the bed next to him.     

Luke wakes up, surprised to find Laura next to him. He says it's the first time he has ever slept with a woman and not touched her. She corrects him that he touched her twice. She also tells him that he talks in his sleep that he said her name. The next morning, they see a news report that Scotty is being arraigned on charges for Luke's death. Laura is upset and asks Luke what they are going to do? Luke points out that Scotty isn't going to trial, he is just answering questions. Luke promises that if he has to he will come forward. Laura worries though that Frank will then kill Luke, she asks Luke if he really thinks they can beat Frank Smith? He says that if she looks at him like that, he can do anything.     

Luke wants to go back to sleep but Laura won't let him back in the bed. He tells her it won't matter if she has twin beds or twin rooms as he is a man and he wants her! Luke tries to sneak back into her bed but she wakes up. Finally she relents to his begging and lets him have the bed while she goes into the bathroom to get dressed. She takes the blanket with her; he is freezing and begs for the blanket.     

She opens the window for fresh air and he questions her sanity when it's already freezing. He asks since he has no money if she can bring back a stale crust of bread for him. Laura returns with some food and coffee and a newspaper. She reports that the paper says Scotty is out on bail. He tells her not to worry about Scotty that Luke won't let him go to jail. He tells her he has to go to the disco so he can get the money that he has in his safe there that will tide them over for awhile. Laura thinks that is a bad idea. He tells her he wants her to wait in the motel and keep the black book on her. He tells her to wait and if he isn't back by the end of the day that he wants her to take the book to Joe Kelly and only Joe Kelly, to tell Joe where he got it from and Joe will know what to do with it.     

She asks to go with him and he absolutely refuses. She worries and he accuses her of starting to care about him. When he gets to the disco, he hears Richard Simmons and the police detective coming down the hall and Luke has to leave before he can get into the safe. Luke returns to the motel and finds Laura gone and he freaks. Laura comes in and tells him she has been at the library researching to try to help him decode the book. He tells her he couldn't get into the safe but got the $32 in petty cash. She is disappointed over his lack of success and tells him she is hungry. He asks if she has a savings account and suggests she take out her half of the money in there. She doesn't really know how much of the money in the account is really hers.     

Scotty approaches Bobbie and figures she hates him. She says she doesn't, but cries why did he have to hit Luke so hard? She tells him that she feels sorry for him; she blames Laura for all of this. He tells her about Laura's letter, he can't believe Bobbie knew about this and didn't tell him. She observes that he would never have believed her about the sainted Laura. Bobbie defends Luke that he was obsessed with Laura, and was trying to protect her. She says she is glad that Scotty found out about Laura that for the first time in her life she is going to get exactly what she deserves.

Luke and Laura go over the code in the black book and try to decode it. Luke asks Laura if she would ever go back to Scotty and she says no way in the world would Scotty ever take her back that he will never believe that Laura didn't have an affair with Luke. They aren't making any progress; Laura suggests that they take the book to the police. Luke says no way, there is no guarantee that the police will be able to decode it and Frank will be free in the meantime.

Luke feels like he has to decode it himself and that he can do that with Laura's help and it's the only way he can keep Bobbie and Ruby safe. He worries that Frank is already tailing them. Luke tells her that he knows the Left Handed Boy has to do with a shipment coming in from South America in the next couple of weeks and he believes the shipment involves drugs. Luke takes off his shirt and Laura gets nervous. He tells her she is safe and not to worry.     

Bobbie and Ruby show up at the disco for Luke's funeral. Frank asks Bobbie if he can say a few words, she says yes she will be very interested to hear what he has to say about Luke. Luke has snuck into the disco, intending on trying to get the cash out of the safe. He finds his funeral beginning! Bobbie begins his service by talking about her and Luke's childhood, growing up on Elm Street. Luke listens in and he looks so sad at the pain he is causing his family. Luke rolls his eyes during Frank's tribute. He heads back to his office and finds his safe is empty!     

Luke returns to Laura, he tells her about his funeral, and about the safe being empty. He tells her the weird thing is how happy he is. But he tells her that they can't go on without money that she has to return to her mother, as he can't take care of her. He says he doesn't just want her for right now or next week, he wants her for all of his life and he can't offer her anything. She asks him not to send her away. He is worried about her and cares about her. She says she wants to be with him no matter what. He tells her if Frank discovers that Luke isn't dead before Luke decodes the black book that Luke really will be dead! She assures him that they will decode the book together!

He insists that she go home for her own good. She refuses and says she will get a job, and they will make it work. He is trying to say goodbye to her, but she reminds him of all the people that are depending on them, Bobbie, Ruby, Leslie & Rick, even Scotty. This reminds him that she is still married; it says that is killing him, as he wants her so much. She tells him she doesn't want to be the tramp that Scotty accused her of being. He tells her last night she kicked the covers off and she looked so beautiful. He says he can't go on like this, but she insists they will find a way to make it work. He says that he won't take a chance with her life and tells her again to go home.

The next morning, Laura tells Luke she is going out for breakfast and tells Luke she needs some time to think about their money problems. He jokes that she can come back when she makes her first million that he is used to being with a rich woman. While Luke is sleeping, she takes the medallion that Jennifer gave Luke as a wedding present.

Dvd #4B Laura goes to a pawn shop and pawns the medallion. She returns and surprises Luke with $150. He says he is almost afraid to ask where she got the money. She smugly informs him that she pawned the gold medallion that Jennifer gave him as a wedding present. He glowers in disbelief and tells her Jennifer paid over $1,000 and the fact that she was willing to accept so little the pawn broker is going to think it is stolen and call the cops. If the cops investigate it they will see Luke and Jennifer's name inscribed on it.

He suggests she should have pawned her stupid wedding rings that are probably worth $150! He wants to know why she didn't ask him about it first? He says he is going back to the pawnshop and get it back before they call the police! Laura tells him she was just trying to help, that they didn't even have enough money to pay for the motel. He asks if she didn't notice that Luke and Jennifer's names were on the back? She says yes, he can't believe she hocked it anyway. He tells her he is really worried as if the police figure it out, they will tell Frank and Jennifer and then Luke will be dead.     

Laura calls her mother but hangs up without saying anything. Luke comes back and reports that there were already a couple of Plainclothes cops there. Luke left and doesn't think he was recognized. Laura says maybe she shouldn't be there with him; she is costing him more money and making things worse for him. He says no, he needs her. She says how will he get them out of the mess they made. He tells her they have to get away, that when the pawnbroker gives Laura's description that it won't take long for Frank to put it all together that Luke is alive and that Laura is on the run with him.     

The police show up at Frank's and say they have something they think belongs to Jennifer. They show Frank the medallion and he recognizes it. Frank asks for the address of the pawnbroker so he can reimburse him and thank him for reporting it. They report it was pawned for only $150. After they leave, a furious Frank says to his new sidekick that Luke was wearing that medallion. Ruby returns home and finds Frank waiting for her in her apartment. She is surprised to see him and asks how he got in? He says he owns the building, the whole street. He tells Ruby that Luke wasn't loyal to him and tried to blackmail Frank. Ruby plays complete innocence of knowing anything about the blackmail scheme or the black book.     

Luke and Laura check into a new motel, Luke warns her they aren't safe yet. Luke tells her he knows someone will be coming after them but they are going to be cool and not make any more mistakes. He asks her why she agreed to help him? She tells him she just can't say no when he is in trouble and needs her. She tells him that Luke needs her in a way that Scotty never did. He promises her again that he won't let anyone hurt her that he will die first. Laura freaks over the cockroaches in the seedy motel. He tells her he is sorry that this isn't what he wants for her. He tells her she is changing before his eyes, changing from a little girl to a woman. He promises to try not to touch but says one day it will happen. He tells her there is still time for her to go back, she says there is no going back.     

Luke calls Ruby while Frank is still there. Luke is shocked when he hears Frank answering Ruby's phone. Luke hangs up without saying anything. Luke is panicked over Ruby's safety (Ruby and Bobbie both still think Luke is dead). Luke is desperately worried over Ruby and Bobbie's safety. Laura convinces him that he can't protect them right now that they think he is dead and if he tells them he is alive that Frank will sense that knowledge. Laura apologizes again as her actions with the medallion brought this on. Laura promises him that they will make it up to everyone they love.     

Frank doesn't believe Ruby's profession of ignorance. He motions his goon towards Ruby, he grabs her and Ruby cries out just as Bobbie comes in. Ruby is very relieved to see Bobbie. Bobbie is confused by Frank's questions, about the medallion. He tells them it was pawned; Bobbie doesn't get what does that mean? So what if someone found Luke's medallion? He says someone fitting Laura Baldwin pawned it! The knowledge dawns on both of them that this is evidence that Luke is alive! They are so relieved and hug each other and rejoice.

Their reaction is so genuine that Frank believes that they didn't know that Luke was alive. He continues to play the heavy about the black book but Bobbie stands up to him toe to toe. She swears she doesn't know anything about the black book, that she hasn't heard from Luke, and she kept quiet after Roy DeLuca's death and doesn't deserve these threats from him. He tries to backpedal and say he hasn't threatened her yet. She says yes he has and she doesn't appreciate it and opens the door and orders him out! (Go Bobbie!)     

Joe Kelly and his police partners also figure out that Luke is alive and with Laura. Luke warns Laura that there is probably already a hired killer out there looking for them. Frank hires Hutch to find Luke and the black book. Hutch overhears that the Left Handed Boy is worth over $10 million. Laura is upset by an article in the paper suggesting she is having an affair with Luke, she is afraid no one in PC will speak to her again and worries that Scott won't take her back. Luke tells hers if she wants to go back to Scott then she should go home now. He says, "Loving you has never been easy for me but I don't have any other way to live!"     

Bobbie has received a dead rat as a present and her apartment is ransacked. Bobbie realizes that it is a warning to keep their mouths shut or else!

Frank tells Hutch that he is going to smoke Luke out of hiding. Hutch has traced Luke and Laura to the motel and calls Frank and tells him he thinks he may have located them but has to get a good look at them to be sure. Luke has a premonition that something is going on, but he isn't sure what it is. He wants to call Bobbie and Ruby to see if they are all right but knows he can't do that. Ruby returns home and finds her apartment ransacked and is grabbed by a goon. Bobbie finds Ruby knocked unconscious and bleeding and calls for an ambulance.     

The next morning, Laura wakes up to find Luke staring outside. He tells her he has a bad feeling and thinks they should get out of town as soon as possible. He says he has a terrible need to get in touch with Bobbie and Ruby and that he is really scared for them. Luke comes in with a newspaper and reads about Ruby's injuries, he is desperate to get to her.

Hutch stops by to see Frank and tells him that he has definitely located Luke and Laura and that they are holed up together. Frank tells him about having Ruby roughed up and that Luke will go to see her in the hospital. Hutch is annoyed and tells Frank that was a stupid thing to do (like him already!), that he wants L&L together as there is no guarantee who has the black book. He continues that there is no way he is going to stake out the hospital, as it is too dangerous.     

Luke tells Laura that he has to go see Ruby that he has to see her. Laura is against it and she is worried about him. He leaves the black book with her and tells her if he doesn't come back within four hours that she is to take the book to Joe Kelly. She tells him how to get into the Doctor's Lounge and where the locker area is and suggests he puts on surgical scrubs and a mask as a disguise but she warns him he has to get past the Nurse's Station undetected. He tells her that is a good idea and appreciates her suggestion. He tells her to stay in the motel and not answer the door to anyone. Luke kisses her and holds her tenderly before leaving.     

Luke is successful in getting into see Ruby undetected. Ruby is relieved to see him, but tells him he shouldn't be there that it is too dangerous. He promises he will get them for doing this to her. He tells her she has to get better as he can't lose her. Bobbie calls Joe and tells him about the dead rat. He asks her about what was going on between Frank and Luke the day of his wedding. She starts to tell him the truth but Frank's goon comes in and she clams up and runs out. Frank's goon assures Frank that Luke never showed up, he is positive. Frank believes his judgment and figures Luke is too smart to fall for something so obvious.

Hutch calls Frank and gloats about his plans failure. He makes a snarky comment about Luke getting past Frank's goon. Frank doesn't quite no what to make of Hutch and wonders how he got his information. Hutch reports he has seen Luke leave and return with doctor's scrubs! Hutch points out the failure of Frank's plan as Hutch predicted and tells Frank he has never failed on any contract. He demands that Frank stay out of it and not make any more moves and let Hutch do the job he is being paid very well to do. Ruby tells Bobbie about Luke's visit.     

Luke and Laura wash their clothes, Laura wears a bed sheet and Luke tries to sneak a peek at her. He tells her she looks sexy in anything! They talk about moving on and she admits she is going to miss their crummy motel, as she feels safe there. He says they have enough for bus fare but doesn't know how far they will get. He says they are in one of those old road movies, "The Road To Ruin" (reference to Bo Hope's Road to Rio, ect series). Hutch waits outside with a gun pointed at both of them, his plan was to kill them both together. He overhears them say they are going after the Left Handed Boy (Hutch overheard Frank say this was worth $10 million) so he lets them go obviously intent on following them to the treasure.

He calls Frank and lies to him, tells him that he was about to eliminate them but the hotel manager and a guest came along and he knew Frank didn't want a blood bath so he will have to wait for the next opportunity. Hutch checks out ahead of Luke and Laura and asks the manager not to tell the honeymoon couple that he was looking for them, that he intends on surprising them and asks her not to give it away.     

Frank gets a call from the organization and is told that they are canceling the shipment that they can't bring it in with all of the heat in Port Charles because of Frank's screw up. Frank says the shipment has to come in as he has donated his part of the proceeds to build the new wing of the hospital. His contact makes it quiet clear that the organization is not at all happy with the way Frank has messed things up and he can either make the donation out of his own pocket or cancel it, that he should be a lot more worried about his standing with the organization than with the Port Charles society. He is ordered to find the black book!     

They check out of the hotel and Laura becomes sentimental about leaving the dump. They then hit the streets; Luke buys a paper and finds their pictures plastered all over the front page including descriptions of the one set of clothing each has. They see cops and duck into Wyndham's Department store. They head to the beauty shop section looking for a wig for Laura. Luke pretends they are the expected French hairstylists. Hutch follows and gets a manicure to keep an eye on the salon. Luke cuts some poor woman's hair, she runs out screaming when she sees the results. Hutch realizes what has happened and cracks up.

Luke's next client brings in a black wig, which he talks her out of making her feel sexy without it and Lucy Johnson is born. Next, Luke sneaks trainee badges for them and they head to the shoe department. They introduce themselves to the manager of the shoe department as new trainees. The manager sends Luke over to work with a difficult customer who doesn't like anything. They remain in the stock room as the store closes and they are there alone. The store is about to close and Luke proposes a very fancy evening for the two of them, including fabulous clothes and a gourmet meal.     

8/6/8 Dancing at Wyndham's  (great quality scenes from marathon episode) - Luke tells her this is their night of nights. When they run into a storage room to hide from the night watchman, Luke discovers mannequins donning the perfect tuxedo and evening gown. Luke is dressed in top hat and tails, and Laura is dressed in a fuchsia evening gown. The couple does not realize that a stranger is lurking in the same storage room.

The couple dance through the aisles of the department store. Luke takes Laura to where he has a table fully dressed and set with china, and the two share a champagne toast and caviar. Laura tells Luke she has never had caviar before and he suggestively says that this is a night of firsts. Laura exclaims that she feels like Cinderella, and as if they are the only two people in the world.

Luke tells her she has never been more beautiful to him and she tells him the evening is like a dream. Luke says it's very real and when he looks in her eyes he sees every beautiful thing in the world and he sees love. She looks down, and he pulls her chin up to continue to look at him. He tells her that he loves her more than he ever thought possible. She tells him that everything feels so right and it doesn't feel like there is a world outside of this room. Luke says that after this night the world will never be the same again.

Luke and Laura continue dancing their way through the store, stopping for more kissing along the way. He tells her this is their night to be alone and picks her up and carries her to a bed in the furniture department. Much to Luke's dismay, Laura drifts off to sleep just as the couple is in the midst of a passionate kiss. The stranger from the storage room watches over the sleeping couple, gun in hand.       

Hutch finds them sleeping and readies his gun. As he moves towards them, Laura cries out in her dream waking Luke. Luke tells her he spent a lot of time during the night studying the black book (explaining why Hutch wasn't able to make his move?). Luke and Laura change clothes, Laura apologizes for falling asleep on "their night". They find a security guard lying dead, and Laura becomes really scared, after this evidence a hit man is following them.

They take off again, and run down deserted streets with Hutch following behind them. Laura ask if he thinks anyone followed them, and Luke says no he didn't see anyone (were either of them looking behind them, the gunman following them was the only other person on the street pretty much, kinda hard to miss him! LOL!). They watch everyone enter the bus station, suspecting everyone who enters to be the hit man. Luke tells Laura that he thinks one of the clues has to do with the Left Handed Boy being located 150 miles from Port Charles. He instructs Laura to get a map so they can see what towns are around Port Charles within that distance.     

He studies the map and realizes that Fair Oaks is 150 miles south of Port Charles. Luke says that is it, as Frank had told him on his wedding day that as part of Jennifer's dowry that he was giving them a building in Fair Oaks. Luke is sure the Left Handed Boy is there. He says they don't have enough money to get to Fair Oaks and even if they did Frank would have someone watching the bus station there. Luke decides they will go to Beecher's Corners, it's about half way there, and they can get jobs and drop out of sight.     

By the time they arrive in Beecher's Corners they stop off at a restaurant, the owner tells them to stop at a local diner as the cook recently ran off with one of the waitresses (watch Tony knock over a drink and how quickly he recovers, even thinking to ask Laura to clean it up!).

They are out of money so they take refuge in a barn, surrounded by noisy chickens and a cow. He breaks out a picnic, and as he opens the food the chicken decides to join them for dinner (again watch Tony save the scene as he shoos the chicken away, trying to keep a straight face as he delivers his dialogue trying to ease Laura's fears, and Genie is cracking up over the antics of the chicken). He teases her about June's kisses (the name tag she wore at Wyndham's), he says she kissed him better than any other woman before and sexy Simone (her French hairdresser) character who looked at him with such desire.

Dvd #4C 8/11 continued They share a quiet evening together, feeling somewhat safe for the moment. He brushes hay out of her hair and tells her he has always wanted to make love to a girl with hay in her hair. He tells her again how much he loves her, and this time she tells him she loves him! This is the first time she has admitted it to Luke. His eyes light up with love and tenderness. He tells her that he will wait as long as she needs. Laura thanks him for being patient. He assures her that he isn't patient but he loves her and will wait till she is ready. He understands that it isn't Scott that is between them but the cruel words he said about one man not being enough for her, about her being a tramp. She tells Luke that Scotty looked at her with such contempt as though she wasn't worth anything that she didn't even exist any longer.

Luke asks if he hurt her? Laura says that Scotty threw her to the floor but didn't hurt her physically, but he talked about David Hamilton and said that one man isn't enough for her. Laura continues that she doesn't want to break her marriage vows, as she doesn't want Scotty to be right about her. Luke tells her that he is more committed to her than he will ever be to anyone in his life, he points out that it takes two people to break marriage vows. He accuses her of torturing him because he wouldn't make love to her that day on the sailboat. He tells her that she might be only 18 but when she kisses him she is a full-grown woman and is driving him crazy!     

The farm owner, Mr. Whitaker finds them there and offers them room and board for doing chores. He asks if they can milk cows? Luke says sure, but Laura laughs and says the closest her husband has every gotten to milk is off the shelf at the grocery store! Mr. Whitaker says he thought they were city folk. He overheard Laura say how hungry she was and tells them he can smell the bacon cooking and invites them up for breakfast. He is impressed with young people who are willing to work to pay their way.     

Luke and Laura join the Whitakers for breakfast. Luke introduces them as Lloyd and Lucy Johnson. They tell the Whitakers that they are newlyweds and Mrs. Whitaker offer them a room for $15 a week with a nice comfy bed. Luke jumps at the offer while Laura looks just a bit concerned at the idea of sharing a bed with Luke! Luke asks Mr. Whitaker about getting a job. He says he has some occasional chores but not enough to put them both to work.  In their new room, Laura wants to string a blanket across the room for privacy and tells Luke she saw it in a movie (Note: from "It Happened One Night" with Clarke Gable). Luke tells her he wants that they won't be playing at being married forever and he wants her to be Mrs. Spencer for real. He stops her from answering and tells her to think about it but doesn't want an answer from her yet.     

Hutch overheard that Luke and Laura are looking for a job and he heads to the diner to get work there ahead of them. Luke and Laura run into Hutch at the diner. He has already got a job, and encourages them to stick around for Mom and Pop Calhoun to return. He introduces himself as Jefferson Hutchison but he goes by "Hutch". Laura is very friendly and the nicer she is to Hutch, the grumpier that Luke becomes. When the Calhouns return, they tell them that the Whitakers recommended them and they are hired!     

Luke gets ticked when customers flirt with Laura and goes out and starts yelling at him. Hutch intervenes and explains to the customer that Luke is on his honeymoon. Luke wants to know how Hutch knew he is on his honeymoon, as he never said that. Hutch says it's obvious from the way they look at each other. Back at the Whitaker's, Laura insists on putting the blanket back up across their bedroom. Luke pouts as he watches her hang the blanket. He tells her what is he supposed to use as a blanket?

He goes onto say that he plans on sleeping in the buff and if she has to get up to go to the little girl's room to makes sure to take a peek as he has nothing to hide. She gets him another sheet out of the cedar chest. He can see the shadow of her undressing through the blanket and tells her that she does this to drive him crazy; she pretends innocence but grins to herself.

During the night, Luke pleads he is cold and gets up and grabs the blanket. Laura scoffs that it is a 100 degrees outside! Hutch checks in with Frank Smith and tells him that he will set up Luke and Laura's deaths so that there is no connection back to Frank Smith but he has to be careful as they are all in a small town so will take some time (he is stalling until he finds out where the Left Handed Boy treasure is).     

He comments that she hates waitressing. She says its just lonely being on the run. He points out that if she would let him sleep in the same bed that she wouldn't be quite so lonely! He tells her he knows she isn't ready and he wants it to be perfect for her. He keeps telling her he will wait but not too long. Laura complains about the name Lucy that it reminds of her the nasty little girl in Charlie Brown. Mrs. Whitaker comes to the door and Luke rushes to get the wig on Laura and pull down the rope strung across the room.     

Luke loses his temper when a couple of guys get suggestive with Laura. Hutch intervenes and drops a tray of dishes to break up the tension. The customers take offense and leave. Hutch warns Luke that he has to stop losing his temper with everyone who flirts with Lucy. He tells Luke about his wife, that she just disappeared, just left one day. He tells Luke that he hopes to find her one day. Hutch slips again and comments that he and his wife used to travel around on the bus just like Lloyd and Lucy (how would he know that?). Luke becomes very suspicious about the latest slip and asks him how he knew they traveled by bus? Hutch smoothly covers and says he was at the bus depot when Lloyd and Lucy arrived. He says he didn't remember Luke at all but Lucy's is a face that you don't forget.     

Luke is suspicious of Hutch, as he knows too much about Lloyd and Lucy, Laura warns him not to ask too many questions, as it will raise suspicions. Luke pumps Ma Calhoun for information on what she knows about Hutch. She doesn't know anything about Hutch's background and Luke tells Laura that isn't right that Hutch is too smart not to use his sob story about his missing wife to get the job.

Luke asks her what she did with the dress she discarded at Wyndham's, and Luke admits that he threw away his wedding clothes and if the clothes were found that they could be connected to the night watchman's death. Laura is homesick, Luke tells her to go home, she refuses. She would have to face the police, and she doesn't believe she would be any safer besides she would be worried sick about Luke and can't leave him. She just desperately wants to call home; Luke says she can't as Leslie, Ruby, and Bobbie's phones are all bugged.     

Hutch catches Luke snooping in his jacket and plays hurt feelings and says he thought they were friends? He tells Luke that if he needs money that Hutch would be happy to loan it to him. Luke says that he just knocked that jacket on the floor and Hutch should check that he didn't take anything. They both wind up apologizing for each other, that they have both knocked around in life so much that they are both just naturally suspicious. Hutch offers to stay and lock up and they should go on home. Hutch locks the door and picks up the phone and starts calling Frank to report in. Luke returns with an excuse to pick up the paper. He questions Hutch about why the phone is off the hook. Hutch says that he was just hanging it up after someone had called.     

Back at the farm, Laura continues to defend Hutch. She really believes he is their friend and that he is a nice guy. Luke's instincts tell him that Hutch is watching them too closely. Frank Smith talks to Hutch again and wants him to kill Luke and Laura. Hutch stalls as he says it has to be just right and he doesn't want to be rushed. Mrs. Whitaker brings Luke and Laura breakfast in bed on their morning off, Luke takes the opportunity to jump in bed with Laura and snuggle. When Mrs. W leaves, Laura tells Luke if he does that again she will blow their cover! When Mrs. W accidentally picks up the black book when they are taking their clothes to be washed, they start imaging that she is the hit man.

Later, Mrs. W picks up a rifle to clean it and point it in their direction, L&L hit the deck yelling! They realize they are overreacting as they scare her more than she has scared them. She tells them its not loaded and questions why they are so jumpy? Luke claims he was in Vietnam and had a bad experience that made him gun shy. Later, Luke tells her she did great at helping him field all of Mrs. W's questions about their past. Laura had slipped and mentioned Port Charles and told Luke she could cut out her tongue. He tells her not to worry about it, as they know that Mrs. W is not the hit man. Laura tells him that he is a hero that he pushed her aside when he thought she was in danger and got between her and the gun. He tells her that he would die for her, though he would rather not die!     

Joe and Leslie go to Scott's to look and see if she can identify anything missing from Laura's closet. She describes Laura's new blue dress that they recently purchased together. Joe shows her the dress they found in the garbage at Wyndham's and Leslie cries looking at it torn and dirty that yes this is Laura's dress. She is not at all comforted and even more afraid for what has happened to Laura. He promises Leslie that he believes Laura is okay and he will find her and bring her home safe and sound. Jennifer visits Scotty, she asks him if it every gets any easier? She tells him that she wakes up every morning feeling like she has been kicked in the stomach. She asks him about the rape and he tells her about Laura's letter. Jennifer realizes that when Luke asked her to marry him that he was still in love with Laura.     

Luke is not pleased to find Hutch in the Whitaker's barn, also looking for room and board. Luke is abrupt with him and Hutch wants to know if something is wrong, as Luke seems different. Luke insists everything is fine. Hutch tells him that he has been sleeping on the floor of the diner. Luke goes to talk to Laura and isn't happy that she told Hutch about the Whitakers having another room for rent. He tells her he doesn't trust Hutch and removed the black book from the barn. Laura is exhausted from her work at the diner. Luke insists that she relax while he does the chores and he fluffs up some hay for her to lay against.

Laura comments on how peaceful it is, then she thinks about all of the danger. Luke encourages her to let all of that go and just enjoy the peace of the moment. He lays very close to her, without touching her, yet tells her that he can still feel every sweet inch of her. When he begins kissing her passionately, she pulls away. He tells her not to pull away that she is his. She says she isn't, not in all of the right ways. He tells her they will make it right and kisses her again. She stops kissing him and sits up, she tells him she is thinking about the day they go back to Port Charles and she has to face Scotty. She worries what if Scotty is right and she is a tramp? This infuriates Luke and he demands that she stop saying that! He tells her she is the woman he loves.     

Frank gets a call from the organization insisting that he gets Joe Kelly off the investigation as he is causing problems for the organization. Hutch comes into the barn, interrupting Luke and Laura's intimate moment. After Hutch leaves, Luke expresses his annoyance with Hutch and his lousy timing. Luke is tired of Hutch showing up all of the time. Laura of course continues to defend Hutch that he can't possibly know anything about the black book.

Luke tells her that every instinct he has is telling him that it is time to move on. He promises her that no harm will come to her. She knows he will protect her. He tells her he has no choice as his joy, his pain, his dreams, his survival all centers on her and he couldn't make it without her. Jennifer comes in to say goodbye to her father, she doesn't understand why he is sending her away? He says things may get unpleasant in the next few weeks due to a business problem.     

The next morning, Luke gently wakes up a sleeping Laura. He tells her that having a wife who is a brunette by day and a blonde by night is very provocative. Since he isn't supposed to touch Laura Baldwin, he asks her to put on her wig so he can say good morning to his wife, Lucy Johnson. Once the wig is in place, he kisses her. Hutch with his continually poor timing interrupts them again with a knock at the door.

He tells them Mrs. Whitaker wants them down for breakfast. Luke says they will be done in a few minutes as Lucy just woke up. Luke says again that he hates Hutch's timing. Laura says they can't go around being suspicious of everyone just because they are on the run. Luke gets impatient as there is a hit man out after them and they could wind up dead. Luke says they can only trust each other. Laura says if he is a hit man that he isn't a very good one as he has missed many opportunities to kill them and the only thing he has killed is their good morning kiss.     

Over breakfast, Luke and Hutch try to question each other about their past and they both dodge each other's questions. Laura later asks Luke exactly what is it about Hutch that annoys him so much. He tells her that he doesn't like the way that Hutch looks at Laura and Hutch reminds Luke of himself, he says Hutch is too smooth. Laura points out how protective Hutch was with her when the truck drivers were coming on to her at the diner. Luke reminds her that he is the guy who is going to marry her, and draws her in for another kiss.

Back upstairs, Laura finds Luke with Hutch's wallet. She is aghast that he has stolen it; Luke assures her that he will replace it before it is missed. Luke tells her that maybe he will grow to trust Hutch, but first he is going to check him out. He picks up the postcard and plans on calling the friend who sent it. Hutch has already called his friend and told him about the postcard and he expects Luke will call and check up on him.     

At the diner, when the newspapers are delivered Hutch sees pictures of Luke and Laura on the front page. He tries to hide the papers and they notice him acting weird. He tries to hide the pictures, Luke sees the pictures and tells Laura they have to leave town immediately. Hutch tells him to be cool that Luke can trust him. Luke is even more suspicious that Hutch hid the photos from them. Laura is sure he was actually hiding the papers from Pop Calhoun and just didn't have a chance to show them to Luke and Laura. Luke tells Laura that they have to leave town immediately and can't even go home to pack.

Luke tells Pop that they have to leave, as Lucy isn't feeling well. Hutch saves the day sets fire to the stack of newspapers, and says he through his cigarette butt out and the wind must have caught it. This is the town's whole supply so now they don't have to leave town. Luke wants to know what Hutch is doing and what he wants? Hutch says that he was trying to help out a friend and he has been on the run before. Hutch tells him if he doesn't like it they can mix it up right here and now! Luke later tells Laura that they don't have to leave. Laura says she thinks Hutch is a good friend and he has proved his loyalty and they can use someone to trust. Luke still thinks he is one of Smith's men and is playing games.

Hutch's story that he tells Luke checks out that his driver's license is legitimate. Luke tells her he is still going to call Hutch's friend. Laura doesn't understand why Luke doesn't trust him after what he did for them? He tells her because Laura's life is at stake! Luke calls the guy on the postcard and he gives Hutch a rave review, says he has known him for about a year that he worked for him. Luke believes the story and says he was wrong about Hutch. He thanks Hutch for what he did and shakes his hand. Laura also thanks him, Hutch grins with success and says "okay let's be buddies!".     

Luke wakes up in a good mood the next morning and Laura figures it is because of him not being able to trust Hutch. He admits that he feels really good to be able to trust Hutch and he feels a bit foolish for being so suspicious of him. Laura can't resist saying, "I told you so!".  Laura feels they have been able to drop out of sight and no one will be able to find them now. He kisses her sweetly and tells her that last night he ached for her. She says she can't, not yet.

He says he just wants to touch her that is all he wants to do. As he holds her hand, he tells her that her wedding ring from Scotty has to come off. He tells her that the day it comes off will be the day she has broken her ties with Scott and that will be the day that they make love. Hutch is at the door again, that breakfast is ready. Hutch tells him that there were no more pictures of Luke and Laura in today's newspaper.     

At breakfast, they talk about next week being Labor Day and Laura looks sad. Luke explains that they always have a big party back and home and Lucy is just feeling homesick. The Whitakers ask Hutch about his future plans and he says it will depend on what Lloyd and Lucy do. Luke immediately reacts suspiciously and Hutch explains that it's been a long time since he has made such great friends.

They all go into town and go shopping; Mrs. Whitaker tells Laura that they are going to have a big party for Labor Day with square dancing. Mrs. Whitaker offers to make Laura a new dress, and Laura excitedly tells Luke all about it. He is concerned that she is getting too attached to Beecher's Corners and she has to be ready to leave in a moment's notice. Luke shows her the sleeping bags he bought, and he is going to take them with him to work every day just in case (now isn't that odd behavior going to raise some suspicions?).     

Meanwhile back in Port Charles, Frank is annoyed that Luke and Laura's picture are in newspapers across the country. Frank realizes that if they are brought in by the police that Luke will turn over the black book to the authorities. Hutch calls to check in with Frank who demands to know why Hutch hasn't carried out the contract. He says that he hasn't been able to find the black book, as Luke doesn't carry it on him. Frank tells his associate that he will have to hire a second hit man if Hutch doesn't follow through soon.     

It’s Labor Day, and they are all setting up for the party. Hutch breaks out the guitar so Luke and Laura can practice their square dancing before the party beings. Laura asks if Luke would like to leave on a farm out in the country? She says she thinks they could be very happy there. He says he thinks they could be very happy anywhere. They make out in the hay. Later, Laura shows off her new party dress to Hutch and Luke. They tell Hutch again how much they appreciate Hutch burning those newspapers, as they wouldn't still be in Beecher's Corners if it weren't for him. The guests begin arriving and the square dancing begins!     

Hutch sneaks away from the party to search their room and finds the black book. Laura comes up to the room to take a nap, Hutch hides under the bed. Luke comes up to make sure Laura is okay. She says she just got hot dancing in that wig. She loves Beecher's Corners and wants to stay there longer. Luke tells her they have to move onto Fair Oaks as soon as they have enough money. Luke leaves, Laura takes a nap, and Hutch puts the black book back.

As he leaves the room, Luke comes upon him. Hutch pretends he was knocking to wake Laura up who is being asked for at the party. Luke is once again suspicious and asks Laura how sound asleep was she if someone could have been in the room with her? She is puzzled and not sure, he checks and is relieved to find the book still in its hiding place. He relaxes once again and tells her to reassure him that they are safe.

While Hutch is playing the guitar, Luke notices that Hutch is left handed and once again gets that suspicious look on his face. After Hutch leaves to do chores, he suggests to Laura that he could be the Left Handed Boy or the hit man. Laura is annoyed with his constant suspicion of Hutch and tells him he is being ridiculous. He says he is going to call Hutch to see if he recognizes his voice on the phone, as he thinks he over heard the Left Handed Boy during a phone call while he was working for Frank.

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