Luke & Laura #3 April - July, 1980: 12 hours on 3 dvds!

DVD #3A Luke has just proposed to Jennifer and she is less than enthused). Jennifer tells him she overheard him and Laura talking earlier that day. He assures her that his relationship with Laura is over and then refuses to go into any details. She then questions him about what "organization" is her father involved with? He orders her to drop it and tells her to never bring that topic up again. She refuses, and he accuses her of being spoiled.

He warns her to stay out of her father's business. She blackmails him and says if he won't tell her that she will go straight to her father and tell him what she overheard Luke saying to Laura. Luke has no choice and tells her his knowledge of the organization, and tells her about the contract that was ordered on Senator Mitch Williams. Jennifer takes it all in as he tells her about the night Roy died.

Mr. Smith enters the restaurant and Luke warns her that if she tells her father anything that he will be dead! Jennifer plays it cool and shows her father her engagement ring.      

Laura goes to her father for advice and comfort. She tells him she wanted to be honest with Scotty but she realizes she can't hurt him that way. She tells her father that there is another man and she has tried to resist her attraction to him. Laura says she has tried to hide it from the man, and from Scotty. Rick questions her but Laura clams up and says she can't say anymore. Rick advises her to put a tight lid on those feelings, to forget about them, to make them go away (he speaks from experience as his affair with Monica result in him and Leslie breaking up and eventually divorcing).      

Jennifer and Luke arrive at GH, and Jennifer announces her engagement to Luke. She tells Laura that she wants to be a June bride. Bobbie is furious over the engagement news. She asks if this is the price Luke had to pay to get Laura off the hook for the Las Vegas trip? Luke says this is the price he choose to pay. She says if Laura hadn't hidden in his office, if Laura hadn't called the FBI that none of this would have happened. He tells her that he could never have gotten out of the organization, that they both learned that after Roy. She sees this as Luke once again protecting Laura and this time at his own expense. 

He also tells her about Jennifer's suspicions about her father's business and that after overhearing a conversation between him and Laura that she demanded answers under the threat of going to her father. Luke tells Bobbie he didn't have any other choice but to tell Jennifer the truth. She wonders if he can really trust Jennifer not to go to her father. He points out that Jennifer loves him and has agreed to marry him. Ruby is also less than thrilled to hear Luke's engagement news. That night an engagement party is planned. Luke, Bobbie, and Ruby arrive at the Smith's for the party.      

Scotty tells Luke that Frank has asked him to go to Vegas to take care of business. Laura overhears Jennifer commenting about Bobbie, Scotty, Luke and Jennifer all going to Vegas together. Laura comes up and asks what is going on? Scotty pulls Laura aside and tells him that he has to go to Vegas after all.

Luke and Jennifer's engagement party at the Smith home continues. Jennifer asks if Luke is having a good time? He wonders why she asks? She says because none of his friends are there yet, Scotty and Laura Baldwin? She asks if it is really over between him and Laura as she saw the look on Laura's face when Jennifer announced their engagement. Luke gets snippy with her and asks if she wants a fight? She drops the subject.

Scotty, Laura, Claudia and Brian arrive. Luke and Laura are left alone, Laura tells Luke how pleased she is that Luke is getting married. She wishes that he will be as happy with Jennifer as she is with Scotty. Bobbie takes a moment to warn Laura that Luke is committed now to the organization and she has to stay away from Luke. Bobbie says Laura might as well stop lying to herself that Bobbie knows Laura is in love with Luke! Later that night, Frank announces Jennifer's engagement to Luke.

The next day, Luke stops by the nurse's station to talk to Bobbie. Bobbie believes that Luke will go through with the marriage that is unless Laura throws herself into Luke's arms. Bobbie says she saw tears in Laura's eyes when their engagement is announced. Bobbie asks if he is in a dream world that Laura is going to leave her life and run off with Luke? She tells Luke that Laura is encouraging Luke and leading him on. Bobbie says the only reason Laura wants Luke is that she can't have him. Luke accuses her that she has always been prejudiced against Laura. Bobbie tries to tell Luke that her being hung up on Scotty has nothing to do with her feelings about Laura. She resents Laura playing Scotty for a fool.

Luke meets with Frank, he shows him a list of legitimate endeavors and he plans on turning the business legitimate. Frank comments on being elected to the board of GH, and moving in the same social circles as the Webbers, and Baldwins. Luke assures Frank that is the side of the business he is most interested in, the legitimate side he says not just for his sake but also for Jennifer's. Frank agrees that they are on the same page on that idea.

Frank and Jennifer are at her wedding dress fitting. He asks her if she is happy with her engagement? She assures him that she is and asks if Luke is someone he can see himself turning his business over to one day. He says he can't think of anyone better, that Luke has a steady hand. He goes on to admire the social circles that Luke is moving in these days, he is very impressed that Luke was even invited to the Christening of the Quartermaine baby.

Bobbie confronts Laura again; she blames her for Luke being further drawn into the organization and for having to marry Jennifer. Laura does feel a twinge of guilt and tells Luke that she is fed up with Bobbie hassling her. Laura is worried about Luke's safety. She goes on to say that she wants Scotty and Lee out of Frank's business. Luke tells her that is a cover for Frank's legitimate business. Laura says she doesn't know who she could get them out of Frank's business other than telling them the truth. She does point out that with the police asking so many questions about Johnny and Cynthia's death that it may all come crashing down around Frank's ears.

Frank and Jennifer come into the disco, Frank raves about how gorgeous Jennifer looks in her dress. He goes on about expecting total loyalty and puts his arms around Jennifer and Luke. Laura looks nauseous at this happy family moment and walks away.

Later at the disco, Bobbie asks Luke if he plans on going through with the wedding. He can't think of a way out, he can't exactly leave Frank Smith's daughter at the altar! Laura comes into the disco, upset that her parents have decided on divorcing. She tells Luke that she also had a fight with Scotty about marriage vows. Luke asks if she is thinking about him? She denies her feelings for him.

Joe Kelly strolls in, starts asking questions about running a club, and asks Luke about running the Las Vegas club long distance. He asks Laura if she will be going to see the new club, she says that she doesn't know when she will be able to afford it and its not high on her list of priorities. Rick comes in; Laura takes a break to talk to him. She tells her father she does understand his situation and empathizes with him. They talk about her situation and he recommends that she quit her job as it might make things easier on her. She assures her father that she is trying to fight her attraction for the other man. Scotty comes in; Laura is abrupt with him and tells him she has to get back to work. He seems worried as he asks if everything is okay with them? She assures him that it is.

Laura is not at all happy to hear that Scotty is going to Las Vegas for Frank Smith, with Bobbie! She tells Luke to tell Bobbie to stay away from her husband. She knows that if Bobbie gets a chance to try to get Scotty back that she will do so. Luke says Bobbie doesn't have any chance of stealing Scotty away from Laura. She is sure that Frank is flexing his muscle by forcing Scotty to go. Luke assures her that Scotty is needed in Vegas to solve a contract issue. She is sad about her parents divorce and sheds a few tears. She dries her eyes and asks Luke how she looks?

In a classic Tony adlib he says, "Like the Mona Lisa in labor!" (Genie's face is priceless). They talk again about Laura telling Scotty the truth, Luke tells her to do whatever she needs to do but she is being naive that Scotty will understand. She accuses him of being negative, and in true Tony form he responds that he was the town crier in Pompeii (a town in Italy that was destroyed by a volcanic eruption). She laughs and asks what is she going to do with him? (I think this is more Genie than Laura at trying to keep up with his ad-libs!) They talk about his relationship with Jennifer and she tells him how much she hates seeing him with Jennifer. He seems rather happy to hear this news, though she won't admit to being jealous but she doesn't want to see him marry Jennifer to protect her.

Bobbie and Scotty return from Las Vegas and are dropped off at his apartment. Scotty opens up the results of his bar exam and he passed! He immediately starts calling everyone and they start congregating at their apartment. Laura is less than thrilled to hear Bobbie going on about their trip to Vegas. The next day, Bobbie walks into the disco to find Laura there. She comments that Laura must be there for the same reason she is, that Luke and Jennifer are expected back at any moment from Vegas. She tells Laura that she knows that she is in love with her brother! Laura continues to fume over Bobbie's attention towards Scotty, and burns that Bobbie was with him when he found out he passed the bar.

Laura gives Luke her notice again, he asks for four weeks and it works out to be just before his wedding to Jennifer. He tells Laura that he doesn't want to be married to anyone but her. Luke comments to Bobbie that he knows she tried to seduce Scotty in Vegas. She finally cries and admits she misses Roy, is tired of being alone, that it seems like everyone else has someone. She even says that she is jealous of him marrying Jennifer. She says that yes she has been going after Scotty that he is decent and kind and gentle and if Laura isn't going to take care of her man then she will!

Laura comes home to find Scotty making dinner, flowers, and champagne. He holds her and tells her how much he loves her. Scotty starts kissing her and tells her that he never had any doubts about their marriage working, she seems less than convinced. She tries to break away and asks about dinner, then tells him that she has to work the early shift that night. He says no she doesn't and he calls Luke and tells him that Laura won't be coming into work that night that they are going to have a candlelit dinner to celebrate him passing the bar.

Luke is saddened by the news of them spending a romantic night together; he plays "Rise" and flashes back to the night of the rape, to another night when he kissed her. He screams, "Help me Laura!" He cries with the intensity of his longing and love for her. Later, Bobbie shows up and finds Luke sitting alone in the dark at the bar. He tells Bobbie about the romantic evening Scotty has planned with Laura. She calls him on sitting alone moping, drowning his sorrows so he doesn't have to think about Laura being alone with Scotty. He throws his drink, smashing the glass and Bobbie is instantly sorry for twisting the knife as she sees how upset he is. She tells him he has a lousy temper and is in some mood. She tells him that it hurts her to imagine Scotty being home with Laura.

Jennifer stops by Ruby's to ask about having Laura as her matron of honor? She seems to be probing Ruby about Laura and Luke's feelings towards her. She tells Ruby she has been burned before and wants to be sure that Luke is really over Laura. She tells Ruby about planning on spending the day with Luke, Laura, and Scotty so she can see how they react to each other. Ruby warns her not to that Luke will be furious.

Later, Jennifer comes into the disco. She tells Luke that her father is buying them a sailboat for a wedding present and tells him about inviting Laura, Scotty, and having a little party aboard the boat. The next day, Jennifer and Luke come in and Jennifer tells Laura about the gift of the sailboat. Jennifer invites Laura and Scotty to come out for a sail with them. Jennifer won't take no for an answer.

Later, Laura questions Luke why didn't he put a stop to Jennifer inviting them to the boat? He says it would have made Jennifer suspicious. He asks her what she would have had him say, "Don't invite Laura because I'm in love with her?" Laura warns him not to say that again!

The next day, Laura is upset over her parent's divorce hearing, Scotty holds her and she asks for reassurance that nothing like that will ever happen to them. Luke looks on as Scotty holds Laura.

Frank stops by the disco; Luke thanks him for the sailboat. Frank isn't done though; next he gives him keys to a new house in an upscale area. Luke is quite surprised and grateful. Frank tells him to go out and look at the house and let him know if he likes it. Frank and Luke talk about Luke's place in his business after the marriage. Frank tells him that he will only get what he earns. Luke asks Frank to have Luke only involved in the legitimate aspects of his business. Luke tells Frank that he is concerned about Joe Kelly's investigation into a hit that Frank ordered on Johnny Colby. Frank tells Luke that he can't afford any distractions right now that have a very valuable cargo and he can't afford any slip-ups! Frank tells him that this is the last one that from after this next one all of his shipments will be clean. Frank tells Luke that if Joe gets in the way he will have to be eliminated!

Dvd #3B Luke tells Bobbie that if Joe gets in the way that Frank will have him eliminated. Luke points out that Joe is single now that he has broken up with Anne Logan. He asks her to get closer to Joe. She refuses and says she can't handle getting involved with someone else that might wind up dead! Jennifer invites Bobbie, Laura, the whole Richard Simmons exercise class to go check out their new house and make a party out of it. Laura makes an excuse that she has a class. Luke doesn't let her get away with it as he is in the same class!

Scotty is working with Frank, going over contracts. Frank is very impressed with Scotty's work and tells him that if he continues on that Frank sees good things for his future. Scotty tells Frank about wanting to open an office down on the waterfront, as he also wants to help people on the waterfront who can't afford it. Frank offers him an office rent-free in a space he owns and isn't currently using. They agree to 5% of the profit on a yearly basis, and Frank throws in some used office furniture and a secretary. Scotty is very grateful and Frank assures him that he takes care of those who look after him and play on his team. Frank invites him to go along and see Luke and Jennifer's new house, holding out that such a house is in his future as well.

Scotty arrives and asks Laura if she would like a house like this, maybe in about 20 years? She assures him that a house doesn't matter and leans in to sweetly kiss him, as Luke looks nauseous. They pop a bottle of champagne and as everyone celebrates, Laura pulls away and stands off by herself obviously uncomfortable celebrating Luke and Jennifer's new home. Laura makes an excuse that it's too early in the day to drink and she needs to get to her class.

Luke and Jennifer show up to see Frank, she loves her new home and he is a happy father. Luke asks Frank to take some money out of his paycheck to pay him back the down payment. Frank agrees but tells him the balance has been paid and there is no mortgage that he doesn't want that hanging over their heads. When they are alone, Frank tells Luke that Joe has been assigned to looking into the connection between Mitch Williams and Frank! Luke is greatly disturbed to hear about this investigation.

A pensive Laura sits at school thinking, Luke walks in and sits down by her. Luke calls her on the act she put on with Scotty in front of him earlier, throwing her arms around Scotty and kissing him. He tells her he doesn't believe all of her talk about being happy with Scotty and not needing anything but him. He tells her that he knows her better; that she needs something else, she needs more excitement and she needs things that Scotty can't give her. Luke continues to worry about Joe Kelly. He tells Bobbie that he would like to warn Joe but can't without betraying Frank. Bobbie agrees to help Luke and try to protect Joe by getting closer to him. Luke warns her not to get in too deep with Joe as no matter what they do they might not be able to help Joe and he could wind up dead!

Laura walks into the disco and finds Luke dancing with Leslie. Laura is furious with Luke, she acts the jealous girl friend and tells him, "How dare you!" He tells her to grow up that her mother was sitting alone and he thought she might like to dance. She shakes off her mood and apologizes to him. Later, Luke asks Leslie to dance again and Jennifer notices how unhappy Laura is. Jennifer asks Bobbie why Laura minds Luke dancing with her mother? Laura later accuses Luke of being nasty, he says for what asking her mother to dance? Laura tells Luke that he should only marry Jennifer because he wants her as his wife, not to protect Laura.

She tells him again that she has to get truth back into her marriage and has to tell him the truth. Luke is not happy to hear this and tells her to get out of his office until she has the rest of the receipts. Luke terminates her effective immediately. He pays her for the full four weeks and tells her she isn't to come back and he doesn't want to see her there anymore. He tells her he thinks that he can learn to love Jennifer because she gives. He tells her that Jennifer is honest, open, and direct and doesn't play games and that is the kind of woman he needs, not a little schoolgirl! She swears she won't be coming back and slams out of the door.

Luke gives Leslie a ride home when she has car trouble. Laura is less than happy to see him again so soon. He tells her he is happy to take her home, that it is the last time she will have to spend any alone time with him. On the way home, Luke pulls the car over and tells Laura he needs two minutes to talk to her that he probably won't have any time alone with her in the future. He tells her it is fine if she tells Scotty about him raping her but warns her not to say anything about what she knows or suspects about Frank that she would be putting a lot of people that they both care about in danger, from Luke to Bobbie, Ruby, Scotty, Lee, and herself. She accuses him of being melodramatic.

He can't believe she doesn't understand that if she betrays Frank Smith that it will be a fatal mistake! He gives her permission to tell Scotty everything about him, and if Scotty wants to beat him up he won't fight Scotty and if she wants to press charges, he won't fight her. She is surprised and warns Luke that Scotty will want to kill him. He tells her that is fine, he will be home that night if Scotty wants to come over and have it out with him. She is shocked, but Luke tells her none of that matters, as he can't have her.

Laura wakes Scotty up and tells him that she wants to tell him about the past. She tells him everything but he is sound asleep and didn't hear a word she said. In the morning, he tells her how sorry he is for falling asleep on her the night before. After Scotty leaves for work, Laura tells Luke that she didn't tell Scotty yet; she bites his head off and hangs up on him. Luke tells Bobbie that Laura isn't working at the disco there anymore, and tells her that Laura was going to tell Scotty everything last night but she didn't.

Bobbie's comments about Laura annoy Luke. Bobbie says it sounds like Luke wants Laura to tell Scotty. He says he doesn't care what she tells Scotty as long as she doesn't say anything about Frank Smith. He says he is sick of it as well and will be glad to get it out in the open. Bobbie accuses Luke of wanting something to happen, anything to happen, so that he can't get out of marrying Jennifer. He asks what if she did a correspondence school for obnoxious?

Luke meets up with Laura at school, and she tells him she doesn't want to do the sailing trip. He insists that she goes, she tells him she doesn't care what excuse he makes up but she isn't going and doesn't care what he tells Jennifer. He accuses her of chickening out of telling Scotty. She tells him she tried to tell Scotty but he was really tired and fell asleep. Luke starts laughing sarcastically, he can't believe that while she is telling her husband about the rape that he fell asleep before he heard anything! Luke tells her he is sorry. Laura tells him that she is spending time alone with Scotty later that day and wants to try to tell him again. He begs her not to mess things up for him with Jennifer and asks her again to go sailing with Jennifer.

Laura asks Scotty if he would mind if they cancelled it, he reports that Jennifer is at the office and he had just finished telling Jennifer how much they are looking forward to it. Laura is ticked off at Luke and accuses him of putting Jennifer up to confirming the trip with Scotty. Luke accuses her of being selfish, that both Luke and Scotty are moving up the Smith corporate ladder. He says she wants to unload her guilty conscience so she can feel good and pure again though in the process she will be making Scotty feel angry in the process. Luke disagrees that total honesty is healthy in a marriage.

Jennifer comes into the campus cafeteria in a tither that they misprinted Luke's name as "Luke Spender" on the wedding invitations. Jennifer frets that it will delay the invitations being sent out three days late and that is socially unacceptable. After Jennifer leaves, Laura pokes fun at Jennifer's tizzy. When Brian gives Laura a message that Scotty asks her to pick out an anniversary present for his parents as they are going out to dinner that night. She uses it as an excuse to cancel their date with Jennifer to go sailing.

Laura debates what and how to tell Scotty about the rape. Luke starts questioning her how is she going to explain becoming friends with Luke and inviting him to their parties, how she lied to Scotty and told him it happened in the park. She says that her husband loves her and he will believe anything she tells him. Luke tells her not to treat her husband like a fool, he is a grown man and not a little boy and Luke expects Scotty to be furious. Luke tells her if she needs anything to call him, he seems worried about how Scotty will react. Laura seems shaken as the reality of what she is about to tell her husband sets in.

At home later that night, Laura realizes that this isn't the best time to tell him since they are going out to dinner for his parent's anniversary. She calls Luke to let him know that she didn't tell Scotty yet but that her and Scotty are going to take a day off together sometime during the next week and spend the day together at the beach and she will tell him then.

Luke complains bitterly to Bobbie about how possessive Jennifer is. He refers to their upcoming wedding as his "execution". Luke tells Bobbie about the big fight he had with Jennifer the night before. Scotty takes Laura to the beach and tries to get her to open up about what happened. He points out that they are in a very isolated place and asks her to make love. She avoids that and tells him they came here for a "serious talk". He asks her to trust him and tell him the truth, she is obviously afraid. He hints that if she had ID the right man, the man who raped her that she would no longer be afraid, that would be behind her.

Laura says that sometimes she just wants to leave Port Charles. He refuses and points out all of the reasons for them to stay, his work, both of their families. He points out that she has a history of running away and he won't let her do it. He asks her again to tell him the truth that the truth will set her free. She does admit there is more she hasn't told him. She gets angry when he talks about his work with Frank as being full of opportunity and refuses to talk anymore about it.

Laura calls Luke and tells him that she didn't tell Scotty yet. He gets angry and asks how long is he going to have to hang on by his thumbnails waiting for her to tell Scotty? When she tells him about Scotty's refusal to move away, he agrees with Scotty that it is running away and asks if she is running from him? He then slams down the phone. Jennifer comes in and overhears his conversation; she overhears his conversation with Laura. She apologizes for last night and he tells her he doesn't need any apologies.

He goes onto tell her he won't be manipulated and if she thinks that is what marriage is like then she can forget it. She can go to her dad and tell him everything. He says he was only trying to protect her. He tells her not to try to own him that if she does he will walk out of her life so fast it will "make your diamonds spin!" He tells her nobody every has and nobody every will. After he walks away she says, "Nobody except Laura that is".

Laura stops to see Luke at the school cafeteria. She tells him she doesn't appreciate him hanging up on her. He says he thinks she is really upset at herself for not telling Scotty the truth. She is worried about Scotty's involvement with Frank and ask Luke to get Scotty out of it. He says he can't, that he agreed to marry Jennifer to protect Laura but he can't draw any more suspicion by trying to help Scotty. She says if he won't help her then she will go to Lee and tell him everything. Luke tells her he can't do that!

Luke goes to see Bobbie and tells her about Laura talking about going to Lee. She realizes how dangerous this will be for Luke, and if Laura tells Scotty the entire truth about the rape and Frank Smith that it could get Luke killed. Luke tells Bobbie that he has to convince Laura that she is in love with him, that way if she decides to tell him the whole truth that he would also have to tell Scotty that she loves Luke. Bobbie thinks he is crazy, but he thinks that this might stop Laura from telling Scotty everything or she might leave Scott.

He says if she does tell Scotty that he is liable to tell anyone, Joe Kelly, Lee, ect and he can't have this in the next two weeks because of a big shipment coming in. Bobbie asks Luke what will he do if Laura leaves her husband for him, what about Jennifer? He snorts, as if. Bobbie tells him that he isn't doing this for any other reason than to try to get Laura, this plan isn't about protecting Luke or his family, its all about his obsession with Laura and its going to get them all killed!

Bobbie heads over and tells Ruby about Luke's plan. Luke later shows up and he realizes that Bobbie has told Ruby. Luke claims he is afraid for his family. Ruby says he is afraid but it is not about them, it's about his upcoming marriage to Jennifer, she senses that is what is getting him down. He admits that he is dreading it, as it will mean the end to any possibility of a future with Laura. He tells Ruby that Laura is the only woman he has ever loved, that he has loved her since he first saw her. Luke tells Ruby about the time Laura thought she might be pregnant with his child, that he knew she wouldn't have an abortion and he knew she would wind up leaving Scotty. Ruby reminds him that it didn't happen, that she wasn't pregnant and she didn't leave Scotty.

Luke calls Bobbie and tells her to come to the office. He tells her that he has arranged for Jennifer's car to go into the shop for repair, so Jennifer will have to take a cab for the bridal dress fitting. He continues that he will call Scotty to pick up Jennifer from her fitting. Scotty has arranged to take Laura sailing, but instead Luke will pick up Laura from school and he will take her to the boat. Meanwhile, he needs Bobbie to delay Jennifer for a couple of hours at the fitting. Bobbie initially refuses to help but Luke won't take no for an answer.

She asks him again if it was rape? He says he honestly doesn't know. He asked her to dance and she agreed and he thought she responded that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He tells her that something snapped within him and her took her brutally and the next thing he knew, she was crying and she ran away from him. Very earnestly he begs her not to turn away from him, that he is in such need. Even though she can't stand the thought of him being with Laura, she can't stand to see the ache in his eyes and agrees to help him, she points out she has never let him down yet!

Bobbie is successful at delaying Jennifer with comments about the length of her dress, requiring a new fitting, suggestions for flowers for the bridesmaid's hair necessitating a trip to the florist. Bobbie calls Luke and tells him all systems are go and he can pick up Laura. First though he lets the air out of Scott's tire while he waits at the dressmakers, then heads off to pick up Laura. He takes her to the sailboat, and tells her that Jennifer had a fitting and must have been held up. He tells her that Scotty is going to pick Jenn up and they should be there soon.

He is surprised why she accepted the invitation to go sailing with Jennifer and Luke? She says she couldn't continue to turn down Jennifer's invitation without creating suspicion. When Bobbie, Jenn and Scotty come out to the car they are further delayed by the flat tire giving Luke plenty of time alone with Laura. Bobbie further complicates Scott's life by hiding the tire iron in a nearby bush when he isn't looking.

On the boat, Laura starts to worry about Scotty and Jennifer and what is keeping them so long. Luke offers to go find a phone and make some calls. On his way out, he secretly locks the door to the deck and they are stuck on the boat alone. He pretends surprise and frustration over the suddenly locked door. He is sure that Jennifer will have a key when she gets there. He makes himself at home and offers her a drink. He complains that Jennifer is a stickler and she is probably torturing the dressmaker. He laments having to marry her but tells her there is no way out, but he is committed to it. He tells her there is no romance in this marriage but it's too late to go back.

Luke reminds her that there is no way out if she goes to Scotty or Lee about the organization. He stares at her intensely and she turns away and tells him not to look at her like that. He tells her this is the last time they will be together alone. He asks her to dance; she says no that she doesn't want him to touch her. He asks her if she is afraid of him? She says no. He asks her again to dance with him, holding her close and looking at her intently. He pulls her close, very close, almost kissing her. She pulls away and desperately says she needs to get out of there.

She urgently starts shaking the door saying she has to get out of there. He pulls her towards him and kisses her. She slaps him. He comments that she doesn't have to do that, she can just tell him that she doesn't want him to kiss her as much as he wants her to kiss him. She says she hates him. He tells her she can't run like she did the night that he kissed her in his office, or when she ran to the park and collapsed the night they made love (huh? okay writers decided not to kill Luke off and so began to rewrite history).

She says she doesn't want to think of that night. He accuses her of not wanting to remember the truth. He says all of the times she talks to him about school its an excuse, her working late at the disco is only an excuse for her to be near him. He asks her if when she thinks about him marrying Jennifer, about him making love to Jennifer that it makes her want to scream. He asks her if there are nights that she is laying in bed next to Scotty and turns over and touches him and wishes she was touching Luke that Luke was holding her and making love to her. He asks if that precious truth that is so important to her if that doesn't tell her that she is in love with him?

He assures her that he won't touch her unless she wants him to. He tells her she has to say the words, "I love you", and again he says, "I love you. I want to hold you in my arms." He pulls her in and kisses her and she kisses him back! He tells her he wants her, she says no please. He asks her to tell him that she wants him too, and tells her over and over again that he loves her and wants her. When she says please, he asks, "Please, what? Please make love to you?" He asks her to tell him that she wants him to make love to her and she does!

He lays her down on the bed and continues kissing her. He pulls away, stands up and gives her the key to the door. She flies at him in a rage, hitting him and tells him she hates him! He tells her now she can go tell Scotty that night at the disco was rape. He says he knows what happened when they kissed, he was with her. She tells him that she will not destroy her marriage to Scotty for a few minutes with Luke.

He holds her face in his hands and asks her to tell him that she doesn't feel it when he touches her. She admits she does, that there is some kind of magnetism between them. He says he just wanted to force her to deal with it and he thinks she has. She tells him his little plan backfired that she is going to immediately leave and go straight to Scotty and Lee and tell them all about Frank Smith! Just then, Scotty and Jennifer and Claudia and Brian all show up.

Laura asks what took them so long and Scotty regales all of his delays, trouble at the dressmaker. Laura looks at Luke suspiciously and when Scotty gets to the part about the flat tire, she glares at Luke. She tells them she really doesn't want to go sailing and has a headache and would prefer to go home. Scotty cajoles her into staying that after the day he has, he deserves to be able to go sailing.

Later, Scotty takes her below deck, turns on the radio (of course "Rise" is playing) and takes her in his arms to dance. She refuses and starts yelling at him that she has a headache and demands to go home.

Later, Luke tells Bobbie that his plan was successful that Laura admitted to loving him.

The next day, Laura denies to Luke that she loves him. She tells him how painful this is and he tells her he does know as he has been living with this pain for a LONG time! She starts crying. He wants to talk about what happened on the boat. She is ashamed and embarrassed, that she has a terrible need for him. She tells him she plans on spending the rest of her life with Scotty. She is determined to be faithful to him and she will never be alone with Luke again. He tells her he will try to honor her wishes and will try to stay away from her. He says he can't imagine being married to any other woman but her and yells at her, "Laura what have you done to me?" He storms out of the disco.

Dvd #3C 6/18 Luke is sitting alone in the park, and Laura comes up to him and sits down next to him. She says he shouldn't have run out of there. She says she lays awake at night wondering if it was really rape, or if she really did want him. She tells him that what happened on the boat yesterday affected her very deeply, more than she can say. She begs him to stay away from her, that she loves her husband and her and Luke aren't meant to be together. She tells him to marry Jennifer, to make a life with her and not to try to be any part of Laura's. He promises he will try, that he doesn't want her to be miserable. He says now that he knows where he stands with her that maybe that will be enough. He tells her that he doesn't think Frank will let him out of marrying Jennifer. He tells her that he dreams of running away with Laura.

Luke gets a phone call that the organization is all over the Las Vegas disco, and the manager that Frank put in there has a record and is part of the organization. Luke is furious with Frank and he says he is going to confront Frank about trying to suck him into the organization. When Luke heads into the office to get the books, Bobbie calls Ruby. Ruby heads right over but Luke won't listen to either of them.

Luke confronts Frank and yells at him! He accuses Frank of lying to him, that Frank had promised that any business Luke did for him would be clean and not part of the organization. He demands that Frank clean up the disco in Las Vegas and be straight with him from now on or Luke wants out, all the way out of the disco, out of the organization, out of the marriage to Jennifer! He promises Luke that he didn't lie to him that any part of his business that Luke is involved with will be clean.

He swears he had no knowledge about anything going on in Las Vegas that wasn't clean, that Bill Watson hired the new manager. He says he will fire the manager and Luke can hire anyone he wants and says ominously that this will be Bill's last mistake. Luke demands a legal document stating what part of Frank's empire he will get, to be given to him the day of his wedding to Jennifer, before the ceremony. Luke is left waiting in Frank's office; he gets bored and starts looking around. He finds a piece of paper that says to, "Mark it in the black book."

Jennifer is having a couple's bridal shower; Luke calls in his excuses and uses the opportunity to break into Frank's office to look for the black book. He is almost caught by a security guard but gets away. Luke realizes he has been followed (and uses this to cover what he didn't show for the shower). They all go to the disco after the shower, while Jennifer and Laura are sitting alone at a table, Jennifer asks Laura if she is in love with Luke? The rest of the group comes up to the table and save Laura from having to answer that question. She later tells Jennifer that she loves Scotty with all of her heart; he is her husband and asks Jennifer to never bring that subject up again.

Luke and Frank talk about who might be following Luke. Luke accuses Frank of putting the tail on him; Frank denies it (actually it was Joe Kelly). Luke asks Frank what is going on with this South America deal, what is it all about? Frank suggests that it will be safer for Luke if he doesn't know. Luke points out that he is going to his son-in-law and Frank doesn't need to shield him. Frank searches the office for bugs, and when he finds it clean, he tells Luke that the shipment is cocaine.

Leslie comes into the disco by herself and starts dancing with a young guy. Laura gets indignant and upset as she watches Leslie drinking and having a good time with a young cute guy. She calls her father and tells him about Leslie's behavior. Scotty arrives with Bobbie and Laura plays the indignant wife. She stalls on leaving, as she doesn't want to leave her mother alone. He won't take no for an answer and whisks her out of there.

Rick shows up later and breaks up Leslie's fun. Her young cutie falls on his face when he makes a move towards Rick, he tries to get up and go after Rick but Luke grabs him and throws him out of the disco. Luke promises Rick that he won't allow that guy back in his disco, that if he had seen the guy bothering Leslie he would have stopped it (though don't think she was being bothered by his attention! ).

Bobbie laughs about Leslie's behavior and Luke snaps at her, that he understands that Leslie was in pain and he understands that kind of pain. Luke comments that he thought it was pretty cool when Rick came in and went all "John Wayne, storm trooping the place, six guns blazing, busting the place up." He thinks Rick still loves Leslie and just doesn't know it.

The next morning, Scotty wakes Laura up with passionate kisses. She is responding to him, half asleep, and she seems surprised when she wakes up and finds she is in bed with her husband (obviously she was thinking of Luke). He seems surprised by her passion and he wants to call in sick to work and stay in bed with her. He continues to try to kiss her, though she is trying to evade him. She uses her mother as an excuse though Scotty isn't buying that one and pulls her back down to bed. The phone rings and Laura reaches to answer it, Scotty tries to stop her but Laura insists. It's Amy, who needs help with Leslie who is suffering from a terrible hangover. She immediately gets out of bed to head over to Leslie's.

Luke gives Scotty a contract to look over, he comments on what a great job Luke has done with the disco. Luke says he does his best to keep the place clean. Scotty brings up Leslie the night before, and reports that she has a pretty bad hangover. Luke says in his experience when that happens it is usually because you're hung up on someone. Scotty agrees that Leslie is still in love with Rick and hasn't gotten over the divorce.

Laura talks to Rick and tells him about her feelings for the other man, about how close she came. He wants to know what she is going to do about it? She insists that she will never be alone with him again. He suggests she can face it honestly and asks her if she is afraid of what the truth might be? He tells her he has been there himself with the Monica and Leslie situation. He asks if she is in love with the man (obviously not knowing it is Luke), she breaks down on his shoulder and begins to cry.

Luke shows up with flowers for Leslie. Rick thanks Luke for his help last night and appreciates how he handles things. Rick reports that Leslie is more embarrassed than anything this morning. As soon as Rick leaves, Laura turns on him and demands to know why he is there? She says she is sick and tired of running into him everywhere she goes. She begs him to stay away from her. He says he isn't going to live his life trying to avoid her and she responds that she hates him. He doesn't believe her. Luke leaves soon after Scotty arrives.

Laura tells Scotty again that she wants to move out of PC, that she has bad memories here, of David Hamilton, of the rape. He tells her those memories will go with her. He reminds her how much her mother needs her and he isn't going to leave her, or leave his business. Richard Simmons tells his exercise class that Frank Smith is going to throw a big party at the disco for the Fourth of July. Luke tells Laura that he has to choose a best man, and that Jennifer and Frank will be pushing for Scotty. Laura tells him that no way will Scotty be his best man! He seems amused by this and tells her he is glad to hear her say it, he is pleased by her strong reaction.

Frank tells Luke that Bill Watson has been killed in a fishing accident (this is the guy who was running Luke's Las Vegas disco, the guy he complained to Frank about). Frank suggests that Luke invite Joe Kelly to be his best man. Luke is quite surprised but Frank points out that this way they can keep an eye out for Joe. Joe, meanwhile, is telling Bobbie then Laura about Bill's death. Frank walks in and Joe asks how is it that Frank knows about Bill's death when they haven't even found a body. Joe is beyond shocked when Frank suggests that he be Luke's best man, he can't quite figure out what they are up to but seems happy at the possibility of being able to keep close to them. Luke feels responsible for Bill's death, as he had blamed Bill for hiring the mob guy.

Luke and Laura talk, she is worried that one day he might wind up like Bill. He tells her that Smith had Bill killed because Bill made too many mistakes. He tells her he feels responsible for Bill's death. He tells her about confronting Smith about Bill and that he accused Smith about lying. Laura tells him it wasn't his fault, Luke says it is as much as if he had pulled the trigger himself. She convinces him that he couldn't have stopped Smith from killing Bill.

Laura asks if Luke could ever kill anyone or order a hit on anyone? He says he doesn't know. Laura is shocked as this isn't the response she was expecting. He says power corrupts and he says he just hope he doesn't make some fatal mistake and wind up fishing with Billy Watson. She realizes that once he marries Jennifer there is no way out. He agrees but says since she keeps telling him that he can't have what he wants, who cares?

Laura thinks about kissing Luke on the sailboat. She meets with Gail for lunch and is desperate to save her marriage and tries to get Gail on her side for moving out of town. Gail encourages her that she needs to talk to Scotty. Luke goes to see Bobbie and tells her he picked up a private phone in Smith's office and overheard some things he shouldn't have. Luke tells Bobbie about his search for the black book, he tells her he needs it as an insurance policy (a life insurance policy) before he marries Jennifer. He tells her that the best time to search Smith's office again will be on 4th of July.

He tells her about looking for the black book. He is afraid of becoming fish food with him. She assures him that Mr. Smith will not do anything to hurt his own son-in-law. Luke tells her she is dreaming that Bill had been with Smith for years, he made one mistake and he was sent to Vegas, and another mistake and he was sent to the bottom of Lake Mead. Luke tells her he has to do this for his own safety, and for her and Ruby. He won't tell her what he thinks is in the black book, but he will need her help.

Luke confronts Smith again. He asks him point blank how secure is Luke's safety? What if the order came down to eliminate Luke, would Smith put out a hit on him? He tells Luke that if he keeps his nose clean and stays out of things that don't concern him that he would be fine, basically tells him to mind his own business. Luke insists on getting a written contract of Luke's duties within the organization that it will be limited to strictly legal activities. Luke later meets with Bobbie and tells her he needs the insurance more than ever.

On the Fourth of July, the gang are putting up decorations in the park. Laura is quiet and moody, sitting off by herself. When everyone goes out for pizza, Laura stays behind by herself. Luke sits down and asks her what is going on? She admits to being thrown by Bill's death but even more so she has had a reoccurring nightmare that Bill's body is found but when it is turned over it is not him but Luke!

A sad Laura goes to see Leslie; Leslie mentions that Laura and Scotty's anniversary is coming up. Laura doesn't want to plan any celebration, and tells Leslie that her and Scotty fight all of the time. She tells Leslie that she has feelings towards another man and she has tried to fight it but is having trouble continuing to do so. Laura tells Leslie about wanting to move away, she too sees this as a pattern of Laura wanting to run away. Leslie tells Laura not to be too hard on herself, an attraction for someone else is not unusual but if she has deceived Scotty that is a different issue (keep in mind that Leslie's marriage to Rick had broken up around this time after he had an affair with Monica).

Luke is disturbed when he finds Smith very shaken. He has learned from Mitch that there is a senate committee on illegal drugs and they know about the shipment coming in. Luke advises Smith to ditch the operation, Smith says he can't that he has a commitment that he has to honor. He swears this is the end of the old operation. Laura arrives at the disco in quite a snarky mood. She is not happy to find Scotty dancing with Bobbie. She insists that they go home. Everyone wants to know what the problem is? Laura pleads another headache and insists they go home. Scotty snarks back that maybe she should find some aspirin, as he isn't in the going home mood! Laura fumes as she watches Bobbie and Scotty dance. She tells him she is going home, with or without him! He resents having to leave but reluctantly says they will go home together.

Fourth of July, Laura wakes up grumpy, and Scotty makes comments on theirs being a marriage made in heaven that has gone straight to hell. He suggests that they go away somewhere romantic for their anniversary. Laura asks if he has forgotten that Jennifer's wedding is the day after their anniversary? He had forgotten that the dates are so close together and says he can't back out of being a wedding usher; he can't afford to offend Frank.

All she wants to do is escape from Port Charles. He wants to leave early for a meeting with Frank Smith. Laura isn't ready to go, as she is finishing up some food preparation. He and Laura begin yelling at each other, he says she doesn't care about anything but moving away from Port Charles. Lee and Gail arrive to hear them yelling. Lee is concerned and Scotty tells his father how inconsiderate Laura is.     

Luke meets Bobbie and tells her his plan. During the firework display, he will be wearing a jumpsuit, goggles, ect and he has an identical outfit for her. He plans on saying a few words, then going back to set off the fireworks. She will take his place, and he has written out all of the instructions she will need in order to do the firework display. Bobbie is shocked but Luke assures her he knows she can do this! He tells her to study his instructions all afternoon and he will go over it with her before he leaves.     

At the picnic, everyone starts arriving. Joe Kelly offers to help Luke set up the fireworks; he tells him that he is very good at exploding things. He points out that if he and Luke team up that they could set up some fireworks that would have the people of Port Charles talking for quite awhile. Lots of picnic fun, with a horseshoe competition, tug of war. Laura complains to her father about her marriage. She tells him she has a panicky feeling that if she doesn't get out of Port Charles that something terrible will happen. She is upset that Scotty is putting Jennifer's wedding above their anniversary.

Rick points out that it would be quite rude to back out of his commitment to the wedding at this late date and that Frank Smith is the biggest client that Lee and Scotty have ever had. Scotty comes up with ice cream bars, Laura refuses and stomps off. Rick tells Scotty that a wedding anniversary is a big deal to a woman and he suggests that Scotty makes plans to celebrate even if it's only for one day. Laura tells Leslie that her and Scotty are angry at each other all of the time.     

Steve Hardy takes a few minutes to announce that enough money has been raised to make the improvements on the children's ward. Frank Smith announces that ground will be broken in the next month for the new Jennifer Smith Spencer wing that will make it the teaching hospital that Steve Hardy has always envisioned. While Luke is setting up the fireworks, Joe Kelly comes by and talks to Luke about working for Frank Smith. He subtly warns him to watch himself or he might have a fishing accident. Luke asks what he means by that? He points out that Bill Watson was a Frank Smith employee as well. Luke assures Joe that he will stay away from Lake Mead.     

Bobbie arrives and meets Luke at the firework display. She complains about having to lie about being sick and missing the whole picnic. He tells her that Joe Kelly has been hanging around him all day. Bobbie worries that Joe might come up to try to help Luke with the fireworks. He says that Ruby is going to put Joe to work handing out pie or something to keep him busy. Scotty tells Frank that he can't make Luke's bachelor party, as that night is his first anniversary. Frank completely understands, as Scotty walks away, Frank comments to Lee and Gail that Scotty is a wonderful young man and if he hadn't already been married that he would have picked him for Jennifer!     

Jennifer and Joe come up to Luke just before the firework display and insist on helping him. Luke makes a big deal about how dangerous it is, with the sparks and all and that is why he is wearing the helmet and goggles. He convinces Joe to take Jennifer somewhere safer to watch the firework display and let him do his work. Luke confers with Bobbie, she is all set with her helmet and goggles and he tells her to think taller.

Joe comes up again, and Luke pushes her into the bushes. He is getting very frustrated with Joe's continual presence and orders him to leave so Luke can do his work! Ruby comes up and insists the Joe come and help her serve pie and watermelon. He is resistant, but she about pulls his arm out of his socket, and tells him she won't take no for an answer and reminds him its for charity. With Joe finally safely away, Luke announces the firework display, then switches places with Bobbie. She takes over and Luke takes off, he is headed to search Frank Smith's office.     

Scotty and Laura sit together watching the fireworks. He tells her he is not going to Luke's bachelor party the night before the wedding, and suggests that they go up to Toronto and have a romantic stay the night before their anniversary. Laura hugs him, seemingly relieved to get out of Port Charles even for a night. They both apologize to each other for their tempers that morning. They agree to no more fighting. Laura tells him she worries that with all of the fighting they have been doing that they might get so far away from each other that they might not find their love again.     

Luke spends quite a bit of time searching for the black book, time is running out and he is becoming desperate. He finds it and takes pictures of the pages with his little spy camera. Meanwhile, Bobbie is doing a great job with the firework display and everyone seems to be very much enjoying her work. Ruby continues to keep Joe busy, now with throwing away trash. He looks at her suspiciously. Luke however gets back just in the nick of time to take credit for the firework display! Joe shows up and Luke asks him where he has been? He points out he thought Joe was going to help him! Joe looks at him flabbergasted!     

Luke plans on using the black book that he stole from Frank Smith to use as leverage to stay clean and not get involved in the drug side of Frank's business. Luke tells Bobbie and Ruby about the information he found in the black book. Bobbie is critical that Luke risked everything for some figures and notes that he doesn't understand the meaning behind. Luke is also determined to try and make his upcoming marriage to Jennifer work. Ruby is very concerned that Luke plans on blackmailing Frank in order to stay clean and stay out of the drug business.     

The day before Luke's wedding, Luke takes Jennifer out to lunch to celebrate their nuptials. Luke tells Bobbie earlier how very determined he is to make this marriage work. It is also Laura's anniversary. She is busy packing, trying to decide what dress to take with her, asking Scotty's opinion. He unfortunately has to go into work and Frank tells him about some urgent case that needs immediate filing or it will cost the company millions. He tells Scotty he is terribly sorry but Lee is in court so needs Scotty's services. Scotty calls Laura and breaks the news to her. She is very understanding, and even offers to make a quiet romantic dinner in their apartment, he tells her she is the best wife in the world. This request will cost Frank Smith dearly.     

This leaves Laura time, and she re-reads Luke's Christmas letter to her, freeing her of the past, releasing her to go back to Scotty and her marriage. Laura sits down to write a letter to Luke in an attempt to free him on his wedding day. She writes that since the night he raped her that their lives have been tied together by all of the lies they have had to tell. She admits that she has been holding onto the bond between them but is ready to let him go out of her life once and for all. She closes that she hopes he has a happy life with Jennifer and she will always have a special place in her heart.

Scotty comes in interrupting her, he had to come home and tell her how very sorry he is that he had to cancel their plans. Laura is again very understanding, telling him she doesn't need any fancy trips to Niagara Falls, she only needs him.     

Scotty comes home quite a bit later and Laura is not quite so understanding now as dinner is ruined, she points out that he could have called! He apologizes profusely, and Laura seems understanding again still desperately trying to make an effort. She hands him his anniversary gift, and he sheepishly admits that he has no gift for her, no card, no flowers, nothing. As this lack of effort on his part slowly dawns on her, her eyes begin to glitter with hurt and anger. Scotty fumbles for an excuse, he stopped by the jewelers but didn't know what she would like, but he meant to go back. She is angry that he didn't even stop on his way home for a card, didn't bother to call that he was going to be so late. There is a cold finality in her words as she says, "It didn't take long for the romance to go out of our marriage!" She goes into her room and locks the door behind her.     

That night Luke dreams of marrying Laura, it is very sweet, just like her wedding to Scotty that he witnessed only this time Luke is the groom. Meanwhile, Laura is also thinking about being with Luke. Her thoughts aren't quite as pure as she remembers the steamy moments aboard the sailboat as she admits to Luke how much she wants to be with him. She goes to her desk and sits down and finishes her letter to Luke and closes "With my love, Laura".  

Bobbie calls Luke and wakes him up. She wonders if he is going to cop out, that this is the time? Laura calls Luke, reaching out to him one last time. Luke snaps up the phone thinking its Bobbie again. As soon as he hears her voice, a soft smile breaks out across his face. Laura tells him she just wanted to wish him luck. Then she tells him that she wrote a letter to him, and she would like him to read it before his wedding, that it might help end the strange relationship between them. He agrees but tells her it won't help, that he will always be in love with her.     

Jennifer calls Luke, and there is a stark contrast in the look on his face while he is talking to Jennifer. His is face is sadly resigned, almost bored while she glows about their wedding plans (Tony shows hi acting gifts as his performances in these scenes are very subtly but distinctly illustrate to the viewer Luke's differing feelings for these two ladies). Joe Kelly breaks the mood when he shows up at the door bearing a thermos of coffee (these two are becoming quite funny together). Joe surprises Luke when he says he plans on trying on talking Luke out of showing up for his wedding.

While Luke is shaving, Joe starts searching Luke's apartment. Joe points out the rumors about Frank's activities and points out they just haven't been able to prove anything. Luke catches Joe going through his pants pockets. He says he is just doing the grooms job looking for the ring. Luke obviously doesn't believe him and suggest he go back and check the bookcase, pointing out that he has already looked in there and then sarcastically describes what a wedding ring box looks like.     

Scotty comes into the room with an attitude towards Laura; he is acting like the angry injured party (huh? This is the guy who blew off their anniversary plans, then didn't bother to bring flowers, a card, no gift and he's angry?). Laura tells him she isn't feeling well and he will have to go to the wedding without her. He tells her to grow up and stop making excuses and she will be going to the wedding with her and that is final! (Again huh? Guess they had to make Scotty as unlikable as possible given the storyline to come).     

Amy and Leslie arrive at Laura's; she pleads ill and says she isn't going to the wedding. Scotty comes out yelling at her that she is going to the wedding! She slams out of the room; Leslie realizing trouble between them follows Laura.

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