Bo & Hope #9  November 29, 1984 - January 24 , 1985 - 8 hours

#9A  Shane sets up a meeting with Bo. Bo is put off by Hope's butler, till he explains that the is ISA and worked with Roman. Bo gives him grief that Shane wasn't there to help Roman and he died while Shane was safe and sound. Shane asks to help him get Stefano and tells him he needs his help. Bo tells him to leave him alone. Shane questions why he doesn't want to avenge his brother's death? Bo assures him that he wants Stefano dead! Shane tells him that he may get his wish, that Stefano has a brain tumor and needs all three prisms to be treated or he will die a natural death. Shane wants Bo to go with him to New Orleans to try to retrieve the remaining prism. Bo turns him down as he has to go home and see his parents and his sister in the wake of Roman's death. Shane assures him that Kimberly is strong and his parents are strong. Shane is disapointed that he can't change Bo's mind and tells Bo he has arranged for his flight back to Salem.

Meanwhile, the rest of the survivors arrive home. They are greated by a full airport full of well wishers, friends, family, and tons of press. As they walk through the terminal, there is loud applause and cheers. Hope is annoyed when she sees Megan there waiting, presumably for Bo. Larry shows up and brings a bouquet of roses for Hope and poses with her as the loving husband for the press. Hope tells Larry if he doesn't take his hands off of her that she will scream! She sees the Brady's and gives them big hugs and tells them how sorry she is about Roman. They tell her they know about her and Bo and they deserve to be together after everything they have been through. Her grandparents tell her that they filled the Brady's in. Hope tells them that her and Bo are going to be together now.  When a reporter asks to interview Hope, the wife of the Lt. Governor Elect, she is furious to learn that he won the election and expects her to go back to being his wife.

Bo arrives and everyone is thrilled to see him. When Megan rushes into his arms, Hope has had it. She heads to the podium and tells the press that she was never pregnant, her marriage is a farce, that her and Larry aren't in love and they were forced into being married by the Cartel that Stefano was the head of. She announces she loves Bo Brady and they will be married as soon as the ink is dried on her divorce papers. Bo is upset over her announcement. Megan confronts Hope and tells her she is dreaming, that Bo is in love with Megan.  Megan tells Hope that her and Bo have a child together. Hope scoffs that Zachary is not even Megan's child, but Diane's. She then informs Megan that Diane is still alive. She continues that Max was part of the Cartel and asks if Megan also knew about it? Bo wants to know what Hope is thinking by doing this? She tells him they agreed that they were going to be together, and get married. Bo bursts that bubble when he tells her he can't be close to anyone right now. Megan vows revenge against Hope and is glad Honeycut didn't kill her on the island, so Megan can now have the pleasure!

Bo goes to see Marlena. She runs into his arms and sobs. He tells her how sorry he is. She tells him not to blame himself for this, she knows he did what he could. Bo regrets leaving Roman alone on the beach after he died. Marlena doesn't understand why Bo left Roman's body. He tells her that he left Roman to go after Stefano and when he returned, Roman's body was gone, washed out to sea. Marlena finally lets loose, not only over his death, but over losing his body and not being able to say her goodbye's to him.  She cries in her grief and rushes upstairs. Hope shows up to see Marlena. Hope apologizes to Bo, and agrees that she should have waited to talk to Bo before making any announcements. She was just so angry at Larry thinking she was going to resume being his wife, that she lost her head. She asks Bo if he still feels the same about her? He says he doesn't feel the same about himself. He is reeling over Roman's death, that he came to the island to save them. Hope tells Bo that he made her promises on the island and she has waited a long time for him. Bo accuses her of being selfish, and tells her to just leave him alone. A distraught Bo rides off on his motorcycle.

Mrs. H arrives and Hope confides everything to her grandmother. Alice is reassuring that Bo is hurting and just needs time, that he will come back. Hope cries that they were going to be married. Alice assures her that they will be married, it will happen. Hope worries that she pushed him too far and may have lost him. Mrs. H doesn't believe that, and takes her home for triple marshmellow hot chocolate. A couple of mornings later, Alice tells Hope that Bo never returned home and has been gone for two days. Hope has resumed her faith that Bo will come around after he has had time to deal with Roman's death. Hope tells her grandmother she wants to pick up her things and move out of her apartment with Larry. Honeycutt has retrieved the second prism and shows it to a triumphant Megan. Bo returns home and finds Diane waiting to see him. She is relieved he is home and desperate to get her son back and moans that Megan won't even let her see him.  When they arrive, Megan tries to hang onto Bo. She insists that Zachary is hers legally and he can still be Bo's son. Bo tells her that he has been onto her game from the start and only put up with her to protect Zach. Megan threatens Diane and Bo with kidnapping charges if they take Zack. She tells them that they court will never give custody to a hooker.

Alice leaves Hope alone in her apartment, and Larry comes in and confronts Hope. He gets nasty, throws something, and looks like he could get violent over what Hope has cost him. Alice charges in, steps in front of Hope to protect her and tells Larry off for everything he has put Hope through. He tells her to mind her own business, and calls her an "old busy body" and she hauls off and slaps him (I mean she REALLY decks him). She tells him to leave or she will call the police. He leaves but not before threathing revenge against Hope!

Bo runs into Marlena at Shenanigan's and she tells him how worried everyone who cares about him is, Kimberly, Howie, ect. (He hasn't been seen in town for two days). Marlena asks if he is going to attend Roman's wake? Bo is non-committal but doesn't sound too eager. Marlena goes to the Horton's and fills Hope in on having run into Bo. She doesn't think Bo will attend the wake. Hope believes that he will and is very positive about her future, now that she is rid of Larry. Bo calls Hope and tells her that he needs to talk to her. She is so relieved to hear from him. She says she will wait for him and they can go to the wake together. He tells her that he isn't going. He calls his mother and tells her that he isn't going. She tells Kim about her conversation with Bo and heads out to see him, to convince him to go.  Bo takes off his shirt, cranks the music, and starts taking out his aggression on his punching bag.  Caroline visits Bo in hopes of changing his mind about coming to the wake. Caroline pleads that this is the day to remember Roman and he can never do this day over. She tells him that she needs him there, that Bo's dad needs him more than anyone. He insists he isn't going and asks her not to pressure him. She demands that they need him there, that if he doesn't show up it will kill his father, and does he want to see his father die too? She immediately regrets how that sounds and leaves.

Bo heads over to talk to Hope. He confides that everyone is putting pressure on him, everyone wants something from him, Diane, Megan, his family. Hope tries to be helpful by looking towards their future. She thinks planning for them to get married is a positive thing, but it is just an additional pressure. He can't even think about five minutes from now let alone walking down the aisle. Hope thinks Bo blames her for Roman's death, because he was saving her life on the yacht. She yells that she was also fighting for her life that day and he did save her. Bo is annoyed that for always thinking about herself, that it is always about her. Overwhelmed, he tells her this conversation is stupid and storms out. A devastated Hope cries.

Bo makes a surprising appearence at Roman's wake. His pop is thrilled to see him and gives him a huge hug. Caroline apologizes to Bo for what she said earlier, that it came out wrong. He assures her it is fine and says he is sorry to her as well. Shawn puts pressure on Bo by saying he is the man of the family now and will make sure all of the Brady's are okay, that is what Roman would have done. After everyone leaves, Bo stays behind to talk to Marlena. He tells her about all of the pressure that Hope is putting on him. He tells her he can't commit to Hope as he has to go after Stefano. Marlena tells him that he needs to be here for the family, that he has to take care of the things Roman loved not the things that Roman hated. Later, Hope arrives to see Bo. They both trip over their apologies to each other. She wants to know if he still loves her and he says he does. She just wants reassurance that they will be together someday. That triggers another reaction from Bo who doesn't want to be pressured about the future. He tells her he hasn't figured out what he is going to do. She just wants to help. He insists when he figures out what he is going to do that he is going to do it alone! She sadly tells him that he can go his way, and she will go hers. After all, it will take time for her to get her divorce from Larry. She looks at him with tear filled eyes and tells him she thinks she is losing him. He tells her to stop trying so hard, that she isn't losing him. She tells him they aren't together, as everytime she comes close to him, he moves away from her. She just wants him to kiss her and he gives her a quick peck. She asks if he calls that a kiss. She wants him to try again, he gives her another peck, and is relieved to be interrupted by Diane arriving with Zach.

Surprisingly Megan calls Diane to take Zach out for the day. Megan has hidden the prism in the child's teddy bear. Honeycut switches the bear in the middle of Shenanigan's, the child notices and cries out that she took his bear. Bo goes after her but Shane gets in the way. Stefano is thrilled to receive the second prism. He calls Megan to tell her how proud he is of her. Hope finds Bo at Shenanigan's. He tells her he knows she deserves better than what she is getting from him right now. Hope is jealous of the time he is spending with Diane. When he was with Zach and Diane, they were all hugs and kisses but he can barely touch Hope. She questions what does Diane have that she doesn't? Feeling pressured and having no answers, he tells her he is tired of the round and round they keep doing. She asks when she will see him again, he reponds maybe tommorrow.

Hope plans an indoor picnic to take over to Bo's. She buzzes around the kitchen as she prepares her feast, sure this will take Bo's mind off of his troubles. She asks Melissa to go with her so it will feel like a party. Shane shows up at Bo's and pressures him to help him get Stefano. Bo blows up and refuses. He is still reeling from this latest confrontation, when Hope bubbles in with her picnic. He is less than thrilled. Melissa picks up on it and tries to leave, Hope guilts her into staying. As Bo and Hope begin to have words, Melissa makes an excuse and hurriedly leaves. Hope is still not getting the hint and starts nuzzling him, trying to enjoy some alone time together. He avoids her advances and isn't in the mood to make conversation. She realizes this was a mistake and regrets coming over. She says if he didn't want her there then why didn't he just tell her. He says he doesn't mind her hanging around but wasn't in the mood to socialize. She finally gets the message that he doesn't want her around and tells her that she will leave him alone, since that is apparently what he wants. That announcement doesn't seem to make him happy, but he doesn't stop her from leaving either. She offers to help him find the third prism. He tells her that is just a dream, she reminds him that all they used to do was dream and its hard for her to give that up. 

Hope and Alice go to Shenanigan's for lunch. Bo comes in and accepts Alice's invitation to join them for lunch. Hope is pleased at him being receptive to spending time with her. He doesn't seem so angry and has decided on a course of action. He is interrupted when his mom calls and says that they are busy at the fish market and his father is drinking. She tells Bo she needs his help as she can't take care of the customers and his father. Shawn is toasted and Bo gets Caroline to take him upstairs. Hope soon enters, and Bo doesn't have time to talk. Hope says she isn't there to talk, she is there to help. She puts on an apron and he grins at the site. They work well together, Caroline relieves them and thanks them for their help. Bo seductively invites her back to his place, and she says she thought he would never ask. He really appreciated all of her help today.

They bring home Chinese food, cute scene as he feeds her with chopsticks. She asks him to dance with her, and is relieved when he holds her close and kisses her. She doesn't want him to feel pressured and he assures her he doesn't. They make love and she is so relieved and thinks this changes everything, that they will be together now, and they can work together to do what he needs to. He tells her that he told her that whatever he has to do, that he has to do it alone. She feels shut out and doesn't understand why he can't share his life with her. She thought them making love would change everything, but not in his eyes. She is tired of him not opening up to him and demands to know how long she will have to wait for him, a week, a month, a year? She is tired of waiting for him. He made a promise that when they got off that damn island that they would be together. He asks for more time, but she is tired of waiting, she tells him she needs more from him. Hope leaves as Bo calls after her to wait. Hope returns home and tells her grandmother that she can't wait for Bo on the sidelines anymore, that the relationship isn't working for him and she is tired of pretending that it is. Her grandmother is calm about her new resolve. She tells her that she is going to prove to Bo that she can move on without him better than he can without her.

Bo goes to help out at the fishmarket and ends up throwing a belligerant customer out.  The customer wants to file assualt charges with the police, and when they come to investigate, te customer tries to hit Bo and during the fight, hits a cop and gets arrested. The next day at Shenanigan's, Chris tells her about Bo being arrested. Melissa is surprised at Hope's calm reaction. She tells her that it is over with Bo. The cop drops the charges against Bo and he is released. Hope goes down to the PD and is mistaken as a police school applicant. Bo and Abe laugh at the idea and Bo ridicules that she might mess up her nails. Insulted, she signs up to prove a point. He thinks she is only doing this because she is embarrassed. She asks why should she be embarrassed, after all he is the one who spent the night in jail. She takes the exam and can't wait for the results to know if she passed the test or not.

Hope over hears Bo say to Abe that even if she passed the test that she would never make it through the police academy. She tells them that she will make it through if it is the last thing that she does! Abe goes over what a rigorous test it is, and Hope thinks he is trying to let her down easy. He surprises her that not only did she pass that she is in the top five of her class! He tells her she starts the next day. Hope is getting strange phone calls and a nagging feeling that she is being followed. The next day, Hope shows up for her first day of police academy, wearing her jewels and fur. Abe doesn't do anything to dissuade her. She waltzes in late, acts like a princess and the instructor is sure she is in the wrong place. She insists that she is there for academy training. The instructor reams her for her perfect appearence, her fur, her long hair that a perp could use against her. He calls her a debutante and tells her if she wants to be in the academy that she leaves, changes her clothes and comes back dressed as a police officer or doesn't come back at all (his obvious preference). Hope heads into see Abe, and asks Bo to leave so she can talk to Abe alone. She doesn't understand why Abe didn't warn her about the way she was dressed. She tells him that she had never been so embarrassed, the instructor ridiculed her in front of the whole class and they laughed at her, and he pulled her hair! Hope demands that she is treated with decency and respect. Abe tells her he can't interfere in this, if she wants help getting out of the academy that he can do that, but if she wants to stay in that she has to do this all by herself. He tells her that if she wants respect that she will have to earn it.

An upset Hope, goes into the ladies room and shakily begins wiping off her make up and taking off her jewelry. Bo follows her in there, concerned about how upset she is. He asks her to just admit this isn't for her. He sees that she has been crying and tells her she is being stubborn and stupid. She digs her heels in and tells him she is going to do this and for him to get out. Hope puts her hair up, wipes off some of her make up and tones down what she is wearing. She heads back into class and is determined to make this work.

The Curtis' throw a Christmas themed party for the survivors. They drink champagne and toast their triumph of survival and Liz sings Christmas songs. Bo takes some time out to the study, and is interrupted by a crying Melissa. Hope enters and Bo takes his leave. He wishes Hope a Merry Christmas before he leaves and her eyes fill with pain at being apart from him, especially at Christmas. Diane surprises Bo down on the docks. Bo admits he is having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. She convinces Bo to go to his folks for Christmas, he agrees and takes her with him. The Brady's sit down for Christmas dinner and are still hoping that Bo will show up. The Brady's exchange presents and his parent's are touched that he bought their presents while he was in England a couple of months prior. Marlena gives Roman's fishing pole to Bo. The Horton's all gather at Shenanigan's and Hope leads them in singing Christmas Carols. Bo and Shane both show up and Shane takes the oppotunity to try to convince Bo to help him nail Stefano. Bo doesn't want to discuss it, Shane agrees but demands "Soon".

Hope is sad as she looks at the gift she has for Bo. It is the poem that he read her in New Orleans, she had it framed. He had told her it was special to his parents and had been read at their wedding. Mr. Horton sees his sad granddaughter and gives her a pep talk on how important true love is and how lucky she is to have found it at such a young age. She tells him that the relationship is over and she is being realistic. He tries to infuse some Christmas spirit of forgiveness, when her gram comes in the room she quickly changes the subject. Bo brings presents over to Marlena's, and Hope's present is mixed in with them. Marie, Don, Anna & Abe all gather at Marlena's. Carrie finds the family ornament, Roman had added Eric & Samantha's names to it as a surprise. Marlena cries as she lifts Carrie up to the tree to hang the ornaments.

Bo, Abe, and Don show up at the Horton's next and their Christmas celebration is in full swing. Don asks Hope about the police academy and she reports that she is enjoying it. Abe laughs that no one likes the academy. Hope quips she is a trend setter. Mrs. H passes out the ornaments in the family tradition of hanging them on the tree. Mrs. H talks to Bo in the kitchen, she wants to know how he feels about Hope? She shocks him when she tells him that Hope says it is over between them. She asks him again how he feels about her? He admits to being mixed up since the island and their problems are his fault. He feels burdend with so many responsibilities for so many, Diane & Zach, Marlena, his parents, Hope. He has so many different people pulling him different ways. Alice understands that he is going through a difficult time but counsels him not to push away the people that love him, if he does then eventually they will stop reaching out towards him. Hope interrupts and Mrs. H leaves them alone though avoids any conversation and leaves the kitchen. He does give her a Christmas present. She is touched that he bought her a music box that she saw in New Orleans and it plays "Celebrate Our Love", the song from her 18th birthday and the first time he ever told her that he loved her. She is very touched by the sentiment and thought behind the gift. Mr. H chortles that it looks like a peace offering to him. Marie asks where is her present for Bo? Bo jokes that all he wants for Christmas is for her to quit the police academy. Annoyed, she abruptly shuts the music box and tells him that he won't be getting his wish. He leaves and she stops him at the front door to thank him for the music box. He hesitantly asks if he can see her sometime? She says she will be busy with the police academy and he was right that they need time away from each other. He looks disturbed by this and leaves. Hope stands inside the door in tears, as Bo returns to the door but doesn't know and turns and leaves again. The cast breaks into another Christmas carol and then waves to the audience and wishes a "Merry Christmas".

#9B  Bo brings hookers to the fish market and his father has a fit, feeling he is disrespecting them, especially his mother. Bo points out that it is freezing outside and he invited them in for some hot chowder. He takes them over then to Blondies and they wind up having quite the party, getting toasted on champage.  Hope is exhausted from her day at the academy. Melissa is ready to go out and Hope insists that she does want to go out. Hope walks in and sees Bo with his new friends and is hurt. She is so tired that she falls asleep at the table. He comes over and tenderly touches her hair as she sleeps. She wakes up and insists that she wasn't sleeping. 

One of Kim's former Johns is looking for Kim. He tries to buy her for the night from Bo, who punches him when he refers to Kim as a hooker. Hope and Melissa follow Bo outside to make sure he is okay. Bo asks what Hope keeps looking at? She says she isn't sure, she just has had a feeling that someone is watching her. He offers to tae her home. But she refuses and says she will get home just fine on her own. Megan is sitting in her car writing down notes on Hope.

Marlena confronts Bo and says she thinks that Bo wants her to yell at him, to hate him for leaving Roman's body on the beach. She calls him on his attitude and confronts him about what he is feeling. Marlena points out he is trying to replace Roman's, that he has cast his own life aside to do so. Marlena insists that Bo did the right thing with Roman. She tells him that his parents do need him, no matter what they say or what he may think. It makes Bo crazy that Stefano is still out there, laughing at them. Marlena admits to wanting to kill Stefano, to get revenge. Bo tells her to stay away from Stefano, to not even think about. He mentions the triad experiment and Marlena immediately wants more details. He realizes he has said too much and he leaves. Marlena puts in an urgent call to Shane and leaves him a message. Stefano tells Megan that Marlena will be his new adversary.

Hope is challenged by another female cadet during in Karate class. She is soundly beaten, and she heads to see Abe, probably intending on crying on his shoulder as she is tired of everyone not liking her. The instructor sees her waiting outside of Abe's office and suggests she quit. He warns her that when she is out on the street that punks aren't going to like her, and if she thinks the academy is tough wait till she gets out on the street. He is tired of her whining and tells her that she is either a winner or quitter and the choice is hers. Hope sucks it up and calls Melissa and tells her she needs a work out and they go Ice Skating. Megan eavesdrops as Hope asks Pete if she can go into the gym and use the hot tub after hours. 

Kim tells Abe that her uncle Eric is guitly of child molestation. She knows the little girl's charges are true because he molested her. Bo and Shawn discuss Eric being in jail, they both think the little girl is mistaken. Later, Bo is shocked when Kim tells him that Eric molested her.  Bo promises that he will talk to their father. He tells Shawn that Eric molested Kim and Shawn refuses to believe it and blows up and tells Bo he wished Bo had died instead of Roman. Beyond hurt, Bo blows out of there. Kim tells Shawn that Eric molested her and Shawn has a heart attack.

At Eugene's Birthday Party, Calliope jumps out of his cake, as Gene's mom walks in and is obviously disapproving. A moody Bo shows up at Eugene's and Hope tells him he is being rude and that he could make more of an effort on Gene's behalf. They start arguing and Melissa stops them from ruining Gene's party. Melissa has also had a difficult day and her and Bo decide to leave together. Kim calls looking for Bo but just misses him. When Hope gets home, Alice tells her about Shawn's heart attack. Hope assumes that is why Bo was spoiling for a fight and feels bad for making things worse for him. Alice recommends that now might be a good time for Hope to give Bo his Christmas present. Stefano tells Megan that Chorvat is smuggling the prism from Siberia into the US with the Ice Show coming to Salem.

Bo and Melissa have been drinking together and are quite toasted. They decide to go to a movie together but get kicked out for being loud. They end up back at Bo's place. When Bo spills wine on Melissa, she changes into one of Bo's shirts (and nothing else). Bo takes off his shirt and his pants are unbuttoned and Hope arrives to find them in this compromising situation and assumes the worst. Bo doesn't know about Shawn's heart attack. Bo immediately calls the hospital. Hope throws is present, as it his the floor, the glass shatters. Melissa arrives at the Horton's and tries to explain things to Hope, but she refuses to listen. Hope is hurt that Bo won't open up to her but has turned to Melissa instead. Melissa tells her again that she knows what Hope thought, that she saw the hurt on her face and nothing happened. Hope cries and doesn't want to talk about it, sure that something did happen. After Melissa leaves, Hope sobs that she doesn't understand how Bo could do this with her best friend.

The Brady's gather at the hospital and wait for word on Shawn. It is touch and go for awhile, and they are very relieved when Shawn opens his eyes. Megan has a fantasy of comforting Bo after Hope has died. Melissa shows up to see Bo and tells him that Hope wouldn't even listen to her. She asks him to tell Hope that nothing happened between them. He tells her that it won't do any good. After Melissa leaves, Bo opens Hope's gift and has flashback of when he recited poem to Hope.

Melissa talks to Hope at the gym. She seems okay with her but later after they go ice skating, Hope makes a crack about the other night and Melissa realizes she is still upset about it even though she claims not to be. Bo sees Will in the gym and goes chasing after him. Hope and Melissa watch anxiously as they fight in front of them. Bo grabs Will and tells him that if he ever comes near Hope again that Bo will kill him. He tells him that he won't be working for Megan anymore and he will leave town immediately. A subdued Will leaves, and Hope sweetly thanks Bo. He in turn thanks her for the Christmas present. Bo talks to a sleeping Shawn, as Bo turns away, we see that Shawn wasn't really sleeping and he smiles. Bo gets chocked up and tells his dad that he loves him. When he leaves, Shawn stops him at the door and tells him that he loves him too.

Hope is in police training, Bo comes into classroom to observe. The cadets are assemblying their guns and the class laughs as Hope's isn't done right and the bullets fall out. When class ends, Hope warns Bo not to say a word. Bo tells Hope nothing happened between him and Melissa. She tells him she doesn't want to hear about it from him either. She insists that she really doesn't care, that whatever he does with Melissa isn't any of her business. He tells her if she wants to give him the silent treatment that is fine but Melissa doesn't deserve this, as she loves her and would never do anything to hurt Hope. Later, Melissa tries again to get through to Hope. But she wants to know what would have happened between them if Hope hadn't come in when she did. Melissa continues to insist that nothing would have happened, she would never do that to Hope.

Megan invites Bo to stop by to see Zach. Bo finds a secret compartment in the drawer with a picture of Megan with Stefano, on back is written, "Father and me...Summer 84". Bo shows Shane the picture of Megan and Stefano, but Shane already knows. Bo is annoyed that Shane didn't tell him. Shane points out that if Bo had agreed to work with him when he returned from the island that he would have told him then. Bo realizes that Megan must be in contact with Stefano and they can use this to find out where Stefano is and go after him! Bo agrees to work with him to get Stefano. Shane makes it clear that it is on Shane's terms. Shane tells him this isn't just about getting Stefano, that the the three prisms are important as them together they could change the world! Bo searches Megan's and finds a note that the prism is going to be delivered by Bronsky. Shane wants Bo to work his way back into Megan's life, to get as close to her as possible. Bo says if he has to tell Megan he loves her that he might throw up. Bo meets with Diane and asks her help in staging a fight for Megan's benefit.

Hope is having trouble getting over the wall, she tries over and over again but is not able to pull herself up over the wall. Her instructor reams her for being hopeless in the physical aspect in her training.  She does some more Karate training and faces off against Kirkland again. Hope winds up on the ground again, bested once again. Her instructor, McBride, tells Abe that Hope is not going to make it. He does continue to try to motivate her and continues to push her to perform. She fails yet again and walks out. She sits with Howie at a cafe and tells him that she doesn't do anything right at academy. She thinks McBride has it in for he as he thinks she is a spoiled debutante.  thwarts a robbery attempt which helps her regain her confidence and she returns to class and makes it over the wall. Howie tells her about a guy he is watching that is wanted in four states and is a real dirt bag. The guy pulls out a gun and holds up the cafe. He tells Hope to take off her jewelry. She inches closer to him, acting really friendly. She then drops her broach and the perp kneels down to get it, Hope does one of the karate kicks that she had been working on in class. She sends the guy flying over the bar and disarms him. Howie is thrilled and is so proud of her. He gives her full credit in the police report and to anyone who will listen. Abe comes in and Howie raves to him about how cool Hope was. Abe is pleased and proud of her. Hope returns to class and McBride is surprised to see her back. He thought she had quit. A determined Hope insists she isn't going to quit and he isn't going to break her. She finally scales the wall and jumps in joy at her success.

Don tells Diane and Bo that Zach's hearing is set for next week. Bo asks him to postpone the hearing, he can't go into court against Megan right now.  Shawn comes home from the hospital. Bo stops by to see him and they talk about Kim. Shawn needs to see her as he has a lot to make up to her. Bo heads over to ask Kim to go see their pop. He notices the interaction between Shane and Kim and afte she leaves, he questions Shane about what is going on with his sister?

Bo and Diane stage a fight in front of Megan, and Megan "overhears" Bo defending her. Bo suggests to Megan that they leave and go see Zach and makes her day. Bo secretly thanks Diane for her help. When they arrive at Megan's, Stefano is there and has to quickly hide. Megan is so desperate to believe Bo cares about her that she believes everything he says to her. Later, Megan gloats to her father that she is going to have Bo back. He encourages her to slow down and be careful. She determines that once Hope is out of the way that Bo will be hers.

Shane dons a mask, pretends to be robbing the fish market. Bo jumps him, takes the gun away, and Shane proceeds to beat him up. Hope enters and starts hitting the masked Shane with a broom. He tosses Bo across a table and Megan runs to his side. Hope goes after Shane and he knocks her out. He feels terrible and tells her that it hurt him more than it hurt her. He says he promises her that someday she will make a fine police woman. The plan worked as Megan tenderly nurses Bo and helps him clean up. Hope comes to and sees Bo and Megan in the doorway and watches as he kisses Megan on the check. Hope leaves without being seen. Melissa goes missing after she has discovered that the plants she was delivering for Barry contained cocaine and he threatens her. She hides out in a condemmed building. The story is splashed all over the morning papers as the Horton's worry for her fate, and Hope feels guilty for being so distant with her best friend recently.

**The End**

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