Bo & Hope #7  August 20 - September 28, 1984 - 8 hour original edit - two dvds

#7A  Max came down to the station with Megan and Alice. Max questioned what Howie was doing earlier at the art exhibit. Alice explained to Maxwell how Hope had too much to drink and she was feeling neglected by Larry and she went there to look for him and that is why she was reacting that way. Howie was free to go from the police station after Maxwell told the police he didn't think he was involved. Megan defends Bo to Maxwell and insists that he could not possibly have had anything to do with the attempted theft. Hope was supposed to meet Bo at Oak Alley Plantation, she hitched a ride with gypsies who told her they followed the wind and whatever direction it took them. Hope had to pay them money to take her to the plantation. She also had to give the woman her dress in exchange for the woman's gypsy wear. Bo was wondering what was taking Hope so long and he had to take a cleaning job in order for no one to suspect him. Bo sits out in front of the plantation waiting worriedly for Hope to arrive. He has a great montage of classic Bo and Hope moments. Finally, Hope arrived (dressed as a gypsy). Great location scenes in front of the plantation as she runs into Bo's arms. They embraced and  he kisses her.  Bo told her he thought he had lost her and she told him you'll never lose me. Bo pulls her down into the grass and begins kissing her, they are so happy to finally be alone together. Hope tells Bo about the gypsies.

Hope tried on a dress that was from the 18th century so then the caretaker came and they tried to hide but he realized it was a trick as they came out of their hiding place he passed out from a bottle of cognac Bo had given him earlier. Bo lifted him up the stairs and put him to bed he said it was the least he could do. When Bo returned, Hope played the old fashioned southern belle. They teased a bit as she played hard to get. Bo soon caught her and stopped the pretense as he carried her up the stairs.  He had a dinner prepared, flowers, and champagne but Hope said she wasn't hungry. Hope asked for help getting out of her dress, and then complained how warm she was in all of the clothes and Bo began gently undressing her though he soon complained about all of the layers and laces and felt sorry for the men of the civil war era!  She seemed a little nervous and she told him she was glad that they had waited. He finished undressing her and laid her on the bed. They kissed again and began to make love as "tonight we celebrate out love...."  Later, Bo suggested they should put up a sign Bo and Hope made love here for the first time. Hope said the first and second time and then she rolled on top of Bo. They drank some champagne as then enjoyed snuggling in the candlelitt room and he he told her how amazing she felt. He promised that he was going to love her forever. Bo tells her as soon as he figures out what Maxwell is up to and why he wants the three prisms, that he will march into Larry's house and pull her out of there.

Maxwell had the prism delivered and they were very nervous because the Cartel were on they way there and Bo couldn't be found. The Cartel called the meeting as they no longer trust Maxwell. They listens as he explains that when the three prisms are positioned correctly, they give power. One of the men questions the authenticity of the prism, Max tell him it is very hard as a diamond and unbreakable. One of Maxwell's henchmen dared him to drop the prism. Maxwell said it was ridiculous as the prism was unbreakable. Maxwell said he would if he didn't believe him and Megan pleaded that she didn't think it was a good idea. Maxwell didn't listen, to demonstrate, he drops the prism and the fake shatters. The Cartel said find Bo Brady right away.  The lead henchman says, "Find Bo Brady at once!"  Meanwhile, an alligator is seen in the river swimming towards the prism. Eugene gets a vibe about the alligator but doesn't understand what it means.

Bo and Hope wake up at Oak Alley together. They enjoy the morning, Bo suggests taking a bath together. Hope notices a horse and buggy in front of the plantation and Bo invites her to go for a ride. They keep kissing and kissing, distracted by each other and completely forget about the bath filling with water. Bo runs in to turn the water off and returns covered in bubbles. They finally make it into the bathtub filled with bubbles. They snuggle together in the tub. She tells him that she never thought she would be this happy. She is worried this is all they will have and wants to make this day last forever. Bo asks her to wear something special as he has a surprise for her. They dress in Gone With the Wind (Rhett Butler & Scarlett O'Hara) clothes. He asks her to come downstairs when she hears the music.  Bo rushes down to the parlor and puts the finishing touches on his surprise. He starts the music and Hope joins him. He asks her to marry him. She says yes, that is what she wants more than anything in the world. They stand in front of a mannequin that Bo has positioned as a preacher. He has a book opened to a poem that is read every year on his parents anniversary, it was read at their wedding. He reads it to her. He asks her again to marry him and when she agrees, he kisses her. He says his own informal vows to her and is very sweet as he tells her how much he loves her. They celebrate with champagne.  They waltzed together in the hallway as an orchestra swells with music. Hope tells Bo that no even when they do really get married that this will always be a perfect day and they couldn't have had a better wedding. He asks her not to tell anyone about being "his woman" in order to keep her safe.

Bo tells her that he has another surprise for her. He pulls up the horse and carriage and takes her for a short drive as they laugh and kiss. Bo has packed a picnic lunch. Hope and Bo had a little picnic on the grounds of Oak Alley Plantation and then they made love. The mystery man finally arrived at Oak Alley Plantation but he wasn't seen by either Bo or Hope. When Bo and Hope returned to the plantation they were surprised to see Howie there. Bo asked him what he was doing there and he told them the whole story about how the prism fell into the bottom of the Mississippi. Bo didn't waste much time on deciding what to do he told Hope to go get changed that she had to go back to the Hathaway Mansion hope agreed although she was scared. While Hope was upstairs dressing, Bo and Howie heard a noise in the other room they went to check it out but didn't see anything. It was the mystery man who'd been following them. Howie tells Bo he is going to need a good cover story with Max. When Hope came downstairs, Bo told her he needed to look like a man who'd been chasing a thief for years. He and Hope went down to the river and she smeared mud all over him. When they went back up to the house, Bo asked Howie to hit him. Howie couldn't bring himself to do it but then he did and surprised Bo stunned  who told him, "Howie I didn't know you had it in ya."  Bo and Hope share a tender goodbye as their perfect time together comes to an end.

Hope arrived bac at Max's New Orleans house. She pretended she was drunk but I don't think they were convinced. She started ranting and raving about Larry. She says she almost left the country to go to Switzerland to see her parents. They asked her if she'd seen Bo? She said no he could be at the bottom of the Mississippi for all she cared.  Bo ran into two of Maxwell's men and started to explain but they wouldn't listen and one of them shot him. He was dragged into the room as Hope, Max and Megan watch. Bo looks like he is at death's door and Megan began screaming like a banshee while Hope did all she could to stop from crying. As the goons had drawn their guns, Megan neared hysterics. Hope jumped in front of the gunman and started yelling they were going to hurt her baby. Max got the goons out of there and Megan called 911. Bo winked at Hope to let her know he was allright. Maxwell and Carlton proceeded to interrogate Bo about where he had been. He says that he was there when the theft was attempted and he had been off chasing the theif. He tells them that they have a traitor in the midst. Bo is indignant over how he had been treated.  Carlton remained doubtful but Maxwell was beginning to believe Bo.

Larry barged in and demanded to know where Hope had been. As he became threathening towards Hope, Bo jumped in to defend her.  Bo of course defended her but Maxwell told Bo that he should know better to come between a man and his wife. Bo suggested Larry was being abusive towards Hope and questioned whether Max would allow this in his house. Even Megan defended Hope and pointed out she was a guest in their house. Max called Larry off. Mrs. Horton then came in and began to ream Hope for her drinking when she was pregnant, for worrying her father who had been waiting at the airport in Zurish for her and she never showed up or called to tell him he wasn't going. She says she flew to New York and then changed her mind at the last minute. Larry demanded proof of this as did Carlton. Mrs. Horton produced gave Hope her purse and gave her the hint that her proof was in the purse. Hope opened her purse and flaunted an unused airline ticket to Zurich in Larry's face. Carlton is extremely suspicious of Bo and Max takes him to task for it and asks him to listen to Bo's explanation with an open mind. They talk to Bo in private and question him again.

Hope and she and Bo met up later he told her she gave a convincing performance. He tells her he wants her to go back to Salem with her grandmother. She objects to this plan. He tempts her that the sooner he gets this wrapped up, the sooner they can be together. He reminds her that her name now is Mrs. Brady. Melissa and Maggie were at Hope and Larry's house to welcome them home. Hope and Larry were arguing as they came through the door. Larry demanded to know what they were doing there? Maggie just explained that they just brought over some food and filled the refrigerator for them, Larry apologized and immediately excused himself saying he had to get back to the office. After he left, Maggie asked Hope what was wrong? Hope kept saying she was happy but Maggie didn't buy it. Hope managed to talk her way out of it by saying it was the pregnancy.  Melissa asked her about Bo, remembering how good they were together. Hope insists to Melissa that she is happy. After Melissa left, Hope received a call from Abe that she was to say her car was stalled and to have Gene pick her up. Hope went upstairs just then Shane arrived. Hope had left her purse on the sofa and when she came downstairs she caught Shane going through it. She threw her shoe at him, he ducked and it missed. Hope immediately ordered him out of her house and threatened to call the police. Shane told her Larry would have something different to say about it. Hope told him she was leaving and by the time she got back he'd better be gone. When she left, Shane said "I swear that woman looks even better when she's angry." Hope met up with Gene and Abe.  Abe told Gene that he needed to be on a flight to New Orleans that night. Gene had to track the prism and he might need to learn how to scuba dive too. Hope was just to stay put and do everything as usual. When Hope arrived back home, one of Maxwell's henchmen was waiting. He grabbed her face and threathening her. She is frightened by him. He warns her against taking off again. He gave her a book and told her she was to do everything in it.  From now on everything she did was to come from that book. Hope started to cry.

Roman goes to see Hope and questions her about Bo.  Hope calls Shane into the room to bring Roman some refreshments. Shane suddenly changes his voice so that Roman won't recognize it. Roman questions her about Diane's son and told her that was the reason that Diane went to New Orleans. Roman tells her about the message Marlena left for with Megan intended for Bo and asks if Bo ever received it. Roman picks up on the jealousy in her voice at the mention of Megan's name. He then questions her about what Bo is doing in New Orleans. Hope is no help and pleads ignorance on all counts. After Roman leaves, Shane's voice suddenly returns to normal.  Hope is relieved when her grandmother stops by, as she needs to see a friendly face that she can relax and doesn't have to pretend around. Eugene arrived in New Orleans and went over to the exhibit with Bo. He subsequently ran into Megan who was trying to come on to Bo though he was doing his best to shake her off. She demanded to know what he was doing there and asked if her father knew he was there? Bo told her no but Eugene might be able to help them locate the prism because he had some very good tracking devices. Megan believed them and said she would be going home.

Megan comes upon Bo and Eugene intently pouring over a map and she reminds Bo that Daddy wouldn't like Eugene knowing about the prism. Megan shows Bo a partial letter she found in her mother's things from the adoptive mother of their son asking for medical information. Eugene and Bo tracked the prism back to Oak Alley Plantation. Gene asked if this was where he and Hope had their romantic adventure and Bo told him yes. Gene said he would take a look around the premises but Bo couldn't come as someone might recognize him. Back in the car, Bo wanted to use Eugene's phone to call Hope. Eugene was against that idea and instead he called Mr. Horton at the hospital. He told him a package was to be delivered to Hope at Blondie's.  Bo asked Mr. H to tell Hope that he loved her and he missed her. Just then, Eugene came back and told him he saw a strange guy down by the marsh and he thought they should follow him as the signal led that way. Eugene and Bo tracked the prism to a marsh. They spot a skunk and Eugene throws a rock towards it, hoping it will go off to fetch it. Bo admonishes him that it is a skunk not a retriever! They are sprayed on by a skunk. where they discovered that it was in the stomach of an alligator. Bo asked him how were they supposed to get it out but Gene had no idea.  Bo and Eugene arrived at Gene's house.  Eugene told him they would have to use tomato juice to get rid of the smell (just curious, did they fly back to Salem reeking of skunk? LOL!)

Marlena arrived at the Welch's townhouse with Dr. Horton. Marlena asked them if they knew where Gene was as she had been trying to reach him and he wasn't answering the phone. While Marlena went to use the bathroom, Hope asked Tom if he'd heard from Bo. He replied that yes he had talked to Bo earlier and he told her that he missed her and he loved her and she was to pick up a package over at Blondie's that night. She was curious to know what it was?  At the party at Blondie's, Liz sings. Then Larry made a speech and introduced everyone to his wife, Hope Williams Welch as Bo looked on. When Hope saw him, she excused herself. Maxwell and Carlton learned the second prism was arriving in that night in Salem. As she was passed Carlton, his wife was telling him about a package that was going to be delivered that night but she can't find the note. She had dropped it and an observant Hope stepped on it and  was able to pick it up without anyone observing. Maxwell asked Bo what was going on? Bo practically shouted at him that he would talk to him in the morning. Maxwell didn't like this one bit but he shut up when Bo asked him if he wanted to cause a scene. Tom suggested that Hope go down to the wine cellar. She thinks she is there to pick up the package. Bo surprises her and begins kissing her, that is until she wrinkles her nose and asks what that smell is? Hope shows Bo the note that Carlton's wife dropped. This prompts a series of questions about the cryptic note.

(sound is lowered on scenes from this episode) They hear someone coming and hide, fearful of being discovered. It is Tom Horton, he came to warn them that Larry was looking for Hope.  They hear more footsteps and this time it is Eugene. They both tell them they have to stay put as both exits are blocked. Eugene tells them he will come back for them when the coast is clear. He told Hope she had to get over to Marlena's.  Larry and Gwen are making out in his car as Gene's cab pulls up. He ducks Gwen's head down. Hope hides in the bushes to avoid detection. When Hope arrived at Marlena's, her grandfather asked her if Alice had went to bed? Hope didn't catch on at first but then she said yes. Tom told her that Larry was going to pick her up there. After Tom left, Bo arrived and told Marlena he came to see how the pregnant lady was and rubbed her stomach. He said seems like I can't go anywhere without running into you Mrs. Welch. Roman questioned, "Do you two expect us to believe you just happened to come over here at the same time?" He demanded to know what was going on. Marlena said she felt they had issues to resolve and if they didn't it could cause problems with Hope's marriage and her baby so she and Roman left them alone to talk. After they left, Bo turned out the lights and they began to kiss until they heard a car outside. Hope made sure Bo was outside before she opened the door. Larry wondered why Marlena and Roman would leave her in a darkened room alone? Hope told him they just did and that he had her waiting long enough lets go. When they went outside they heard a motorcycle speeding off, Larry said "that motorcycle sounds in a big hurry to me".

Bo tells Abe that the prism is inside an alligator and Eugene's tracking device stopped working so they weren't able to retrieve it. Bo and Hope met in the tunnels again but they didn't know they were being watched (I suspect by Shane though his face wasn't shown). Bo told her he was looking for the child that he and Megan had together and assured her that he had no interest in her. Hope told him he'd better not. Marlena, Roman, Maxwell, Hope, Larry, Megan, Bo (how cute does he look in a tux), Kimberly, and Don were all at the benefit.  Carlton noticed the prism around Kimberly's neck (she was wearing it as jewerly). He pointed it out to Maxwell and he told him he didn't care if he had to kill her but the prism was to be returned to him immediately. Megan and Bo were dancing close together and Hope was fuming, Marlena noticed and told Roman she knew she was right, that Hope was still in love with Bo and she felt sorry for her. Roman said they were doing a poor job of hiding it. After Megan's father asked her for a dance, Bo went over to talk to Hope and then he saw Larry coming over.  Larry claimed that he had a sudden emergency and his brother had been in a car accident and he had to go to the hospital. Hope suggested she go with him but he told her not to worry and to get a ride home with Roman and Marlena, and he'd be home as soon as he could. (His emergency was actually Gwen who was waiting in a room for him). Bo and Hope snuck downstairs again to meet. Bo told her she looked beautiful. She said I'm glad you noticed.  Bo told her they'd better get going and then they left. Marlena and Roman took Hope home and Marlena told her if there was anytime she wanted to talk feel free to call her. Hope offered to help her shop for the baby and she said that would be wonderful.

Melissa and Hope were having breakfast together and Melissa began questioning her and saying that people were saying she was behaving strangely. Hope tried to change the subject by asking her what she thought of her new maternity dress? Melissa said that she wasn't showing anyway so why was she wearing it? Hope said because her other clothes made her feel uncomfortable.  Hope excused herself from Melissa to go talk to her grandfather. He told her that her Aunt Marie had been asking her doctor questions about her and he had to cover for her. He said he hated having to lie and Hope began to cry.  Bo and Roman had another talk about him and Hope but Bo just kept avoiding the questions and stormed out. Roman told him he was going to get to the bottom of it. Bo said he wasn't a little boy anymore.

Bo and Hope met up at Tony's stable and she told him she had been threatened again. The stress of the situation is getting to her, especially the risk that her grandparents are taking on her behalf. Bo is frustrated and wants to resolve this. She assures him she will handle it and but she will do what has to be done. She tells him how closely Shane watches her, its like living in a prison. It is all of the lies that are the hardest on Hope. Bo suggested she go visit her parents but Hope wouldn't hear of it. He said he had to do something to get her out of the situation. She refuses to leave him and tells him he needs her. She shakily asks him to kiss her and they cling to each other. Kimberly returns home to Roman's and finds the house ransacked. Roman pushes her outside to safety while he searches the house calling out for Marlena who fortunately was out of the house. Kim is sure that this happened because of her. She says she will run so that no one can find her and she has to leave to protect them. Roman refuses to let her leave and promises he will get to the bottom of it. She cries that she just wants him to leave it alone! Maxwell is told they had no luck in the search.

#7B  Hope laments to Bo that she wishes they could stay together like this forever. She is tired of lying and pretending she is happily married to Larry and pregnant with his child. Bo promises that Maxwell Hathway wiill pay for doing this to Hope. She doesn't want their time together spoiled by anger. Bo puzzles over why the three prisms are so important and to some very dangerous people. Mr. Horton interrupts them and tells them it is time to get back. He agrees to one more minute. Hope hates leaving him and always saying goodbye to him. He promises that one of these days they won't have to every let go of each other. Mr. Horton knocks again and tells her they have to go. Bo tells her he is meeting Megan for lunch. Hope worries about Megan trying to get her hooks into Bo. She asks him to try to be homely and unlovable and dull for her so that Megan won't try so hard. She pushes him down on a bale and kisses him. She then asks if he thinks Megan is prettier than her. He tells her she is the most gorgeous, sensual, voluptous woman he has ever know and she is his woman! He kisses her fingers and tells her not to ever forget it. Bo worries that Larry might want to get a closer look at the baby. Hope assures him Larry won't come close to her, Bo says he better not. Mr. Horton then enters and urges Hope outside as they can't push their luck of being discovered.

Max and Megan come into Shenanigans and he tells her he has a show about to start for her benefit. Hope and Mr. Horton then walk in. When Bo entered he had a lot of grass on him from being in the stables and Megan was inquiring where he'd been?  Bo told her he went rolling in the grass with a lady. Megan became angry at this and asked him who it was? He responded, "Carrie". A jealous Megan retored good or else she would have had to strangle the woman. Hope was looking on and grandfather told her there was some grass in her hair which she picked out and smiled. Don meets Megan and Bo and tells him that there is a child who was in the hospital, he was about 4 1/2 years old and he'd been adopted but his adoptive parents were now dead and they had been killed in a car accident. They had told the next of kin the kids parents were from Salem so they brought him here to try to find his real parents. Don who knew about Megan and Bo's child told them he would do some investigating. Bo told Megan it could be just a coincidence but she pretended to be all worked up about it. Bo discreetly fills Hope in on the arrival of the Bo. Megan and her father left and were outside talking, she was saying she this baby would put Bo exactly where she wanted him and Hope overheard this, she was almost caught when Maxwell went to check it out. Shane is seen lurking in the shadows.

Bo rescues Hope just before she is discovered. Bo dragged Hope down to his room, he told her he didn't want her sneaking around. Hope warns him that Megan sounded very arrogant and she talked like Bo was a puppet on a string, that when she gets this child that Bo will be hers. Bo teases her that the only one pulling his strings is Hope. He said Megan never used to lie or be manipulative that she must have changed.  Megan called and told Bo she was on her way downstairs to see him. He runs up to Shenanigan's to head her off from finding Hope in his place. He makes plans with her for the evening and then makes an excuse to go back down to his room that he wants to change his shirt. When he returns, Hope starts hugging and kissing him and tells him she wants him to make love to her. He says he can't. She wants to spend the night with him. He tells her that Megan will down there any minute. When Megan arrives knocking on the door, Hope got out of the bed and told Bo she was going to give her a piece of her mind. Bo pulled her back and kissed her long and hard and then he changed his shirt and told her to wait in the bathroom. Bo finally answered the door and she asked what kept him so long and he said he was in the John. Hope's purse was lying on the table and he picked it up and placed it behind his back, he then sat on the bed and dropped it in between the bed. Megan was rattling on about hoping to fix up his place and he told her he liked it exactly the way it was. He and Megan left and then Hope went upstairs to Shenanigans where she met up with a drunken Larry Welch, he was upset because Gwen had dumped him. Hope sees his misery and comments on how incredibly unhappy he is. He feels it is a small price to pay for his big dreams. Disgusted, Hope reams him, "Your the poorest excuse for a man I've ever met. Your spineless, selfishish, and self seeking. Your totally without morals. You have no values. Your like a prostitute up for sale, you go to the highest bidder." With tears in his eyes, he turns around and claps and tells her she isn't the first person to think that. She asks what does he think of himself. Larry admits that he agrees with her low opinion of him.

Hope took a drunk Larry home. She called Bo on his watch. She told him, "Wait a minute, I think someone is coming!" She then she went around the corner and met him. He was surprised to see her. She wanted to go back to his place and make love. He told her no in case Larry woke up and found her gone, so she agreed to go but they got in lots of kisses before she left. Megan was reporting to someone in the Soviet Union, she had told him her father was very incompetent and two of the prisms were still missing. She apologized for this and said she would recover the two prisms immediately. Don talked to Megan, and told her the relatives of the adopted boy said that he is Megan's child. Don says the boy has been ill and it has been an emotional and financial drain on the relatives who have assumed resoponsibility for the child.  Bo joins them and Megan shares the happy news with him. The boy's adoptive parents tell Bo and Megan that her name was on adoption papers and the boy was born on April 6, 1980. When they mention Megan's mother's name, Bo and Megan look at each other and hug in relief to have found the child.

Melissa is given a costume which has one of the prisms sewn into it. Megan's goons tried to take the custume but Maggie insisted on taking it home so she could take pictures of Melissa in it. Megan promises that the girl will be back and they will be waiting. Melissa is later attack as the goons try to take the prism. Pete and Maggie come in and stop the attack before they can retrieve the prism. Meanwhile, Neil looked over Zachary at the hospital and asked the boy how he was feeling? He said he was sleepy. He told him someone gave him a bad tasting pill.  Neil realized the boy had been tranquilized, he told the nurse no one was to go near the child's room without his permission and then he left the hospital to look for Maxwell Hathaway. He confronts Max on the docks and draws the line over drugging the child. Neil has put a no visitor order on boy's room and no one will get in there without his permission. Max tries to threathen Neil into cooperation but it doesn't work this time. He tells Max is power is in the outside world, Neil's is in the hospital and if Max crosses him on this that Neil will tell everything. Over at the hospital, Bo was anxious to see his son but when he and Megan went into the room the boy told them to leave. 

Bo asks Megan to step out and leave him alone with Zack. Zack is upset and doesn't want to be in the hospital. Bo understands and is able to relate to the child. They talk football and the park, though Zack mentions a park there in Salem and Bo realizes he lived in Salem. Bo questions Neil about Zack's adoptive parents. Bo asked him if he missed his parents and he said yes. Neil came in and told Bo the boy needed his rest and he would have to leave, Bo agreed.  Bo and Megan were at the hospital to meet the relatives of Zachary's adoptive parents. The woman made a fuss of how they weren't rich and she didn't know if they could afford his medical bills. Her husband traveled and she couldn't handle raising a sick child on her own. Megan told her not to worry she would take care of everything.  Megan's goons arrived at the Hathaway Mansion and informed Maxwell of what they did. He was furious with Megan for not telling him where the prism was. When Megan arrived home, her father was sitting waiting in the dark for her, he told her the men were unable to get the prism and he demanded to know who had it. She told him it was in the hands of an innocent Melissa Anderson and she would personally take it from her. After his visit, Bo told Roman something did not sit right with him about the relatives, about the whole situation. When Bo questioned Neil about the parents, Neil snapped at him. This strange reaction just furthered Bo's suspicions.

Marlena went over to pay a visit to Bo. She felt that they shouldn't pressure the adoptive parents relatives if they hoped to regain the child. Marlena mentioned Diane's son and that she went to New Orleans to get him back, before she was murdered there. She has a picture of Diane's son when he was a baby. Bo asks if he could borrow it? There was a knock on the door and it was Megan she had come over to meet  Bo to go over to the hospital to see Zachary. After Marlena left, Bo asked Megan to just wait for him as he had some errands to run. He didn't want her to go to the hospital as he didn't want her to spook the boy. Bo and Hope were going to spend some time together and were going to use Eugene's cab as a cover. Jonathan interrupted her breakfast with Marlena and insisted that she go with him to a meeting about their upcoming trip. Bo looks on disapointedly as Hope left. Jonathan told her he was pleased to see she was backing her husband's career to the fullest. Hope was very sarcastic in saying yes that was what she intended to do.

Over at the hospital, Megan went into Zachary's room and told him she was his real mother and he would have to come live with her. The boy freaked out and ran from his room. When Bo asked Megan where he was she said she didn't know. Bo searched the room and found the child was gone.  Marlena came by with him and told him he shouldn't be running through the hospital like that. She asked Megan to speak to Bo alone and Megan said anything she said she could say it in front of her. Marlena told her it was family business and she left. Marlena told Bo what Zachary had told her that Megan had come into his room and said she was his mother and that he was going to have to come live with him. Bo was angry about this and declared to Marlena that from her on out, he would be responsible for the boy. He told Megan he wanted to speak to the child alone and he showed him a picture of Diane and asked him if he knew her? Zachary said yes but he didn't like her, she said she would come back for him and she didn't.  Hope is searching for Bo and tells Eugene that she needs to find a way to get out of of this trip. Eugene agrees that it isn't a good idea for her to go on this trip. A dejected Bo leaves a bit later. After that, Bo left the hospital and made a telephone call to Paris, he asked to speak to a Helen Vondberg. When the woman finally gets on the phone, he says, "Diane thank god you're home. I think I found your son!" Hope had walked through the door dressed in a disguise and overheard. She is shocked to learn that Diane is alive!

Hope told Bo that Larry is insisting that she go on his policitcal junket. She doesn't want to go and Bo assures her that she won't have to and he would think of something. Bo explains about Diane's fake death and how he has learned that Zachary is Diane's son, the boy she was looking for in New Orleans. Bo called Diane back and told her that they were trying to pass Zach off as his son and this is the reason they wanted to kill her when she showed up in New Orleans. He asks her to lay low. He promises her that some day when this whole mess is over that she will be reunited with her son. After he hung up, a somber Hope worries that they are going to kill all of them. She asks Bo not to tell her that she has to leave again. She doesn't understand how these people have so much control over her. They lay in bed and he holds her in his arms. Hope believes Megan set up this trip and that she is as rotten as the rest of them. She points out that Megan tried to pass off Zach as her son and she is evil! Bo tells her it is sick what they tried to do with the child. Hope reminds him that Megan planned on using this child to get Bo to fall into her arms. Bo tells her that he will play Megan's game until he gets some answers. Bo promises her that someday she will be pregnant and with his child!  Megan knocked on his door but when he didn't answer then she went away. After she left, Hope told Bo she had an idea that she would get Megan to confide in her.  Bo told her he wanted her to stay away from the Hathaways. After Hope left, Megan appeared again and asked Bo who was he was talking to? Bo told her it was his neighbor Mrs. Lafferty.  Bo shouted into the fog, "I love you Mrs. Lafferty." Megan asked if he went about telling all his neighbors he loved them? He said no just that Mrs. Rafferty was a real sweet old woman. 

Bo met up with Tom who told him that he would tell Larry because of Hope's condition she wasn't fit to go running around the country and he would forbide it. Hope ran into Megan on the docks and suddenly wanted to be all buddy buddy, bond over becoming mothers, go shopping and have lunch. After Hope walks away, Megan tells Max that she smells a rat! Bo went to visit Zachary and Neil told him he had been taken for some more tests. Bo grabbed him and started yellling at him. Marlena walked in and scolded them for acting that way in the hospital. Bo told her it was his fault and Neil said he was under stress. Marlena was looking at them strangely as they weren't behaving like themselves. They both quickly make nice to cover.

After Marlena left, Bo started in again with Neil for performing unnecessary tests. Neil said the tests were faked and that the boy was fine. Bo asked how Neil got involved in this whole thing? Neil wouldn't tell him anymore, he says he doesn't want things to get rough. Bo promises to allow everyone to think that Zach is his son. (Note: there it is mentioned that Neil told Bo that the child wasn't his son. I went back to the original episodes, which are complete, and this scene diddn't air. He mentions going to call Neil but the viewers didn't see it. Sometimes when the show ran long they cut out scenes, too bad this would have been a good one! I do have every episode and checked with another collector who verified this from her collection as well). Eugene arrives at the hospital and tells Bo that he had a bad vibe about Hope being in an airplane crash and not to let Hope get on the plane. Hope and Eugene arrived at the hospital she talked to Gene about her trip and he told her Bo had found a way to get her out of it. As Hope walked to her grandfather, she fainted dead away in his arms. Bo who didn't know it was faked, started to rush towards her when Eugene pulled him back and told him it was part of the plan. Dr. Horton asked for Bo's help in getting Hope to a room and then he left the two alone together. Hope asks if he was frightened when he saw her faint, he tries to play it off but she doesn't believe him. He tells her she deserves an academy award. About five minutes later, Larry came rushing in with one of Maxwell's doctors who he wanted to examine her.  Hope refused stating her grandfather was the best doctor in the world. The busy doctor realizing she was in capable hands and left. Larry beings reaming Hope and Dr. H has enough and tells Larry that very sternly that Hope has too much stress, and no political junkets, no functions. Larry tries to argue with him but Dr. H puts his foot down and says absolutely not.

Bo worries about the stress this situation is putting on Tom. He tells him that he tried to get Hope to leave the country but she wouldn't agree. Doc H tells Bo about Melissa being attacked and describes the crystal on her custume. Bo asks him if it looked like a prism? Stunned, Tom said that yes it does. He reports that he belonged to Daphne DiMera who loaned it to Melissa and now it is ack in her safe at the penthouse. Eugene, Howie, and Bo are going over a plane to crack Daphne's safe. Abe arrives and tells Bo that he knows he is up to something and demands answers. Abe says it looks like they are planning breaking and entering. Bo refuses to tell him as he doesn't want Abe getting into trouble with the department. Later, Bo meets with Alice and she is in on the plan. Bo tells her how grateful he is to her and Tom for all of their help. Alice is to invite Daphne out for dinner to get her out of the penthouse. Tony would be away at several meetings. When Alice arrived at the Penthouse, she was greeted by Daphne's friend from Paris, Jacque. She was most surprised that Daphne had a guest. He told her that Daphne was running late, and he was a chef and he would be preparing dinner for them tonight. Alice uses the phone to try to get through to Bo to warn him but there is no answer.

Bo and Howie came into the Penthouse, Alice turned Jacque in the other direction and asked him to tell her about the safe again. She said in a loud voice Jacque tell me more about this safe that electrocutes you if you touch it and gets the police here in two minutes. Bo and Howie caught on and left before they were caught. Bo, Howie and Gene all met back up in Gene's cab and discussed what they were going to do. Bo said he knew what he was going to do he wasn't going to stick around there because Maxwell's men were going after the prism tonight. He is worried as Alice is still in the penthouse and he knows that Maxwell's name play rough. Max's men came in through the gallery, they didn't touch the safe but they put explosives around it and went back outside just as Bo came in and walked towards the safe, it blew. It looks like Bo might be seriously hurt, but he soon recovers and reports to Howie and Mrs. H that the safe was empty.

Megan tells Hope that she and Bo are about to get legal custody of "their" son. Hope and Larry go to Blondie's for dinner and join Megan and Maxwell. Larry and Hope dance and Hope drifts into a fantasy of spending a romantic evening dancing with Bo (dressed in a tux), laughing and kissing. Liz sang, "Wind Beneath My Wings" as Hope, Megan, Larry and Carlton looked on.  Larry asks Hope to behave and not to get tipsy. He asks her to remember who they are dealing with. She snarks they are monsters and she doesn't understand how he got mixed up with them. He suggests that she becareful or they could both wind up in the hospital or dead. When Mrs. H enters, she sits with Hope. Max observes that he thinks that Alice is in on whatever Howie and Eugene are up to. He thinks Bo is also in on it, but Megan won't hear of it and insists that Bo isn't involved. Megan wants to let Bo in on it as she thinks he can get the prism back. Maxwell refuses saying not until they have tried everything else. After the Hathaway's leave, Bo, Hope, Alice, and Eugene gather and discuss the events of the evening. They agree to return to the penthouse that night. Eugene, Bo, and Hope wait in the taxi as Alice goes up to talk to Daphne. They realize she has moved the prism to another location. Tony is worried when Alice arrives as they don't know where Daphne is. She calls and when Tony fills her in on the breakin, she tells him that she had moved her jewels. Tony becomes frantic and says his mother started screaming in pain. They later learned that she had a heart attack.

The next day, Hope complains to Eugene that Bo was nearly killed in the explosion at DiMera's.  When Megan comes in, Hope tries again to be her new best friend and insists they have lunch together, though Megan looks like that is the last thing on earth she wants to do. Megan tells Jonathan they have to get to Daphne, but he tells her that will be difficult since she isn't talking yet. Megan tries to get into the Cardiac Arrest Unit to see Daphne.  Hope, Eugene, Alice, and Howie meet in Gene's cab and brainstorm. Alice surmises that the jewels are probably stashed in the annex where Tony was held. They then proceed to argue about how to get into it.  As each one presents a plan, it is discarded as being too dangerous. Abe is suspicious when he spots them all huddled together in the cab, though they plead innocence of any plotting. Hope meets up with Bo briefly, Howie gives the signal that Megan is on her way in. Megan tells Bo that she has found an apartment for her and Zachary. Bo cautions her that he doesn't think this is a good idea, he thinks he might be best for Zach to stay with his parents for awhile to give the child time to get adjusted. She disagrees as that would involve uprooting the child again, and thinks it is best to help him adjust as soon as possible. When Megan sees Hope, she makes a point of telling her about the new apartment and how Bo will have his own room for whenever he wants to stay over. Megan takes Bo to see the apartment. Megan senses Bo's reluctance and implies that he doesn't want to be with her and Zachary. He assures her that he plans on being around and keeping Zach safe. After Bo leaves, Max enters and Megan crows that she will have Bo moving in before he knows it!

Bo shows up at the hospital to try to see Daphne. She is out for tests. Mrs. H arranges for Hope and Bo to have some time alone together. Hope can't wait till they can be together. Megan is driving her crazy putting her hands all over Bo and acting like she owns him. Unbeknownst to them, Daphne's room is bugged and it is being recorded. After they separate, Megan arrives and Mrs. H tries to stop her from getting in to see Daphne. She tells her that Bo is up on the fifth floor with Zachary and takes her up to see him. Once there, Mrs. H suggests she go into see her son. When they are alone, Mrs. H tells Bo that this morning Daphne asked Alice to bring her Bible to her. She says suddenly Megan shows up with said Bible, hoping to score points. Bo realizes the room must be bugged and he points out they better find the equipment fast before his rendevouz with Hope earlier is heard on the tape. They head down and Alice locates the tape recorder. Meanwhile, Shane records a message about watching Kim, Bo, Hope and Daphne.

Larry and Hope spat over each other's evening plans. Bo meets with Carlton, and then Hope's bodyguard sits down with Bo. He tells Bo about Larry leaving on his junket and  Bo learns they have a bodyguard on Larry also. Bo is surprised by this and Hope's guard, makes a crack about Larry's father and being able to keep Larry in line. Bo is told to go to the tunnels and it is about Hope. He arrives, worried that there is a problem. He finds Eugene dressed as a chef, and Howie in a french guy get up. Mr. & Mrs. H pick up Hope but don't tell her what is going on. She is puzzled when they arrive at Eugene's and seem to be interrupting his date with Calliope. Gene sends Calliope out of the room and the rest all disappear into the tunnels. Eugene apologizes, they understand he had a date. He seems a bit confused by whether he actually did. Howie arrives playing an accordian, he is also the wine steward. When Hope sees Bo, she runs into his arms. They both look gorgeous, he in a white tux and her in an evening gown. Gene suddenly remembers Calliope and rushes off to rejoin her and tend to the dinner.  Mr. & Mrs. H are the maitre dis. Bo and Hope sit across the candlelit dinner table from each other. Hope is just relieved not to have to have another dinner with Larry. They are served dinner and wine but only have eyes for each other. Eugene comes running in and tells them that the tracking device is suddenly working and they are getting a signal from New Orleans!  Shane's man, hiding out in the tunnel, overhears this new information.

**The End**

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