Bo & Hope #5  May 28 - July 12, 1984: 8 hours

Dvd #5A Hope calls Melissa and asks how Bo is? Melissa tells her she doesn't know as he left the hospital with Diane. Diane calls Larry and tells him that her and Bo have arrived in New York. Larry is very unhappy to hear that Bo is not only in NY but also know the hotel that they are staying at. She reports that Bo wasn't feeling well and took a sedative. Larry tells her that they are leaving at 6:30 in the morning and to keep Bo away from the hotel before that time.

The next morning, Hope is not thrilled with getting up so early and asks to spend the day in NY. He tells her that they are on their way to a fundraiser that the president will be at. She is more interested in going home to take care of wedding details but he assures her that his office and Maggie are taking care of everything.
     Bo wakes up very early and Diane is desperate to try to stop him from heading off to find Hope, finally she has no choice but to go with him. Meanwhile, a nervous Larry is anxious to get Hope out of the hotel. He pays off the bellhop He just gets her out as Bo arrives to knock at her door. Bo comments that it is as if Larry knows his every move and if he finds out that someone has been keeping him away from Hope that he will kill him!

     Bo continues calling the airport and is unable to find a flight out to Salem. Diane calls Larry and he tells her to have Bo call his office and they will tell him that Larry and Hope's wedding have been postponed for two weeks. Hope is nervous about her wedding arrangements and Larry continues to reassure her as he stalls their return to Salem until the last possible moment, they even miss their own wedding rehearsal. Larry and Hope finally catch a flight headed home to Salem. Howie finds out that Larry and Hope are expected back at 2:00 that day but he is unable to get a hold of Bo to tell him as Bo has headed to the airport to try to catch a flight on standby.

     Hope is having flashbacks to her breakup with Bo. Hope's family is going crazy with no sign of Larry or Hope and no information on some of the arrangements. They have no idea if they are even going to show up as they haven't been able to get a hold of Hope and Larry's office plays dumb about his whereabouts. Larry and Hope finally arrive at the church to the relief of her family. Maggie complains that she has been unable to get a hold of them that Larry's office hasn't had any contact information for them. Larry apologizes profusely and says that he left a detailed itinerary.

     Hope begins getting ready and is given a touching letter from her father. A guilty Diane finally confesses to Bo on the plane ride home. She tells him how afraid she has been and how she has been sending him on a wild goose chase. She tells him that the wedding is on for today! Bo is desperate to get to Hope before she marries Larry and says that there is no way Hope is going to marry Larry. The plane is going to land in Salem in 10 minutes. Bo questions Diane on how she could betray him like this? She claims that she did it because was in love with Bo and wanted him for herself. He doesn't believe it and badgers her until she admits that it was Larry threatening her that caused her to do it, as Larry knew that they still had feelings for each other and he was afraid he would lose Hope if they got together. Marlena and Roman talk about Hope marrying Larry and Roman is very disturbed by it and wishes he could stop it. Marlena offers to go talk to Hope. Bo gets a hold of Howie and tells him he needs a big favor.

     Hope is dressed and ready and Maggie comments on how beautiful she looks but also that she seems a bit sad. Maggie asks if there is anything going on and Hope claims she is just nervous. Mrs. H arrives and her and Hope talk. Mrs. H is worried about Hope marrying Larry, as she loves Bo. Hope assures her that she will be happy married to Larry and that she intends on going through with it. Mrs. H obviously feels that she is making a mistake but agrees to support her decision. Marlena arrives and she asks Hope about Bo as well. Hope starts to cry and says she is marrying Larry and she is tired of everyone talking about Bo when she is marrying Larry. Hope points out that if Bo wanted her that he would be there.

     After everyone leaves her alone, Hope has a fantasy wedding of marrying Bo. Bo's car breaks down and he punches out a police officer and steals his motorcycle. He takes off on the motorcycle on his way to Hope. Over at the church, Hope gets a knock that it is time and Maggie hugs her and leaves her alone. Hope cries in anguish at Bo's no show, realizing she will have to marry Larry after all. There is a pounding at the door and Bo bursts in and he says, "I'm here to take the woman that I love." She tells him that he has no right and he claims he has every right. He swears he will not let her marry Larry Welch! She cries that he didn't want her. He tells her that everything else before was a lie that he did it to protect her and begs her to believe him. He tells her that when he found out that Roman was alive that he had to help his brother and with the threat of Stefano he had no choice but to push her out of his life to protect her from the danger. He swears that he never lived with Diane that none of that was true. She tells him to leave the church. He grabs her and tells her there are no other women in his life but she is his woman and he is not going to let her marry that jerk. He tells her that he loves her and asks her to believe that. She struggles with him as Mrs. H walks in and finds them in each other's arms. Mrs. H has a big grin on her face.

(Note: I used the Soapnet marathon episode with Peter and Kirsten's commentary.) The wedding begins, beautiful ceremony as Liz sings a song. Larry says his vows and raises the veil to reveal his bride is none other than Howie Hockstedder who proclaims, "Dollface you got a puss on you that just won't quit!" Larry demands to know where Hope is and frustrated decks Howie. Great outdoor location scenes as Bo and Hope ride off on his motorcycle to "Hero". They stop at a park; Hope is still fighting him and tells him she hates him. He says he couldn't let her marry Welch until she listens to what he has to say. He tells her again that he loves her! She demands to know how he could wait till her wedding day! She finally promises to listen and stop trying to run away and then immediately takes off. He catches her and holds onto her telling her again that he never slept with Diane. She tells him that he broke her heart into a million pieces and she will never forgive him for that! He kisses her and tells her she can't tell him she doesn't love him. She continues to protest that she will never give him the chance to hurt her again like that. He kisses her again and she is not protesting at this point.

     Over at the wedding chaos ensues as the wedding is called off. Alex Marshall laughs that the groom just got dumped. Mr. H apologizes and tells everyone that there will be no wedding as he glares at Mrs. H. (Peter and Kristen talk about Bo & Hope's real wedding the following year). Back to the park, Bo asks her if she loves Larry. She says that he is a good and kind man. He asks her again if she loves Larry and she doesn't answer him. He tells her that he doesn't blame her for hating him but he will make it up to her. She asks why he had to be so mean to her? He responds by kissing her softly. He takes her away so they can go some place and talk.
     Bo hides the motorcycle as he hears police sirens.

They stop in a barn and he tells her he has been looking for her for a week. That he came straight from the airport that he missed her in NY. He tells her again that his relationship with Diane was just an act to keep Hope away from him to protect her. He tells her the only thing important is that they love each other and can be together. She tells him about all of the nights she cried herself to sleep and dreamed that Bo would take her away from Larry. He says he could have kicked himself for letting things get so far with Larry. She doesn't understand why he didn't call her? He tells her that a lot of things got in the way; especially Larry and he could kill him for his interference. She asks if he thinks she slept with Larry and he does ask if she did? She tells him that she couldn't. He tells her again how much he loves her and kisses her as they make out in the hay.

     She confronts him why didn't he trust her enough to tell her what was going on? He says he wasn't a matter of trusting her that it was a matter of life and death. She cries again at the memory of how much he hurt her, how it killed her to think of him making love to Diane. She tells him that she may love him but she isn't sure if that is enough anymore. She tells him that taking her from her wedding was a crazy thing to do and asks why he waited so long, why he didn't stop her sooner, why didn't he call her? He tells her that he tried to get through to her but no one knew where she was, not Maggie, not Mrs. Horton, not Melissa. He tells her that Larry tried to keep them apart because he knew they still loved each other. Hope finds that hard to believe that Larry would be so underhanded. He tells her he is sorry she was hurt but he loves her so much and he couldn't let her marry another man. He kisses her again.

     He tells her that nothing else will come between them again, nothing and no one. She vows that they have to love and trust each other. Meanwhile, two goons are headed their way as Hope unknowingly was carrying some kind of a tracking device. Bo hears police sirens in the distance and goes outside to make sure the bike is well hidden and he wants to check on where the police are heading. While he is gone, the goons come in and order Hope to write a note to Bo telling him why she left. She refuses and they threaten Bo, her family including Melissa. They force her to write a note saying how Bo turned her life upside down and she can't go through it again, that she loves Larry and is going to marry him and says not to try to stop her that this is what she wants.

     Eugene, Danny, Melissa, and Carlo arrive and pick Bo up. He is determined to get to Hope. They are pulled over by the police and Bo tells them to pretend that he was a hitchhiker that they picked up. With the help of his friends, Bo is able to escape. Larry is told that people interested in his career mean business and that Hope will be returned to him within the next day and that the story will be that Bo kidnapped her. Larry wants to know who is arranging all of this, he isn't told (but we later see Megan Hathaway's father arranging it obviously to leave Bo free to return to her). It's all very mysterious and cloak and dagger, Larry is suspicious but it works in his favor so he doesn't argue with it.

     Bo is arrested and brought into Roman's police department. Roman is worried and warns Bo that this could mean years in prison (kidnapping, assaulting an officer, grand theft auto). Roman is disgusted when Bo tells him about the note that Hope left. Larry shows up and tells Roman that Hope has returned to him after she escaped from Hope and she is fine now. Roman wants to question her and get her statement. Larry says no that she is exhausted and has been given a sedative and maybe tomorrow. Montage of scenes as Bo sits in a jail cell remembering getting to the church, his rescuing Hope, the motorcycle, the park, and them being together. Roman goes to see Bo and tells him he wishes that he had talked to him first before his actions. He tells Bo that they will work on getting him bailed out tomorrow. Bo asks if his folks know about this? Roman says no that he has kept it quiet so far.

     A gloating Larry tells him that he has Hope in his apartment and she is sleeping in his bed! Roman calls him slime and demands that Larry leave immediately. Bo is screaming at him that he will kill him, begging Roman to let him out. Hope is being held captive, bound and gagged. They remove the gag and threaten her. They tell her if she doesn't get dressed that they will dress her themselves. She begs for them to release her and they tell her they can't that they are just doing their job. They inform her that they are taking her home and she will be married today. She cries that she can't marry Larry and doesn't believe he would still want to marry her. They tell her that they are just doing their job and she refuses to believe that Larry had anything to do with this. They agree that this isn't his doing but warn her if she doesn't marry Larry that she may never see Bo Brady alive again. Since they told her Bo was arrested she points out that he is in protective custody and they can't get to him in jail. One of the guys makes a call and indicates Bo needs a little visit to get the message through to Hope that he is in danger if she doesn't cooperate.

     Bo gets a new cellmate who takes a dislike to him and beats the crap out of him. Bo is still recovering from his shoulder wound and isn't able to defend himself. Hope's kidnappers sit with her outside in a car and wait till Bo is brought out and taken away by ambulance. She watches in horror as Bo is taken away. They warn her that she is to marry Larry and she isn't to breathe a word of this to anyone and if she slips up that Bo Brady is dead! They tell her that she has to convince Bo that everything she wrote in the note is true, and that she is going to marry Larry. She is returned to Larry and runs into his arms. She declares that Bo kidnapped her against her will and that she loves Larry and wants to marry him. She does tell him that these guys picked her up from Bo and brought her back to him. He questions her about how these guys found her as he had half the state out looking for her. She says it doesn't matter as she told Bo she didn't want to marry him, that she wants to marry Larry and she told Bo that she loves him. He tells her about Howie walking down the isle as his bride. Larry says this is the first time she has ever said, "I love you." She insists that she does.

     At the hospital, Bo begs Howie to bring Hope to him. He tells Howie that he has to see Hope that he has to hear from her that she hates him. Bo knows that what Hope wrote in the note was false. Melissa arrives at Hope's and she tells Melissa that she can't go through with seeing Bo and no one can make her (remembering the goons telling her that she had to make Bo hate her). She speaks too soon as she gets a phone call telling her if she doesn't go see her boyfriend that her sweet little grandma will get hurt. She believes the threat and goes over and breaks Bo's heart in order to protect him and her family. Hope tells Bo that she hates him, hates what he did to her and that she loves Larry and she is going to marry him. She demands that he leave her alone and stay away from her. She runs sobbing from the room into her grandmother's arms, as one of the goons watches from outside.

     Larry is waiting for Hope at her house when she gets back from the hospital. She assures him again that they are going to have a wonderful life together and will be very happy. Diane shows up later to see Hope and tells her how much Bo loves her. Diane tells her the whole story about how she wasn't sleeping with Bo that it was all set up. Diane is irate that Hope has set Bo up on kidnapping charges when Hope knows that Bo only did it because he loves her. Diane warns her to stay away from Bo and not hurt him anymore. Hope tells her to get out. Bo lays in bed and thinks of Hope.

     The next day, Roman shows up and tells Bo that Hope is marrying Larry that day. He ask, "Hope who?" Larry shows up to see Hope. She tells him that she can't marry him that it is just wrong. She says she can't marry anyone. She starts to become hysterical and he slaps her. He immediately apologizes and begs her forgiveness. She snaps back to her reality and assures Larry that she is going to marry him and they are back to pretending everything is fine.

     Roman visits Hope and wants some answers from her. She sticks to her story and Roman is pretty annoyed with her for pressing charges against Bo. Roman goes back to Bo and asks him again. Bo says that before they went to the barn that Hope was laughing, hiding from the cops, and was with him willingly. Hope gets another warning visit just before her wedding to insure she doesn't get cold feet. Her grandparents come in and talk to her and question her about whether she is making the right choice. Don puts pressure on Neil to keep Bo in the hospital to protect him.

Before she enters the church, Hope feels faint and sits down and tells her grandfather that she can't go through with it. One of the enforcers comes up and pointedly asks her if he can do anything to help her? Her grandfather gives her a glass of water. She takes a breath and tells him she is fine and is ready to go through with it. She walks down the aisle and marries Larry Welch! Larry says his vows and when its time for Hope to say her vows, she becomes faint again and sits down. Mr. H assures Larry she is fine as her color is coming back (could there be a more unwilling bride, someone should be objecting to this wedding!). Hope pulls it together and says her vows and goes through with marrying Larry.

Afterwards, she continues to down the champagne amidst her tears over marrying the wrong man. There is no reception due to the short notice; Grandma says it will be after their honeymoon. Hope throws her bouquet and Anna catches it and happily shows Tony.

Mrs. H visits Bo in the hospital and sadly tells him that Hope is now married to Larry. She is so sorry that she raised Bo’s expectations about Hope. Alice tells him she will testify on his behalf about what a good man he is. Touched, he asks her if she ever splits up with her old man that she marry him and she happily agrees!

Dvd #5B On their honeymoon, Hope's obvious nervousness makes it clear to Larry that she was forcibly taken away from Bo and returned to him. He tells Gwen and asks her to find out who was behind it that he doesn't like this and needs to know. Larry tries to get romantic and Hope flips out and tells him she hates him that the only reason she married him is she was forced to in order to protect Bo. Hope is having a meltdown on her honeymoon; she starts throwing things and tells him she is out of there. She starts throwing things in her suitcase and leaves. Larry is relieved when she returns and she tells him that she will be a good little wife now and she is done running away. She blames Larry for all of this and promises him that he will be sorry he ever met Hope Williams. He corrects her that it's Hope Welch now!

Bo is suddenly released as a mysterious benefactor (Megan Hathaway's father) has paid his bail. After gaining his freedom, Bo carouses and drinks. Roman is worried that Bo might do something reckless since Bo knows that Hope is on her honeymoon with Larry. Diane overhears Bo telling Eugene that he thought it would be safe to love Hope, to trust her and open up to her. She played a big game with him, telling him she loved him and wanted to be with him and in the next minute leaving him that note telling him she loved and wanted to marry Larry. He swears to Eugene that he hates Hope. Diane shows up at his door and when he flirts with her she is definitely interested, especially after he kisses her. He pulls back though and says she deserves better, someone who can give her more than he can right now. After she leaves, Bo swears he will cut Hope out of his heart!

     Bo is sitting down on the docks and Megan Hathaway comes upon him and he is quite surprised to see her. They reminisce and she looks at him with great love in her eyes. She says she didn't know he was back from the merchant marines until a few weeks ago when she read about him in the papers and comments that he is quite the hero (referring to his help in bringing down Stefano DiMera). He has obviously been drinking quite a bit and stumbles. She offers to take him home as she has a car waiting. Bo returns home to find Diane packing and tells him that she is moving out. He introduces her to Megan and Diane remembers her from high school, though obviously Megan doesn't remember Diane (me thinks they didn't move in the same social circles).

     The next day Bo goes to see Megan and tells her they have some unfinished business to take care of, she looks a bit nervous at this declaration. Bo wants to know what happened, why she left five years ago without a word? She tells him they were too young to get into a serious relationship, it was puppy love and her parents took her to Europe and he joined the Merchant Marines. He leaves abruptly, not happy with another unsatisfactory answer from his first love who also left him suddenly with no warning. They run into each other again and its obvious that Megan is still very much in love with Bo.

     Hope receives a note telling her that she will not testify against Bo and that Larry is not to prosecute. Larry doesn't care what the note says as he is determined to press charges! Hope has called Abe to come over and tells him that she is dropping the charges against Bo and will not be testifying. Larry disagrees and points out that he also stole a police motorcycle. Hope points out that going to trial would mean bad publicity for Larry. Hope asks what about the police officer that Bo punched? Abe says that all of the cops on the force know that Bo saved Roman's life and they aren't going to press charges. After Abe leaves, Larry is not happy with Hope for not telling him ahead of time what she planned on doing. She doesn't really care, nothing would have stopped her from getting Bo released from the charges as soon as she was able.

     Larry and Hope are having a belated wedding reception. Megan invites Bo to go to a party with her, he isn't happy to arrive at Hope's. Bo and Larry almost come to blows. Larry wants Bo to leave. He agrees but insists on proposing a toast that they have a long and happy life and wishes that all of Hope's dreams will come true. Hope's eyes fill with tears at Bo's obvious bitterness. After Bo leaves, Hope and Megan introduce themselves to each other. Hope realizes that Megan is Bo's high school love that she has heard about. Hope makes her excuses to go out to the terrace and get some fresh air. Mrs. H knows her granddaughter well enough to know that something is very wrong.

Hope collapses in Mrs. H's arms, crying. She wants to know what is wrong? Hope denies anything is wrong. Mrs. H says she say the look on Bo's face when he came in. Hope excuses that due to the kidnapping. Mrs. H doesn't buy that Hope dropped the kidnapping charges out of fears of bad publicity for Larry. She wants to know what is going on. Hope admits there is trouble but she can handle it. Larry walks out and overhears her and she covers that Bo is getting to be a trouble for them always turning up causing a problem. Mrs. H takes the cue and leaves. Larry accuses Hope of being about to spill her guts to her grandmother. Hope denies it saying she is constantly watched and she knows that they will hurt Bo if she says anything. She wonders why she didn't see what a louse Larry was. He jokes that he gave her plenty of opportunity.

     The next day, Hope runs into Megan down on the docks and then Bo shows up. He asks why she isn't home with her new husband? Hope tells him that what she does is none of his concern. He promises that she doesn't have to worry about him coming up to her fancy apartment any longer. He tells her they won't have to risk running into each other any longer, as he will stay WAY clear of her. She turns to go and he stops her and grabs her arm. He asks how she can do this? How can she tell him that she loves him, and then leave him the note that she loves Larry? How can she turn her back on everything that they had? Her eyes fill with tears as he says he is sorry he ever laid eyes on her. She agrees as well that she wishes they never knew each other. He grabs her and pulls her close and seems about ready to kiss her, then lets her go and tells her to go home to her fancy apartment and her perfect husband, to everything she has ever wanted. She sobs as she runs away.  Later at home, Larry gets a call telling him about Hope meeting Bo down on the docks. She swears that she first ran into Megan then Bo showed up but it wasn't something planned. He reminds her that she is being followed. She warns him that they are getting in deeper and deeper and sooner or later one of them is going to drown and she hopes it is him and he deserves it!

     Megan and Bo talk about their past and she realizes that he never got the letters she sent him. She tells him that she gave them to her mother and she was going to mail them to Bo for her. She says that before her mother died she asked her not to hate Bo. He wants to know what was in those letters? She tells him that she had a baby, a son. He wants information about the child. She tells him that it is in the past, to drop it. He can't believe that she is asking that of him, that it is his child and he has a right to know. She was only 16 at the time and it was very difficult and she needed him very much. She is sorry that she didn't see through her mother's lies. She says that the worst part was thinking he didn't want her or their child. He swears that had he known that he would have been there for her. She tells him she put him up for adoption. He can't believe she did that without talking to him about it and asks how could she do that? That she had no right to give his son away to a stranger. She points out that he was gone in the Merchant Marines. She tells him that she told Roman. He is furious that Roman would keep something like this away from him. She begs him not to blame Roman as he promised not to tell anyone. But this was his child and he had a right to know. She says she was scared and she had no one else she could turn to.

     Roman comes over to see Bo and Bo tells him he is a traitor! Roman wants to know what this is all about? Bo confronts him with why Roman didn't tell him that he had a son? Roman is confused then realizes that Bo talked to Megan. Roman tells Bo that Megan lost that baby that the baby wasn't born. Bo is hurt and confused and tells him that Megan told him that she had a son. Roman says that he didn't know anything about this and if he had known he would have told Bo. Roman says that Megan told him she had a miscarriage and that is why he didn't tell Bo that he thought it was over and so he kept his promise not to tell Bo. Bo informs Roman that Megan told him she had a son and put the baby up for adoption. They go upstairs to Shenanigan's and Bo grabs Megan and takes her downstairs. Megan tells Bo that she was going to have an abortion that she was at a clinic and Roman found her there during a raid and talked her into not aborting.

     Larry and Hope argue about hiring a housekeeper. She insists, he refuses, she hires one anyway and he immediately fires her. Hope and Mrs. H run into Megan and Bo. Mrs. H asks if Bo will be coming to the picnic tomorrow for the Fourth of July? He says yes he will. She promises that it is going to be a Renaissance Faire and everyone is coming in costume. Bo asks if there is going to be a kissing booth this year? (Reminding Hope of the previous year's picnic when he kissed Hope while she was stationed at the booth). The next day, Bo looked quite dashing in his Robin Hoodesque costume. During a dance as they costumed revealers switch partners, Bo and Hope find themselves briefly dancing together. Hope spends most of the day on her own, watching Bo and Megan enjoying the day together.

     Bo runs into Larry at Shenanigan's. Larry makes a snide remark that Bo's ex-girlfriend makes a wonderful wife. Bo warns Larry that if he ever hurts Hope that Bo will rearrange his face, that he will kill Larry! Danny breaks it up before Bo wipes the floor with him and tells them to take it outside. Mickey Horton was hurt by the Vipers trying to help Pete and is in the hospital. Hope is there to comfort her, and Bo shows up. Hope watches as Melissa sits and talks to Bo about what she saw the night he got hurt. She says it was too dark that night. He tells her if she ever wants to talk to let him know. On his way out, Bo greets Hope and then catches her as she starts to faint. He holds her for a moment then helps her to sit down. She tells him they have all been under a lot of strain. She says it was nice of him to come to the hospital. He tells her about what happened that morning with Larry. She is relieved to hear that there wasn't a fight as she starts to say she wouldn't want him to get hurt (as if!) and corrects herself to say she wouldn't want to see either of them get hurt. He thanks her for dropping the kidnapping charges. She snaps that she doesn't gratitude from him! They share a moment as he looks at her intensely and she looks at him with such longing in her eyes. Mrs. H stops at the doorway and watches, noticing the interaction between them confirming her suspicions that they still love each other. Bo points out that Hope has never told him that she loves Larry, she says he is right she never told him that she loved Larry.

     Later, Bo stops by to say hello to Hope and Mr. and Mrs. H at Shenanigan's. Mr. H tells Bo that he is going back to the hospital and asks him if he can take Mrs. H home. Bo is happy to help out and steps away to make a phone call. Mrs. H notices the looks between her and Bo and promises Hope that as soon as Mickey is better that her and Hope are going to have a serious talk about her marriage! Later that night, Hope determines that she has to find out who is behind this set up and why they are doing this (forcing her to be with Bo, little does she know its Megan's father scheming to keep Hope away from Bo). London arrives as the Welch's new butler whose real mission is to keep an eye on Hope and make sure she does as she is told. Hope overhears London instruct Larry to get Hope pregnant that the public favors a family man. Hope accuses Larry of hiring London as her prison guard.

     Larry tries to seduce Hope with a bottle of champagne and reminded her of all of the fun they had in the past. Hope has no interest in spending any time with Larry and Melissa spending the night is just the excuse she needs to avoid him another night. He continues to try to seduce her and tell her how much he wants to be with her. She tries to pump him for info about who is behind all of this. He claims ignorance while she accuses him of doing anything it takes for him to get to the White House. She throws his flowers at him and breaks the vase at his head. She tells him she might have to put up with him publicly but she won't tolerate his assertions that he wants her when they are in private.

     Mrs. H stops by and is quite surprised to meet the new British butler. Mrs. H asks Hope to come volunteer with her at the hospital. After she leaves, Hope warns Larry to stay away from her. She tells him she loves Bo and she will never love anyone else. She tells him that her and Bo made love the day he took her from the church and that she is pregnant. Larry is actually happy as he accomplishes the task of getting his new wife pregnant without having to make love to her. Hope starts her volunteer work at the hospital and uses her access to get a copy of a pregnancy test and puts it in her file with a record of it being for Hope Welch. Mrs. H catches Hope and asks what she is doing in the files, as she isn't supposed to be in there. Hope claims she was just trying to help. Mrs. H wants to know what is going on, as she knows Hope is in trouble and she wants to help her. Hope makes an excuse and runs out. Mrs. H notices Hope's medical file out of place and finds the pregnancy test in it. She is puzzled why Hope wouldn't tell her?

     Hope cuts through the park and finds Megan and Bo laughing together. Hope is about ready to burst into tears and goes to a payphone to cover. After Megan leaves, Bo notices Hope wiping her eyes and asks her if she has been crying. He wants to know what is wrong? She claims that she has something in her eyes and he gently wipes away her tears. Larry comes up and demands that Bo takes his hands off of his wife! Bo drops his hands and takes off on his motorcycle.

     Larry tells her that Mr. H just congratulated him on Hope's pregnancy. She tells him it makes her sick that people think she is sleeping with him! After Hope returns home, Mrs. H stops by full of plans for her baby. She wants to plan the shower and has baby things she has saved baby things for her first baby. She tells her about a beautiful christening gown that will be passed down to Hope's baby.

     Mrs. H confesses that she wasn't sure if Hope really knew what she wanted when she married Larry. Hope tries to tell her how happy she is but as her grandmother goes on about the happiness a baby brings, Hope breaks down in tears. Hope breaks down in tears and admits she is not pregnant, that she couldn't be as she is a virgin; she doesn't love Larry, that she really loves Bo! She goes on to tell her shocked gram that she was forced to marry Larry by some unknown bad guys who had Bo beaten up when he was in jail and even threatened to hurt Mrs. H! She tells her that her new butler is a spy, that she hates Larry, that she forged the medical records and told Larry she was pregnant to keep him away from her as the bad guys wanted Larry to get her pregnant.

Mrs. H is flabbergasted and can't believe any of this but she assures Hope that she will figure something out. Mrs. H suggests that they go to the police that they can trust Roman and Abe. Hope insists that they can't as its too dangerous and she reminds her gram how badly they had Bo beat up. Mrs. H then insists that Hope has to leave that house and move in with her. Hope says she can't as then they would know that she had told Mrs. H and that would put her in terrible danger. Larry comes home and immediately notices that Hope is upset and after Mrs. H leaves; Larry questions how much Hope has told her. Hope denies telling her anything other than she is pregnant. Hope says she would never put her grandmother in danger and she is only sad for not telling her grandmother that she is really carrying Bo's baby (the lie she told Larry to keep him away from her).

Mrs. H stands outside of Hope's door and says to herself that she has to help Hope. She decides to tell Bo and calls him and asks to see him immediately. He asks if she is in trouble and she admits that yes there is trouble, that else would she be calling?

**The End**

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