Bo & Hope #33 November 19, 1997 - March 19, 1998:8 hour original edit

DVD #33A 11/19 Sporting her new chin length do, Billie and Bo are jetting their way back to Salem. She comments when he put the ring on her finger as part of the undercover act, she never dreamed it would become real. He assures it is and not to have doubts. Franco is with Hope and he is with her, now and forever. Bo has a flashback of Kate telling him Hope looks happier than she's seen her in a long time.

At the hospital, putting fresh flowers in Roman's room, Hope flashes back to see Bo in bed with Billie in Rome and their discussion afterward where she told him to go. Roman and Eric walk in. Roman wanted to take a walk and looks full of energy. Roman tells Hope not to give up on Bo. Look at him, he didn't give up on Marlena and him reuniting. He tells her about what happened with the wedding, that he wouldn't marry Doc unless she loved him, not out of pity for him.

Eric offers to make a cafeteria run. Roman said he's had enough of hospital food and he can't wait to raid Doc's fridge for midnight snacks. Hope is surprised when she hears Roman is moving in with Marlena. Roman tells Hope that he's sure that Stefano hasn't finished with him yet.

Bo and Billie have arrived in Alice's kitchen, telling Shawn D that he missed him, they've been gone forever and missed most of the soccer season. Bo tells him they'll be at all of the rest of his games. Shawn D said it might be awkward with Hope there too. Shawn D tells Billie he's always liked her and as long as she makes his dad happy, he's happy. Billie tells Shawn D he'll always be welcome in their home and Shawn D asks the million dollar question, “Where is there home?”

Bo And Billie look at each other and realize, we don't have one. Billie said her mom's got a whole wing they could have and Bo said he needs a whole wing. Shawn D sees a wrapped gift and asks if it's for him? He opens it to find the fishing pole Bo bought but a real Italian soccer uniform (Pirelli). When he leaves to try it on, Billie tells Bo that Shawn D made it easy for her to be part of their family. Bo offers her something to drink and sees a picture of Hope on the fridge and looks lovelorn.

Hope is surprised when Franco enters Roman’s room. Franco tells Hope that he ran into Bo and Billie in Rome and they looked very happy and in love. Hope tells Franco it's okay. After hanging up the phone, Roman tells Hope that Jennifer has been kidnapped. Hope said she has to get over there. Franco offers to take her there.

Franco & Hope rush out of the room going one way and have a very near miss as Bo and Billie come from the other corridor. They are happy to see Roman. He welcomes them home and Billie to the family. She goes off to call Kate while Roman and Bo catch up. Roman tells him he has to thank John and Hope for saving his life. Bo asks him why Hope?

Roman tells him that she stowed away on Stefano's plane and how she saved John more than once and John wouldn’t even be here if Hope hadn’t risked her life to save his, while they were searching for the cure. Bo tells him about his feelings of Hope being in danger while in Italy. Roman questions Bo that while he was on his honeymoon with Billie, he was having feelings for Hope?

Bo tells Roman that he doesn’t trust Franco. He also tells him about calling Kate and her telling him that Hope was off on vacation with Franco. Why would she do that if Hope was really off in the jungle trying to save Roman’s life?

Abe picks up the phone when it rang and learns Jack just escaped from prison. The rest of the people at the house, moan, and Laura faints into John's arms. Hope, Alice and Marlena comfort Laura. Hope offers her help to find Jen. Hope confronts John about Roman's moving in with Marlena. John said he's not the one to ask. Abe tells Hope how Travis' other victims are dead.

Bo tells Billie he's going over to Jen's to offer his help and she wants to go too. Standing out front, Hope hugs Franco thanking him for helping her when Bo and Billie walk up.

11/20 At Jen's, Hope and Franco are met by Bo and Billie and things are pretty tense. They say the proper hellos and ask when Bo and Billie got back to town. Bo says just a little while ago and he had stopped to see Roman and found out about Jen so he hurried over to offer help. They head inside and check on the latest news which is nothing.

Bo, Billie, Franco and Hope are sitting down eating and talking about Roman and Marlena and John and Hope commented that Marlena was about to marry Roman and that she and Roman got closer while John was out looking for the cure and Billie says to Hope that maybe they found love again like she and Bo did. Hope gets upset and leaves to go get some air. Bo asks Billie why she said that? She apologizes but Bo says it's okay. Franco uses the opportunity to tell Bo that Hope has moved on with her life.

Hope goes back outside alone, Bo watches her from inside and follows her outside. He thanks her for helping save Roman's life. He comments on not talking to her since the day of John & Marlena’s wedding. He tells her that the marriage to Billie was all a ruse as part of an undercover operation. She asks then why did she see him in bed with Billie?

She tells him that she was so excited when Abe told her it was all cover. She headed to Rome and booked the room next door to his, in order to surprise him. She walked in to see him and Billie making love. He tells her that he was heading back to Salem to tell her the truth but missed his flight. She snarks so he had to seek comfort in Billie’s arms? He admits that he spent the night with Billie but didn’t sleep with her. They had both almost been killed that day and Billie knew he was headed back to Hope, and she needed him to hold her and comfort her.

Hope asks why he didn’t tell her this when he came back to Salem. He says he saw her at the cabin with Franco and then she told him it was over. She says yes because she thought he had slept with Billie. She points out that she wanted to talk to him so badly the day of the wedding but Kate kept interrupting. Then she heard him tell Kate that he loved Billie. He says he probably did but he also had said that he loved Hope more. Hope asks why did he go back to Rome then?

He shares that Billie was missing and she was in danger from King’s men. When he did find her, she was “sick” so he stayed to help her. Hope realizes he stayed with Billie because he thought she was off with Franco. He promises that had he known she wasn’t with Franco that things would have been very different. She questions if he is sure about that? He swears he is absolutely sure.

When he was in Rome, he had this feeling that someone he loved was in danger. He thought it was Billie because she had been so sick, but it was Hope. She smiles that they are still connected. He can’t believe things have gotten so confusing. She asks him if he is in love with Billie? Is their marriage for real or is there a chance for her and Bo? John comes outside and interrupts. Bo says they have to finish their talk later and Hope agrees that they have to find Jen.

He says he tried to tell her when he returned but she said it was over and wouldn't listen him. He says that he realizes now that Hope was the one in danger he felt while in Rome. He says that he returned to Rome to help Billie because she was in trouble and when he found her she was sick so he stayed to get her well. They get all the rest of the truth out and Hope ask Bo if he loves Billie now. Before he can answer John comes out and says they may have a lead on Jen.

Later, Bo follows Hope into the kitchen and asks if she is okay> She says hearing Jennifer’s voice reminded her of that time she was held captive by Sinclair. She just hopes someone can save her the way Bo had saved her. He says he couldn’t have given up on her, he knew she was in danger. Just like he knew in Rome when she was in danger, they still have that connection she observes. He promises they always will and takes her in his arms and hugs her. Billie and Franco open the door to see this.

11/21 Mike arrives and Hope hugs him, Bo fills him in on Jennifer’s abduction. Bo tells Billie that Jack shouldn't have escaped, but he's going to suggest Abe to order the cops not to hurt Jack if/when they catch him. After Bo walks away, Franco approaches Billie and warns her not to let Bo & Hope be alone together. He says it is obvious that they still have a strong connection.

Billie insists that Bo loves her, he told her so. Franco points out that he told her that when he thought that Hope had gone away with Franco. Now he knows the truth and that might change everything between her and Bo. She retorts that one of her best friends is in danger and she is just going to have to trust in Bo’s love for her.

John asks Hope if it is tough for her to see Bo & Billie together. She says no not any longer, not since her and Bo talked. Hope tells John that she completely misunderstood what she saw in Rome. She's feeling pretty good about her and Bo and they have a chance but have a lot of things to work out. John encourages her to go talk with Bo now as he knows how hard it is to be away from the person you love.

She goes over to Bo and asks if they can talk? She tells him they have a lot of things to clear up. He agrees, but Abe interrupts. He assigns Bo as lead investigator on the case and they need to go to the cop shop and interrogate Stefano. Bo tells Hope they will have to talk later. Bo tells Billie that he has to go to the police department and might be there all night.

Franco said he'll drive Hope home to rest up from the jungle and he might even take her to the mountains for a few days (he doesn't know Hope, she won't leave with Jen being kidnapped!). Bo wants to say something, but Abe rushes him out the door. Billie asks if he and Hope are really going away together? Franco tells Billie he'll do whatever he can to get Hope away from Bo.

John shouts at Stefano to tell them where Peter is so they can find Jennifer. Bo asks John what's going to happen with him and Marlena. He tells Bo they're in the same boat. Marlena feels committed to helping Roman and he's committed to Billie, but he wants Hope.

Billie and Mike are alone and she thanks him for his help in Rome again and gives him a long hug. Hope walks in and sees it.

11/24 John, Bo, and Abe continue to question Stefano when they learn Roman is being released. John leaves and Bo asks John to tell Roman he'll be by to see him as soon as possible.

11/25 Hope goes to Alice for advice on what to do concerning the Bo/Billie situation. Alice asks her "What does your heart believe?" Hope wants to know where to go from here and Alice tells her to trust her heart. Franco is outside the window watching and eavesdropping. Hope tells her that she fears that Bo has fallen back in love with Billie. Franco finally makes his presence known and Hope lets him in.

Alice shows up with a music box playing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” that Bo gave her a long time ago. She explains that Bo always gave her music boxes and this is the first one he ever gave her. Alice reminds her that she and Bo share a lot of memories. Alice excuses herself to turn in, but Hope decides to go for a walk.

Franco asks if he can join her and she agrees. He thinks to himself that he will not give her up to Bo. They go for a walk on the pier and he works on her insecurities and tries to convince her that Bo and Billie are really in love. He tells Hope that his love for his real and pulls her close, hugging her. Bo walks up and sees them kissing.

Bo and Abe rehash the kidnapping and Peter being alive and Jack's escape. Abe informs Bo that they have extradited Max from Italy and that Billie may have to testify against him. Abe suggests that Roman may be able to help them out on the case, but Bo discourages him, they should let him rest.

They talk about Jack's quest to save Jen and the conversation turns toward Bo's feeling that Hope was in danger. He recalls what Kate told him about Hope and Franco being on vacation and wonders why she told him that. He talks about Hope's strength and courage. Abe says "And then, there's Billie." Bo says "Yea, and I'm married to her”.

Right on cue, Billie shows up and wants to talk to Bo. Bo says they are busy, but Abe excuses himself. He tells her about Max and she is upset. Bo says not to worry yet, they may have enough on him that she won't have to testify. She asks him to come home, but he's not sure where home is. She reminds him of the love he professed for her in Rome, but he tells her that finding Jen is what is important right now. She takes the hint and leaves.

Later, Bo confides to Abe that he "cares" about Billie but can't move in with her. He needs some time alone to think and sort things out so he goes for a walk and that is where he spies Hope & Franco together just as Franco leans in to kiss Hope.

12/1 Bo and Hope both have flashbacks of conversations since his return from Rome and each wonder what the future holds. Hope is looking at a picture of her, Shawn D and Bo when Shawn D and Abby come in the room. Abby says she is thinking about her Mom and Dad and want them back home and together. Hope says she understands and sends Abby off the check on the cookies they are helping Alice bake. Shawn D says he feels the same way, he wants his mom and dad together. Hope says she does too but is not sure what will happen.

They talk about Bo and Billie and the misunderstandings that Hope and Bo have had and whether Hope thinks she and Bo can get back together again. She tells Shawn D that she doesn't think there is any future for her with Franco. Shawn D asks if love is this much trouble and pain and Hope tells him no it's wonderful it just takes a lot of work. They talk some more and both agree that they don't want to see Billie hurt and also realize that someone will get hurt no matter what.

12/2 Maggie, Abby, Shawn D., and Hope are shopping at Salem Place when John shows up. Maggie and the kids go to see Santa and Hope and John talk. John is looking forward to spending Christmas with Marlena, but they still haven't told Roman the truth. John and Hope talk about the problems plaguing John and Marlena's relationship, and how this ordeal with Roman is killing John. He asks Hope if she's talked to Bo, but Bo has been so busy with other things that she hasn't had the chance. Hope says she believes something was wrong with Billie which kept Bo in Rome for so long, and she is determined to find out what.

In Abe's office, Abe and Bo talk while Billie leaves to get them some sandwiches. Abe asks Bo if the reason he's working so hard to find Jen is to avoid spending time with Billie. Bo tells Abe that his situation is so complicated. Bo explains that he only moved on with Billie because he thought Hope was unavailable. Abe tells Bo he has some major decisions to make, and Bo says he has to resolve all this.

Billie returns and Bo tells Billie that he's worried about Max getting off. Billie comments on their serious faces and doesn't buy the story and asks him why he is avoiding coming home with her. Bo tells her he has to be here in case any new leads come in.

Billie then surprises Bo with the idea of buying a new boat for them to live on. Bo remembers buying the Fancy Face and he tells Billie that he needs to think about it. Bo also tells her if they get a new boat HE wants to pay for it. Suddenly Abe shows up and tells Bo that Travis and Jen were spotted near the Grand Canyon.

Max is brought up into the station and he confronts Billie about her drugs. Max tells Billie that she'll be back on drugs real soon, once a junkie always a junkie. Bo grabs Max and tells him it's time the slimy bastard paid the piper (Bo's words) Later, a shaken Billie tells Abe and Bo she can't testify against Max.

Hope goes to the hospital to talk to Mike about Billie. Mike remembers his promise to Billie, so he tells Hope that Billie just had a serious case a food poisoning. Hope then asks if Bo talked about her at all in Rome, and Mike says she should ask Bo about that. Mike is then called off to see a patient. Hope decides to go to the police station, and of course she walks in on Bo and Billie holding each other.

12/3 At the police station, Hope shows up as Bo is holding Billie. Billie sees Hope, so she kisses Bo! Hope naturally walks off.

Billie and Bo go to the pub and they talk. Billie agrees to testify against Max if he will be there for her. Bo assures her he will and Billie says that his love is giving her the strength to fight Max. Bo tells Billie she has a lot more strength that she gives herself credit for and he reminds her she has a loving family as well. Billie says she's just afraid that Max will tell someone the truth.

Back at the station, a police officer ask Hope to watch Max while he goes do to do some type of cop thing. Hope tells Max he'll never destroy another family with his filthy drugs again. Max says that if he goes down he's taking Billie with him! Max tells Hope that Billie will probably go back to Europe so it's easier to do her thing, "dope." Hope doesn't know what Max is talking about, so Max tells Hope that Billie was a junkie in Rome. Max is carted off and Hope can't believe Billie was back on drugs.

Hope goes back to Grant's place and Franco shows up to see Hope. Hope is troubled and she tells Franco what Max told her about Billie. Franco says it's not possible, he saw Billie and Bo in Rome and they were happy. Hope wonders if Bo stayed in Rome to take care of Billie, but Franco tells her that Bo was with Billie because they are in love. It’s obvious that Max wants revenge on Billie and that's why he said that. Franco tells Hope he has to go to an appointment and he tells her to put this drug business out of his head. Hope can't get what Max said out of her head, and she realizes that Billie was on drugs.

Back at the Kiriakis mansion, Bo is fantasizing about Hope and how perhaps they could be together. Suddenly Billie comes in a negligee and asks Bo to make love to her. Bo tries to avoid Billie but she won't take no for an answer and she's already filled up the hot tub. Suddenly the phone rings and Bo answers it. It's the station and he has to go track down a lead on Jen. Billie tells Bo she understands and she hopes the lead pays off. When Bo leaves, Billie realizes Bo is slipping away from her and wonders what she can do.

12/8 Hope is helping Gran make her Christmas cookies and she decides to take some of the cookies to Bo at the station because he's working so hard to find Jen. Gran says it would be wonderful if she could reunite with Bo for the holidays. Hope says she has talked with Bo, but she now she knows why Bo stayed with Billie in Rome. Hope swears her grandmother to secrecy and tells Alice about Billie's drug problem.

Alice feels bad for Billie, but Hope says perhaps once Billie is better then Bo may come back to Hope. Hope admits that she never stopped loving Bo, and the fact that he put his life on hold for Billie makes her love him more. Alice convinces Hope to go to the station and talk with Bo. Hope says the only thing that is hard about this is hurting Billie. Hope calls Abe and learns that Bo and Billie are at Salem Place, so she decides to try to meet him there.

At Salem Place, Bo and Billie run into Roman. Billie goes off to do some shopping and lets Bo and Roman talk. Billie tells herself she won't let Bo go without a fight, and she knows just what she has to do. Billie goes home and wonders if Bo will return home to her.

Bo and Roman talk and Roman goes on about how grateful he is to Kristen and John for giving him a second chance with Marlena. Roman then asks Bo if he knows what is going on with John and Kristen's marriage. Bo says he hasn't seen John lately. Roman changes the topic to Billie. Bo doesn't like this topic either and Roman asks about Hope. Bo tells Roman why he married Billie, and Roman says he doesn't look very happy about his marriage.

Bo tells Roman the whole truth, and asks him to not tell anyone. Bo tells Roman about his commitment to Billie and his love for Hope. Roman tells Bo that right now, Billie is most likely very vulnerable. Roman says if he (Bo) acts on his feelings for Hope, Billie will be hurt badly. Furthermore, Bo made a commitment to Billie, and he shouldn't break that commitment.

Bo says he loves Billie, but not like he loves Hope. Bo says he thinks Hope would like to reconcile and Roman blasts Bo for leading Billie on. Roman says he should think long and hard before making a decision. Right as Roman is about to leave, Hope shows up!

12/9 At Salem Place, Hope shows up to see Bo, so Roman makes himself scarce. Bo tells Hope they should talk sometime, so Hope suggests they talk now. Bo gets them some hot chocolate and Hope cracks out the cookies. Bo asks Hope what Shawn D. wants for Christmas and Hope says he wants his parents back together. Hope tells Bo that she knows about Billie and she's very proud of him.

Bo is confused and asks how she knows about Billie and him. Hope says she was at the station yesterday and saw him and Billie there. She also tells Bo she spoke with Max who told her about Billie getting hooked on drugs at Rome. Hope asks why Billie got hooked back on drugs and Bo tells her about Max and what he did to Billie.

Hope tells Bo that she knows Billie needs him now and she won't ask him to walk away from her. Hope says after this is over she hopes they can move on with their future, together. Bo is beeped by Abe and has to go to the station. Before leaving, Bo tells Hope he missed her a lot. Hope tells Bo she missed him too. He leans in, hesitates and then full on kisses her and she kisses him back! She smiles softly together as he walks.

12/11 Bo walks the pier, thinking of his promises to Billie and the fact that Hope doesn't know about them. He ask himself, “What they hell am I going to do? Meanwhile, Hope is remembering him kissing her.

Hope comes back to Mrs. Horton's house smiling. She keeps thinking about her conversation and her kiss with Bo. Alice says she is glowing, and Hope tells her that she thinks she is getting back together with Bo. Alice is ecstatic.

The doorbell rings, and Hope answers it to find Franco there. She invites him in and tells them both the story of how Max kidnapped Billie and got her hooked on heroin, and Bo only stayed with her to help her kick the addiction. Alice says she is so glad they got it all worked out.

He finally heads back to Kate's mansion and finds the romantic dinner and Billie is a sexy gown. He asks what all the fuss is about and she tells him she wanted to do something special for her husband because he is working so hard on Jennifer's kidnapping. She immediately senses that he is a million miles away and asks him what is wrong. Bo tells her that Hope knows she was addicted to heroin in Rome.

12/11 Billie freaks out and asks if he told her. Bo says of course not; Max told her at the station. Billie says that if Max told Hope, he could tell everyone. She goes into a panic and clings to Bo, telling him that if he ever left her, she wouldn't know what to do.

Bo looks increasingly uncomfortable, but promises he will always be there for her. Billie says she just wants things to be like they were in Rome. She asks Bo to dance to a romantic song and then sits him down on the couch to rub his shoulders. Bo turns toward her and she starts kissing him, whispering that she knows exactly how to make him feel better.

Franco, who sees Hope slipping away, asks her if she is sure the marriage is not real. Why is Bo still with Billie? Hope says that he will stay with her until the trial and testimony are over. Franco says they don't need to be living together for Bo to provide support. Hope says she can wait a little longer. Franco says that when he saw them in Rome, they looked like they were in love. Hope tells Franco to stop being so negative; she is sure that Bo loves her as much as she loves him. Franco says that he has seen her get her hopes up before, only to have them dashed, and he doesn't want to see it happen again.

12/12 At Alice's house, Franco tells Hope she is making a big mistake by being optimistic about her relationship with Bo. Hope tells him that she is sure the only reason Bo is with Billie any more is that he feels obligated to help her through Max's trial. Franco says that she is naive if she thinks they never made love in Rome. Hope says that she asked Bo about the night she saw them, and he said they didn't. Franco asks her what about all the nights after that? Hope looks uncomfortable and says that Bo's feelings for Billie are caring and paternal, and that's the end of it.

Franco reminds Hope that she once said that she could love him (Franco). Hope says she thought she could, but she knows now that her heart belongs to Bo, now and forever. Franco is furious and tells her that she never gave them a chance. He says he won't stand by and watch her get trampled on again. He takes her arm roughly, and Hope tells him he's hurting her. Franco says he's sorry, but he thinks she's being a fool. Hope shows him to the door and they say good night. Franco curses himself for falling in love with Hope, instead of just taking the money for a job he was paid to do. Hope asks herself if she is being a fool to be so optimistic.

At the Kiriakis mansion, Billie kisses Bo and immediately realizes there is something wrong. She tells him that she knew his kiss wouldn't lie, and obviously he does not feel the same passion for her that he once did. Bo looks uncomfortable and admits that he is having second thoughts. Billie pushes him to admit that he is thinking about Hope. Bo says it's true, and Billie looks devastated. Bo says that when he found out Hope went with John to the jungle to find a cure for Roman, instead of being off having fun with Franco as he had believed, it reminded him once again of the kind of woman she is.

More importantly, he felt her fear when she was in danger, even through all the miles, and he wanted to be with her. Billie says John told her Hope did just fine on her own. Bo says that is true, that Hope is a strong, resourceful woman who is coming into her own. Billie says that's true, but looks hurt. Bo says that Billie is a very strong, brave woman, too, and that he owes her so much for saving his life, Hope's, Shawn-D's, and Mrs. H's.

Billie's eyes fill with tears and she tells Bo that he doesn't owe her anything, that he has more than made up for it since, and they should call it even. Bo agrees. Billie then asks the big question, “where do we go from here? Does he still want to be with Hope?” Bo says it's not that simple; he wants to do what is right.

12/15 John meets up with Bo and they talk about Roman and Marlena. Bo wants to know what's going on. John says they are trying to protect Roman from the truth. The conversation turns toward Billie and Bo says he knows how it is, trying to protect someone and ending up hurting them. They talk about the Jack and Jen case. Bo got some news on it and was going to tell Roman so John volunteers to do it for him. Bo can tell he was just looking for a reason to go over there.

Bo apologizes to Billie. She wants to know if he loves her. He says he doesn't want to hurt her, but she says that is not enough to build a marriage on. Bo gets beeped and calls the Grand Canyon Ranger Station. They have an anonymous tip on Jack's whereabouts. Bo tells Billie he has to go. She asks him to think about it and he leaves.

12/22 Hope finds Bo asleep at the Horton house and asks him what he's doing here. Bo fell asleep last night after returning with Shawn D. with a Christmas tree. Alice comes down and finds out that Bo stayed all night. Alice has some shades on, which she says is an eye irritation. Bo leaves to make a call and Hope tells Alice not to get excited and tells her why Bo was here. Still, Alice takes it as a good sign.

Abe gets a call from Bo and tells Bo that they found the body of a male, DOA. Back at the Horton house; Alice, Bo, and Hope discuss Jack's situation. Bo tells Alice and Hope about the man's body. Alice hopes it isn't Jack, and Hope says there is nothing worse then losing the man you love. Shawn D. comes downstairs and wonders if his parents are getting back together. Hope just says we'll see and Shawn D. and Alice go into the kitchen to get some blueberry muffins.

Meanwhile, Billie realizes Bo never came home and worries that he is with Hope. Billie goes over to the Horton Household and finds out that Bo spent the night there. Billie brings some presents over and invites Hope and Shawn D. over to her place for Christmas dinner. Shawn D. tells Billie that he and his mom are going to the pub.

Bo leaves to go to the station and Alice asks Shawn D. to help her get some decorations down. Hope tells Billie she knows what happens and Billie tells her she'd appreciate it if she didn't tell anyone. Hope says of course and she says she also knows about the commitment Bo made to her. That makes Billie happy and says that she loves Bo very much, and Billie says he loves her too.

Later, Alice and Hope look at the Horton ornaments. Thinking Billie is gone, Hope tells Alice that once Billie is better she will go after Bo. Billie, hearing this, thanks Hope and says she now knows what she needs to do to keep Bo.

12/24 At the Kiriakis Mansion, Kate is toasting to Austin and Carrie, Bo and Billie when Sami crashes Kate's party. Kate suggest that they put their differences aside for Will's sake. Sami likes that idea because her grandma invited Kate over to the pub later. Bo tells Billie he has to go to Alice's because he promised to hang Shawn D's ornament with him. Austin, Carrie, Lucas, Sami, and Will head over to the pub.

Franco shows up with some presents for everyone. Franco asks Kate if everything is calm, he saw Sami on the way in. Kate says nothing is calm with Sami around, she just hopes Sami never reveals that she hired Franco to break up Bo and Hope. Unknown to Kate, Billie was around the corner and heard EVERYTHING! Billie goes back into the room and talks with Franco.

Bo goes over to the Horton house and hangs his ornaments with all the others. Mike is glad Bo is here because the hospital beeped him with an emergency and he needs a favor.

Later, Bo reads the Christmas Story to the kids at the hospital as Billie and Franco watch. Later at the pub, Billie shows up and Hope tells her how beautiful she looks and sincerely says that she is so happy for how well she is doing. Billie rubs Bo in Hope’s face by telling her that she is doing as well as she is because of Bo’s love. Hope classily wishes her a “Merry Christmas” and walks away. and Franco show up and Billie rubs Bo's love for her in Hope's face.

12/31 Bo is down at the docks missing the Fancyface and Hope. Bo says to himself that even though he made a commitment to Billie, he shares a son with Hope. That bond is special, and he can't get Hope out of his heart.

Franco tells Hope he's made a New Year's resolution, he won't say anything negative about Bo. Franco loves Hope, but he tells Hope that he wants her to be happy with Bo. She thanks him for being so supportive, and tells him that when Billie is fully recovered that she does want Bo back in her life.

Later, Hope overhears Austin suggesting that Bille tell Hope the truth that they are more committed than Hope thinks. Hope asks the truth about what? Billie says she misunderstood, they were talking about Marlena and John telling Roman the truth. Hope leaves and Franco grabs Billie and tells her that Hope is planning on telling Bo she wants to reunite with him tonight!

1/2 Bo kisses Billie and Hope kisses Franco when they New Year arrives, but Bo and Hope only have eyes for each other. Hope tells Abe that Billie may still desire Bo, but now that her testimony is over, she doesn't need him any more. Hope says she plans to tell Bo tonight that she wants him back.

Bo, meanwhile, is wrestling with his conscience, and knows that he has to tell Hope that he and Billie have made love and that when he thought Hope was with Franco, he made a lifetime commitment to Billie. He takes Hope out on the terrace and they gaze longingly into each other's eyes before he sits her down to talk.

Billie watches in despair as Hope and Bo talk on the terrace, obviously completely in love with each other. She walks away, looking sick, and then clutches her stomach and keels over in a faint.

1/5 Austin interrupts Bo and Hope's talk to tell him that Billie has fainted. They all rush to help Billie, who is still laying on the ground. Mike looks her over and when Franco asks Hope what happened, Hope says that's what she'd like to know. Mike wants to take Billie to the hospital, but she says know and asks Bo to take her home. Bo gets a moment alone with Hope and tells her he is sorry. Billie and Bo go home and Billie tells Bo that she needs him so much and asks him not to leave her tonight.

1/7 Hope and Laura are at Alice's place. Hope doesn't understand why Alice asked her and Shawn D. to stay at the pub. Laura tells Hope about Jack and Jennifer hiding there, but now they are gone. Hope tells Laura that helping Jack is a criminal offense. Laura says that she hopes they can elude the police until Peter is found. Laura yells at Abe and asks him why the FBI isn't tracing Kristen and Stefano's calls. Abe tells Laura that he cares about Jack and he alerted them to Peter's whereabouts.

1/8 Billie wakes up in Bo's arms and tells him how glad she is that they have finally spent the night together, the first night since they got back from Rome. Bo is distant and tells her that if she is feeling better, he has to go to the station. Billie tries to stop him, but he says the bad guys won't wait. At the station, Bo and Abe are getting lots of leads on Jack and Jenn, but none of them are panning out.

Hope spent the morning talking to Franco about her disappointment and her suspicion that Billie faked her faint in order to keep her and Bo from getting closer. Then she talked to Shawn-D, who told her to call Bo. Hope calls Bo and points out that they never got to finish their conversation. Bo tries to tell her about him and Billie, but he gets a call that he has to take, and Hope tells him they can talk later. Bo picks up the phone and it's Kimberly, telling him that Roman is in the hospital again.

Meanwhile, Hope decides she has had enough waiting and heads out the door to go find Bo, who happens to be standing right outside of the Horton family home.

1/9 Hope invites Bo into Mrs. Horton's house and tells him she was just on her way to see him. Bo says it's time they finished the conversation they were having on the terrace of the Penthouse Grill. They are SO cute together, so expectant and full of hope for a future together.

As Bo prepares to tell Hope that he and Billie have made love, Shawn-D comes in and tells his parents how glad he is that they're together, talking. He leaves and Bo starts to tell Hope about the time he and Billie spent in Rome, and just before he is going to tell her that he and Billie made love, the phone rings.

Franco tells Billie that Bo is drifting away from her. She says she has tried everything. Franco points out except what he is suggesting. She doesn’t want to fight dirty, that isn’t hurt. She declares that she did not fake fainting. Franco warns her that if she doesn't play her vulnerability card to win Bo back, she will lose him to Hope.

Billie says there is no way she can manipulate Bo that way, but Franco tells her that she has no choice if she doesn't want Bo to end up with Hope that this is the only way she will keep him. He encourages her that with time, her love with Bo will grow. Billie agrees. (Franco pays a reporter at the Salem Intruder to pretend that he interviewed Max and is about to expose the story of Billie's drug addiction.)

Billie calls Bo in feigned hysterics, just as he is about to tell Hope the truth about his intimacy with Billie. Bo tries to convince her to let it wait until tomorrow so he can finish his conversation with Hope, but she tells him the story will be released by then. Bo tells Billie he'll be right over. Hope, listening in the background, looks disgusted. Bo apologizes and tells her they'll talk again soon.

Bo meets Billie at Kate's and calls the Intruder reporter and makes a deal to shut him up (which he was going to do anyway, since Franco is paying him). Billie pretends to be oh-so-grateful and tells Bo she doesn't know what she would do without him.

1/14 Hope tells Franco all about how Billie once again ruined her chance to talk with Bo. Hope tells Franco that Billie knows that once Bo realizes she doesn't need him, Bo will leave her. Hope has a fantasy that Bo arrives wearing a tux, bearing flowers and asks her to marry him! As she happily says yes, he slides the ring onto her finger! If only! She says to herself that she loves him and wants to be a family with him again.

Later, Hope and Franco argue over whether or not Billie faked her fainting spell to hold onto Bo, that Billie must have seen him with Hope out on the terrace.

At the Kiriakis Mansion, Billie is playing the hurt little lamb when Bo tells her that he is going to go take care of Max once and for all. Billie asks Bo not to go see Max because it could make things worse. Franco assures Billie *by phone* that the reporter he paid off won't double-cross them. Bo returns with the paper and shows it to Billie, who is relieved that she's not plastered on the cover.

Bo and Billie talk about their relationship. Billie says that Bo promised her in Rome that he would love her forever. Bo says he never should have made that promise. Bo tells Billie that he made those promises when he thought Hope was with Franco. Bo tells Billie that he wants a life with Hope. Billie then asks if Hope knows they consummated their marriage and Bo says no.

Hope visits Max in jail and asks him not to exploit Billie to the papers. Max asks Hope what she's talking about and tells her he never spoke with a reporter at the Intruder. Hope tells Max she's sorry to have bothered him.

1/15 Hope stands outside Kate's mansion, fuming with her knowledge that Billie planted the story with the Intruder about her drug addiction in order to make Bo come to her. Inside, Billie is gloating at the prospect of being the first to tell Hope that she and Bo made love in Rome.

As Billie opens the door to go outside, she sees Hope standing in the doorway looking grim. Hope comes in and confronts Billie about faking her fainting and the story in the Intruder. At first, Billie tries to deny that she planted the story, but Hope tells her she talked to Max and checked the record of visitors and she knows Max didn't talk to the reporter. Hope tells Billie that any love Bo felt for her will die when he learns what she did, because Bo values honesty.

Billie gets a triumphant look on her face and asks Hope if she thinks Bo has told her everything about his relationship with Billie? Hope says if not, it's because of Billie's constant interruptions. Billie, with obvious maliciousness, tells Hope that she and Bo were lovers in Rome and he pledged himself to her forever.

Hope tells Billie she's pathetic, and that nothing she can do or say will separate her (Hope) and Bo any more. She is sure Billie is lying, but Billie tells her to go to the source and check. Hope leaves in disgust. Billie smiles with delight, knowing that Bo will tell Hope the truth and Hope will never take him back.

At the Horton house, Bo walks in to find Hope and tell her he wants to be with her. But he finds Franco instead, and they trade shots at each other for a while. Bo tells Franco he still doesn't trust him and is convinced he attacked Jill and killed the man on the island.

Franco says that he is sick of seeing Hope get hurt. Bo says Franco won't have to worry about that any more, because Bo is getting back together with Hope as soon as he sees her. Franco leaves and Bo waits wondering where Hope is, eager to talk to her. Bo imagines that when she returns home, he tells her that he hopes with his entire being that she will tell him that it isn’t too late to share their lives together. He promises to himself that nothing will stop him from sharing this dream with Hope. Hope tells herself that Billie has manipulated Bo for the last time. She walks into the Horton home and finds him there waiting for her. They stand staring at each other.

Franco knocks on Billie's door, but gets no answer, so he lets himself in. He is looking around in the parlor for Billie when he spots her lying on the floor. Franco is horrified, it looks like she has fainted again.

1/16 Hope asks what he is doing there? He tells her that there is something really important to tell her. Every time he tries they keep getting interrupted. He shakily and nervously tells her that he loves her and that he has told Billie that he loves Hope. Bo asks if she still loves him, and Hope says, "Are you kidding?" and throws her arms around Bo.

They kiss happily for a while, wondering how they ever allowed anything to come between them. Bo tells her they are destined to be together ever since there were children. She tells him that there has never been another man for her. He had assumed that she fell in love with “that Itlaian”.

Bo starts to tell Hope that he and Billie made love in Rome, but Hope shushes him and says that no matter what he has to say, it's not important as long as he loves her. He holds onto her tightly as if he never wants to let her go, unbelieving that he finally has her in his arms. Bo is sorry that he let his pride get in the way, that and Billie’s feelings.

Hope doesn’t blame him. She understands that Billie got involved in his undercover assignment, and then when she was drugged he had to help her. She observes that Billie has regained her strength, and she warns him that Billie will say or do anything to hold onto him. He promises that doesn’t matter as he belongs to Hope and only Hope. She says she knew deep down in her heart that he loved her.

He has something else to tell her about Billie as he doesn’t want anymore misunderstandings between them. They are interrupted again, Abe calls to report that the FBI are closing in on Jack and Jenn. Bo kisses her again and tells her he loves her. Bo rushes off to Jennifer's house to meet Abe. After Abe updates Bo on the case, Bo tells Abe that he and Hope are back together, and nothing can ever tear them apart again.

At the hospital, Franco asks why she doesn't want Bo there, since it's the perfect opportunity to pull him away from Hope. Billie, remembering that Hope discovered her deception with the newspaper article, says that she can't face Bo if he knows the truth.

Franco decides to call and find out. He reaches Hope and tells her what's happening, and she rushes down to the hospital. She tells Franco that she's afraid Billie's collapse was caused by the trauma of losing Bo. Hope tells Franco that Billie planted the story with the Intruder, using Max for a scapegoat.

Franco asks if she has told Bo? Hope says she didn't, because that would be like kicking Billie when she was down. Franco pretends to be happy that Bo and Hope are back together. Hope excuses herself to go check on Billie. When she reaches the door of the room, she gets the shock of her life. Mike is with Billie telling her that she's not sick at all, she's pregnant!

DVD #33B 1/19 Bo meets up with John on the pier. Bo fills him in on the Jack and Jennifer case as well as the impending Hope reunion. Bo tells him that he hasn't had a chance to tell Hope everything as of yet. Bo assures him that he will and she will understand.

He heads off for Alice's, where he and Alice talk about Jack & Jenn and she thanks him for the update. He begins to tell her about him and Hope, but before he can, she congratulates him., Bo can't wait for Hope to get home so they can finish their talk.

Hope and Billie are both shocked at Mike's news'. Billie is speechless and Hope is on the verge of tears. Mike tells Billie that she is definitely pregnant and after it sinks in, Billie is thrilled. Mike encourages Billie to call Bo, but she refuses, making him promise not to tell anyone just yet.

Hope meets up with John on the pier and he notices something is wrong. She explains everything and asks how could she have been so blind. NOW she realizes what Bo was trying to tell her. John says they can work through it, but she says no and tells him about the pregnancy. Hope says that Bo wouldn't have made love to Billie if he didn't really love her.

John argues Bo's side, but Hope says it doesn't matter, when Bo hears the news, he will go to Billie out of obligation. She realizes that John is stuck in a difficult situation as well and he says, “We make quite a pair, don't we?” John offers his support and tells her he will be there for his partner. She offers the same help and they embrace.

Back at Alice's, Bo is remembering the events earlier in the evening, when Hope returns. Bo rushes to her and hugs her, and tells her how much he loves her but she is cold toward him. He wants to pick up where they left off earlier. She tells him no, there is nothing left to pick up on and walks away. He catches up to her and wants to know what is wrong. With tears in her eyes, she tells him to go back to Billie. She tells him that she knows that he and Billie were lovers.

1/20 Hope is so distraught over what she knows about Billie and tells Bo there is no future for them. She says she knows that he slept with Billie in Rome and he says yes it's true and he tried to tell her this. He says it's just another one of their misunderstandings that they need to resolve. Then he ask how she found out? Hope tells him that Billie told her. He is sorry that she found out that way. He points out that now they can put this behind them and move on with their future together.

Hope snarks that Billie will never let him go, that she will play her vulnerability and need to hang onto Bo. She tells him that Billie set up the Intruder story. She knows because she went to see Max and he denied saying anything. Bo asks if she is going to believe a drug dealer over Billie but Hope says the guards confirmed that Max had not had any visitors in the last few days. She says that Billie did it to get him to drop everything and run to her side.

He tells her he wants to work things out between them and he loves her. Hope says that Bo must have feelings for Billie or he would not have slept with her she knows him better than that. Finally, Hope spits out that Billie is pregnant and Bo looks at her in shock. She says obviously he didn’t use any precautions when he made love to Billie. She turns to run away but he holds her in front of him. He admits that they didn’t think about birth control.

Hope says that just proves that he wasn’t just committing to her physically but emotionally and now they all have to live with the consequences. Bo pleads with her that they can work this out and be together. She cries, “How? There is no way… it is too late. Right now I don’t even care if you go back to Billie or not.” She knows the kind of man he is, that he won’t walk about from his commitments. He declares that he wants a commitment with her and Shawn D.

Bo says that she and Shawn D are his first priority but Hope tells him that they will be just fine without him. She sobs they have gotten along without him for long time now and he needs to go home to Billie. Her heart breaking, she tells him again that it is over. Through her tears, she tells him to leave. He finally does and she sobs in her grief as he walks out the door. He stops outside the house and says that he will not give up, that he loves her and he will fight for her with everything he has!

1/21 Hope is sulking at Alice’s, lamenting that they could have had it all. Hope calls Titan and tells them that she won't be coming in for her photo shoot today. Alice comes downstairs and she is thrilled that her and Bo are getting back together. However, Hope informs Alice that it is over between them and why it is over. Alice asks Hope if she's going to just give up on Bo and Hope says yes.

Bo spent the night at the station and he can't get over Hope. Roman comes in and sees Bo is troubled. Bo tells Roman about how his life has fallen apart now that he learned Billie is pregnant. Roman tells Bo that he got himself into this mess and he has to get himself out of it, and should take responsibility for Billie and the baby.

Roman tells Bo that he shouldn't make any further decisions without talking to Billie. Billie comes into the station to see Bo, so Roman leaves. Before Billie can tell Bo the good news, Bo tells Billie that Hope already told him about the baby. Billie is upset because she wanted to tell him. Billie tells Bo that she doesn't want this baby to change anything and she tells him that he's free to be with Hope.

Bo tells Billie he doesn't want to talk about Hope right now. Billie says she didn't want him to feel obligated. Billie tells Bo she only came here to tell him she won't stand in the way of him and Hope. Billie walks off, but Bo stops her.

Franco shows up at Alice's to pick up Hope for the photo shoot, but Hope says she's not going. Hope tells Franco about Billie and how it's over for her (Hope) and Bo.

1/27 Hope drops by Laura's with a birthday cake that Mrs. Horton baked. Mike is there and they talk about Billie being pregnant and having no future with Bo. Hope is mad about everything that Bo did not tell her. and she says she fells betrayed. She says there's no chance for her and Bo now.

Bo comes back to the police station after handling a police call and Billie is waiting for him like he asked. He walks in and they start talking. She says she wanted to be the one to tell him about the baby but now that he knows and has time to think about it what does he feel. He says he will be there for her and the baby but doesn't indicate he will be a husband to her. Matter of fact he tells her that he still wants to be with Hope.

He then confronts Billie about the Intruder story. She also admitted to telling Hope that she and Bo were lovers in Rome. Billie says something about Bo going back to Hope but Bo says that Hope doesn't want him now. Bo doesn't buy any of this. Billie then says she has an appointment with Dr. Bader and asks Bo if he wants to come. He doesn't answer and Billie takes that to mean no and she says she will let him know what she finds out. Bo says he will be staying at the pub if she needs anything.

1/28 Hope answers the phone and assures Jenn that she's on her side. Jen tells her they've had a rough day, but they're fine now. Hope tells her Laura's plan didn't work by sending Peter to Dayton. Jen gasps as she tells her they really are in Dayton. Jen figures out it might work out as maybe they can find Peter now if he's there.

Hands on hips, Laura continues ranting at Abe. Mike and Hope try to defend Abe, but Laura continue spewing at Abe and reminds him that he's married to Stefano's daughter and maybe he's working for the DiMeras. Staring her in the eyes, Abe denies any wrong doings with dignity. Mike insists that Laura go sit down (Dr.'s orders) and Abe tells Hope he's worried Laura is on the edge and may be ready to lose it completely.

Billie sees Dr. Bader for her appt. The Dr. asks why Bo didn't come with her and tells Billie she's 3 months pregnant. Bo walks right in on the appt. Dr. Bader handed her a hospital gown and said they'll do an ultrasound.

After she steps out, Bo tells Billie he had told her that he'd be there for her and the baby and their well being. Dr. Bader comes back in and asks medical questions. When she asks if there's been any alcohol or drug abuse, Billie remembers Rome.

Bo tells the doctor that Billie has been addicted to cocaine and heroine. Bo tells the doctor Billie's story, but the Doctor said the drug use could still affect the fetus. They need to reschedule the ultrasound as she's needed in delivery. Bo comforts Billie.

2/2 Hope and Shawn D have shown up at the circus because Hope got a call to meet Bob. Shawn D. asks his mom if they'll ever have good times as a family again. Hope tells Shawn D. that things are complicated and are standing in the way of this happening. Shawn D spots Abby, When Hope spots Jennifer, she takes Hope and Shawn D. to their trailer. Jack asks Abby to show Shawn D. around the circus while the grown ups talk.

Jack tells Hope that he has a plan to expose Peter, but he needs her help. Hope tells Jack that she'd be glad to help them. Jack tells Hope that the first part of his plan is to draw Peter out of hiding. Laverne shows up and says she can't believe that "Bob" has friends in Salem. Hope says she doesn't know them, and she was just looking to buy some tickets.

2/3 Hope drops by to see Laura. All Hope does is give her tickets to the circus and ask Laura to use them. That's all she says to Laura and agrees to stay for a cup of tea. This gives Peter time to get over to Laura's so he can follow Hope in hopes that she will lead him to Jen.

Bo stops by Mrs. Horton just as she is leaving to see Laura. They talk a little and he says that he still loves Hope and will find a way to get back together. Hope doesn't seem too sure of it and says she has to go. He says she looks pretty and asks if she has a photo shoot? She just says she will be late, and never says where she is going.

He stays to see Shawn D and he finds out that Hope hasn't told him about Billie. He tells Shawn D he will have a half-brother or sister because Billie is pregnant. His son isn't happy at all and says that now they will never be a family again because he got Billie pregnant. He asks his father, “Why did you do that?” (yeah Bo, why???). Bo says he still plans to get back with Hope that he will be there for Billie and the baby but he loves Hope.

2/5 Bo is driving to meet Jack when he gets a call about a prowler and goes to investigate. To his horror, he comes upon Peter Blake viciously attacking Hope, who is thrown unconscious into the bushes. Bo is so frantic with worry that he fails to arrest Peter, who whacks Bo with a tree branch and runs away. Bo bundles a grievously injured Hope into his car and heads for the hospital, calling in the report that Peter is alive and driving a white car.

2/6 Bo is sitting beside Hope's bed, worried that she is still unconscious. Mike tells him that she sustained a serious head injury and if she does not come out of it soon, the chances don't look good for her to recover. Bo runs out and tells Mike that Hope is awake. He gives Carrie a hug and rushes back to be with Hope. Hope tells Mike and Bo that she is dizzy, but feels okay otherwise. Mike tells Hope that Bo saved her life when she was attacked by Peter.

Hope doesn't remember the specifics of the attack, but Mike tells her that her memory will return as she recovers. She has the feeling she is forgetting something important. She thanks Bo for being by her side, and he tells her he will always be there for her.

Bo's phone rings. It's Jack calling from prison. He makes Bo promise that he will find Peter and save Jennifer. Bo promises, but then Jack is cut off by Agent Byers. Hope tells Bo that she will be fine, and to go help Jack.

Bo goes to the jail and talks to Jack, telling him that he saw Peter and how Peter attacked Hope. Bo says that Peter might be on drugs, because he seems to have superhuman strength. Jack is horrified at what that might imply for Jennifer.

Franco goes in to see Hope. Hope tells him that Bo saved her life and they are still connected.

2/9 Bo saved Hope from a maniacal Peter, whose attack landed her in the hospital.

2/11 John visits Hope in the hospital and they talk about the challenges in each of their love lifes. Bo is hanging out at the hospital, talking to Laura and Abe as they all worry about Jennifer.

2/12 Bo is at Alice's house talking to Mrs. Horton. He tells her what's going on with Jennifer and what happened with Hope. Alice says that Bo spent a lot of time with Hope, acting as if he were still in love with her. Bo says that's because he is, but it would take a miracle to get Hope to take him back. Alice says that where true love is concerned, miracles do happen. Bo says he hopes she is right.

Bo heads out to follow up on Jennifer's case with Abe. The forensics team is examining the wreckage of the burned out car, and they find one item of evidence, which they give to Bo and Abe. Bo and Abe head over to see Laura, who is beside herself with worry for Jennifer and anger at Peter, Kristen, and Stefano.

Abe and Bo show Laura the evidence and she looks at it reluctantly. Suddenly, she smiles in relief and reports that she has never seen it before in her life, so it must not be Jennifer who was in the car that went over the cliff. Laura feels enormously reassured and allows herself to hope for the first time. Abe and Bo decide to take the evidence to Jack.

Abe and Bo come to Jack’s cell and ask to be let in. He asks if there is any news on Jennifer, and they give Jack the piece of evidence from the crash site and ask if it belonged to Jenn. Jack takes it out of the bag and examines it closely. It turns out to be an elaborate sapphire necklace, and Jack laughs in relief, sure that it did not belong to Jennifer. Abe and Bo heave sighs of relief, but as Jack is examining the necklace, he notices an inscription plate covered in carbon. He scrapes away the grime to discover an inscription that chills his heart.

Abe and Bo ask what is wrong, and Jack tells them that the inscription reads, "To Jen: all my love, Peter." Jack says numbly that Peter must have given it to Jen before she escaped him in Jasper's car. He is certain suddenly that the reason Jasper was calling Abe was to tell him that Jennifer took his car. "Oh my god," Jack gasps. "Jen's dead!"

2/13 When Billie walks into Hope’s room, Hope bluntly asks Billie what she's doing there. Billie tries to be friendly, but it quickly turns into a war of words between them. Before it gets really nasty, Mike comes in to check on Hope and Billie leaves. Hope commiserates with Mike about Jennifer.

Bo takes a new piece of evidence to Jack - a scorched purse found near the crash site. Jack immediately recognizes it as Jennifer's and nearly breaks down at the sight of one of Abby's toys inside it.

Abe goes to the hospital to tell Hope and Mike the sad news about the necklace. While he is there, a man from the circus comes to thank Mike for all he did for Jasper. He mentions to Abe that he knows Jennifer drove away alone in Jasper's car. The news is devastating to Mike and Hope, who are beginning to believe that Jennifer is dead.

Meanwhile, Bo calls Abe from Alice's house, where everyone is waiting for confirmation about the body in the car wreck. They compare information and come up with compelling evidence: Jack identified the necklace and the purse as Jenn's, a video of Peter busting through a road block shows that he was alone, Bonkers the Clown say Jennifer drive off alone in Jasper's car, a woman's body was found burned to death in the crash, and forensics evidence identifies blood and hair samples around the crash site as Jennifer's.

They come to the grim conclusion that Jennifer was the woman in the car. Bo says he wants to tell Hope himself, but Abe tells him she already knows. Bo breaks the news to Laura, Marlena, and John.

2/16 Jennifer's memorial service. At the service, friends and family members gather to say their goodbyes to their dear friend.

2/18 Peter storms into the church. Stefano gets up to stop him from doing anything, but Jack starts to go after Peter. Peter whips out a machine gun from his coat He says he's taking Jennifer with him and no one is going to stop him. Roman and John are holding Jack back from going at Peter. Stefano tells Peter that Jen is dead and he refuses to believe it.

Peter yells at Stefano that he turned his back on him just like he did to Kristen. Peter goes on about how much Jen means to him. Jack tells Peter to let her rest in peace in Heaven and his turn is next. Peter aims the gun at Jack saying Jen died because of him and his breaking out of jail.Alice, speaks out. She tells him he's frightening Abby and he lowers the gun. Bo asks to remove the women and children and Peter refuses.

While Stefano pleads with Peter to drop the gun, Bo edges around the back of the church to get to him. Bo and Stefano rush Peter together and with his super human strength, Peter gives a good fight and breaks free. He shoots out the lights and the top of the church.

A light comes on in the front of the church and we see Jen lowered in a white gown telling Peter that it's impossible for her to be with him. Jen confronts Peter with the truth about what happened the night Jack tried to protect her and Abby when Peter came to kidnap them. She also tells him that he almost killed her that night at the circus.

Everyone is looking up at Jen is awe and John said it's a miracle. Abby asks Mike if it's her mommy? Mike said she came back as an angel. Jen asks Peter if he wants God's forgiveness, then he has to admit what he did was wrong. He says yes, and tells her what happened that night at her house in front of the people at the church. He admits the gun going off was an accident.

He tells her he just wanted to make her happy and she tells him it was all that he wanted, not her, just like Kristen tells Stefano that she's in a different world where violence and anger don't exist. He'll never see that world unless he makes his amends. God will not accept him in his paradise unless he admits his sins and repents. Before she leaves, she asks if he will do as she asks. He asks what she wants and she said to drop his gun and to turn himself into the police and pay for his crimes. If he does that, she will forgive him. Stefano tells him to do it.

Peter drops the gun and Bo and Abe arrest him. Peter just looks to the top of the church where Jen floated back up to. Bo tells Jack he's a free man, right Agent Byers? Byers said he'll take care of the paperwork.

In the back of the church, Bo looks at Hope and Shawn D., who are standing with Franco. Billie goes up and hugs Bo saying she can't stop shaking. Hope rushes up to Alice to check on her.

2/19 At the station, Peter is being booked while Stefano, Roman, John, Bo, and Abe keep an eye on him. Peter makes a break and almost escapes, but Roman and John manage to bring him down and put him in a straitjacket. Peter begs Stefano to help him, and Stefano pretends to turn his back on Peter, but gets a sly look in his eye when Bo tells Peter he will spend 25 years to life in prison. Stefano begs permission from Abe to use the jungle madness serum on Peter, and they reluctantly allow him, although they think he is up to something.

At the pub, everyone gathers to mourn Jennifer. Billie talks to Shawn D, who is amazed at the angelic vision he saw. Billie tells him that an angel once saved her soul when Curtis tried to take it, and that angel was named Bo. Hope overhears and glares at Billie. Kate smiles to herself.

Billie decides to talk to Hope and starts reminiscing about the great times she used to have with Jennifer and Kristen, when they used to help each other over the rough spots. Billie says she can't believe Kristen didn't show up to pay her respects.

Bo comes in and asks Billie how she's feeling; she says she's queasy and asks him to take her home. Bo complies, but can't keep his eyes off Hope all the way out the door.

2/20 At the Kiriakis mansion, Bo and Billie talk about Jennifer's death, and Billie is depressed to see that all Bo's thoughts are for Hope. She tells him she wishes he could love her as much as she loves him, and Bo replies that he will always be there for Billie and the baby, and that Hope doesn't want him anyway.

While they are embracing, Kate walks in. Billie excuses herself, but stands outside the door eavesdropping as Bo confronts Kate about the lie she told when he called from Rome, and she said that Hope was happy with Franco in Paris. Kate covers her tracks pretty well by saying she thought that Hope and Franco were together because no one knew where Hope was and Franco had told her he intended to take Hope with him to Paris.

Kate confronts Bo about what she overheard Billie saying, that Bo saved her from a fate worse than death in Rome. Kate puts two and two together and guesses that Billie was back on drugs. Bo tries to cover, but Billie comes in and confesses. Bo tells Kate about Max kidnapping Billie and injecting her with heroin, and Kate is appalled and sorry that Billie didn't tell her sooner.

Bo gets a phone call from the pub. It's Hope, telling Bo that Jennifer is alive! Bo passes the news on and rushes out the door. Kate is angry that Bo left Billie to see Hope. Billie says she doesn't see it that way, but Kate murmurs, "After all I did to keep Bo and Hope apart..." Billie hears her and asks her what exactly she means.

At the pub, everyone is still mourning Jennifer, unaware that she is on her way over, alive and well. Suddenly, Jack bursts into the pub and tells everyone to sit down because he has a shock for them - a wonderful shock. Caroline immediately sits while everyone else waits. Jack beckons to Jennifer and she walks in, to everyone's amazement and joy.

Hope calls Bo while everyone else gathers around and learns that Jennifer's death and angelic visitation were faked by the circus people to trap Peter, and that the only glitch was Peter attacking Jasper so that he was unable to tell Jenn's friends and family about the ruse. Everyone is overjoyed to have Jennifer back, especially Mike. Hope is touched when Bo bursts through the door and embraces his longtime friend. Hope sees Jack and Jennifer kiss tenderly and says she had just about given up on happy endings. Bo tells her never to do that, and she turns around to look at him.

2/23 Billie is questioning Kate about what she meant about keeping Bo & Hope apart. Kate says that Billie must've just misunderstood her, but Billie isn't buying it. She questions Kate further and she finally admits that she may have given the Bo/Billie relationship a few "nudges" But that's not good enough for Billie, she keeps on and wants to know why she lied to Bo about Hope & Franco. She says she didn't want Bo to walk out on her again.

Billie is touched by her mother's actions, but at the same time upset as well, because once they got back to Salem then Bo rushed to Hope. Kate urges her to use the baby to hold onto Bo now. Billie says she doesn't want Bo out of obligation, but Kate pleads her case.

Kate says she just wishes that Hope would give up on Bo and that they have to find a way to get her out of Bo's life for good. Billie is taken aback by this statement, but Kate assures her that she means Hope no physical harm. Kate goes on to talk about Hope's "obsession" with Bo, but Billie politely tells her to butt out, she will handle it all herself.

Bo has given Hope a ride home from the pub. He acts all giddy just being around her. He takes her by the hand and tries to kiss it, but Hope pulls away, smiling at him. Over coffee they talk and you can see that Bo is trying oh-so-hard to get back in her good graces.

At the same time, Hope is trying to hold him at arm's length. She comments how easy it would be to fall back into their "old patterns". He tells her that there is no way he will ever give up on her, so there is no use trying. He asks if there is a chance for them and she just looks at him, half smiling. He says he is lost without her and she admits to the same, but what can they do...turn back time?

As she brings up the baby, Bo says he will never abandon Billie and the baby and Hope says he is the one true love of her life and cannot share him with another woman. He apologizes for everything he has done to hurt her. He tells her about what Kate did and wonders why she told him about Hope and Franco.

Hope is curious as well. They talk about this and they give Kate the benefit of the doubt and think that maybe Franco led her to believe that there was more between him and Hope. Bo says his biggest mistake was to believe Kate in the first place. He says he will always love his Fancy Face. He tries to kiss her, but again, she stops him.

3/3 Hope comes into the kitchen to join Gran for fresh made doughnuts. They talk about when she was a child and how all the neighborhood kids would come to eat her donuts including Bo. Gran laughed about him being able to eat a dozen and that Bo was trying to impress Hope even then. Hope laughed about his mainly appetite he tried to impress her with.

She admits that she loves him very much and there is so much love between them, but there is also Billie between them. Hope admits that she feels that there has been a conspiracy to keep them apart. Hope mentions that Kate may have lied to Bo about her whereabouts when she was in the jungle, that Kate told Bo that she was on a romantic holiday with Franco. Gran says she believes things will work out.

While Gran is upstairs, Kate drops by to visit Hope. Hope tries to ask her about lying to Bo but Kate says she is there for her unborn grandchild.. She says that if Hope would not encourage Bo and give him the impression that it's over for them then he would commit to Billie again. She says that she is worried about the baby's health being Billie has had such a rough time lately. Hope says she can't tell Bo what to do - that he will do what he wants for himself.

Kate says something about illusions and Hope comments that she is the queen of illusions and ask again about lying to Bo. Kate denies lying saying that she thought Hope was with Franco. Kate says she was not in Rome and did not get Bo to sleep with Billie. Hope says why should she just step aside and Kate indicates that she is a strong woman and can handle all this better than Billie can. She leaves and Hope wonders just what has Kate done to keep her and Bo apart.

At the pub, Bo and Eric are talking as Eric is trying to find what he wants to do for himself. Bo tells him that he didn't know what he wanted either until he got serious with Hope. Caroline comments to Shawn about how miserable Bo looks. Eric comments to Bo that he keeps thinking he is seeing something out of the corner of his eye.

3/4 At the pub, Kim had volunteered to put family photos in an album. Bo finds pictures of Hope, one with him and one with Franco. Kim and Bo decide if they should burn Franco's picture with Hope. He thought Franco was sweet when he first came to town, but realizes now that Franco had a lot to do with his and Hope's being apart. His cellphone rings and it's Abe. He learns that Kristen's death was ruled a suicide.

Billie calls and tells Bo that she can't stop thinking about Kristen and the good times they shared. She asks if he's at the station and when he tells her he's at the pub, she asks if she can come over. He realizes he has to tell her about the suicide and Kim agrees it's good he didn't tell her on the phone. She asks if he's really going to stand by Billie and the baby and he tells her yes.

Later, Billie joins them and they tell her about the suicide. Billie said she understands what it's like to hit rock bottom. Kim tells her she has family and friends where Kristen didn't and more stable. Kristen was sick and alone. Grabbing Bo's arm she said if it weren't for Bo, she doesn't know what she might have done, she might have checked out too. If Bo hadn't come along she doesn't know if she'd be there and carrying their child.

Sitting at the Java Cafe trying to wash down those donuts, Hope looks at a magazine with her and Franco's picture in it. He sees Hope sitting there and asks if they can join her. Hope says sure, much to Sami's dismay. Franco tries to convince Sami to keep Hope on as a model and Sami asks her why she's not interested.

Kate calls Franco and he steps away from the table to talk. He tells her not to worry about anyone finding out she lied to Bo or Sami and hangs up. Sami suggests to Hope that they can work out an arrangement where she wouldn’t have to come into contact with Billie. Hope said that is only partly why she won’t resign, but also having to deal with Kate.

Sami tells Hope that she knows Franco is still in love with her. Hope tells him that Franco knows she ll never be in love with anyone but Bo. Sami realizes that Hope would hate Franco if she knew about his part in keeping her and Bo apart. She asks Hope if she tells her something, will she promise not to tell anyone where she heard it.

3/5 Sami tells her that the secret is about Kate. Hope wonders if she is going to tell her that Kate wants Bo & Billie together. She tells Sami about Kate lying to Bo and telling him that Hope was off on a romantic trip with Franco. Hope also tells about Kate’s visit today wanting Hope to back off so Bo can be with Billie during her pregnancy.

Sami surmises that Kate won as Hope isn’t with Billie and Sami isn’t with Austin. Hope tells Sami that she loves Bo but every time they got close, something or someone interfered. Bo always believed that someone was pulling strings manipulating them. Sami asks who Bo thought was doing that. Hope reports, “Franco.” Sami asks if Hope thinks that as well? Hope explains to Sami that Franco is a good friend. Sami thinks to herself Franco returns before Sami can reveal that Franco's been working for Kate.

3/13 Laura shocks everyone when she comes out wearing a very red dress and hat to Kirsten’s funeral. They tell her that her outfit isn’t appropriate. She says she thinks it is very appropriate, Kirsten is gone and probably in hell now.

At the pub, Roman makes a pointed comment to Bo about being time for him to leave to go pick up Billie to take her to the funeral. After Roman leaves to pick up Marlena, Bo makes a comment that Roman is making it obvious that he thinks Bo should be with Billie. Bo laments to Abe that he will do right by Billie and the baby, but he can’t pretend to be in love with her.

3/16 Stefano blames everyone there for turning their backs on Kirsten and turning her into the villain. He is especially hard on John. He gets so worked up, he begins coughing and having trouble breathing. He collapses to the floor as there are gasps.

3/17 At the church, everyone rushes toward Stefano and (Susan has to control herself, careful not to give herself away). Lexie pushes her way to the front as Bo calls 911. Sister Mary and Vivian are both puzzled about Susan's concern toward Stefano, and when Edmond offers to take her outside, she refuses. Lexie cries that there is no pulse and that she's losing him. By the time the paramedics arrive, she has revived him.

Shawn and Caroline invite everyone back to the pub. Bo stops Hope and tells her that they need to talk, only to be interrupted by Billie, who reminds him that she has a doctor appointment later that day. Hope stomps off and Bo is more than a little perturbed with Billie.

When Hope arrives at the pub, Bo makes a beeline for her (not unnoticed by Billie). Hope all but ignores him and begins a conversation with Jen. She tells her that she needs to keep herself busy and with Stefano down, it is the perfect opportunity to find the missing pieces of her past.

Upstairs, Bo corners Hope and wants to talk, but she doesn't and threatens to leave. He persists and professes his love to her, but she tells him to just leave her alone. Bo & Hope are still talking as he tries to apologize but she can't get past the fact that Billie is carrying his child. He admits that he has made mistakes and says that he knows that Hope still loves him. He says the only thing keeping them apart is that baby. He slams his fist down on a table and says that he just wishes that she wasn't pregnant, that there was no baby. Over his shoulder, we see Billie as she listens in behind the open door.

3/18 Billie overhears Bo telling Hope he wished she wasn't pregnant with his child. He wishes he could turn back the clock. Hope lashes out at him that he felt confident enough not to take precautions with Billie and has to deal with the results.

Hope tells Bo she's moving on without him and he best get along to Billie's Dr. appt. She's not going to run after another man, but she's going to start filling in the pieces of her missing past. Stefano gets extremely nervous every time she mentions her missing timeframe and with him in the hospital, he can't get in her way now. Shirttails hanging out, Bo said he can give her a place to start to make it easier on her and when she asks how? He tells her it'll have to be later as he has to go to Billie's Dr. appt. She points out that's what she means, he always has to go to Billie.

Abe confesses to Bo that he'd be happy if "that bastard never woke up." Bo said he doesn't wish Stefano dead, but it would be nice if he was out for a couple years or something as Hope wants to check into her past. He rushes off to Dr. Bader's office for Billie's appt.

Hope is at Titan and overhears being Billie calling in for a large amount check to be messengered over to her. Marie agrees and Hope asks where Billie was calling from after she hangs up.

Hope arrives as Billie was about to leave, suitcase in tow, and asks where she‘s going? Hope asked if Bo knew she was leaving and Billie said no. Billie knows that Bo doesn’t want her or their baby. Hope asks if she's hoping Bo will come after her? Billie said no, and she deserved that. She Bo is Hope's free and clear, she wins.

Billie comes downstairs and asks her what she's still doing there. Hope says she wanted to find out if she could give Billie a hand. Billie says no thanks, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

**The End**

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