Bo & Hope #30 January 31 - April 11, 1997: 8 hr original edit

DVD #30A 1/31 Franco is wandering the halls looking for Hope. She doesn't answer to the knock at her door and then Carmen walks up. She says she has not been able to reach Hope all night and maybe she went back to Bo where she belongs. She tells Franco he may have feelings for her but Hope loves only one man - Bo.

Carmen opens Hope's door and the room is vacant and the bed still made up. Franco now believes that Hope did go back to Bo but after Carmen leaves Hope walks up. She could not sleep and has been walking the beach all night. She says she's not sure what she should do but Franco changes the subject and mentions that Keith and the camera are waiting if she wants to get to work and her mind off Bo. Bo in the meantime is dreaming that Hope has come home.

Billie shows up and Bo thinks it's Hope but all that happens is he grabs her leg and starts kissing her hand and mumbling Hope's name. Billie wakes him and tells him it's not Hope. She tries to get him to talk to Kevin and get the boat back but Bo tells her to leave him alone. So she leaves and next thing you see her at the Cheatin’ Heart trying to buy Bo's boat back from Kevin. He tells her he'll think about it if she throws something personal in. She refuses and he also refuses the money. He asks her what is so special about Bo that he has two women falling all over him and then he starts coming on to her and says he knows what kind of woman she is. When he grabs her she slaps him and he gets more aggressive.

Bo shows up and starts fighting with the guy and then asks Billie what is she doing. Bo had just come from a confrontation with Shawn-D on the boat. He told his Dad he had not done anything he had promised, etc. and they argued about the whole situation. So Shawn D calls Hope who is in the middle of a shoot with Franco and begs her to come home. He tells her that Dad needs her. She again explains that it's not that easy. After she gets off the phone, Franco suggests they get lunch but she wants to make a call first.

She calls Bo's cell phone (which is in his jacket that he left at the Cheatin' Heart when he left) so Billie answers it. Hope realizes it is Billie and doesn't say anything. Then Bo comes back in realizing he left his coat. Hope overhears Kevin teasing Bo about losing the boat and Hope and now he could lose Billie. Hope never responds to Billie's asking who's there and hangs up before Bo gets the phone. Franco comes back to check on Hope as she says to herself that she has her answer.

2/5 Bo is alone on the docks when Billie finds him there. Billie thinks she may have a chance to be with Bo again so she approaches him. She asks Bo where he'll be living and he says he and Shawn D. will be moving into the pub. When Billie asks how long Hope will be gone, Bo becomes depressed and frustrated about the situation and how he's messed up everyone's lives. Billie tries to comfort him but Bo can't see how his life could get much worse. Billie says that Hope just needs time and that she is here for him.

Later, John finds Bo on the docks and he tells him he knows what it's like being separated from the woman you love, and he admits to Bo that he is still in love with Marlena. John confesses everything to Bo, about Aremid and the letter, and he says that he hasn't told Marlena because he knows that Marlena only loves him as a friend. Bo urges him to tell Marlena but John thinks his place is with Kristen now. Bo asks if it is possible to love two women at the same time, and John says yes, and Bo wonders how you know whether your with the right woman. John tells Bo to follow his heart, because if he doesn't it might end up being to late for Bo just like it is for him.

After John has left Marlena shows up to join Bo's party on the pier. Marlena fills him in on the Sami/Austin/Carrie situation and he tells her that he recalls what someone told him earlier, that true love will win in the end. When she asks who told him that Bo just says it's someone who isn't with the person they love.

2/11 Bo is distraught about losing his boat, his job, and most of all, Hope. Caroline encourages Bo to talk to Hope who is back from Santa Rosa. Bo is being watched by one of King’s guys. Bo agrees to talk to Hope but walks in just in time to hear Hope thanking Franco for a gift. Franco is fawning over Hope as usual, and presents her with a beautiful bracelet "because she deserves it". Franco leaves Bo and Hope alone to talk, but hangs around outside and eavesdrops.

Bo tells Hope that he lost the boat and intends to do whatever he can to get it back. He asks if they can go somewhere to talk. Hope is tempted but knowing how emotional she still is over the situation declines. Franco, realizing that despite their problems, Bo and Hope share an extensive past together, calls up his boss and says something must be done to the boat. Bo returns to the docks just in time to see a dark figure running off. He gives chase and finds it's Billie, she claims she was running because she thought someone was following her. Bo is surprised, and then he smells smoke. He rushes to the boat, but by the time he gets there, the Fancy Face is engulfed in flames.

2/12 The Fancy Face is burned to ruins. Bo is devastated, and wants to know what Billie was doing on the pier before the flames were spotted. Billie swears she doesn't know how the fire started, and that she didn't see anyone near the boat. Bo doesn't notice the guy lurking around the corner. Now that the boat is gone, Bo realizes he has absolutely nothing to offer Hope. Billie suggests he buy another boat, but Bo knows he can't afford it, and he refuses Billie's offer to help him out.

Franco visits Hope again and she's reconsidering talking with Bo. She wants to call him and be there for him since he's obviously hurting. Franco tries to dissuade her, reminding her that they have an early photo shoot tomorrow and she should get some sleep. Hope agrees, but then gets a phone call canceling the shoot. She gets another phone call from some bigwig who wants to talk to Hope and Franco about a commercial. He wants to meet with them at the Penthouse Grille in half an hour. Hope hesitates, but Franco reminds her of how much money she could make. Then she could buy the boat back.

Hope and Franco having dinner together at the Penthouse Grille. Bo begs Abe for his job back so he can buy a new boat. Abe agrees to re-hire Bo, but he must work his way up to detective again. Bo complains about the cut in pay for being a lowly beat cop. Bo has no choice but to accept. His misery is witnessed by a drug kingpin, “King”, whom Abe released because there wasn't enough evidence to convict him. King finds Bo's situation very interesting. He calls the mystery man who has been tailing Bo, and orders him to find out if Bo can be bought.

Later, Bo goes with Billie to Titan after she convinced him to go out for something to eat, and falsely said few people are at the Penthouse Grille at this late hour. Billie knows Hope is there with Franco. In the elevator up to the restaurant, Bo thanks Billie for being so good to him. Feeling guilty, she stops the elevator and tells Bo that maybe this isn't such a good idea. Bo disagrees, and says he needs to get out and clear his head.

Meanwhile, Mr. Hotshot Commercial Guy wants to see how Hope and Franco interact as he wants a passionate couple for his ad. He asks them to dance together so he can observe how they look together. Hope's heart isn't quite in it, but agrees. When Franco sees Bo, he grabs Hope and kisses her.

2/13 Bo sees Hope and Franco and can't understand why she lied about not being able to see him tonight. She had told him that she had to go to sleep for a photo shoot the next morning. He doesn't know it was canceled nor that this was a last minute meeting. Billie feels guilty for bringing Bo to the Penthouse Grille, not realizing he would see Franco and Hope kissing, which Franco did to further the wedge between Bo & Hope. Bo and Billie leave, and Mr. Chasen offers Franco and Hope the job. He comments on their chemistry, and asks if they're romantically involved? Hope immediately responds that they are not.

Billie stops by the photo room at Titan to pick up something, and tries to stop Bo from going in because the walls are plastered with photos of Hope and Franco. Seeing them, Bo laments not being able to give Hope the things that Franco can, and is reminded that they're from two different worlds. Billie tells Bo that what matters is that he loves Hope. Hope is anxious to see Bo and heads over to the docks with Franco tagging along. She's stunned to find the Fancy Face a charred wreckage. Her heart is broken, and despite Franco's attempts to stop her, Hope is determined to meet with Bo. She doesn't know that Bo is watching Franco holding Hope in his arms as he comforts her by the remains of the boat.

The drug lord Abe is set on sending to jail meets with the mystery man who has been tailing Bo. They plot to see if Bo might be their dirty cop, and make arrangements for Bo to confront the mystery man doing something illegal. They think he might be desperate enough to work for them. If not, they'll 'take care of' him. Bo is moping around on the pier when he notices something strange going on. He goes after the guy (this is the guy who was tailing him) and demands to know what he's doing.

2/14 Hope returns home and tells Alice the tragedy of the Fancy Face burning down. Despite this, Alice sees the return of a sparkle in Hope's eyes. Hope admits that she has come to her senses and thinks it may have been wrong of her to leave Bo like she did. She thinks they can try to work things out. She tries to contact Bo so they can meet and talk.

Bo busts the mystery man, who gives him a sob story about losing all his money in a poker game (allegedly, there was some high-stakes gambling going on, but the guy found out it was a scam). Desperate for money for him and his pregnant wife, he stole the pot. He then tries to bribe Bo into letting him go. At first Bo refuses, but when the man runs off, leaving a bundle of money on the ground, Bo pockets the cash. When he gets a call from the police station regarding the gambling in the area, he doesn't report the cash.

Finally Hope reaches him and he comes to the Horton's to meet her. She wonders if he knows about the boat, and he admits that he does. Why was she there? Hope says she walked by on her way home from the Penthouse Grille. Bo is relieved to learn that the little scene he witnessed between Hope and Franco was all an act. When Hope says that she would like to pursue trying to repair their relationship, Bo is all for it. But he gets an important phone call and has to leave. It is the drug lord, and he asks an incredulous Bo to help him out. Bo is refuses.

2/17 At the warehouse on the docks, J.L. King shows Bo the tape of him pocketing the money and he wants Bo to break into Abe's office and find out what evidence Abe has on him. Bo refuses to be J.L.'s stooge and tells him to take his job and shove it. J.L. tells Bo that if this tape gets out everyone he loves and likes will despise him. Bo agrees to do the favor for him but only if J.L. agrees to give him all the copies of the tape.

Bo leaves and on his way back to Mrs. Horton's he meets up with Abe, the entire thing has been a setup! Bo asks Abe if they can talk tomorrow because he has to go see Hope, but Abe tells Bo there is no way he can see Hope tonight. Abe says for this plan to work effectively he has to keep this charade up that he gave up his old life, and if he tells Hope anything he could be putting her life in danger. Hope is waiting for Bo to return to Mrs. Horton's house so they can reconcile but Bo doesn't show up.

2/18 Bo tells Abe he's not going to go through with the plan if it means not telling Hope what's going on so they can get back together. Abe says he has no choice that he can't get back with Hope. So Bo says he quits and storms off to see Hope.

Hope comes in on Gran getting ready to sew a button on Shawn D's coat when she offers to do it so Gran heads to bed. Hope reaches in the coat pocket to get the button and pulls out a joint. She's upset and heads outside when Shawn D joins her (he hasn't seen her since she returned). She kissed him and asked if he had anything he wanted to talk about. He said no and heads inside but then changes his mind. He says he stole something from a friend today and proceeds to tell her about the joint and his friend. He talks about how easy it is for his friends to get drugs. He is able to keep people from forcing them on him when he tells them his parents are cops but he knows that won't last for long.

Bo has arrived in time to hear this (with Abe following), Abe tells him it's up to him to decide what he wants to do. Hope and Shawn D go inside and Gran comes out to find Bo there. She tells him Hope is waiting for him but he tells Gran he's confused and needs to leave. Gran comes in to tell Hope (who just told her son they may get back together) so Hope goes looking for him. She finds him on the pier and tells him about the drugs and ShawnD. She tells Bo they need to get the supplier of the drugs not the sellers and that this is a chance for them to work together.

Bo realizes they are being watched and tells Hope he thinks she was right in saying they needed to have time apart to think, he needs to explore his feelings for Billie. Hope is shocked and says but you said you loved me all along. She says well she doesn't want to see him again then and leaves very upset. Bo says under his breath, “I love you Hope” and leaves just as Billie and Franco hear all this and are estactic that there may still be a chance for them to get the people they love.

2/21 Hope is in bed, asleep. As she's sleeping, Bo comes into the room and tells her he loves her and last night was a mistake. He has no feelings for Billie and tells Hope he loves her only. Next scene we see them in bed together. Of course, that's when Hope wakes up and Alice walks into the room.

Alice and Hope talk about Bo and there must be a logical explanation why he said what he did when he came back last night. Hope wondered if the call on his cell phone had anything to do with it. She told Alice how differently he acted before and after the call.

Bo goes into station and harasses a couple of uniforms, calling them girls and giving them a hard time. Abe comes in and calls Bo into his office and asks what's all that about? Bo tells him it's part of his bad cop routine. Bo finally convinces Abe to let Hope in on what's happening as she was a good cop and knows how to work undercover. Reluctantly Abe agrees, but tells them to be careful. We see Max and Mr. King talking about Bo and if he can be trusted. Max tells Mr. King about Hope being Bo's achilles' heel. He tells him that she was a cop that got suspended and is a model now. King thinks she's maybe undercover doing that and puts 24 hr tail on her.

Bo and Hope accidentally meet on the pier. Bo tells Hope that they put a couple uniforms at S.D.'s school and she's relieved. She then tells Bo she knows something is up and it looks like he starts to tell her the truth.

2/24 Meanwhile, on the docks Hope asks Bo why he pushed her away and she needs to know the truth about what he is up to. Bo is tempted to tell Hope and looks like he is about to as he sees the guy spying on them. Hope asks Bo if he wants to be with her and be a family together and asks what has happened to change his mind. Bo tells Hope she pushed him away to many times and now his life has fallen to pieces, and now it's too late. Hope asks if the problem is Billie, and Bo says no, that he just needs time alone right now. A hurt Hope walks off thinking Bo no longer wants her anymore.

At J.L. King's warehouse, J.L. wonders if Bo is undercover and orders Bo to be brought in for questioning and to keep an eye on Hope. Later Bo is confronted by one of J.L.'s goons who says King wants to see and Bo is taken to J.L.. J.L. warns Bo that if he is undercover he will kill him, but Hope will be first in line to be hurt. Bo asks J.L. what he wants and J.L. tells Bo he wants any and all evidence Abe has on him.

Later Hope and Jen meet on the docks and Jen confesses that there was a chance for her and Jack to be back together, but that chance is lost for good now. When Hope tells Jen about her situation with Bo Jen tells her there is still a chance for them to work it out, but her and Jack are over with for good.

2/26 Bo is planning to go spend some time with Shawn D. at Alice's, but Abe warns him not to make up with Hope while he's there. At Alice's Hope tells her Gran that she wants Bo back, but he is backing away from her. Hope suspects something is going on, and she's going to find out what it is. Alice tells Hope she knows God will make everything right for both Hope and Jen. Bo shows up and asks Shawn D. about the joint he took for his friend, and Bo tells Shawn D. he's proud of him. Bo also tells Shawn D. both his parents love him, and not to blame himself for their breakup.

Shawn D. leaves for practice, and Hope and Bo talk, mostly about Shawn D. Hope tries to switch the topic to them, but Bo refuses to talk about the situation, until Hope tells him she wants to work with Bo and on the drug case. Bo tries to play it off that he isn't a part of it, but Hope says she knows he's going after the big guy now that it involve's Shawn D. Bo plays her off and acts like he's a changed man now, and when Hope asks where she fits into his life now he tells her he doesn't know right now and leaves.

Hope decides to pay Jen a visit to see how she's holding up. Jen tells Hope she doesn't know how she's going to break the news to Abby that her daddy isn't coming back. She also tells Hope that now that Jack's gone she really realizes how much it meant to her to have him around. When Jen asks Hope about how things are going for her and Bo, Hope says she thinks she's really lost Bo this time. Hope also tells Jen that she suspects Bo is in on the drug case, and she is going to be in on it whether Bo likes it or not!

Bo meets with Abe and asks him to put Hope back on the force so she can work with them, but Abe refuses. Bo senses Abe is holding something back, and Abe tells Bo there is another danger involved!

2/27 Hope, Alice, and Maggie meet to talk and Hope tells them Bo has changed, and she can't figure out why. She says that Bo's no longer interested in getting back together with her, and he no longer has the old desire to bust the drug dealers, so she's decided she will go after them herself! Maggie and Alice tell her that is to dangerous, and she should just focus on getting Bo back. Hope decides that she will try and get Bo back, and she will do anything she can to get him back. When Franco stops by to try and make a lunch date with Hope, Hope says she can't because she needs to start her campaign to get Bo back.

Both Billie and Hope go to the same clothing store to buy dresses, and they are trying them on in the dressing rooms that are right next to each other! As each of them tries on their dress they have fantasies about Bo's reaction to them. Both Hope and Billie come out of the changing rooms and end up running into each other! Hope asks Billie why she is buying a new dress, and when Billie says she bought it for no special occasion Hope tells her to be honest. Both Hope and Billie tell each other that the reason they have bought their dresses is because they are planning on going after Bo.

They then get into a ladylike quarrel, and they both decide to give it their best shot. Hope makes a comment that she will fight for Bo even though Billie has an edge right now. When Billie asks what she means Hope tells her that she has an edge because Bo is dating her again. Billie tells Hop they aren't dating, and Hope wonders once more why Bo is pushing her away.

Bo and Abe meet under the pier, and Abe tells Bo there is a new glitch that could get him killed. When Bo asks what the problem is Abe says that the DA has Abe's office guarded by a police officer with orders to shoot to kill, and inside the office a laser beam motion detector has been installed. Abe gives Bo the blueprints and Safe combo and tells him to be careful. Because only Abe and Bo know about the undercover operation he can't give Bo clearance to the files, so Bo has to steal them. To make things worse if Bo gets caught and no charges are brought against him King will suspect something is up and go after him anyways! Bo understands the risks and says he can do it, and Abe wishes him luck.

Meanwhile one of the other cops at the station is on Kings payroll and is looking out for how Bo will get the evidence, if Bo just walks in they'll know it's a set up. Bo is crawling around up in the air ducts until he is right over Abe's office, and then prepares to make his decent down. Down on the other side of Abe's office the crooked cop manages to get rid of the guard at Abe's door so Bo can get the evidence easier. She tells King that she heard noises coming from the ceiling and thinks Bo is breaking in through the air ducts.

Back inside Abe's office, Bo begins working his way through the lasers to the safe, when Hope shows up to see Abe! Hope is stopped by the guard and is told Abe isn't here, so she says she'll leave a note. Meanwhile inside Abe's office Bo is in trouble, the lasers have begun to move, and one of them is heading right towards Bo!

2/28 At the police station, Hope is stopped by the police officer from going into Abe's office, and he explains about the security system. Inside Abe's office Bo hears Hope outside and wonders what she is doing there. Back on the outside Hope sees the odd light shining inside of Abe's office and asks what's going on. The guard tells Hope about the security system, and as Hope slips a note under Abe's door she becomes curious as to what is going on. Meanwhile the crooked cop informs J.L. King about Hope showing up, and J.L. says if anyone gets in his way, including Hope, they will be dead!

Bo manages to snag the files he needs and gets out of Abe's office. Bo calls Abe to tell him everything is fine, except that he suspect Hope is getting to close to the case so Abe agrees to try and throw Hope off track. Abe returns to his office and finds Hope waiting for him. They go into Abe's office to talk, and Hope begins to ask questions about Bo and what's going on with him. Hope asks Abe point blank if Bo is undercover but Abe says he's not, mainly because Bo has changed and not for the better. The two of them talk about Bo's grim outlook on things, and when she wants to help with the drug case Abe tells her to let the cops handle it, and the best thing she could do is stay out of Bo's life.

Meanwhile Bo phones one of J.L. Kings goons and he tells him to bring the evidence to the Snake Pit club. The goon also tells Bo that they know about Hope showing up at the office, and if she somehow gets to close to what's going on something serious will happen to her.

Later when Hope returns to Titan to see what's on her schedule she confides in Franco what is going on with Bo. Hope then comes up with a plan, but needs Franco's help. Hope wants to go to the snake pit to try and catch some of the drug runners, and Franco reluctantly agrees to go.

Billie goes to see Bo, but finds out Bo has gone to the Snake Pit. Curious as to what Bo is doing at such a place she decides to find out for herself. Billie shows up at the Snake Pit, unknowing that both Bo, and now her are being watched by J.L. King. Billie approaches Bo, and Bo tells Billie she needs to leave. Suddenly Hope walks into the place with Franco, and as J.L. King watches he prepares to set a trap for Bo, to find out if he's undercover once and for all.

3/3 At the Snake Pit J.L. King and his henchman watch Brady and his two ex-wives from a television monitor, and he vows Brady will be sorry if this is all a deception. Hope is determined to nail the drug king. Hope tells Franco to pretend he's looking to score some drugs and mingle the crowd. When Franco is skeptical she tells him she knows what she's doing, and recalls past undercover assignments with Bo. Hope tells Franco she thinks she and Bo can work it out, but then she sees Bo at the bar with Billie. Hope feels like a fool because she thought Bo was over Billie, but she refuses to leave because she came her for a purpose.

Billie has shown up and Bo tries to convince her to leave, but she won't. Bo orders Billie to leave, and she agrees, but only if he goes with her. Bo tells her that he knows she thinks there may be a chance for them to be together, but that she's wrong. Bo then tells Billie to leave, and she does so but is stopped by Franco who overheard the conversation and urges her to continue to go after Bo no matter what he said to her. Franco tells Billie Bo is confused but Billie is tired and she doesn't want to be hurt again because Bo doesn't want her. Franco tells Billie she must fight and make him love her just like he is doing with Hope. Eventually Billie decides to stay in Salem, and fight for the love of her life.

Hope then approaches Bo, and when she asks why he was with Billie and Bo says she just showed up. Bo tells Hope to take herself and Franco and leave, but Hope says that since they are no longer together he can't tell her to do anything anyone. Hope and Bo begin to argue and when Bo sees one of J.L.'s thugs he tells Hope to get lost. Bo then goes to see the guy, who takes him to J.L. King. Hope is hurt and confused about her conversation with Bo, but she won't let it distract her from her plan.

Bo meets with J.L. King and gives him the file, and when Bo tries to leave J.L. says he has much more planned for him.

3/5 Franco comes to see Hope because he was worried about how upset she was last night after leaving the club. Hope says she's upset she didn't find the drug dealer, but Franco tells her he think she was upset at seeing Bo with Billie. Hope says Bo explained the situation to her, and Franco says that maybe Bo asked Billie to meet him, thinking Hope would never see them at a place like the Snake Pit. Hope doesn't want to accept that Bo and Billie are dating, and she asks Franco for some time alone so she can think.

Billie has a dream that Bo comes to her room and tells her he loves her and wants her back. Later Franco comes by to pay her a visit and encourages Billie to go after Bo, but she has given up on Bo and is thinking about returning to Paris. Franco can't let them happen and he convinces Billie to stay in Salem and continue chasing Bo.

Bo and Abe meet, and Bo tells Abe he will get the evidence they need to nail King. Abe tells Bo to be careful, but Bo says if something goes wrong King will go after Hope and Billie, not him. Bo explains what happened at the club with Billie and Hope, and he tells Abe he hate's having to hurt the people he cares about. Bo says that before he can go after King he has to make sure Billie and Hope are out of harms way, otherwise he'll have to drop this case because he can't put them in danger.

Bo goes to drop off Shawn D.'s baseball mitt, and also to tell Hope to stay away from the Snake Pit. Hope says she can't do that because she is going after the drug king and is going to take him down, and nothing is going to stop her. Bo however says he is going to stop her, and tells her she will not go through with this investigation.

Bo and Hope argue over the situation, and Bo tells her to leave it to the police and stay the hell out of it. Bo argues that innocent people and police officers lives could be at stake here, and she agrees to stay out of it. Hope then tries to make up with Bo and kiss him, but all Bo can think about is J.L.'s warnings, so he pushes her away and leaves. Hope however knows Bo wanted to kiss her back, and she's not going to give up on him.

Abe returns to the office where the DA shows up to see the evidence he has on King so she can nail him. J.L. King and his lawyer then show up to see the evidence that Abe has against him. However when Abe open's up his safe to get the file, it's gone of course. J.L. King leaves because they have no case against him, and the DA is furious with Abe and plans to go to the commissioner.

Meanwhile J.L. thinks Bo is on his side, and he's not letting him out of his employment now. Later when J.L. meets with one of his goons he plans to use Billie and Hope as backup insurance to keep Bo in line. J.L. plans to arrange a charity party, and get Billie and Hope there and he will find out which one he cares more for, and then that one will be the one he'll use against Bo.

DVD #30B 3/6 Abe and Bo have another meeting to decide their next move. Abe tells Bo to go deeper into King's operation and find out everything, but Bo realizes how much time that will take and how it will intrude upon his future with Hope. Bo also knows Hope and Billie will be in danger if he isn't careful.

Meanwhile the case against J.L. King has been dropped, but he's still set on finding out which woman has a hold on Bo, and he plans to use that woman to keep Brady in line.

At Alice's house, Hope tells Alice and Maggie she feels Bo and her will be getting back together, and they are happy for her. As Hope, Alice, and Maggie talk Hope says she loved being a cop, and likes the money from being a model, but right now she'd love to re-marry Bo and have another baby.

Outside, Shawn D. gets into a fight with another kid who wanted to teach him and his friends a lesson for turning him in for drug dealing. Hope breaks up the fight and the guy runs away, but when Hope finds crack pills scattered on the ground she becomes furious and is determined to put an end to it all.

Hopes gives all the boys a lecture on how they did the right thing, and tells them the police will handle everything. Hope calls Bo and tells him everything that happened, but Bo tells her he has to call her back because he is on his way to Abe. Later Bo calls back to Hope, and she tells him that some boy tried to plant drugs on Shawn D., and Bo tells Hope she'll have narcotics will have to handle the problem, and Hope becomes furious that he refuses to get involved.

Bo is hurt that he had to act like he didn't care, and Abe tells him the best thing he can do is keep on doing what he's doing. Bo goes to te Snake Pit to meet J.L., unaware that J.L. has set him up. Bo asks for the videotape back, but King tells Bo all in good time and then tells Bo drinks are on the house and to relax for a bit.

Hope receives an invitation a charity benefit at the Snake Pit. She decides to check it out because she thinks if she gets involved Bo will to, and it just might be what he needs to pick himself back up. Hope shows up and J.L. introduces himself to her. When Bo sees Hope he approaches her and tells her he's tired of her following him around.

3/7 At the Snake Pit, Bo has approached Hope and he tells her it's over and to stop following him around everywhere. Hope tells Bo she was invited here, and with the way he's acted towards her she won't be calling on him any more. Hope suspects something's up and asks Bo what's going on.

Bo, who is aware King is watching him, tells Hope nothing is going on, he's just having fun. Hope tells Bo this isn't his style, and Bo calls her a loser and a hassle. Hope is hurt by Bo's rejection but thinks something is going on with Bo. She tells Bo to tell her he no longer loves her, but Bo can't do it, instead he just says it's over. Hope asks if that's it, and Bo says that's it, he'll stay out of her life if she stays out of his. Franco & Bilie enter the Snake Pit and are shocked when they hear Bo tell Hope it's over. Hope tells Bo that she is gone from his life and walks away.

J.L. has one of his goons bring Bo to his office to make Bo and offer. As Bo is led off, Billie watches and overhears a conversation between King and his goon about Bo. Billie thinks Bo is in danger so she sneaks into King's office and hides in his closet. Bo and King arrive, and King offers Bo a position on his payroll full time. Bo refuses to work for King, and King tells him he's in a tough position, Bo knows to much about his business to be let out alive. King asks Bo if they have a deal, when suddenly Billie knocks something over in the closet she's hiding in!

Franco finds Hope on the dock in tears and comforts her. However Hope tells Franco she is positive Bo is hiding something for her.

3/10 Hope is on the docks with Franco and she tells him she is going back to the club to straighten things out with Bo, and Franco tries to persuade her not to go back. Franco tries to make Hope think Bo is possibly dating Billie, but Hope doesn't believe him. Hope tells him she needs to know what's going on with Bo, and when she decides to return to the snake pit Franco goes with her.

In J.L. King's office, King has found Billie hiding in his closet, and isn't to pleased about it. J.L. tells one of his goons to take Billie off and deal with her, but Bo interrupts and says he hasn't been truthful with him. J.L. becomes angry and throws Bo onto the desk and tells him nobody messes with J.L. King. Bo tells J.L. King that Billie is his jealous girlfriend and that he was trying to keep it a secret because he knew J.L. was planning to use Billie and Hope as insurance, and he wanted King to think he loved neither.

Bo then yells at Billie for following him around, and tells J.L. Kings Billie won't tell anyone. Bo tells J.L. he'll be no use to him dead, and if Billie is hurt he'll come after J.L. and tear his heart out. Bo tells J.L. that he now knows which one of the two women Bo loves, and asks if they have a deal?

J.L. says that he does need Bo, and they have a deal but if he steps out of line Billie gets it. Billie and Bo leave, and Billie demands to know what's going on? Bo tells Billie that they are being watched and have to make things look real, and the two talk. Billie thinks maybe Bo does love her, but he tells her this is an act, he loves Hope. The two begin to dance while J.L. watches from afar.

As luck would have it, Franco and Hope arrive at the club and Hope sees Billie and Bo dancing and kissing. Hope throws a glass of water on his and slaps him. She tells Bo he's a hypocrite and she no longer knows him, he's let down the department, her, and his son down. Hope tells Bo it's over and runs out of the room. Franco goes after Hope and comforts her on the docks.

Bo gets called to see J.L., and J.L. tells Bo he believes his story for now, but he better not find out Bo's been lying to him. Bo leaves his office and goes to Billie. Billie figures out Bo is undercover, and Bo tells her if she tells anyone about this both of them will be dead.

3/13 Franco and Hope meet up with Abe in the park, and Hope tells Abe her problems with Bo and Billie. Abe is shocked to hear Hope tell him Bo and Billie are back together, but tells her that Bo needs time to get his head together and not to give up on him. Abe leaves, and Hope wonders if Abe is right, but Franco is quick to douse her hopes. Hope thinks perhaps something else is going on with Bo, and she has to find out.

Hope says if she hadn't doubted Bo's love they'd be married, but Franco says her doubts where confirmed tonight. Hope still can't understand Bo's actions, he's changed so much, and even though Franco tells her people change, Hope can't believe someone can change that much. Hope decides she needs to get some answer from Bo, but Franco tries to persuade her not to. Hope says she needs some time alone to think things over, and Franco tells her to call him if she needs anything. Hope swings on a swing in the park and remembers her life with Bo through real flashbacks.

At the Snake Pit, Bo and Billie continue to put on their act for King. Bo tells Billie he'll figure a way to get them out of this, and as they go to leave King confronts them and says his goodbyes, then has a man follow them. The man follows Bo and Billie, but loses them in the park. Meanwhile Bo meets Abe under the docks and tells him everything that happened with Billie. Bo asks Abe to put Billie in a witness protection program, and Abe says he'll get right on it, but Billie says no way. Bo tells Billie it's the best thing to do, and he'll deal with King. Billie and Bo continue on toward Billie's place, and when Bo realizes they are being watched again they continue with their "happy lovers act." However, when Bo and Billie kiss Hope sees it!

3/14 Bo and Billie are on the docks kissing to convince the person that has been following them, but Bo doesn't know that Hope is watching as well. Not only do they kiss, but they both tell each other they love the other! Bo even tells Billie she's the one he's loved all along, and only her. Hope is devastated by what she hears, and blames herself for handing Bo over to Billie by pushing him away. Hope walks off, and Bo and Billie stop their acting. Billie asks if everything he said was just an act, and he tells her yes, he loves Hope and will get her back after everything is over.

Bo tells her the last thing he wants is to hurt her, and she asks Bo honestly when they were together did he really love her. Bo tells her he did, but things changed when Hope came back. Billie says if she hadn't come back they'd probably be married and have their own baby. Bo tells her he's sorry, but he really belongs with Hope, they are bound by a special love. Billie asks what will happen if he can't work things out with Hope, but Bo says he will get her back. In her head Billie says he could lose Hope, and if he does she'll be waiting.

Bo takes Billie back to her apartment, and they talk for a bit and Bo tells her that if it had been any other woman maybe they would still be together, but it's not any other woman it's Hope. Later Billie dreams that their little romantic sharade forced Bo to realize he still loved her, and they remarried. On the docks Bo recalls showing Hope the North Star, and how she picked it to be their star, Hope is also looking at the star from the park.

Hope is in the park and is confused about Bo's feelings, and thinks it's over. Suddenly she hears Susan crying about how her baby is gone. Hope talks to Susan, and then tells Susan she should talk someone. Susan doesn't think she can talk to anyone, and Hope suggests Susan talk to Marlena and gives her Marlena's card.

3/18 Hope shows up at Titan for a photo shoot, and Franco can see she is upset. He asks her what is bothering her, and she says she heard Bo tell Billie he loved her on the pier. At Billie's place Billie fantasizes that Bo wakes up and chooses to pursue a relationship with her, but it's only a fantasy. Bo comes out of the back room and tells Billie that Abe is finalizing her papers for the witness protection program. Suddenly the phone rings, and thinking it's Abe Bo answers, but it's Franco calling for Billie!

Franco asks Billie to reschedule the appointment because Hope is upset, and Billie tells him to go ahead and reschedule it. Franco thanks her and hangs up, and Hope is in shock that Bo spent the night at Billie's. Back at Billie's Bo thinks Hope probably thinks they slept together, and Billie apologizes for the trouble she's caused. Bo vows to bust King and will do anything he has to to bring him down.

At King's office despite the fact that King knows Bo spent the night at Billie's he thinks something is wrong, and the best thing to do would be to take Bo, Billie, and Hope out immediately.

Bo meets Abe on the pier and Bo asks Abe to get Billie in the protection program as soon as possible, but Abe says they have to stay cool. Abe knows Bo wants to end this whole thing and explain the situation to hope, but if Bo gets sloppy King could kill them all. Bo tells Abe that Hope learned he spent the night at Billie's and hates what he's doing to her, but Abe tells him if he doesn't stay focused on the case they could all be in danger.

Billie comes to Titan and Franco asks her how she got back together with Bo so soon, and Billie tells him to drop it. Billie asks about Hope, and learns that she's still in the building helping Keith with the lighting on a shoot. Billie decides to go to work in her mom's office to avoid Hope, but as she goes to leave Hope returns and the two meet face to face. Billie tells Hope she's sorry abut the situation, and Hope tells her she's finally got what she want. Hope says she was the one who pushed Bo away, so she doesn't blame or hate Billie. She says she won't pretend she's not hurt or angry, because she had been hoping for a life with him, but obviously Bo doesn't want that anymore. Billie almost tells Hope the truth, but Hope doesn't want to talk anymore and runs off.

Later Bo is confronted by Max, and Bo tells him not to talk to him while he's on the beat or he will blow their little partnership. Max leaves, and Bo calls Billie and tells her that she'll be leaving for the witness protection program soon and they'll come up with a cover story. Billie tells Bo she ran into Hope, and she's really hurting. Billie wants to tell her the truth but Bo says that as long as Hope doesn't know about the situation she won't be in danger.

Bo meets Abe again later on, and Abe says everything is set up for Billie to leave Salem. Meanwhile a cop has been shot while working without back-up, and the word spreads through town. Billie and Hope hear about it at Titan, and Billie imagines Bo being killed and is frightened. Billie thinks that if Hope knew about Bo she could work with him, so she decides she must tell Hope the truth.

Max returns to King, and says Bo was uptight about seen with him, and that Billie used to be a junkie, so they can be trusted. King says he's going to put Bo through a few more tests, and if he fails all three die.

3/19 Bo and Abe talk about the case, Billie is to leave tonight for the witness protection program and Abe tells Bo King may get suspicious. Bo thinks he can come up with a cover story, the most important thing is that she's safe.

At Titan, Franco tries to comfort Hope over Bo and Billie, and once he leavesBillie approaches Hope with the intention of telling her the truth about the situation. Hope doesn't want to talk to Billie about Bo, but Billie says she loves Bo and wants him to be safe, so she must tell her something. Hope refuses to listen, and says she knows Bo spent the night with her so it's over. Billie says it's not like that at all, she hasn't won Bo back yet.

Meanwhile J.L. King's goon reports to J.L. that Billie and Hope are together, and J.L. tells him to find out what they are talking about, and to invite them both to the club tonight. Back inside Billie tells Hope there is still a chance for her and Bo to work things out, but Bo comes in just and time and tells Hope he doesn't know why Billie is saying this, but there's no chance left, they are through. Hope is confused, and Bo tells Hope he loves Billie only, and she said what she said because of Billie feels he may return to Hope.

Franco barges in and tells him he's not a man worthy of Hope's love, and tells him to leave. Billie says they should go, and when they leave they run into Max (King's goon) who tells them King wants them both at the club tonight. Later on the pier Bo scolds Billie for trying to tell Hope, and Billie tries to reason with him about the situation, and says Hope could be his backup, but Bo doesn't want either of them involved, and tells Billie she's leaving Salem tonight. Billie refuses to go, but Bo says she's going, end of discussion.

Back in the office, Franco tries to comfort Hope, but Hope is confused and thinks there is another reason why Bo is pushing her away. Hope says she has to accept Bo is with Billie now, and has to move on with her life. Franco asks how she will do that, and Hope says she is going to keep busy by going after the big drug supplier. Franco realizes he can't change her mind, and tells her he will help her. Hope says that their first matter of business is to go to the club tonight and find the main supplier.

3/21 Bo and Billie argue over whether Billie will or will not leave town. Bo wants her to leave, but Billie refuses to leave because she loves him. Billie knows he loves Hope, and Bo tells her he doesn't want to hurt her anymore and asks her to leave. When Billie asks Bo to tell Hope he tells her he can't, and when Abe shows up Billie agrees to leave. Billie says she needs to say goodbye to her mother, and attend a baby shower for Kristen before leaving. Abe warns Bo to be careful around King, and Bo says if something should happen to him to tell Hope the truth that he never stopped loving her, and Abe promises to.

Later when Jen and Kristen question Hope, she tells them that Billie went back to Bo. Suddenly Billie arrives at the party and everything becomes very tense. Billie goes upstairs to see Abby before leaving, and when her phone rings Hope answers it, it's Bo and he wants to talk to Billie. Billie returns and tells Bo that she's leaving and she'll see him soon. Billie leaves the party, and when she says goodbye Kristen comments she sounds like she's leaving forever. Billie also tells Hope everything will be okay, she'll see, and Hope wonders what Billie means. Later Jen, Hope, an Kristen talk about nursing when Jen gives Kristen a nursing gown.

Billie drops by Titan and tells Kate she's leaving town for awhile, and when Kate becomes curious Billie tells Kate she has to go, no questions asked. Billie tells Kate she loves her, and then leaves.

Jen and Hope are shocked by the news that Billie is leaving town, and Hope wonders what is going on. Kate says all she can think of is that Bo and Billie had a fight. Jen suggests Hope find Bo, but she says she has other things to do, like go after the drug supplier. Jen tries to talk some sense into Hope, but she won't listen.

Billie shows up to meet Abe, but when Bo isn't there she knows he's gone to meet King. Billie gets in the car and is driven off.

In King's office King asks Bo where Billie is. Bo tries to talk his way out of the situation, but King warns him if Billie isn't there in one minuet things will become very uncomfortable. When Bo's minuet is up Bo says Billie is out of town, and King then pulls a gun on Bo

3/24 Billie and the female cop are on their way to her safehouse. She tells Billie to relax and Billie prays that Bo is okay. The cop tells her that she is being taken to a secluded cabin and she will not be able to contact anyone. She is warned that if she does, it will put Bo in danger. The cop tells Billie that Bo sure went to a lot of trouble to get her in this program, he must really love her. Billie says I wish. At the Snake Pit, King is furious because Billie left town. Says he'll have to get himself another insurance policy as Bo spots Hope on the tv monitor.

Franco shows up and Hope tells him what she is up to and he tries to talk her out of it, t’s too dangerous. King knows Bo is lying and wants to know if it is to protect Hope. Then he spots her too and tells Bo if they are up to anything, he'll kill them both. King sends Max out to question Hope and find out what she's up to. She makes it clear to him that she wants to buy drugs and would really like to meet the man in charge. He tells her to wait and he goes back and tells King, who explodes and they tie Bo up and starts choking Bo wanting to know what's going on. King tells Bo if it is so important for Hope to meet him, the least he can do is grant her last request before he kills her!

3/25 In the back room, Bo tells King that Hope never did drugs before, it must be the new crowd she's hanging with. King doesn't believe Bo, and tells him he's going to kill them both, and eventually he'll kill Billie. Bo tries to convince King that Hope isn't trying to nail King, but King doesn't believe him. When Hope leaves and Max returns King orders him to go get Hope and bring her back. Bo says to leave Hope alone, and when King asks why he cares about Hope so much, Bo says she's still the mother of his child. Bo tells King that Hope may no longer be a cop, but if he kills her every cop in Salem will be after him.

Franco thinks Hope shouldn't have asked to buy drugs, but Hope thinks that the dealer will take her to the major runner. Hope looks around, and when Franco asks Hope if she's looking for Bo, and Hope admits she thought he might be there. Franco tries to persuade her that Bo doesn't deserve her, but Hope believes he still loves her and they can work things out. Hope goes to the ladies room and learns about the drug action going on in there. Hope and Franco decide to leave, but when Max comes back Hope says she got what she needed from the ladies in the bathroom. Hope goes home and begins to cry, and Shawn D. comforts her.

Max calls King back and says that Hope and Franco went into a big house together all alone, and King asks Bo if that bothers him. Bo just says that Hope has her own life like he has his. Max returns and both King and Max pull out their guns, and Bo says either let him go or shoot him, but if he shoots him he'll have the entire force on him. King tells Bo he's right, so instead he's going to plant a bomb over at the Horton's house, and they'll dump Bo's body in the rubble and make it seem like Bo was trying to kill Hope. King and Max leave to set up the bomb and Bo tries to break free.

3/26 At the Horton house, Shawn D and Hope talk, and Shawn D asks if there is a chance Hope and Bo can work things out. Hope says she doesn't know, but no matter what happens they will always love him. Shawn D. is sick, and Hope takes care of him. Later Hope and Alice talk about how much Shawn D. wants his parents to be a family again, and wishes Bo felt that way to. Alice says Bo does feel that way, she knows. Later Hope asks God to keep the people she loves safe and help Bo find his way back to them.

Meanwhile, Bo struggles to get free in order to save Hope and Shawn D., but King catches him and says that it's to late, the bomb is being planted and tonight they're all going to die. J.L. King says Bo has crossed him, and now he has to pay the price. Bo warns him that he won't get away with this, but Max is rigging the place to look like a gas explosion, and it will only go off when someone goes in or out of the place. J.L. then pulls a gun on Bo.

Later Bo learns through a phone call from Max that Shawn D. and Alice are also in the house, and J.L. says that's just their bad luck. Max finishes the bomb and calls J.L, who tells Bo everything is ready, and now it's time for him to finish off Bo. Bo tells J.L. he's making a mistake, but as King goes to shoot Bo, Billie runs into the room and screams "Don't!" Billie says they had a fight and she left, and Bo and Billie pretend to "make up".

J.L. lets Bo go because he thinks he was wrong, and then goes to try to diffuse the bomb, even though Max tells him there's no time left! Bo asks Max where the bomb is, and when he tries to go J.L. asks why he's going to so much trouble for a woman he doesn't love, but Bo reminds him his son is in that house.

3/27 Bo and Billie are hurrying over to Mrs H's and he tells Billie to stay behind as it's too dangerous but naturally after thinking about it she follows Bo. Hope is in the kitchen when Shawn D comes down, he can't sleep so Hope offers to fix him some hot lemonade tea. He says he is hot and goes to open the back door (which would set off the bomb) but Hope stops him as he’s hot because he has a fever and it's freezing outside. She fixes him some tea. She and Shawn D look at pics and talk about the drug problem, but at least Dad got the drug dealers from hanging out at the school.

He wonders why he hasn't called and so does Hope, after all Bo loves his son and doesn't miss a day to talk to him. Outside the house, Bo & Billie are busy trying to defuse the bomb and finally manage to get it done. They make some noise which Hope hears and comes out to investigate but she doesn't see them.

When they leave for good, Bo trips over a chair and Hope goes out again and runs down the alley to see who was there. She sees Bo & Billie hugging and says that she and Bo don't have a chance, she was a fool for thinking they did. Bo was hugging Billie because he said he did care for her (but only as a friend) and was glad she was there to help and he will do anything he can to help her in the future.

4/1 At Billie's place, Bo tells Billie he has to meet with Abe this morning to go over what happened last night., Billie asks if she's going to get in trouble for leaving the safe house, and taking Terri's car. Bo says he doesn't think so because she saved his life. When Bo asks why she showed up Billie says she had a dream that King shot him. Bo tells Billie he's going to find a way to keep her safe, and he also has to keep Hope from learning the truth about him working undercover.

At the Horton place, Hope and Alice talk, and Hope doesn't understand why she saw Bo and Billie in the alley kissing last night. Hope decides the only way to get to the bottom of things is to go see Billie in person.

Bo talks to Abe about the problems Hope may cause with her unauthorized investigation. Bo is wondering if this operation is really worth it considering all the hurt he's caused his family. Meanwhile Hope shows up at Billie's place to talk. When Billie asks how she knew she was back in Salem Hope says she saw her and Bo in the alley last night. Hope then asks Billie point blank if she and Bo are back together or aren't they. Billie says it's complicated, and she doesn't want to hurt Bo, but Hope wants the truth. Hope knows Bo still loves her (Hope), but she doesn't know where she stands. Billie asks Hope if she's going to give up, and when Hope says no Billie says good for you. Hope asks Billie as her friend, is she holding onto something that isn't there. Billie just tells Hope that as her friend, she shouldn't move on with her life without Bo just yet. Suddenly Bo shows up, and when Billie asks what he's doing Bo says "I'm moving in", not knowing Hope is there and heard him!

4/2 At Billie’s, Bo shows up and announces he's moving in, what better way for two people in love to show their commitment to one another. Suddenly Hope comes into Bo's view, and he says he didn't know she was there. Hope asks if it would have mattered, and and Bo says he would have preferred to tell her a different way. Hope says they've moved on with their lives, and she sees everything very clearly now. Hope leaves, and when Billie tells Bo to go after her Bo says he can't put her life in danger.

Meanwhile, Hope is still confused by Billie's words. Billie finds Hope, and Hope asks her why she's playing sick games with her. Billie says she is her friend, but Hope says she doesn't trust anything Billie says. Billie says she didn't expect Bo to move it, and Hope begs Billie to tell her what's going on. Billie tries to tell Hope the truth, but Bo interrupts them and says he needs her to show him where to put his stuff. Hope walks off, and Bo tells Billie she can't tell Hope anything yet.

Billie and Bo return home, and Bo says they important thing is to protect her and Shawn D. from King. Bo also apologizes for her getting involved in this mess, and she's a great friend. Bo says he'll sleep out her on the couch, and when Billie says Carrie still lives here Bo says he'll have to bunk on the floor in Billies room. Hope goes home and tells Alice what happened, neither of them can figure out what is going on.

4/4 Billie and Bo are going to meet Abe when Bo realizes Max is following them. Bo and Billie pretend to be playing a silly lovers game, and manage to lose Max. Billie and Bo meet up with Abe, and when Abe asks if they are going to the Titan dinner together Bo says no, it would hurt Hope to much, and he's not in a partying mood. Suddenly King gives Bo a call, and he wants them to go to the Titan dinner. Billie is happy at the news, and leaves to get ready. Abe tells Bo that he thinks Billie is going to end up hurt, even though Bo has told her not to get emotionally involved. Before Bo leaves he says if someone he loved where to get badly hurt he might have to call the whole thing off.

Franco comes to pick up Hope for the Titan Diner, and she is sad that Bo moved in with Billie. Franco tries to comfort her, but Hope is so confused about the situation. Before Hope leaves Shawn asks if he can go to a movie with his friends, but Hope says no because he just got over the flu.

At the Titan dinner, Hope comes in with Franco Franco and Hope begin dancing, as do Carrie and Lucas. Suddenly Bo walks in with Billie, and Bo tells Billie not to go near Franco and Hope tonight. Jen begins her broadcast, and she says they are going to begin the first event of the evening, the getting to know you dance. Jen tells everyone too look at their ticket and find the person who has a matching number, and that is the person they have to dance with.

Bo tells Abe that he doesn't know what to do tonight because Hope just looks so damn fine he wants to kiss her. Maggie approaches Bo and informs him that his partner is Hope! Bo and Hope dance, and Billie and Franco watch from across the room. As they dance, Hope tells Bo she knows what he feels, and won't say. Bo leaves Hope and goes to talk with Abe, he's not in a good mood. Bo tells Abe this case is over he can't do this to Hope anymore, he's telling her the truth tonight.

Back at the Horton's place. Shawn D sneaks out with his friends to go to the movies. Shawn D and his friends take the bus, and end up getting off on the wrong stop. As they are walking through the alley they come upon two guys involved in a drug deal. Shawn D and his friends run, but the two guys chase them, and Shawn D is shot!

4/7 Titan party continues, Hope and Franco go through the *something's going on with Bo* speech, as Bo tells Abe he wants to tell Hope what's going on. He tells Abe that he'll protect her and Shawn D and Billie all. Shawn D is lying on the ground with his friends yelling for help. Franco tells Hope to give up, Bo loves Billie, but Hope says that his actions are speaking louder than his words, as she wonders what's going on between Bo and Abe.

Bo tells Abe that he wants to keep up the charade, but to let Hope in on it as he can't stand hurting her any longer. Abe finally says okay, that it is Bo's call. as King and Max walk thru the door and King happens to overhear Maggie and Caroline talking about B&H.; Bo pulls Billie aside and tells her what he's going to do. Hope and Jenn are talking about Bo & Jack.

Hope spots King and tells Jenn that she's going to bring him down. Jenn tries to discourage her that it is too dangerous but Hope is determined. Jenn offers her help as an investigative reporter but Hope says no thanks. Bo walks up and tells Hope they need to talk.

Billie spots King and gets Abe's attention and he distracts King as Billie warns Bo. He asks Billie to dance, leaving Hope bewildered. Later in the show, Jenn tells Hope that someone (King) wants to make a huge donation, but wants Hope to accept the check on the air since she is the co-chairperson for the event. He presents her with a check for $50,000. Mike calls Abe and tells him that Shawn D has been shot. When Abe tells them, Hope becomes hysterical. She and Franco take off together, followed a few minutes later by Bo & Billie.

Hope and Franco arrive at the hospital and Mike fills them in and she is terribly shaken. Bo shows up and both of them blame themselves. Mike tells them that the bullet penetrated S-D's abdomen and hopefully no vital organs hurt, but they'll have to operate. He's in critical condition. King and Max arrive in time to see Bo and Hope embracing.

4/8 At the hospital, Billie and Franco see Bo comforting Hope. Later King is worried that if Bo finds out the guy that shot Shawn D worked for him he could turn on him. He also fears that if Billie sees Bo getting cozy with Hope she could turn on him and rat Bo and J.L. out to the cops. Billie interrupts Bo and Hope to warn Bo that King is here watching him, but Bo only cares about Shawn D. and Hope right now. Franco comforts Hope, and Hope thinks that Billie is feeling very insecure about her relationship with Bo. Hope pledges that if Shawn D. pulls through they will be a family again.

King approaches Bo and Hope, and tells him he's very sorry about the shooting, and offers to help in any way he can. Bo suddenly gets a call from Abe, Bo says he wants the bastard who shot his son, and Abe wants that to. Bo also tells him that King is there watching him, but because Hope is in so much pain he has to tell Hope now. Meanwhile King thinks he'll find out what's really going on, and if Bo is lying Bo and his women will be dead by morning.

A nurse comes out to give Bo and Hope the news that Shawn D. is going to be just fine. Everyone hugs, and Bo tells Hope he needs to talk to her about their future, and possibly a wedding. When he says after tonight everything is going to be different he gets interrupted by a call from Abe, who wants to meet him now. Bo tells Hope to stay at the hospital, and Bo and Billie take a walk to see Abe.

Abe and Billie tell Bo he can't tell Hope the truth. but Bo doesn't care, he loves Hope and wants to tell her. Abe tells Bo that the shooting was drug related, and if he let's his love for Hope stand in the way of nailing King Hope may feel differently.

Later King approaches Bo and tells him nobody from his organization shot Shawn D. As a gesture of good faith he gives Bo a diamond ring, since Bo said Billie left town because Bo couldn't afford to buy her an engagement ring to propose with. King says Bo should go give Billie the ring, tonight!

Later Hope says parents should do whatever they have to protect their children, even sacrifice their own happiness if need be. Hope asks Bo if they can continue the talk about the wedding, and Bo pulls out the box with the ring that King gave him. Hope thinks Bo is going to propose to her, but he turns around and proposes to Billie, who accepts!

4/9 Billie offers for her and Bo to move out if it makes Carrie uncomfortable. She tells Carrie that she's her best friend and how much her brother loves her (sounds like Billie's about to leave the way she's doing closure with everyone).

Bo and Hope wake up in each others arms on the couch in the hospital (sitting up of course). Bo kisses Hope and she can't understand why he's kissing her yet getting engaged to Billie. The nurse interrupts saying they're needed in S.D.'s room. Shaun D is awake and talking with them (the kid FINALLY has a bed ;-). He remembers Bo and Hope being there last night and hopes that means they'll be together again. He remembers the shooting. Bo kisses Hopes hand and leaves quietly with Hope wondering what is going on?

Bo meets Abe in their hiding spot. He tells Abe how confused Hope is and about the ring that King gave him to give to Billie. He hates lying to Hope. Abe encourages Bo to tell Hope the truth now. Jen and Hope are in the hospital talking. She tells Jen about Bo proposing to Billie the night before. She tells Jen she feels Bo's heart wasn't in it and he's confused. Jen tells Hope she is very optimistic about Jack's appeal, and when he gets out, they're going to help Bo & Hope nail those drug dealers.

Franco visits Hope at the hospital. Hope tells him about Bo kissing her, but giving the ring to Billie. She still senses something is going on, but what? Franco tells her she has to say goodbye to yesterday.

Back at the apt, Billie is daydreaming about Bo getting his tux on and going to the Penthouse Grill to celebrate their engagement. He asks for her ring back, but only to give her the original ring she use to have. That way it's for real, not a pretend engagement. Bo comes in apologizing for not having time to explain what the ring meant and she says she knew it was all part of the act, no explanation needed. He tells her he never meant to hurt her. She's more worried about Hope right now. Thinking about her past and Curtis, she's worried about all the other kids subjected to drugs and tells him he saved her once, now he has to save all the other kids out there.

Back at the hospital, Hope and Franco see Bo talking to Shawn D. while he's sleeping. He tells him that he loves him and his mom very much and all he wants is for the three of them to be a family again. Hope leans against the door about ready to cry.

4/10 Max is lecturing Viper for screwing up and shooting a cop's kid. Max tells Viper to get out of town now, or else. Viper leaves, and Max calls J.L. King. King tells Max to spread cash around and make it seem that Viper isn't connected with him.

At the hospital, Hope confronts Bo about him telling Shawn D. he still loves Hope and wants them to be a family again. Hope tells Bo he promised to never lie to Shawn D. or her, and asks Bo to tell her the truth, does he want them to be a family again. Hope thinks he's also in trouble, and she knows he still loves her because of the kiss that morning. Bo says he was just sleepy and didn't know what he was doing, but Hope says he knew exactly what he was doing.

Hope asks why he gave the engagement ring to Billie, why is he doing this to her? Suddenly Shawn D. starts talking about putting the fish on the grill. Bo tells Shawn to to rest, and paints a scenario of them out on a fishing boat, and Shawn D. says wants to know if they are going to be a family again. Hope asks Bo to tell her the truth.

When Bo is about to do it Franco shows up, and Bo gets a call to meet Abe in a stairwell. Bo goes to leave, and tells Hope to stay put, he'll be back to tell her the truth. Abe tells Bo that guy who shot Shawn D. was a kid himself, and he is connected to King. Bo is furious, but he thinks he should tell Hope because she's already suspicious. Abe pleads with Bo not to tell Hope, they are so close to nailing King.

Bo returns to Hope, and Franco confronts Billie about just what is going on with Bo. Hope asks Bo if he was telling the truth, and Bo says he was. Hope wants Shawn D. to here this, and asks him to go into Shawn D's room. Bo says he'd rather talk out here, because he lied to Shawn D. because he thought it would help him. Hope is furious, and says she refuses to be hurt by him anymore, and she can't believe Bo wants to sit back and play house with Billie. Hope says she doesn't know him at all anymore, but she's going to take down this drug ring herself, since Bo obviously doesn't care about the welfare of the children of Salem, and his own child. Later Hope tells Franco she's been such a fool, and this time she's through with Bo for good.

Bo dresses up like a street guy and pretends to be Viper’s brother, but nobody seems to know where Viper is. Bo spots Viper, and chases him into a warehouse and catches him.

4/11 At the hospital, Hope finds Billie talking to a sleeping Shawn D. She tells her that they need to talk about Bo. Bo & Abe are interrogating Viper. Bo warns him that he shot his son and tells him that there isn’t a lawyer alive that can save him! He will remain in this room with Bo until he talks!

**The End**

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