Bo & Hope #26 March 20 - July 9, 1996: 8 hr original edit

3/20 Bo is reunited with Hope. Jude is furious, and if he has his way, their reunion will be a short one because he intends to kill them both. Jude threatens that he will kill Bo. Bo is already working on an escape plan of his own. Hope is confused when Bo 'surrenders' to Jude and says he has won. Bo requests that he be allowed one last kiss with Hope. While holding each other close, Bo clues Hope in on his plan. They distract him and Bo and Jude struggle with the gun. Bo is shot, and Jude runs off. Jack and Jenn hear Hope's screams and are astonished to find Hope and Bo together.

Peter, who took another trail to search for Bo, runs into Jude. After each makes threats on the other, they agree to call it a 'draw'. Peter lets Jude go, and Jude will keep his mouth shut about Peter's illegal dealings.

Bo is brought back to the pub and cared for. Hope stays by his bedside. Though weak, Bo insists that he has something he must say to Hope. He wants to tell her he loves her, but succombs to his exhaustion before he can verbalize it. Meanwhile, Jack has found Jude, who tries to bargain with Jack.

3/21 Peter goes to look for Jude. Jack has captured Jude. He is ready to bring him in when Jude says "I will give you the name of the man who is working with me, but only if you set me free." Jack is very tempted by the offer, not knowing that Peter is watching, ready to shoot the rifle if he has to. Looks like he's aiming on purpose to me. He wants Jude out of the picture once and for all. Jude tries to strike a deal with Jack, saying that if he lets him go, when he's safely out of the country he'll send him the name of the man he's working for. Jack won't go for it, and wants the name *now*. Jack says he already knows who it is -- Peter Blake. Jude won't admit to anything unless Jack lets him go. Jude knocks the gun out of Jack's hand and the two have a knock-down drag-out fight in the snow. With all the movement, Peter could very well shoot Jack instead of Jude. Jennifer approaches and she screams as Peter pulls the trigger.

3/22 A shot rings out and Jennifer runs to Jack, thinking Peter has shot him. Both men go down, and Jack is covered in blood. But the shot hit Jude instead, killing him. Jack goes to Peter shouting "You killed Jude to keep him from squealing." Peter denies it, claiming he was just trying to save Jack's life. In the end, both men leave it up to Jennifer. She is disgusted that after all that has happened, they are only concerned about who she believes.

Meanwhile, Hope is keeping a vigil at Bo's bedside. When he begins to improve, Hope calls Alice and Shawn-Douglas to let them know that she's alive. When she voices her doubts about Bo's feelings, Alice cries "Bo never once believed you were dead, and that's because he loves you." She says he deeply regretted not telling her that he loved her. Hope is not convinced, she wonders if he said that because he thought she was dead. She prays Bo will wake up soon so he can tell her how he really feels. Bo awakens and overhears Hope thanking God for having Bo find her. He pulls his battered body out of bed and tells Hope that he loves her. He always has, and he always will.

3/25 At long last, Hope hears the words she's waited so long to hear, words she thought she would never hear again: Bo tells Hope that he loves her. Overcome with emotion, Hope's eyes fill with tears. Shawn D comes in a few times to see his mom: he can't believe it is real that she is alive. He asks whether the three of them will be a family again, and Bo and Hope say they will. Bo wants to "show" Hope that he loves her by making love to her, but she insists that he has lost a lot of blood and should go to sleep. He dozes off before he can protest.

3/26 Bo, Hope & Shawn-D have breakfast together. Afterward, Sara tells Bo & Hope about Jude's death. Jack organizes for an inquest into Jude's death. Hope & Peter testify. The police chief rules that it is justifiable homicide.

3/28 Bo and Hope return to Salem. Grandma Alice brings the Horton’s together for a welcome-back-glad-you're-both-alive party. They are eager to get on with their lives and relieved to finally be home. Hope is soon wondering where home is now.

3/29 Bo and Hope enjoy the party and have a romantic time remembering when they were kids together. They go up in the attic. Bo dares Hope to put on an old dress. She does, and Bo puts on a tie, an old jacket and a fedora-like hat. They dance to an old song, and there is a really cute flashback to a younger Bo and Hope in the same clothes. Little Bo wants to lead because he is the man. Little Hope stamps on his foot. Little Bo produces the Fedora and calls it a boss' hat. He puts it on. It doesn't fit him. He puts it on Little Hope. It does fit her, so he says she is the boss. They can't wait to get back to the boat to make love.

Bo and Hope are still up in the attic dancing when Maggie tells them what Stefano attempted to do to Marlena. Bo and Hope want to be back on the job, but Mike tells them that they aren't physically well enough. When they argue, Mike tells them that, according to Abe, neither of them are on active duty.

4/1 Bo becomes frustrated that he cannot be alone with Hope. They learn of Hope's return & go to the Horton's for the party. Carrie & Lucas arrive at the party. Alice and Victor help Bo & Hope leave so they can be alone together.

4/2 Bo takes Hope back to the boat and they have time alone together, though an exhausted Hope falls asleep before they can make love. The next morning, he tells her he has a wonderful day planned for her. She reads some notes he made about the memorial service. He apologizes for temporarily giving up on her but she is thankful that he never did totally give up.

4/5 Bo & Hope spend the the morning together on Smith Island reminiscing about the past. Wonderful almost 4 minute long montage of romantic scenes of them over the year years! They then go to the Horton cabin and begin to make love.

4/8 Bo & Hope make love for the first time since Hope came back. They then go skinny dipping in a lake.

4/9 Bo takes Hope back to Salem to a dinner at the Penthouse Grill. They run into Abe who is thrilled she is home. Then John & Kristan share that they are engaged. Bo & Hope tell each other how happy they are to be together. They decide to skip the meal and go home instead.

4/11 Bo & Hope spend the morning together in bed. Bo wishes they could just stay there together. Later, they have breakfast with Alice and Maggie. Alice tells Maggie that's he hopes Bo & Hope continue to get on so well. When conversation turns to work, Hope mentions she wants to continue undercover work but Bo tells her that he thought the whole Jude thing would've deterred her. They agree not to argue on the topic but the issue remains unresolved.

4/15 Back at the boat, they enjoy some more alone time making out. All too soon, they have an argument over Hope's duties when she returns to the force. She wants to take on a dangerous assignment. She feels Bo’s opposition to her doing anything he thinks is dangerous means he sees her as less capable, not tough enough to take on the tough assignments. She wants to make her own decisions about her career when Bo arranges for her to take a less dangerous assignment. Hope grabs her jacket to leave as Bo asks her to stay and talk it out. She needs some time alone. Hope takes a walk and finds Jen down on the docks. She is upset about the accusations against Peter. After talking with Jen, Hope returns to Bo and they decide to sort their problems out.

4/24 Bo & Hope go to the club where they run into Jack, who is drowning his sorrows. Jack tells them that the woman in white said Peter was not with Jude. Jack believes the woman in white is mistaken or lying. Hope thinks Jack may be right but Bo says there is no proof. When Peter & Jennifer also arrive at the club, Jack physically attacks Peter and has to be pulled off him by Bo. Jennifer tells Jack that he must give up trying to prove Peter is a criminal and that she has resolved to stand by Peter. Hope tells Peter that she and Bo will get revenge on whoever was helping Peter.

4/25 Bo & Hope’s night out continues, though they continue to argue about her job as a cop and the danger she puts herself in. Hope goes outside for a breath of fresh air and witnesses a mugging. She goes after the mugger and shots are fired. Bo hears the noise and rushes outside. The doorman tells him that someone was shot in the alley. Bo prays it isn't Hope. It isn't. She shot at the mugger because he reached for his gun. Hope is excited about what happened, but Bo tells her he was scared to death. He just wishes she would stop being a cop and just be his wife. Hope melts when she realizes he referred to her as his wife. Does he want to marry her? Bo says that he does. Now that he finally knows how much he loves her, he wants her to be his wife again.

4/30 Hope complains to Bo about being stuck in traffic school giving safety lectures. He snickers, saying he's not in charge of her assignments. When a weird guy with a tape recorder comes in and won't deal with Bo, Hope asks to take over. Bo gladly lets her. Hope begins to regret it when the whacko starts talking about receiving messages from aliens (he intercepts cell phone conversations), but then in his garbled recordings she hears the name "Stefano", and is determined to become involved with the case.

5/1 Bo continues to work on the Stefano case, this time with the FBI. Hope wants to be part of the action, but it's no go. Frustrated, Hope decides the only way to be assigned to the case is to track down something so crucial to the investigation that there's no way they could continue without her. She does so by meeting with the tape recorder guy again. He was able to clear up his recordings so the voices are more clear. The conversation definitely has something to do with Stefano. The guy says one of the calls was local, but the other may have been out of state, or even in another country. Hope urges him to try to trace the numbers. He says he'll need special equipment, and Hope tells him she will figure out a way to get what he needs.

5/6 At Brady's Pub, Kristen tells Bo and Hope she is pregnant. They congratulate her and discuss the possibility of having another child themselves one day. Shawn toasts the parents-to-be. Caroline shows Kristen the Brady Christening gown and then takes her upstairs to see the rest of the baby clothes stored away. Shawn gets a phone call and announces that Victor has had a serious stroke. They all rush off to the hospital.

5/7 At the hospital, Hope is consoling Bo about Victor’s collapse and then Bo decides to be alone. Bo goes to the Chapel and Hope follows. He is remorseful about how he treated Victor and how hard it has been to accept that he is his father. Bo and Hope admit how much Victor has changed.

Back on the boat, Bo and Hope talk about Vivian trying to come between Kate and Victor. They then start talking about Jude and what he did to Hope. Bo & Hope cuddle together and make love. Afterwards Hope tries to talk Bo into letting her work with him on the Stefano case, he says no and goes to check the boat is closed up. The phone rings and it is Benny with information that he has traced calls to Stefano. Hope says she will see him tomorrow. Bo comes back and they make love again.

5/13 Hope is on the boat and gets a phone call from Benny. He tells her that he will get the number for Stefano as soon as possible. She asks when the meeting will be with his Source and Bo comes up behind her and asks "what meeting?" Hope hangs up and evades his question. Bo asks about Benny but Hope says she is not going to discuss her cases with him. Bo has come home for lunch and he goes into the galley with Shawn-D to get it ready. The phone rings and it is Benny again, letting Hope know that his Source will have the number soon.

Shawn-D finishes lunch and goes back to school. Bo and Hope say how important their family is for all of them. The phone rings again and Hope answers it. Benny says the meeting is set, Hope wants to tell Bo by Benny disagrees and wants to deal only with her. She hangs up and leaves but Bo seems concerned. Bo arrives at the hospital and runs into Alice. They talk about Victor's condition. Alice then asks how Bo is doing? He shares that Hope is keeping something from him but he's not sure what it is.

Stefano's man is on the pier talking to Stefano on his cell phone, telling him that someone is asking questions about him but that they will meet with a very serious accident (referring to Hope). Hope goes to the pier and waits for Benny, who finally arrives. They wait for the Source to arrive with the information but instead a large bundle drops on them.

Bo tells Alice how happy Shawn-D and he are since Hope’s return. Alice mentions that Hope's cases are boring and Bo says he is grateful. Alice tells Bo to trust Hope and he says he does but he doesn't want to lose her. He also says that he will stop over-reacting. A nurse comes and tells Bo that Hope has been in an accident and is being taken to emergency.

5/14 Bo is frantic at Emergency waiting for Hope. She arrives and is safe. She tells Bo what happened on the pier. Bo gets angry when he finds out she was meeting Benny. He thought she had dropped the case ages ago. He doesn't believe that Benny can help her. He asks why Hope can't be his wife and Shawn-D's mother. Hope gets annoyed because he would never give up his job to be her husband and Shawn-D's father. He says he wants her to be around and doesn't want to lose her again.

Hope tells Bo that Benny will be okay. Bo has to go because Kristen's alarm went off and he wants to check it out. He is angry because Hope wants to take on more dangerous cases and he doesn't want to lose her. He leaves. Hope goes to see Benny and he is grateful to Hope for saving his life. Benny tells Hope that he has got the phone number for her and it is in his jacket. Hope is delighted.

Stefano's man is talking to Stefano and says that whoever is after him won't know who he is and if they do then he will kill them. Hope tells Benny that she will tell Bo if she finds the number leads to Stefano. Benny tells her she is good enough to crack the case herself. Hope leaves.

Bo has arrived at Kristin’s and John joins him in checking the grounds. Bo doesn't believe that Stefano was ever at the house. He tells John about Hope's incident at the pier and how worried he is about her.

5/17 Hope goes to see Benny in hospital. They talk about the phone calls when Bo comes in. They go outside and she tells Bo that she is working on a lead. Bo asks her out to dinner and she accepts. Back in Benny's room, she has found out that she couldn't get a court order to check the phone.

Later, Hope meets Bo at the Club for dinner and they share a romantic evening together. They later return to the boat. Benny is listening to calls again and overhears a conversation saying that Stefano is on his way back.

5/20 Hope and Bo's evening of romance is interrupted by a call from Benny. He tells Hope that he had another Stefano call, and this time he's got an address. Hope is excited, but she made a promise to Bo to forget all about work today. Besides, Hope doesn't have much faith in Benny's tips [she's certain that Bo doesn't, and knows he'd make fun of this investigation. Bo then receives a call and has to leave for a while, giving Hope the chance to look into Benny's information.

Benny tells Hope that this time, she could be on the right track. She goes to the address Benny gave her, and finds Stefano's shadow man (except she doesn't know who he is). He covers himself well by saying he's expecting his cousin Stefano to visit ("DiMera" never came up on any telephone conversations). Hope apologizes for the intrusion, and kicks herself for believing that she had a big lead on Stefano. The shadowman, however, has decided not to take any chances. He'll take care of Officer Hope Brady permanently.

Marlena has no idea that Stefano is in her apartment at that very minute waiting for her. When Marlena arrives home, Stefano hides on the balcony. Bo shows up by request from John to check the place out for security purposes. Marlena humors him, and everything seems fine, so Bo leaves.

5/21 Hope looks into Benny's lead to find out that it was a dead end. With that out of the way, Hope can return to concentrating on home and family. Hope then has a nightmare about being attacked by Stefano's men, and tackles Bo when he wakes her. Bo wants to know what Hope was dreaming about, which makes her recall the sensation of having something tied around her.

Bo's surprise is ruined as he reveals that he wrapped a string around her finger so he could determine her ring size. She is touched, and Bo brings up the subject of their careers as police officers and their earlier argument. He respects her dedication and will trust her judgement, and Hope assures him that she would never put herself in danger on purpose. Bo wants the situation resolved so it doesn't come up when it's time for him to ask her a very important question and her to give him an answer. She says that if he doesn’t know by know how much she loves him and wants to be with him, then she can’t help him! She laughs at him using the “m” word as he teases her that it involves her ring size (he doesn't want to ruin the surprise *too* much).

Stefano notices the shadowman is nervous and he wants to know why. The shadowman admits that someone has been snooping around. That someone is Hope, but Stefano doesn't know that, and looking the shadowman straight in the eye, Stefano snarls "If there is the slightest hint of trouble, it is to be eliminated immediately, and permanently. Bo goes to the hospital and talks to Abe. He just wants to keep Hope as far away from Stefano as possible. Bo is worried.

Benny is still excited about finding Stefano, despite the fact that Hope believes it was a false lead. He convinces her to stay with him for just a short time, since he tapped into the shadowman's phone. The man is reluctant to kill a cop, but realizes that if something goes wrong, Stefano will kill *him*. Hope is about to leave Benny's when a call comes in. It's the shadowman making a call to take care of Hope, but suddenly the conversation stops when Stefano walks in. Hope and Benny can't hear anything except a door slam.

DVD #26B 5/22 Bo stops by to see John at the DiMera house and tells him that Marlena's apartment checked out fine. The subject of marriage comes up between John and Bo. They haven't set a date, but John wants to marry Kristen before the baby is born. Bo hints to John that he may be getting married soon too, and he asks him to be his best man. The two go out to look at engagement rings, telling Kristen that they're picking some things up for the Brady Pub.

Hope meets with Benny. She's thinking that his idea to tap into the shadowman's phone line might pay off when the phone rings. Hope is frustrated that they lost the connection. Benny is still hopeful that Stefano is involved, but Hope has lost faith in Benny, especially when he starts talking about making contact with Venus again. Meanwhile, The Shadow man knows that Hope must be removed.

She goes to Carrie's apartment to pick up some more of her things, and confides to Carrie that she and Bo will be getting married. Carrie is thrilled for her, and gives her all of her old bridal magazines. She couldn't throw them out. She takes out her wedding dress, and when Hope suggests that it's time to put it away, Carrie refuses, saying it's the only real proof she has left of the love she and Austin shared.

5/28 Hope asks Bo to promise her that they will be happy together, looking afraid that maybe it won’t work out. He of course reassures her. Later, they are having a romantic dinner together and discussing, surreptitiously, marriage. When Bo steps away, Benny finds Hope and tries to convince her that he's on to something. He won't leave her alone until she says she'll stop by and listen to his tapes that he swears are cleared up. When Bo returns, he teases her about Benny being there to tell her about the upcoming Klingon invasion.

John calls Abe and Bo over to the house to try to work out a way to get Rachel and Marlena to San Francisco safe and sound, as Stefano listens in on the plan. Meanwhile back at the restaurant, Hope is unaware that the Shadowman is watching her, plotting her death. There is a long wait for a cab and as Hope begins to walk, she feels the presence of someone following her. She pulls out her gun and whirls around, but it is only Lexie. She laughs that Hope is sure ready for action! After Lexie leaves, Hope continues to walk down the docks as the shadowman continues to follow her. Hope questions her decision to take this short cut so late at night, alone on the docks but then assures herself that the boat isn’t too far away.

5/29 The shadowman continues to watch Hope on the boat, waiting for his chance to get her alone so he can kill her. He is constantly interrupted, first by Caroline and Shawn-Douglas, and then by Bo. Hope and Bo make plans to spend a romantic evening together, but Benny shows up with the tape he has cleaned up. He needs to listen to it with Hope to see if they can identify Stefano's voice. Hope regrets not telling Bo about her possible lead on Stefano, especially after he gushes about their wonderful relationship built on love, trust, and respect. Remembering Bo's words, Hope promises Benny that she'll see him first thing in the morning. Benny leaves, not knowing that the shadowman is following him and that he heard everything they said. The shadowman knocks Benny out cold and sets his garage on fire, vowing to see to Hope next.

5/31 Bo sweetly wakes Hope up by sweetly kissing her. She muses this is her favorite way to wake up. She realizes she is late for work. He teases her that meeting Benny for his info on alien invasion? She asks what if Benny does come up with a legitimate lead? He laughs at the thought. Hope tries to get ahold of Benny but his phone is out and won’t even ring. Bo asks her what is going on with Benny? She tells him that it isn’t important. He is off to make sure Marlena gets off to San Francisco okay.

Hope arrives at Benny’s place and sees the place is in ruins after the fire. She learns that Benny was knocked out and in the hospital and that his place had been torched.

At the airport as they wait, Bo tells Abe that he bought an engagement ring for Hope. Abe is thrilled at the news. Bo asks for advice how Abe handled it when Lexie was on the force. Abe understands the gut wrenching anxiety and suggests that Bo just try to shake it off. Abe realizes that Hope wants to make detective and to do so, she needs to spend time working the more dangerous undercover cases.

Benny is alive, though not in good condition, in the hospital. He's too weak/sedated to talk to Hope about what happened. Among Benny's belongings is his tape recorder with the cleaned-up version of Stefano's voice on the phone.

When the officer assigned to the case listens to it, he immediately brings it to Abe and Bo at the PD. Hope comes in as they are listening to the tape. They rall ecognize the voice as Stefano's. Bo starts yelling at Hope for keeping this information from him, and she tries to explain that she had nothing concrete until now. Abe breaks up their argument and says they have to warn Marlena fast as she could be in danger. All communications with the airport were shut down for security purposes, and since John doesn't have his cell phone on him, they can't reach him. Abe and Bo rush to the airport.

6/3 Hope, Bo, and Abe find out from Benny's tape that Stefano could be in town. They race off [minus Hope, whom Bo growls at to stay behind] to tell John, praying that they are not too late. The plane is at the end of the runway when Abe and Bo arrive at the airport and instruct John to tell the airport officials to bring the plane back. Stefano is on boarding wearing a pilot’s uniform. Bo, Abe, and John search the plane and find Stefano's pilot cap and fake moustache. He managed to slip out unnoticed.

Bo and Abe comb the area for him. Bo won't even look at Hope. He thinks she should have told him about her potential lead, regardless of whether he would have laughed at her for believing Benny. Lexie doesn't think Hope is at fault since the lead went cold and she had nothing concrete.

6/5 Abe, John, and Bo, acting on a tip from Celeste, race to the site where Lexie and Stefano are. When they arrive, Lexie is alone. Apparently Stefano got a phone call and rushed out without her.

Hope tries to get involved with the search for Stefano, but Bo still won't have it. She accidentally gets involved when she runs into Stefano in the park. She sits quietly in the park promising herself that she will do as Bo asks and stay out of trouble. She stands up and when she turns around, Stefano is standing there. She pulls out her gun as he continues to approach. Bo, Roman, and Abe are in the park and overhear Hope yelling at Stefano to freeze. They hear the sound of gunfire and head towards her at a dead run.

Hope says that she shot at him but he got away. Abe, Bo, and John catch him. It gives John great pleasure to put Stefano in jail. Since Hope technically violated rules by keeping info on Benny's Stefano tapes to herself, she will be disciplined. Bo, as officer in charge of the case, must decide what actions to take. Hope is floored when he tells her that she is now suspended from the police force.

6/6 Hope can't believe her ears, and she can't believe that Bo is doing this to her. It's such a tense scene that it leads you to wonder if their relationship is strong enough to weather this storm. Hope is led to believe that others pressured Bo into making the this decision. He warns her that she could have been fired, and he fought for her to only have a suspension. She apologizes for being upset, since she *did* ask him to treat her as he would any other cop. But when he mentions her now doing something less dangerous, Hope sees that Bo got just what he wanted. She tosses her badge at him and leaves.

Hope returns to the boat and packs up her things. Bo is shocked to see that she is leaving, but Hope says she needs time alone to think things over. Bo receives a package containing Hope's engagement ring. He was about to ask her to marry him. Hope goes to the park and sits alone. Mickey finds her crying and takes her in his arms. He asks what is wrong and she sadly tells him, “everything”.

6/7 Hope stays with Alice, who encourages her not to give up on her relationship with Bo. Hope calls Bo at work, but he says he's too busy to take the call. She figures he knew it was her calling and didn't want to talk with her, but he didn't know it was her.

Bo attends Stefano’s arraignment. Later she sees him on TV briefing the press on Stefano's arraignment. The reporters have edited the question that he is asked and his “No comment” response and Hope is really hurt that he doesn’t stand up for her.

6/11 The tension between Hope and Bo grows as that misunderstanding keeps them apart. They still love each other, but hurt feelings and miscommunication prevent them from talking. Things change for the better when Caroline tells Hope that Bo has an engagement ring for her. Hope is thrilled, and realizes how silly she's been to be so cold to Bo. Bo can't understand why, he thought he spoke highly of her in the interview following Stefano's hearing. He doesn't know that the edited version that Hope saw made him sound very harsh as he hasn’t seen the clip that aired.

Bo shows the engagement ring to Abe, who notices that one of the stones is loose. He's too busy to take it back to the jewelry shop himself, so he asks another cop to drop it off for him. Of course Hope is there looking for a gift for Bo, and when she hears that Bo sent the ring back, she is completely heartbroken.

6/13 The news of Marlena's disappearance brings Bo and Hope closer together. Bo calls Hope at the Horton's, where she is staying. He says they need to talk, and he wants to meet at the boat. She is afraid that he is going to say he can't commit to her. Instead, he informs her about what happened to Marlena, that the plane went missing and they are afraid that it exploded. He doesn't want the family to know until they're certain what has happened. It could be another one of Stefano's tricks. Hope wants to help with the investigation, but Bo reminds her that she has been suspended. He tells her that he spoke well of her in the TV interview, but they edited it so that it sounded bad. Hope still wants to be involved somehow, since Marlena is a close friend.

Bo agrees to see what he can do. Hope then wonders about their relationship. Bo is confused, because he has every intention of committing himself to her, and Hope is forced to admit that she at the shop when he sent another cop to return her engagement ring. Bo explains that the setting was loose and needed to be repaired, and then he presents her with the ring. Although it isn't the proper scenario he had planned, he proposes to her. He asks her, “Will you marry me, AGAIN?” Hope joyfully accepts. The misunderstandings that have been keeping them apart are cleared up, and Bo is ready to set his sights on the future.

6/14 Bo wants assurance that she will marry him and she says yes, she is sure. Now that they are officially engaged, the happy couple spends the evening celebrating and make love by candlelight. They are interrupted by a noise on the boat, and fear that they are being burgled. It's only Shawn-Douglas, back early from camp because his friend was ill. He's thrilled to learn that his parents are getting married again, and they go to the Brady Pub to celebrate. As they share happy memories from their first wedding, a mysterious stranger watches Hope from a distance.

6/18 Bo and Hope try to put the news about Marlena aside so they can plan their honeymoon with Shawn-Douglas. He is thrilled to hear that he is going with them. He works with Grandpa Shawn to throw an engagement party for his parents. They decide to work out the details at the Brady Pub.

Hope and Bo are working with Abe and John regarding Marlena and Stefano's disappearance. Everyone tries to convince John that she's gone, and he tells Bo that he of all people should understand what he's going through. He "knows" that Marlena is out there somewhere. Abe receives a phone call from Shawn telling him about the surprise party for Bo and Hope, and they work together to get them to the Pub.

6/20 When Hope shows up unexpectedly at the station wanting to help search for Marlena, Abe objects to allowing a suspended officer to help with anything. Actually he didn't object to her being there until she started offering suggestions on how to find Marlena. He then reminded her that she can't work on the case. Hope and Abe both look to Bo wondering if he will side with the force or with Hope. Bo wants to ignore the rules. John wants Hope to help since she was kidnapped by Stefano herself and might be able to 'get inside his head'. Abe agrees to allow Hope to work with John as a consultant.

Celeste stops by with info on the location of another of Stefano's hideouts. It's nearby, and John intends to storm this one himself. Abe and Bo plan to accompany him, but when Hope insists on going, Abe stops her as it is not allowed. Frustrated, Hope stomps off. Later Abe receives special permission to let Hope work with them. Law enforcement officials all over the world invade Stefano's hideouts, but no one finds him, including John. While John, Abe, Bo and Hope are thinking about their next step, Celeste comes up with another place to search.

6/21 Marlena is presumed dead when the plane wreckage is found and the official search is off. Abe, Bo and Hope tell John they will continue to help him, he refuses, knowing it could jeopardize their careers.

6/26 Hope has sadly accepted the fact that she and Bo can't afford a lavish wedding. When Caroline stops by the boat to offer her help in planning the wedding, she sees that Hope is upset and learns of her and Bo's financial troubles. However, Hope refuses to let Shawn and Caroline help them. Shawn has a chat with Bo and advises him to "put himself in Hope's shoes" and see if he can understand how she feels.

Carrie and Austin stop by to see Hope and invite her and Bo to join them for dinner at the Penthouse Grille. Hope graciously takes a raincheck since she knows she and Bo can't afford it, and is confused when Carrie and Austin say they can put it on Titan's expense account. They explain that they would like to offer her a job as a model for Bella magazine. Carrie shows Hope a contract she had drawn up, and Hope's eyes light up at the salary offered her. She says she has to talk it over with Bo first, but she doesn't see why he would object.

Bo returns home and tells Hope that he has made a decision. He is going to sell the boat; then she can have her dream wedding and they can buy a house. Hope is touched, but explains that he doesn't have to do that, their money problems are solved. She shows Bo the modeling contract, and the two celebrate the return of their financial freedom. Meanwhile, some creepy guy snaps photos of Hope. He makes a call to announce that, “She agreed to take the job”.

6/28 While Bo & Hope, along with Wendy & Jonah share a light romantic evening, the mystery man catches Hope and Wendy's attention. Bo is called away by Kristen, and insists that Hope stay behind with Wendy & Jonah, since he plans to be right back. Wendy and Jonah then have to leave to take care of Benjamin, and Hope is left alone. She is immediately hit on by some creep, and the good-looking mystery man saves the day by explaining that she's with him. Hope thanks him, but assures him that she can take care of herself.

She goes outside for some air, and the man soon follows. The creep approaches the man with a piece of wood, and Hope floors the creep. The man admits that he is new in town, and Hope is surprised that he freely accepted assistance from a woman. As the evening wears on, Hope thinks she may have made a new friend. But when she finds the mystery man knows her name, Hope becomes suspicious as she has not told him her name.

Kristen tries to enlist Bo's help to try to get John to stop searching for Marlena. Kristen insists she is dead. John fiddles with the goggles and manages to get them to work. He sees Marlena locked in a cage. When Stefano realizes someone is using the goggles, he decides that he must kill whoever uses them next.

7/1 John desperately tries to see what Marlena, who is now caged, is writing in her journal. Stefano has just found out that John has been using those goggles and he is determined to stop him. John manages to get close enough to read some of what Marlena is writing. He sees that it is a letter to him, and then he sees Kristen's name. He can't see well enough, but the letter reveals all that Kristen has done.

Hope spends an interesting evening with the charming Franco. They wind up dancing the two step as Bo returns to find them together. When Bo spots them together, he becomes uneasy. Hope doesn't think Bo should be concerned about this mysterious new man in Salem, but convincing Bo of that is another matter. Hope assures him that he is the only man she wants to be with, but Bo's suspicions may be well-founded. Something's up with this "Franco" guy, who continues to watch Hope through the window of the bar.

7/2 Bo & Hope are enjoying the morning together. Bo flashes back to Hope dancing with Franco the night before. Bo and Hope run into the charming Franco again at the Brady Pub . Bo is not impressed with Franco. Hope, who is thoroughly charmed by the stranger, cannot understand why Bo is so stand-offish. Bo doesn't know either, it’s just that there's something about Franco that rubs him the wrong way.

Bo & Hope goes to Shawn D’s baseball game. Of course they run into Franco yet again. Later, Bo becomes even more upset when he finds out that it was Franco who helped little Shawn-Douglas with his batting practice. Bo had told Shawn- Douglas that he would help him, but Bo had police work to do and couldn't make it. Bo is not happy to see first Hope, and now his son, taken with Franco.

7/3 Next, they run into Franco at the gym while working out. The last straw is when Hope goes to her photo shoot, and who is her partner for some steamy, romantic shots? Franco.

7/8 Hope has her first photo shoot as a Bella model with the omnipresent Franco. Hope is clearly nervous working with him, and then Bo is called away on police business. The photographer wants sexy shots of Hope and Franco, and he helps to loosen her up. She starts to get into it, and hesitates momentarily when they are told to kiss. Of course Bo returns at this point.

Bo is called away to the hospital. Kristin was injured when Stefano had set up for the goggles to explode, intending to kill John but injuring Kristin instead. As Bo waits for word, John is told that the baby is in danger.

7/9 Bo walks into the photo shoot just in time to see Franco kissing Hope. Bo can't help but feel a little perturbed, even though Hope assures him that Franco is a perfect gentleman. To make matters worse, the client insists on having dinner with the models.

Back at the boat. Bo tries to convince her to stay home with him, but then realizes that for the sake of her job, she should go. She seductively tells him that she will demonstrate the difference between a real kiss and a fake one, and plants one on him.

**The End**

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