Bo & Hope #23 August 1 - September 27, 1995: 8 hour original edit

DVD #23A 8/1 When Gina is finally able to open the puzzle box, Gina and Alice are reunited as grandmother and granddaughter. Finally certain of who she is, Gina can't wait to see her son, Shawn-Douglas.

Billie returns home and tells Bo about the letter from Bobby Lee that she took, her subsequent visit to him in New Orleans, and the revelation about the inscription on the bracelet. Bo quickly states that he doesn't believe the word of a convict.

Hope eagerly runs into the Brady Pub and asks to see Shawn D, and Alice is right behind her. Hope tells her that she won’t really feel like she is Hope, until “other people” believe her. Bo & Billie walk in and she tells him she was just going up to see their son. He stops her and sternly forbids her to confuse the boy with her identity crisis. Alice says a mother has a right to see her son. He doesn’t believe the story from a convict and some puzzle box story.

8/2 He sees the open puzzle box, and asks if she has opened it? Alice assures him that she watched her do it. He says that is a coincidence. Hope reminds him of the inscription on the bracelet that he gave her and she now knows in her heart who she is, she has no doubt, she is his wife! Caroline Brady comes over as Alice says now they have proof! Caroline questions how is this box proof? Alice tells her that no one but Tom & Hope could open this box and Hope just opened it.

Bo tells Hope that he can't believe she really is Hope since he saw her die. He reminds Mrs. H how long he held onto the hope that she was alive and he finally came to accept her death. He says that this could still be a set up from Stephano, he could have programmed her. Alice finds a secret compartment and she says there is a letter inside and it is Hope’s handwriting. It is revealed to be one that Hope wrote on the day they were married. He gets choked up as he reads the letter that she wrote to him the morning of their wedding.

Hope suddenly remembers what she wrote and as he reads the letter, she begins saying the words. He is stunned as he listens to her with tears in her eyes, and her eyes fill with tears as she goes back to that day that they pledged your love. Bo thinks Stefano could have implanted that memory in her too but how would he have known about the letter? Shawn D comes down and Hope asks him to give them a moment as they are trying to work something out. She tells Bo they have to be absolutely certain before they tell the boy and he has to 100% agree. She points out that Stephano has known other things that they didn’t think he could have known.

She asks if he has his crime scene kit? She wants him to compare the fingerprints on the letter with hers. Billie assures Hope that no matter what happens, she wants to remain friends with her and tells her that she loves her. Hope hugs her and tells her that she loves her too and the ladies hug. Bo has a right thumbprint and studies them side by side and declares that they are a match, a perfect match! Alice joyfully hugs her granddaughter, her darling Hope!

Caroline calls Shawn and his grandson over. Hope tells him that she took a fingerprint test after finding a letter that his mom wrote to his dad on their wedding day. They compared the fingerprints to Hope’s and they matched. Shawn D says once before they thought she was Hope, but she tells her son this time they have proof! Bo reaches out and takes her hand and then jumps up and hugs her tightly declaring, “Your alive! Your Hope!” Shawn-Douglas [new actor] is thrilled that Gina is his mother Hope. Billie slips away unnoticed. She stands outside the window and heartbrokenly watches the happy reunited family as they stand in a family hug.

8/4 At the Horton’s, Hope sits beside her sleeping son. She hugs Alice, they are so happy to be reunited. Alice says that they have to call Doug & Julie and tell them. Hope wants Alice to do it, and Alice senses a sadness about her and asks why now that all of her dreams have come true?

Back home, Bo assures Billie that he loves her and he meant his vows to her. He promises her that he isn't going to abandoned her. Hope returns to the apartment, and talks with Bo and Billie about the future. Bo tells him that he loved Hope deeply, but after she died he made a new life for himself and he can’t go back. They can’t pretend that all the years apart haven’t changed them. Bo admits that he's in love with Billie now, and will honor that marriage. He tells her that he wants to move back to the boat with Billie as his wife. Hope thanks Billie for everything she has done for her, she can’t think of another person who would have done so. After they leave, Hope sinks down onto the sofa and sobs her grief over Bo’s choice. Later, she says to herself that she is Bo’s wife, she is Mrs. Bo Brady!

Alice excitedly arrives and tells Jennifer the wonderful news, Gina is Hope!

8/8 Hope overhears Billie and Bo having fun on the boat. She was out wandering on the pier and found herself at the Fancy Face. She remembers when Bo first presented the boat to her. In the boat, Bo and Billie have sex several times because he wants them to have children. Though she agreed not to discuss Hope, Billie still has doubts that Bo is going to stay with her. Later, while Billie is sleeping, Bo goes up on deck and admits to himself that he is confused about his situation. He had just accepted the fact that Hope was dead and had started a new life with Billie, and then Hope came back. Unbeknownst to Bo, Billie sees his angst.

Laura later helps Hope with more of her memories. Hope feels that is she can regain all of her memories with Bo and become the woman that Hope was, Bo will love her that way again. Hope accepts Jennifer's request to be in her wedding. Jennifer explains that Billie is also a bridesmaid, and Hope tells her that Bo has decided to stay with Billie, but she and Billie are still good friends.

8/9 Billie hears Bo cry out Hope's name while he sleeps [it was an innocent dream, but Billie doesn't know that. Bo admits to Billie that he has no sympathy for her brother for screwing up Carrie's life. Bo and Billie go to practice with Shawn-Douglas for his big baseball game. Shawn-D invites his mother Hope to watch him play, but since there are no more tickets available, Billie offers her ticket to Hope. Mickey informs Bo and Hope that they are still legally married, so Bo's marriage to Billie is invalid. Hope tries to hide her joy from Bo.

8/10 Bo explains to Mickey that his love for Hope is in the past, and he must divorce her. Hope overhears the conversation. Bo says that of the two, Hope would be less hurt than Billie since she doesn't have memories. If she did, things might be different. Hope rushes to see Laura so she can help her regain her memory. Hope believes that Bo could love her again. However, if after Hope's memories are recovered and if Bo still feels he loves Billie more, then Hope says she'll step aside. Billie tells Bo that she decided to trust in his love and their marriage vows rather than constantly worry about Hope. Bo doesn't have the heart to tell Billie that technically, they're not married.

8/11 Billie urges Bo to have confidence, and hints that she's ready to be a mother now. With all her gushing and glowing about how she's not worried about Hope since he's *her* husband, and how much difference a little piece of paper (a marriage license) can make, Bo can't bring himself to tell her that legally, they're not married.

At Shawn-Douglas' game (which, for a game with no tickets available, has a lot of stragglers wander in to watch). Hope lets slip to Billie that she and Bo are still married, and then realizes that Bo has not yet told Billie. Billie freaks and runs off, and Bo goes off to find her. Hope is upset about what she's done. Earlier she had another session with Laura and recovered another memory, and it was very vivid. She confirms the validity of the memory with Maggie, and is excited about her progress in reclaiming her life with Bo.

8/14 Alice is thrilled to learn that Hope and Bo are still legally married. Alice urges Hope to fight for Bo, she is certain that once Hope regains her memory and remembers the great love that she and Bo shared, nothing will stop her from getting Bo back. Hope still feels guilty that her happiness requires hurting Billie. Shawn-Douglas gives Hope the game-winning ball. They sit down together and look at a photo album, and Hope recalls an event in Shawn-Douglas' life. She's thrilled that the memory came back without hypnosis.

Bo finds Billie and recites his wedding vows to her, pleading that he needs her in his life. With tears of joy, Billie recites her wedding vows to him, and the two embrace, promising that nothing will come between them.

8/18 After another memory of being with Hope, Bo tells Billie that she is everything that he could ever want but inside, he's still feeling 'something' for Hope. Billie is sad that she is no longer married to Bo and they can’t get married until he and Hope get divorced. Bo remembers the day that he presented the boat "Fancy Face" to Hope before they left Salem with infant Shawn-Douglas to sail around the world. Bo then talks with Victor about his dilemma. Victor admits that he likes Billie, but always admired Hope, and remembers the great love that Hope and Bo shared.

At the police shooting range, Hope passes out when she hears an explosion (the gun going off), and is stunned when her memory returns after she comes to. She remembers the fire when she was presumed dead, and is thrilled to be reunited with her complete past. We are shown flashbacks of Hope. As Hope lays passed out, memories of her life with Bo replay in full scenes: Teen-age Hope's first run-in with the rebel Bo Brady as she tries to pass herself off as a college student and he busts her for being a high school student. Next, Bo pleading with Hope after kidnapping her from her wedding to Larry Welch; Bo and Hope in their memorable plantation night in New Orleans; their England wedding, and the birth of Shawn-Douglas, followed by them sailing off into the sunset.

8/21-8/22 Hope wakes up and has her memories back! She runs over to her grandmother’s and lets her know the glorious news. Alice says she sees the knowledge reflected in Hope that now she is back all the way, she can see the Hope essence in her. Hope joyously declares that for the first time she can truly say she is Hope! Hope changes into a white dress and tells her gram that she feels like a bride. She has another flashback of her and Bo talking about their childhood memories, he is making her a pinky swear that they will never be separated again.

Meanwhile, Bo is having a New Orleans memory of Hope wearing the red dress and flirting with him ala Scarlet O’Hara. Bo has the same pinky swear memory, followed by them kissing. He tells himself no, that he is with Billie now and Hope isn’t Hope anymore, she is gone forever. He then has a flashback of carrying Shawn D. and him and Hope walking on the docks towards the boat (that she doesn’t know about yet).

Hope arrives at the boat, and she stands there staring into his eyes as he stares back at her. She thinks to herself that he remembers. The chemistry between them in undeniable. Then he tells her that he has chosen to stay with Billie and tells her that he wants a divorce so he can marry Billie. Her eyes fill with tears. He tells her that he didn’t want to give up on her, but it took him a long time to accept that she was gone. He never should have, and it is an answer to a lot of prayers that she survived. He tells her that she was gone for a long time. She storms off the boat without telling him that she regained her memories. He tries to stop her but she sternly reminds him that he has made his choice.

Alice finds a heart broken Hope, who tells her that Bo wants to divorce her to marry Billie. She never even got a chance to tell him her memories returned. Hope cries that he doesn’t want her anymore and it is even worse now that she remembers her life with Bo. Alice insists that she has to tell Bo that she is the Hope he married, she refuses to believe that Bo would remain unmoved if he knew.

Hope returns to the boat. He is glad to see her, he hated to see the heart break in her eyes. She tells him that she has all of her memories back and she is truly Hope in ever way. He looks at her in shock, music montage of amazing moments in their history from 1980’s scenes. She asks him to look into her eyes and see her entire past. He softly says, “Hope” as she gently touches his face. He says he thought he had lost her forever. She tells him that this wasn’t her fault, she didn’t choose to leave him and their son. She tells them the years they were separated, she was dead inside emotionally but today she is reborn with all the love and passion that she had when they were last together. She asks him if this is enough? Does he still love her? He chokes up and admits that yes he does love her, how could he not after all they have been to each other.

He reminds her again that he thought she was dead and he moved on and fell in love with Billie. She can’t pretend that the thought of him with Billie doesn’t kill her inside. She cries that she loves him so much and she wants him back, but she knows it is not up to her. She asks him to decide how he feels now that he knows about her. Who does he want to spend the rest of his life with?

Billie arrives back at the boat, and tells Hope that she ran into Mrs. H. She told her that Hope had gotten her memories back. Hope observes that Bo needed some time as he has a hard decision to make. Billie sadly says that he already made his choice, to marry her! Hope points out that was before he knew she was really Hope in every way. Hope tells Billie that she loves her, and no matter what she is her best friend.

Bo talks to himself about being in love with Billie, but still being in love with Hope. He knows he has to make a choice. Bo returns to find Billie & Hope hugging. Billie tells him that she knows about Hope getting her memories back.

8/23-8/25 Bo tells them that he vowed to love and cherish each of them forever and he will always will. Billie cracks a joke and he reminds her of the first time they met when she was in a bubble bath in his hotel room. Hope sadly listens as he talks about falling in love with Billie, her smile, her generous open heart, that opened a door to love that he thought was closed forever. He has been lucky to find not one but two true loves in his life. He tells Hope that she was his first and their memories go back to being kids, and he watched her grow into a woman who took his breath away. He remembers that no one gave their love a chance and they had been through so much together, love, tears by the time they exchanged their vows in that church in England. He tells her they are soul mates but then says that he hopes she will always be part of their lives.

Hope realizes he is choosing Billie and starts crying and runs off. Billie is so relieved, and he holds her and reminds her that he promised her that he would stay with her. Billie is sad over the heartbreak in Hope’s eyes. She encourages him to go after Hope and tells him they need to talk.

Bo finds Hope but she asks him to leave her alone. She can’t imagine her life without him. He tells her that is how he felt when he thought she was gone forever, he lost the light out of his heart, and out of his soul. He tells her that she is his soulmate and when she opened that puzzle box that he started reliving all of their memories, almost like the puzzle box contained their love. He tells her that once he knew she was Hope that he started to relieve what they shared together.

With tears running down her cheeks, she asks why can’t they take those memories and build their life together. She wants to know why they can’t start over and make a new life together? He tells her that he can’t, that he loves Billie. She asks if he loves Billie as much as he loved Hope. She believes him but she has a hard time believing that it could compare with the passion and love that he shared with Hope.

He insists that he does love Billie passionately, it is a different love that what he felt for Hope but it is just as deep. She asks him to just stop it. She tells him the difference between them as she never would have rejected him, not for anyone. Shawn D. calls from a distance and Hope cries that she just can’t bear telling their son today about Bo’s decision. Shawn D. has his camera and he wants to take a family picture with his self timer.

As he goes to set up the camera, Hope says it is ironic that they would be taking this picture on the day that they are no longer a family. Shawn D. asks Bo to put his arms around his mom like when he was a kid. He asks why she is crying? She says because she is so happy to have him back in her life. He goes back to the camera and Bo acknowledges how hard this must be for her. She sternly says that she will not be the one who lets their son down.

8/28 Billie and Bo get amorous whilst getting ready for the charity magic show. Bo arranges for Billie to have a last-minute business meeting at a hotel room, but he's there instead and the two make love. Bo is anxious to divorce Hope so he can marry Billie, but Billie knows divorces can take a long time. Mickey calls Bo and says there is a way to speed up the divorce proceedings. Bo announces to Billie that they may be able to get married very soon like next week.

8/29 At a benefit, "A Night of Magic”,everyone is in formal evening wear. Hope learns from Bo and Billie that the divorce can begin tonight on the island of Costa Rosa, but Bo must get there before midnight. It's some sort of residency requirement. Hope, thinking she has months before the divorce is final, is hurt when Bo wants it done as soon as possible. It doesn't help that Bo and Hope spent time in Costa Rosa during their sail around the world.

At the airport, Mickie tells them their destination is Santa Rosa. Hope is shocked and walks off and has a flashback of a romantic time they shared there and he promised to take her back there some day. She says to herself that he is taking her back there but it is to end their marriage!

8/30 On the plane, Hope starts reminiscing about them skinny dipping in Santa Rosa. She is laughing and glowing, lost in the past. He is looking at her with a heart wrenching look on his face. When they arrive at the hotel, Hope remembers her and Bo dancing and laughing and enjoying the fiesta. They are so in love as he whisks her into his arms and carries her off to their room.

Back in the present, Hope says to him what a special time their previous trip will be. The owner shows them the old photo from the last time they were there. Bo and Hope apparently got very close with the owners during their last stay there, and they are thrilled to see each other again. Carmen (the owner) doesn't realize that Bo and Hope are no longer together. They ask a favor of her. Since it is festival time, they can't seem to find a room.

Dvd #23B Carmen arranges for them to have the same room they had last time -- the most romantic one in the hotel. They are forced to share a single room as they don't want Carmen to know their situation.

8/31 Bo and Hope enter their former hotel room which has been named 'the eternal love room' after them. She raves they can enjoy their memories and make new ones. Hope has a flash of her and Bo making love there as she glances at the bed.

Bo fixes up the sofa so he can sleep on it, and leaves to call Billie. Hope vividly recalls their wildly romantic time in that hotel room (flashbacks!). While Bo calls Billie from the lobby. She’s excited about *finally* becoming Mrs. Bo Brady, and leaves her wedding ring off until Bo can put it back on her finger.

Hope heads to the ocean and can’t believe they are there for a divorce. She decides to go for a swim, and is warned about the big waves and the undercurrent. Bo hears about the trouble and jumps into the ocean, frantically looking for Hope. He thought she had gone in the ocean, and comes out of the water gasping for breath. He screams at god not to do this to him again.

He sees Hope walking towards him and grabs her and holds her close. She smiles to herself at this evidence of his love for her as he holds her tenderly. She had decided to take a walk instead after hearing that it was dangerous. He was afraid that he'd lost her again, and he says that all the painful memories of her previous 'death' came flooding back to him. He is about to kiss her when Hope pulls back. She asks him if he really wants to do that, since he brought her here to get a divorce.

During the night, Hope stands over sleeping shirtless Bo. He wakes up to find her walking around her black nighty as she stares at him with heat in her eyes, talking about how hot it is. She tells him seductively that she is going to take a shower. After she leaves, he groans that he can’t take much more of this.

9/5 Bo calls Billie and tells her not to come down because there is no room at the hotel. He admits he's staying on a couch, but fails to reveal that it's Hope's couch. Hope realizes that Bo didn’t tell Billie that he was staying in her room. Hope tells herself that she knows in her heart that Bo still loves her, the way he held her last night proved it. She just hope he realizes it before he signs those stupid divorce papers.

Carmen intrudes to show them the guest book that they signed years ago. Each talked about how special the place was, and how they'd treasure it, and their love for each other, forever. Carmen asks them to write something new. Not knowing what to say, they ask her to leave the book with them and they'll get it back to her. Hope suggests that Bo think about Billie. He writes something vague about dreams coming true in Santa Rosa.

Hope turns away hurt by the thought of Billie being his happily ever after. He asks her how they are going to make it through the next 24 hours? To ease the tension between them, Bo proposes that they pretend they never met. Hope is not terribly enthusiastic but agrees, though she isn’t sure she can treat him like a stranger?

Bo later finds Hope sitting alone in the restaurant, and asks if he can join her. They 'introduce' themselves to each other, and Hope pretends she's from New Orleans with a sultry accent. The conversation about the hot, steamy climate of New Orleans starts to get rather steamy as they stare into each other’s eyes. Then Carmen asks to take a new picture of the couple for their wall. Bo starts to tell her the truth but Hope stops him.

They sit next to each other, but Carmen tells them they must kiss. Bo leans in and really kisses her and Hope certainly returns the kiss! Carmen takes the photo. Hmmm, gee, think Billie will see it? He pulls away and stares into her eyes. Carmen raves about their love, then introduces them to a young couple getting married that day. Bo & Hope inspired them with Carmen’s story of how they celebrated a second honeymoon there.

Hope comes down wearing Carmen’s grandmother’s dress, the same dress that Hope borrowed and wore when she renewed her vows with Bo - yep FLASHBACK! Flashback of them dancing on their romantic candlelit evening as he tells her that he is the luckiest guy on the planet, of course she is wearing that same dress. He looks deeply into her eyes and tells her that he will never ever stop loving her, and she vows to never stop loving him and they kiss deeply.

Back to the present, Bo comes upon Hope wearing the same dress from their special night and as he looks at her we know he is taken back to that night. Carmen comes up and asks if he remembers that night? He replies of course he does.

9/6 Hope asks him privately if this place was affecting him as much as it is affecting her? He admits of course it is. He remembers everything that they shared but it was a long time ago. He reminds her that he made vows to Billie. Hope reminds him that he made those same vows to her and he made them to her first!

Their divorce papers arrive and Hope asks him if he can forget the great passion they shared. Bo admits that he will always love Hope, but this is the way it has to be. Hope reminds Bo that it doesn't *have* to be this way, but begins to sign the papers because it is what Bo wants. As Hope goes to sign them, ge stops her, saying it can wait until later. They are to be witnesses at a wedding, and it isn't right for them to be dealing with the divorce now.

Carmen recalls when Bo and Hope renewed their vows, as do Bo and Hope (more flashbacks!). Billie arrives, and is shocked to see Bo and Hope standing with a priest in the courtyard, the couple getting married are obscured from her view. She sees Bo and Hope facing each other, Hope wearing the white wedding dress, and she hears the priest pronounce 'them' husband and wife.

9/7-9/8 Billie is relieved to realize that her husband is not marrying his soon to be ex-wife. First Billie runs off without asking for an explanation, then Bo discovers that she was looking for him. He finds her and she tells him what she saw, and he tells her what really happened. Relieved, she asks when the divorce will be final, with Hope standing right there. Bo says he has the divorce papers, but they have to be signed and filed.

Billie notices that Hope hasn't signed yet, and before Hope can have a final heart-to-heart with Bo about whether he *really* wants this, Billie intrudes and hands her a pen. With Bo nodding his approval, Hope signs the papers as she softly cries. Later alone in the garden, she sobs. As Bo & Billie walk by the water, he is lost in the thoughts of walking the beach with Hope. Hope sits and thinks of her and Bo dancing and laughing during the Fiesta (flashback). They are so very happy. He picks her up and whisks her off upstairs.

After signing the divorce papers and leaving Bo and Billie together, Carmen finds a sad Hope sitting alone. She asks what is wrong and who is that woman with Bo? Hope finally reveals to Carmen that she and Bo are in Santa Rosa to get a divorce. She explains the basic situation to Carmen, who tells her not to give up. The divorce isn't final yet. She observes that Bo loves Billie but not with the power that he loves Hope.

Hope strolls the beach and remembers laughing and cuddling on this same beach as he promises to give the moon. Billie & Bo are staying in Bo & Hope’s old room, Carmen has found Hope her own room. Plagued by thoughts of his past with Hope making love in the very same room. Bo pulls away from Billie and says that he can't make love to her.

9/11 In Santa Rosa, Bo continues to fight his memories of Hope, concentrating instead on creating new memories there with Billie. Unable to make love to Billie in "El Cuarto del Amor Eterno", he takes her down to the hotel restaurant where an unseen, heartbroken Hope watches them dance together closely. Still, Carmen tells her not to give up. Bo takes Billie to the beach for a fireworks display in her honor, and then they make out in the sand.

Meanwhile, Hope also relives her own memories of the romantic island. She's just starting to feel better and almost hopeful when she stumbles upon Bo and Billie making out on the beach. Still, Carmen tells her not to give up, and Hope admits that in her heart she still believes that she and Bo will be together again.

9/13 Carmen gives Hope a one hundred year old charm that supposedly brings great love and luck to the bearer. Billie and Bo meet the lawyer, who on a nod from Carmen, informs them that the divorce cannot be finalized for at least a week. However, they don't have to stay in Santa Rosa. Hope plans to leave for Salem, and Carmen cancels her taxi and tells her it broke down. Bo drives her to the airport, leaving Billie alone with Carmen. Bo looks at Hope with loss and heartbreak in his eyes as she says goodbye. She waits for him to say something, to stop her, to give her some piece of Hope. She walks away and turns back and looks at him, still hoping for some sign.

Meanwhile, Carmen tells Billie that she's a good person, but "fate can be unkind, even to the innocent". Billie asks about 'the room of eternal love', and Carmen only says that it was named after two of the most romantic people ever to stay with them. Carmen also lets Billie look through the hotel journal, and she finds Bo's and Hope's entries. She then spots Bo and Hope's photo on the wall. Billie realizes that Bo and Hope had stayed in that hotel room, and that it was named after them. She wonders why Bo didn't tell her. Carmen hints that maybe he did, in his own way. Billie realizes now why Bo couldn't make love to her in that hotel room.

9/14 Billie is rocked to the core to learn that Bo and Hope renewed their wedding vows at the hotel a few years ago. After a talk with Carmen who gushes about Bo and Hope's eternal love, she hears Bo approaching and runs off. Carmen explains what happened to Bo. He reassures Billie that he loves her, and arranges for them to find another room.

Bo arranged for a romantic buggy ride around Santa Rosa, and blindfolded Billie as he took her to a very special place, which happened to be the room of eternal love. Billie is touched, and they make it *their* room of eternal love. But as they sleep, Bo mutters Hope's name. Hope, meanwhile, has returned to Salem, and is clinging to the small hope that Bo won't divorce her. She falls asleep holding her album of pictures and dreams of Bo.

9/15 Billie wants to go home. She tells him that Santa Rosa was a special place for him and Hope, and their past and future are in Salem. Bo takes her to the airport, where they return to Salem.

9/18 Abe asks Bo to take over the investigation of a string of computer thefts. Abe is slightly concerned when Hope doesn't check in as rookies are instructed to. He figures she's busy on a case, but asks to be informed as soon as she checks in. Bo is notified of another robbery about the computer theft ring. Abe says this time a security guard was killed. Bo leaves Billie in her slinky nightie and gets to work.

While on her beat, Hope comes up on a robbery and is grabbed from behind by two robbers. They decide that she must be taken care of because she's an eyewitness. These two idiot robbers not only revealed their names, but the fact that they killed somebody. Jerry, the other robber, is left alone with Hope and she plays with his mind, learning that he hates violence, especially against women, and Cliff is the one who killed the security guard. She convinces him to let her go so she can help him, but just then Cliff returns.

9/19 The computer crooks take Hope hostage and hide her in a secret place. Meanwhile, Bo is unaware of the danger Hope faces. Hope manages to free herself long enough to call the police, but finds Shawn- Douglas on the other end of the line. Shawn-Douglas was at the police station because he was supposed to have dinner with Hope. She asks him to get help. Hope manages to tell him that she is being held hostage by Clint and Jerry before they catch her and rip the phone out of the wall. Bo and Abe recognize the names of the crooks and realize that Hope has gotten caught up in the computer theft case. Later, Hope is knocked out.

9/20 Hope is handcuffed to a pipe. She lays on the ground unconscious. Jerry and Clint talk about how they have to leave town. Jerry comments that they have only received half their money for the computers, but Clint says that he will forfeit it cause they have to leave. When Clint orders Jerry to shoot her, he can't do it. Hope tries to convince Jerry to pick the lock with a bit of wire after Clint goes out to investigate a noise, saying that she will make a deal with the DA for him. Jerry says he can't and lights a cigarette. Clint hears a noise and finds a "bum" in the alley, not realizing that it is Bo in disguise.

Bo and Abe pinpoint her last known location and try to find out which warehouses have working phones. Abe orders every available cop on the case to comb for Hope. Shawn D is upset, and Billie tries to comfort him. Shawn D keeps talking about how Bo couldn't save Hope before and that he wants things to be the way they were before (ie, without Billie). A call comes in and Abe says they have probably located where Hope is cause they found some invoices on the ground. Shawn D says he can't wait around and runs off. Billie follows him. They encounter Abe and Bo, both of whom order Billie and Shawn D back to the station. Shawn D insists on staying, and Billie suggests they "stay in the car."

Clint comes in after finding Bo the bum and threatens to kill Jerry for not killing Hope. Bo bursts in, Jerry runs away and Bo and Clint fight. Jerry, being so nervous, dropped the match he used to light his cigarette on the floor and it caught fire. Hope is handcuffed to a pipe and she begs Bo to get out of the burning building. Bo saves Hope. Billie and Shawn D get out of the car as Bo brings Hope out of the fire.

9/21 Billie watches as Bo daringly rescues Hope after the explosion. She is rocked to see him hold Hope after the rescue. His pleas of "I love you, Don't leave me, I can't live without you" to Hope as he gives her CPR. He continues he won’t lose her again and calls her his Fancy Face. obviously hurt Billie. Abe tries to explain to Billie that Bo is very upset (so much so that he completely ignores that Billie is standing there). Bo rides with Hope in the ambulance, and Abe takes Billie and Shawn-Douglas. Billie overhears Shawn-Douglas talking with Alice about how scared he was that his mother was going to die again, and how he wishes things were the way they used to be. He likes Billie, but he wants to be a family again.

Later Hope asks Bo about the things he said to her. Bo explains that the experience brought back painful memories when she 'died' in the explosion years ago. He still loves Billie, and still wants to be with her. A tearful Hope tells her grandmother what happened, and Alice reminds her that the divorce still isn't final.

Bo and Billie return to the boat. Abe told Bo that Billie heard everything he said to Hope. Bo tries to explain. Billie asks him if he loves Hope, and Bo says, Yes. Upset, Billie starts to run off, but Bo brings her back and asks her to let him explain what he meant. He gives her the speech about spending many years with Hope and having a child with her that of course he's still going to have feelings for her. But Hope is his past, and Billie is his future. Billie is relieved to hear that she hasn't lost Bo after all. While Bo rests below deck, Billie sits atop the boat and wonders about the man she is married to. Meanwhile, as Bo sleeps, he can't stop dreaming about Hope.

9/22 Hope, Billie, Bo and Shawn-Douglas--Bo and Shawn-D are talking on the boat. Shawn-D kept thinking about how he almost lost his mother after Hope tells her that every time she decides to write Bo off, something happens to give her hope again, no pun intended. Alice tells her that Bo is even more confused than she is, but Hope says that she can't live her life like this anymore. Hope signs her discharge papers and goes into the bathroom to change.

The phone rings, and Alice answers. It's Bo. He asks how Hope is, and Alice tells him that she's being discharged, and that she's changing clothes. Bo asks her to use the Horton cabin, so he and Shawn-D can have a guys-only time. She says yes. Hope comes out, and tells Alice that she has some sick time coming, and that she needs to get away. Alice suggests the Horton cabin. Hope balks, but Alice pushes. Alice tells her to put on the good-luck charm. Hope says that she doesn't believe in luck anymore, especially when it comes to her and Bo. Alice tells her to believe in love.

Billie gets a certified/return reciept requested letter from Countess Wilhemina Europe. They want her to head up a division for them, and they send her a sizable check (the amount is undisclosed). Billie vows to use it to take Shawn-D to that resort in Canada, and to go to the cabin to share her good news.

Shawn-D, at the cabin, has discovered his loss of his favorite baseball cap and is seriously depressed. Bo tells him not to worry, that they did fine before he got the cap. Shawn-D says that he wishes his mother could be here. Bo says that she just got out of the hospital. Shawn-D asks if she could come next time. Bo suggests bringing Billie, and Shawn-D suggests bringing them both. He wishes that his mother could be there, and Hope walks in. Shawn-D spouts some more "now we can be a family again" crap. Hope offers to leave, but relents when Shawn-D begs her to stay.

9/25 much to Shawn-Douglas' delight, Bo agrees to allow Hope to stay with them for the day at the Horton cabin. [Bo tells Hope that he doesn't like to give Shawn-Douglas the idea that things are they way they used to be, but Hope asks that Bo go along with it just for one day. They can tell him about the divorce when they get back home.] Billie heads to the cabin to tell Bo about the royalties that she received. When she nears the cabin, she hears singing and is shocked to find Hope with Bo and their son. [She looks on from behind some trees as they play around and then go for a swim.] Hurt, Billie returns home.

Back at the Horton cabin, Shawn-Douglas goes to bed and Bo prepares to sleep outside in the hammock. He finds it chilly and returns to the cabin for a blanket (but not too chilly for a swim?), and finds Hope in the middle of changing into her nightclothes. Later, Hope can't sleep and decides to go for a walk. She notices that Bo isn't in his hammock. He returns shortly -- he had gone for a walk. The tension between them evident, Hope asks Bo what they're doing. Why are they pretending that being together like this isn't affecting them when obviously it is? Bo starts his tired speech about being with Billie now, but Hope tells him to let her say what she has to say. She tells him that she loves him, and believes that he still loves her too. To prove it, she grabs him and kisses him.

9/26 At the cabin, Bo tells Hope that they should not have kissed, but Bo can't help but be reminded of the past when Hope insists that their love is still real. Bo tries to tell Hope that he's still committed to Billie, but Hope is certain after their kiss that things are not over between them. Meanwhile, at the post office, something for Bo from Santa Rosa has arrived.

In the morning, Billie decides not to mention to Bo that she was at the cabin and saw him there with Hope. She's hoping that Bo will prove his love for her by telling her what happened on the island.

9/27 When Bo fails to tell Billie about Hope's stay at the cabin, Billie explains to Bo that he must face his problems rather than try to hide from them. She tells him that she is letting him go so he can explore his feelings for Hope. He claims to be over her. Billie goes into the bedroom and closes the door. A mail carrier brings Bo a registered letter, his divorce papers. Bo decides that this is how he will prove his intentions toward Billie, and must meet with Hope to have her sign them as well.

Meanwhile, Hope tells her gram that if Bo asks her to sign those final divorce papers then he isn’t the man she fell in love with and married.

**The End**

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