Bo & Hope #20 December 18, 1986 - April 20, 1987: 8 hour original edit

DVD #20A 12/18 Bo surprises Hope at the hospital. Dr. Jacobson congratulations them both on their baby. He tells her that Victor accepted his olive branch and they can stay at the house. She is worried about Bo and what he is putting at stake trying to bring Victor down. She urges him that he doesn’t have to do this that Victor is his father. She will support him no matter what he decides. He tells her he is committed to bringing down Victor. They then run into Victor in the park. He tells her how concerned he is about her health and if she needs anything at all to let him know. Victor wants to make Christmas very special as it is his first one with his son. Caroline and grandson Eric (Roman & Marlena’s son) comes up on them. After Bo & Hope walk away, he asks Caroline what Bo was like at that age. He tells her that Bo is going to make them grandparents and their child will be a symbol of what Victor & Caroline once shared. Cute scene with Bo & Hope with Eric as he tells him a story about fishing with his pop.

12/19 Marlena’s funeral - Tom speaks, then Chris, Mrs. H, and Abe. Then Bo talks about how Marlena always brought people together, that she brought people together even during that time she was in a coma, they are going to make it through this because of her. He stops in front of Roman and tells him that he will always love her.

12/23 Bo tells Hope that he found phony tax records and that he might have evidence of tax evasion. She wants Bo to use the evidence to nail Victor. He suspects that the phony records were too easy to find and might be a set up. He feels that they need more evidence. At that moment, Victor enters Shenanigans and asks Bo to with him to get a Christmas tree. Hope gets advice from her grandmother. Hope is worried that Bo will change. She is in with Bo Brady and afraid of him changing into Bo Kiriakis. Bo & Victor show up at the hospital with a Christmas tree. Victor & Bo decorate a tree together as Hope worries to her gram that they will never get away from Victor.

12/24-12/25 Mr. Brady shows up at the mansion and asks Bo to come home with him for Christmas. Sean says that he isn’t just asking for his mother, but for himself as well. As Bo turns around and sees Victor watching the interaction, he brushes Sean off and tells him that he lives at the mansion and that is where they will spend Christmas. Later, Victor returns home with an armload of presents. He has never really had the holiday spirit and he has Bo to thank. He leans in and hugs his son and wishes for him to have the best Christmas ever. Victor says it will be the best Christmas he has ever had.

Kayla confides in Hope about Steve and how he keeps pushing her away. Hope defends Steve and suggests that Kayla get Steve to trust her and learn that she isn’t going to hurt him. Kayla is upset that Steve turned her down flat for Christmas. Then here he comes down the stairs of the docks dressed as Santa passing out presents to the children. Kayla is shocked to recognize Steve under the Santa suit. Kayla is tired of Steve hurting her and not telling her the truth. Hope warns her that if Kayla wants him that he is going to be a lot of work and only she can decide if he is worth it or not.

Bo & Victor show up at the hospital with presents for children under the tree. Victor wishes Caroline a Merry Christmas and tells her what a special woman she is. She comments how happy he looks. He reminds her that he has never had a family to share Christmas with before and now he understands. He tells her that he understands now why she couldn’t leave her family all those years ago as now that he has a family, he would never give it up.

Back at the mansion, Victor & Bo are wearing their tuxes and Hope is wearing a stunning evening gown as they begin opening their presents. Victor presents Bo with a model car of a Firarri. He tells him the real one is in the car. Victor then gives Hope a sable fur coat. Bo interrupts and tells Victor that they have to leave as someone is expecting them. Bo tells him that he has spent most of his life not feeling like he belongs and Victor has made him feel like he belongs there. Bo leaves his present for Victor with him and then leaves to join the Brady’s party. They sing Christmas carols.

Later back home, Bo & Hope kiss in front of the tree. They then head to the party at the hospital. The holiday continues at as the family gathers at the Hortons.

12/31 Bo invites Kayla to come to the New Year’s Eve party with him. She turns him down and then Steve shows up at her door dressed in a tux and e changes her mind. Bo complains to Hope about Kayla going out with Steve. He is not happy about it. Victor comes upon them in the park and Hope makes her excuses to leave. Bo complains to Victor about Kayla dating Steve. Victor is puzzled at what Kayla would see in him.

Bo & Hope arrive at the New Year’s Eve party, once again in tux and evening gown! Emma tells off everyone at the party.

1/2 Emma is found dead, she has been murdered! Back home snugging in bed, Hope worries that Emma has found a way to keep Kimberly away from Andrew forever. Hope worries about being separated from their son. Bo reassures her and promises that won’t happen to them. He tells her that he loves her, he loves both of them.

1/5- 1/6 Victor feels Kimberly has suffered enough. Bo finds Victor getting ready to shred his file on Emma. Of course he kept a file on her, he is sure she is responsible for Andrew’s kidnapping. Later Bo defends Victor to Hope as she suspects him of killing Emma. Abe shows up to question Victor, who doesn’t appear at all worried. A page of the files to be shredded falls under the desk and Abe finds it, evidence implicating Kimberly!

1/9 Kimberly is soon arrested for murder!

1/12 Bo calls Roman and tells him that Kim was arrested for murder! Hope heads over to tell the Brady’s about Kim. Bo soon shows up, and is soon followed by Victor. He offers his help while Sean of course turns him down flat. After Bo & Victor leave, Roman shows up and tells them the case against Kim is pretty bad. Victor finds an upset Caroline on the docks crying. Bo & Hope come upon them.

1/16 Kimberly’s hearing Abe testifies that he found a vial of the drug that killed Emma in Kim’s purse. The drug was stolen from the hospital where Kim works and her fingerprints were all over the vial! Alex testifies next, then Shane. Bo & Hope are there to show their support as is Victor. Kim is held over for trial.

1/20 Bo finds Victor compiling a list of top defense attorneys. Bo observes that Victor cares very much for Kimberly. Hope is annoyed and suggests that Kimberly might want to pick out her own attorney. After Victor leaves, Hope can’t believe that Bo can’t see through Victor. Bo points out that Kimberly is in a lot of trouble and Victor is on her side, he is a powerful man who can apply the pressure. Hope points out that Kim already has an attorney, it is Chris and she is more than just a case to him. Hope says that Kim doesn’t need help that comes from Victor.

Bo talks to Shane at the hospital, he tells him that Kim was let go from her job. Her patients were refusing to see her. Bo suggests hiring a top notch attorney to come in to defend her. Shane is shocked that Bo would suggest it and says he can’t believe that Bo is suggesting it. He sees that this is Victor’s idea. Shane points out that they don’t know who killed Emma and he doesn’t think Victor should be anywhere near this case. When Bo gets home, he puts Victor in his place and Hope is thrilled as she overhears. After Victor leaves the room, he hugs Hope and feels the baby kicking. Bo says this is the best thing that has ever happened to him, her pregnancy.

1/22 Bo tries to talk Hope into going out and getting some fresh air. She is upset about her size and refuses to ever leave the house again as she is fat. Bo teases her about not leaving the house. She cries that she can’t leave as nothing fits her. She asks him how he would feel if he looked like he just swallowed a football team. She laments that she doesn’t look anything like the girl that he married. He tells her that she isn’t that girl, she is a woman now, more beautiful than ever. He seduces her and proves to her how beautiful he finds her. Later he wants to take her out and show her off. They run into Roman & Isabelle. After the girls leave them alone, Roman thanks Bo for calling and filling him in on Kimberly. Bo says that anything he can do to help Kim. Next, they talk to Doug & Maggie. Lars & Melissa perform.

1/23 Bo & Hope run into Mrs. H at the hospital. He invites her to dinner to celebrate her birthday. She tells them she has dinner plans alone with her husband. Bo tells Hope, Melissa, and Jennifer that Mrs. H doesn’t suspect a thing. Mr. H brings her home and they start making out in the hallway. She is soon surprised by her family. She realizes that Bo knew about the surprise earlier that day. Hope, Jennifer & Melissa do a dance number to “My Girl” only they change the words to “My Gram”.

1/27-1/28 Hope insists she doesn’t get cravings. Bo is weirded out when Hope orders peanut butter for her burger and teases her about not getting cravings. Mr & Mrs. Brady join Hope after Bo has left. They are concerned about her and tell her they love her as their own daughter. She starts having pain and they rush her to the hospital to find out that it is false labor, probably caused by stress. Neil reassures her that this kid is feisty like their mom and pop. Sean & Caroline take her home and she shows them the nursery.

1/29-1/30 Hope runs into Kayla and asks how things are going with Steve. She tells her that he stood her up for her date to go play pool. Hope doesn’t believe he would do that, she says she saw him with her own eyes and leaves. Hope notices Steve and joins him. She immediately questions him about why he stood Kayla up? He tells her there is a lot about that she doesn’t understand. He suddenly takes off.

Bo joins her as she is drowning her sorrows in ice cream. She fills him in and Bo isn’t concerned as he doesn’t like Steve. He tells her that Kayla always roots for the underdog. Bo tells her that Steve isn’t the guy for Kayla. Hope defends him that he has does some really nice things and tells Bo to stop being so overprotective of his sister. She points out that they just need a little help to get together. He doesn’t like that idea and doesn’t want her involved. She accuses him of being stubborn. She points out that they had their problems and needed help getting together. She reminds him that even though they loved each other, they needed other people to encourage them and help them find their way to each other. He does tell her a nice story about Steve walking miles in cold weather to help him when he was stranded in his car. Kayla stops by the mansion to see Hope. She tells Hope about Steve saving her twice when thugs were a problem. He makes her crazy as she doesn’t understand him. She keeps hanging in there as she keeps thinking he will open up, but then this wall comes down.

2/2 - 2/3 Victor takes Bo & Hope out to dinner at Blondie’s. He tells them about his plans to design a children’s petting zoo, complete with merry go round and ferris wheel. Later while they dance, Hope says that Victor is kinda of getting to her as he talks about how much he is looking forward to the baby.

2/6 Bo actually offers Kayla help in understanding Steve. She asks him about Adrian and Steve’s background. He doesn’t know Adrienne and tells her that Steve never discussed his childhood. Bo tells her that Steve has had a lot of women and he doesn’t want her to become one of his many. He compares Steve to an iceberg and warns her that Steve doesn’t know how to open up and be honest with her. Kayla argues that he isn’t incapable of trusting and storms off. Bo & Hope return and find Justin (Wally Kurth) in bed with the maid, Janet (also marries Peter Reckell in real life).

2/9-2/10 Justin pumps Hope for info about Bo. He walks in and tells Justin that if he would like info that he can ask Bo. Justin is obviously jealous as he muses he wonders why Uncle Victor never mentioned his long lost son. Bo snarks he finds it interesting that Victor never mentioned his nephew, Justin. Justin listens in as Bo tells Victor about a company he is considering they should buy.

Melissa stops by to see Hope, then her dad stops by to see her. Later, Bo tells her that Justin’s attitude annoys him. Hope thinks he is just a sweet little kid, Bo is suspicious.

2/12 Hope stops by to check out the party for Salem’s birthday. She lets Calliope know that Doug was scheduled to host but was unable to be there and she is filling in. Bo notices Justin smoozing the business man that Bo has been working with for a month to get a deal signed. Justin used his personal connection and locked in down in a matter of minutes. Bo is annoyed and tells Hope that he doesn’t trust that guy. Justin & his date sit next to Bo & Hope as Lars & Melissa dance in the theatre for the big celebration. Justin is wowed by Melissa and is enchanted. Later Bo asks Roman if he has any idea who really killed Emma.

2/16 -2/17 Neil makes a house call and checks on Hope. He warns her to continue to rest. Bo tells them both that Kim was found guilty of first degree murder. Mrs. H stop by with a sweater she knitted. He worries that it is too small. She says that they do come rather small.

2/23- 2/24 When Bo & Hope leave for her shower, Justin searches their room and finds Bo’s notebook. At the shower, Mrs. H gives Hope a beautiful Christening outfit that she had special ordered for Andrew. Hope wishes for Kimberly to go free and they be able to raise their children together. Bo takes off when he spots Orpheus. Later when he returns, Kayla questions him and he tells her the thought he saw Orpheus. Kayla tells him he has to tell Roman and this could be bad for all of them. Bo finds Roman in the park and warns him. Roman believes Victor & Orpheus are still working together. Bo assures Roman that Victor doesn’t want to have anything to do with him. Back at the shower, Justin walks in with a huge teddy bear and begins to flirt with all of the ladies. Hope warns Justin off from his pursuit of Melissa. She predicts that Melissa will reject him, so she isn’t worried a bit. Sean has sent a fishing pole for his grandchild.

Back home, Bo tells Victor about thinking he might have seen Orpheus and asks Victor if he knows why he is in town. Victor tells him that he despises Orpheus for what he has done. Victor proposes they work together to bring Orpheus down as Orpheus watches and grins over the lies that Victor tells his own son. Later Victor meets with Orpheus and warns him that he was seen. Orpheus says nothing happens that he doesn’t want it too, his issues with Roman are personal, very personal.

2/27 Justin tells Victor that he has something very important to tell him, and he is interrupted by Bo & Hope entering and changes the subject. He returns later and gives Victor the notebook which details his evidence against Victor for income tax evasion, illegal arms dealing, ect. Victor knew that deep down Bo never accepted him as his father. He thanks Justin for his loyalty.

3/4 Hope learns that Andrew is being returned to Kimberly, she wants to throw a surprise party. Bo comes up and asks her if she moved the file on Victor. She says no that she doesn’t. He tells her that Victor wants to meet him there that night, and he comes in with Justin. Bo tells Hope that he doesn’t know what this is about but it doesn’t look good. When Victor approaches their table, Hope asks Bo to reschedule the meeting as they are having a family party for Kimberly & Andrew. Bo interrupts and says that is fine, that Victor wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t important. Hope leaves them alone together.

Victor confronts Bo about collecting evidence against him. Victor asks why didn’t Bo use the evidence. Bo admits that he was going to and then while living in the house, he got to know Victor and then couldn’t do it. Victor points out that he continued his spying. Bo says that he was hoping to be able to help Victor change his life. Victor tells him that he won’t keep him from his family party. Bo says he is sorry that things turned out this way. Victor says he is as well. Justin sits at a different table, smirking over the change in Bo’ relationship with his uncle Victor. Bo joins him and Justin warns him that he doesn’t trust Bo and he isn’t going to get away with anything. Bo warns him to stay out of his way.

Hope, Roman, Sean, and Caroline prepare for the surprise party at Shane’s. Steve & Kayla arrive next, followed by Bo. Sean awkwardly greets Bo. Hope pulls him aside and asks what happened. He tells her that Victor has the file, that Justin gave it to him and Victor knows what he has been up to. Hope says maybe Bo couldn’t turn Victor in no matter how much evidence he had. Bo admits that it didn’t matter how much evidence he had, he couldn’t turn him in and it is all very confusing. Hope tells him that it isn’t wrong to love his father.

Kimberly comes in crying and runs straight into her father’s arms. He sadly asked, “Where is the baby?” Kim cries that he wouldn’t even let them see the baby. Shane says that Paul wants to keep the baby and Shane says maybe tomorrow. Caroline embraces her daughter and reassures her that it will all work out. Kayla, Bo, Roman all hug her.

DVD #20B 3/6 Bo & Hope enter a party at Blondie’s to celebrate Kimberly’s release and their reunion with Andrew. Soon Shane & Kim arrive carrying baby Andrew. Shane announces they are getting married! Everyone taps on their glasses calling for the groom to kiss his bride and then they dance together, followed by an awesome montage. As Shane leaves Kim & Andrew alone for a moment, Victor heads over to her. Caroline tries to stop him but he isn’t having it. He tells her he wants to see his boy and she of all people should understand that. He tells Andrew that he is his father and asks her to see more of his son. Kimberly doesn’t think that is a good idea. Victor reminds her that he is Andrew’s father, the implication of his rights to see his son clear but stops before making a scene. After Shane & Kim leave, Bo confronts Victor. Bo says that Victor promised to stay away from Kimberly and Andrew. Victor points out that Bo’s recent activities put their deal on very very thin ice.

3/10 Justin comes across Bo trying to open Victor’s safe. Justin enters and tells him that the combination to the safe has been changed and Bo no longer has the combo, a message to him from Victor. Justin is rather smug and Bo calls him on it. Justin snarks that Bo had been spying on Victor for months. Justin asks if didn’t Bo think that Victor was going to figure out what he was up to? Justin informs him that Victor was really hurt and if Bo didn’t understand that then he doesn’t know Victor at all. Justin says that this is betrayal, and there is no coming back from that. Justin threatens that if he does anything else to hurt Victor that Justin will make him pay.

Hope finds Melissa hiding in her closet. She faked going on a tour as her leg is injured and it is a cover. Hope can’t believe Melissa isn’t telling Lars, as she knows he would want her to recover from her injury. Melissa pleads that she only needs a week to heal. Hope says this isn’t like Melissa. She admits that it was someone else’s idea, Justin’s.

Later Bo fills Hope in that Victor no longer trusts him. He tells her that he told Victor that they will move out. She is relieved but Bo seems very somber. She realizes that he isn’t sure about moving out. Bo admits to her that he does love Victor and that is why he didn’t turn in the evidence he gathered against him. Hope surmises if he had that Victor would be in jail by now. Bo points out that if anyone else had gathered this kind of evidence on him, that they would be dead. Bo sorrowfully tells her that all Victor wanted from him was his loyalty, the one thing Bo couldn’t give him. He tells her that Victor doesn’t want them to move out, that they are his family. He doesn’t want to do anything to lose Hope. As Bo is leaving, Doug joins his daughter for a visit.

Later, Hope comes across a sad Bo sitting all alone in the park. She asks if he has made up his mind? He knows she wants to move out. She shares that she just wants him to be happy. He admits to being envious of Justin for being able to just love Victor with no reservations. Bo says he can’t forget about all the things that Victor has done just because he is his father. Hope understands that he feels stuck in the middle, not a Brady and yet not a true Kiriakis. She promises that he will always have her. He hugs her and vows no matter what that she will always be his family. He tells her that he has made up his mind but they are going to move out, he will tell Victor in a couple of days.

3/13 Bope walk into the mansion and hear Victor yelling at Orpheus over the phone. They freeze and listen in, until Justin jaunts down stairs and they pretend casualness that they are just returning. Hope grabs Justin and they head to the kitchen so Bo can continue to listen in. He listens in as Victor makes plans to meet Orpheus the following week in Salem. Afterwards, Bo tells Victor that he is thinking about starting his own business since he obviously won’t be working for Victor any longer. Victor tells him that he doesn’t have to worry about money.

Justin tells Hope that as long as her and Bo don’t cause Victor any pain, that he doesn’t have a problem with them. Hope promises that she is really trying with Victor, but Justin has no idea of things Victor had done before Bo was his son.

Bo tracks down Roman and fills him in on Victor’s phone call with Oprheus and he would be here in Salem next week. Bo promises to keep Roman clued in with any new info. Roman is happy for the support and have his brother back. Bo tries to assure Roman that Victor is angry with Orpheus and might be setting a trap that Bo doesn’t think he is working with him. Roman observes that Bo needs to believe the best in Victor. Victor comes in as they are yelling at each other. Kimberly walks in and Victor asks about seeing Andrew. Bo interrupts to ask to talk to Victor alone.

Back home, Hope surprises Bo and tells him they should stay there. She wants to get evidence against Orpheus and being there will help do that. Bo believes Victor is on their side in this and working against Orpheus.

3/18 Bo & Hope arrive home to find a ton of baby stuff. Hope blows up that Victor has gone too far. He snarks that these gifts are not for her child but for his son. Bo is shocked that he is inserting himself into Andrew’s life. He told Victor to stay away from him! Victor refuses to stay away from his son and Bo has nothing to say about this. Hope apologizes for over-reacting. Victor politely asks her to leave them alone to discuss this in private. Bo asks if their deal is over? Victor retorts that Andrew is his son and that has nothing to do with their deal. Bo informs him there isn’t any place in Andrew’s life for Victor. He retorts just like there isn’t any place in Bo’s life for him. Victor tells him that a man’s son is the most important thing in the world to him. Bo repeats that Andrew would be better off if Victor wasn’t in his life.

Roman shows up demanding to see Victor, he wants info about Orpheus. Bo talks him down from confronting Victor. When Victor arrives home, Bo plays up the animosity and Hope covers by saying Roman is there to take her to lunch. Afterwards, they goof around with a new video camera. She draws him into her arms for a kiss.

3/20 Victor meets with Orpheus, Bo has followed him. He runs to tell Roman where Orpeus is hiding. Bo tells Roman that Orpheus said he will be in town for a couple of days. When Roman gets up, Bo stops him and says Roman needs help and he wants in. Roman agrees and he can get Abe’s help too. The three meet up and arrange to go over there, and he wants Abe & Bo along for back up.

Roman tells Olivia about getting the goods on where Orpheus is. She immediately calls and warns him. Just as Roman bursts in, he is ready and waiting for him.

3/23 Roman threatens to kill him but Orpheus thinks he won’t. He plays a tape showing a beautiful smiling Marlena sitting in a garden. Roman demands to know when the video was shot? Orpheus plays coy as Roman demands to know where she is. Orpheus promises to be in touch and Roman tells the guys to let him go. They are shocked but agree. Later Bo wants Roman to tell him what happened and why they had to let the slime go. He shares that the video indicates that Marlena might be alive, but she was sitting in a garden wearing clothes he didn’t recognize. He couldn’t do anything to Orpheus until he knows for sure.

3/24 Justin brings Hope to visit Melissa in the hospital as a surprise.

3/25 Caroline runs into a freshly shaved Bo on the pier. She is happy to learn he and Roman are working together. He jokes that they will be fighting again soon, that is just what they do. Caroline reminds him that they always have a place to stay with them and reminds him that Sean is still his father.

Later, Roman teases him about his smooth face. He wants Bo to confront Victor and find out what he knows about Marlena. Bo refuses and says that this is the wrong approach. Roman is furious as he thinks Bo is taking Victor’s side over Marlena’s. Bo yells that he knows Victor and he can beat him at his own game, but if Roman bursts in there with threats that he is taking a big chance and he would be risking her life. Roman yells that he will be saving her life. He says if Bo won’t help him then he will find another way. Bo remains silent and Roman takes that as his answer and storms out.

Bo finds Victor on the pier and tells him that they need to talk. Bo reminds Victor that he promised not to see Orpheus again and he knows he lied as Bo followed him to his meeting with him. Victor is irritated. Bo reminds him that Orpheus killed Marlena. Victor says that wasn’t on his order and his dealings with him are just business. Bo tells him that if that is how he has survived that is why he is so sad and lonely. Bo tells him that while he hates what he is, that Bo knows the man he can be. He urges him to get past putting personal gain ahead of consequences. Bo pleads that there is a chance Marlena might be alive. Victor says he doesn’t know anything about this but does pause. He begins to call Bo, “Son”. He stops him and says don’t call me that, obviously disappointed. Victor says he is sorry he feels that way and leaves him alone.

Caroline finds a sad Bo sitting alone on the docks. She surmises that his meeting with Roman must not have gone well. She reminds him that she is there to listen to him, that they are all there for him, and if he ever needs anything that they are all still his family. He says he doesn’t know what family means anymore and walks off. Victor comes upon her and she tells him that he and Bo are like puzzle pieces that don’t fit together. Victor promises her that he would never want to hurt Bo. Carolina says that he has done the damage as Bo has lost his family. After she leaves, Victor says to himself, “There is something I can do.”

3/27 Doug brings Hope a present for the baby. He says he shopped for weeks for the perfect gift. He starts to tell her about Addie knitting for six months and she gets a soft look on her face. She opens the box and finds her own baby blanket.

Kim tells Hope that Shane has good news on the case he is working on. Hope is curious why she isn’t happier about it? Kim says that the closer he gets to solving it, the more danger he is in (she is talking about Shane being onto Gillian as Emma’s murderer - not shown).

4/1 Bo tells Victor that he is moving out. Victor’s goon comes in with an important legal document. Victor gets on the phone and says that there is a highly confidential document that Victor wants attached to his will regarding his son and he doesn’t want anyone to know about it. He puts it in the safe as Justin watches. After he leaves, Justin gets the document out of the safe.

Bo surprises Hope with keys to Kim’s old place. She is thrilled that the baby will go home to their own home. She says, “Oh Bo this is going to be wonderful! When can we move out?” How about right now? She wants to be sure that this is what he wants? Bo says yes, that he and Victor are different people and he has all the information he can get from Victor and now they are going to go their separate ways for good. Victor comes in and extends his hand to shake it in a goodbye. He tells Bo that he would have liked just once to hear him call him Father. Bo says, “Goodbye, Father.”

In the study, Justin gives Bo the letter he stole from Victor’s safe. It documents by a letter from his doctor that Victor was unable to have children before 1964. This means that he isn’t Bo’s father. Hope believes that Sean is truly his father. Bo doesn’t believe it and thinks Justin just made this up. Hope likes Justin and doesn’t think he made this up. She asks him to think about what if Victor really isn’t his father, how would he feel about that? She tells him that this means he is a Brady again!

4/2 Victor confronts Justin about the letter missing from his safe. He demands answers and Justin admits to showing it to Bo. Bo & Hope discuss the letter and whether or not this letter is true. Bo doesn’t believe that Victor would falsify that he was his son. Bo can’t believe it was all lies. He suggests that it was Justin who created the fake letter as he was jealous about no longer being Victor’s heir. Hope doesn’t think Justin would go by behind Victor’s back and hurt him like that.

When Bo enters Victor’s study, Victor tells him that he knows that Justin showed him the letter. Bo asks him if the letter is real. Bo is shocked when Victor tells him that he is sorry to find out this way. He meant for him to find out after his death and he never should have left it where Justin could get to it. Bo can’t believe he played games with his life, how could he hurt Caroline that way? Victor says that he never meant to hurt him or Caroline. Bo can’t believe it was all a lie. Victor tells him that he wanted so much for him to be his son that he almost started to believe it. Everything he did was to be the best father possible to Bo. Bo can’t believe he messed with his life, with his head like that. Bo asks if it was all lies? Victor tells him again that he is sorry. Bo says that he is leaving for good and going back to his family, the Bradys!

Hope meets Doug in the park and fills him in on the letter. Bo comes upon Hope and tells her that the letter was true, it was all lies and he is a Brady. Hope does think that Victor really did love him. She wants to go tell his parents but he isn’t ready to. He says he is Sean’s son but he isn’t sure that Sean wants him to be. Meanwhile, Victor holds a picture of him and Bo looking somber.

Back home, Bo rests his head near Hope’s tummy. She says she was right that this baby is going to be a Brady! He admits that he feels free but he is ticked off over being fooled. She urges him that he needs to tell his parents that they will both be so happy. She asks him to tell them tomorrow.

4/3 Hope wakes up with labor pains. Bo is concerned and jumps up to call the doctor. She stops him and says it is just false labor pains, that she has had them before. He asks her to stop doing this to him, the waiting is killing him. He teases her about how he has all of the responsibility. She laughs that she is the one that is pregnant and about to give birth. As Bo talks to her tummy, the baby kicks him. He smiles that “he” already knows his pop’s voice. Bo wonders how his mom and pop are going to take the news. He just hopes Sean wants him to be his son.

Bo & Hope arrive at the Fishmarket with news. He tells them that Victor has been lying to him all along. He fills them in on a letter that Justin found in Victor’s safe and showed him, indicating that B couldn’t possible be his son. He tells Sean that Victor isn’t his father, but Sean is! They are stunned. Bo continues that Victor confirmed that the letter is true and before this operation that Victor couldn’t have children. Hope has another pain and chalks it up to all of the excitement. Caroline takes her upstairs to rest.

Sean tells Bo that he really knocked him for a loop with that bit of news. Bo admits that he was real glad that it turned out that Sean was his father and he hopes Sean is too? Sean grabs him and tells him that he is his son as he hugs him. Caroline finds Victor in the park and confronts him that she knows about the letter and she knows the truth, that the letter was a fake. Caroline says he might be able to fool Bo, but he can’t fool her as she knows he is Bo’s father. He admits that he faked the letter so Bo would think he is Sean’s son. He admits that Bo doesn’t belong to him, he belongs with her and Sean. She is stunned that he is giving up Bo and she is the one who convinced him of that. She can’t believe that he is losing his son. He tells her that Bo’s happiness is what is important. She knew he loved Bo but never knew how much. He says as much as he loved her too. He tells her that no one can know about this, another secret. He tells her that her and Sean did a very good job of raising his son. He asks her to look out for his grandchild that he won’t have a chance to get to know.

Hope comes downstairs feeling better and Sean runs off to get some good Irish Whisky, apple juice for the ladies. He makes a toast to his son, to the future, to their family, the Bradys. He continues, “Here’s to my son, always was and always will be!” Hope gets up to make a toast and suddenly stops and tells them it is time, that the baby is coming. Bo wants her to lie down. She asks him to get her to the hospital. Hope happily says their baby is going to be born today! Sean runs to the phone yelling that it will be a Brady grandchild!

4/6 Soapnet Marathon Episode with commentary by Peter & Kristin. Bo suddenly stops the care as Hope is breathing heavily and tells her they have a flat tire. He runs to the nearest house and begs her to help them. The woman refuses to open the door thinking he just wants to rob her. She threatens to call the police and he asks her to please do that and ask for his brother, Captain Brady! She continues to yell at him and he sees her car with the wind rolled down. He grabs Hope and puts her in the woman’s car and hot-wires it.

They arrive at the hospital but just outside, a rookie police officer stops them for stealing the car. Hope is in heavy labor. The officer has handcuffed Bo and lost the key down the storm drain. He finally realizes she is in labor and brings them into the hospital. The whole family has been waiting anxiously for their arrival. He soon brings a spare key and releases Bo. Roman arrives and the bumbling young officer tells him about almost arresting Bo.

Bo holds her and coaches her through the pain. Hope laughs that he looks terrified. Peter’s commentary that they were lucky to have created Bo & Hope during the era of super couples. Hope gives birth to her baby boy. When Bo realizes he is a father and has a son, he faints! The grandfathers, grandmother and uncle Roman are all toasting outside as they wait. Bo & Hope tenderly hold their little boy and marvel at how tiny and how perfect he is. He tells her that he is a miracle and she is too!

4/8 Bo & Hope arrive home with their new baby for the first time. They are so happy to be home together in their own home. Bo tells her that he invited “people” over and asks if she minds? She seems disappointed until he tells her that he invited Kimberly, Kayla and Roman. She is happy and says they aren’t company. He plans on telling them that he is going to tell them about being Sean’s son. He is unsure how Roman will take the news. He talks about all the daddy duties and she teases him about changing diapers.

Kimberly stops by the PD and asks if he wants to go with her to hear Bo’s big announcement. He tells her that he can’t go. Roman tells her that he has work tonight and can’t get away. Kimberly is not hearing of it and thinks he is using work as an excuse. She says that Bo is really trying and reaching out to all of them. He insists that he can’t make it. She doesn’t buy his excuse and warns him that Bo won’t either.

Kayla & Kim arrive and are excited to hear the big news. Bo wants to wait till Roman arrives. Kimberly tells him that he isn’t going to make it due to a big case he is working on. Just as he is about to tell that them, Roman knocks on the door. Kim grins at him as he enters. He thanks for her reminding him this is where he really needed to be. Bo grabs a stool and gives his speech about family and how he felt that he didn’t fit in. He knows who he is now, and he knows what is important to him. He tells them at the Victor is not his father, that he is a Brady. He brings out the letter. The girls grin ear to ear while Roman looks stunned. Kimberly & Kayla jump up and hug him. Kayla hugs him and makes a quick exit as Kimberly goes with Hope to see the nursery leaving Roman & Bo alone.

Bo observes that he is rather quiet. Roman says he was trying to think of the words he wanted to say. He says he has been quick to judge Bo and quick to come down on him. He remembers that he was the one who said Bo betrayed his family when he moved in with Victor. He knows now that Bo did it to get evidence against Victor, even though he thought he was his father. Roman doesn’t feel like he has been a very good big brother. Bo says his son has changed his feelings and he has been thinking about their family, their childhood together. He acknowledges that Roman took on the responsibility for the family after Pop’s accident. He realizes now how hard that must have been. They hug it out in a rare brotherly scene, very heart warming moment.

Kimberly & Hope talk about being a new mom, Kimberly assures her that she will be the best mom in the world.

4/9 Justin arrives at the door with his huge stuffed teddy bear. He extends an olive branch and tries to make peace with them. Justin says that he didn’t just do it for his own selfish reasons. Bo isn’t buying that a bit, but is happy with the way things turned out. Bo refuses to shake his hand. Hope thanks him for stopping by. Hope isn’t upset with Justin as he helped her get the life she wanted with Bo back as a Brady.

Bo & Hope take their baby down to the marina in a nice location shot (glitchy moment). He puts his arm around her and tells her he has everything he every wanted. They reminisce about when they first met, her being a spoiled brat and she taunts that he was egotistical. They laugh together and stare tenderly at their baby and they are excited for their future together as a family. She is so glad they no longer have to pretend to be something they aren’t. He wants something for their future, and refuses to live off of her inheritance. She wants to just have him and the baby all to herself. She says when the baby is old enough to go to kindergarten then they can talk about it. He laughs at the idea of taking off from life till then. He spots a boat for sale and fondly looks at her, what a beautiful boat she is. Hope points out that it is for sale. She remembers his dream of sailing off to explore the world. (Location scenes).

They enter the Fishmarket to find Sean & Doug waiting for them. They tell him that they have finally decided on a name for their son. They introduce them to Sean Douglas Brady! The two proud grandpas hug each other. Doug tells his princess how honored he is. The grandfathers marvel at the beautiful boy.

4/14 Bo & Hope stop by Caroline’s to visit. He asks her to watch the baby for a few minutes as he wants to take Hope for a walk. Victor shows up as soon as they leave to see his grandson and asks to hold him. Bo takes Hope down to the marina blindfolded. He carries her onto the boat and then takes off the blindfold. She is shocked to find herself standing on the boat, which has a picket fence wrapped around the boat. He tells her that she always wanted the picket fence but he didn’t like the house that went with it and this is his compromise. He bought the boat and put up the fence. He tells her that they are going to sail off into the sunset! Camera pans to the life preserver that says, “Fancy Face”. They kiss excitedly for their new adventure! Hope starts worry about the details and if they can really do it. Bo assures her that they can do this, will be a grand adventure! Great location shots as they stand on the bow and kiss, leaning into the sail.

Of course Bo & Hope return to find Victor holding the baby in his arms. Bo is furious, while Caroline tries to intervene. Victor says he knows he doesn’t have the right to be there. He says he has waited all these months to hold his grandchild and see what it will be like. He says that even though this child might not be a blood relation, he still has a connection to the baby and he hopes they won’t begrudge him a moment with the baby.

After Victor leaves, Bo happily tells Caroline about buying the boat. Hope tells her that they are going to sail away, breaking a grandmother’s heart!

4/15 Bo & Hope tell Mr & Mrs. H that they are leaving town and heading on a grand adventure. After they leave, Hope stays behind for one more girl talk session with Melissa. She shares that Lars has replaced her on the dance floor due to her injury. She worries that might not be the only place he will replace her! Later, Mrs. H admits she is sad that Bope are leaving and wishes they were staying.

Back on board their boat, Bo teases Hope about taking orders from her captain and swabbing the decks. That soon gives way to them going below together. They enjoy some romantic time together just the two of them laughing and joking. She is only saddened by leaving their families and knows their departure is hurting his parents and her grandparents. He asks if she is having second thoughts? He tells her this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and their families will be able to enjoy it vicariously when they tell them all about their adventures. On the dock, a strange man is keeping a close eye on the boat.

4/17 Bo & Hope unpack and get settled in. He hangs their wedding picture and tells her that home is wherever she is. He asks if she has any regrets? Only that they didn’t do this sooner. They hold each other and look into each other’s eyes. He tells her not to start something they don’t have time to finish. She pulls him down onto the bed.

Over at Shenanigans, everyone has gathered and claps as Bo & Hope and baby Sean enter their goodbye party. Shane says goodbye to one of his “best mates” and says he will miss working with him. Kimberly says goodbye to her little brother, then Carrie, Abe warns him to stay out of trouble, and then Roman approaches. Roman teases him that just as they are starting to work things out, Bo is leaving town. They hug it out and Roman tells him he is going to miss him, and Bo admits he will miss him too. Kim tells him she doesn’t want him to go, she has often felt closer to him than anyone else in the family. She refuses to let him go unless he agrees to send a postcard every week. Doug shows up to say goodbye to his princess. He gives her a little skipper’s hat for Sean.

Then Alice gives Hope a scrapbook full of memories so that even when they are apart, she will have a piece of them with her. She has left some blank pages for the new memories she will make with Bo. Mrs. H grabs Bo and he tells her that he doesn’t want to say goodbye to her. He doesn’t know where he would be without her, and she laughs that she sure brought a lot of excitement into her life. She says life won’t be any fun with him. Kayla called and isn’t able to make the party due to an emergency at the clinic. Caroline cries as she hugs her son. Sean gives Bo a fishing pole. Cute moment as they hug and Caroline & Hope look on in happiness. Micky & Melissa say their goodbyes to Hope.

Hope gets up to say her farewell speech. She tells her friends and family that this is one of the hardest things she has ever had to do, she is happy and sad at the same time. Sad that she is leaving her friends and family and she is going to miss them all so much every day. She is going off to her new future with her husband and baby. As she cries, Bo repeats that they will miss everyone and he gets choked up. He does ask everyone not to show up at the boat as he can’t take much more of these goodbyes. He says that while they might be leaving, he promises them all that they haven’t seen the last of Bo & Hope!

After the party, Bo & Hope arrive back on their new home and Bo remarks that she is already to go. Hope says they have sure had a lot of great memories in Salem. They start talking about old times, and having a fantasy of their future. Cue the romantic music and fantasy scene of him wearing a tux and her a white evening gown, dancing on the deck of their ship. This is followed by flashbacks to key moments in their romance (him taking her away from her wedding to Larry Welch, New Orleans, their wedding, and little moments along the way, leading up to holding their son after he was born, and then back to the fantasy sequence of them dancing on the deck of the ship. Well done, very well done!

As they kiss on the deck, a strange man hides out on the boat watching them.

4/20 Bo arrives at the mansion to tell Victor goodbye. He tells him that they are taking Sean Douglas and going to sail away. Victor realizes as much as Bo loves to sail that they could be gone a long time. Bo observes they won’t need a calendar until Sean Douglas is in Kindegarten. Victor appreciates him coming by after everything that has happened to him. Bo says that Victor was really good to him.

While Bo is gone, the strange man pulls a gun on Hope and tells her to get off the boat. She thinks of Sean and tells him that she has to get her baby. He warns her not to go below and grabs her arm. Hope fights him off and starts screaming for Bo. He comes racing to the rescue and takes on the gun man, knocking the gun out of his hand. The guy gets the upper hand and wraps a rope around Bo’s neck. Steve comes along to give Bo an assist and they chase the guy off.

When they return, Bo tells her that there has been some burglaries on boats recently. Steve says he came to say his goodbyes. Kayla arrives to see Steve & Bo hugging. They say their goodbyes. Steve helps Bo untie the ship’s lines from the dock just like old times. Then Bo and Hope were off sailing away, As Sean slept in his bassinet, Bo and Hope cuddled and took turns at the ship’s helm ready to embark on their future together. Bo & Hope sail away as Steve & Kayla wave goodbye. End of an era!

**The End**

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